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Dong-Li Shi The Effect of Nanotube Waviness

Xi-Qiao Feng and Agglomeration on the Elastic

Key Lab of Failure Mechanics of
Education Ministry of China,
Department of Engineering Mechanics,
Property of Carbon Nanotube-
Tsinghua University,
Beijing 100084, Reinforced Composites
P.R. China
Owing to their superior mechanical and physical properties, carbon nanotubes seem to
Yonggang Y. Huang hold a great promise as an ideal reinforcing material for composites of high-strength and
Department of Mechanical and Industrial low-density. In most of the experimental results up to date, however, only modest improve-
Engineering, ments in the strength and stiffness have been achieved by incorporating carbon nanotubes
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in polymers. In the present paper, the stiffening effect of carbon nanotubes is quantita-
Urbana, IL 61801 tively investigated by micromechanics methods. Especially, the effects of the extensively
observed waviness and agglomeration of carbon nanotubes are examined theoretically.
Keh-Chih Hwang The Mori-Tanaka effective-field method is first employed to calculate the effective elastic
Department of Engineering Mechanics, moduli of composites with aligned or randomly oriented straight nanotubes. Then, a novel
Tsinghua University, micromechanics model is developed to consider the waviness or curviness effect of nano-
Beijing 100084, tubes, which are assumed to have a helical shape. Finally, the influence of nanotube
P.R. China agglomeration on the effective stiffness is analyzed. Analytical expressions are derived for
the effective elastic stiffness of carbon nanotube-reinforced composites with the effects of
Huajian Gao waviness and agglomeration. It is found that these two mechanisms may reduce the
Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, stiffening effect of nanotubes significantly. The present study not only provides the rela-
Heisenbergstrasse 3, tionship between the effective properties and the morphology of carbon nanotube-
D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany reinforced composites, but also may be useful for improving and tailoring the mechanical
properties of nanotube composites. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1751182兴

1 Introduction synthesized in the laboratory seem to have good performance.

Qian et al. 关22兴 reported a MWCNT reinforced polystyrene with
Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes 共CNTs兲 by Iijima 关1兴,
good dispersion and CNT-matrix adhesion. Using only 0.5 percent
interest in CNTs has grown very rapidly because of their unique
CNT reinforcement, the elastic modulus was improved about 40
and superior properties. Both experimental and theoretical studies
percent over that of the matrix and the tensile strength improved
have shown that CNTs have extraordinary mechanical and electri-
about 25 percent. Pötschke et al. 关23兴 investigated the electrical
cal properties 关2,3兴. For example, numerous theoretical and ex-
and rheological behavior of MWCNT-reinforced polycarbonate
perimental results have shown that both single-walled carbon
composites. They found a rapid change in the electrical resistivity
nanotubes 共SWCNTs兲 and multi-walled carbon nanotubes
and complex viscosity at about 2 percent volume fraction of CNTs
共MWCNTs兲 have Young’s moduli about 1 TPa in the axial direc-
due to the electrical and rheological percolation associated with
tion, depending on the diameter and chirality 关4 –9兴. As individual
interactions of CNTs. Andrews et al. 关24兴 dispersed SWCNTs in
molecules, CNTs are often free of defects, leading to very high
isotropic petroleum pitch matrices and found that the tensile
tensile strength. By measuring the mechanical response of CNTs
strength, elastic modulus, and electrical conductivity of the com-
under tension, Yu et al. 关6,7兴 obtained the tensile strength of
posite with 5 wt percent content of purified SWCNTs are en-
SWCNTs ranging from 13 to 52 GPa, and reported the tensile
hanced by about 90 percent, 150 percent, and 340 percent, respec-
strength of individual MWCNTs in the range from 11 to 63 GPa.
tively. Recently, Odegard et al. 关25兴 presented an interesting
Molecular dynamics and molecular mechanics calculations also
multiscale technique to calculate the effective elastic properties of
predicted high tensile strengths of CNTs, much higher than carbon
CNT-reinforced polymer composites. It was found that for the
fibers and steels 关5,10,11兴. In addition, the electrical properties of
composite with 1 percent CNT volume fraction, the stiffness
CNTs are sensitively dependent on their diameters and chiralities
would approach a maximum for CNT length of 60– 80 nm or
关12,13兴. Such superior properties make CNTs a very promising
greater for aligned and random nanotube orientations.
candidate as the ideal reinforcing fibers for advanced composites
Though some encouraging results have been reported, there are
with high strength and low density. Evidently, such composites are
many other experiments that demonstrate only modest improve-
of paramount interest in aeronautic and astronautic technology,
ment in the strength and stiffness after CNTs are incorporated into
automobile and many other modern industries.
polymers 关2,26兴. Why there are no consistent improvements in
Composites of carbon-nanotubes dispersed in metallic or poly-
mechanical properties of CNT-reinforced composites? This is in-
meric matrices have attracted a considerable attention in recent
vestigated in this paper and it is shown that the unsatisfactory
years 关14,15兴. The effects of CNT dispersion and orientation 关16兴,
improvement in the mechanical properties of CNT-reinforced
deformation mechanisms 关17,18兴, interfacial bonding 关19–21兴 on
composites could be attributed to the weak bonding between
mechanical properties of CNT-reinforced composites have been
CNTs and polymer matrices as well as the waviness and agglom-
investigated experimentally. Some CNT-reinforced composites
eration effects of CNTs. Since molecular dynamic or other atom-
istic models 关5,27兴 are too computationally intensive for CNT-
Contributed by the Materials Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGI-
NEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received by the Materials
reinforced polymer composites, the micromechanics models are
Division June 30, 2003; revision received March 1, 2004. Associate Editor: developed for the investigation of the stiffening effect of CNTs in
H. Sehitoglu. a polymer matrix. These micromechanics models provide impor-

