Project Performance Evaluation Report

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Project formulation and rationale The Bank should always be Project officers should check that the Country Departments
Project formulation was undertaken without satisfied with project identification project is adequately processed through
Bank's contribution and preparation before deciding to identification and preparation stages before
appraise a project. In so doing, the appraisal
appraisal team will avoid
overlooking or oversimplifying
some crucial
Project Implementation Project officers should always give A standard and detailed project Country Departments
A) Implementation Schedule proper consideration to project implementation schedule should be
The project implementation schedule was realistic implementation and disbursement designed and included in the guidelines for
and covered the main project activities. The schedules at project feasibility project preparation
schedule was relatively detailed, indicated target and/or preparation stage.
dates to be observed by both the Bank and the
Borrower and comprised a disbursement schedule.
B) Loan Effectiveness a) Whenever feasible, crucial issues a) Crucial project issues should be
Conditions precedent to first disbursement were should be resolved at preparation, highlighted in the project preparation report
fulfilled without excessively long delays. appraisal, or negotiation stage and should be made known to the Borrower
rather than being established as as early as possible.
conditions precedent to first b) The Bank should always scrutinise Loan
disbursement. conditions critically.
b) Conditions of Loan effectiveness c) Define the functions and composition of
which are unrealistic or a Launching Mission and take action to
inappropriate or which may block introduce it as a normal Bank procedure
project implementation should be
avoided or reformulated.
c) The Bank should introduce a
"Launching Mission" as a normal
regular function after a Loan is
signed in order to assist Borrowers
fulfilment of conditions of Loan

C) Other Conditions Follow-up on the fulfilment of Supervision and Launching Missions should Country Departments
"Other Conditions" and Covenants are often not fulfilled "Other Conditions" and Covenants ensure that the conditions and covenants are
should be always undertaken. fulfilled
D) Procurement a) Procurement issues should be TORs for project preparation and appraisal Operations
Wrong applications of Bank's rules of procedure for given careful consideration at should Departments
procurement may cause considerable delays in project project preparation stage and be include detailed procurement considerations.
implementation. resolved at project appraisal or at TORs of Launching missions should include
the loan negotiations stage. procurement activities.
b) Launching missions should assist Design seminars programme.
Borrowers in procurement
c) Frequent procurement seminars
should be provided to staff of
Executing Agencies.
E) Project Cost a) Updating of project cost Guidelines on the preparation and updating
Project cost overrun was due to uncontrolled design estimates should not be confounded of cost estimates should be provided in order
review with design review. to assist project officers.
b) The Bank should only Guidelines on design review should be
contemplate a design review when prepared and the situations where a design
the scope of the project has been review is necessary or justified should be
modified. strictly identified. The TOR of a design
c) The Bank should carefully review should always include
monitor the implementation in analysis and reappraisal of economic
order to avoid uncontrolled indicators.
departures from the agreed design
scope and standards
F) Disbursement Reimbursement applications by the a) Disbursement schedules should Guidelines on the preparation of Operations
Borrower could not be honoured by the Bank because be included in project appraisal disbursement Departments
specific invoices were not produced. reports. schedules should be provided to assist
b) The Bank should make sure that project
the Borrower is familiar with officers. Launching and Supervision
reimbursement procedures and has missions should deal with this issue.
adequate accounting capabilities.

G) Communication Communication difficulties and Quick responses should always be Speedy actions should be taken analyse Borrower and the Bank
slowness may cause given to all Borrower's, documents Departments
considerable time overrun during project implementation. Contractor’s and Consultant’s and reply to correspondences. A schedule of
submissions.The Bank, the standard times of response for the different
Borrower and the Contractors types of submissions should be established
should be more deeply concerned and enforced
with time effectiveness.
H) Changes in design and unforeseen conditions Changes in Project scope should be carefully The Borrower and the Bank should closely Borrower and the Bank
design and / or design scope during construction can affect identified and strictly specified at supervise project preparation and be
the progress of project appraisal. As far as possible, satisfied that project scope as well as type
implementation and cause additional cost and delays. changes in design should be and scope of investigations is well adapted
avoided by appropriate to site conditions and project objectives
investigations and studies during
the phase of detailed design.
I) Sustainability Financial resources for periodic The Bank should always monitor Future supervision missions should ensure Borrower
maintenance are far short maintenance activities on that the Country Departments
of requirements and there is no assurance that the roads will completed road projects. road has been resealed to agreed standards.
be timely resealed.
J) Impact on environment No evidence of negative The Executing Agency should The Bank should promote vegetation and Borrower
environmental impact has been found since construction. include monitoring and repair of plantations as cost effective measures for Country Departments
possible environmental harms, mitigation of negative impacts and
namely soil erosion in the routine improvement of positive impacts on
maintenance programme of the environment of road projects.
Project road.


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