Mathison WhatIsDiffBetweenEvalAndResearch

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NOTICE: THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW ( TITLE 17 U.S. CODE ). ‘CHAPTER 9 What Is the Difference between Evaluation and Research— and Why Do We Care? SANDRA MATHISON Offering a definition of evaluation as the process and product of making judgments about the value, merit, or worth of an evaluand does little 10 answer the perennial question: What is the difference between evalua- tion and research? Anaually, this question is asked on EVALTALK, an international discussion listserv for evaluators. A quick search of the archives illustrates that each year since 1998 there has been a substantial thread in response to this question, posed often by novice evaluators. Indeed, in 1998 there were about 178 messages in response to the ques- tion, and the thread was sustained by the contributions of three promi- nent figures in evaluation: Michael Scriven, Michael Quinn Patton, and ‘William Trochim. Essentially, the two Michaels asserted there is a differ- ence between research and evaluation but that the two overlap, and ‘Trochim argued that evaluation is no different than applied social sci- ence. In subsequent years, the threads have been shorter, but the ques- tion has not gone away. This question about differences between evaluation and research is fueled by the fact that evaluation as a discipline draws on other disci- plines for its foundations, and especially the social sciences for its meth> ‘ods. As evaluation has matured as a discipline and profession, this ques- tion is sometimes posed to clarify what is distinct about evaluation. This 183 134 ISSUES OF THE PROFESSION delineation of a profession of evaluation is also tied to a discussion of who is and can be an evaluator. What knowledge and skills does evalua- tion requite, and how do these differ fcom the knowledge and skills of social science researchers? This chapter does two things. First, the chapter considers why this ‘question is fundamental, including how the question relates to the devel- opment of evaluation as a discipline, a professional practice, and what knowledge and skills evaluators need. Second, I discuss the difference between research and evaluation. ‘This section of the chapter draws fon the evaluation literature, including the extensive discussions on EVALTALK. It is often the case that both evaluation and research are caticatured in ordes to make distinctions between the two. In the search for a simple way of distinguishing research and evaluation, similarities and differences are sometimes masked. WHY DO WE CARE ABOUT THE DIFFERENCE? Evaluation practice is ancient, but the discipline and profession of evalu ation are quite contemporary. Indeed, evaluation as a profession and the concomitant elucidation of the discipline are only four or five decades old. This newness leads to self-consciousness about what it is we are doing when we say we are doing evaluation (and not research) and an explicit discourse about the fundamentals of evaitation (that differenti- ate it from research). Disciplines are fields of study having their own logic, often entailing varions theories that enable study within the field. For the discipline of evaluation, there is a particular logic (Fournies, 1995; Scriven, 1999) and subtheories,. including @ theory of valuing, practice, prescription and ust. (For a more complete discussion of these subtheories that constitute the discipline of evaluation, see Mathison 2004b.) One might imagine that such questions as “What is the differ- ence between statistics (a newer discipline) and mathematics (a more established discipline)?” were also once asked as the discipline of statis- tics caught up with the practice of using probability in common-sense ‘ways, The question about the difference between evaluation and re- search productively pushes evaluation theorists and practitioners to think about and describe the foundations of their discipline, first in com- parison to social science research bat inceeasingly in an analytic explora- tion of evaluation qua evaluation. Evaluation, especially program evaluation in the United States, had its genesis in the provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA}, passed in 1965, ESEA’s requirement that the expenditure of public funds be accounted for thrust educators into a new and unfamil- ‘The Dilflerence between Evaluation and Research 185 jar role, and researchers and educational psychologists stepped in to fil the need for evaluation created by ESEA. But the efforts of practitioners and researchers alike were ony minimally successful at providing the kind of evaluative information envisioned. The compensatory programs supported by ESEA were complex and embedded in the complex organi- zation of schooling. Research methods that focused on hypothesis test- ing were not well suited to the task at hand. The lare 1960s through the early 