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An Awakening Journey

Ian Victor Henderson
Table of Contents
Foreword 5

In The Beginning
Loss Of a loved one: Tragedy “CAN” Become JOY
Chance Meeting With An Angel 13
Learning Process (Reiki or Shambhala) 17
Soul Contracts 19
Fools Prayer 23
Our four bodies 28
The Value Of Self 30
Negatives To Positives 33
Negatives Expanded 40
Priorities And Choices 43
What Is Fear 49
The Many Different Facets Of Ego 50
Synchronicities 55
Getting Out Of Your Own Way 59
God Is



Peace 67
From Duality To Triality 69
Abundance 72
Letting Go And Letting God 78
Relationships 82
Separation 85
Competition 87

Pieces Of The Puzzle 90
The Circle Of Life In All Things 92
Gods' Pond 93
Soul Family, Soul Groups, Soul Mates & Twin Flames 96

Special Experiences

Dark Night Of The Soul 100

A Prisoner Of My Own Making 105
The Death Of The Old 107
The yoyo effect 111
An Experience With Regression Therapy 114
An Experience With God 119


A Simple Guide To Awakening Your Channeling Abilities
Energy Games We Play (Part 1 Energy Fields)
Energy Games We Play (Part 2 Energy Fields)
A Simple Guide To Working With Your Chakras
A Trinity Of Grids 137
7 Steps To Manifesting Your Heart's Desires 141

Meditations, Visualizations And Rituals
Rainbow Protection Field 147
Golden Heart Healing Meditation 148
Shower Ritual 152
Daily Gratitude Ritual 154

In The Times To Come 156
Funk Transformational power tools 158
Abundance transformation request 160
Working with Macro & Micro Light Warriors 161
Working with the 7 God Lamps 167

Where Are We Headed?
It Is Time 167
Resistance 169
How Our Thoughts Create 171
The Power Of Words 174
Gift Of Words 178
Empowering YOU Through Words 181
Life is a Gift 186
A Trinity Of Power Words 187
Another Power Word For Your Consideration 191
Three More Power Words 195
Synchronicities And Universal Consciousness 198
Secrets Of The Past Reveal Blockages In The Now 1 202
Secrets Of The Past Reveal Blockages In The Past 2 208
Universal Consciousness
Final and most powerful parable of them all.
Cover Symbols Explained

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from the author!
It is my sincerest hope, that as you read through this book, it will touch
many emotions within you. Perhaps you will cry with me, feel sad with
me, even chuckle and laugh with me. There might be sections where you
get angry at me and that is ok. Above all, I hope you will expand in your
own awakening journey.

Personally I believe our journey is one of continual awakening, so I hope

there is something in this book for everyone no matter which stage of
awakening you have achieved.

Also, please remember, that parables are written in the way they are as
short stories or examples taken from life experiences, and shared with
the express purpose to trigger something inside the reader that starts
them thinking and exploring self. If I achieve that, with even just a few of
the parables within this book, then it has been well worth it.

There are many I am in gratitude to for this book. Angie, whom I will
always love. I am grateful to her for fulfilling her divine contract with me.
To my two children, Wayne and Susanna. Wayne, for showing me
through his own son, how it can be. I am proud of you son.
Susanna has helped me a great deal from the other side, providing
insight, where there was previously confusion.

I wish to acknowledge my beloved Twin Flame, Mary Pat, for her
encouragement and support where often, there was none. As I/we enter
another phase of our lives, fulfilling our divine contract together, I thank
you with all that I AM for being that other part of me.

To the many great authors I have studied along the way, I humbly thank
you, one and all. I will often refer within these parables to some of the
great authors. To those I didn’t mention, it makes you no less an
important part of my life. You know who you are. Most of you I have met
and to some level, have worked with or alongside. A HUGE thank you.

A word that regularly appears in this book is “OPOM”. It means, Other

Parts Of Me. Which symbolizes the fact that we are all ONE. Thank you
Janosh for introducing that word to me.

As you browse through this book, you will recognize some of the
parables as if they could have been your own. As a matter of fact, they
are. For in essence we are all a particle of each other. I hope that
through this book we can all recognize that.

Chapter 1.

In the beginning.

In this first parable, I will take you on a lightning

fast trip through 30 years of my life. I know that
many of you reading this now, will have
experienced in some way, shape or form,
challenges in your life. No matter what those
challenges were, they were difficult periods you
went through.

Through sharing this experience in the way I

have, I hope to extend a hand of HOPE to those
who may be faced with similar challenges.

What may appear to the human aspect of self,

to be a tragedy, is not always what it seems.

Loss Of A Loved One

Tragedy CAN Become Joy Again…

After leaving England at the age of 21, my wife, our new born of six
months and I, made Holland our new home. Having left England with no
degrees or certificates, it was somewhat a struggle in the beginning.

I eventually took a first aid course in Dutch, to prove to myself that I had
mastered the language and my journey of education, took off from there.

During the years that followed, I gained many diplomas in the field of
engineering. In my free time, I had become a reasonably well known
figure in the sports world (darts and snooker) both as a player and a
tournament leader/organizer.

I dabbled as an inventor, which brought me in contact with some of the

top echelons of the business world in Holland. I played with Network
Marketing and connected with people in many countries. I learned and
taught NLP and how to be an empowering public speaker. It was said
that I could sell air and in one of the businesses in which I participated, I
had to-until I eventually got across to the USA to buy products for myself.

Around 1997, I decided to focus on developing my own business. One of

my inventions was peaking interest in the communication industry and
really taking off. It was around that period of my life, that the first tragedy
struck. My best friend died suddenly of a heart attack, at age 41.

Seeming Detour
Angie and I had become adults with this friend and his wife (our best
friends). We had met the day after arriving in Holland and had raised our
children, more or less, together. Both of our families loved each other
dearly. Our friend left behind him a wife and two young children. At the
time. I couldn’t get my head around it.

Two short years later we lost our friends' son, who also died of heart
failure, at the age of 14. Another two years later we experienced loss

again. This time, it was our friends' second child and our own daughter,
both 14, in a tragic car accident. Now we were experiencing what it truly
meant, to lose a child.

For nearly three years, Angie and I walked around like zombies. We hid
in many bottles of alcohol, trying to escape the pain. I continually asked,
“Why me?” “Why did this have to happen?” and got very close to the
point of suicide. Never in my life, had I wanted anything to do with GOD,
religion or any other woo-woo stuff.
You can imagine that I was asking now…

In my awakening journey, I have experienced

angels many times. They have always been
human angels placed upon my path at the
precise moment that I needed them.
Sometimes they didn’t even know why they
called or were there. They just knew that they
had to be - and they were.

Thank GOD for Angels….

A Chance meeting with an Angel

Often times, after Susanna passed over, my wife and I would go for
walks around the lake near our home. One particular day we were
feeling very down and depressed and decided to take a walk. As we
walked onto the fields before the lake, we heard what I can only
describe, as a dozen cats having something unimaginable happening to


As we moved closer to the lake and rounded a particular corner, far

away in the distance, we could see someone sitting on a bench -playing
what appeared to be bagpipes.

Now, normally I love the sound of bagpipes, but what was being brought
forth from this instrument, was some kind of!!!! Oh heck, I am not even
going to try to describe it - but you get the picture!

So, to follow our normal route, we would have to bypass this gentleman.
To be honest, I was curious too, so I didn't really mind. Just as we were
about to walk past him, he stopped playing.

We heard him take a very deep breath and off he went again. Only this
time, what we heard was the sweetest rendition of a most popular song -
one that has touched many hearts. This song definitely stirred ours. I
stopped about 4 meters further up the pathway and looked out over the
lake. I allowed my emotions to flow. Tears were streaming down my
face. Every single hair on my body seemed to be electrified.

The music was absolute perfection - not a note or beat was missed. I
listened to every single moment with all of my being.

As this gentleman finished playing, our eyes met. I can only describe his
look as a "far away" look. I am not even sure he saw me. I bowed my
head and thanked him.

As I caught up with Angie, who was a little further ahead, we looked at

each other's tear filled eyes, knowing that no words were needed. We
had just been touched by an Angel. An Angel who had played, especially
for us, his special rendition, of "Amazing Grace".

Love and bright blessings to this gentleman and the Angel for that day!

Around this time, a very good friend of mine gave me the book The
Celestine Prophesy by James Redfield, to read. Thank God he did, as I
feel that this book literally saved my life. It awakened a spark of curiosity
from deep within. I began asking new questions and opening to
metaphysical ideas.

I read all of James Redfield’s books and practiced the techniques

described in them. Slowly but surely, my intuitive and other inner abilities

began to awaken. I felt a profound recognition of truth from deep inside. I
began to visit the chat rooms online and meet many wonderful people -
many of whom I still consider friends to this day. Eventually, I was
introduced to the Secrets Of Shambhala, and I felt another stirring deep
within me.

The Shambhala Multi Dimensional Healing Attunements were founded in

1998 and offered courses in developing inner skills. I traveled to the USA
(June 2002) to meet with a group of my online friends and to take the
Mastery course. I enjoyed working with the energies so much, that I
became passionate about sharing them with others from my home and
via the internet. This again, introduced me to a great many wonderful
people from all corners of the globe.

This was a choice in my journey that led me to finding a degree of

happiness again. I started to discover many of the answers that all who
have lost a loved one, seek answers to.

Continuing my focus on expanding inner awareness, I became very

intuitive which lead to me talking to my guides. I became very empathic.
I learned how to facilitate healing, guiding others to allow the energies to
flow into them and accept their own healing for themselves.

I expanded to experiencing the initiations into the Elements, which

brought another profound step in my journey. For the first time after
Susanna’s passing, I communicated with her again.

It was after the initiation into the Ether element and as Metatron (among
other duties, the Lord of the Ether element) and I chatted about the
initiation, he eventually announced, that there was a being waiting to
speak with me. As you can imagine, in the beginning there were many
tears, but as the conversation went on, Susanna began to teach me what
our true relationship was and how soul contracts work. This was the true
beginning of my freedom. Freedom from the bindings that ego and the
3d Illusion had placed upon me.

Since this experience, I have also found answers as to why we are here
and what our sacred soul contracts are. I have met many people whom I
know I had agreed to experience certain things with. It is easy now not to
judge them, but to experience them for what they are -and they most
definitely are expansions of our total being. I now know where we are
going and I am passionate about sharing this with as many people as I

New Path of Awakening
Sometimes I wondered that had I made different choices, would certain
events have been different? Could I have awakened earlier to my
journey? Could I have seen the signs earlier and recognized the contract
agreements? I now know, however, that these events were all absolutely
perfect for the soul journey of everyone involved.

Having experienced loved ones die and for myself to have to go through
so much pain, allowed me to surrender to deeper aspects of myself - a
surrender that I know I would not have made otherwise. It generated a
huge difference in the way I view and experience life. In sum, it greatly
enhanced my spiritual journey.

Full Circle
All the skills I developed early on in my life and those of most recent
times, are now being put to a much higher purpose - my own awakening
and that of others. This happened for a while, particularly via the Online
Spiritual Community* (which I and two close friends founded). Teachers
from around the world shared their light, wisdom and insights with us,
and all that entered the online community. I found great joy in assisting
people to step into their power, and in sharing the secrets of this
universe with so many.

I am blessed for every single experience I have lived in this life. I have
found great joy, sometimes bewilderment, sometimes confusion, and
sometimes pain. This is all a part of life as we awaken more to the why
we are here and what we truly are. I understand that “I” arranged all of
this and I AM following my own divine plan, just as each of you are. (Boy
that was hard one to get my head around in the beginning.) I know why I
am here. I have found unconditional love. All I had to do was be open
and willing to ask!

I am now traveling the world sharing my experiences with those that

desire to hear. I have written a book and another is on its way. Who
would ever have expected that? Certainly, not me.
Who would have ever believed that I, at a certain point in my life, would
embrace GOD and all that it entails. Again, certainly not me.

Who would have thought that I would stand in front of hundreds of
people, LOVE every single one of them, and know, that they love me
back? I would never have ever dreamt of it.

Life, when one begins to understand the true purpose, really IS a JOY.

This is perhaps, one of the most essential
parts of anyone’s awakening journey. The
more you are willing to share with others what
you are experiencing, the more answers you
will find.

Have the courage to ask questions. You might

be surprised at the answers you get and from
where you get them. They often come from
places or people you might not have expected
them from.

Why I feel sharing is so important in our
From the very beginning of my awakened journey, I realized that by
sharing my thoughts, my experiences and what was happening in my
life, I more often than not received answers to questions I was currently
wrestling with. By being willing to share your experiences, you are
putting out to the universe that you have many questions. The Universe
has so many weird and wonderful ways of placing answers on your path.

I consciously chose the word wrestling, because at that time in my

journey it often felt that way. In the period of my awakening, to use a
popular term, I had so many questions. I was like a sponge and I was
looking to get my answers from anywhere I could. What I didn’t realize at
that time, nor would I probably have trusted or recognized them as such,
but I had all of the answers inside of me and that I could simply tap into

I used to frequent the Celestine Vision * chat room a lot. I made many
new friends there - many of whom I am still in contact with to this day. At
that time of my life, I was still recovering from that very tragic period, and
this was a safe place to be. I could log on or off whenever I chose. If it
became too difficult, I could always cut and run. There were many there
who influenced and assisted me in my awakening journey. I could often
be found there until deep into the night so that I could meet up with
people from all over the world and their different time zones. One of the
things I clearly remember is that I could not understand why some there
had their answers all the time and that I did not. I will NEVER forget my
question to the moderator of the system one day.

My question was: “How come I am not getting answers to my questions

John?” The answer that came back to me with, totally peeved me. Boy!
Was I angry with him! I thought he was fobbing me off with some kind of
flippant remark. It took some time for me to realize, but I will forever be
grateful to him for his reply. It was: “Go inside Ian and you will find your
(In fond memory of a wonderful being Mr John Winthrop Austin. I will
always be grateful John and we will always Love you.)

I of course, at that time, did not realize that I was indeed always looking
outside of myself for answers. Please do not misunderstand me here.
This was a very valuable lesson - and an important part of my journey.
By my willingness to share and ask questions I was being helped along
on my own journey, while assisting others upon theirs. As I was asking
questions and being a student, I was allowing others, to be the teacher.

I also devoured one book after another, attempting to find the answers to
my questions. I found many answers, and in doing so, I found that I was
finding even more questions. Every single book provided answers and
more questions!
I would take these questions into conversations either online (internet) or
offline. One of the main lessons and perhaps the most important, was
that I have and always have had the belief, that there are no stupid
questions - only people who remain in ignorance because they did not
ask their questions.

At a certain point in my journey I started to learn and realize that I was,

indeed often receiving answers to my questions from within. I know you
are going to recognize this next statement because I know we have all
experienced it, or will. In the beginning, I doubted those answers. I did
not totally trust them. Those of you who are still in that space, I can hear
you asking now: "Well how did you come to learn to trust them?"
Although I can feel my OPOM’s* chuckling at this one, however I am
taking it absolutely serious. The simple answer to that one is “TIME” and
the willingness to play with it.

The simple fact of the matter is, the more you play with it and the more
you share, the more chances you create of having what you are
receiving, confirmed from other sources. “SHARING!” This builds the
trust factor and at some point you learn to totally trust what is coming
from within.

Another fascinating fact I would like to share with you here is - we have
been receiving our messages all of our lives. We just didn’t know what it
was and we didn't trust it or give it a second thought. We didn’t recognize
it for what it was. The realizations I am sharing with you now came to me
because I shared my experiences with others We exchanged
experiences and we all got our confirmations. This is why I feel that this
part of our journey is so important.

There are many great speakers around the world, many wonderful
writers and authors. I would certainly recommend you listen to or read
their work. You see it is my belief, that all of us are a part of the big
puzzle. We are all, to a certain extent, answers to all the questions. We
just have to share and intermingle to get the 'right' combination to
decode the puzzle, so-to-speak. This is a whole different subject and I
will definitely be coming back to that one in a later chapter as to why I
know this is so.

You could also, of course, go within after reading or listening to these

writers and authors and ask whether it is still current or accurate. The
reason why I say 'current' is that we are evolving at such an unbelievable
rate right now, sometimes some of the information written will already be
out of date or at the very least have changed to a certain extent.

I do firmly believe that we are all important. Yes! YOU too. You, who may
be just starting out on your journey. “YOUR” questions will refresh or
bring more clarity to those who have been travelling their journey for
many a year.

Sometimes it takes a little courage to share your experiences. Once you

get past whatever blockages are preventing you from sharing, you will
find that you discover your own answers, or others will provide them for
you, as if by magic! I use the term magic as I feel the way this always
happens, has a very magical quality to it.

Here is something you could try experimenting with. Put it out to the
universe that you wish to share with someone a particular experience
you are living right now. Trust that the right person will be placed on your
path to assist you. It has never failed me yet. All I had to do was put it out
there, then simply be open to whatever was happening around me at the
time. Quite often, during normal conversations, the opportunities would
arise. One or two words are generally enough. I truly love the way this
has always worked for me.

Enjoy in JOY your sharing experiences.

* The Celestine vision chat rooms can be found at: This is also the main site of James
and Salle Redfield.

* OPOM’s = Other Parts of Me… (we are all one)

Learning Process
When it is your time to awaken and remember
who you are and why you are here - whether
through a personal tragedy or a natural process
- there will come a time when you will feel
guided to expand your awareness. Whether it
be through some kind of healing modality or
spiritually enhanced initiation, trust those inner
feelings, or physical 'signs'.

Do the research and when you feel you have

found something that provides some kind of
recognition or stirring inside you, trust it and
go with it wholeheartedly!

Learning Process
For many traveling the awakening journey, no matter which level of
awakening you are at, it is always an advantage to look into healing
Whether you choose Reiki, Shambhala MDH, EMF or something else-
there are so many out there- you may find it a little confusing to start
with. Persevere and trust your own inner intuition. It will guide you. You
may like to experience a few different modalities first and then you can
choose what interests you the most.

Be alert for any modalities appearing on your path more than once or
twice. If a particular modality is being placed in your field of reference

regularly, you can be assured that your guides are doing that for you by
bringing something into your awareness until you take notice. Yes, and
this happens whether you are aware of your guides or not. Trust! They
ARE there.

It is also good to remember, that as you work with these healing

modalities you are not only a conduit for the energies to travel through to
another being, you will also receive healing yourself. I am sure you have
heard the saying-'what goes around, comes around'. This applies to
healing and loving also - whatever we give out will always come back to

While working with any of these healing modalities, you will, after a
period of time, begin to receive and trust your intuitive feelings and
thoughts. This too, is your guides passing on messages through you, for
whomever you are working on.

So you see there are many advantages to finding a healing modality to

study and expand with. There are a great many out there and I am sure
you will hear from one practitioner to the next, that their modality is the
most beautiful and most powerful. This is the reason I recommend you
trust your own guidance and intuition. Your guides will never steer you
wrong. NEVER!!!!

Enjoy and be in JOY in every moment of your expansion, with what ever
you choose, it truly is a magical and wonderful experience.

Soul Contracts
Yes, we all have them - whether you
believe it yet or not. Even before
you incarnated into this life cycle,
you made many agreements with
many other souls to have particular
experiences with, while here.

Please just be open to the

possibilities within this next
parable. You will find that it serves
you well as you are more and more
open to the potential for growth
from every experience.

Soul Contracts

We are Spiritual beings here on Earth, having a human experience.

It is thought by many that it is the other way around. Rest assured, it is

During seminars, conversations or guidance, I have been asked to talk

on this subject. I have watched the many different reactions to the facts
that I am about to share with you. it is for this reason, that I state in
advance, that these are for me, irrefutable facts. They are a part of my
inner knowing. This does not mean that you have to accept them as total
holy truth. Please use your own discernment as to what you take out of
this and what you do not.

Before we ever even enter into any particular life cycle on this planet
there is a process beforehand that will more or less guide us through out
our entire lives. One would need to imagine a whole group of souls
planning and preparing. Some of who will have experienced many
incarnations together. It is a beautiful, meticulously and intricately
planned event for each and every time a soul desires to re-incarnate.
There are plans made and within those plans there are back up plans
created, several in fact. Why? Certainly one of the reasons for this is the
times we are now living in. So many are becoming very aware of our true
potentials here on earth and we are continually manifesting and co-
creating new experiences. Within those new experiences the original
plans are continually being adapted and changed. Our choices within
every moment, our every thought and all words shared, are creating new
realities all the time.

One of the most asked questions after sharing much of this kind of
information is: “If this is all true Ian, then I must ask myself if I do indeed
have free will while here on Earth?” My answer to that would have to be
“YES” to a certain degree. We have free will in that we are throughout
our life cycles, continually faced with choices. At times we will make
certain choices intuitively and they will be in total alignment with our
original soul contract. Sometimes we will deviate from the original plan
and this is where those back up plans come in. Certain members of your
soul family, or soul group will be around to offer assistance and guidance
helping you find your balance again. Why do I use the term balance?
Because so many are not aware of the original contracts - or even the
purpose of being here on earth. We often make choices that are not in
alignment with our original soul contracts. This creates an imbalance and
often leads to illnesses, lack of energy, depression etc.

It is important at this point to make a clear statement - that our souls are
never in judgment of our choices. It is us, in our human form, that
because of the distortion through ego, will choose to judge. Our soul
groups, family, and mates, are certainly those on this side of the veil,
also following a pre-agreed contract.

Perhaps it is also important right now to define the word contract. It is not
like a contract that one might make here on this Earth plane. On a soul
level, you will never be sued for different ('different' may be translated as
wrong) choices, nor will you be judged or called to answer for any of the
choices you make. Any and all choices you make while here on this
Earth plane, are always seen as experiences, which often may well
prove to enhance the souls' original contract.

At this point I would like to share some examples of how a soul contract
might develop while on the Earth plane.

Recently a young man contacted me, he and his wife were clearly
confused and distraught. They had just experienced a miscarriage.
There are of course, many reasons why a soul would decide at some
point not to live out the term of pregnancy. Imagine with me for a
moment, that in the original contract of the two parents they had agreed
to be abusive towards each other. Imagine again with us that at the
moment of discovering a pregnancy both partners enter an agreement
with each other that all abuse would cease and desist for the sake of the
new born. The newly entering soul had as a specific desire to experience
and grow from the abusive experience. It would feel the sincerity of the
new agreement the parents had made and would choose to seek other
parents whereby it would be able to fulfill the desired experience. Often
times this would result in a miscarriage by the originally intended

Another example of this type of contract was shared with me by another

friend. She discovered that she was pregnant with a child that she could
ill afford to have due to her circumstances as they were at the time.
Being aware that she could contact this new soul entering into her body,
she connected with it, discussed the options and mutually decided that it
was not in her best interest to continue with the pregnancy. They
therefore, both mutually agreed to terminate the contract and a
miscarriage followed as a result. Imagine more people being aware that
this is possible? We would no longer have the conflicts in human
emotions around abortion. It could all be taken care of on a soul level.

In my own personal experience, I had contracted to become spiritually

aware at a certain stage in my life. With my soul family, mates, group, I
had set up certain potentials/possibilities. My awakening was originally
set up to kick in after the death of a very close and dearly beloved friend.
Although that pained me greatly, it had not had the desired result. The
next stage, or back up plan if you will, was to lose another being that was
extremely close to me. This too failed to create the desired result of
awakening. It was not until I experienced the loss of my own daughter,
that I had been affected to such an extent, that I did start to ask
questions such as “Why me?” Obviously, this has led me to where I am
now, and I am now fulfilling my desired contract here on this earth plane
during this life cycle. Does this mean that everything is now plain sailing?
I would have to answer that question with a “no”. There are many
reasons for that too, suffice to say that I am still often not quite seeing

the full soul contract or purpose for my being here. Much of it has been
revealed and I am following to a largely accurate degree the contract, yet
while in the human form there are always going to be issues around the
ego that desires to lead us astray. I always attempt not to judge these
experiences because of the knowledge I now have, but I am still human
and I am still functioning from behind a veil, so now and then I do deviate
from the original plan.

Because in the beginning of this chapter, I also mentioned soul groups, I

will share with you something that is becoming very visible to so many
around the planet in these wonderful and magical times. Many of us are
now stepping into our fullest potential and because of this we are
drawing others to us that agreed to assist. We are finding and
reconnecting with many individuals from all corners of the planet. We are
ending the illusion of separation. We are working together for a common
goal. The common goal being, the ascension of all beings present on the
planet earth at this time and assisting to see through the illusion of fear,
ego, personality etc. We ARE returning to oneness together. We are
returning to the fullest state of LOVE in oneness as one heart
beating/being. Heaven on earth is being created by all of us in this now
moment. Congratulations one and all!

How do you know if you have met someone from your soul family or
group? Have you ever just been walking down the street or out shopping
for example, and all of a sudden you see someone who looks very
familiar? You might spend days afterwards pondering on where you
know them from. Chances are you don’t know them in this lifetime.
Chances are that they have been a part of your journey in previous lives.

It is their vibration that you are recognizing. I have experimented with this
many times. When it happens to me now, I simply walk up to this person
and begin a conversation. Sometimes I found that they were not yet
awakened and that was ok, so I walked away, often leaving a very
puzzled being behind me! (chuckle)

More times than not though, it has opened many new doorways and new
friendships and I love to discover the similarities in our journeys. Most
times we meet again for a reason and it is always exciting to discover
what that is!

Fools Prayer
It is my sincerest hope, that by sharing
this next parable in the way that I have, I
touch your heartstrings.

That you may find points of recognition

and that you may be willing to change.

There is truly one constant that we can

rely on in this universe and our lives and
that is change.

When we resist change - especially

change that is placed in front of us so
that we are fulfilling our life’s contract -
we create imbalances within our physical
bodies that always lead to illnesses or
disease (dis-ease)

Have you ever heard of the fool's prayer?

It goes something like this…

I want my life to change.
I am not happy with how I am.
I am dissatisfied with my financial situation.
I want a partner that will love me for who I AM.

GOD: So dear child. What are you doing about it?

Fool: But God, I thought if I asked you. You would fix all that for me?

GOD: My dear child. I have been placing things on your path for so many
years, offering you the opportunity to change your circumstances and
your journey. Yet everything I have placed there, you have been blind to.
At times you have even scolded me for placing those wonderful gifts on
your path.

Fool: Oh my GOD… I did not… I wouldn’t dare!

GOD: Would you like me to quote you?

Fool thinks for a short while about this one and feeling a little bold and
thinking that this could not really be GOD anyway. “Sure! Go for it. Knock
yourself out.”
God ponders for a moment…(here we go again [chuckle]…. Doubting

GOD: Remember the time you asked me to take you into my arms?

Fool: Oh! Um, I think so. Was that the time that I was so depressed that
I didn’t want to be alive anymore?

God: Yes! And do you remember that huge Mack truck that just missed
you? The one that, at the last second you jumped out of its way? Do you
remember that cliff top you were walking along? What happened there?
You caught yourself on a branch and held on for dear life until you could
scramble back up?
Who do you think placed those things on your path?
Remember the time when you were so broke you asked me to help you
out? You had just lost your home. I placed an Angel on your path offering
you food and shelter. Do you remember what you did?

Fool: Oh my goodness. I couldn’t have gone with that person. First of all
he was colored, he was also a vagrant living and begging on the streets
to get by. Quite frankly he stank?

God: Ah my dear child… You asked for help and I sent you an angel that
knew of a warm safe place just around the corner of another angel friend
of mine who often gave him food, something to drink and occasionally a
little money. Were you not at that moment in similar circumstances? Was
it not an emergency? What did you do after that? Yes! That’s right. You
walked the streets for nights on end, sleeping on a park bench during the

day, and what did you do during those times? You scolded me yet again
for forsaking you - for not being there, in your darkest hour.

