Senate Minutes September 21

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Senate Agenda September 21, 2010

Arkansas Union 510-511


I. Senator Training and Swearing In (5:30pm)

II. Call to Order (6:00pm)
III. Roll Call
IV. Special Orders
a. Reports (5 min ea.)
i. Advisor’s Report
1. Student Information Request form for Retreat
2. StrengthsQuest
ii. President’s Report
1. Farmer’s Market – probably will not happen this Fall
2. Camping out in front of Reynolds
3. Marijuana Policy overview
4. Student Advocacy – in the process of planning trips to DC and
Little Rock.
iii. Vice-President’s Report
1. Confirmation of University Appointments
a. Approved by unanimous consent
2. Rollin with the Razorbacks applications are out at NOON
iv. Secretary’s Report
1. Fresh HOGS
2. ASG Insider
v. Treasurer’s Report
1. Budgets
vi. Chair of Senate’s Report
1. Office hours will begin next week. Respond to these by 5pm on
Friday – let Veronica know when you want to serve them.
2. All-ASG Retreat
vii. Cabinet Reports
1. Chief of Staff
a. Bring Bedding for the ASG Retreat
b. Recycling with the Razorbacks –spots open for every
home game except Alabama
c. David Whitaker Forum – Sept. 30th
2. Chair of Readership—Ashley Shelton
a. “Get Caught Reading” program has started today.
Overview of Readership.
b. Readership committee
3. Liaison to Faculty/Staff Senate—Emily Nevala
a. Bodies meet once a month at the beginning, so at the end
of the month, Emily will give a report.
b. Staff Senate: opening more spots up to students in the
Garland parking lot.
i. Hosting a panel on Higher Ed from 1:30-3:00pm
in the Reynolds Center
ii. 21, 406 students enrolled this semester
viii. Nominations &/0r Elections – will vote next week
1. Special Senate Office Nominations
a. Parliamentarian
i. Senator Lippert
b. Legislative Clerk
i. Senator Ensley
c. Sergeant at Arms
i. Senator Douglas
ii. Senator Spencer
iii. Senator Scroggin
2. Committee Chair Nominations
a. Academics
i. Director of Academic Affairs, Trae Holzman
ii. Senator Tak
iii. Senator Bruick
b. Campus Life
i. Director of Campus Life, Natalie Van Pelt
ii. Senator Jackson
c. Constitution & Code Review
i. Senator Spencer
d. Ethics
i. Senator Rose
e. Sustainability & the Campus Environment
i. Director of Sustainability, Zoe Teague
ii. Senator Baxter
iii. Senator Tak
f. Press Relations
i. Senator Jackson
ii. Senator Cosgrove
iii. Senator Wainwright
iv. Senator Mullendore
v. Senator Gilmore
g. Campus Safety
i. Senator Treece
ii. Senator Callaway
h. Parking & Transit
i. Director of PTD, Ryan Johnson
ii. Senator Norton
iii. Senator Tak
3. Committee Member Nominations
a. Appropriations (9)
i. Senator Lippert
ii. Senator Norton
iii. Senator Rose
iv. Senator Ensley
v. Senator Hodges
vi. Senator Dodd
vii. Senator Bakke
viii. Senator Spencer
ix. Senator Hall
x. Senator Bentel
xi. Senator Vernon
b. Ethics (7)
i. Senator Mullendore
ii. Senator K. Waldrip
iii. Senator L. Waldrip
iv. Senator Rose
v. Senator Jackson
vi. Senator Robinson
vii. Senator Hall
viii. Senator Cosgrove
ix. Senator Dougherty
4. Homecoming Court Nominations
a. Readership Chair, Ashley Shelton
b. Senator Lippert
V. Public Comment (3 @ 2 min ea.)
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
a. ASG Senate Resolution No. 1 – ASG Senate Bill Resolution No. 1_The ASG
Senate Standing Rules Act of 2010-2011
i. Authored by Chair Johannesen
1. Moved to second reading by Senator Hall
2. Senator Rose speaks in favor of passing, although he has
amendments to put on hold until next week
3. Senator Cosgrove explains amendments
a. Page 2 , Line 48 concerning public comment time limit
b. Page 5, Line 13 concerning use of laptops in Senate
i. 21/14 vote
4. Senator Rose debates to wait to amend these next week
5. Standing Rules pass by unanimous consent.
b. ASG Senate Bill No. 1 – Rollin’ with the Razorbacks Appropriation Bill of
i. Authored by President Fleming
ii. Sponsored by Chair Johannesen
1. President Fleming give authorship.
2. Motion to suspend the rules and put this on second reading.
3. Senator Lippert moves to approve by unanimous consent.
4. Vote of 39-0-0: bill passes.
c. ASG Senate Bill No. 2 – Earth Tub Installation Approriation Bill of 2010
i. Authored by Director of Sustainability Zoe Teague, Senator
Mike Norton
ii. Sponsored by Senator Mike Norton
1. Director of Sustainability, Zoe Teague is recognized for
2. 35:4:0, bill passes.
VIII. Announcements
a. Office binders. Must have them at each meeting.
b. Jessica Morgan – turn in your student information request form.
c. Zoe Teague – Recycling with the Razorbacks. Separate your cans and bottles.
IX. Adjournment

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