1980s were the gold rush days of evaluation. During this period, models of evaluation proliferated and teuly exciting intellectual work was being done. A few traditionally edu- cated educational psychologists experienced epiphanies that directed their thinking roward new ways 10 do evaluation. For example, Robert Stake, 2 psychometrician who began his careet at the Educational Testing Service, wrote a paper called the “Countenance of Educational Evaluation” that reoriented thinking about the nature of educational interventions and what was important to pay attention to in determining their effectiveness (Stake, 1967). Egon Gubs, 4 well-known education change researcher, abandoned the research, development, diffusion ap- proach for naturalistic and qualitative approaches that examined educa~ tional interventions carefully and contextually. Lee Cronbach, a psycho- metric genius, focused not on the technical aspects of measurement in evaluation but on the policy-oriented nacare of evaluation, an idea that Jed to a radical reconstruction of internal and external validity, including separating the two conceptually and conceptualizing external validity a5 related to the usability and plausibility of conclusions rather than as a technical feature of evaluation design (Cronbach, 1982). “The failure of social science research methods alone to answer ques- tions about the value of programs spurred this tremendous growth in evaluation as a separate discipline. The matter is not, however, resolved. The debates about how best to determine what is working continue; an example is the cartent U.S. governmental preference for randomized clinical trials ro derermine what works. In the past, governmental fund- ing supported the proliferation of evaluation and new ideas in evalua- tion practice; government agencies now presume to direct how evalia- tion ought to be done. For example, the U.S. Department of Education fonds very ttle evaluation because of this narrowed definition of what the government now considers good evaluation. A quick search of the U.S. Department of Education website shows that it funded only 12 evaluation studies in 2003 and 6 in 2004. These are referred to as a new generation of rigor- cous evaluations, These evaluations must be randomized clinical tals, ‘haps quasi-experimental or regression discontinuity designs. Few if coy educational evaluations have been of this sor indeed, much of the 186 ISSUES OF THE PROFESSION work since the 1960s has been directed to creating different evaluation methods and models of evaluative inquiry (not just borrowed research methods) that answer evaluative questions. These are questions about feasibility, practicability, needs, costs, intended and unintended out- comes, ethics, and justifiability. The question about differences between evaluation and research is also about what knowledge and skills evaluators need, an especially crit- ical matter if there are unique domains of knowledge and skills for eval- vuators. Evaluators are served well by having knowledge of and facility with most social science research methods, but as illustrated earlier, those alone are not adequate, either in terms of a methodological reper- toire or the evaluation knowledge and skills domain. Scriven suggests evaluators must also know how to search for unintended and side effects, how to determine values within different points of view, how to deal with controversial issues and values, and how to synthesize facts and values (Coffman, 2003-2004). While there are more graduate programs to educate future evalua- tors, itis stil the case that many evaluators come to their work through a back door, often with knowledge of social science methods and statis- tics but relatively little knowledge about the knowledge domains sug- gested by Scriven. Given that this is the case, itis natural for this ques- tion to be a perennial one, as more and more novice evaluators are acculturated into a profession that requires them to acquire additional knowledge and skills. In his 1998 American Evaluation Association presidential address, Will Shadish asked a series of questions about basic and theoretical issues in evaluation with which evaluators should be conversant (al- though they need not necessarily agree completely on the answers) in ‘order to claim they know the knowledge base of their profession. For example, Shadish poses questions like “What are the four steps in the logic of evaluation?” and “What difference does it make whether the program being evaluated is new or has existed for many years?” and “What is metaevaluation and when should it be used?” The point here is ‘not to answer the questions but to illustrate that evaluators are not sim- ply social science researchers practicing in certain applied contexts, but rather they are engaged in a different practice and thus require special knowledge and skills. ‘The question about differences seems vexing at times, especially to those who