5 Types of Brain Waves Frequencies

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5 Types Of Brain Waves Frequencies:

Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta

It is important to know that all humans display five different types of electrical
patterns or “brain waves” across the cortex. The brain waves can be observed with
an EEG (or an “electroencephalograph”) – a tool that allows researchers to note
brain wave patterns. Each brain wave has a purpose and helps serve us in optimal
mental functioning.
Our brain’s ability to become flexible and/or transition through various brain wave
frequencies plays a large role in how successful we are at managing stress,
focusing on tasks, and getting a good night’s sleep. If one of the five types of brain
waves is either overproduced and/or under produced in our brain, it can cause
problems. For this reason, it is important to understand that there is no single brain
wave that is “better” or more “optimal” than the others.
Each serves a purpose to help us cope with various situations – whether it is to
help us process and learn new information or help us calm down after a long
stressful day. The five brain waves in order of highest frequency to lowest are as
follows: gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta.
5 Brain Waves: Frequencies To Understand
Before I get into specifics, it is important to realize that when I refer to a certain
brain wave, I am implying that a particular brain wave is “dominant.” Throughout
the day in your waking state, your EEG will display all 5 types of brain waves at the
same time. However, one particular brain wave will be dominant depending on the
state of consciousness that you are in.
For example, if you are awake, but have really bad ADHD, you may have more slow
wave (alpha and/or theta) activity than beta waves. During sleep usually there are
combinations of the slower frequencies, but even gamma has been found to be
involved in rapid-eye movement (REM). Below is a brief description of each
brainwave state, but a more in-depth understanding can be derived from the book
“Getting Started with Neurofeedback.”

Gamma Waves
These are involved in higher processing tasks as well as cognitive functioning.
Gamma waves are important for learning, memory and information processing. It is
thought that the 40 Hz gamma wave is important for the binding of our senses in
regards to perception and are involved in learning new material. It has been found
that individuals who are mentally challenged and have learning disabilities tend to
have lower gamma activity than average.

Frequency range: 40 Hz to 100 Hz (Highest)

Too much: Anxiety, high arousal, stress
Too little: ADHD, depression, learning disabilities
Optimal: Binding senses, cognition, information processing, learning, perception, REM
Increase gamma waves: Meditation

Beta Waves
These are known as high frequency low amplitude brain waves that are commonly
observed while we are awake. They are involved in conscious thought, logical
thinking, and tend to have a stimulating affect. Having the right amount of beta
waves allows us to focus and complete school or work-based tasks easily. Having
too much beta may lead to us experiencing excessive stress and/or anxiety. The
higher beta frequencies are associated with high levels of arousal. When you drink
caffeine or have another stimulant, your beta activity will naturally increase. Think of
these as being very fast brain waves that most people exhibit throughout the day in
order to complete conscious tasks such as: critical thinking, writing, reading, and
Frequency range: 12 Hz to 40 Hz (High)
Too much: Adrenaline, anxiety, high arousal, inability to relax, stress
Too little: ADHD, daydreaming, depression, poor cognition
Optimal: Conscious focus, memory, problem solving
Increase beta waves: Coffee, energy drinks, various stimulants

Beta Brainwaves:

Beta Brain Waves are considered to be among the fastest brainwave frequencies and are
documented as brain waves within the frequency range of 12 Hz – 38 Hz. They are
typically produced by the left hemisphere of your brain, but can be synchronized. Each
time you solve a tough math problem, logic puzzle, or read a book, your Beta Brain Waves
kick in. People who think logically tend to have a lot of Beta Brainwave activity. Adults tend
to have more Beta Brainwaves than children and teens – and Beta Brain Waves have been
known to increase as you get older. In the majority of healthy adults, Beta Waves seem to
be the dominant rhythm. Beta Waves have also been associated with an increased ability
to focus on our external reality. When we experience too many Beta Brain Waves, there
can be problems like stress and anxiety. However, when produced in normal amounts,
there are definitely many benefits to be had from experiencing Beta Brain Waves.
If you are able to access your Beta Brainwave state, you will know and understand exactly
what it feels like. When you are in a Beta State, you are far from relaxed. You may have a
lot of energy in the form of nervousness, excitement, or anxiety. When you are in a Beta
Brainwaves state, you are able to think rapidly and quickly come up with logical solutions to
problems. The Beta Waves state is ideal for solving math problems, conducting research,
reading books, and writing articles. Each time a student takes a test, they experience a
large surge in their Beta Brainwave activity. Another side-effect from having lots of Beta
Wave activity is being more socially outgoing. Talk-show hosts, lawyers, radio announcers,
and people involved in debates tend to experience significant increases in their Beta
Brainwave activity each time they begin talking. Beta Waves increase your ability to hold an
interesting and stimulating conversation with others. You also have feelings of excitement
and energy while talking to someone else. If you want higher levels of focus, to think
quickly and efficiently, and be able to have more energy – then Beta Brain Waves are the
exact frequency range you are looking for.
-from http://www.brainwavesblog.com/beta-br...

Brainwave Frequency Info:

- 14Hz: Alertness, Concentration on tasks, Focusing, vitality.
- 16Hz: Bottom of hearing range. Releases oxygen/calcium into cells
- 12-15Hz: Relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities
- 13-30Hz: Problem solving, conscious thinking
- 18-24Hz: Euphoria, can result in headaches, anxiety

Alpha Waves

This frequency range bridges the gap between our conscious thinking and
subconscious mind. In other words, alpha is the frequency range between beta and
theta. It helps us calm down when necessary and promotes feelings of deep
relaxation. If we become stressed, a phenomenon called “alpha blocking” may
occur which involves excessive beta activity and very little alpha. Essentially the
beta waves “block” out the production of alpha because we become too aroused.

Frequency range: 8 Hz to 12 Hz (Moderate)

- Too much: Daydreaming, inability to focus, too relaxed
- Too little: Anxiety, high stress, insomnia, OCD
- Optimal: Relaxation
- Increase alpha waves: Alcohol, marijuana, relaxants, some antidepressants

Alpha Brain Waves (8 to 12Hz)

- 8-10 Hz-Super-learning new information, memorisation, not comprehension.
- 8.22 Hz - Associated with the mouth. Brings creativity.
- 10 Hz - Enhanced serotonin release. Mood elevation, arousal, stimulant.
- 10 Hz - Provides relief from lost sleep, improves general mood.
- 10 Hz - Mood elevator. Used to dramatically reduce headaches.
- 10 Hz - Clarity, subconscious correlation. Releases serotonin.
- 11 Hz - Relaxed yet awake state.
- 12 Hz - Centring, mental stability.
- 11-14 Hz - Increased focus and awareness.
- 12-14 Hz - Learning frequency, good for absorbing information passively.
Brainwave Frequency Info:
- 8-10Hz: Learning new information, memorisation, not comprehension
- 10Hz: Enhanced serotonin release, better mood, clarity
- 12Hz: Centering, mental stability

Theta Waves
This particular frequency range is involved in daydreaming and sleep. Theta waves
are connected to us experiencing and feeling deep and raw emotions. Too much
theta activity may make people prone to bouts of depression and may make them
“highly suggestible” based on the fact that they are in a deeply relaxed, semihypnotic
state. Theta has its benefits of helping improve our intuition, creativity,
and makes us feel more natural. It is also involved in restorative sleep. As long as
theta isn’t produced in excess during our waking hours, it is a very helpful brain
wave range.
Frequency range: 4 Hz to 8 Hz (Slow)
Too much: ADHD, depression, hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattentiveness
Too little: Anxiety, poor emotional awareness, stress
Optimal: Creativity, emotional connection, intuition, relaxation
Increase theta waves: Depressants
Theta Brain Waves Information (4 to 8 Hz):
• 4.5 Hz - Brings about Shamanic/Tibetan state of consciousness, Tibetan chants.
• 4.9 Hz - Induce relaxation and deeper sleep
• 4.9 Hz - Introspection. Relaxation, meditation
• 5 Hz - Reduces sleep required. Theta replaces need for extensive dreaming
• 5.35 Hz - Allows relaxing breathing, free and efficient
• 5.5 Hz - Inner guidance, intuition
• 6.5 Hz - Centre of Theta frequency. Activates creative frontal lobe
• 7.5 Hz - Activates creative thought for art, invention, music. Problem solving
• 7.5 Hz - Ease of overcoming troublesome issues
• 7.83 Hz - Schumann earth resonance. Grounding, meditative, Leaves you revitalized
• 3 - 8 Hz - Deep relaxation, meditation. Lucid dreaming
• 3 - 8 Hz - Increased memory, focus, creativity
• 4 - 7 Hz - Profound inner peace, emotional healing. Lowers mental fatigue
• 4 - 7 Hz - Deep meditation, near-sleep brainwaves