Fool: Oh, I know what is happening here. This is not GOD. You are the
Devil. You are playing tricks on me.
Get behind me Satan or I will call upon the LORD and have him deal with

GOD (chuckling at the thought) My dear child, I have walked behind

you. I have walked beside you. I have picked you up as you fell. I
watched over you as you slept. I have even placed my creatures on your
path performing their comical antics to provide you with a smile. I have
provided all that you asked of me and yet, you continue to choose to
blame it all on someone or something else, while quite clearly I have
been with you all the time and you have had choices made available to

Fool shuffles somewhat sheepishly with feet… feeling the truth in God's

GOD: My child, may I ask you a question?

Fool: Rather glad of the opportunity to stop squirming…

Oh yes GOD. Please do…

GOD: My child! Why is it that you fear change so much?

Fool: Fear change GOD? What do you mean by that? I don’t


GOD: Allow me to take you back to certain events in your life if I may?

Fool: Sure GOD, go for it…. Knock yourself out…

GOD (God rolls his eyes and sighs) Do you remember when you had
that beautiful home. You had everything your heart desires. You would
go out to eat with friends. Go out shopping, spend a small fortune on
clothes, shoes all manner of wonderful things and did you really need
them? No need to answer. We both know the answer to that one. You
had closets full of them all. didn’t you? You became so comfortable with
your life that you would rather go out of doors to get a cup of coffee and
a sandwich rather than make it at home. You would go out of doors
every morning bright and early to eat breakfast at one of those fancy

Fool: Um… Where is this all leading GOD? (Feeling quite
uncomfortable and guilty)

GOD: Do you remember a day when some small children came to your
door asking if you had some old clothes, blankets etc? Do you remember
what you did? Do you remember that time an old man came to your door
and asked if you could provide him with a little sustenance? Do you
remember what you did? I don’t need to take this any further do I dear

Let me take you a little further on the path that has been your journey.
There came a time in your life that things were not going quite so
pleasant any more. You were still very comfortable with all your needs
met. You had all that your heart desired as far as comfort was
concerned. Yet you did not seem to be happy, I think that was round
about the time you started to ask for my help is it not?

Fool: I am still not seeing what you are referring to here GOD?

God: Well dear child. It was around that time that you started to profess
to being a very spiritual individual is it not? Yes, it was indeed. Do you
remember some of your friends placing all manner of wonderfully written
books on your path? Do you remember that they asked you to go with
them to some seminar where some guy was talking about peace? Yet
another time they asked you to go with them to an event that was what
you call a workshop offering to assist those who participated in looking
deeper into the meaning of life and why you are here? Oh! And there
was the time that another group of friends asked you to join them to
assist in protesting against your government’s actions with regards to the
rain forests, pollution etc…
Do you remember dear child why you didn’t go to any of these events?
You thought the price for those events was too high. You thought that
they should be given for free? You grumbled and you moaned and
eventually your friends stopped asking. This puzzles me sweet one,
though you were prepared to pay every day for someone to make and
serve your coffee, which by the way would have compensated easily for
any of those events, you felt that those events for your inner you were
too expensive?
Dear child! Who do you think placed those friends on your path?
Indirectly YOU did. You asked and yet again I provided the opportunity
for you to make choices? You were willing to go out every morning for
breakfast, you were still over indulging on clothes etc. You were always
willing to pay top dollar for what you looked like on the outside. YES?

Yes you were, and when that no longer made you happy, you asked me
to provide you with something that would make you happy yet when I did
you chose to find it too expensive. Your inner self was nowhere near
worth the value of what your outer self was worth?

Fool no longer speaks…. Fools eyes are filled with tears… for fool
knows where true happiness lies now. It is not on the outside, it is not on
how others perceive you to be because of how great you look! Fool now
realizes that it is what is on the inside that makes you happy.

GOD: What do you think dear readers? Which choice will you make the
next time there is an event that you could attend? Will you choose the
outer self? Or, will you choose the inner self. Will you choose to follow
your heart or will you choose to follow what you feel that others will see
you as on the outside? I put it to you this way. ASK and ye shall receive.
Ask me to provide if you do not have the funds. Feel it from the heart,
listen to your inner knowing. The answer is there and is yours for the

I make no judgments here dear readers. I simply place in front of you

your opportunity to find some inner happiness. I offer you what is always
there for you. CHOICES. Are you willing to change, to step outside that
box that you or others have placed you in. Are you willing to expand your
awareness? Are you willing to find those answers your heart desires. Or
is it too expensive? I will share a little secret with you dear readers. YOU
can have it all. You do not have to give up anything. When you are
expanding your awareness you are moving ever closer to being in my
image. Do you perceive me to be lacking or unhappy? Do I have it all? I
say to you. YOU are me and you can have it all.

Be willing to change dear readers, be willing to expand on what you are.

Be willing to follow your heart and your intuition. Be open to change and
the signals around you that are there to guide you.

You see dear readers the definition of the fools payer is to wish to
change your life and yet not be willing to make changes, to continue
doing the things you have always done and expect different results.
What will your choice be dear reader? What will your choice be?

I say to you that no matter what your choices, I will always love you,
embrace you, place those things on your path that you ask for. Send
angels to work with you and assist you. Your job is simply to be open to
what I send, to be open and accept that it is ultimately what you have
asked me to provide.

It is when all said and done what you yourself have asked yourself to
provide. Take responsibility for your life. Make the choices that make you
happy. Find your answers. Find out what makes your heart sing.

[Authors' note:] Dear reader, I know this is a parable about life and
choices. It is my intention with writing this article, that parts of it ring true
and touch your heart. In this example I chose to write about one who did
have it all, yet it can easily be substituted for one who in their own
perception lacks all. It is my intention to place another way of looking at
what you have. To be able to consciously make choices in your lives,
knowing that you are the creator of YOUR reality. I made my choices. I
chose to invest in my inner world and it has resulted in all of my realities
being of beauty, pleasure, creation and above all ULTIMATE JOY. When
reading this article back to myself after writing it, I experienced several
emotions, laughter was one and then there were tears as I remembered
certain truths, my eyes were eventually filled with the tears of knowing
and JOY. I wish for you those same tears.

Our Four Bodies

And here you were thinking that you

only had the one body! For the
purpose of this book we will
concentrate on the four most well
known ones.

In this case it is not as with the other

writings in parable form. However,
because I mention the different four
bodies from time to time, I felt it
necessary to explain for readers not
yet aware of the multiple energy
bodies a human has.

The Four Bodies
Many of you will be aware of the fact, that you have at least four main
energy bodies. I will focus on these four as there are many great books
already written on this subject that take it way beyond the four.

The four main bodies we will touch

upon here are:
The Physical body
The Emotional body
The Mental body
The Spiritual body

Everyone on the planet is aware of the physical body because that is the
one that you can physically see and experience. The physical body is
also the last line of defense where our negative thoughts and feelings
manifest into illnesses if left untreated.
But what if the medical world understood the importance of the
Emotional and Mental bodies? How many illnesses could be prevented
or certainly prevented from expanding by concentrating on these two

Taking it a step further, the spiritual body has also begun to play a major
role in healing the other three bodies. Hypnotic regression therapy is
working what might be perceived as to be miracles.

In the near future it will be proven that all illnesses begin with a thought -
or in other words - in the head. There is already far reaching research
being done to prove this fact. (The mental body) Do some research on
the placebo effect, you will find that proof.

It will be understood that the emotional body is an essential part of our
make up for preventing illnesses from reaching the last line of defense,
the physical body.

Imagine with me for a moment that it would be widely understood by the

masses that illness will no longer be necessary. Oh yes! I understand
that at the moment to those who are suffering, this seems a far fetched
idea, but I dare to guarantee you that with the integration of this
knowledge, you will no longer need to suffer illness.

It will take a massive shift in consciousness and there is “hope”. Why?

Because that shift in consciousness is already taking place. If you look in
the right places you will see that it is already happening.

The Value of self!

This parable was written with the

purpose of stimulating thought about
how one perceives “self”.

Would that be through the eyes of


Or have you reached the stage of

awareness that you are more concerned
with the day to day expansion of self
through observing self?

The Value Of Self
In this parable, I wish to place some examples of my past thinking
processing and blockages with myself - or others around me. It is written
expressly with the purpose of a sharing of thoughts and experiences and
if it is perceived to be confrontational, then truthfully, I have achieved my
goal with it. You are looking at SELF.

The Outer Value

Allow me to begin with examples of what I will term the outer value for
the purpose of this sharing.
While being present at a workshop a very dear friend of mine shared with
me an example of how one makes choices in life. Two ladies had
begged her to allow them to be at a particular workshop to see if she
could find a way of getting them in for FREE. The week long workshop
could certainly have been perceived to be expensive. After a great deal
of emailing back and forward it was eventually decided that they would
be allowed to participate at no cost. This of course, felt good for all
parties concerned.

One day during the workshop, my friend happened to be walking past

these ladies who were describing in great detail, a holiday that they had
just returned from. I will spare you the emotions and feelings that my
friend went through at that moment and leave them up to your own
imagination. The point being, these ladies had been faced with a choice
of going on holiday or taking the workshop. Through manipulation of
caring people, they had found a way to do both. It is not my intention to
judge here, nor will I. I will leave it up to you, what lessons are being
shared here.

Another example:

Because of my personal experiences of providing workshops in the USA,

I now have a totally different outlook and respect for Americans who do
attend workshops. They think nothing of traveling many hours -
sometimes a day or more to be present at a workshop they feel will
assist them in their journey.

Those who have experienced the American highways will know that it is
totally different to Europe. The highways in the US are often very quiet
and on long trips you might not see another vehicle for miles. Here in

Europe for instance, it is almost always bumper to bumper and you can
travel from one end of the country to the other within a few short hours.
God forbid that it takes more than an hour to drive anywhere to take a
class, seminar or workshop. Two different countries, cultures and

Investment In What Others Think Of You

Allow me to place another example in front of you. How often do we go
out and spend a great deal of money on shoes, clothes, holidays etc,
only to ask ourselves, “Can I afford this?”
Then, regardless of the answer, we buy them anyway. I am not saying
that this is a bad thing, because if you understand how the flow of
universal abundance works, it can be a very good thing. What I am
wondering here is, what is the motivation behind this type of spending?
Do we do it to make ourselves feel good? To look good (for ourselves or
others)? Or perhaps we care more about what others think of us and or
how they perceive us to be.

The Inner Value - Investment In Self

If you are still with me, I thank you for your perseverance! I did say that
there was a higher purpose to me writing in this manner. Yes it was
meant to be provocative. Why? Quite simply because I knew what was
coming at the end, and I know that those who get to the end will know
that there are always more ways of looking at things. I am merely placing
another way of looking at things in front of you.
When we are willing to look at the distances traveled, or the extra money
we saved, for instance, as an investment in ourselves, our perceptions
change from one of lack (not enough time nor money) to one of self
worth (I am worth the time and money!). I often travel eight hours or
more to provide a workshop while in the USA. I have found that the
traveling time, especially if with a wonderful companion, can be of as
much value as the seminar itself!

My point is this, that when we spend the time and money on our spiritual
journey, taking the time to nourish our inner selves-our souls, we are
investing in ourselves in a way which brings satisfaction and fulfillment -
something that shoes and clothes never could. It lasts the rest of our

lifetimes. Now answer me this question in all truth - Which contains the
most value if you look at it this way?

Let me take it just a little bit further. The value of inner self is also
important with regards to what we call “flow”. As we are in the flow, our
energy is at a higher vibrational rate and that in its self has an effect on
all those around us and extends even far beyond to the whole of the
collective consciousness. Being in the flow also contains all aspects of
energy - which includes financial abundance.

NOTE: When we are in the state of “flow” we often find that our
visualizations and manifestations are more rapidly created.

Allow me to ask the question again. Which contains the most value if you
look at it this way? The outer value, or the inner value?

Negatives To Positives

In this parable I have placed some

examples of how one perceives in
duality more often that not from the
negative perspective.

I have also added statements that

would offer insight into how it may
have been otherwise perceived.

Negatives To Positives
The strangest thing about us human beings - at least the largest
percentage of us - is that we tend to look more to the negative side of
things than the positive. I will share a little later on my perception on why
this is. Lets first enjoy a few examples.

During a discussion with another dear friend I felt my OPOM’s nudging

me to be alert and listen to what she was saying and how. I have to say
before hand, that this lady is quite a happy person and lives her life
according to her own rules. Even her boyfriend is absolutely secondary
to this first rule. I know her as a person that does indeed, for the most
part, stand in her power, lives her passion and walks/talks her truth, and I
love her dearly.

She is very much into the animal realms, perhaps even more so than she
relates to humans. We both feel and agree that her future career will be
very much involved with animals. This does not mean that she cannot
relate to humans, she absolutely does. She sings every weekend in a
band and is extremely happy with that life. During the week she works
nights as a receptionist and is very content with that for the time being.

What really first caught my attention was a story she shared about where
she works. It is a building with a ground floor, a first floor, and then
apartments above.
It so happened that one of the people living in the apartments above had
recently passed on and was laying in state on the ground floor. My friend
knew this and thought it would not bother her as she came to work that
night on the first floor. As she passed the room where this person was
laid out, she could not help but look. As quickly as possible she walked
past the door and on up to the first level to where she worked. The first
couple of hours wasn’t too bad because she could still hear movement
from the apartments above. As the movement above quietened down,
her mind started to play tricks on her. She called a girlfriend of hers,
which wasn’t all that unusual as they often talk together at nights. What
was unusual was what happened a short while later. As my friend was
discussing what she felt was going on, her friend suddenly started to feel
a clear presence in her home. This definitely spooked her and she wasn’t
very happy about it she asked what she should do. My friend remained
very calm and offered the suggestion that they both concentrate on
bringing this entity/energy to the light.

As my friend was telling me this I was getting the clear impression that
the entity that was there was not there with any negative intentions. What
had happened here was that in their haste and their natural leaning
towards the negative they had automatically assumed that this entity was
one with malevolent intentions.

If they had taken just a moment to calm down, to take a few deep prana
breaths and look at what actually was happening, or to perhaps look at
the duality (negative-positive) energies within the situation, they could
have attempted to communicate with this entity. Fear was clearly their
predominant emotion in this situation. Perhaps they might have even
found out why the entity was there and appearing to them in that way.

As I placed this suggestion in front of her she realized indeed how they
had handled this situation. As we discussed this further, she became
aware that there had been an opportunity offered to share information
from the other side. It might well have been an entity that had been there
so that a message could be relayed to the family members of the
recently deceased. Perhaps offering comfort or pre-agreed statements.

There is no judgement of my friend here, nor did she feel it that way. It
was simply an experience that was placed in front of them so that they
could become aware of how they react to many situations in their lives as
so many of us do. Because they are now both aware of that, they have
now both become more open to viewing situations from two different
perspectives and not just jumping in and acting upon their first thought.
Both agree that this was a valuable lesson and changed their lives very
much for the positive.

As for my friend, I feel that it was a lesson that will lead her to her true
passion - working with animals. She has been moving towards this for
some time, yet something was blocking the flow of the creation of that. It
will be interesting to follow her choices and manifestations now that she
has become aware of the blockages that she herself, had been creating
through her programmed reactions.

Recently we hosted a live event. We called it “Day of Awareness”. It was

because of this event that I became so very much more aware that there
are so many out there in the world who are searching for answers.
Answers to their daily challenges, answers to the reasons why some are
successful and others are not. What became very much apparent during
my own sharing of the “7 Steps to manifesting your hearts desires” was
the way that so many seem to look at what life places in front of them. I

was somewhat shocked and amazed at the results of many of the
questions asked. Amazed that so many seem to prefer to look at life’s
experiences from a negative or lower vibrational point of view.
An example is, for instance, meeting and paying your monthly bills. How
many of you see that still as a source of worry? How many curse them
as they fall through the letterbox? I offer an alternative with these
thoughts and at the same time a challenge. I challenge you, dare you
even, to look at them in a different light. As they fall through the letterbox,
thank yourself and the universe that you are able to meet them each and
every month. Put that out to the universe* with a true feeling of gratitude
and joy. I know the results of this one already. Have no doubt in your
mind that things will change simply by changing your energy thought

Here is another example. Health issues. I know I am about to broach a

subject that affects so many on this planet right now, and I will share a
simple sentence that will assist you to change the energy patterns of ill
health within your bodies. “I AM a healthy, wealthy, happy being.”
Making this statement every single morning will change your life. The
important part of the sentence here is the first two words. Everything that
follows those two first words are manifested as they are heard by your
every cell and the universe. Think about the words you allow to follow
them. Example: I AM feeling under the weather today. I Am full of a cold.
I am poorly.
Lets take a look at how we can change those to positive statements -
even if we are indeed, going through the symptoms. A simple one of
course would be, 'I am well'.
To take this a step further - 'I bless this experience for the much needed
rest it provides me. I understand that my body required it at this moment
in my journey. I thank my body and the universe for the lessons learned
from this experience'. (I know it is a bit long winded, I felt that this point
had to be expanded upon for a broader understanding). What you have
just done in the changing of the statement is move from the role of victim
to the role of empowered being.

Another example I would like to present to you: 'I am poor'. 'I am always
struggling to make ends meet'. Yet again, in this statement you are
putting something out to the universe I am pretty sure you are not
consciously wishing to create? Lets create a different energy by using
some small changes.
I have enough to meet my needs. Or, perhaps, I am happy that I am
always able to make ends meet.

Do you see the difference in the two statements? Although the
circumstances might not have changed from what they were, you have
indeed created an energy that is not in the victim role. You have moved it
up a level to one of empowerment.

I can feel you asking, "How do I take this up yet another level?" Well, it is
quite simple really. You simply change the words to even more
empowering ones. For instance: 'I am blessed to have created all I
require and more'. By using words like these, you are putting out to the
universe that you have already received whatever you require. The end
result is that YOU have created it. You are definitely no longer in the role
of lack or victim. You have changed the energies from negative to

Now I hear you asking, "Is it really that simple Ian?" It is if you do not
allow your thought patterns or your words to slip back into the negatives.
This does take some practice in the beginning, because it means you are
constantly monitoring your thoughts. The good news is, after a while, it
becomes second nature. You have successfully changed your path from
victim to empowered being. You have changed your thought patterns
from that of constantly negative to continually positive.

* Universe. I chose to use the word “Universe” to allow for your choice in
the energy pattern you believe in. Be it GOD, Allah, Angels, guides

At the end of the book I will go even deeper into the perception of
Universe or Universal as opposed to whichever other name one chooses
to use for the powers that be.

Negatives expanded.

Why Do We Often Choose To Perceive
Things In A Negative Light?

In this parable it is my intention to place

some examples in front of you, so that
you can consciously begin to make
different choices from a new place of

Even while we are still in the womb we are already receiving impressions
of how the world is on the outside.

Most pregnancies will be pleasant ones and the situations surrounding

the mother will mostly be peaceful and a time of joy. However, there are
at times, circumstances that the growing child within will experience.
Shock through the mother from loud noises - a car honking it's horn, or
some kind of siren or alarm. Perhaps emotional shocks such as an
argument within the relationship or the death of a loved one. The child
within, will experience these things and feel through the mother's
emotions, that it is not pleasant.

There are of course, worse scenarios, but that would not serve the
purpose of this parable. I feel that from the perspective of inside the
womb, enough examples have been shared.

Let us take it a step further to the birth of the child. This is a traumatic
experience for the child in general as it is being squeezed through a
narrow channel - for a natural birth. For a caesarian, the child is pulled -
sometimes by cold, hard instruments - into the cold air. Being brought
out into a strange environment, all of a sudden being required to take its
first breath for itself can be very shocking and traumatic for the baby.

As the baby begins to grow, and starts to discover this new world
through crawling, it will all of a sudden begin to hear the words 'No' and
'Don't' all the time.. Here we are again at another example of negatives.

No judgment here, this is the way most of us were brought into the world
and went through the process of growing up. It is also the way many of
us raised our own children, as this is how we were taught from our own
parents. We didn’t know any different, it has been passed down to us
from generation to generation. It is the accepted norm.
Once the child goes to kindergarten or school it will be faced regularly
with rules which are often full of 'No', 'Don't', 'can't', 'should' and
'shouldn't'. This is the way that society begins to shape and control us.

Even just with these few examples is it any wonder that throughout our
lives we are generally programmed towards the negatives.

Of course much of it depends on how awakened parents are to the fact

that we do live in a world of duality. Parents might choose for instance,
instead of saying 'no', to providing an explanation as to why the child
may choose to do something differently. No matter how young the child
is, this will give them a conscious choice as to whether or not to do
certain things.

An example perhaps, as a child reaches out for a hot cup of coffee, by

stating that it is hot and holding the child's hand close to the cup, the
child would be able to feel the heat. The child now has a point of
reference. Some children might still want to touch the cup of coffee, but
they will certainly learn very early on in life that when Mom or Dad show
them examples like this, that the examples need to be heeded. If the
parent simply says 'No' or 'don't touch', the child has no idea why or what
the implications may be if he/she did indeed, touch. The child will gain
trust in the wisdom of the parents and would be more likely to ask before

Lets take this into our own lives now and take a look at how we perceive
life to be. How many times have you had butterflies in the tummy and
thought something bad was coming? Did it always turn out bad? Well, it
might have. But could that have something to do with your programming
and expectations? Could that have something to do with how you were
raised, perceiving a great deal from a negative point of view?

How often have you thought that you could not pay a bill that was due?

You more than likely will have found that you weren’t able to. Have you
ever noticed that when a point of despair sets in that you tend to let go of
the thought and the worry for a while and all of a sudden something pops
up that will help you to pay your bill? I bet it has, it has happened to the
majority of us.

Your challenge now as an adult, is to recognize these things and to take

responsibility for your thoughts and words. It is ok if you don’t, you will
simply choose to learn the hard way. When you have received enough
knocks, you will start to look at how you are creating, and perhaps make
more positive choices, therefore creating more positive experiences and

Enjoy this game of creation in whichever form you choose it to be, either
negative or positive. There is no judgment here either. It is your choice
and each choice you make, will bring insights and wisdom.
We most definitely have moved into times whereby our thoughts and
words are creating and manifesting our reality almost instantly. There will
come a time that you will start to realize that your thoughts and words
are creating everything around you and all of your experiences. You will
also make more conscious choices not to experience negatives. You will
consciously choose to create positive and loving experiences that will
bring you fulfillment and happiness.

Priorities and Choices

The human journey is all about choices.

When faced with those choices, we
sometimes have to prioritize.
Priorities and choices
This parable will perhaps show a familiar
story that you can relate to.
In this parable I would like to share some thoughts on where potential
blockages may lay when making choices.

During my journey I have been to many events given by some of the
greatest speakers in the world. I have been truly grateful to them for their
wisdom and insights and so much of their channelled information. It was
the catalyst to what I am today. Would I have got there without them?
Perhaps, but I am certain that it would have taken a whole lot longer
without them!
My own consciously “awakened” journey started approximately half way
though the year 1999. My goodness, even as I write this and look at the
dates, I am surprised at how far I have come and how much I have
learned. I would even go so far as to say how much more enlightened I
have become. I LOVE this journey now. Even after all the tragedies in
my life, I can honestly say I would not change any of it. They have been
a part of the learning journey bringing me to where I am and to where I
am going.

I guess it all started in mid 1999, and after a short break, I knew
something had touched me, as for what? I did not yet really know. It was
only after a whole string of synchronicities that kept pointing me back to
the Celestine Prophecies. It was about 6 months after reading it for the
first time, when I really felt something move me enough to read it again.
After this, I felt propelled to gather more and more information.

My intention in sharing this information with you is to show you some of

the choices I had to make during some parts of my journey. You might
also be confronted with these same choices, or ones that might be
similar and recognizable.

I did not always have the funds to buy the books I wanted to buy, or to go
to the seminars, readings or events I felt that would assist me and
provide me with answers to the many questions I had. Sometimes I did
have the money and then I might have found myself having to choose
between a holiday for Angie and I, or being present at some special
event. Fortunately for me, Angie was quite happy to stay home, as she
saw that all the things I was doing back then were assisting me in my
healing journey.

During our journeys we are often confronted with making choices that
may impact upon not only ourselves, but the loved ones around us. Just
remember that they are just that, simply choices. Stand behind those
choices no matter which way they take you. Often times we are way too
hard on ourselves because of those choices.

There are a couple of ways we could look at this. We could choose to go
on the holiday and we would feel great and nice, all relaxed and
recuperated for a few weeks after returning - which of course, is a good

We could also choose instead, to go to the seminar or event and the

information shared with us there might also make us feel all nice and
relaxed, recuperated and at ease with ourselves for a few weeks
afterwards - which of course, is also a very good thing.

The difference here is this. A holiday will last a couple of weeks and after
the initial highs, we would end up back in the doldrums of our usual lives.
After the seminar or workshop, we would not only bring back the
wonderful experiences of meeting like-minded people, but we would also
be bringing back the tools that would help in transforming our lives for
the better!

Perhaps the most valuable difference, in my opinion, would be that the

information received during the second choice, is that it assisted me to
move forward in my understanding of how the human experience and the
universal energy flow worked. It has been my experience that because of
the many events I chose to be present at or the many books I bought,
brought me to a new level of awareness.

The amount of times during my many experiences that I have heard

people say: "Oh! I can’t afford that book", only to hear them say a little
further on in our conversation that they just paid out a lot of money to
have their hair done, get some face cream or to buy new clothes. Why
am I sharing this in this manner? Quite simply -because we all do it, or
have done it. What they did was make a choice. At the moment of
making the choice they felt that their outer appearances were more
important than their inner selves. It was simply a choice.

Perhaps because you are now reading this it will assist you in
understanding those choices and that both of the examples will provide
you with something. One will provide you with lasting results and the
other may not. They still remain your choices. If there is a question to be
asked it might be: Could I have postponed the one in order to get the

I wish to strongly emphasize again that it is not about judgment here. It

truly is about us making our choices and standing by them. It is about
being aware of our choices and the results or consequences. It is about

taking responsibility for our choices. No complaints or guilt trips
afterwards, that will only serve to slow you down in your awakening

As the title of this page suggests it is about prioritising. When we

prioritise we make conscious choices. When these two are combined we
stand more firmly behind our choices. If we perceive at a later date they
may have been the wrong choice, we have learnt and grown from the
experience and ultimately understand that there is no such thing as
wrong choices. We have also created an awareness within us that
perhaps we may take more time before making choices in the future.

I make my choices now, first and foremost, for myself. I take the time to
look at them and see the potential results of both choices. I then
consciously choose the one that will benefit me most in my chosen
journey. I have added a further insight to my choices that I would also
like to offer you as a closing to this sharing.

I am absolutely consciously aware that when I make a choice that will

benefit me in my own growth, I am not only benefiting myself with that
choice, I am benefiting the whole of the collective consciousness. Why?
Because I have taken the judgment factor out of the equation. I have
taken responsibility for my choices and I am therefore empowering
myself and in so doing, I am becoming a living example for showing
others that they can also empower themselves.


I have chosen to place this parable in

the first section of the book because of
the importance of discernment in all of
our journeys - especially while going
through the first stages of awakening.

The Importance Of Discernment
What a beautiful and powerful word this is. Discernment. The dictionary
tells us that discernment means: The act or process of exhibiting keen
insight and good judgment.

And oh my goodness! These recent times of past - and now - are calling
for us to use more and more discernment than ever before! Special
periods of the year, such as Quintiles, Equinoxes, Concordances and
eclipses (all planetary alignments) have caused energy surges and shifts
not only within and upon our planet, but within our very selves! (chuckle).
I think I can safely say, that all who find themselves reading this, went
through these shifts in energy. In fact, everyone on the planet has gone
through, is going through or will go through these shifts of energy - just
most don't consciously know it and don't feel the subtle vibrational
changes that are happening.
What a diversity of choices we were and are being faced with! A lot of
people are experiencing the emotions of control, fear, separation,
judgment etc. and do not know why these are being brought to the
surface. The reason being, that on the physical level, it is time for all
negative emotions to be exposed, healed and transcended - so that one
can become a master of those emotions and experiences.