have worked through it already. Novice evaluators who ven- ture on to EVALTALK with this fundamental question will likely be met with a slightly impatient suggestion to check the archives, as the ques- tion thas been thoroughly discussed. However, it is a good question, because it provides an impetus for evaluators to do the philosophical ‘The Difference between Evaluation and Research ist and empirical work of saying what they are doing and how. And as a result, the potential for evaluation practice to be high-quality and co ‘make significant positive contributions to understanding what is good and right is enhanced, ‘CHARACTERIZING THE ISSUE Ie may be helpful to begin with 2a excerpt from the chree evaluation scholars who provided much of the fodder for answering this question in their 1998 EVALTALK discussion. Below is a snippet from each that ‘captures their perspectives, ‘According to Michael Quinn Patton (1998): “The distinction berween research and evaluation, like most of the distine- tions we make, perhaps all of them is aebitray. One can make the case that the rwo ace the same or different, along a continuum ar on different con- tinua completely The purpose of making such distinctions, then, must guide the distinc- tions made. In my practice, most clients prefer and value the distinction. ‘They want to be sue they'eeineolved in evaluation, not research. The dis- tinction is meaningful and helpful co them, and making the distinetion helps engender 2 commitment feom them to be actively involved—and deepens the expectation for us. According to Bill Trochim (1998): Here’ the question: Are there any differences between applied social research and program evaluation? Between applied socit! research and pro- cess evaluation? Berween applied social research and formative evaluation? How about summative evaluation? 1s there some combination of evalua- tion types that has so sigificane az overlap with the domain of applied social research that the fwo are hard or impossible to distinguish? My ‘answer is YES—what we do in process-program-formative-summative ‘valuation (my new teem for describing to Michael Scriven what “evalua- tion’ isin my sense of the word) i that iis vitually impossible to distn- buish it (certainly in terms of methodology, less pechaps in terms of pue- pose) from what | understand as applied social research And, according to Michael Scriven (1998): Research, in the serious sense (by contrast with what tenth graders call Jooking something up in an encyclopedia) is extensive disciplined inquicy, whereas evaluation in the serious sense (by contrast with what wine colum. nists and art eritics do} is disciplined determination of merit, worth, oF 188 ISSUES OF THE PROFESSION value. Generally speaking this involves eesearch, but not quite always since Jwhat judges do in assessing the credibility of witnesses or ata skating con. testis enttied to be called serious evaluation and only involves the use of highly skied judgment. Since disciplined inquiry itself involves evaluation—what I call inten. disciplinary evaluation (the evaluation of hypotheses, inferences, theories, ete.) research is an applied field of evaluation (of course requiring vast Amounts of further knowledge and skills besides evaluation ski); and for the reasons in the previous paragraph, much evaluation is a subset of research. So theres a double overlap. Additionally, in an interview for an issue of the Evaluation Ex- change reflecting on the past and future of evaluation, Scriven (Coffman, 2003-2004) addresses this question directly Evaluation determines the merit, worth, or value of things. The evaluation process identifies relevant values or standards thar apply to what is being evaluated, pecforms empiical investigation using techniques from the social sciences, and then integrates conclusions with the standards into an overall evaluation or set of evaluations. Social science research, by contrast, does not aim for or achieve evaluative conclusions, It is restricted 10 empirical (rather than eval uative) research, amd bases is conclusions only on factual results—that i, observed, measured, or calculated data. Social science research does not establish standards or values and then integrate them with factual results to reach evaluative conclusions. Infact, the dominant social science doctrine for many decades prided itself on being value free. So for the moment, social science research excludes evaluation. However, in deference to social science research, it must be sttessed again that without using social seience methods, little evaluation can be done. One cannot say, however, that evaluation is the application of social science methods to solve social problems. It is much more than that. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EVALUATION AND RESEARCH? Although there are arguments that evaluation and research, especially applied social science research, are no different, in general, evaluators do claim there is a difference but that the two are interconnected. Because evaluation requires the investigation of what is, doing evaluation re- quires doing research. In other words, determining the value, metit, or worth of an evaluand requires some factual knowledge about the evaluand and perhaps similar evaluands. But, of course, evaluation requires more than facts about evalnands, as suggested by Scriven in his The Difference between Evaluation and Research 189 interview with Evaluation Exchange. Evaluation also requites the syn- thesis of facts and values in the determination of merit, worth, of value Research, on the other hand, investigates factual knowledge but may not necessarily involve values and therefore need not include evaluation, Even though research and evaluation are interconnected, there is ‘often an attempt to find a parsimonious way to distinguish between the two. For example, research is considered by some to be a subset of eval- bation; some consider evaluation to be a subset of research; some con- sider evaluation and research to be end points of a continaam; and some consider evaluation and research to be a Venn diagram with an overlap between the two. The similarities and differences between evaluation and research relate most ofcen to the purpose of each (that is, the anti pated outcome of doing research or evaluation), the methods of inquiry used, and how one judges the quality of evaluation and research. ‘The Purpose of Evaluation and Research The following list illustrates the plethora of pithy ways so cageure the distinction between the purpose for and expected outcome of doing eval- uation of research, + Evaluation particularizes, research generalizes. + Evaluation is desigaed co improve something, while research is designed to prove something. + Evaluation provides che basis for decision making; research pro- vides the basis for drawing conclusions. * Evaluation—so what? Research—what’s so? + Evaluation—how well it works? Research—how ir works? » Evaluation is about what is valuable; research is about what is. These extempts ac a straightforward distinction between evaluation and research are problematic because they caricature both to seek clear differences. Simple distinctions between research and evaluation rely on limited, specific notions of both social science research and evaluation— social science research is far more diverse chan is often Suggested, includ- ing differing perspectives on ontology and epistemology, and evaluation as.a professional practice is often what is porerayed rather than the foun- dations of evatuation, that is, as a discipline. Take, for example, the popular distinction herween generalization and particularization—neither of which is singularly true for either eval- uation or research, While evaluation is profoundly pasticolar in che sense that ir focuses on an evaluand, evaluation findings may nonethe- 190 ISSUES OF THE PROFESSION less and often do generalize. Cronbach's (1982) treatise on designing evaluations specifically addressed the issue of external validity, or the generalization of evaluation findings. The kind of generalization Cronbach described was not a claim about a population based on a sam- ple but rather a knowledge claim based on similarities between UTOS (units, treatments, observations, settings). This suggests the possibility that such a claim might be made by the evaluator or someone completely separate from the evaluation but in a similar setting to the evaluand. (This external validity claim would be represented in Cronbach’s nota~ tion as moving from utoS (a particular evaluation] to *UTOS [settings with some similarities in uto).) Formulated somewhat differently is Stake’s notion of naturalistic generalizations, a more intuitive approach to generalization based on recognizing the similarities of objects and issues in like and unlike contexts (Stake, 1978) Similarly, research may not be primarily about generalization. A historical analysis of the causes of the French Revolution, an ethnogra- phy of the Minangkabau, or an ecological study of the Galapagos Islands may not be conducted in order to generalize to all revolutions, all matriarchal cultures, or all self-contained ecosystems. While evaluation is primarily about the particular, evaluations also provide the basis for generalization, especially in Cronbach's sense of generalizing from utoS to *UTOS and Stake’s naturalistic generaliza- tions. And, while much research is about generalization, especially in the sense of making inferences from a sample to a population, much research is also about the particular. Another common difference asserted is that evaluation is for deci- sion making, while research is for affirming or establishing a conclusion. But, not all evaluation is about decision making or action. There are conitexts in which evaluation is done for the sake of doing an evaluation, with no anticipation of a decision, change, or improvement. For