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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student teacher’s name: Sumayya Observer’s name: M McMinn

Unit/Lesson: Science – properties of materials Grade Level: KG2D
Date: 19 March 2018, 11:30am

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession 
Planning for learning 
Managing Learning 
Implementing Learning 
Assessment 
Reflection on Practice

Strengths of the lesson:

Whole class opening on the mat, revision of prior learning about properties. Various
materials with previous learned properties were shown and passed around the circle for all
to feel.
Straws were handed out, one each, to demonstrate ‘bendy’. You asked them to describe the
straw using property words. Then repeated with foam tape, (‘sticky’), scissors (‘pointy’),
candy wrappers (‘crinkly’).
‘Show me you deserve to move to the table’ – giving the choice to the student. When you
lowered your voice, students were quieter – use this to your advantage.
Two activities were set up focusing on two properties each. Students had 5 minutes to
complete the first activity and then swapped over, so they could complete both.
Closing (feely bag) – students to describe the properties of the item they feel in the bag.
Areas for development:

Suggestion: when learning about a new property or concept, it can also be helpful to have a
non-example (e.g. a wooden block that can’t be bent).
You used several classroom management techniques (hands on top, 1, 2, 3 eyes on me, give
me five, lips are zipped, etc.), these worked, but may be more effective if you give them a
little more time, i.e. pause, before moving on.

A = Exceptional, B = Very Good, C = Satisfactory, D = Marginal and F = Unsatisfactory

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