250 Õ Vol. 126, JULY 2004 Copyright © 2004 by ASME Transactions of the ASME

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tant property-microstructure relations for CNT-reinforced com- 4 ␯ m ⫺1 1
posites, particularly the effects of CNT waviness and agglomera- S 1133⫽S 3311⫽ , S 2323⫽S 1212⫽
8 共 1⫺ ␯ m 兲 4
tion on the overall properties of the composites. It will be shown
that both waviness and agglomeration of CNTs have significant 3⫺4 ␯ m
influence on the properties of CNT-reinforced composites. S 1313⫽ (4)
8 共 1⫺ ␯ m 兲
Its substitution into Eq. 共2兲 leads to the non-vanishing components
of A as
2 Straight CNTs
a3 a4
2.1 Composites Reinforced With Aligned, Straight CNTs. A 1111⫽A 3333⫽⫺ , A 1133⫽A 3311⫽
a 1a 2 a 1a 2
Consider a linear elastic polymer matrix reinforced by a large
number of dispersed CNTs that are aligned, straight and of infinite l r共 1⫺ ␯ m ⫺2 ␯ m
兲 ⫺E m ␯ m
length. Choose a representative volume element 共RVE兲 V of the A 1122⫽A 3322⫽ , A 2222⫽1
composite. The boundary ⳵ V of the RVE is subjected either to
tractions corresponding to a uniform overall stress ␴0 or to dis- Em 2E m共 1⫺ ␯ m兲
A 2323⫽A 1212⫽ , A 1313⫽ (5)
placements compatible to a prescribed uniform overall strain ␧0 . E m ⫹2p r 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲 a2
There are many methods to estimate the overall properties of a
composite 关28兴. We use the Mori-Tanaka method 关29兴 in the
present study because of its simplicity and accuracy even at a high a 1 ⫽ 共 ⫺1⫹2 ␯ m 兲关 E m ⫹2k r 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲兴
volume fraction of inclusions.
The Mori-Tanaka method 关29兴 assumes that each inclusion is a 2 ⫽E m ⫹2m r 共 3⫺ ␯ m ⫺4 ␯ m