Of course it isn’t all, to use the term, 'negative'. There are also very many
positive emotions and experiences to be had - which brings about a
balancing effect. So many people that I have the honor and pleasure of
working with, share their experiences with me, and we discover that we
are all going through many of the same things - that it is often like a
merry-go-round, bouncing between the highs and lows of both extremes!
Talk about duality! This is duality in its most prominent form!

In many of these experiences, the most profound word that keeps

coming back time after time - is 'discernment'. As we all move into these
new energies expanding on what we are, we are very definitely
becoming more acutely aware of the energies and emotions around us.
Your question to self is now one of, “Does this belong to me, or is this
from someone close to me?" People are absolutely being encouraged
(almost forced) to use their discernment as to what belongs to them.
When someone works with energies and is a healer, they are more often
than not, empathic (where a person will feel another's pain and emotion).
It becomes very difficult to distinguish what emotion belongs to whom.

Energy, as in emotions, is not something we can see, so, it is imperative
to be able to discern what is a part of our own journey and experiences,
or do they belong to someone else?
It is up to you now to discern whether they are yours or theirs. It is
nothing new really. For many years the term 'Empath' has been used. It
is quite simply, that now the masses are being nudged to awaken, it is
becoming much more profoundly noticeable, and many are feeling it - yet
not quite understanding what it is and why. Well, it is the beginning of
telepathy. Master it, and boy, I sure know this one is difficult! Do your
utmost not to fall into the trap of judging others. Simply allow them their
journey. Respect where they are. Offer them your compassion and
unconditional love.

I found out the hard way. I went through all of the emotions. Yes, I fell
into judgment, I experienced anger, I felt hurt and tears flowed regularly.
Sheesh, and here I was thinking that I had found balance with my ego!
Why am I sharing this with you? Well. It was also a part of my journey
and I know beyond any shadow of a doubt, now that you have read this,
you have in a way experienced it with me. Now it is up to you to discern
for yourself whether or not you wish to experience it for yourself - or not.

This is the beauty of all these experiences right now. Having been
experienced by another and simply hearing, reading or seeing another
go through it, you can learn from it and now consciously choose to
accept it as a part of your own experience and have no need to go there
personally. Or, you can choose consciously to live through the
experience. Here we are with that choices thing again! I have to chuckle
as I wonder which, you will choose? Will you be as stubborn as I was?
Or perhaps I wasn’t being stubborn? Maybe I did consciously choose to
live through it so I could write about it? (chuckle) I will leave that up to
your own discernment!

Another thing that was being placed, very clearly, in front of us, was the
message to discern with great care, other people's channeling’s. No
message from any channeler will be void of distortions of some sort. We
all operate through our own personal filters, and a channeler, no matter
who they are or whom they are channeling, will have some kind of
distortion. The amount will vary greatly on the channel and how much
personal work they have done for themselves. On occasion this might
slightly distort the true message or maybe even just parts of it. The
message for the masses in this, it is time to be using your own personal
discernment in all areas of life-relationships, spiritual, business, financial,

What do I mean by this word discernment?
You are being asked to feel and to listen to your own heart. You are
being asked to trust your own inner voices. Trust your intuition. Discern
as to whether the message being shared is in total truth, or if there are
slight distortions or are they perhaps even complete fantasy? Remember
how I started this section? One of the easiest ways to discern a good
channeling, is by 'feeling' the energy behind the words. Is it imparted with
love, blessings, and empowerment? Or laced throughout with issues of
fear, control, separation and judgment?

There are definitely many good channeling’s around for us to learn from.
A good reason for that, is that we are all stepping into our mastery. We
are all at different degrees of that mastery, which is why we are being
nudged to use discernment. For those in the early stages of their
development and learning, it would not be wise to believe everything that
is written and taken as absolute truth. Just because it may be a
channeling, it doesn't mean that it is a quality channeling.

My reason for writing this (and anything else that I may share) be it
verbally or in written form - is to offer another perspective that you may
not have seen for yourself. You see, it is not my desire that you believe
or trust every word that I share - or those of any other for that matter.
What I do desire, is that you are always alert to your own inner voice.
That you trust your own intuition. That you always use your own power
of discernment.

What is fear?

In this parable I provide an explanation of

what fear is. I also provide examples, tools
and methods of transcending any fears that
you may have that prevent you from living a
full and harmonious life.

What Is Fear?
During my own personal journey I have discovered that fear has been a
limiting factor in my development. I now know fear comes mostly from a
lack of knowledge or from the unknown. It has been my own experience
that the Universe never places a challenge in front of a person without
also placing solutions there too. Look back at some of your own
experiences and then follow the trajectory from the fear process up to the
moment you no longer feared it. In doing so, you will see the challenge
that brought the fear to the surface and you will also see the solution that
was provided.

In a moment I will offer some examples of fear and how to overcome

those fears by simply following a few basic steps.

Step inside your memory banks and look for an example of one of your
own fear experiences.
Can you remember how your body reacted? You experienced perhaps
panic? Did you notice what was going on with your breathing patterns?
They were shallow rapid breaths, weren’t they? There are many things
you can do to dissipate these fears or these panic attacks. One of my
own favourites is 'prana breathing'.

Prana breathing is nothing other than changing your breathing patterns

and physically becoming aware of how you are breathing. Breathing in
for an equal amount of heart beats, holding your breath for the same

amount of heart beats, releasing the breath during the same amount of
heart beats, and then holding again for the same amount of heart beats
before repeating the whole process continually. This regular breathing
pattern is calming and will take you away from the panic state, opening
your mind to possible solutions. Also, if you are able to, intentionally
open your four higher chakras and you may well find, that insight and
wisdom flows into you from the universal consciousness.

If you believe as I do, that our bodies are basically a bunch of dense
vibrations, you can try this. I know that it will work for you as it has for
me. Sounding the Aum or Ohm sound, brings in much relaxation and will
also take you out of the experience of fear. Produce the sound for as
long as you are comfortable with it, taking a deep breath and repeating
the process. Fear is a low vibration energy. The aum is a high vibration
energy. When you sound the aum, feel the vibrations as they begin in
your throat and as you gain strength in the sound, start to push the
vibrations down through your body. By doing this, you are actually raising
the vibrations in all of your cells. This has an amazing calming effect. By
raising your vibrations in this way, you will find that your fears are no
longer as challenging as you first thought. Allowing yourself to become
calm, you have again opened up to finding solutions to your challenges.

Here is an example of fear in action, what it does to you and what you
can do with it.
A dear friend of mine was standing in line at the supermarket cash-out
when she realized that someone had just joined the cue behind her. Her
energy field had felt it. She knew this because the hairs on her neck
were standing on end. Naturally she turned around and to her
amazement and surprise this someone happened to be a person she
knew and felt extremely uncomfortable being around. She had had a
very unpleasant encounter with this man at some point in her past, which
automatically triggered these reactions. As she realized this, her heart
started to beat wildly, she started sweating and she felt very
uncomfortable indeed.

As luck would have it - or call it a synchronicity if you prefer - we had

spoken about fear the day before with regards to an experience she was
having at her work in a psychiatric hospital. I had given her some
exercises that she could do to overcome those fears. While standing
there in the supermarket, she remembered one of them and physically
gathered her strength and concentrated on changing her emotions and
energy. She imagined going into her heart space and began building a
field of unconditional Love energy from within. As she started to expand

that field outward she could feel her energy changing and she became
much calmer. To her surprise and utter amazement the man behind her
tapped her on the shoulder and started to exchange pleasantries. He
was very nice to her and extremely polite.

As she walked away from the cash-out, she could not help but chuckle at
the wonderful experience she had just created. By simply changing her
own energy field with her thoughts and her intent, she was able to turn a
confronting and fearful experience into a pleasant one. She had also
been provided with proof from the Universe that she would be able to
overcome any challenges she faced at work. We also both knew that the
experience, was given to her so that she could share it with her
colleagues to assist them. It is their choice of course, and always will be,
whether or not they wish to experience this.

A day or so later she got the opportunity to actually try this same
example out with an extremely difficult and aggressive patient at her
work. The results were as we had predicted… magical.
We feel that the more my friend works with this exercise, she will make a
profound difference in many of the situations in which she will find herself
- not only for herself, but for the others around her.

A Personal Example
I know that so many of you are also going to be able to relate to this
example. There was a time when I was out of work - between jobs if you
will. My monthly gross income at that time was to say the least,
insufficient. It was hard to scrape a decent meal together and there was
even a period when the electricity had been cut off for non-payment of
bills. Every time the post came, I would feel that old familiar feeling of
dread - I would be panicking. Thoughts like, “How am I going to pay that
one?” "How can I juggle the bills this month so that I can extend that one
to its max and pay this one that has reached its max?" It was during this
period of creative management that I really started to think about my life.

I consciously started to think about what I was doing during these times
and how my thoughts were creating exactly what was happening. When I
was able to shift the thoughts from being fear based into an undeniable
trust that the universe would somehow or other provide, I started to
experience it much less. This was perhaps for me, the confirmation that I
needed, to realise that I could indeed, move beyond fear.

An excellent source of information for many more examples of this type
of energy exchange, can be found in James Redfield’s book 'The Secret
of Shambhala'

You may also wish to make a mental request that you would like to
receive the solution to these fears. Pause and allow the Universe time to
provide answers and solutions. Once you have done this, you will have
reached a level of understanding that you never have to succumb to fear

If the answers are not immediately forthcoming, let it go and trust that it
will be taken care of. This too will make a massive difference in your
experiences with fear.

The Many Different

Facets Of Ego
The ego can be the bane of your
life, but it can be a valuable asset
to your growth process.

How do you recognize when it is

your ego that is playing up?

Find examples in this parable.

The Many Different Facets
Of The Ego
At this point in your journey, you will more than likely know that we came
into this life cycle with a set of potentials which we will follow or digress
from, depending on our experiences. One thing we all come in with is an
ego. It is an essential part of this game of duality. Our ego is an essential
part of experiencing this journey to it's fullest. It is what is required to
experience separation. What I mean by separation is two fold. You are
separated from the oneness, the whole, the all knowing. Depending on
the gender you chose to come in as, you are to a certain degree also
separated from either your male or female part of you. One or the other
will be the more dominant energy.
Having said that, both elements are very much present in all of us.

During my personal journey, I have experienced many different aspects

of my ego. I have but one conclusion. IT IS A BEAUTIFUL TOOL, and I
honor it, bless it and LOVE it, for being a part of me.

What a first statement! Did that surprise some of you? Maybe, maybe

I know that many of you are thinking “the ego is nothing but trouble and I
try to hide it as deeply away as I possibly can”.

In my world, this illusion in which I participate, everything that is “in

balance” is a valuable aspect of self. When I am totally in balance I am
one with all that is. I am in the flow. I am one with the creator energy. I
am one with universal consciousness. I am not saying that the
experiences outside of balance are not valuable, they most certainly are
because of the lessons and therefore the growth, wisdom and insight
they provide. That also goes for the ego. It can be the bane of your life, it
can be your protector, it can be your comforter, it can be whatever you
allow it to be in the circumstances in which you find yourself at any given

Allow me to provide some examples of how the ego potentially works.

Your ego may require you to defend yourself when you perceive to have
experienced hurtful words being directed at you. Your ego will request

that you cry or play the victim role. Your ego might ask that you become
angry and that you direct some hurtful comment back at the person in
question or perhaps even to take it further than words. As I have spoken
before about the 'experiences' - it does not matter which you choose to
experience - neither are good nor bad. They just are. As you step more
and more into the understanding of this game we call life, or humans
being, you will choose none of the previous. You will choose, more often
than not, the option that will lead you to experience the higher aspect of
yourself. What might this offer you?

It means that you will see immediately what is happening, and why. You
will distance yourself from that energy and you may feel compassion for
the other person directing that energy to you. You will love them
unconditionally for the journey and the experience they are choosing to
live out as they speak to you. You will not be judging them for that

As you choose to remain in that higher state of self awareness, your

energy field will be expanding out from you in all directions. It will contain
this energy of calm compassion. In doing so you will be touching their
energy field and anyone else who happens to be in the vicinity. Their
higher selves will feel it, and relay it to the body. They then have the
choice to remain in that conflict energy or to relax and become calm.

Depending on their choice, you then have the option to physically

distance yourself from that person, or you can remain in that higher state
of self. As you do, you will find the words that will offer the opportunity to
openly discuss - without conflict - why they have chosen to direct those
words at you. It is important for you not to own the words directed at you.
You will generally find that it is saying something about them and where
they are in their journey. There will be valuable lessons and experiences
in these choices for both of you. What I am suggesting here is that you
remain open and perhaps take a deep breath or two before making those
choices. This will always allow time to look at what is happening and

You might experience anger?

This too is a facet of ego. If you are willing to take a step back and look
at the reason it has angered you, you will generally find that something
that has happened to you in your past has been triggered by their words.
To bring you to the state of anger, someone must have said something
that you most definitely did not like, or there was an experience that you
felt was very unpleasant. Look for the why. Be willing to release the

experience in balance and love and you will find that the anger dissipates
quite quickly.
You might experience judgment?
Why do we judge others? Is it perhaps from some deep lack from within
ourselves? Could it be something that we are subconsciously being
guided to look at? Could our higher selves be using another as mirror to
show us something about ourselves? Be willing to look at it. If you find
anything, please remember above all not to judge yourself for the
experience. Quite often we are the most stringent and hard on ourselves.
Above all have compassion for yourself.

You might experience disappointment?

Disappointment, is yet another facet of ego, which, if you are willing to
look more closely, means you had expectations - of yourself or another. I
think I can safely say that you are reading this and many other books
right now because you are looking to find 'unconditional love'.
Unconditional means exactly what it implies, 'NO' conditions. You can
only ever experience disappointment if you had expectations of
someone, yourself or from something. Here again, be willing to look
closely at why you had those expectations. A gentle reminder again, to
not judge yourself or beat yourself up for the experience. Remember, it is
just exactly that, an experience.

You might experience fear?

This too is a facet of ego. Let’s take a look for a moment, at exactly what
fear is. Would you agree, that if you found yourself in a situation that you
had never before experienced, and because of that unfamiliarity, it might
open you up to the experience of fear? Would it then resonate with you if
I were to say that fear is simply a “not” knowing?
Let’s say that you experienced a situation that you didn't understand. A
friend explains the situation to you - with all the details intact, and this
brings you to a new awareness of the situation - allowing you to relive
the experience with a new understanding. This enables the fear aspect
to dissipate.

Something else I would briefly like to share with you here and I will put it
in the form of a question - which will allow you to look closely without any
preconceived notions from me.
Did any of the above mentioned reactions or interactions come from
yourself because you have deep rooted self worth issues? Simply be
willing to look at this statement in truth and please, do remember, you
are worthy. (I will go deeper into this in another section.)

When we feel our ego is taking us out of balance, all we need to do, is be
willing to take some time out to explore the emotions and reactions. Look
within to see why your ego is reacting in the way it is. Be totally honest
with yourself. Once you look at these emotions and understand them,
you will be able to love them and release them. This is what growth is all
about. It isn't about judging and bashing yourself up for having these
emotions-that will only serve to push those feelings down-only to have to
be released at a later date.
What is it about then?
It is all about balance. I will use the Libra scales as an example again. It
is and has always been such a wonderful tool for my visualizations, so
please allow me to pull them out of my mind's closet again. (chuckle)
When I feel that my ego is attempting to get my attention, usually by
some experience I am living at that moment in time, what I love to do is
bring out those scales. (in my inner vision) I use them to look at whatever
is happening in and around me at that moment. If they are tipped to the
right or the left, I know immediately that something is not quite in balance
with my ego. After taking some time to look at the reason why they are
no longer in balance, I am generally able to see why. At this point, I send
my ego an etheric hug for being there for me, yet again.

An awakened being will thank the ego for the lessons learned, for as you
work with the ego, it can indeed be one of your most valuable allies in
your growth.


If you haven’t yet heard of this word, you

most certainly will.

This is perhaps one of the most important

tools in your awakening journey, especially
if you are not yet connected or trusting your
inner guidance.

There are so many ways that synchronicities

will reveal themselves. Hopefully after
reading about it in this parable, you will be a
little more aware on how to watch out for

What are Synchronicities?
There are, I am sure, several different interpretations of this word and
its meaning. I will offer my own thoughts on what I perceive it to be.

They are divinely provided coincidences or signs, that we find along on

our path when we are not listening to, (or are not yet able to) our inner
guidance, our angels or guides. Perhaps even when we are listening, we
are maybe not quite getting the right interpretation of the answers.
Synchronicities are answers to questions asked by you and delivered by
spirit. Perhaps when we have been given a sign from our guides that we
keep missing, we will often find that it is continually being put in front of

us until we 'get it'. More often than not they will take the form of

I remember in the very beginning stages of my own awakening, I had

read the Celestine Prophecies from James Redfield. I hadn’t given it
much thought after reading it although there were questions raised by it. I
had for the most part, ignored them. During the next five months or so,
this book crossed my path a total of six times before I finally figured out,
that I was being guided to go back and read this book again.

I will never forget the gentleman’s face, on the day it happened for the
sixth time. As I walked into his seminar/training facility - meeting him for
the first time - I blurted out, “Ok Already!! I will read the damned book
again!” I hadn’t even introduced myself as the trainer that was coming to
teach his staff that day!

He of course, understood, after I eventually told him that it was the sixth
time in five months that spirit had provided me with the signal to go back
and read this book again. Here it was, laying on his desk in front of him.
We got a good laugh out of it and the training session went wonderfully

Another example:
Just recently while I was in the USA to do some workshops I happened
to have a day off and had decided to spend that day with my Twin flame,
Mary Pat, with whom I do the workshops. We had decided to go out to a
lake close to her home and spend some time meditating and generally
enjoy each others company. We had not really been achieving the
success with the workshops that we would have desired, so we certainly
wanted to sit and talk about what we could perhaps do differently the
next time I came over. During this day we were to receive several
synchronicities that in the end, would provide us with answers to our
questions. I will explain what those answers were a little further on, so
please indulge me while I share a brief synopsis.

While Mary Pat was driving the car out of the garage I happened to
glance down the road. What I thought I saw, was a dead animal in the
middle of the road. As I began a ritual of singing this creature's spirit
back to the arms of the great creator, to my amazement it moved. As I
looked more closely, I could see that it was a turtle.

The second synchronicity appeared as we were following a path through

the woods that would eventually lead us down to the waters edge. We

had been following the path for quite a while and Mary Pat was
beginning to doubt whether she had remembered the correct route to

Eventually, we came upon a clearing that reminded us of something we

see while sharing a Karmic ties meditation.

At last we came to the edge of the lake and after sitting together for a
while, reminiscing and doing some releasing, a beautiful big butterfly flew
right in front of us across the waters edge. As we turned to look at each
other we knew we had been given a message and the tears flowed
freely. When we returned our gaze to the waters edge, the butterfly had

Sometime later, while we were walking back through the woods, we

noticed that we were clearly following a different route back. This too
contained a message.

While walking through the woods I felt guided to offer some tobacco (an
Indian ritual) to Wakantanka, the elements and the 7 directions for the
gifts of synchronicities/signals during our time spent together this day.
As we were leaving the park area, Mary Pat saw a beautiful hawk just
sitting and watching us. This was yet another message for us from our

At a certain point we began to discuss the events of the afternoon,

starting with the turtle. As everyone knows turtles are generally slow
creatures. We believe that the message in this was that we were to slow
down, not to want to force things, that everything was following a divine
plan and all was well.

Then, we lost our way on the path through the woods. I remember
thinking that perhaps even though the path was deviating and wasn’t
bringing us directly to the lake, we only needed to trust that it would at
some point, bring us to where we wished to arrive.
This translated or interpreted to us, to simply trust that spirit or our
guides, were assisting us, and that we would, indeed be successful with
the workshops. Here too, we were following a divinely guided plan.

Next, was the clearing where I remember comparing it to an experience

within my visualization meditations in the karmic ties. This was telling me
that there were certain things that needed to be cleared before we would
be successful.

Then, we saw the beautiful gold and black butterfly at the lake's edge.
Which again, carried a message. For us, it meant that we are in a period
of transition, that there are golden times and also darker times ahead,
but that we would succeed after the transition. This happened to be very
true as we were both being forced to look at our lives as they were. The
gold depicts that there is light and abundance at the end of it all.

The path we returned on, being a completely different one to the way we
came, showed us that there are many ways we can achieve our goals
and reach our hearts' desires. The route back was much faster and
shorter, which in turn was telling us that we had let go and trust the
signals provided. By doing so, the journey is being achieved faster and
easier. Perhaps at times being perceived to be difficult, we are not to fall
into judgment. To trust and allow spirit and our guides, to create that
which we desire to unfold.

While participating in the tobacco ritual we felt chills rushing up and down
our bodies and had goose bumps all over. This was another signal to us
that we were not alone, that there are many from all kingdoms guiding
and assisting us when we are deaf to our messages.

The hawk is for both of us, a messenger and a totem animal. The fact
that he was sitting watching us told us that our guides are continually
watching over us, protecting and guiding us, all the while placing the
synchronicities/signals on our paths to assist when we were not listening
or hearing them.

We all experience, at certain points in our journey, that we feel we have

lost our connection to our guides. This happens mostly at times when we
are in stressful situations and our vibrations have reached all time lows.
This blocks us from being open to receive the messages from within. It is
at these times, if we are alert and watch for the synchronicities/signals
around us, we know we are never alone.

Getting Out Of Your Own Way

In this parable I will share with you an

example of how we sometimes get in
our own way.

There are, of course, many different

ways that this is possible but in
sharing this one, it will, perhaps,
awaken something within you that
you might not have seen when you
have been in your own way?

Getting Out Of Your Own Way

This is perhaps, to date, one of the most amusing experiences I have had
between my guides and myself. At the risk of looking a complete idiot
(Chuckle), ( - they loved that one - ) I am going to share this experience
with you here.

The funny thing is, when you have read it, you might find yourself
thinking, oops! Maybe I should join the club ! Haha…

Well, here goes then. A little further on in this book, I will talk about the
gift I received “The 7 Steps to manifesting your hearts desires” The
example I am going to share here is in particular about the 7 steps.

This is one of the statements I make in 7 steps…


2. OPOM, it is my heartfelt request that we work together to attract
speaking engagements around the world, that I may be invited to speak
on all manner of topics.
It is also my request that where required all information be provided so I
AM an empowering and inspiring example to those I reach. I remain
always in balance, with the foremost wish of empowering and assisting
others in their journeys and at all times in line with their I AM presence.
(OPOM = Other Parts of Me. In other words my guides etc…)

After about a period of, lets say, three months or so, I started to ask them
why things were not manifesting as I would perhaps have liked them to.
The answer I received was, “Take action!”
Boy! Was that a slap in the face! Here I was, working my buns off, doing
all I could to make a difference to the collective consciousness and I
couldn’t figure out why my OPOM’s were not more forthcoming with
anything else. All I could do, was to just get on with things and try to find
out for myself.

After a period of about six months, I went back to them again with the
same question. “OK OPOM’s, now I demand to know what it is I am not
doing right here? This, by following your instructions should have worked
by now, or at the very least a whole bunch of synchronicities leading
somewhere." Even those stopped after about a week or two.

The answer I got, was exactly the same as before - so this time, I asked
for more clarity. All I got was, "You are getting in your own way!” Boy oh
boy! I couldn’t have been more miffed!
The funny thing was, there was a thought that had been entering my mind
for a while now and it was for me to get my passport fixed.
So I figured, what the heck, I will ask them if that was it.
All I got was a resounding chuckle. To which I of course replied, “Now
wait a minute here! Get me the appointments and I will get the passport
fixed." To which I received another resounding chuckle.
Hrummpphhh… (That was my statement of indignation.)

The silly thing is, my wife and I needed our passports for something else,
so in the beginning of December 2004, we decided to get them updated.
About a week before the end of the year, we got them back again all
neatly completed and ready for travel for another ten years.

To Mary Pat’s and my own utter amazement, about a day later, we

received a request to participate in a sharing session around the Indigo
film by James Twyman. What followed was even more mind blowing.

Just two short weeks later, we had already received in total, 6 different
invitations - including one to be set up by ourselves. By the time you read
this, it is of course old news, but I can let you know that there were more
than 30 engagements after that, both in the USA and Holland.

My lesson learned in all of this has to be this:

By first taking action, you are putting a message out to the universe that
you are ready. Your guides and all of your assistants then kick into full
speed ahead and magical things start to happen around you.
Manifestations and synchronicities of all kinds start to become a part of
your reality, no longer simply being fantasy or wishful thinking.

It really is about co-creating. You take action, then your OPOM’s get the
ball rolling and things start to happen. It may well be that you, at some
point are required to take some more action, after which your OPOM’s get
to work again. By now, we have developed many seminars and
workshops and continue to travel around Europe and the USA.

We are now more and more alert when at times we get in our own way, if
things start to slow down we take a step back and spend some time
looking at potential reasons why.
Isn’t it amazing how just a tiny little piece of action can all of a sudden
make such a huge difference in our journeys? It really is true! Once we
get out of the way, we get ON UR WAY!

I sincerely hope that this parable has made a difference to your journey,
perhaps also pointing out where you might have been blocking yourself
by getting in the way.

One Of My Favorite Parables

This is one of my favorites because

around the world, so many still see
God as a wrathful God and that goes
against everything I am receiving.

God “IS”
Let us start this parable with an example of a wonderful and respected
man who had led an arduous life and was becoming somewhat
disillusioned with all that he surveyed.

At this time of his life, he was pondering the deeper meaning of life and
the eternal question we are all faced with at some juncture in our
journey. “Why?”

He had grown up in a loving family, with loving parents who were in the
norm of the day, known as good God fearing parents. He had gone
through the education system as it was expected of him in that day and
age. He had done well. Yet there was a nagging feeling inside him that
just didn’t feel quite right.

He had faithfully been to church when it was required of him and he had
listened and sang his heart out in the praise of the Lord and his son
Jesus. Yet there was a nagging feeling inside him that just didn’t feel
quite right.

He was asked to join the services and to serve his country, which he of
course did because it was expected of him. It was required of him that he
end the life of others because he was a good soldier and he was fighting
for his country and their God. He was fighting against the evil of the

world and he was a good God fearing faithful young man, so he did as
he was asked without question. Yet there was a nagging feeling inside
him that just didn’t feel quite right.

He had come home from his travels thinking he would be a hero and yet
often he was spurned. In his disillusion he lost his way for a while and
experienced life on the streets. All around him he experienced how so
many were left helpless and destitute, left to their own devices and to
survive the best they could. Even here, he did what he could, although
he, himself felt lost and confused. He helped so many to find food,
shelter, medical help when required and homes but still, there was that
nagging feeling inside him that just didn’t feel quite right.

One day, he woke up in this place and remembered the education he

had had and returned home to become a successful businessman.
Throughout his career he did all within his power to abide by the laws of
his country and to care for his employees the best he could.
Still there was a nagging feeling inside him that just didn’t feel quite right.

He had married a wonderful woman and she bore him wonderful

children. They had a wonderful home and he had been kind to them all to
the best of his abilities. Still there was a nagging feeling inside him that
just didn’t feel quite right.

He was now retired after what many would have agreed was a
successful and fruitful life in service to his family, community and
country. Still there was a nagging feeling inside him that just didn’t feel
quite right.

One day this child of God experienced illness and was taken into hospital
where he was told that his days were numbered. After a great deal of
time spent on pondering and remembering his life, he recognized a
feeling that had come back to him, time and time again - it was that
nagging feeling inside him - that just didn’t feel quite right.

Knowing that his days were numbered, he requested that he be taken for
one last time to the top of a mountain, close to his home. Although his
family and the doctors were more than reluctant to fulfill this wish, he was
adamant and got his way. He asked his family to leave him there for a
few days - and even though they didn't want to, they gave in. He didn’t
know why he felt the need to do this - he just knew he had to.

After a day or two of looking down from this mountain and feeling for the
first time in his life, that he was truly free to survey and appreciate all he
could see, he felt that old familiar feeling bubbling up inside him again. It
was that old nagging and familiar feeling that all was not quite right. So,
for perhaps the first time in his life, he called out to GOD. As he did, he
felt a stirring inside him and an answer came.