Delta Waves
These are the slowest recorded brain waves in human beings. They are found most
often in infants as well as young children. As we age, we tend to produce less delta
even during deep sleep. They are associated with the deepest levels of relaxation
and restorative, healing sleep. They have also been found to be involved in
unconscious bodily functions such as regulating heart beat and digestion.
Adequate production of delta waves helps us feel completely rejuvenated after we
wake up from a good night’s sleep. If there is abnormal delta activity, an individual
may experience learning disabilities or have difficulties maintaining conscious
awareness (such as in cases of brain injuries).
Frequency range: 0 Hz to 4 Hz (Slowest)
Too much: Brain injuries, learning problems, inability to think, severe ADHD
Too little: Inability to rejuvenate body, inability to revitalize the brain, poor sleep
Optimal: Immune system, natural healing, restorative / deep sleep
Increase delta waves: Depressants, sleep
Delta Brainwave Frequencies 0.2 Hz to 4Hz These waves correspond to deep, dreamless
sleep. Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves. You don’t dream in this state and you are
completely unconscious. When your brainwave is delta, the body is healing itself and
resetting its internal clocks.

•0.5 Hz - Relaxation, helps soothe headaches

•0.5 - 1.5 Hz - Pain relief. Endorphin release
•0.9 Hz - Euphoric feeling
•1 Hz - Wellbeing. Harmony and balance
•2.5 Hz - Production of endogenous opiates (pain killers, reduce anxiety)
•2.5 Hz - Relieves migraine pain. Produces endogenous opiates
•3.4 Hz - Helps achieve restful sleep
•3.5 Hz - Feeling of unity with everything. Whole being regeneration
•3.9 Hz - Self renewal, enhanced inner awareness
•4.0 Hz - Enkephalin release for reduced stress
•4.0 Hz - Allows brain to produce enkaphalins, all natural pain killer
•4.0 Hz - Full memory scanning. Releases enkephalins
•4.0 Hz - Vital for memory and learning. Problem solving, object naming
•1 - 3 Hz - Profound relaxation, restorative sleep. Tranquility and peace


Free Binaural Beats Presents - 4 Hours Alpha Scale Pure Tone - Isochronic Binaural Beat
Download this Full Length audio FREE @: http://free-binaural-beats.com/produc... (For
Best Results Wear Headphones)

This audio features 4 hours of alpha binaural beats and isochronic tones. There are a total
of 8 different frequency combinations played each for a half hour. The following frequencies
are used:

The binaural beat as a carrier frequency of 197Hz, a frequency associated with the heart,
love and warmth.

The isochronic tone uses a carrier frequency of 360hz. Known as the "balance frequency"
this tone brings sensations of joy and healing. Both the binaural beat and isochronic pulse
are played together in the following order:

8Hz - Past life regression; More Lymphocytes, DNA repair]; Associated with
Base/Muladhara chakra (Color=Red) (Body Parts=Adrenals, Spinal Column, Kidneys)
(Effects=Physical energy, will to live)


- Pick up visual images of mental objects; clairvoyance; “Monroe Focus


- Awareness of causes of body imbalance & means for balance, Blind person phantom
touch reading (somatosensory cortex); Associated with Sacral/Svadhisthana chakra
(Color=Orange) (Body Parts=Gonads, Reproductive System)

9.5Hz –

– Center of Alpha Range

– The brain’s scanning/idling frequency – indicating a brain standing by, waiting to “give
way to beta should attention be required, or be the bridge, the gate, to Theta & Delta for
drowsiness, sleep, and certain cognitive challenges.