embedded in an infinite pristine matrix subjected to an effective a 3 ⫽E m 共 1⫺ ␯ m 兲 兵 E m 共 3⫺4 ␯ m 兲 ⫹2 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲关 m r 共 3⫺4 ␯ m 兲
stress ␴m or an effective strain ␧m in the far field, where ␴m and
␧m denote the average stress and the average strain over the ma- ⫹k r 共 2⫺4 ␯ m 兲兴 其
trix, respectively. Thereby, the tensor of effective elastic moduli C
a 4 ⫽E m 共 1⫺ ␯ m 兲 兵 E m 共 1⫺4 ␯ m 兲 ⫹2 共 ␯ m ⫹1 兲关 m r 共 3⫺4 ␯ m 兲
of the composite reinforced by aligned inclusions of the same
shape is given analytically by ⫹k r 共 2⫺4 ␯ m 兲兴 其 (6)
C⫽ 共 c m Cm ⫹c r Cr :A兲 : 共 c m I⫹c r A兲 (1) and k r , l r , m r , n r , and p r are the Hill’s elastic moduli for the
reinforcing phase 共CNTs兲.
where, and throughout the paper, a boldface letter stands for a The substitution of A in Eq. 共5兲 into Eq. 共1兲 gives the tensor of
second or fourth-order tensor, and a colon between two tensors effective elastic moduli of the composite reinforced by aligned,
denotes contraction 共inner product兲 over two indices; I is the straight CNTs. In particular, the Hill’s elastic moduli are found as
fourth-order identity tensor; the subscripts m and r stand for the
quantities of the matrix and the reinforcing phase, respectively, c m E m 兵 E m c m ⫹2k r 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲关 1⫹c r 共 1⫺2 ␯ m 兲兴 其
and c r denote the volume fractions, and Cm and Cr denote the k⫽
tensors of elastic moduli of the corresponding phases; the fourth- 2 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲关 E m 共 1⫹c r ⫺2 ␯ m 兲 ⫹2c m k r 共 1⫺ ␯ m ⫺2 ␯ m
order tensor A relates the average strains ␧r and ␧m via ␧r E m 兵 c m ␯ m 关 E m ⫹2k r 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲兴 ⫹2c r l r 共 1⫺ ␯ m
⫽A: ␧m , and it is given by l⫽
共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲关 2c m k r 共 1⫺ ␯ m ⫺2 ␯ m
兲 ⫹E m 共 1⫹c r ⫺2 ␯ m 兲兴
A⫽ 关 I⫹S: 共 Cm 兲 ⫺1 : 共 Cr ⫺Cm 兲兴 ⫺1 . (2)
where S is the Eshelby tensor which is well documented in Mura’s
Em c m 共 1⫹c r ⫺c m ␯ m 兲 ⫹2c m c r 共 k r n r ⫺l r2 兲共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲 2 共 1⫺2 ␯ m 兲
monograph 关31兴. 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲 兵 2c m k r 共 1⫺ ␯ m ⫺2 ␯ m
兲 ⫹E m 共 1⫹c r ⫺2 ␯ m 兲 其
We consider first a polymer composite reinforced with straight
CNTs aligned in the x 2 -axis direction. The matrix is assumed to be 2
E m 关 2c m k r 共 1⫺ ␯ m 兲 ⫹c r n r 共 1⫺2 ␯ m ⫹c r 兲 ⫺4c m l r ␯ m 兲 ]
elastic and isotropic, with Young’s modulus E m and Poisson’s ⫹
ratio ␯ m . Each straight CNT is modeled as a long fiber with 2c m k r 共 1⫺ ␯ m ⫺2 ␯ m
兲 ⫹E m 共 1⫹c r ⫺2 ␯ m 兲
transversely isotropic elastic properties. Therefore, the composite E m 关 E m c m ⫹2 共 1⫹c r 兲 p r 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲兴
is also transversely isotropic, and its constitutive relation ␴⫽C:␧ p⫽
2 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲关 E m 共 1⫹c r 兲 ⫹2c m p r 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲兴
can be expressed as
E m 关 E m c m ⫹2m r 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲共 3⫹c r ⫺4 ␯ m 兲兴

冦 冧冤 冥冦 冧
k⫹m l k⫺m 0 0 0 m⫽
␴ 11 ␧ 11 2 共 1⫹ ␯ m 兲 兵 E m 关 c m ⫹4c r 共 1⫺ ␯ m 兲兴 ⫹2c m m r 共 3⫺ ␯ m ⫺4 ␯ m
l n l 0 0 0
␴ 22 ␧ 22 (7)
␴ 33 k⫺m l k⫹m 0 0 0 ␧ 33 Figure 1 shows the effective elastic moduli of a polystyrene
⫽ (3)
␴ 23 0 0 0 p 0 0 2␧ 23 composite reinforced by aligned, straight CNTs. The elastic
␴ 13 0 0 0 0 m 0 2␧ 13 moduli E 储 and E⬜ parallel and normal to CNTs are shown versus
␴ 12 2␧ 12 the volume fraction c r of CNTs, where E 储 and E⬜ are related to
0 0 0 0 0 p Hill’s elastic moduli by
where k, l, m, n, and p are Hill’s elastic moduli 关30兴; k is the l2 4m 共 kn⫺l 2 兲
plane-strain bulk modulus normal to the fiber direction, n is the E 储 ⫽n⫺ , E⬜ ⫽ (8)
uniaxial tension modulus in the fiber direction (x 2 ), l is the asso- k kn⫺l 2 ⫹mn
ciated cross modulus, m and p are the shear moduli in planes The Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of polystyrene are E m
normal and parallel to the fiber direction, respectively. ⫽1.9 GPa and ␯ m ⫽0.3, respectively. For the purpose of illustra-
The non-vanishing components of the Eshelby tensor S for a tion, we use the following representative values of the elastic
straight, long fiber along the x 2 -direction is given as 关31兴 constants of SWCNTs: n r ⫽450 GPa, k r ⫽30 GPa, m r ⫽p r
⫽1 GPa, and l r ⫽10 GPa, which are taken from the analytical
5⫺4 ␯ m ␯m
S 1111⫽S 3333⫽ , S 1122⫽S 3322⫽ results of Popov et al. 关32兴, who calculated the elastic moduli of
8 共 1⫺ ␯ m 兲 2 共 1⫺ ␯ m 兲 CNTs. It is noted that CNTs are highly anisotropic, with Young’s

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology JULY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 251

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␧r 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 ⫽A共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 : ␧m ⫽A共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 :Cm⫺1 : ␴m
␴r 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 ⫽Cr :A共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 : ␧m ⫽ 关 Cr :A共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 :Cm⫺1 兴 : ␴m (12)
where the strain concentration tensor A共␣,␤兲 is given by Eq. 共2兲.
Then the average strain and stress in all randomly oriented CNTs
can be written as