He asked God, “God, throughout my life I have done what was expected
of me. I studied well, I went to church, I served my country. I have tried to
be a model citizen. I have helped where I could and I have been the best
that I could possibly be, yet I still have this feeling inside me that it hasn’t
all been quite right.”

”Could you please explain to me why all throughout my life this thought
and feeling have been my constant companion?” asked the man.

To which God duly replied, “My Beloved, I will answer your questions
one by one and I will answer them all, yet first, I have a question for you.”

This answer surprised the man, but he was ready and he wanted to

God continued, “I must first give you a gift and this gift may come as a
great shock for you, so I will ask you again, are you truly ready to receive
the answer?”

To which the man replied, “Beloved God, I am soon to leave this body
and I would like to take my place in heaven. I am ready!”

God continued, “Then the gift I have to offer you My Beloved, is the eyes
to be able to see, the ears to be able to hear and the heart so that you
may KNOW. Let us begin."

As the journey unfolded, God asks the man to look back on his life. As
he does, God shows him something that is almost unfathomable. In
every experience that he has had in his life, he now saw his own face in
everything. He was hearing his own voice answering him back.
Confused, he continued to observe. As he was sat in church, he saw a
church full of people with his own face. As he went back to the period
when he served his country, he saw the faces of the ones who’s lives he
had taken. They were all his own face and as the tears streamed down
his cheeks, he began to feel the truth in these visions, but he still wasn’t
quite sure.

So he continued, and God showed him the creatures of the planet. As he
observed, he saw his face and heard these creatures answer in his own
voice. He could communicate with them and it was his own voice. Even
more confused he asked God to continue and so God did.

God continued to share these visions through these new eyes, ears and
heart. God showed him the mountains and the trees, the grass, the
plants and flowers. God showed him the waters and in all, it was like
looking back at himself. He could communicate with them all and he saw
his own image in them all.

Now that he was thoroughly confused, he stopped and asked God, “How
is this possible?”
God did not yet answer, but continued to show him more. God asked him
to look at the clouds and then beyond to the stars, the moon, the sun and
the many planets. Each looked back at him with the image of his own
face and answered in his own voice. God then asked him to look at his
own body, to go inside to the organs, the cells and the atoms. This
became even more confusing for him although he was really starting to
get an inkling of what God was indeed showing him. Yet it was too
fantastic, too unbelievable, too magnificent to comprehend, so he asked
God if he may be alone with his thoughts for a while.

After a day or so of deep contemplation he called God to him again and

he asked, "I believe I understand the meaning of what you have shown
to me, yet I am having a hard time believing it is possible. I believe you
are showing me that I myself am GOD and that I am present in all things
and that all things are present in me?"
To which God replied, “You are almost there My Beloved”.

"Allow me to expand. You received the gift of the eyes to see, the ears to
hear and the heart to know and through this gift, you have come to the
realization of why you and billions like you, live their lives as they do. You
have lowered your vibrations to a density whereby you experience all
things through 'SELF CONSCIOUSNESS'. The gift you received, was an
opening and that is where the heart was required, for you now see, hear

God said, "Yes my beloved, you are a part of all things, as all things are
a part of you."

The man replied, "Ohhh my God. I wish I had known this many years

God asked, "And what would you do if you had?"

The man thought for a moment, and replied, "Well, I can’t change
anything but now, but I would have spent the rest of my living days,
sharing this knowing with all who were willing to hear."

God asked, "so, what is stopping you now?"

To that, the man whispered, "Well, I am terminally ill. This body is dying."

God answered, "Then I would ask you to understand one more thing.
Your journey has been one of choices. You have continually felt that
there was this nagging feeling inside of you that just didn’t feel quite
"I say to you," God continued, "that perhaps you were not quite ready to
hear the truth for what it was and make a choice to open to Universal
Consciousness? Are you now?"

"Ohhh. I am more than ready and willing now," said the man.

God smiled and replied, "then communicate with those cells that you
perceive to be creating this terminal illness. Choose to share with them
the perfection of “Universal Consciousness”. You can now choose to
transform those cells, you can now choose to live…."

This parable would normally, of course continue, but for the purpose and
the point I wish to get across, it suffices for now…

Chapter 2.


In Chapter two of this book it is my

intention to expand on what I was
sharing previously.

We will delve even deeper into levels

of awakening expanding through
sharing experiences.

Enjoy in JOY!

As I begin this parable I am reminded of a beautiful song, sung by John
Lennon. “All we are saying, Is please give peace a chance”.

What do we have to do to give peace a chance?

In a world so full of chaos it might seem hard to find peace. Yet as

humanity expands in her evolution we are beginning to understand how
peace “CAN” and must be found.

Do you recognize the statements: So above, so below? Well it can be
expanded with: So within, so without.

Yes, it really is that easy. Well, when you read it like this it is easy.
Continually throughout this book I have referred to us being the creators
of our own reality and by the end of the book I sincerely hope that you
have found the proof through all of the parables that it is indeed so.

You see when you are able to find peace within, peace is created all
around you. It is a state of being that you are manifesting from within and
it becomes reality without. It is about seeing through the illusion of fears,
stepping beyond the boundaries of limitation. It is about understanding
that we are in the very essence of our being purely and simply “LOVE”.

There will be a time in the not to distant future that we all realize that
peace within can be found by being willing to release old programming,
old fears, to release the need to judge others, to release the need to
gossip, be angry at or even consciously desire to hurt another. There will
be a time when we realize that when doing all of these things we are
causing chaos without and therefore within.

The statement that is most prominent here has to be that we begin to

understand that we are all one. When realizing we are all one there will
be no desire anymore to do all of the above because we will realize that
we are hurting ourselves.

Would you consciously desire to hurt yourself?

Peace is also very much about loving yourself at all times and under all
circumstances. When you can also love what you often perceive to be
your shortcomings, you will have found that state of being. Peace within.
This inevitably always results in Peace without. I wish you peace within
and therefore also without.

From Duality to Triality.
This parable has the potential when
worked with to drastically change you
life for the better.

Play, experiment with the example

given. After a while you will be come
quite adept at it and you will be very
happy that you did.

From Duality to Triality.

In this parable I wish to share with you a tip given to me by my guides. It

has helped me and many of my friends to not only find contact with their
guides, higher/partner self or which ever Light beings they have sought
contact with. It has also offered a way to assist us in changing
challenges into opportunities by simply choosing to work with duality on a
different level. It has more times than not led to experiences from the
perspective of triality.

First of all what is Duality?

Duality is what is known as what we live in on this earth plain in our 3
dimensional reality. The yin - yang, black – white, positive – negative,
good – bad etc, etc.

In this parable I will be asking you to not only visualize, but to also
actually try these tips yourself.
It has been my experience that this has been the most powerful way of
doing them and achieving the most profound results. ENJOY in JOY!

I would like you to imagine the first part of this exercise as if you were
reaching out with an open hand to receive something.

(After this exercise you will realize how profound this example truly is.)
Now! Look at that hand and visualize placing upon it something in your
life that is troubling you. This might be something that is blocking you,
something perhaps that you don’t seem to be able to find your answers

To see how this part of the process works I am asking you to place
something there that could be perceived to be negative - just the one
thing for now! Once you get used to this process, you will be able to do
this with anything that you ever experience and are looking for answers

How might you recognize something that is negative or holding you

back? Are you feeling out of balance, out of sorts, perhaps a little ill?
Some kind of dis-ease has sneaked up on you? One thing I came to
understand in my journey is that when it happened with me, I knew I was
going through a growth process again or a shifting in my energies.

In the beginning I found myself seeing this as a very negative and

unpleasant experience. Eventually I learned to see them as a blessing
and an exciting part of my ascension towards mastery. A part of the
growth towards the true GOD/CREATOR light essence that we all are. I
firmly believe that this has greatly enhanced the processing of these
moments and I found that I moved forward at a faster rate because I now
viewed them as experiences from both aspects of duality.

Ok, here we go. Start this exercise by holding up one of your hands. For
the purpose of this experience use the right hand. As you hold up your
right hand, place the negative there. As you look at it, detach yourself
from it and see it for what it is. See it is an experience - nothing more,
nothing less. Now hold up your left hand. While still looking at the
negative on the right hand, see if you can find any positives in the
experiences you have placed there and place these positives into the left
hand. This might take a little bit of practice, but don’t give up. Even in all
negatives there are always positives to be found if you observe it deeply
enough. What you have now created is a visible way of looking at a
challenge or negative from two totally different perspectives, these being
the Negative and Positive or in other words, “duality”.

Let’s visualize an example here to assist in clarifying. Imagine I just had

a car accident. My car is damaged. This could be perceived to be the
negative. I would therefore place this example in my left hand.
Fortunately I am not hurt, this can be seen as a positive. I could also

look further. When I look at what happened, I might want to find out what
happened on the road I was taking to get to my destination? Was there
an even worse accident further ahead whereby I might have been
physically hurt?

Another possibility would be that I have my car checked while it is being

repaired. Could it be that there was something wrong with the car and
had I driven many more miles that a defect would have shown up at an
inopportune moment causing even greater damage, not only to myself,
but perhaps also to others who were travelling the same road as me? I
would certainly place these examples in my left hand.

In this example I would again detach myself from this visualisation and
by placing no judgements or adding any further energy, emotions
etcetera to what is placed there. I would consciously in my thoughts take
a few steps back, detach myself from the experience, take a few deep
regular breaths and simply monitor my thoughts. I have learned to trust
whatever pops into my mind as being guidance from my higher - partner

By detaching myself from my emotions with regards to what happened

and being able to look at them in duality, I create a space whereby the
third possibility is triggered into action.

What I have just achieved with this exercise is, I have moved beyond
duality. This allows me to step into triality. Triality is of course, my
connection with all three parts. Once my higher-partner self is involved I
gain clarity, I see many more perspectives and I receive answers.
Remember! Our higher-partner selves are in circular time and are not
limited as we are by linear time. Our higher-partner self is therefore able
to see all potential possibilities.

We can take this a step further. I can ask while I am in that triality space
for suggestions as to what I can do to achieve the best possible outcome
for my greater good. By simply being aware of whatever thoughts, ideas
or suggestions that pop into my mind, I am in fact receiving those
potentials-possibilities. I am never concerned if nothing pops into my
mind. Because I have activated my higher-partner self or placed the
intention there, I will generally find that synchronicities are placed on my
path that will lead me to the highest possible solution.

I have found that through working with this duality to triality tool with
others, we have been able to move beyond any blockages that might be
holding them back. By listening to them intently and at the same time
detaching myself, I have found that I see the two sides of what could
have been. As I see these potentials in duality, remaining open to my
higher – partner self, I also receive more tools/suggestions to assist them
in seeing clearly what it is that is blocking them. Often this will be a
suggestion to read a certain book, or visit a certain web site.

A further and perhaps different perspective as to what Triality is can be

explained in this way.
My higher-partner self is in contact with all that is. It is a part of the
GOD/Creator energy. This means that I am tapping into that energy.
There are no questions that cannot be answered, no challenges that
cannot be overcome, no negatives that cannot be changed to positives.

Note: To every challenge there is a solution. To every negative there is a

positive. In darkness there is always light. The example we have just
provided will assist you to find your answers. It will brighten your lives
with many positive outcomes. It works for me, and as you are an OPOM,
it surely will also work for you.

12 potential blockages to abundance.
When all of these 12 parts have been
viewed in total truth with one’s self!

Abundance on many levels will surely

be yours.


This has to be one of my favorite topics, perhaps because I have a

deeper understanding of how abundance works now. It has been a
journey of discovery and being aware of many different aspects on many
different levels.

How many times have you heard yourself or someone else use the
statement: “God never answers my prayers?” Have you ever wondered
as to the why?

I will share with you in my opinion some of the blockages that we in fact
ourselves are placing so that we do not receive the abundance that is
our god given right and gift to self. Before I do, I wish to state that
anyone reading this is made aware before hand that one of the most
common reactions to this parable is that one chooses to go into self
recrimination mode. Please understand that this serves no purpose. It is
an absolute waste of your time and energy. So don’t go there, and I very
seldom use the word “don’t”.
Note: Should you still choose to do so, then do it from a conscious point
of awareness and that you are doing it simply to understand and learn
from the experience.

Examples of potential blockages in your receipt of abundance.

1. Clarity.
2. Self worth issues.
3. Self doubt - negative outlook.
4. Responsibility for actions and interactions.
5. Perceptions of what abundance is.
6. Change.
7. Your perceptions on what money is.
8. Saboteurs. The four bodies.
9. The Conscious mind, sub conscious mind and the Higher self.
10. Chakras.
11. Kundalini.
12. Mastery of self.

What you see in this list is a selection of possibilities, that I will clarify
one by one knowing that they will assist you to find your flow of

1. Clarity. Let me start with perhaps one of the most important subjects
for creating a steady flow of abundance in your lives. Have you ever
made a statement during a conversation and suddenly realized that your
conversations partner had a quizzical look on their face? Did you stop for
a moment to think why? Perhaps you even looked for a different way of
using your words to clear the confusion?
Well good for you, because it is exactly the same while you are
imagining or fantasizing about what it is you would like to be a part of
your flow of abundance. First of all it is essential to have clarity to self
and then clarity to the unseen powers of the universe that continually
await our instructions with eager anticipation to assist. Practice writing
your wishes and desires on paper until you feel that you have total
clarity. If your in doubt? Find someone to assist you, someone who will
be in truth with you. You will find that your manifestations of abundance
start to flow that little bit more proficiently.

2. Self worth issues. This is often one of the more prominent reasons
for a lack of abundance and it does require total honesty to self. One of
the main reasons there may be self worth issues is that you have heard
all your life that you couldn’t do this, couldn’t do that, were not clever
enough to achieve this, that or the other. Despair not, there are ways to
release these blockages if you are willing to work on them. One of the
best books I have ever encountered on releasing these kind of issues is:
“Soul Psychology” by DR. Joshua Stone.

3. Self doubt - negative outlook. Self doubt is generally also to be

traced back to your early youth or what we call your formative years and
the programming that was placed within you. You can change that
programming and we can assist with that. However, a tool that we love
to use during our workshops is the Golden Coin provided by the
Ascended Masters. When holding that golden coin in the one hand and
looking at whatever the negatives are within it, we simply ask you to
take some deep cleansing prana breaths and open your mind to
receiving other (positive) potentials as you flip the coin over while
placing it in the other hand. We have experienced that in almost all
cases this does open up an avenue with a little guidance to seeing
through the illusion of the negatives. Most are able to see positives and
when doing so are faced with a choice. To stay with the old (negatives)
or choose the other options provided. (positives.)

4. Responsibility for actions and interactions. This one is also one
that requires total truth to self. Most people are very good at pointing
fingers at others when things go wrong. I would invite you to hold your
hand up in front of you and point a finger at something. What do you
see? You see one finger pointing away from you and at least three
pointing right back at you. What might that suggest to you? If you are in
truth to self, it will say to you that whatever you are so willing to blame
on another may well be a mirror reflection of something within yourself.
Be open and willing to looking closely at that and we can guarantee you,
you will make huge strides ahead in your abundance journey.

5. Perceptions of what abundance is. What are your perceptions of

abundance? Is it purely financial? We would suggest to you that it is not.
It can be health, love, friendship. When one opens up to the many facets
of abundance, it allows the unseen powers of the universe to manifest
whatever it is we require without the limitations that our thoughts might
have placed on them. It gives them freedom to manifest in ways that we
cannot mostly even imagine. An example may be that you desire the
abundance to posses a new car! You might automatically start to think
along the lines of: “I need such and such amount for this or that car”.
Suggestion: Allow the unseen powers of the universe to create freely
and see what they come up with. There are many different ways that
the car can be manifested, allow yourself and the unseen powers the
freedom of creation. (this was simply an example for the sake of clarity)

6. Change. Another of my favorites. One of my fondest memories in my

own growth process was writing “the fools prayer”. Do you remember? It
went something like this: Lord, I wish to change my life, I am unhappy
with who and what I am. Yet they go on doing the same old, same old,
day in and day out and who do they blame? Yup! GOD…. Change dear
friends is inevitable in this ever changing universe. We are part and
particle of that same universe, guided by the same laws, made of the
same elements. Is it not inevitable then that we too have to be willing to

7. Your perceptions on what money is. Did you notice also that I
hardly ever mention “money”? I purposefully leave the word money out
of my own manifestations because I am totally aware that the universe
provides in many different ways.
Money is in all truth simply another form of energy, when it is treated as
such and allowed to flow in the same manner, it does flow, especially if it

is for the greater good of all. Many of you reading this are used to the
flow of healing energies flowing through you. Money or finances is again
simply another form of energy. Be willing to allow it too to flow through

8. Saboteurs. We ourselves are the greatest saboteurs. It can be

through our limiting thoughts, our doubts, our perceptions of self. How
many times have you wished for something and then immediately
afterwards thought: “Oh that won’t happen to me anyway?” Or! No, I
am not that lucky? Do you see what happened? First of all you were
creating through the first thought. Then you sabotaged it by thinking
negative straight afterwards.

9. The Conscious mind, sub conscious mind and the Higher self.
This too, is a deep study and requires a great deal of honesty,
perseverance, determination and will power. It is all about understanding
how the way we view the world through eyes that are seeing an illusion
because of our deep programming from birth onwards. Our conscious
mind may know differently, yet our subconscious minds causes us to see
and react in ways that when we take the time to stop and think don’t
seem to fit? This is because of our built in personality that was also
formed from birth after separation from the Mother. (Oneness) Again, it
is very much possible to change that programming with the right tools,
understanding and information. Allow me to offer you a powerful
example to get you started: Your subconscious mind is always telling you
that life is hard and that to achieve anything you have to work hard and
deserve all that you have gained. Your conscious mind knows differently
because we know that GOD desires us to have all that we desire. We are
limitless beings.

10. Chakras. What a beautiful part of the human experience this is. It
has a multitude of tasks and functions. As most will know, they are there
to allow a continual flow of energy from the Universal energy source. We
know that if they are blocked, dis-ease, tiredness etc sets in. Each
chackra represents a particular area of the body, particular organs. The
beauty of them is, they also support within the creative process. When
all of the chackra are in balance and there is a continual flow of pure
energy through them seemingly magical things happen in and around
you. This also leads to the Kundalini.

11. Kundalini. As I finished the last paragraph with the statement that
all chackra when in total balance, totally open to the flow of the
universes energies, magical things happen around you. Many of the
worlds most famous figures utilized this energy to create some of our
widest known human creations. For instance the light bulb, the
telephone, etc. Yes, our worlds greatest minds have used this energy.
We tend to label them with the term “geniuses”, but were they really? Or
did they simply know something that most are not yet aware of? One of
the best books I have read up to now on this subject is: Kundalini Rising
by Dr. Barbara Condron. It is also an excellent book for those who hold
firm to the teachings of the bible, as it unravels many of the mysteries of
the parables contained within offering a different view point to that of
the worlds religions. It explains in detail how the charkas work in the
creative process. It was an eye opener for me and most important of all.
It really does work. I AM living proof in all that I do.

12. Mastery of self. I refer back to the highlighted points in question in

this parable, each and every single highlight touched on a subject that
when mastered increases everything in your life, not just abundance.
Each subject increases awareness and remember unless one is aware of
something, change or choices cannot be made. Expand your knowledge,
be willing to open to your mastery and so many wonderful things
manifest in your life. The Joy and the beauty of it all defies words, it has
to be experienced. Will we achieve total mastery in this life time? Well, I
can’t speak for all of you, but I know I am going to continue giving it my
best effort and I wish you unlimited success in your quest, for in the
end! We are all one.

All of you who are reading this particular parable are by now
experiencing the hand of God so to speak in your back. What do I mean
by this? Allow me to share a few examples that you might recognize.
You have experienced healing energies flowing through you and you
might now be being guided to either study more, or you are being
nudged to open a healing center. You might be a teacher, and you are
feeling the urge to speak up about new and different teaching methods.
You have never really understood what your purpose here on earth is
this time, yet now you are getting more and more clarity in that process.
I see it in so many that the proverbial penny is dropping. Let me close
this parable on the subject with which I began. Follow those intuitive
feelings, open yourself to the powers of the universe, work on or with
the subjects I touched lightly upon above. Work diligently but with a

determination and you will find that YOUR abundance flows. Every time
you are in the flow with your life’s purpose, the abundance is there. If
you don’t know what your life’s purpose is? Work on these subjects and
you will be certain to find out. Open yourself to the magic of the
universe and the universe will open to you.

Note: I am also fully aware that I started the article with examples of
blockages. My reason for doing that is to simply place information in
front of you. As you see more and more through the illusion of this 3D
reality. You will not see them any longer as blockages but gifts provided
you so that you may have the abundance that is your divine right.

A Powerful tip in closing:

Whenever you catch yourself having negative or self destructive
thoughts. Have a power statement ready that you can change to or
perhaps even chant for a while.
Example: When your stuck in the thought of lack again.
I Am wealthy, healthy and blessed in all areas of my life…

If you keep repeating that every time you have financial or health issues,
you will attract change into you vibrational make up, your thoughts will
eventually become your statement. Your physical reality eventually

Letting go and Letting God…

Perhaps not one of the easiest tasks in

the world as I personally discovered.

Be prepared to go through certain

experiences that will eventually fully
allow this process.

Letting go and letting God…

What does this statement really mean?

In this parable I will attempt to give a clear description of what I feel it to

be from my own personal experiences. Many of you reading this may
well be going through similar experiences.

During the past few years their have been so many changes in my life
that as I look back on them I wonder how the heck I ever kept up. It all
began as my wife and I started to understand that we had grown apart
and that our lives were taking different directions. My chosen spiritual
path was clearly something that neither did she want to understand or
grasp, she also ridiculed much of what I did and taught. Eventually she
did her best to understand and I will always love her for trying. How it
was to turn out I didn’t know at that point in my journey. This was another
part of the letting go and letting God. The divorce procedures had been

I often asked if she would still be a part of my life somehow? I can’t

answer that one at the moment of writing this parable as I still don’t
know. Will we remain friends? I would really LOVE to think it is possible.
We will see, only time will tell.
She has been a major part of my life for more than 32 years now and I
thank the universe and god for placing such a special angel on my path
to learn life’s lessons together. How appropriate that she carries the
name Angela, for she truly has been my guiding Angel. I trust that the
universe now has other plans for her and that her own unique blend of
loving and caring will now be shared with so many others. It is with the
deepest of gratitude that I have already seen that take place around her.

All of what has happened during the last year was heightened and
clarified as my twin flame started to reveal herself for what she is: One
half of our complete soul.
As we began to understand the purpose and our task here on this earth
plane the experiences and understanding intensified. We were fortunate
to meet each other physically. Each time we parted it was as if a part of
us was being severed.

Much of this transitional phase was one of chaos, confusion and lots of
painful experiences. Much of them centered around my wife and I not
being able to communicate and agree on anything anymore, it was as if

all of a sudden we had become two complete strangers. There were
many reasons and circumstances in and around these experiences. I
trust from the very depths of my being that all that has happened is in
divine perfection and that there is a higher purpose to it all.

In between all this there were some very beautiful moments. I had been
preparing some workshops and seminars and I had been blessed to
introduce them in Holland and in places in the USA with Mary Pat my
Twin Flame. It was an experience that was literally out of this world.

They were very well accepted, but not yet quite having reached their
fullest potential, nor a certain degree of completion there always seemed
to be something missing. With hind-sight the missing parts were the most
essential ingredients. It was during a reading of the Akashic records that
I was offered some extra pieces of the puzzle. When these were added
the true purpose and a very much higher potential became visible.
Although they had been powerful before, they were now absolutely mind
blowing. When having experienced all three of the workshops “The 3
steps to Ascension” it became very clear that each individual here on this
earth plane has a special purpose and are seeing that.

As they returned to their daily lives after the workshops, they took back
with them a spark of light that empowered them in their own situations
and as they worked with the tools provided they now truly are assisting in
the Ascension process.

It was during this whole growth process that I made a stop over flight and
met up with one of my Shambhala Masters students in Atlanta. As I told
her about the workshops, she too felt the power and the purpose behind
them. Perhaps neither of us at that time realized just how much, but we
both knew there was something special. So much so that she offered to
start promoting them. This was in April 2005.

After I got back from the USA from this trip, things seemed to be
escalating at home. They reached such a point of discomfort that Angie
(my wife) went ahead with divorce procedures. As anyone who has gone
through these stages will know they were not very pleasant times. Even
though this was happening all around me, I knew and felt that I was
being prepared for something although at the time I didn’t quite
understand what.

As time passed the workshops were finding their true purpose. I was
making plans to go back to the USA. (Atlanta) Mary Pat and I were

starting to experience some very intense visions and receive some
powerful meditations which we started to record. Much of this was
centered around the Twin Flames, their purpose and how to achieve a
coming together in the physical. In fact with what we know now, it is not
only probable, it is essential. We would almost go so far as to say we
have no choice. There is of course always a choice, but neither of us
desire the alternative choice and that too was made very clear to us from
several different sources. We have reached a degree of understanding
now that we know that we too have a special task/purpose and we “will”
fulfill that divine task.

Again with everything that was happening around us we were being

nudged into making a decision. A decision that at first sight was an
extremely difficult one. We were being asked to let go. To let go of all
attachments, asked to let go of all that we know and love. We were being
asked to leave everything behind and let go and let GOD.

Perhaps it is necessary to share at this point that I personally have

always been a perfectionist, along with that, I always had to have
everything meticulously planned into the minutest of details far in
advance. I was a hard task master for those that worked around me
because I expected nothing but the best results from myself and them.
These were absolutely attributes of myself that I had to learn to let go of.
Ever heard of the expression. Thine will and not mine? Boy, did I
struggle with this one in the beginning.

It was also being made abundantly clear to us at this point that in letting
go and letting GOD, there was a huge element of trust involved. There
was a particle of us that was being awakened in this process that reveals
the GOD selves within us. It is only after taking certain steps, no matter
what those steps are/were, that things are/were being manifested around

Within the manifestation process, the next steps/choices are revealed

and made visible. For me personally, the first step was to decide to leave
my home, my wife and go wherever the universe/God desired me to be.

Because of the steps that had been taken within this co-creation
experience with the Universe/God, there were some pretty amazing
people placed on our path that were more than willing to not only support
our purpose and our journey, they were actively taking/playing a role in it.
For example: As we were already setting up the workshops in Atlanta,
Joelle was finding that connections and contacts were being manifested

and opening up to her. A little in awe but certainly not diminishing or
taking away from the amount of work she put in, she too was
experiencing first hand how the “letting go and letting the universe/God”
was really making a difference. Appointments were being made, events
were being set up where I was being placed in front of groups.

This automatically promoted the Twin Flames, the 3 steps to ascension

workshops along with a whole host of other seminars, workshops that
were at that time bubbling to the surface.

In Holland special things were happening around the Twin Flames

seminar and the 3 steps to Ascension workshops. Special people were
being drawn to us that possess phenomenal talents.

As we continue to expand within the experience of letting go and letting

god! The more the magic of the universe flows around us. That for us, is
now and undeniable fact.

Relationships are a prescious thing and
very much worth working on.

When you have tools to assist it makes for

working on relationships a very interesting

We know from experience that these tools

work. Test them out and enjoy the
experiments just as we did.


Whether we like it or not we all are involved in relationships throughout

the whole of our lives. They begin at birth. There is the relationship with
your mother and father. If there are siblings, you will have a relationship
with your brothers and sisters.

You will perhaps go to kindergarten and then on to some other form of

schooling. It is these first experiences in relationships that will form you
for the rest of your life. They are what is known as your formative years.

You will view life as through the eyes of this child until at a certain point
you realize that this is how you were programmed within your first 0 to 9
or so years. If you don’t believe me? Take a look at how you view certain
aspects of life or experiences. Take a look at the emotions behind them.
Be willing in total truth to self, to look at your reactions.