exam- ple, evaluations of movies or books can be ends in and of themselves. ‘Most practicing evaluators think first and foremost about the practice of evaluation rather than the discipline of evaluation and therefore focus, appropriately, on the expectation that evaluation will be useful, will lead to improvement, and will help in creating better living. But, of course, evaluation is a’discipline, and when one thinks about the discipline of evaluation there is a clear distinction between making evaluative claims and making prescriptions. While these are logically connected, they are in fact distinct forms of reasoning. In addition, some forms of social science research are closely aligned to social action or seeking solutions to social problems. For example, various forms of action research are about alleviating prob- The Difference between Evaluation and Research 191 lems, taking action, determining what is and is not valued, and working toward a social stare of affairs consistent with those values. Policy analy- sis is directly connected to decision making, especially with regard to the alleviation of all sorts of problems—social, environmental, health, and so on, The notion that research is about establishing facts, stating what is, drawing conclusions, or proving or disproving an assertion is true for some but not all social science research. The link between social science research and action, including deci- sion making, may be looser than for evaluation. Much social science research aspires to influence policies and practices but often does so indirectly and through an accumulation of research knowledge—what ight be considered influence ae a macro level, In fact, the results from an individual research study are typically considered insufficient to directly determine a decision or course of action since the results of a sin- gle study provide an incomplete picture. However, social scientists hope the studies they conduct will affece decision making by raising awareness of an issue, contributing t0 a body of research that will cumula- ively inform decision making, identifying policy alternatives, informing policymakers, and establishing research evidence as the basis for adopt- ing interventions (thus the preoccupation with evidence-based practices). Evaluation may more directly affect decisions about’ particular evaluands, that is, affect micro-level decisions. But, the discipline’s decades-long preoccupation with evaluation utilization, or lack of utili zation, suggests that the connections between evaluative claims and deci- sions are also tenuous. An obvious example, because of the ubiquity of the program, is evaluations of the effectiveness of the DARE (Drag Abuse Resistance Education) program. Because the DARE program is, everywhere, in virtually all schools in the United States as well as many other countries, many evaluations of the program have been conducted. But the results are mixed: early evaluations of DARE concluded it was effective, bur more recent evaluations suggest the program does little to decrease the incidence of drug use (see Beck, 1998; and a special issue of Reconsider Quarterly [2001-2002] devoted to a critical analysis of drug, education, including DARE). Just as an accumulation of research know!- ‘edge affects practice, 60 itis sometimes the case with evaluation, as illus- trated by che DARE example. Only over time and with the investment of considerable programmatic and evaluative resources have evaluations of DARE actually resulted in any significant changes in the program. ‘While evaluation may be more likely to contribute to micto decision making, and research more likely to contribute to macro decision mak- ing, this distinction does not hold up so well when analyzed a little more carefully. 192 ISSUES OF THE PROFESSION Differences in Social Science Research and Evaluation Methods Evaluation, especially in the infancy of the discipline, borrowed gener- ously from the social sciences for its methods of inquiry. In part, because evaluators were educated within social science traditions, especially psy- chology and sociology, and to a much lesser extent anthropology, ways of establishing empirical evidence were informed by these traditions. For some evaluators this has not changed, but for many the practice of eval- uation has moved far beyond these early days. Because evaluation neces- sarily examines issues like needs, costs, ethicality, feasibility, and justfi- ability, evaluators employ a much broader spectrum of evidentiary strategies than do the social sciences. In addition to all the means for accessing or creating knowledge used by the social sciences, evaluators are likely to borrow from other disciplines such as jurisprudence, jour- nalism, arts, philosophy, accounting, and ethics. While there has been an epistemological crisis in the social sciences that has broadened the repertoire of acceptable strategies for data collec- tion and