冋冕 冕
具 ␧r 典 ⫽

␲ /2

p 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 A共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 sin ␣ d␣ d␤ : ␧m

具 ␴r 典 ⫽ 冋冕 冕
2␲ ␲ /2

p 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲关 Cr :A共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 :Cm 兴 sin ␣ d␣ d␤ : ␴m 册
The angle brackets 具짳典 represent the average over special orien-
Fig. 1 A CNT with a global and a local coordinate system tations. Using the average theorems ␴⫽c m ␴m ⫹c r 具 ␴r 典 and ␧
⫽c m ␧m ⫹c r 具 ␧r 典 in conjunction with the effective constitutive re-
lation ␴⫽C:␧, one can get the effective modulus of the composite
modulus in the tube direction two orders of magnitude higher than
that normal to the tube. It is observed from Fig. 1 that, because of C⫽ 共 c m Cm ⫹c r具 Cr :A典 兲 : 共 c m I⫹c r 具 A典 兲 ⫺1 (14)
CNTs’ anisotropic property, the elastic modulus E 储 of the compos- When CNTs are completely randomly oriented in the matrix, the
ite in the CNT direction increases much more rapidly with the composite is then isotropic, and its bulk modulus K and shear
volume fraction c r than E⬜ normal to the CNT direction. modulus G are derived as
c r 共 ␦ r ⫺3K m ␣ r 兲 c r 共 ␩ r ⫺2G m ␤ r 兲
2.2 Composites Reinforced With Randomly Oriented, K⫽K m ⫹ , G⫽G m ⫹
3 共 c m ⫹c r ␣ r 兲 2 共 c m ⫹c r ␤ r 兲
Straight CNTs. The effect of randomly oriented, straight CNTs (15)
is investigated in this section. The orientation of a straight CNT is
characterized by two Euler angles ␣ and ␤, as shown in Fig. 2. where
The base vectors ei and ei⬘ of the global (o⫺x 1 x 2 x 3 ) and the local 3 共 K m ⫹G m 兲 ⫹k r ⫺l r
coordinate systems (o⫺x ⬘1 x ⬘2 x ⬘3 ) are related via the transformation ␣ r⫽
3 共 G m ⫹k r 兲

matrix g
1 4G m ⫹2k r ⫹l r 4G m
ei ⫽g i j e⬘j (9) ␤ r⫽ ⫹
5 3 共 G m ⫹k r 兲 G m ⫹p r

where g is given by

冋 册
2 关 G m 共 3K m ⫹G m 兲 ⫹G m 共 3K m ⫹7G m 兲兴
cos ␤ ⫺cos ␣ sin ␤ sin ␣ sin ␤ ⫹
G m 共 3K m ⫹G m 兲 ⫹m r 共 3K m ⫹7G m 兲
g⫽ sin ␤
冋 册
cos ␣ cos ␤ ⫺sin ␣ cos ␤ (10) 1 共 2k r ⫹l r 兲共 3K m ⫹2G m ⫺l r 兲
0 sin ␣ cos ␣ ␦ r⫽ n ⫹2l r ⫹
3 r G m ⫹k r
The orientation distribution of CNTs in a composite is character-
ized by a probability density function p( ␣ , ␤ ) satisfying the nor-
malization condition
␩ r⫽ 冋
1 2
共 n ⫺l 兲 ⫹
5 3 r r
8G m p r

8m r G m 共 3K m ⫹4G m 兲
G m ⫹p r 3K m 共 m r ⫹G m 兲 ⫹G m 共 7m r ⫹G m 兲

冕 冕
2␲ ␲ /2

p 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 sin ␣ d␣ d␤ ⫽1 (11) ⫹
2 共 k r ⫺l r 兲共 2G m ⫹l r 兲
3 共 G m ⫹k r 兲 册 (16)

K m and G m are the bulk and shear moduli of the matrix, respec-
If CNTs are completely randomly oriented, the density function is
tively. The effective Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ␯ of
p( ␣ , ␤ )⫽1/2␲ .
the composite are given by
According to the Mori-Tanaka method, the strain ␧r ( ␣ , ␤ ) and
the stress ␴r( ␣ , ␤ ) of the CNT are related to the stress of matrix 9KG 3K⫺2G
␴m by E⫽ , ␯⫽ (17)
3K⫹G 6K⫹2G
Figure 3 shows the effective Young’s modulus versus the vol-
ume fraction of randomly oriented, straight CNTs in the same
polystyrene matrix studied in Fig. 1. For comparison the Young’s
modulus of the same composite measured by Andrew et al. 关33兴 is
also shown in Fig. 3. It is observed that the measured Young’s
modulus is much smaller than the present theoretical model. Many
factors may contribute to this discrepancy, such as the weak bond-
ing between CNTs and matrices, the waviness and agglomeration
of CNTs. The effects of CNT waviness and agglomeration on the
effective moduli of CNT-reinforced composites are studied in the
following sections.
3 Micromechanics Model for Curved CNTs
3.1 Composites Reinforced With Aligned, Curved CNTs.
Experiments have shown that most CNTs in composites exist in a
Fig. 2 Effective elastic moduli of a composite reinforced with curved state 关34,35兴. This is partially because of that CNTs have
aligned straight CNTs very low bending stiffness due to the small tube diameter 共⬃1