All of these experiences are stored in your subconscious mind. The

subconscious mind is a handy thing to have for the most part. The
information and experiences stored there allow you to do many things as
if you are on automatic pilot. Quite handy don’t you think? Its like riding a
bike or driving a car, you do it automatically without thinking.

Unfortunately, there is a slight down side to this too. You see you are
also on automatic pilot with regards to your reactions, emotions etc.
When you experience something you might not like, the programming
that is there automatically kicks in and you react accordingly. If your
willing to look at the way you react, then remember how you might have
reacted as that child you will see there are huge similarities.

There is good news though. You also have something that is known as
your conscious mind. At a certain age this is the part of you that starts to
register things with a questioning nature. This is where the fun really
starts. At a certain point in your life these two consciousnesses will no
longer agree with each other. On the one hand you have your
subconscious mind programming and on the other you have your
conscious mind awareness of what is happening around you. The two
are no longer in sync or agreement with each other. Although this is
often a very uncomfortable period in your life, in truth it is a very special
time. You are awakening. Awakening to your higher potentials.

When you experience these inner conflicts, simply be aware of them. If
at all possible distance yourself from either. When you can, you will be
able to observe what the programming is from those formative years.
You will be able to see how the child within you reacts to certain
experiences. Remember, just be the observer, don’t allow yourself to be
emotionally attached to what is happening. After you have observed this
long enough and are aware of the reactions, take it a step further.

Be ready now to observe how the conscious mind is reacting or

responding to the situation. Be willing to observe and look at other
possibilities. How might you want to respond as the awakened adult?

What was shared with you here will help you greatly in your awakening
process. Remember, there are many different levels of awakening. I
would like to add one more tool that will help you greatly when you
experience conflicts within relationships.

When it appears that there is a potential conflict situation be prepared to

take a long deep breath. Imagine that you are breathing in energy from
“Universal Consciousness”. Consciously open your four higher chakra’s
and allow information and thoughts to flow freely through you.

You can even experiment with this. Try it the old way and observe how
you reacted. Observe the words you might have replied with. Make
notes. Then if possible in a similar situation try it again only now with this
new tip. Observe now how you responded. I guarantee you, it turned out
in a completely different energy and the result was also totally different.

Enjoy this experiment and play with it in the many different forms of
relationships you have. It will change your life.

Note: You could also open consciously and with your intent the whole
spectrum of your chakra. However for the purpose of the exercise we did
above we are looking to open the chakra that are closer to source. If ever
feeling a little out of balance afterwards you can always envision going
back and opening all of the chakra. To do this simply envision the hara
line traveling from far above your body, traveling a central line through it
and to far below it.

* Hara line = a vertical line of energy traveling directly through the body
and chakra, to which it is said the body is centered around.

Thank goodness my guides
showed me how I was still
living in separation.

Perhaps you will recognize

something from it and it will
help you move closer to
oneness too.


Round about December 2005 when there was a lot of new energy
coming into the planet I experienced another very deep low period in my
life. Now I understand why and what was happening, I see that it was
one of the most beautiful and transformational periods I could ever go

I had experienced a great deal of disappointments and for some reason

they seemed to outweigh the successes. I also noticed that I was still
answering the phone or receiving people and assisting the way I always
had. All those that called me for assistance or advice always left with a
feeling of having found many answers and expansion. Nothing new

I noticed that somehow or other I was no longer experiencing pleasure or

joy in assisting these friends and clients. It became very frustrating for
me because they were getting their answers and I wasn’t.

That is until I had had enough. I started phoning a few friends asking for
help. In the beginning that was even more frustrating. By the time I had
hung up the phone I had noticed that each of my friends had received
some pretty awesome information from me that had helped them all

expand and It didn’t appear that I had gotten anything out of it. This as
you can imagine was extremely frustrating for me.

That is until one day I had phoned a close friend (Marie José) again and
was griping and moaning, yes even crying with frustration. I could not
figure out why the heck I wasn’t getting any help?
During my tirades I suddenly felt a soft whisper inside me say
At first I hadn’t understood the word, so I continued with my tirade. I
guess by then the other side must have been getting impatient with me,
(chuckle) because the next time I heard/felt it, there was no mistaking the

I stopped my conversation mid sentence and fell silent. My friend (MJ)

and conversation partner in all this intuitively felt that something was
happening and she did not interrupt. She just waited patiently until I
muttered, “What the heck do you mean separation?” (I underlined and
put it in bold because that was verbally the way I felt that it came out) It
shocked MJ somewhat, but she allowed me the space and time to listen
to the point they were trying to get across.

After calming down a little, they shared with me that this had all been a
lesson in how I was seeing things. Somewhere along the road I had lost
track of the fact that we are indeed all ONE. I had indeed been seeing
myself as separate from them. They showed me the difference I had
made not only for them but for me too on an energetic level. They
showed me the circle again and pointed out that at the beginning of the
circle the intent was to help the other, yet when the energy had traveled
full circle, it was me that was stood there at the departure point.

All of a sudden the penny dropped and the tears flowed. I had indeed
been seeing them as separate, I had been seeing myself often actually
as different to them and perhaps also because of my own low self
esteem at that moment, even confused as to why they were asking me at
all. After I had wiped the tears away and taken a few deep breaths I felt
much lighter. I literally felt it as if I had returned into a state of Oneness

The next call I took, I can assure you, flowed in a very different energy. I
was more than my old bubbly helpful self again and the information
flowed more freely than ever before. After I hung up the phone I did a
little jig of JOY.

YES!!! I was back… Woohooo… This was fun… this was great… I bet
there were a few of them up there having a really good chuckle at me,
but I also know from my heart that they were feeling the JOY too.

If ever you experience this stage in your life? Just picture a mad English
man doing a Scottish- Irish jig for joy… Remember the parable of

This parable fits absolutely
wonderfully in with the previous

It takes it to another level.

Next time someone asks for
assistance and you say no?

Be willing to remember this



I have wanted to write this parable for some time, yet for some reason or
other it just never seemed to flow so that I could. It has always been a
topic that is certainly a loaded one when you talk about it to others.

There are of course many forms of competition. You have competition in

sports, competition among each other inside the companies one works
for, competition among family members in your own homes. There is one
however that I have worked diligently on for some time and that was the
competition I had noticed between light-workers.

It had been a concern for some time and I didn’t know how to address it
other than be the example my self how it is possible to not be in
competition with each other. My dear friend Hans and I had been looking
for ways that we could do that together, we had discussed at great length
how we could be the best example through our actions to others.

One of the main things that we couldn’t understand was that although
light-workers are very much aware at least in theory that we are “ALL
ONE”. Many are proving daily that they have not quite grasped the true
essence of Oneness. Earlier in the book I have used the term “OPOM’s”
regularly. Do you remember? It means other parts of me.

What Hans and I couldn’t understand was that when we asked for
assistance for instance in sending email messages out to friends, family,
lists, forums and groups, most people did not seem willing to do it. We
couldn’t figure out why. Was it because they were in judgment? Was it
because of hidden fears?

Hans and I had been the living example by making sure we did send
forward messages that had the genuine request for assistance to do so
for some time. Both of us have quite large mailing lists. We had chosen
not too judge what ever was inside the messages. We had chosen to
simply be consciously willing to help another part of ourselves. We had
consciously made the decision knowing that if we didn’t we were in
actual fact refusing to help that other part of ourselves. We had made the
decision that those that did not appreciate it would simply request to be
removed from our mailing lists. Oh, it did happen a few times too, but for
the most part our lists have grown because of it.

We knew that most would do just as we did if it wasn’t something that

resonated with us at any given moment. They would use their own
discernment and they would simply hit the delete button. We knew that
most would be grateful for the extended sending of other peoples
messages, seminars, workshops etc. They appreciated it because that
way they were being kept up to date on a great deal more things that
were happening inside our own country.

So you see, by refusing to see others separate from ourselves. By

choosing consciously for the knowing that we are all one. Hans and I had
touched on something that we still see expanding today.

I recently had another perfect example of working together in Oneness.
MJ (Marie-José) and I have been working together for some time and
whenever she went with me to one of my seminars, I always made sure
that I shared a little about what she does. Among other things she is a
licensed hypnosis and regression therapist/specialist and a very good
one too.

One particular day I was tired and was very scattered… So when I
interrupted her midstream in something she was sharing with me, for MJ
it came across as if I was being very impatient. I noticed straight away
the shift in her energy. There was a slight annoyance in her voice. We
are both very much aware of our egos when they want to play up like this
so I took a deep breath and asked her to do the same. As soon as I did,
she knew exactly what had just happened and she was more than

As our deep breaths calmed us, I explained what had happened and said
“We don’t do that ego thing any more”. She agreed! Straight away we
were able to step into another energy… very calm and back in oneness..

While we continued working together we got proof of how the universe

then flows through you with some great promotional ideas which would
certainly benefit the both of us for our future events. MJ and I both
received great expansion as she received gifts and so did I.
Connections opened up that would expand us both with what we do.

Even more rewards came later that day. We both received promotional
information that would extend our outreach greatly. We received a list of
places where we could advertise our events free. I will leave it up to you
the reader as to whether you think this was a coincidence or not, but for
us the proof was there. By the end of that day we had received ways to
reach thousands more people with events we had planned.

One thing MJ and I know without a shadow of doubt, we could have

chosen to go into the experience of competition, separation or ego and
all of these wonderful things would not have opened up for us. We are
grateful for many reasons but the two foremost are that we can now
share our insights and blend of wisdom with a great many more people
and in doing so we are also being taken care of with regards to

We sincerely hope that in sharing this parable we have offered a different

perspective to our many colleagues and friends around the world with

regards to your willingness to promote another. You can continue to see
them as separate from yourself, or you can understand totally the
meaning of oneness. We are not saying that you should send everything
that is sent to you. We are simply saying: “Use your discernment”, and
send forward the items that you feel might be of interest to another part
of you.

Those that are receiving them! We would ask you to see it as other parts
of yourself being willing to share with you something they think may be of
value for your journey or simply for your enjoyment. If it isn’t? At least
remember that they are indeed another part of you before you send
complaints to the servers and providers and that in doing so you are
hurting not only them but yourself too. We all have a delete button on our
keyboards and we all have our own powers of discernment. Use them
and watch what happens in your own lives. Miracles suddenly begin to
happen around you. Your soul and the universe knows, you might also
find yourself receiving gifts that you had not expected.

Pieces of the Puzzle…

Not one single one of us contains all
the pieces of the puzzle providing all
the answers.

However, every single one of us

holds a unique piece of the puzzle.
When we work together and merge
our pieces.

We do see more of the big picture.

Pieces of the puzzle

As we all realize that we are never alone and we realize fully that we are
all one. We begin to realize more and more that not one single one of us
has all the answers, yet together we do.

We are all expanding in every moment. We are all unique in our

experiences. We are all unique in the way we perceive our growth.
We are all unique in how we travel our journey, there is not one other
person on this planet that will experience exactly the same as you are.

If you can imagine that all life is a huge jigsaw puzzle. Imagine that you
are a part of that puzzle or that your life’s experiences form a part of that
puzzle. Imagine that all other beings also have a piece of or are a piece
of that puzzle.

That suggest to you two important things here. Your part of the puzzle is
as essential and as important as all the others. It might also suggest that
together we all in adding our pieces of the puzzle can see the big picture.

In being open to all those other parts of the puzzle that are brought into
your field of vision/experience, in understanding that we do all contain
parts of the puzzle it might just make a difference to how you walk
through life’s experiences.

Another example of something that could be perceived to be a sort of

puzzle. Have you ever watched as someone creates a mosaic?

Have you noticed that as they are creating you often have to take a step
or two backwards so that you can actually see what the image is meant
to be? During our journeys, life also often requires that we take a step
back so that we can see the big picture.

Food for thought that really does work.

Enjoy being a part of the big puzzle and remember that without you, the
puzzle is incomplete.

Thank you from the heart for being a piece of the puzzle and being
willing to share it with others.

The circle of Life in all things…
Do you recognize the saying:

“What goes around comes


The Circle of Life in all things…

When you take the time and ponder a while on this title it becomes
something very magical.

When we look at a creature that perhaps is born to the world, leaves the
birth place, mates and dies all within the space of an hour or a day.

When we look at our pets, they are with us for a precious space of time.

Then we look at ourselves and we too are here for a limited period of

Perhaps we look at the trees in awe as we know that they are often
hundreds of years old.

Then perhaps we will look at the mountains and even here because of
our geological history we know that they too are here for a certain period
of time.

Expanding on that we look at our Mother planet and perhaps the moon
and some others we might be able to see with the naked eye. Yet these
too had a beginning and they also may well know an end.

For a moment I am going to ask you to let go and imagine with me that
all these things are simply a vibrational pattern of energy and that as a
matter of fact that all things are patterns of energy vibration. Imagine that
our words, thoughts and our actions are also emitted outwards as the

same. Continue to let your imagination flow and remember the circle of
life in all things!

Now, be willing to begin your next new day holding that image. Will you
remember the cycle of life in all things? Will you be kinder to those you
meet throughout your day? Will you smile more frequently at those who
happen across your path? Will you carry love in your heart and be peace
shining outwards from within? Will you think again before you get angry
with someone you meet today.

Could it really be that easy? Could it be that all that takes place in your
day comes full cycle in the “Cycle of life in all things?” That it is your
choice as to what energy you put out throughout your day and that will
return to you many fold?

I wish you peace in your heart, a smile from many others, and love from
all experiences.

God’s Pond…
A wonderful parable channeled
directly from the source.

Should you ever recognize

yourself being in judgment of
another’s path?

Please come back to this

parable and remember we are
all being touched by the ripples
of LOVE.

GOD’s Pond!!!
During a recent seminar on the subject of “Reconnecting to Source” The
subject quite naturally came up as to whether or not we would all be
going through the process of ascension this time.

Having been asked this question once before and going through the
experience as BE-ING GOD, I remember how I had felt great sadness at
the thought that even one of my children would be left behind. The
sadness had been felt throughout all kingdoms of GOD and all rallied to
the call. At the time this happened the Earth and her inhabitants were still
teetering on the fence undecided which way to go. My sadness was felt
in the beautiful hearts of the many light-workers on your planet. They too
rallied to the call.

The point of critical mass was reached and you had chosen the direction
you desired to follow. Again the many kingdoms felt me as my heart
sang in that glorious moment. As I speak through this beautiful soul
who’s heart I know and love so well, for he has returned his heart to me
and we are one in the sharing we are about to place in your
consciousness through this message.

In most recent times those who assisted to take you beyond the critical
mass have been aware of a great deal of energy pulses coming into your
galaxy/planet. It was necessary in order to raise the vibrations of all
inhabitants. Your year 2005 was a year of turbulence and resistance. For
most it was simply a fear of the unknown. As I gently added more of my
LOVE into these tears, the events and ripples became more frequent.

Energetically speaking you might describe it as my joyful teardrops

falling into time and space. To enable you to envision this, it could be
likened to your proverbial stone being dropped in the center of a pond.
The ripples you would see are similar to what is happening.

Throughout your galaxy and beyond these energy ripples have been felt,
experienced and absorbed by the many and as each ripple touched yet
more of you. The vibrational shift that was required became a reality and
each time another ripple reached even more of you my tears of joy would
continue. It has created a flow of motion that will no longer be stopped
until all have returned their hearts to me. Whether you are the closest to
the central ripple or on the very edges of the pond, you are being

touched in many ways by this energy.

Imagine the pond being the universe, your galaxy and you will NOW
KNOW that not one soul will be left behind as we move into a far greater
reality than most can even perceive from behind your veils. Yes! You
read it correctly. Not ONE soul will be left behind.

An example of the events taking place, were those in the latter part of
your year. In August there was another vibrational shift. In October
another. In November Mother Mary returned her loving Divine feminine
energy and merged with the energies flowing to you. In December on the
25th, My son added his energies to this great pool of Divine LOVE
adding more of the Christ LOVE consciousness and as you moved into
the energy of your NEW year we decided to partially lift the veil/illusion of
time. This year as you find the balance of these new energies within you
there will be great changes, often chaotic and to the un-awakened not

Worry not my beloveds, for as you integrate these energies within you
and move beyond the chaos into your new balanced state, the world
around you will find her balance too.

For now let us emphasize the fact that not one soul will remain behind as
you move through this magnificent period of ascension. Do you
remember the pool we talked about in the beginning? Visualize that pool
and see the ripples spreading out and reaching the shore.

This is similar to the wave after wave of energy that is entering your
reality right now and it is in divine perfection the way it works. Look at
those ripples and imagine it reaching out ripple by ripple to all ones on
your planet. Do you see the beauty of it? Yes! Every single being will
eventually be touched by that continual rippling flow.

Do not be concerned my beloveds that some around you are being left
behind you. It is as it is meant to be, the ripples have simply not quite
reached them yet. Simply step away allow them their process, follow
your heart and guidance. Fulfill your divine rolls and contracts as it is
meant to be. Know/trust that in time they too will be touched by the

Know that it is all a part of the divine plan, set in motion, just as we had
dreamed it together from the very beginning of our expansion.

You ALL are returning to Source.

Soul family, Soul groups, Soul

mates & Twin Flames.

A forest, a tree, a branch, a twig,

leaves and a leaf.

When you can picture it as this

parable it is easy to recognize those
entering into your lives.

The Tree Parable.

It is probably quite safe to make the assumption that we have all seen a
tree at least once in our life and even though most don’t have the time to
sit and observe a tree, it is probably quite safe to assume one knows
how a tree is formed. All the intricate and wonderful parts.

Deep in Mother Earth the roots are hidden, the trunk is perhaps one of
the most noticeable parts. Depending on the time of year, the season or
what type of tree you are looking at, it is safe to assume that you have
seen trees with branches, twigs and leaves.

In the journey of experiencing soul family it has been questioned

throughout all of time! “How do I know I have met my Soul family!" There
are a multitude of ways but for now we will use the metaphor of the Tree.

As the human travels through a particular life cycle there will be triggers
along the way that will lead to awakening. Most of the life cycle might
have been taken up, by simply living out experiences. When it is time the

next step is activated, this being the awakening. This awakening is
basically a sign from the soul to get started on the job in hand, namely

Using the tree as the visual for the experiences we will describe how in
our perceptions this takes place. As one travels through life the people
entering in and out of your life could be visualized as the trunk and the
thicker branches.

When one reaches the stage of awakening the branches will be thinner
and the leaves will be very much visible. these could be likened to
members of your soul family or soul groups. A great deal of sharing,
nurturing and deep meaningful experiences are brought into your

When the point has been reached that you begin to consider yourself a
light-worker you could visualize those as the twigs containing a multitude
of leaves.

As your journey of awakening is experienced on deeper levels you might

visualize that as being the smaller twigs with a group of leaves on them.
These would certainly be in your soul group. A soul group being a group
of souls that have incarnated throughout many lifetimes together fulfilling
different roles in different lives. They will feel very familiar as you meet
up with them again. You might not have met them before, yet you will
feel as if you have. In essence and truth you have, many times, in other
life times.

As we move ever closer to the outer reaches of the tree, these would be
seen as a singular twig with a few leaves on them. These most certainly
will be very familiar as these would represent your soul mates. Soul
mates may have been married in many lifetimes, you will most definitely
have been family throughout most of the incarnations.

These soul mates have contracted with you to live out very special and
close experiences together. They may also serve as a mirror to you in
your expansion and preparation of meeting your Twin Flame.
Often it can be confusing because these soul mates also have a very
close and special relationship with you. On top of that, throughout history
many writers have used the term soul mates to describe the Twin Flame
which was to say the least misleading.

At the end of one special twig, there is one special leaf. Look at any tree,

look for that leaf, you will see that it is made up of two almost identical
and mirroring patterns, yet both halves will have their slight and unique

In life, the human experience, this would be considered your Twin Flame.
You see, you are two halves of one complete whole. Do you think that
leaf would be able to mistake its other half? This is how close the
experience of the twin Flame will feel. It is an instinctive knowing. When
the wind blows you move in unison, when experiences are traveled by
the one, the other absorbs.

There are of course a great deal of ways you will recognize that other
half of your leaf/soul. (chuckle) When your hands touch, there is a flow of
energy that is indescribable. When the lips meet in a tender kiss, the
body reacts in ways that soul mates etc would not experience.

Any Physical contact by Twin Flames is experienced thousands of times

stronger than it might with a soul family member, or a soul mate even. It
is the dynamics of the creator essence that is felt. It is the Electric and
the Magnetic that are activated and the natural divine desire to merge
back into Oneness that is felt. These energies will course through both
bodies and ancient activations take place. The DNA is activated and a
natural knowing is felt in the body and souls of the two. Alchemic
reactions take place within the body stirring ancient activations

If you are in doubt? Then it most likely will be a soul mate that is there to
prepare you for the Divine coming together of the ONE. Bless and honor
this being, for throughout your many incarnations you have been
together to prepare you for the day that you would be ready to meet your
divine other half.

Truly bless them for they will serve as an absolute mirror to you, so that
you may see the parts of self that would be blocking your expansion
towards this divine union. If at all possible, communicate with this soul
mate on all levels. If at all possible work from a place of knowing why you
are together, why you will often experience what might at face value
appear to be unpleasant experiences. Work through them together for it
is quite possible that your soul mate is also moving towards meeting their
divine other half.

The Twin Flame experience would be best described as one of ecstatic

highs and often great challenges/opportunities. I used the double term

challenges and opportunities because depending on how far you are on
your evolutionary path they could certainly be viewed as either. It is a
most magnificent and beautiful journey often misunderstood because of
the nature of conditional love. As the couple grow it does become
unconditional love and is then truly the match made in heaven.

I have to chuckle at that statement: “Match made in heaven”. As one

grows to understand the nature of the twin flame, one will definitely
understand that it is not about themselves, it is about fulfilling a divine
task and working along side source to assist humanity in her ascension

Special Experiences…
Chapter 3.

Dark Night of the soul.

Although in first perception while in this
experience it is far from positive.

Once on the other side of it, you find

that it is the greatest gift you could ever
experience giving yourself.

Dark Night of the soul.

It is not my intention to place fear in the hearts of those that have not yet
been there. It is my intention to share my experiences from my

As you read the experiences! YOU will no longer need to live/experience

them so heavily, because as I share them, you LIVE them with me, you
absorb them, you have lived and experienced them, therefore you no
longer need to choose to go through them all or at the very least you will
recognize the feelings and emotions when it is your time to go through it.

If you still choose to do so, I know that as you read many of the answers
that have been provided to me, they will also assist you, will ease YOUR
burdens, will assist you through the times ahead. Is it possible that you
won’t experience them? That I cannot predict, for it is truly your choice.
There may be parts of your divine experiences that you will need to go
through, a releasing or experiencing them in order for you to get to the
place of understanding that will uplift/enlighten you and the many you will
teach because of it.

I call this experience “The dark night of my soul” because at the time it
most definitely felt like that. My perception of “dark” was such that I did
not find the experiences at all pleasant. I went through a period of time
that I had called on Mother Father God Creator many times to take me
home. I will also share one of my most personal writings to self that only
three other living beings have been allowed to read until now. In it you
will feel my desperation, my screams for help, my pain and sorrow. My
self pity, my lack of connection and insight is very apparent. I share it
because I know so many of you will recognize it and will be helped by it
and the answers that we will provide during this writing. See next

I started this article purposefully with what many will perceive to be

negative, yet I make the statement now LOUD and clear, it is not. It felt
like it was while I was in it and so will or did you, but now I know
differently. There have been many (human) angels placed on my path
during the experience that provided so much clarity. To each and every
one of you, my eternal gratitude for playing so magnificently your role in
our contract. Each and every time it happened, it was as if a word or two
was enough to trigger something from deep within me. As it did I found
many answers to all that I have been through. I felt my DNA change, I

am no longer who I was. I know without a shadow of doubt that I had to
go through these experiences in order to be the master I came here to

There have been several close friends that have been going through
similar turmoil within their current relationships. Some will remain with
their current partners, some won’t. To each of you I say now, be the
master that you came here to be. Master the 3d emotions, let them go,
come from the heart, a place where no anger can reside, where the
feelings of jealousy or emotions have no place. Communicate with your
partner from your higher self, find the words to communicate with them in
the language from the brain, ego, personality and mind for that is where
they are and for a divine reason. Formulate the words from LOVE, and
they will understand. A part of their own inner knowing will then be ready
to open or release whichever your purpose and divine contract is meant
to be.

Know and feel this next statement to be truth as I understand it. YOU
have gone through, or are going through these experiences to prepare
you for a task that you came here to fulfill. There is/are none other than
those closest to you that can press your buttons, that knows you so well,
that can touch the very depths of your being than your partner, family or
closest friends, perhaps even your colleagues. Bless them with all that
you are for they truly are your guide to ascension.

It certainly will not have felt or feel that way. But know without doubt that
they are dancing the dance of creation with you in one of the most
sublime dances that has ever been experienced. They are honoring a
divine contract to assist you in preparing for a time in the not too distant
future when the masses will awaken to their own true GOD selves.
These times will be extremely confusing for them and you are being
prepared. You cannot fulfill your task if you are still being hurt by
statements, acts or things happening around you. Many of you have
experienced or will the things of which I speak. You had to experience
them to prepare you, to assist you to see beyond the illusion of this 3d
reality. You are being prepared to BE the Ascended Masters here on

It will appear as if your ego, mind and personality are being tested to the
limits, it will seem like your partner has lost their mind, comments that cut
to your soul, overly exaggerated statements that will cut into you like a

Know dear reader that these times are temporary, they will pass as you
gain mastery over your emotions etc, as you learn to respond from the
heart instead of reacting from the brain (ego). The sooner you see
through what is happening and the why, the sooner you will find the new
found freedom, peace and your true path. A word to the wise, as you
learn to stop pointing the fingers at the other, or finding words that take
the sting out of anything that may have been experienced, taking the
blame out of statements, removing judgment from your comments, a
change will take place.

A next step may be that your partner may shift their energy from
recrimination towards you, to taking the blame upon themselves. Assist
them to see through this illusion too, for this is also a part of your
MASTERY test. It will need to be done with a lot of patience and
understanding, sometimes firm words will be required, please do make
sure that those firm words come from the heart and not the ego. I also
promise you again that they will feel this at some point and after their
higher self realizes that they cannot press your buttons any more, that
they cannot take you out of your Mastery, a shift will take place and
again a peace will descend around you. Those of you have gone
through or are going to go through these experiences will most definitely
feel compassion for any and all who come to you because you will truly
understand where they are and what they are going through.

I wish also to share with you the following. As I began to see through the
illusion of what was happening to and around me, I learned that I MUST
at all times be in total TRUTH. This in the beginning was not an easy one
for there were secrets I thought better kept to myself often out of fear of
judgment of what I feel, see, experience and believe. One thing I DO
KNOW for certain, a lie will never remain hidden and it is always felt by
the other person, their intuition is sending them signals and they know.
Perhaps not quite what, but they do KNOW. I am not asking you to
accept this as YOUR truth, however! To prove it to yourself, try a little
experiment with a close friend. Share a lie with them, ask them to simply
feel their own bodies and the reactions from it. I am absolutely certain
that they will feel the difference between true statements and untruths.

I know from experience that in the beginning this may well be one of the
most difficult tasks for the fear of reactions that might come from the one
you are revealing truths too. Yet I promise you this. In TRUTH there is a
magic that suddenly seems to flow. Their higher selves automatically
seems to know that something special is happening. Oh! They might be
angered for a while, but again I speak from experience as YOU begin to

replace the fears (in your heart) and replace them with faith a total shift
begins to take place! Either they will be ready to release you to your
divine task or assist you, sometimes both.

A truly magical air of peace descends upon your situations.

REMEMBER!!! You are of the first wave. You came here to be the
ASCENDED masters here on earth. These are tests that you agreed with
each other before you even entered into this life cycle. REMEMBER at
all times that the one appearing to be hurting you is fulfilling their divine
contract with you. Perhaps it won’t feel like this at the time, But there will
come a time that you see the LOVE that has been given. Do you think it
was easy for them to force you into your mastery by doing what was
perceived to be at the time all those nasty things? Were they not
confused and hurt too? I offer you this statement. Yes!!! But they
continued even though they did not know the why. Because they were
being guided to make you step into your power. Why! Because an inner
knowing is guiding them to do so. They cannot avoid it, because it is
THEIR divine contract.