inquiry, evaluation has not experienced this crisis in quite the same way. While the evaluation profession has explored the quantitative and qualitative debate and is attentive to the hegemony of randomized clinical trials, evaluation as a practice shamelessly borrows from all dis Ciplines and ways of thinking to get at both facts and values. Elsewhere | use Feyerabend’s notion of an anarchist epistemology to describe this tendency in evaluation (Mathison, 2004a). Anarchism is the rejection of all forms of domination. And so, an anarchist epistemology in evalua- tion is a rejection of domination of one method over any or all others; of any single ideology; of any single idea of progress; of scientific chauvin- isms of the propriety of intellectuals; of evaluators over service recipients and providers; of academic text over oral and other written traditions; of certainty. In evaluation practice one sees no singular commitment to social science ways of knowing but rather a consideration of how to do evalua- tion in ways that are meaningful in the context. There are many exam- ples of this, but two will suffice to illustrate the point—consider the “most significant change technique” and “photovoice.” While both of these methods of inquiry could be used in social science, they have pat- ticular salience in evaluation because they focus explicitly on valuing ‘and emphasize the importance of stakeholder perspectives (a perspective unique to evaluation and not shared by social science research). ‘The most significant change technique involves the collection of significant change (SC) stories emanating from the field, and the systematic selection of the most significant of these stories ‘The Difference between Evaluation and Research 193 by panels of designated stakeholders or stafl. The designated staff and stakeholders are initially involved by “searching” for project impact. Once changes have been captured, various people sit together, read the stories aloud and have cegular and often in-depth discussions about the value of these reported changes, When the technique is implemented successfully, whole teams of people begin to focus their attention on program impact. (Davies & Dact, 2005) ‘The second example is photovoice, a grassroucs strategy for engag- ing stakeholders in social change, that is, in asserting what is valued and good (Wang, Yuan, & Feng, 1996). Photovoice uses documentary pho- tography techniques to enable those who are often the “service recipi- cents” or “subjects” to take control of their own portrayal; it has been used with refugees, immigcants, the homeless, and people with disabil ties, Photovoice ix meant to tap personal knowledge and values and to foster evaluation capacity building-—individuals learn a skill that allows them ro continue to be a voice in their community. Hamilton Commu- nity Foundation in Canada uses photovoice to evaluate and transform neighborhoods challenged by poverty, unemployment, and low levels of education (sce their website wine photovoice.calindex. php for a descrip- tion of the evaluation) Particular approaches to evaluation are often connected to particu lar social science traditions, and so sometimes the unique and broader array of methods of inquiry in evaluation is overlooked. The two exam> ples above (most significant change technique and phorovoiee) illustrate how evaluators have begun to develop evaluation-specific methods to adequately and appropriately judge the value, merit, or worth of evaluands. There are many other such examples: cluster evaluation, rural rapid appraisal, evaluability assessment, and the success case method, to name a few more. Judging the Quality of Evaluation and Research ‘Another difference between evaluation ead research—and one stressed especially by Michaet Quinn Patton in the 1998 EVALTALK discussion of this question—is how we judge the quality of evaluation and research. In making this distinction, Patton suggested that the standards for judg ing both evaluation and research derive from their purpose. The primary purpose of research is to contribute to understanding of how the world ‘works, and so research is judged by its accuracy, which is captured by its perceived validity, reliabiiry, attention to causality, and generalizability. Evaiuation is judged by its accuracy also, but additionally by its utility, feasibility, and propriety. These dimensions for judging the quality of 194 ISSUES OF THE PROFESSION evaluation are clear in the Metaevaluation Checklist, which is based on the Program Evaluation Standards (Srufflebeam, 1999), |A distinguishing feature of evaluation is the universal focus on stakeholder perspectives, a feature not shared by social science research ‘And evaluations are judged on if and how stakeholder perspectives fare included. While evaluation models are based on different episte mological foundations, all evaluation models attend to staktholder ‘perspectives—the assessments, values, and meanings