252 Õ Vol. 126, JULY 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 3 Effective elastic moduli of a composite reinforced with
randomly orientated straight CNTs

nm兲. Fisher et al. 关36 –38兴 studied numerically the effect of CNT
waviness on the elastic properties of composites using the finite
element method. There is yet no theoretical model to estimate the
stiffening effect of curved CNTs. We will present here an analyti-
cal method to calculate the effective elastic moduli of composites
containing curved CNTs.
We present in the following a micromechanics model to exam-
ine the waviness effect of curved CNTs on the elastic properties of
CNT-reinforced composites. As shown in Fig. 4, a curved CNT is
modeled as a helical spring, with D being the spring diameter, ␪
the spiral angle, and ␸ the polar angle. The length L of the curved
CNT is related to these parameters by
L⫽ (18)
2 cos ␪
The waviness of the CNT is governed by the spiral angle, ␪. For
example, ␪⫽␲/2 corresponds to a straight CNT, while ␪⫽0 cor-
responds to a circular CNT.
The Mori-Tanaka method is employed to estimate the stiffening
effect of curved CNTs. The effective elastic constitutive relation
of the composite is written as

¯ ⫽C: ¯␧ (19)
where C is the tensor of elastic moduli of the composite and is to
be determined. ␴ ¯ and ¯␧ denote the average stress and strain ten-
sors in the composite, respectively, and they are related to the
average stress and strain tensors ␴
¯ m and ¯␧m in the matrix and ␴¯r
and ¯␧r in the reinforcement phase by

¯ ⫽c m ␴
¯ m ⫹c r ␴
¯r , ¯␧⫽c m¯␧m ⫹c r¯␧r (20)
Figure 5共a兲 shows a curved CNT embedded in a polymer matrix
subjected to the average matrix stress ␴ ¯ m in the far field. The CNT Fig. 5 Calculation model of the strain in a curved CNT: „a… a
curved CNT in the RVE; „b… a slice of infinitesimal thickness;
is curved around the x 3 axis of the global system o⫺x 1 x 2 x 3 . The and „c… the approximate model for calculating the strain in the
RVE is divided into slices of infinitesimal thickness normal to the slice
x 3 axis 共Fig. 5共b兲兲. The strain in the infinitesimal CNT in Fig. 5共b兲

is approximated by that in a long and straight CNT of the same

orientation embedded in the matrix shown in Fig. 5共c兲, and the
matrix is subjected to ␴ ¯ m . The CNT is along the x ⬘2 axis in the
local coordinate system o⫺x 1⬘ x 2⬘ x 3⬘ , with Euler angles ␪ and ␸,
where the ␪ is the angle between x 3 and x 3⬘ , and ␸ is the angle
between x 1 and x 1⬘ . The solution to this problem of a long and
straight fiber has been obtained in section 2.2. It is noted that the
local axis x ⬘2 of the CNT and the x 3 axis around which the CNT is
curved have a fixed angle ␪, the average strain in the curved CNT
is obtained by integrating with respect to the angle ␸.
As shown in Fig. 5共c兲, the strain ␧r ( ␪ , ␸ ) of an infinitesimal
Fig. 4 The spring model of a curved CNT segment in the curved CNT is relate to the stress ␴ ¯ m by

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology JULY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 253

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Fig. 6 Effect of CNT waviness on the effective elastic modulus
in the longitudinal direction Fig. 7 Effect of CNT waviness on the effective elastic modulus
in the transversal direction

␧r 共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 ⫽A共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 : ␧m ⫽A共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :Cm⫺1 : ␴

¯m (21)
the volume fraction of aligned, curved CNTs in a polystyrene
where A共␪,␸兲 is the strain concentration tensor. For a curved CNT, matrix for several spiral angles ␪. Contrary to the axial moduli in
the average strain ¯␧r can be obtained from the integration of Fig. 6, Fig. 7 shows that the lateral moduli E 1 (⫽E 2 ) increase
␧r ( ␪ , ␸ ) as with the waviness, even though the increase is rather small when

冋冕 册
␪ changes from 90 deg to 60 deg. Therefore, we can conclude that
1 ⫺1 the CNT waviness has little effect on the lateral moduli unless the
¯␧r 共 ␪ 兲 ⫽ 共 A共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :Cm 兲 d␸ : ␴
¯m (22)
␸L 0 spiral angle becomes very small 共close to zero兲.
where ␸ L is the total polar angle along the CNT. Similarly, the 3.2 Composites Reinforced With Randomly Oriented,
average stress ␴
¯ r in a curved CNT is given by Curved CNTs. As in section 2.2, we introduce two angles ␣ and