10Hz - enhanced release of serotonin & mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try
effects of other mixes. Acts as analgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover & jet
lag. dominant alpha frequency, clarity, normalcy, anti-convulsant, circadian rhythm resync,
activate kidneys, raise body temp, more serotonin; Good when trying to correlate
information by the subconscious

– Sort of a waiting frequency while the subconscious does the work at lower frequencies;
Motor impulse coordination (Motor Control cortex); Learning a foreign language. Centering,
Sleep Spindles, Arousal; Associated with Solar Plexus/Manipura chakra (Color=Yellow)
(Body Parts=Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System) (Effects=Spiritual
wisdom, self-healing)(Note=E)

Increased alertness (caused by an increase in norepinephrine + serotonin & a decrease in

melatonin), sense of wellbeing & decreased pain (caused by increase in beta-endorphins);
Adrenal Stimulant; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in
conjunction with 18 HZ); Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity Treatment
for closed head injury; ‘Berger Rhythm’; (used on) headaches; ligament healing


- Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity, fire walking; potent stabilizer &
stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence. Relaxed alertness, contemplation,
body healing, mind over matter, Lowering Blood Pressure; Associated with Heart/Anahata
chakra (Color=Green) (Body Parts=Thymus, Heart, Blood, Circulatory System)
(Effects=Love of Life, love of self & others. 11Hz - (used to) achieve “relaxed yet alert”

12Hz - Centering, doorway to all other frequencies; frequency of earth resonance (Hercules
– a researcher); Centering, mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster; To
stimulate mental clarity; Associated with Throat/Vishuddha chakra (Color=Blue) (Body
Parts=Thyroid, Lungs, Vocal Cords) (Effects=Expression/self in society) The binaural beat
provided is not meant to replace or substitute the recommendations or advice of your
physician or health care provider. This video should not be used for diagnosing or treating
a health problem or disease. If you believe you have a medical condition or problem
contact your health care provider.

Las siguientes frecuencias están contenidas en este video: 432 Hz Tono puro Frecuencia
Cósmica 9 Hz Alfa Monaural Beats Sincronización del hemisferio cerebral 0,5 Hz Epsilon
Binaural Beats Relajación Profunda / Estados Extraordinarios de Conciencia Si te gusta
este video, por favor, te gustan y suscríbete para actualizaciones semanales. =====
Preguntas generales ===== P. ¿Qué son los Binaural Beats? "Binaural Beats" es un
término dado a tocar una frecuencia de sonido en un oído, y otra frecuencia de sonido en
el oído opuesto, creando un efecto de dos tonos en el cerebro medio que en realidad se
percibe como un tono. Esto causa un efecto de "Entrainment" en el cerebro que tiene una
variedad de resultados dependiendo de la frecuencia. P. ¿Para qué son buenos los golpes
binaurales? Muchas cosas. Meditación, Relajación, Alivio del Estrés, Sueño Profundo,
Alivio del Dolor, Expansión de la Mente, Sincronización del Hemisferio Cerebral, y la lista
sigue y sigue. Casi cualquier elemento del complejo Mente / Cuerpo puede ser mejorado
utilizando Binaural Beats, que nuevamente es Brain Enrollamiento. P. ¿Los golpes
binaurales funcionan realmente? En efecto. Muchos estudios científicos (especialmente en
los últimos tiempos) tienen una investigación concluyente sobre el Enrollamiento de ondas
cerebrales y sus efectos. P. ¿Debo usar auriculares para estos videos? No tienes que usar
auriculares, pero el efecto Binaural se incrementa si lo haces. P. ¿Tengo que cerrar los
ojos mientras escucho esto? No, aunque encontrará que cerrar los ojos generalmente
conducirá a un estado más profundo y profundo mientras escucha.

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