I also spoke earlier of the many human angels that have been placed on
my path. Each and every one of them had a small piece of the puzzle. As
I spoke with them often times purely because I am always willing to
assist another, I found as I listened to what I was saying to them I was
getting answers for myself. We were finding answers and getting clarity
as to why it was all happening.

The workshops I have been blessed to bring forth and will be invited to
share with so many as we travel the world, my Twin Flame and I. We will
be able to share the 3 steps of Ascension, deliver many seminars on the
Twin Flames, assisting through the remember seminar those present to
remember their divine task, sharing our experiences and the knowledge
that has been provided to us. We are truly blessed each and every one
of us. For as you see through the illusion of the dark night of the soul you
will notice that you are releasing ego to the light. You are releasing
judgment accepting all for what/who they are and seeing exactly where
they are on their journey and I can guarantee you will send them love
instead of judging.

The many earth Angels that will enter your life, cross your path for a
moment, or stay with you for the journey are a GOD send. Listen
carefully, for they are there to provide you with your answers as you will
provide them with theirs. Recognize those that are there to be a part of
your “COUNSOUL” for although you have achieved mastery now on

several levels, there may yet be times when you are not able to see the
how’s and why’s for yourself. When this happens you will know who to
turn to as they will turn to you. I use the term: “Vibrating on a similar
Octave” because should I use the term: on a similar level? It will often
create a feeling of judgment and will not as easily be accepted. My
understanding of this is that our souls understand that we are all
vibrating in many different resonance’s and all is in perfection, for we are
all unique in our journeys and the way we have become the personality
we are.

Be open dear friends to those around you. Place your

questions/requests to the angels and the universe. For just as I did, I
know you will find your answers. They will be placed on your path and it
will bring you to a point whereby you can and will let go of this 3d illusion.
The feeling is one of a deeper understanding and a knowing on many
more levels. It is the beginning of true unconditional love of all your
brothers and sisters or as I have written may times before: OPOM’s!
Your "other parts of me."

It truly does feel as a part of the ascension process. Does it end here,
are we there? Oh! I doubt it, but I do know we are a great deal closer for
having experienced this AWESOME GIFT known as the dark night of the

One final note: While I was going through this period in my journey I
noticed that many things were being blocked. I will not bore you with the
details. I will simply make the statement that they no longer are. A FLOW
of FREEDOM and abundance on all levels appeared in my life after this
experience. A part of me knows that as you find this space in your
journey many things will suddenly open for you too. Those with whom I
have already shared this new part of my knowing, this new
understanding, have somehow or other come out of their shells. I have
seen how they have transformed from a closed bud to a beautifully wide
open and in full bloom Lotus flower. They have stepped fully into their
power, they are in their passion and their JOY. Is it because I have
shared with them these experiences? Was it because there was a switch
activated within them?

Were the masters working through me as I shared these experiences, so

that something was triggered within them? Well! I will leave that for you
to experience after you have read and absorbed this parable and made it
a part of your own knowing if you so choose.

One final thought I would like to share with you. If you have not been
through this experience yet? Find someone who has, their love and
patience as you go through your struggles will assist you through yours
with much more ease and grace. It will certainly speed up the process as
they guide you through it.

A prisoner in a prison of my own creation.

As I stated in the previous parable, I am

sharing this particular part of my
awakening journey because it was at the
time the lowest period of my life. It was a
part of the experience as I went through
the dark night of the soul journey.

Please do remember, it was, I can now

state with hindsight all an illusion that
allowed me to become free.

A prisoner in a prison of my own creation.

My life is one of ups and downs, more downs these days than ups….. I
am caught within invisible walls of a prison of my own creation…
I am in a marriage that is causing my spiritual journey to tumble and fall
all around me…
It is causing my emotional body to be in turmoil…
It is causing my physical being to break down at such a rate I feel that if it
continues this way I am not long for this journey…
It is creating havoc within my mental body, for even though I know I was
a master, I certainly no longer feel this way.

On some levels I love my wife very much because she has been a part
of my life for more than 30 years. We had two wonderful children
together of which one has returned to source. Enough to tear apart any
relationship, yet all throughout our lives we only ever did have each
other. Now since my quest to find answers I have lost that too. The gap
between us I doubt will ever be bridged…. Nor truthfully do I have the
desire. I don’t know what my future is going to bring, but it will more than
likely not be with my wife.

I thought to have found joy in a creation shared through my guides….

The Online Spiritual Community. Yet even that tumbled eventually and is
now laid in ruins at our feet…

I found my other half of me, the opposite pole of my soul. Which brought
me experiences that fail description on this earthly plain, Yet that too
appears to be breaking down. She too being caught in a prison of our
illusion. I find myself more in the lower me than the higher me of late and
I see this mirrored in her. Are we doomed to fail in everything dear
Mother Father God Creator.

We understand the concept of the journey and the task you have placed
upon us, yet I fear that the burden is to great for how can we create from
within these prison walls. Dear Mother Father God creator, hear my cries
for help. Lift us out of this illusion of the 3d reality for it is one now that
we have a deeper understanding of, is to great a cross to bear…..

I no longer have the strength to seek mastery within the marriage I am

trapped in. I no longer have the strength to lift my twin as she struggles
within the illusion of this 3d world.

Who will lift me dear Mother Father God Creator? Who will lift me? Am I
destined to be a failure in all that I do in this cycle dear Mother Father
God Creator? Even in my willingness to serve the greater good of all?
Even in the search for a little piece of heaven on earth with my twin?

I am tired and I am weary of this illusion dear Mother Father God

Creator, take me home soon or with the greatest of haste place in front
of us the possibilities of a respite and some happiness. We agree with all
we are to be in service to the whole, to the collective, to all that is. Our
hearts scream out to do it from a place of bliss and freedom. Why is it
then dear Mother Father God Creator that we are failing to manifest this?
You have teased us and held the carrot there long enough now in front of
your faithful twins. Provide us with answers soon for if we cannot find

them I fear for our sanity and our eternal soul. Heed our cries dear
Mother Father God Creator, have pity on these souls…

This period lasted for about a month and eventually did diminish as I
started to find the answers. I realized eventually that this was the ego
that was being forced to release its control over me. I realized eventually
that it was all in divine perfection and now that I know the results of going
through it, I would not change a thing.

The Death of the Old.

Having gone through a second
experience of the dark night of the
soul, I gained a great deal more
insights as to exactly what was going

Through this parable I hope to

provide even more clarity for those
about to step into the experience as
we all near the moment of

The Death of the Old.

In the many conversations with people daily and from all corners of the
globe something is very clearly being presented to us. The experiences
that many have had, are having or will have are not unlike dying. In this
article, clarity is being provided as to what exactly is happening so that
the awareness is expanded to the “ALL”. Please note, we are not talking
about an actual physical death here. It is a descriptive metaphor for a
very deep experience

It is all being presented here in reverse order so that those yet to
experience it will be encouraged and uplifted by what they are reading.
This at least is what we hope to achieve because the experience turns
out to be one not only life changing but also absolutely the best thing that
could ever happen to you.

Yet to experience.
For those of you still to experience this death of the old? You got lucky! A
whole bunch of folks went before you and have written some great stuff
about it. Many have provided some pretty awesome tools to assist in the
transformation. At the end of the article we will share some resources
that will assist you greatly. For a moment we will take a look at what is
meant by old. The old we are referring to here is the parts of your make
up that will no longer serve you in the higher vibrational dimensions. This
could be parts of your old programming, belief systems, habits etc. When
we refer to death of the old, it is really merely a transformation of the old
ways into the new. These are often experienced as struggles and
sometimes to such an extent that it really does feel as if you are
unraveling from the core.

Having taken the time and done the reading, you will find because of
your awareness of what is happening, you will recognize many of the
symptoms and with the many tools provided will move through them a lot
easier. This of course is a matter of choice, should you choose not to
research, you will experience it as deeply as those that went before you
that did not have the materials. Either way the end result is the same, it
is just that the one path has stones and briars and the other cotton wool
and downy feathers. The fact that you are reading this now, shows your
willingness to move through these experiences with as much ease and
grace as is possible.

Enjoy and be in Gratitude for those that have gone before you. Know this
to be an absolute. Not one soul on the planet will avoid this. It is what we
all agreed upon even before we incarnated and rest assured it is the
most blessed and magical thing that could happen to you, although at
times it certainly might not feel that way, we can assure you it very
definitely is.

For those in the experience right now!

For those that are going through it now, you might be feeling that it is the
worst time of your lives, you might feel as if you are totally lost,
disconnected, feeling like crawling into a hole, despondent, sometimes
even to the point of no longer wanting to be here. In actual fact, you are

indeed dying! Whoa! Not so fast, we meant a part of you is dying. The
old parts of you in the 3d reality are dying off. Many of the old illusions
are falling away and this is creating confusion within you. There might be
physical symptoms like diarrhea, skin blemishes, flu symptoms. There
may even be more serious symptoms and we do not want to create fear
with these statements so for this purpose we strongly recommend you
look for Michael’s materials at the end of the article. He provides
awesome insights into many of the symptoms and helps you discover
why they are there. Fear and dis-ease are all a part of the illusion and
the tools are already there to help you transform them.

Are you with a partner that appears to be making things extremely

difficult for you. Well! Here too you have a choice. You might have
finished your soul contract with them and by remaining in the relationship
you are only prolonging their discomfort and yours. If you see pain in
their eyes, remember that they are reflecting the pain they see in your
eyes. If you wish to discover whether your contract together has been
completed and you are not yet able to tap into your own souls purpose?

We recommend you visit with a hypno-regression therapist. Ask

specifically for this “soul” knowledge. Please do your research on the
practitioner before hand. It is essential you get with a professional who
knows exactly what he/she is doing. We say this because obviously the
opposite is also possible and it may just be a break down in
communications or understanding. This too can be researched through
the right therapist. It often turns out that a lesson has been brought
forward from a previous life and in understanding what it is, is often half
the battle. Many couples after regression therapy have become very
good friends and lovers again and are as happy as the day they married.
Others realize that the soul contract has ended and a reasonably
peaceful separation is usually the result of this knowing.

Are you going through miserable experiences at work? Finding yourself

getting deeper into debt? Take a good honest look at what you are
doing. Is your work fulfilling you? Does it make you happy? Here to, you
are being faced with choices. Find ways to make it so that you can enjoy
the work you are in, or find something else that will make you happy. We
know that this may all sound scary, but we promise you, you will be glad
you went through it. The reason being that if you are fulfilling your souls
contract you will be in JOY, abundance and the magic of the
Universe/God will flow around you. A HUGE and valuable tip here is to
make sure that you master your inner and verbal communication. Make
certain that you are putting out to the Universe that which you desire to

create. Avoid at all costs the “I don’t like, want, etc statements.
Remember, the Universe/God does not judge and will place on your path
multifold of that which you put out. This is the law of the universe. It is the
Law of attraction.

(at this point a gentle loving voice entered my being)

We can feel you asking: How is it possible that we know this is
happening the way we are placing it in front of you. The answer to that is.
We wrote this script together and as you move through the experiences,
you WILL remember that YOU wrote it with us.

Anything that no longer serves you in the higher vibrations you are
heading into will be placed in front of you to transform. You can resist if
you so desire, if that is your choice? We love you just as dearly and we
are here when you get fed up of the resistance. In actual fact we are
always there, sometimes your just not hearing us. (chuckle)

Been through it all already?

Congratulations, you were the nearest ripples created in the
Universe/God’s Pond. ( See Chapter two)

For those who have been there, done that and got the T-shirts, you will
know that those T-shirts were hard earned and deserved. Now that you
are through it, experiences of daily Birthday’s, ecstasy, daily miracles are
normal occurrences now.
Watch out for that yoyo effect though. (chuckle)

Most of you are remembering your “SOULS” purpose here in these very
special times and stepping into the fulfillment of those tasks. All around
you, you are noticing that there are many ready and more than willing to
assist you to fulfill those tasks. They are just appearing as if out of the
blue. Actually, that is exactly what is happening. The original ray of
GOD/creation is the blue ray. You are all experiencing/remembering who
you are and re-learning to be the creator essence of the original pattern.
Enjoy the journey now and please remember those that are now feeling
the ripples reach them. Assist where and when you can. Remember,
they are another part of you.

The purpose of it all.

Yes there is method to GOD’s/Our madness. We scripted all of this
together. We chose after traveling to the furthest point away from
Creator/Source that we would return. You are now anchoring the

energies in the now. You are creating heaven on earth. Your divine
agreement and birthright. You are stepping back into “ONENESS”. Let
us emphasize, you are releasing the illusion, you are beginning to live
your souls contract while in the physical all the while consciously aware
of your soul. You are integrating fully the GOD self now in the physical.

We feel you asking: Can we fail? The answer to that is a resounding

“NO”. How do we know? Well! Who wrote the script? We/You did not put
the possibility of failure into the script this time.

The yoyo effect.

A channeled message that helps us to

remember the perfection of the script we
collectively wrote.

It was written to assist you to remember

and move through times of challenges with
ease and grace.

The Yoyo effect.

Many of you are now remembering how to be GOD, and as you

experience the confusion or chaos, it is YOUR sign to you that you have
chosen to release the old vibrations and reach for the new. Bless the
experience. Ask your inner knowing as you go through this. We know it
doesn’t feel very good as you go through it and you can prolong it if you
desire by forgetting that you are remembering your divinity.

We feel you asking: “How do I know I am beginning to remember?”

How many of you are experiencing already the feeling of ecstasy. Allow
us to use a metaphor to explain this. There are days already that you are
waking up and you feel like it is your birthday. Inside you at the beginning

of each day you are already wondering what presents God/Universe is
going to be placing on your path today and they are there. You have
noticed how things just seem to fall into place so effortlessly. Because it
is all so new to you, you are looking at them sometimes and wondering
how this is possible.

For others the experience is nothing other than feeling as if you are in a
totally different space/time. Your walking around all day with a big silly
grin on your face and you don’t quite know why. You have felt as if you
could just hug everyone you meet and tell them you love them.

Some of you have already gone through a few of what we will call yoyo
experiences. You are in that sate of bliss and everything is flowing and
all of a sudden someone will say something, or something will happen
and “KABOOM”. Your right back into the old world experiences. Your
confused, your wondering what happened. We ask you to simply flow
through these experiences, there are so many wonderful energies on this
side of the veils assisting you right now, you will not stay in the lower
vibrations for long.

What in actuality is happening here is you are getting used to the higher
vibrations. You are getting acclimatized in your new reality. There are still
events taking place around you that will pull you back. Ahh, but the
beauty is, you have now had a taste of your Godliness and there is
nothing that will stop you now to reach out and be in that energy again.

Do you see the beauty of the yoyo effect? Do you see the perfection of
this game plan that you yourself designed way back in the beginning of
creation? Let us share another metaphor with you. What did you used to
do when you went to a movie that you really enjoyed? What did you do
when you went to a restaurant that had great service and great food?
Yes!!!. You wanted to tell everyone about it.

Admittedly you are coming back into the old with a feeling of despair,
disappointment and you are groaning and moaning, but don’t you see
the perfection in it? Humans are programmed from birth to be in the
negative. You are talking about what you have experienced in the higher
vibrations, about the feeling of having a birthday every single day. What
kind of effect do you think that is having on those around you?

Another of the natural human experiences is “curiosity”.

Did the light go on again? Did the penny drop? Yes, you see you are

coming back and forth to let your friends and family know how wonderful
it is in these higher vibrations. What do you think is going to happen?

They are going to be watching you all the more closely, they will see how
you are able to create and manifest your desires, they will see and feel
the blissful state you are in. They will see that big silly grin on your face.
What do you think is going to happen?

Yes!!! They, through there natural curiosity will be asking you questions,
they will want to know how you are doing it. They are going to desire to
have what you have.

Another metaphor that is very powerful in your earthly human experience

and it is one of the most powerful means of expanding an experience on
your planet. Mouth to mouth advertising. Remember, all those that are
listening to you, observing you, they are seeing the changes in you, they
are seeing how you are more and more frequently remaining in that state
of bliss and having everything naturally flow around you. Yes!!! Most of
these people are your close friends, family etc. Do you think they will
listen to you? Will they trust you? Will they want you to show them how?

You can bet your angel wings they will. So, beloveds, as you go back
and forth in the beginning. Bless it, bless every experience simply
because you know now why it is happening and you see the beauty of
your own contract to be the divine self.

Just for a moment we are going to ask you to imagine with us what is
happening here. As you experience all these wonderful shifts within you.
As you begin to remember more and more who you are and why you are
here. Imagine how many friends you have, how many family members
you have. Do you see the exponential growth that you are creating by
simply being you, remembering you? Now do you see the beauty of
YOUR own plan unfolding in front of you.

Even as you read this message we can feel your excitement rising.
Would you like to know why? YOU ARE REMEMBERING who you are
and why you are here.

An experience with regression therapy.

While on the awakening journey one of

the most powerful ways of finding
answers that appear hidden is to make
an appointment with a GOOD
regression therapist.

Make your choice carefully and assure

yourself first that they do know how to
take the final part of it into the purpose
behind any session in understanding
the soul expansion.

An experience with regression therapy.

As I sat down to write this parable I felt several emotions, the foremost
being! Should I, or shouldn’t I?
Then I thought to myself. “What is this book “Parables of Life” all about?”
and my answer to self was! It is about sharing my life’s experiences so
that others may somehow benefit from them. It is also one of my firm
beliefs that in the times we are now living, by reading someone else’s
experiences it is no longer necessary to live them out ourselves. Unless
of course we choose consciously to do so.
It is for this reason I share this very personal experience.

Having met my Twin Flame “Mary Pat” and experiencing a level of love
that fails description with words, having also met in the physical, the
description of the magic that takes place when the two hearts merge is
beyond description within the human experience or this world. It truly is
beyond words once the two parts of one complete soul meet for the first
time in the physical. We have set up a forum for those of you who feel

you are reconnecting to your twin flame which you can find a link to in
this web page:

Let there be no misunderstanding here, it most certainly has not always

been a bed of roses. We have had to work on it. We have had to
continually achieve balance with the ego and the mind games we
humans love to play. I sometimes wonder if we had not had the same
end goal visions, if we had been able to survive some of the challenges
we have faced together. Even in that statement, there is a part of me
that knows absolutely beyond a shadow of doubt that there are no
challenges without there being a solution available. It is simply a
question of being open and in the correct vibration to receive it. It is also
a part of my absolute knowing that all challenges no matter how difficult
they may appear to be are gifts to ourselves, as we see through the 3d
illusion of them we expand because of the lessons learned.

In this example you will see that the universe did provide a solution to
challenges that we were going through, not only for me but for Mary Pat
too, even though normally she is on the other side of the world and it
would not have been possible to meet with the same therapist.

In our journey of discovering what a twin flame is and why these powerful
emotions and experiences were happening to us, we also discovered
parts of us that were absolutely blocking our ascension process. It would
not be honest, fair or perhaps even totally accurate to write about Mary
Pat’s experiences so I will limit myself to my experiences in this parable,
knowing that at some point we will be writing a book together entitled
“The ups and downs of Twin Flames”.

When communicating with each other I often found myself willing to go to

hell and back bending over backwards to please her. I found myself
giving my power away to her to attend to her slightest whim. I found
myself panicking when our online meetings were cancelled. When I
received an email from her (which is very regular because we are in
business together) I was afraid to open them because I somehow feared
that it would contain a final closing of the relationship. When she spoke
of her husband and children I discovered feelings of jealousy.

All of the above were very strange to me. I could not understand why I
was experiencing them. I had no real reason why I should so willingly
give my power away to her. I certainly couldn’t understand the panic, the
fear of rejection and the jealousy is a very strange emotion to me. I am

not and since my early youth have I experienced the feelings of jealousy
so this was most definitely the most surprising.

Try as we might, we could not figure out where these emotions were
coming from. That is until we started to recognize certain patterns in
communications with a third person we both knew. It all started out
innocently enough. Then for some reason the messages and exchanges
from this third person started to take on another form, they were
becoming manipulative and at some point even downright nasty. This
third person had commented several times on the fact that we had had
many previous lives together whereby I was the central figure in each
experience she shared. It was at this point that Mary Pat recognized an
experience she had had during an attunement I had given to her of the
Shambhala energies. It was of a vision of her death, being burned at the

I/we didn’t particularly feel much connection to this at the time, nor did
we really believe in past lives and the affect they could possible have in
this life cycle. However, with all that was happening now and the fact that
it was definitely getting in the way of our growth and ascension process I
decided that it might be time to look for a specialist. “A regression
therapist”. After doing a search via the internet I found several in Holland
and after speaking with two I felt that I was being guided to meet with
one of them. There was a stirring within me that I could no longer ignore.
By now we had also looked to a certain extent at the vision Mary Pat was
having and it was by no means a pleasant one.

When in a state of semi-trance opening to the experience I saw myself

pacing up and down. I felt a horrendous feeling of helplessness, guilt and
injustice. I was watching this very beautiful native American female being
burned at the stake and as I looked into her eyes I could feel the
helplessness and the feeling of abandonment and betrayal. Yet I could
also feel just before she left her body a feeling of: “It will be alright my
love, we will be together again”.

I discovered that my reasons for the feelings of helplessness were due to

the fact that I was married to a woman who was a very powerful
landowner and I was nothing much more than an object of amusement to
her. There had been very little love in the marriage from the beginning
and I had naturally craved that love and found it in this wonderful Indian
being. I saw in this vision that my lover had become pregnant and that
my wife had found us out. Understand that in the times we were living,
there was nothing I could do to stop her acting upon her anger, my wife

being a powerful landowner. I remember clearly the feelings of total
helplessness, grief, guilt, anger, despair etc. I had also not yet dared to
take the vision any further without professional help. I found that in the
form of a wonderful professional to whom I am indebted and always will
be in gratitude. Her name is Machteld de Gaulle a regression therapist in

I set up an appointment on the day before Mary Pat was to arrive in

Holland to meet me again.
As Machteld took me through the whole process of the powerlessness,
the pain, the guilt, the grief, the loss, etc, She then took me a step further
to recognize and feel the emotions that were attached to this experience,
to where I was feeling it in my body and to what it was doing to me in the
now. It was a powerful experience that took me through a huge range of
emotions and releasing. It also eventually took me to a point where I
could see exactly where the responsibility lay for the whole experience
which made a huge difference in me and my be-ing in the now.

The next step came as a huge surprise to me, Machteld intuitively knew
that it hadn’t finished at this point and began to take me further into this
experience. Because of my emotions and my clear display of them while
the execution was taking place my wife of then became even more
beside herself with anger. Not long after my beloved mistress departed
from her body, it was to be my turn. I felt how a rope was placed around
my neck, I experienced how I was hoisted and hung from a tree branch. I
felt a light snap in my neck as I fell, yet that didn’t finish the job clearly
because I could feel how my lungs screamed for air, my head felt like it
was about to burst. It didn’t last long because I felt myself die. For all
intents and purposes I actually did die during this experience as well.

(Important recommendation: find a professional to do this with) If it were

not for the expertise of Machteld I might have chosen to stay in that
space of peace. As she coaxed me to take a breath she took me into
experiencing the emotions again that this had all created within me.
Again she took me to different parts of my body and asked me to state
aloud what I was feeling by whatever I was feeling at that moment.
Sometimes my throat was very blocked, others my lungs could get no
air. As I felt those pains she guided me to say what came up within me. I
will not go into some of the expletives, suffice to say the blame was truly
being laid where it belonged now.

After about a half hour of this releasing she then took me through the
process of rebirth in this life cycle and yet again to my amazement I saw,

felt and experienced the karma that I came into this life cycle with. While
leaving the birth channel I at one point gave up, clearly a part of me did
not one to go through all this again and I could without the professional
guidance of Machteld quite easily have given up in the here and now
again. Again I had stopped breathing. She coaxed me through the rebirth
at some points forcing me to fight to be here and as I took a huge gulp of
air I knew I was back in this body. The beauty of all of this was that I was
able to release a lot of the feelings, emotions etc that had been blocking
my ascension process. Guilt was one of the foremost. It was certainly
one of the most prominent reasons for my desiring to please all the time.
I released a lot of old stuff (karma) through this experience and it
certainly has helped me in the now.

Would I recommend this to anyone? If your intuition is nudging you

towards it, most definitely. Go for it. I do strongly recommend that you
find a professional though. Ask pertinent questions before taking the
plunge. If you are in Holland contact Machteld or my other friend MJ, if
your elsewhere in the world contact either of these two people, they
are top professionals and very respected in their field. Roger J.
Woolger or Morris Netherton

Do we still have difficulty in believing in past lives? Well, it has certainly

shifted our perception. Yet we also know that time doesn’t really exist, so
how could it be a past life experience.

Let me share a theory with you and I absolutely wish to leave the choice
of your own belief or perceptions with you the reader. It is quite possible
that because we were experiencing certain aspects of our selves that
was blocking our growth, we tapped into the collective consciousness or
some may know it as the grid and found an example that would serve
our needs the best. Which ever may be the truth it worked. We are
simply offering different theories here because we don’t have all the

I will say that it most definitely did answer some pertinent questions that
we both required answers to so that we could move ahead, but now from
a place of “knowing”. With this new information we were able to work on
parts of us that were out of balance. With our usual special way of
communicating with each other we were able to move beyond those

An experience with GOD…

Although this parable also contains a

meditation exercise, I felt it to be such a
powerful and special experience that it
belonged in this section of the book.

Parts of this parable are directly channeled

from the source “Mother Father God Creator”.

An experience with GOD…

In the beginning there was ONE, and this ONE we know as the essence
of GOD.

In the desire to experience Self, the GOD essence split into two halves,
becoming a replica of Self and the creator had created. In doing so, it
became aware of Self from two different perspectives. These were to be
known as the divine feminine and the divine masculine. After a period of
separation, and more splitting of the two, these two particles of the ONE
desired to experience the energy of the ONE again and so it was they
merged back into the ONE.

This experience exceeded all imaginations and fantasies of the ONE and
the unconditional LOVE of the rejoining was full of indescribable divine
The ecstasy of this ONENESS and the remerging was an experience
that ONE/GOD desired to further experiment on. The experience of
creation and LOVE. The ONE/GOD proceeded to further this experiment,
the results of which you all are today. All of you know this ecstasy for it is
embedded in your blueprint and within your cellular memory. Yes, dear
hearts, you are all of my being and from the very beginning of this grand

experiment you and I had planned to return to the ONENESS, that you
too can experience the merging together again in unconditional LOVE,
this rejoining so full of indescribable divine JOY.

That is exactly what you are experiencing now. Throughout your multiple
life cycles you have experienced many things as you learned how best to
survive without the ONE. You separated self from the “Creator”.
This created the alter ego, the mind and the personality which have
throughout time become so powerful in creating the illusion of Life
without GOD/LOVE. You are continually searching for that LOVE outside
of self in a never ending search. The truth is, beloved particles of me that
this love must first be found in your sacred heart space, for this is the
center of your being, the center of all creation. This is where you will find

This is resulting in particles of your inner core essence now challenging

this very re-emerging into ONENESS. We say to you dear hearts, as
these particles of self surface within you, the Alter ego, the mind and the
personality, simply view them from the eyes of the Creator. Love them as
the GOD/Creator would, without judgment of Self. Pour the LOVE from
your heart into all experiences. Know the JOY of this grand experiment
unfolding into completion. This, dear hearts, is your KEY to success in
your mass ascension.

A gift from me and therefore your Self that is rapidly coming into your
awareness and acceptance is the dispensation I am placing in each and
every one of you. Is the understanding/knowing that the other particle of
yourself is very much present in your existence. As it was in the
beginning of creation your yearning to find the original vibrational pattern
of self is drawing ever closer as you expand your awareness from the
mind into the heart. You have given this the name of Twin Soul or Twin
Flame, for it is the original particle of Self after splitting from the ONE. As
you continue to work from the heart and experience life in JOY and
LOVE, releasing the old particles of Self that are convincing you that they
are needed for your survival, you are returning to the Twin Flame heart
of God.