冋冕 册
␤ to express the orientation of a curved CNT in the composite.
1 The orientation distribution of all CNTs is described by a prob-
¯ r共 ␪ 兲 ⫽
␴ Cr 共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 : ␧r 共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 d␸
␸L 0 ability density function p( ␣ , ␤ ). The Mori-Tanaka method leads

冋冕 册
to the effective stiffness tensor

冋冓 冕 冔
1 ␸L
⫺1 ␸L
⫽ Cr 共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :A共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :Cm d␸ : ␴
¯m (23) cr ⫺1
␸L 0 C⫽ 共 Cr 共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :A共 ␪ , ␸ , ␣ , ␤ 兲 :Cm 兲 d␸
␸L 0

册 冋冓 冕 冔 册
The average stress and strain tensors in the composite can then be
␸L ⫺1
written in terms of ␴
¯ m as cr ⫺1 ⫺1
⫹c m I : 共 A共 ␪ , ␸ , ␣ , ␤ 兲 :Cm 兲 d␸ ⫹c m Cm

¯ ⫽c r ␴
¯ r ⫹c m ␴
¯ m⫽ 冋 冕cr
␸L 0
共 Cr 共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :A共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :Cm 兲 d␸
␸L 0


It is noted that the strain concentration factor A of a curved CNT
⫹c m I : ␴
¯m not only depends on its orientation angles ␣ and ␤ but also is
nonuniform within the same CNT. Therefore, it is a function of

冋 冕 册
four angles, ␣, ␤, ␪, and ␸. For general cases of CNTs orienta-
cr ␸L
⫺1 ¯ tions, the effective elastic tensor of a CNT-reinforced composite
¯␧⫽c r¯␧r ⫹c m¯␧m ⫽ A共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 d␸ ⫹c m I :Cm : ␴m (24)
␸L 0 can be determined from Eq. 共26兲 provided that the orientation
distribution function has been known.
The elimination of ␴ ¯ m in Eq. 共24兲 gives the tensor of effective In the case of completely random orientations of CNTs, the
elastic moduli of the composite as composite will be isotropic. Interestingly, it is found that for this

C⫽ 冋 冕

共 Cr共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :A共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :Cm 兲 d␸
special case, the present model for curved CNTs leads to the same
results as Eq. 共15兲. That is, the waviness of CNTs does not influ-
ence the effective elastic moduli of composites reinforced with

册冋 冕 册
␸L ⫺1 randomly oriented CNTs.
cr ⫺1 ⫺1
⫹c m I : 共 A共 ␪ , ␸ 兲 :Cm 兲 d␸ ⫹c m Cm (25)
␸L 0 4 Agglomeration of CNTs
Figure 6 shows the effective elastic modulus E 3 of the compos- 4.1 A Two-Parameter Model of Agglomeration. CNTs
ite in the CNT axial direction (x 3 ) versus the volume fraction of have low bending stiffness 共due to small diameter and small elas-
aligned, curved CNTs in a polystyrene matrix for several spiral tic modulus in the radial direction兲 and high aspect ratio, which
angles ␪, where ␪⫽90 deg corresponds to straight CNTs studied in make CNTs easy to agglomerate in a polymer matrix 关34,35兴. In
Fig. 1, and ␪⫽0 deg corresponds to circular CNTs. The elastic order to achieve the desired properties of CNT-reinforced compos-
moduli of the polystyrene are the same as those in Fig. 1. For ites, it is critical to make CNTs uniformly dispersed in the matrix
comparison, the experimental data of Andrew et al. 关33兴 are also 关39兴. We develop a micromechanics model in this section to study
presented in Fig. 6, and they agree very well with the model for the influence of the agglomeration of CNTs on the effective elastic
␪⫽0 deg. It is observed that the modulus E 3 in the CNT axial moduli of CNT-reinforced composites.
direction decreases rapidly as the waviness increases. For ex- Stephan et al. 关40兴 observed that in the 7.5 percent concentra-
ample, E 3 at ␪⫽60 deg is less than one half of that for straight tion sample, a large amount of CNTs are concentrated in aggre-
CNTs 共␪⫽90 deg兲. gates. The spatial distribution of CNTs in the matrix is nonuni-
Figure 7 shows the effective elastic modulus E 1 (⫽E 2 ) of the form such that some local regions have a higher concentration of
composite normal to the CNT axial direction 共i.e., x 1 or x 2 ) versus CNTs than the average volume fraction in the material. These