of the evaluand's stakeholders are essential elements in any evaluation. Social science research may include the language of stakeholders, but their inclusion is not necessary. When cesearch participants are referred to as stake- holders, it is often a reference to whom the data are collected from rather than a consideration of the stakeholders’ vested interests. The fol- lowing excerpt from rhe Centers for Disease Control's (1999) Frame. work for Program Evaluation illustrates the essential inclusion of stake- holders in evaluation. No approach in social science eesearch necessarily includes this concept. The evaluation eye begins by engaging stakeholders (i.e, the persons ox ‘nganizations having an investment in what will be learned from an evalua- tion and_what will be done with the knowledge). Public health work involves pactaerships; therefore, any assessment ofa public health program requires considering the value systems of the partners. Stakeholders must be engaged in the inquiry to ensue that their perspectives are understood. When stakeholders are not engaged, evaluation findings might be ignored, ceiticied, or resisted because they do not address the stakeholders ques. tions or values, After becoming involved, stakeholders help to execute the other steps, Identifying and engaging the following three groups are ccitical 1. those involved in program operations (e.g, sponsors, collaborators, coalition partners, finding officials, administrators, managers, and staff 2. those served or affected by the program (eg, clients, family members, neighborhood organizations, academic institutions, elected ‘officials, advocacy groups, professional associations, skeptics, op- ponents, and staff of related or competing organizations) 3. primary users of the evaluation (e.g, the specific persons who are in ' position to do or decide something regarding the program) In prac- tice, primary users will be a subset of all stakeholders identified. A successful evaluation will designare primary wsers early in its devel- ‘opment and maintain frequent interaction with them so thatthe eval- vation addresses their values and satisfies their unique information needs. ‘The Dilference between Evaluation and Research 195 CONCLUSION Evaluation and research are different—different in degree along the dimensions of both particularization-generalization and decision- oriented-conclusion-oriented, the most common dimensions for making distinctions. But, evaluation and research are substantively different in terms of their methods: evaluation includes the methods of data collec- tion and analysis of the social sciences but as a diseiptine has developed evaiuation-specific methods. And, they are substantially different in how judgments of their quality are made. Accuracy is important in both ‘cases, but the evaluation discipline uses the unique criteria of utility, fea- sibility, propriety, and inclusion of stakeholders. As evaluation matures as a discipline with a clearer sense of its unique focus, the question of how evaluation is different from research may wane. However, as long as evaluation methodology continues to overlap substantially with that used in the social sciences and as long as evaluators come to the profession from more traditional social sci- ence backgrounds, this will remain a fundamental issue for evalua- tion. As suggested earlier, fundamental issues provide opportunities for ‘greater clatity about what evatuation is as a practice, profession, and discipline. REFERENCES Beck, J. (1998). 100 years of *jusesay no” versus “just say know”: Reevaloating “érug education goals for the coming century.” Evaluation Review, 22(1), 15-45, Centers for Disease Control. (1999), Framework for program evaluation in pub lic health. Atlanta: Centets for Disease Control, Retrieved December 15, 2008, from wwu.ede-govleval/ Coffman, J. (2003-2004, Winter). Michael Scriven on the differences between ‘evaluation and social science research, The Evaluation Exchange, 94. Retrieved February 26, 2006, from wuuzgse.harvard.edulbfrplevalissue24! expert im, Cronbach, L. J. (1982). Designing evaluations of educational and social pro- grams, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Davies, R., & Dart, J. (2005). The most significant change techwique: A guide 10 its use. Rewtieved February 26, 2006, from! MSCGuide pdf Fournier, D. (Ed.) (1995). Reasoning in evaluation: Inferential links and leaps {New Directions for Evaluation no. 48). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Mathison, S. (2004a). An anarchist epistemology in evaluation. Paper presented 196 ISSUES OF THE PROFESSION at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Associstion, Atlan Retrieved February 26, 2006, from weblogs.elearning.ube.calmathison) Anarchist%20E pistemology pdf. Mathison, S. 2004b). Evaluation theory. In S. Mathison (Ed.), Encyclopedia of evaluation (pp. 142-143). 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