Your world and all in it are rapidly changing and the masses are
awakening. A multitude of questions are being asked, especially
because of the confusing experiences that are going on around you. It is
time dear hearts to remember who you are and from whence you came.
For you truly are ALL the Twin Flame heart of GOD.

I have offered these, my divine messengers, gifts to assist you in
releasing those old particles of Self that you may again experience the
ONENESS of GOD, use it and return to me through the sacred Triality
Flame of GOD/LOVE expanded.

Returning illusions of the limiting mind and alter ego back to God

An experience that I recently had with Yael (Circle of Light) was so

profoundly powerful that it has changed our perceptions forever about
this world we live in and our feelings for Mother, Father God. We
understand now also that we had to be willing to surrender to be able to
become whole within ourselves. As Yael and I prepared to go into what
she lovingly calls the transformational heart, I was ready to experience
anything that would help at this point. As we entered into the meditative
state she asked me to voice anything I was feeling or seeing. I began to
share with her what I was seeing in my inner vision. It unfolded as
follows: (Note: it is not necessary to reach a stage of despair to work with
this exercise!)

The Pink Heart.

I first of all saw this beautiful big Pink heart. After observing it for a
moment or so I felt myself relaxing more and more.

The Triality-Twin Flame of God

I began to see the image of a Golden flame take shape in the center of
this pink heart. As I continued to observe, another flame appeared
directly behind/around it and this one was silver of color. Immediately
after I saw a pure white flame appear behind/around that. Now there
were three flames in one and I knew that this had an important
I understand it now to be the Triality Flame. The Triality Twin Flame of
God. The divine masculine (Gold), the divine feminine (Silver) and GOD
(White). I was being asked to step into this flame with my presence so I
did. As I did, I felt the energy course through my entire physical body.

The vertical ray of release.

After a short while I noticed a beam of light projecting up and outwards

into the universe. As I stepped into this beam of light I felt myself being
projected out into the universe. I soon found myself floating amongst

galaxies and a myriad of stars which all felt as if they were welcoming
me. It was in this space of peace and tranquility that I felt to call upon
Mother Father God Creator and so I did.

Standing in front of Mother Father God.

I will have to describe this as best I can because words cannot do it the
honor and the love I felt/saw.
I first saw what I will describe as a sphere of Golden light that came ever
closer and as it did I began to notice it starting to take on form. At a
certain point I felt myself standing in front of this absolutely wonderful
being that emanated pure Golden Light, although golden is not
descriptive enough, there were many different shades of yellow, gold,
orange etc and all of them vibrated in and through each other. The being
appeared to be wearing a high necked cloak, but the most prevalent
experience was the feeling of absolute and total LOVE that streamed in
waves from this being to and in me. I was then guided to offer whatever I
desired to this magnificent being to have it transformed. I therefore
offered any and all doubts judgments and fears to this being by placing
them in my raised hands and offering them symbolically to him/her.

I did not immediately feel anything, but after what seemed to be a minute
or so I saw where the heart might be perceived to be begin to vibrate
exponentially. After another moment or so I felt/saw energy emanate
from this magnificent vision, being projected into my own heart. Not quite
sure what had happened I felt and knew that something had been
transformed. After thanking profoundly who I knew now to be the Mother
Father God Creator I returned into my body.

Within two days I had proof that this worked without any shadow of
doubt. The gift I received because of it was so profoundly huge that I
could hardly believe it was possible. I had of course done the meditation
several more times during the next two days. I returned to the exercise
and again asked Mother Father God to assist me by taking away my
fears judgments and doubts, every time I felt that my mind was trying to
sabotage my desires.

I feel so enormously blessed to have had this experience and even more
blessed to KNOW that it works and that it will make huge changes in our
perceptions and our life lessons. Yael lovingly describes them as our
hidden heart beliefs that surface to be transformed and released. The
greatest gift of all is that as I did this for myself I had noticed that without
even being present it had also worked on my Twin Flame releasing her

too from those old belief patterns. We continue to use this powerful gift
for transformation to LOVE every time we feel that the mind, alter ego,
old programming or personality try to take over.

It is our heartfelt wish that it works so profoundly powerfully for you too
as you are ready, willing and able to offer your limitations, challenges
etc, up to Mother Father God, releasing you from the illusion of the mind
and alter ego which we know, without a shadow of doubt will bring Divine
and TRUE LOVE into your life. Enjoy it to the fullest for it is the will of
Father-Mother-God that it is so. It is your divine birth right.

Chapter Four.

A Selection of Tools designed to


An easy Guide To Awakening Your

Channeling Abilities.

Easy to follow steps provided to assist in

recognizing that everyone can communicate
with guides, angels and the ascended

A Simple Guide To Awakening Your Channeling Abilities

Over the last 50 to 60 years or so there has been much hype and
misinterpretations around this whole subject. It has been portrayed to
most as something mystical and mysterious, something only achievable
by the chosen few.

We will show you that not only can you, but each and every individual
here on this earth plain can communicate with their guides. We will show
you that it is in fact nothing out of the ordinary, no big secret etc. It really
is quite simple.

First of all we will offer you a method to communicate with your own
personal guiding angels or higher/other self. Once you gain confidence
and trust in what you are receiving, you might even surprise yourself.
We know for a fact that there are many ascended masters/entity’s out
there that are just jumping (figuratively speaking) for a chance to
introduce themselves to you. They can’t wait to share their wisdom,
guidance and unconditional Love messages to you and through you.
All YOU need to do is ask.

How many times during your life’s journey have you heard this saying?
It is easy when you know how!!!! You already know how, you have
simply forgotten, we hope to help you remember.

Do you recognize this statement?

God, the Source, Allah, my higher self, whatever name you wish to
attach to it, doesn't answer my prayers/requests!
There are reasons for that, and we will do our utmost to show you what
those reasons are.

Step 1. The "YES and NO" game.

Think of a question you would like an answer to. Because we do not
want to stretch you beyond your perceived limits straight away, we
recommend you think of a question that can be answered with a clear
"yes" or a "no". We have found that even those that have never tried this
before have received an answer at their very first try.
Let us expand a little further on this, because we know that some of you
are expecting bells, whistles and drum rolls etc... When you ask your
question? Be aware of the thoughts that pop in to your mind. Most of us
when we first start experimenting with this, will find that this is indeed the
way we (feel) get our answers. It might surprise you to know that you will

have your answer even before you finish stating the question. If that is
not the case? Let us offer as an example that you receive your answer
approximately 1 or 2 seconds after completely stating the question. If
that is the case, then it is your ego that is answering the question with
the answer that you "want" to hear....
Maybe you didn't get an answer? Either, before, during or after.
Excellent! (Sorry, we don't mean to tease) Our reason for saying
excellent is: we have found the reason why you have not been getting
your answers. "YOU" have not been making your requests (your prayers)
with total "clarity"!!!!!

Allow us to explain.
If you are not totally clear with the question? Your higher self, God etc
cannot do anything for you. So what we need to do is look at the
question you are asking. Get yourself a pen and paper and write the
question down. Now take a moment or two too scrutinize the question. Is
it possible that there are more ways than one to interpret your question?

Is it possible that there are multiple answers or ways to translate that

question? Is the question confusing? Do you get the picture now? If you
are not totally clear with the question you are placing in front of them?
Then this is one of the possible reasons you are not getting your
answers. Play with the words, try different ways of asking and have
some fun doing it. It really is fun to do...

Once you have re-formulated the question. Try again!

Did you feel it? Now you will probably have felt your "yes or no"
answer....Remember now!
This is just the start. Keep on playing with this. Continue to ask
questions. Keep working on the clarity. Once you become adept at it, you
will find that your answers are always there.

The next step of course is trusting those answers to have come from the
source. This too will become a familiar part of you as you learn to trust
those answers implicitly.
Perhaps we could also state here some of the questions you might not
receive answers to.
By now you will perhaps be of the understanding that questions about
the future rarely are answered or are certainly vague. The reason for this
of course is that "YOU" have total control over everything that happens in
your future. You are creating it with your every thought. It is therefore
understandably near on impossible for your guides to predict future

events. Having said that, it is possible to ask for signals or guidance as
to whether certain actions are in alignment with your divine plan.

Once you have mastered the yes and no connection, at some point in
time you will start to notice that something has changed. The answers
you are getting are no longer simply yes or no. You might find that the
answers you are now getting are complete sentences. Keep working with
it. Again once you have total trust in the messages you are receiving?
You will eventually find that you are able to hold complete conversations
with your higher self/source.

Note: Although we do indeed feel that the learning /remembering is

simple, we feel to let you know that as is with everything in life worth
achieving, it will take patience and above all diligence/practise. Like
every other muscle in this our human bodies, our connection to our
guides, angels, higher/other selves takes practise and exercising of
those connections. The more you experiment with it, the more adept you

Energy Games We Play.

(Part 1 Energy Fields)

In this first parable we offer ways for you to

see with new eyes.

It will make a difference to your daily lives and

experiences and are most certainly a great
deal of fun.

Energy Games We Play (Part 1 Energy Fields)

Ah! The energy games. This must surely be one of my favourite parts of
this journey. There are so many experiences to share about this one. In
my humble opinion no one has written about it more eloquently and
accurately as James Redfield. You only need to look at the amount of
books sold. (The Celestine Prophecy) It made a huge difference in my
journey as I know it has for so many others, in particular those who are
just embarking upon their awakening process.

It takes a little practice to be able to see the way our energy fields
surround our physical body, yet when one does it is an exciting
experience. One of the best tools I ever received was this diagram.
See: Dr. Tom Chalko

If you look at the dot in the centre long enough without blinking you will in
effect be training your eyes to work in a different way than you normally
would during your natural daily experiences. Practice this and I
guarantee you, it will make a huge difference in your life. A bold
statement indeed and yes in a moment I will back it up too. Practice it a
couple of times a day for the first few days and you should pretty rapidly
be able to see the energy fields around trees, plants, light switches, (that
sure is a pretty one) animals and even people.

How might this experience change your life?

In so many ways and I will share with you now how it has helped myself
and others that I have worked with. Knowing that our bodies are
surrounded in an energy field and that through this exercise you can see
this energy field. This first step might simply be being able to visualize a
slight haze around the object you are looking at. Keep working with it,
your skills will expand the more you do.

I am sharing two examples with you so that you can play with the
experiences as we did when first starting out. ENJOY!

An example of one of my own experiences here would be a time when I

went along with my wife to have my eyes tested. The specialist asked
me to take a seat and while he examined my eyes he asked me to
concentrate without blinking on a particular object anywhere in the room.
I happened to choose the light switch. After a short moment I started to
notice a beautiful blue energy field around the switch. Without moving my
eyes I started to notice other things in the room. I could see the
specialists body just off to my right in my peripheral vision. I could clearly
see his energy field. I remember the surprise on his face as I exclaimed
with a loud WOW! Haha.

Another of my first examples. I had just parked my car in the same

place as I always do when we visit a special Island close to our home at
the time. While I was getting our warm coats out of the car, my wife had
walked to a dune and had started to film the area. Before I go any
further, you need to know that the camera was a very old one, and that
looking through the view finder, you could only see black and white. On
this occasion, my wife called down to me somewhat confused and
obviously not believing her own eyes. She said: "how is it possible that I
am seeing a very clear GREEN energy field through this camera?".

Silly me. I didn't believe her and said that it was impossible. Agitated and
determined to find out if it was just her eyes, she made me join her and
take a look for myself. What I knew to be impossible, was now proven to
me too. I could not believe my eyes. All around the dune fields there was
a large and very clear green band of energy. No matter where we
pointed the camera, it was clearly there. Although the dunes and
everything else there was otherwise just black and white, the immediate
skyline for about a couple of meters above the ground was a beautiful
green haze. To jump ahead, the first thing we did after leaving was use
the camera in several different places, inside the bungalow, at the beach,
etc. But nowhere, did we see the colors again? Still pretty surprised and
confused, wondering if we could still see it on the camera, the first thing
we did when we got back home was, again look through the viewfinder.
Nothing! We then played it off via the TV. Nothing!

In subsequent visits to that Island and to this same field, especially

during the different seasons, we were able to see without the camera.
Depending on what season it was the color of the energy field varied,

sometimes it was a beautiful green, at other times it was a golden color
and yet others it had a light blue hue to it..

This next step could be seen as step two of the exercise and is known
generally as Aura reading.
By now you might have noticed that our energy fields fluctuate and
change with our mood swings. This does take some practice to be able
to see. However, it is well worth the effort, especially when you are able
to discern different colors in the energy fields. Each of these colors
contains a different energy and can provide the reader with a lot of
information. This experience has served me well many times while
working with people.

Step three in this exercise and another of great value to your

experience is watching how the energy fields react to certain stimulants.
You might want to start playing with this one by sitting in front of one of
your house plants. Concentrate first of all on seeing the energy field
surrounding it. As you are comfortable with what you are seeing, start to
play with it a little. Offer the plant sweet words, talk to it in gentle tones,
offer it your loving energy. It is a wonderful experience. Seeing how the
energy field of that plant interacts with your energy, seeing the energy
field expand and become brighter is one of the most powerful and
unforgettable experiences I ever had in my own journey. When you are
ready you can exchange energy with the plant. This is simply a matter of
thinking it, or in other words placing it in your intent. If the subject is
willing you will see the field of energy reaching out to touch your own.
There will be a visible exchange of energy between you and the plant.
The colors are clearly discernable between the two, so you should have
no trouble seeing the two merge. Once you are confident in this
experience you can try it on your pets.

Next we will go into some of the experiences that will assist you greatly
in understanding the games we humans play with our energies.

Energy Games We Play (Part 2 Energy

In this parable we share several ways of

adapting, changing or boosting your

This too can make your daily interactions

with others a much more pleasant

Energy Games We Play (Part 2 Energy Fields)

As promised in the previous pages we will now take a closer look at the
energy games humans play with each other and the huge difference this
can make to your own personal journey within relationships etc. Having
shared with you how you can develop the skills needed to see energy
fields we would like to take you on the next and in my opinion very
valuable part of this experience. We are sure you will agree once you
have read this section.

In the first part of this experiment we would recommend you ask a close
friend to experience this with you. Just as you did with the plant, you are
now going to need to focus on this person/friend and to adjust your eyes
so that you can see the energy field. If you are doing that with a stranger
while honing your skills, you might make them feel very uncomfortable to
say the least.

As you become more and more adapt at seeing this energy field you
can start to play with it. Experience sending your friend energy, and as
you do! Watch how the energy reaches out towards your friends energy

field. Ask them to send you energy and watch how the exchange takes

What you have just experienced is one of the ways that human beings
interact with each other. For instance, if you were to watch a couple
having a conversation and they are simply enjoying a normal
conversation you would see a gentle back and forward interaction with
both their energy fields. If you happen to be in the circumstances that
two of your friends are arguing and you are able to see their energy
fields? This is a whole different ball game. The one who has the
strongest argument or is the more convinced they are right at any given
moment, you will see a huge stream of energy flowing towards him/her.
You can imagine that when this kind of altercation takes place that there
has to be a rapid exchange of energy in order to keep the balance, if it
doesn’t one of the participants will give in. This is one of the reasons that
when you have been in an argument you might feel you lost that you feel
drained afterwards.

This is an experience that will teach the observer a great deal about how
we interact with each other on an energy level and the energy
exchanges that are continually taking place.

I would like to share an example of an experience I had while working

with one of my clients. When this lady first came to me it was quite clear
that she suffered from something called Bipolar disorder.

What this basically means is that the person shifts from one type of
emotion to another rapidly and frequently. It takes very little for instance
to have them move from a good mood to being an absolute screaming,
raving mess. I shared with this lady the exercises mentioned above. I
also asked her to read the Celestine Prophecies which as I have
mentioned before talks a lot about how we work with our energies.

What we had created with this was that she was now aware of what was
happening in her interactions with others. She could see and feel it
happening. Every time she felt that she was being belittled or attacked by
someone she felt the emotions bubbling up again. She could feel herself
losing control and was aware of it. Remember! Awareness is the
beginning of the healing journey. The difference in her now is that she
now knew what was happening and she also knew that there were
several things that she could do to balance it out.

I also reminded her of the simple count to ten method. We even joked
that she could count to a hundred if it helped. Counting creates a little

time/space so that you can be aware of what is happening, it provides
time to think about the answer or interaction you wish to choose.

While she was counting I showed her how she could also work with her
prana breathing (breathing exercises) which would further assist in
relaxing her.

I added to that methods of opening ones self up to receiving energy

from several other different sources. Opening the higher four chakra to
the universe and your guides will bring out a totally different answer than
you would have if not having done these things. When we have an
abundance of energy we are automatically in a more relaxed state.

If that wasn’t working for her I suggested that another step would be to
walk away when possible. To find a quiet place and play some music to
which she could sit and AUM. The AUM together with the music would
create relaxing vibrations and would always succeed in calming her

I am not saying here that this will work for everyone. I will say that it
does work for the majority of people. It certainly did work for this
particular lady and many other clients I have worked with.

Some of the energy sources I personally tap into.

For instance if I am driving long distances and I start to feel myself tiring,
I will ask the trees on the roadside if they would be so kind as to share
some of their energy with me. After no more than a couple of minutes I
no longer feel tired, I feel revitalized and reenergized. I always remember
to thank them for their gift. If there are no trees you can ask any kind of
plant life and they will share their energy with you.

Have you ever travelled long distances with a tired driver? They get
cranky don't they? Here is a neat little trick you can try. Open yourself up
to receiving the energies from whatever the source, sit behind the driver
and simply allow the energies to flow through you into them. What a
miraculous transformation and you have a peaceful ride for the rest of
the journey. (chuckle).

If you can make the time you can of course also simply sit, relax and
open your crown chakra allowing the energies of the universe to flow in.

Mother Earth will also always willingly provide you with her loving energy.
All you need do is ask. Allow the energies to flow into you through your
foot chakra's. In no time you will feel revitalized through this method too.

The reason I am sharing all of these methods of receiving energy with
you is that I also know from experience that most times when you are
confronted with angry, agitated or aggressive people, simply opening up
to channelling these energies directly through to them can take the sting
out of any confrontation. Try it. It really does work. Perhaps a gentle
word of warning here. If you feel that it might make the person even
more aggressive if they know what you are doing? Do it discretely after
asking permission from their higher selves.

To finish this section for now I would like to recommend you play with
these experiences and I do mean play. Don't take it all to serious. If you
can't see the energies in the beginning? Simply trust that they are there.
Play with it and enjoy in JOY.

A Simple Guide To Working With

Your Chakras.

In this parable I will share with you

how I learned to experience working
with the chakra.

I will also share how I took it a step

further and how information can be
gleaned from the chakra to assist in
healing all imbalances and or dis-

A Simple Guide To Working With Your Chakras.

In this I will share with you my own experiences through the loving
guidance of my higher self and the Masters, I will leave it to your own
discernment as to whether you feel this will work for you or not.

Directly after doing a Shambhala attunement I was guided to go back

and sit in front of the student we had just attuned to the energies.

As I knelt down in front of the student, I felt guided to lift my hand. Picture
this with me if you can! As I was about a meter or so away, I wasn't quite
sure what was happening. My hand was at approximately the level of the
top of the student's head.

After a minute or so, my hand lowered about two inches. I could clearly
feel energies flowing. I just didn't know why yet. After another minute or
two, I felt my hand move down another six inches or so, to about the
height of the student's throat. Another moment or two later, I felt my hand
again lowering to what was now clearly the height of the student's heart.

This is where the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. Ok, OK! I
know, I was a little slow on the uptake sometimes. (chuckle)
It was then that I stated within myself! Hey! I know what you guys are
doing! You are showing me how to work with the chakras?

At this point I could feel/felt an amused chuckling and applause,
accompanied with the words, Sheesshh. He finally got there. No prizes
for guessing where that came from.

Now that I knew what was going on, I of course wanted to be an active
and fully aware participant in the experiment they were having me go
YUP! You guessed it. I started out again, right from the top with the
statement. "If you want me to learn this, then I want to "be" there"!
Imagine the surprise on my student's face. I waved his questions away
with a polite "I will explain later", after which he calmly sat back and let us
get on with it, stating. "What do I care. It feels good. Go for it!"

I started at the crown Chakra, I could clearly feel the energy flow there.
We had just finished an attunement, I should hope so... haha.

As I moved down to the third eye chakra, I could feel the energies
flowing again. This somehow felt different though. I could feel a
difference in the center of my hand, so I asked! "Ok What is this I am
feeling here"? They answered: "He is blocking his third eye chakra.

Would you like to feel how to unblock it? To which I of course replied. Of
course I would. I felt my hand start to move first in gentle alternating anti-
clockwise circles until I could feel a strong flow of energy. I was then
guided to repeat it in clockwise circles. After several rotations, I wasn't
really counting. I stopped and felt again. I could clearly feel a difference
and by the sounds, gurgles of pleasure the student was making, this was
having an effect.

I then moved down toward the throat chakra. There was a very clear
blockage here which I felt immediately. Before I could even ask the
question. Is this one blocked too? They answered "YES". I asked "OK!
What is he blocking here? They answered: "This one has a fear of
speaking his truth about who he is and a fear of sharing the knowledge
he possesses. I dutifully unblocked that one in the same manner as
before. I was also informed at that moment, that should the student wish
to prevent it blocking up again, we would need to inform him as to why
and offer tips and advice on how to take baby steps in correcting it.

We then moved down to the heart chakra. While here I felt a clear
flowing of the energies. It felt wonderful. The answer that came was,
"Yes, this one does have a beautiful caring heart".

Moving down to the solar plexus which felt totally free. This chackra is
often associated with Emotional blockages.

Now to the second (sexual) chakra, I could again feel a slight blockage
there, which we again dutifully balanced.

The base chakra. Again, there were clear blockages here.

I was informed that should the student wish to completely remove these
blockages for all time, they would need to look at the issues, find out
what they are and bring them into balance.

It is not surprising that I was quite pleased with what had just taken
place. (hehe... An understatement) As the student and I talked about
what he and I had felt while working through the chakras, it was totally
clear that what had been shown was also 100% accurate.

Since that first time, I have done many of these, what I like to call
"chakra readings". It came as no surprise as we continued to work with
them that we were able to pinpoint illnesses in certain parts of the body.
We started to notice that subtle differences in specific areas of the hand,
related to imbalances in the related area of the body. Through asking
questions and following our intuitive thoughts we were always able to
find the cause and remove those blockages, at least until they created
those blockages again by doing exactly the same thing that caused the
previous one.

Another wonderful experience was by actually standing in front of an

audience to demonstrate these previous steps. Each and every
individual in the audience experienced the movement of those chakras,
several of them felt the blockage being rebalanced or removed.

Perhaps a gentle word of advice here. When doing this exercise? One
should be aware that emotions are likely to free themselves. This can
manifest itself for example in crying, sobbing, gasping, coughing,
shivering, burning up, throwing up. I might have forgotten a few here, but
I am certain that you get the general idea. It goes without saying that
when you are doing this, you also carry a certain responsibility to at least
forewarn the participants, and if at all possible make yourself available
for private sessions so that you can assist in their coming to an
understanding of why these chakras were blocked and how they can
prevent it in the future.

My suggestion would be to find someone whom you trust and trusts you
implicitly and experience this together. Experiment with it. Play with it
and learn from each other by being open and sharing the experiences
freely and in total honesty with each other.

Three great sources of information.

We are the Angels by Diane Stein, ISBN 0-89594-878-8

Hands of Light: A Guide to helaing Through the Human Energy Field by

Barbbara Ann Brennan, ISBN 0-553-34539-7

Look for the “The Illuminated Chakras” DVD on this site:

It is an absolutely awesome tool for beginners and also for those who
teach and work in the fields of the chakra.

A Trinity Of Grids.
What we will share with you in
this parable are ways you can
tap into a source of energy to be
able to pull out answers to
questions to share experiences
with others and to assist where
you can to transform chaos into

A Trinity of Grids.

When were the grids formed?

Neither I, nor my partners (guides) seem to be able to give an accurate

date. We have something very much in common here. We have a huge
challenge with the concept of time. (laughter)

What I would like to do in this section is share with you my thoughts on

what I have found the grids to be and why they are there.

I feel that it has been there for all time, yet having said that, I am also
aware that in the late 1980’s continuing into the early 2000’s there was
much added to the grid. I will even go so far as to say that it is because
of us that the changes were made, simply because we are willing to
expand and to remember who we are, what we are and why we are

Its presence became very apparent for me personally during the year
2000 when I was first introduced to Shambhala and grew in my
awareness during the period up until 2002 when I became a Shambhala
Master and Teacher. This was perhaps because my own
communications with other worldly beings became more enhanced and

I saw it if you will as a huge grill or lattice surrounding Mother Earth. It is

my understanding that it has been placed there so that we can tap into it
for information or for answers to our questions. It became a place where
we could collectively join together and spread the light patterns or
thoughts we were working with.

As I played with the experiences I was having, I came to understand that

this was yet another tool that had been placed there to assist mankind in
expanding our awareness and assisting in our collective ascension

Late 2003 it became apparent that it was not the only Grid that had been
placed. Another that we use in our daily lives was changing its energy
patterns to accommodate our collective consciousness. Have you
guessed it already? Yes indeed. It is our electric, Internet and telephone
networks. This continues to expand to this day. Do you remember when
all those blackouts – electrical failures were taking place all around the

globe? That was the energies adapting whereby in some cases it was
too high or the systems were outdated, or there were week links that
pretty quickly showed up. (laughter)

During much of my work with the Shambhala teachings I have been able
to tap into these grids, connecting with the Ascended Masters with ever
increasing ease. This resulted in a huge growth within myself. Of course
I am not alone, many are now experiencing communication with other
energies that has definitely become easier to access because of these
grids. It is I believe the purpose of mankind that “ALL” will be connected
to these grids at some point in time.

Another advantage I have found to these collective consciousness grids

is where as we used to be dependant on our own personal experiences
for our growth, it is no longer the case.

Imagine if you will that you have just learned a valuable lesson within
your own personal journey. That experience has been logged or
recorded within the grid. Follow with me if you will this thought pattern.
Continue to imagine that all experiences are now logged there from all
six billion humans on this earth right now. Do you see where this is
leading? This means that all you need to do now to tap into specific
information or experiences is to connect to the grid. Because that
information is there through an experience lived by someone else. You
can experience it too. It will feel as if you yourself have lived that

I feel that another extension-purpose to these (grids) tools is to assist us

in our understanding that we are indeed all ONE, connected to the same
One-ness, the same source, the same “God”.
We in all our unique parts and experiences are “ONE” in the whole
scheme of things.

I feel there are many ways to connect or experience this collective

consciousness of the grids. I also feel that although most are perhaps
not yet aware of it, they are indeed already connected. Perhaps this kind
of writing or your own experiences and sharing them with others will
greatly enhance the awareness of it. The importance and significance to
sharing your experiences I have already emphasized earlier, and I feel
that I cannot emphasize it enough. As you do share your experiences,
we “ALL” benefit from it.

I will share with you now how in my experience I first experienced the
collective consciousness grids. I remember now that I had been doing it
for some time too. I was not ware of what it was when I first started doing
it. I started to get messages for others pertaining to their journey. I felt
information popping into my mind that I knew I had to share with who
ever I was with at that time.

I expanded on that as I went into meditation, gaining clarity on my own

purpose here. I was finding answers to my own questions. It eventually
grew to such a point that all I needed to do was ask a question and the
answer would be there. No matter what I was doing, or where I was,
whether it was for me or for someone else. The answers were always
there. During my growth it has assisted me in gaining clarity or answers
for others while they learn to do it themselves. All of these experiences
have greatly enhanced my own personal journey as I hope all of these
writings do the same for you.

