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=== ====================

Thol on 02 Aprtl 20lB lhe Honorob/e

Courl Bronch 00t Las phas cifu promueated ,.rs Joini-
Judgment doted April 2, 2018, the dispositive portion of which is quoted
WHEREFoRE, in view of oll the foregoing, the court hereby renders judgment

1' ln Criminol Cose No. l4- O0l, occused Michoel Delo Cerno is hereby
found GUILTy
beyond reosonoble doubt for ihe crime of illegol possession of
methylomphetomine hydrochloride ond is hereby senieiced to
suffer the
indeterminote penolty of Twelve (12) yeors ond one doy to Fifteen (15) yecrrs,
o fine of Three Hundred lhousond pesos (php. 300, 00.00).

2' ln Criminol Cose No' l4- 002, occused Arnold Morcelino is hereby
found GUILTy
beyonci reosonoble doubt for the crime of illegol possession
meihylomphetomine hydrochloride ond is hereby senteiced to suffer of
indeterminote penolty of Twelve (12) yeors ond one doy to Fifteen (15) yeors,
o fine of Three Hundred lhousond pesos (php. 300, 00.00).

3' In criminol Cose No. l4- 003, occused Joshuo Gobor is

hereby found GUILTy
beyond reosonoble doubt for the crime of illegol possession of
methylomphetomine hydrochloride ond is hereby senteiced to
suffer the
indeterminote penoliy of Twelve (12) yeors ond one doy to Fifteen
(i5) yeors, ond
o fine of Three Hundred Thousond pesos (php. 300, 00.00i.


2' The conviction siemmed from the individuol lnformotions

ond Gobon for violotion of section ll of R.A.9165 oiherwise known os ihe ogoinst Delo Cruz, Morcero
comprehensive Dongerc_s
Drugs Act of 2002, which they ollegedly committed by possessing
in their person o certoin omoun. ..
Methylomphetomine Hydrochloride, o dongerous drug, contoined
in o smoll Iheot
'vvr Jvurvv
seoled tronsncr,.-.
,rvr r)Pu' -
plostic sochet. in the City of Los pinos.

3' All three occused pleoded "Not Guilty' io ihe crime chorged when orroigned on
01 , 201 4.

4' To suppoi"t the judgment of conviction the Honoroble court

ciied the following
constitutive of the elements of illegol possession of prohibited foc-s


ln these coses. the couri finds the testimonies of the orresting

officers, together with other object ond documentory evidence,
to convict occused Delo Cruz, Morcello ond Gobon os shownsufficient
by the
following focts, viz:

l. For Delo cerno: o smoil tronsporent prosiic sochet morked ,,DM,,

wiih 0.03 grom of white crystolline substonce moteriol in Crim. Cose
No.09- 001;

2. For Morcerino: second tronsporent prosfic sochet

morked ,,Mp,, with
0.04 grom of white crystolline substonce moieriol in crim.
cose No.
09- 002; ond

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