254 Õ Vol. 126, JULY 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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regions with concentrated CNTs are assumed in this section to 共 ␦ r ⫺3K m ␣ r 兲 c r ␨
have spherical shapes, and are considered as ‘‘inclusions’’ with K in⫽K m ⫹ ,
3 共 ␰ ⫺c r ␨ ⫹c r ␨ ␣ r 兲
different elastic properties from the surrounding material, as
shown in Fig. 8. The total volume V r of CNTs in the RVE V can c r 共 ␦ r ⫺3K m ␣ r 兲共 1⫺ ␨ 兲
be divided into the following two parts: K out⫽K m ⫹
3 关 1⫺ ␰ ⫺c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲 ⫹c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲 ␣ r 兴
V r ⫽V rinclusion⫹V rm (27) c r ␨ 共 ␩ r ⫺2G m ␤ r 兲
G in⫽G m ⫹
where V rinclusion
and V rm
denote the volumes of CNTs dispersed 2 共 ␰ ⫺c r ␨ ⫹c r ␨ ␤ r 兲
in the inclusions 共concentrated regions兲 and in the matrix,
c r共 1⫺ ␨ 兲共 ␩ r⫺2G m ␤ r 兲
respectively. G out⫽G m ⫹ (32)
Introduce two parameters ␰ and ␨ to describe the agglomeration 2 关 1⫺ ␰ ⫺c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲 ⫹c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲 ␤ r 兴
of CNTs For a sphere inclusion in an isotropic matrix, the Eshelby’s
V rinclusion tensor read
V inclusion
␰⫽ , ␨⫽ (28) 7⫺5 ␯ out
V Vr
S 1111⫽S 2222⫽S 3333⫽
15共 1⫺ ␯ out兲
where V inclusion is the volume of the sphere inclusions in the RVE.
␰ denotes the volume fraction of inclusions with respect to the 1⫺5 ␯ out
total volume V of the RVE. When ␰⫽1, nanotubes are uniformly S 1122⫽S 2233⫽S 3311⫽⫺
15共 1⫺ ␯ out兲
dispersed in the matrix, and with the decrease in ␰, the agglom-
eration degree of CNTs is more severe. The parameter ␨ denotes 4⫺5 ␯ out
the volume ratio of nanotubes that are dispersed in inclusions and S 1212⫽S 2323⫽S 3131⫽ (33)
15共 1⫺ ␯ out兲
the total volume of the nanotubes. When ␨⫽1, all the nanotubes
are located in the sphere areas. In the case where all nanotubes are where ␯ out⫽(3K out⫺2G out)/2(3K out⫹G out) is the Poisson’s ratio
dispersed uniformly, one has that ␨⫽␰. The bigger the value ␨ with of the hybrid matrix.
␨⬎␰, the more heterogeneous the spatial distribution of CNTs. Finally, the effective bulk modulus K and the effective shear
The average volume fraction c r of CNTs in the composite is modulus G of the composite are derived from the Mori-Tanaka

冋 册
method as

冉 冊
c r⫽ (29) K in
V ␰ ⫺1
K out
Using Eqs. 共27兲–共29兲, the volume fractions of CNTs in the inclu-
冉 冊
K⫽K out 1⫹
K in
sions and in the matrix are expressed, respectively, as 1⫹ ␣ 共 1⫺ ␰ 兲 ⫺1

冋 冊册
K out

冉 冊
V rinclusion c r␨ V rm c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲
⫽ , ⫽ (30) G in
V inclusion ␰ V⫺V inclusion 1⫺ ␰ ␰ ⫺1
G out

Thus, we consider the CNT-reinforced composite as a system G⫽G out 1⫹ (34)
G in
consisting of inclusions of sphere shape embedded in a hybrid 1⫹ ␤ 共 1⫺ ␰ 兲 ⫺1
G out
matrix. Both the matrix and the inclusions contain CNTs. We may
first estimate respectively the effective elastic stiffness of the in- with ␣ ⫽(1⫹ ␯ out)/3(1⫺ ␯ out) and ␤ ⫽2(4⫺5 ␯ out)/15(1⫺ ␯ out).
clusions and the matrix, and then calculate the overall property of
the whole composite system. 4.2 Examples and Discussions
The effective elastic moduli of the hybrid inclusions and the
4.2.1 Complete Agglomeration of CNTs (␨⫽1). Consider
matrix can be calculated by different micromechanics methods.
first the extreme case of agglomeration where all CNTs are con-
Assume that all the orientations of the CNTs are completely ran-
centrated in spherical subregions, i.e., ␨⫽1. Thus the above two-
dom. We will use two methods to estimate the elastic property of
parameter agglomeration model is reduced to have only one ag-
the inclusions and matrix. First, the Voigt model provides the
glomeration parameter, ␰. Then, the local volume fraction of
effective modulus of inclusions E in and their surrounding E out as
CNTs in the ‘‘inclusions,’’ which are, in turn, embedded in the
pristine polymer matrix, is written as

E out⫽
8 再
3 c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲
1⫺ ␰
E CNT⫹ 1⫺
1⫺ ␰冋
c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲
Em 册 冎 Vr

V inclusion ␰

再 共 1⫺ ␰ 兲 E CNTE m
8 关共 1⫺ ␰ 兲 ⫺c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲兴 E CNT⫹c r 共 1⫺ ␨ 兲 E m
冎 If the influence of anisotropy of CNTs is omitted and their
elastic property is described by the Young’s modulus E r and Pois-
son’s ratio ␯ r , the effective moduli of the composite with agglom-
3 5 ␰ E m E CNT erated CNTs can be estimated by Eq. 共31兲. We take the represen-
E in⫽ 关 c r ␨ E CNT⫹ 共 ␰ ⫺c r ␨ 兲 E m 兴 ⫹ tative values of CNTs and matrix as E r ⫽450 GPa, E m
8␰ 8 共 ␰ ⫺c r ␨ 兲 E CNT⫹c r ␨ E m
⫽1.9 GPa, and ␯ r ⫽ ␯ m ⫽0.3. Under different average contents c r
where both the matrix and the CNTs are considered to be isotro- of CNTs in the material, the effective Young’s modulus is plotted
pic, with Young’s moduli E m and E CNT , respectively. That is, the in Fig. 9共a兲 with respect to the agglomeration parameter ␰. When
influence of anisotropy of CNTs is neglected. the CNTs are uniformly dispersed in the composite, i.e., ␰⫽1, the
In the second method, we assume the nanotubes are trans- effective Young’s modulus has the maximum value. With the de-
versely isotropic. The elastic moduli of the hybrid matrix are es- crease in the agglomeration parameter ␰ from unity, the effective
timated by the Mori-Tanaka method, as described in section 2.2. It stiffness decreases very rapidly. When ␰⬍0.6, the addition of
is assumed that the CNTs are randomly oriented in the inclusions, CNTs does not yield an evident stiffening effect.
and, therefore, the inclusions are isotropic. The effective bulk If the CNTs are considered to be transversely isotropic, the
moduli K in and K out and the effective shear moduli G in and G out of effective elastic moduli of the composite can be determined by
the inclusions and the matrix are given, respectively, by Eqs. 共17兲, 共32兲, and 共34兲. Take the elastic constants of CNTs and

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Fig. 8 Eshelby inclusion model of agglomeration of CNTs

matrix as in section 2.1. The changing curves of the effective

tensile moduli with the agglomeration parameter ␰ are given in
Fig. 9共b兲. It is also clearly shown that the agglomeration of CNTs
exerts a significant weakening effect to CNT-reinforced compos-
ites. In addition, it is seen by comparing 共a兲 and 共b兲 that the
anisotropic property of CNTs affects to a considerable extent the
overall effective elastic modulus, especially the maximum
Young’s modulus at uniform distribution. In other words, the isot-
ropy assumption of CNTs will lead to an overestimation of the
effective tensile modulus.
4.2.2 Partial Agglomeration of CNTs. In more general cases,
both the parameters ␨ and ␰ are required to describe the agglom-
eration of CNTs. The former stands for the relative amount of
CNTs that are concentrated in local regions or ‘‘inclusions,’’ and
the latter presents the volume fraction of these inclusions in the
If the CNTs are considered isotropic, the effective Young’s Fig. 10 The effective elastic modulus of a CNT-reinforced
moduli are shown in Fig. 10共a兲 in which ␰⫽0.5. It is seen that composite with agglomeration effect with ␰Ä0.5, in which the
CNTs are assumed to be: „a… isotropic; and „b… transversely

with the increase in the relative amount ␨ of the CNTs that are
agglomerated in the inclusions, the effective Young’s modulus of
the composite decreases rapidly.
When the CNTs are considered to be transversely isotropic, the
effective Young’s moduli with respect to the agglomeration pa-
rameter ␨ are shown in Fig. 10共b兲 with ␰⫽0.5. The curves in Fig.
10共b兲 have the similar changing tendency but are smaller in the
stiffening magnitude. It is concluded from Fig. 10 that the ag-
glomeration of CNTs exerts a pronounced weakening effect to the
effective elastic property of CNT-reinforced composites, and that
neglecting the anisotropic property of CNTs will cause an overes-
timation of the effective stiffness of composites.

5 Concluding Remarks
In the present paper, the effects of the widely observed wavi-
ness and agglomeration of carbon nanotubes are examined theo-
retically by using analytical micromechanics methods. A novel
model is suggested to consider the waviness or curviness effect of
CNTs, which are assumed to have a spiral shape. The influence of
agglomeration of CNTs on the effective stiffness is analyzed by
using an Eshelby’s inclusion model, where the composite is as-
sumed to have spherical inclusions with concentrated CNTs. It is
established that these two mechanisms may significantly reduce
the stiffening effect of CNTs. The present study not only provides
the important relationship between the effective properties and the
morphology of CNT-reinforced composites, but also may be use-
ful for improving and tailoring their mechanical properties. The
obtained results indicate that a CNT-reinforced composite can
possibly reach superior mechanical properties only if the CNTs
Fig. 9 Effect of CNT agglomeration on the effective elastic are controlled to have a straight shape and to be dispersed uni-
modulus with ␨Ä1, in which the CNTs are assumed to be: „a… formly in the whole material 关42兴. These high requirements are by
isotropic; and „b… transversely isotropic no means easy to be satisfied, but considerable developments have

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