The third grid we are now aware of is our consciousness grid. We are
forming it as we learn to soul speak, or if you will, as we learn to speak
from heart to heart without words. This goes beyond telepathy but to
understand it more fully I will use that word for this purpose. Telepathy
experiences are happening all around the planet right now and often take
the form of a “knowing” for instance when someone is being untruthful.
This relates not only to individuals but also to the business world. We are
more open and receptive to the energies of “TRUTH”. We can feel them.
This is the beginning in my experiences of soul speak. As we learn to
play more with this and learn to trust it in the total knowingness of what it
is it will grow. It will expand to such an extent that we no longer will need
words or languages. We will communicate on a heart level. This will
make untruths a thing of the past. What a wonderful world we are
creating! Please let your imagination go with this one and enjoy where it
takes you.

To read more about this I strongly recommend The Group Channelling

by Steve Rother in the Month of June 2004. There has been much
written about the grids and its formation or expansion. One of my all time
favourites has to be Steve Rother’s. ( Steve
and Barbara have been very influential in my journey. When I first
awakened they were among the first that I got to meet in person. There
was a clear recognition there from the very beginning. Through the years
we have built a friendship that I can say from my heart has expanded,
our paths continue to merge and my respect and love for them grows
with every beautiful experience they bring to the earth plain.

7 Steps To Manifesting Your Heart's

These 7 steps are provided as a guide to

you so that you may begin to remember
that you are always creating your own

In working with these 7 steps you begin to

recognize it and as you become more
consciously aware of what you are

This is especially the case as your

creations are for the greater good of the

This was given as a tool for manifesting

our hearts desires.

This gift was provided to assist all who are being guided to it, bringing
them to the level of understanding that you "ARE" the Creator of your
own reality. The more we can share this with others around the world,
the more it will assist in raising the collective consciousness. The
excitement created because it "DOES" work will greatly enhance that

This is a journey of discovering who and what we truly are, discovering

our inner abilities to create and manifest our hearts desires into reality
and our daily lives. I feel that this will take you on a magical journey of
discovery, discovering and triggering memories from within. We all
possess this knowledge in our (DNA) Blueprints, it is simply a matter of
remembering. I understand that this will be a unique journey for each and
every one of us. We are all unique in our thought patterns and
understanding or even our perceptions and attachments to certain
words. In my own experience with this, I have tweaked and altered the
main statements until I had achieved complete clarity. I found that from
the very beginning wonderful things started to happen around me,
bringing magical synchronicities in a continual flow onto my path.



The Seven steps are:

1. Communicate on a level par....

2. Go into equal partnership....
3. Place no limits on outcomes...
4. Watch out for the syncs.....
5. Act upon them....
6. Talk to yourself....
7. Trust....

The Seven steps with additional guidelines.

1. Communicate on a level par.

We have now reached a stage in our evolution that we no longer look up
to the God/Creator, Masters or Angelic energies. Gone are the times we
place those energies on a pedestal or view them as some kind of super
beings. We have raised our vibrations and levels of awareness to such
an extent, we are all realizing that "WE" are those energies and we
posses the same abilities. The only difference being is that we function
from within Linear time and they from within Circular time.

Make YOUR statement! (example!)

Higher (Partner) self! I acknowledge entering into an equal partnership
with you so that we can co-create together on this side of the veil,
manifesting and bringing into reality (in balance) the potentials as seen
from the other side.

2. Go into partnership.

Now make your request! Stating your hearts desire.
A gentle word of guidance here. Practice writing it down on a separate
piece of paper before you add it to these seven steps, making certain
your statement is in total clarity. Allow yourself the time and think about
what you have written. Is it possible that it could be interpreted in another
manner? Remember! Universal law states "You get what you ask for and
more". So please do make sure you are making your statement in
TOTAL clarity!

Here are a couple of my own personal examples. Hopefully they will

stimulate you and provide you with food for thought/ideas. OPOM =
Other Parts Of Me, which they essentially are as they are indeed an
extension of your whole.

1. OPOM, it is my heartfelt request that we work together to manifest into

physical reality the coming together of the Twin Flames. It is my request
that you place the synchronicities on my path that will assist in bringing
all this to its highest potential. I acknowledge and accept with the same
passion all forms of abundance required to achieve this

2. OPOM, it is our heartfelt request that we work together to attract

speaking engagements around the world, that we may be invited to
speak on all manner of topics.
It is also our request that where required all information be provided so
we ARE an empowering and inspiring example to those weI reach. We
remain always in balance, with the foremost wish of empowering and
assisting others in their journeys and at all times in line with their I AM
presence to remember what is inside each and every one of them.

I understand that some may wish to follow their passion of being artists,
musicians etc.
You may find that even though you do not consider yourself an artist,
that syncs are placed on your path that will offer you the opportunity to
develop those skills.

3. Place no limits on outcomes.

Knowing that we are working from behind this side of the veils, we mostly
do not see all of the potential outcomes that our partners do on the other
side. It is therefore recommended that you do not place outcomes,
conditions or any limiting factors in your requests. Allow them to place
the syncs on your paths. Love yourselves enough to travel the journey.
Love yourselves enough to have the patience. Love yourselves enough

to see and understand what is being placed in front of you.
What do I mean by placing limits? EXAMPLE!
If the energies you are wishing to attract are of a financial nature?
Remember! Money is also simply a form of energy. Do not place specific
amounts. Simply make a statement on what it is you require and allow
your higher (partner) self to find the best way to create that for you, all in
accordance with your own divine plan/contract. You might be surprised
at the way the manifestations take place. It might not be in the form of
money. Having said that, know and trust that the manifestations "WILL"
take place.

4. Watch out for the syncs.

This requires your fullest attention. It requires you to be alert to all the
things happening around you. Syncs may manifest in many ways. How
does this work? Through placing the request with our higher (partner)
selves, after which they will then look for other higher (partner) selves
that posses the skills, talents etc that are required to manifest what you
are requesting. Those other energies/people will be placed on your path.
Watch out for them.

5. Act upon them.

Play your part in this Creation game and take action on that which is
placed in front of you. You may well find that by doing so the
synchronicities within the synchronicities become many fold. It has been
my experience that synchronicities placed on my path often take the
shape of a learning process. At the same time this will provide more
synchronicities that will allow them to continue towards achieving what it
is you are requesting.

6. Talk to yourself. (Meditate)

Channelling is such an overrated term these days. Take the time to sit
and talk to yourself and feel the answers you give to yourself. If you do
not get answers to your questions, don't be concerned. Try formulating
the questions in a different manner. Again! Clarity is of the utmost
importance here. If even after achieving total clarity you are still not
receiving answers? Again, do not be concerned, see 7.

7. Trust.
Trust that whatever is being placed in front of you with regards to the
synchronicities will always and inevitably lead towards the manifestation

of your request.

After time and practice, you will learn to totally trust all aspects of this
concept. IT WORKS. We have proved it to so many.

Statement of recognition and gratitude.

OPOM, I have witnessed many wonderful synchronicities and acted
upon them. I request their continuation until we have achieved these
manifestations. My heartfelt thanks to all OPOM's working together to
achieve these goals.

I feel also to share with you that where you are harbouring blockages or
have self worth issues, you may find that those will be gently worked
upon before or during your manifestations. I believe that many still carry
these self worth issues. Gently work through them. I do not believe that it
will disturb the pattern of synchronicities as you make your statement to
higher self, and the energies on the other side go to work on your
requests. (it might alter them slightly)

We believe that this is an unbelievably powerful tool to assist you in

understanding the dynamics of Universal Law. It is a DVD that provides
clarity in great detail how you are creating in every moment in all aspects
of your lives.

Chapter Five.

Meditations, Activations, Visualizations and


In this chapter it is my intent to share some of

the tools that were provided to me and have
greatly enhanced my own awakening journey.

Rainbow Protection field.

A very powerful protection ritual that works

on so many levels.

Rainbow Protection field.

Many who have been traveling the path of awakening for a while have
received many different ways of protecting ones self from attacks, energy
vampires etc, etc.

I would say continue with them as you desire.

What I would like to put in front of you with this Rainbow protection field
is the following.
The rainbow contains as you know 7 different colors. Each of these
colors represents a certain pattern of energy.

When you surround yourself with the rainbow protection field lets say for
example someone is attacking you out of jealousy or anger. They would
then tap into one or perhaps two colors and receive all the energy they
need to sooth and placate them.

You will always have five or six colors remaining and would not be left
drained or exhausted by their attacks.

I use this as an example of one of the possibilities, there are of course

others. Someone in need of healing would tap into your violet color, they
would get all the healing energy they need and not leave you depleted
because you have six remaining colors that are still very vibrant.

Why I recommend this above most others is because for instance when
you use mirrors to reflect back to those attacking you, they are not being

satiated, they will go away still angry etc and will seek someone else out
to attack or drain.

Using the rainbow they will get what they need even if it is all happening
on a subconscious level, they will feel at peace and the anger is no
longer there. Doing it this way you might just have saved someone else
from an unpleasant experience.

Try it, it works. I have seen so many examples of what might be

perceived to be miracles after people consciously switched on their
rainbow protection field.

Golden Heart Healing Meditation.

This healing meditation is an in and out of

body experience and is not only beautiful it is
also very powerful.

Please feel free to use it in your groups.

Golden Heart Healing Meditation.

Having performed this meditation many times when asked to lead

healing requests it was very apparent that each and every time I did it, it
carried an energy that was/is so full of Love and Compassion, I felt I had
to share it here in this book.

I start the meditation by asking all present to centre them selves. I then
ask all present to place their feet firmly on the floor so that they have a
stable grounding connection with Mother Earth. I then ask them to
concentrate on their breathing patterns, stepping into their Prana*
breathing. I create a silent space for a minute or so, so that people can

find that place of peace from within.

I then ask all participants to visualize a beam of unconditional love light

travelling down from the source. Travelling down through all 7 chakra
and as they reach the base chakra, I ask them to see that beam splitting
its self in two, travelling down both legs to the foot chakra. As it reaches
the foot chakra, I ask them to see it travelling down deep into Mother
Earth as far as they wish to take it before they start to visualize creating
a half circle with this beam of unconditional Love light from the source.

As it returns to the surface, and from there returning to the source at

which point I request that they visualize another half circle on their
opposite side. (left and right) This completes a whole circle continually
flowing through our bodies. The intention here is to create a continual
flow of unconditional love energy from the source, which will assist, in
releasing lower vibrational energies, cleansing and purifying every time
you visualize a full cycle of the circle being completed.

Inside of this circle we are going to create a trinity. We already have our
first of the three trinities emanating from the source. Now we are going to
envision coming down through the crown chakra again. This time we will
stop for a moment in front of the higher heart chakra. At this point I
request that you visualize yourself standing in front of a cave.
(symbolizing your heart) As you step into this (heart) cave, I request that
you visualize a beam of light travelling down from the roof of that cave.
This is the source energy. I also ask that you visualize this cave being
filled with crystals, some of which are hanging from the roof and others
coming up from the floor.

Now I ask that you allow your own heart to overflow with YOUR
unconditional love and let it flow into this cave. Imagine it mixing with the
energies from source, as you do so you may well see in your minds eye
that the crystals become brighter and brighter the more you mix these
beautiful energies. This is the second of the trinity of energies.

Now I ask you to envision a point deep inside Mother Earth. Feel her
unconditional love for you as you ask her to share her energies with you.
See them travelling up through your legs, bringing them up to your heart
space again. Guide them up and into your heart cave. Fill the cave with
the beautiful colours of Mother earth, see the crystals glow yet brighter
as they mingle and intertwine with the energies from your heart and
source. You have now created a trinity of the most wonderful energies

there is. The crystals are positively vibrating and pulsating from them.
The cave is thick with this trinity of unconditional love.

As you stand their soaking up all of these energies, becoming one with
them, I now ask you to envision a beam of light travelling upwards and
outwards towards the universe. We are going to ask you to visualize
leaving your body. If you are used to using a particular travelling colour
for this, by all means do so, if not simply envision the mix of
energies/colours from the cave. As you travel up into the universe, I ask
you to see and feel with your inner eyes. We are now looking for a huge
Golden heart. Visualize that huge Golden heart and move gently towards
it. Step inside when you are ready. We are all gathering here now.
All of us who are participating in this healing session are now inside this
beautiful Golden heart. As I ask you all to take your place anywhere
around the perimeters of the heart, joining hands and feeling the
heartbeat. As we all envision joining hands mingling our own
unconditional love energies. We feel our hearts start to beat as one. We
feel our hearts beating as one with this huge golden heart. We feel our
hearts beating as one in ONENESS! We are now ONE again.

As you stand there basking in that love of Oneness, I ask the Angles to
join us, all of the ascended masters, all beings of Light and Unconditional
Love. I ask the GOD/Creator Light to be with us and as you feel them
enter into this Golden heart, you will feel your oneness again with them.
Don’t be surprised if tears start to flow. Allow them to flow. Bask in this
energy, allow it to permeate your whole body, allow it to surround you
filling all of your bodies on all the different levels. This will bring healing
to each and everyone present here.

After a space of time allowing all to become acclimatized to these

beautiful energies. I request the higher – partner self of the one seeking
the healing to also enter into this wonderful energy. This beautiful Golden
heart filled with so much Love, so many wonderful colours and so much
light. I ask them to take their place in the centre of this heart space and
simply relax and let BE.

I now ask all that are present to entwine their energies with the one
seeking the healing, be a part of who they are. Feel and seek out the dis-
ease and im-balances. As you find them, simply concentrate your own
beautiful energies and colours around and inside it. See this dis-ease
and these im-balances as becoming whole again, returning to their
blueprint state of perfection. If you feel the urge to sing or Aum, please
do so. The vibrations created through your sounds will also assist in the

healing process. As you work your beautiful energies in and around them
I ask you to be open to the messages coming forth, being shared by the
masters the angels and all that are present here.

I generally feel when the healing has taken place and is completed in
perfection. As I do I ask all to either remain and simply enjoy the
energies or to return with me, back down through our own beams of light,
returning back into our bodies. It is important that you feel your feet
firmly on the floor here as you will need to ground your physical being
again. When doing this in groups, I would ask all to continue for a short
while with the prana breathing until we are ready to speak and as we are
we share our individual experiences together. In doing this, I have found
that through this sharing many present receive answers to questions
they had in their own journeys. We share these comments with the one
whom was seeking the healing. As we do this, we often find that the
cause of the dis-ease or im-balances were found and shared. This often
results in a total healing.

After all have shared their experiences I offer words of thanks to all
entities and energies that were present and participated during the whole
healing experience.

This particular meditation always brings tears of pure unconditional love

to my eyes as I begin the healing process, whether it is for myself or
someone else.
It is not limited to the human form, you can lead this and place one of our
friends from the animal kingdom or perhaps even an area or country that
might be troubled.

* Prana breathing. – A regular breathing method used to centre and


Shower Ritual.

We are all always so busy we

say we don’t have time in our
busy lives to take time for
meditations etc.

It is because of this that I am

sharing this ritual with you
because most of us do take a
shower at least once a day.

Shower Ritual.

We all take a shower daily so even though we are all always so busy if
you are willing to work with this meditation, I/We know that it will
transform your life.

I will place it here exactly as I do it. That does not mean to say that the
deity’s that I work with have to be yours. Feel free to change those if you
so desire.

As I step under the shower I call forth the Lords and Ladies of
Shambhala, The Lords and Masters of the Elements, our brothers and
sisters of the Elohim, All ascended masters, all guiding and guardian
angels, Our mighty I AM presence, my beloved Twin Flame, The Light
Warriors Micro & Macro and the Mother Father God creator. While doing
this I also intent to connect to the grids, I do this so that anyone
consciously connecting to the grid may also experience this
transformation. I also connect to the Heart of Mother Earth for the same

I call you all forth to assist in transforming all parts of self that are
preventing us from being our divine highest potential and being a living
breathing example of the Mother Father God in the physical.

We command that all particles of self in all four bodies and beyond are
transformed into divine perfection including all other higher bodies we
generally don’t concentrate on.

We command this for all subconscious, conscious and unconscious

levels, including all other consciousnesses we might not be aware of.

We command this for all future, present, past and parallel experiences,
all life cycles including experiences not understood or continued in the
now on the soul level.

We command the power of the Silver Violet Flame, the Violet Flame and
any other transformational tools that are not yet in our conscious memory
to be utilized for this purpose.

Any and all experiences which are yet to be experienced for the purpose
of soul expansion take place where possible in dream state and upon
awakening the conscious mind understand the purpose of them or simply
let them be released.

We command and demand that all vows of poverty throughout all time
lines, all dimensions and all splinters of self are transformed into a vow of
attraction. Attracting to us in all its multiple forms the abundance that is
our god given birthright.

We command that the divine feminine and the divine masculine are in
total balance within, in all four bodies and beyond and are transformed
into divine perfection on all subconscious, conscious and unconscious
levels. We command this for all future, present, past and parallel
experiences and all life cycles including experiences not understood or
continued in the now on the soul level, enabling us to be fully
empowered and in total balance within the Twin Flame heart of GOD,
that we may be of the greatest assistance to the ALL in ALL NOW!!!!

We thank all present for this transformation and expansion and receive in
total gratitude and grace, so mote it be and so it is, now and for all

I Like to throw this one in while I am closing, it is optional.
Having said that I have had proof many times that it does indeed

While we have you all gathered here. We ask that you all place a miracle
on our paths today. We also ask that we have the insight to see when
events that may not seem to be miracles at the time are seen for what
they are. Thank you, thank you, Thank you...

Daily Gratitude Ritual.

I Love to start my day off with this


As I step out of my bed and walk

to the bathroom I can often be
heard making these statements of

Daily Gratitude Ritual.

As I begin my day, I always invite the Ascended Masters and all other beings
that work with me to be present during my day.

I begin by thanking them for being there and guiding me when I may stray form
my divine path. I thank them for reminding me when I may be of a lower energy
than is my highest potential. I thank them for nudging me when I might
experience thoughts that could be considered less than unconditional love for all

I may come into contact with. I thank them for providing the signs, signals,
synchronicities, etc, that will guide me and assist me to achieving my highest
potential throughout my day.

I thank them above all for the many miracles they place on my path throughout
my day and that I may have the insight to recognize all experiences as miracles.
I ask them to assist and guide me to see the soul’s purpose of expansion and
learning from all experiences. I thank them for assisting me to see the path of
least resistance.

Then in closing I send out a great big HUG to them all.

I personally notice a HUGE difference when I do this in the morning and when I
have not. Sometimes we forget, or sometimes we are in too much of a hurry.
Sometimes we feel down and don’t think it is working so we are tempted to skip
it. I can assure you that when it has happened to me, I have always felt a
humungous difference in my day as I got back into the ritual.

Before I go to sleep.

I repeat in reverse order most of what I shared above. The difference being now
of course that I now know what took place during my day. No matter what
experiences I traveled throughout my day, whether I perceive them to be
negative or positive, I spend a little time in semi-meditation as I run through the
events and where I might have missed something? I ask for clarity. While in this
relaxed state I more times than not get my answers as to what took place and

As we move ever higher in our vibrations and closer to ascension, the veils are
getting thinner and thinner. We are getting our answers more clearly as long as
we are asking and open to receiving them.

In closing I strongly recommend this resource so that we may on mass KNOW

the importance of Gratitude:

In the Times to come.

I called this “In the times to come”,

because not everyone will be able to
work with this energy straight away.

As you will see it is a channeled

message. I chose to leave it that
way so that you can feel the
experience as it was given.

In the Times to come…

We come before you today beloveds to offer you a tool that may prove to
be of great value in the times to come. As most are aware, as the old is
being released and your vibrations are rising, some of you are resisting
your soul contracts divine path and many are facing challenges in the
physical, emotional and mental body.

It is for this reason we stand before you today with the offer of a tool
which will greatly assist you in your process of transformation.

The Ashram
We ask you to prepare yourself in your own natural way. We are aware
that your ways are as diverse as your personal energy patterns are, so
we will leave the choice up to you how you prepare. Some will smudge,
some will dance, some will sing and some will AUM…All ways that lead
you to a higher vibration will make it easier for you to reach this Ashram.

When you are ready, we ask you to go into a state of inner peace.
(Meditation) As you enter into your heart space, we will ask you to
concentrate on traveling through the boundaries of the ethers and
dimensions. Some will experience leaving your body. AS you do!
Visualize yourself as traveling through time and space, traveling out into
the far reaches of the galaxies. As you do we ask you to call upon my

three friends, Vywamus, Djwahl Khul and Lord Arcturius. Call upon them
with your intent and let them know you desire to visit their sacred

Some will see them in the minds eye, some will feel their presence.
Some will see them standing in front of a familiar shape to you all… Yes
it will look like a pyramid. As you stand before these magnificent beings,
share with them why you have called upon them. State clearly your
reason for being there. They will either welcome you into the Ashram or
provide you with instructions so that you may return at another time.

When being invited to enter you will notice that a door appears. Beloveds
this is no ordinary door. As you can see it is a wall of light and as you are
led inside you will stand for a moment in this wall of light. Do not be
concerned about the vibrational shifts taking place in your physical being.
Your DNA is being altered so that you are prepared for what is about to
take place.

You will be asked to take place in the center of this pyramid. Lord
Arcturius will now stand before you, Djwahl Khul will take place on your
left and Vywamus on the right. Share with them your desires and open
your heart to the instructions and answers you receive..

We cannot go into the details of what will happen next because of course
it will be your own personal experience. Know dear friends that you can
share anything as you offer your illnesses or your emotional imbalances,
or perhaps your mental instabilities that you feel not to be of the
Universal Consciousness. You will experience changes while you’re here
and when it is time to leave, you may well receive instructions on how to
proceed. Because of your free will, it will always be up to you as to what
you do with those instructions…

Many, when you have left this Ashram will feel very hot…We advise that
you drink a great deal of water and rest afterwards. So it would be well
advised to do this in the evening or when you have free time to relax and
absorb afterwards. The water will allow any toxins being released from
your physical being to flow naturally away through you…

Note: When you have been there often enough for healing or
transformation. Visit again to expand your consciousness.

FUNK transformational power tools.

We all at some time or other fall back into old

patterns, feel low in energy, or are going
through major transformation.

We call these lovingly “Funks”.

It is our intention here to share with you

some tools, tips exercises etc to help you get
out of them as soon as you choose to.

FUNK transformational power tools.

Throughout our journeys and expansion of our remembering we have all
gone through periods of deep lows, funks, depressions, dark nights of
the soul or whatever name you to chose to give it.

There are many ways you can turn these experiences around. We will
place some examples here.

You can use the shower ritual placed earlier in this chapter and utilizing
the element of water calling forth the Ascended masters etc to assist you
to transform what ever is coming up. Arch Angel Gabriel is always at
hand to assist you with this one. Remember also that your physical make
up is for the greatest part made up of water.

If you are having a particular hard time with negative emotions such as

fear, doubt, anger etc…Call upon Vywamus and Djwahl Khul. They will
lovingly over time transform these energies into pure unconditional love
and joy.

You could also use the Triality Twin Flame heart of God ritual which
when you are able to visualize and experience is an extremely powerful
tool: See Chapter Three: An Experience with GOD.

If you are feeling out of sorts, under the weather, sick etc.. You could
request to enter the Ashram of Vywamus, Djwahl Khul and Lord
Arcturius. This would be a call from within, with the eyes closed and in a
relaxed state. You might be asked to first raise your vibrations before
entering the Ashram. If that is the case? Put on some music that lifts
your spirits and AUM along with it, you will find that generally 5 minutes
of that is enough. You will then be able to enter the Ashram.

If your in a light funk, you can certainly use your favorite music combined
with the auming to raise your vibrations. This always works well for me…

Repeat the words Chokurei and Seheki three times in all 7 directions.
This is also excellent for activating the flow of energy through you. It is
excellent for cleansing rooms, heightening the vibrations therein. The 7
directions are: North, South, East, West, Above, below and heart.
Usually one would begin in the East for optimal energy flow.

For vibration raising you could also smudge or incense.

Dancing, light breezy movements, letting yourself go to the rhythm of

music, losing yourself in it will also raise your vibrations.

Of course it is important to be fully responsible for all that is happening

around you. YOU are creating it. You might want to observe your
thoughts. Sometimes it is as easy as making a conscious shift in your
thoughts and words.

These are a selection of tools I have used throughout my own awakening

and have proved to be very beneficial to me. I trust that they are for you

Abundance transformation request…

Do you have abundance challenges?

Done daily this will certainly transform
old thought vibrations within you on all
levels and draw abundance to you.

Abundance transformation request…

Begin with deep breathing exercises… Relax your body.

Concentrate and open through your intent all chakra to their maximal
capacity, including your palm and foot chakra…

Inwardly communicate with your cellular make up, all atoms and
molecules that go to making up all that you are, command that they are
ready to receive transformational energies.

Communicate with all four bodies that they are ready to release all old
vows of poverty. Extend this to all time lines, past, present, future and
parallel. Extend it even further into all other splinters and aspects of self
in all other dimensions.

Visualize yourself sitting in the center of your heart.

Open yourself to receiving assistance from your guides, your Mighty I

AM presence, the ascended masters, and Mother Father GOD.

Now state out loud the following:

I release on all levels of my being, in all particles of my being, in all

splinters of my being, past, present, future and in all other dimensions in

all of my bodies all previously sworn vows of poverty. So mote it be and
so it is.

I accept all forms of ABUNDANCE to flow freely to me, around me and

through me on all levels, aspects and splinters of self. In Grace and in
Gratitude I ACCEPT my divine birth right of ABSOLUTE and TOTAL
So mote it be and so it is…


A new creation of Light Warriors.

A micro and macro cosmic meditation that

will take care of any and all challenges,
dark energies or anything you might
perceive to be blocking your progress
towards the light.

A new creation of Light Warriors.

When our Mother Father God ultimate Creator discovered that

something not of his/her making had entered our universe. He/she was
powerless for this was something not in his/her consciousness. No
defenses or protective thoughts has even been required for this his/her
most magnificent of creations. The blue prints for many a created
universe and inhabitants are present on this planet of free will. In its
beauty and perfection there was never a conscious thought of needing

After discovering that something dark and not of his/her making had
entered this most magical of his/her loving creations, he/she was

confronted with a choice of allowing free will to reign or not. At this time
the malevolent beings had not revealed their true agenda and it was left
as was.

It was not until the vibrations and many calls for help was felt by the
consciousness of our Mother Father God Creator that definitive and
decisive action was taken. It was decreed that all energies limiting us
and hiding our true essence of Mother Father God Creators ourselves,
that it was decided that an end must come to the suffering and pain that
this part of free will had manifested.

Our Mother Father God Creator took matter from within his/her own
being and created a new universe. He/she then created a new being(s).

These new beings have been entering our planet for a period of around
four years now. They are the most magnificent beings of Micro and
Macro cosmic proportions and were created for the soul purpose of
seeking out and totally destroying these dark manifestations. They are
Warriors of Light unlike any ever perceived before anywhere in creation.
With or without our help they WILL succeed. One of the most profound
and revealing books of our time aptly named “The Return of Light” can
be ordered here: As one reads through it one
cannot help but be touched by the words shared and the revelations
When one reads it, one is touched by the experience of the ALL and our
Mother Father God Creator.

Having experienced many times now one of the meditations within it

which I of course portray from my own experiences I share this next
meditation exercise with you.

The sacred heart merges with the void.

As I begin this meditation exercise I visualize myself standing in front of

my heart. I know and recognize this most sacred of places and I prepare
to enter. As and during entry I visualize myself being turned inside out,
being unraveled to the very core of my essence. In the beginning it was a
bit of a struggle so please persevere. (At this point I am also never alone,
however this is my own personal choice. If you are alone? Trust that it is
in perfection for now.)

Once inside I am a pattern of vibrations that is in similarity to my physical
body, yet not in the density of it. I choose to sit in the very center of this
sacred space and visualize myself sat in lotus position. I allow myself for
a period of time just to bask and sit in this energy, absorbing the love that
is there.

When I am ready I visualize myself standing up and leaving through the

opposite side of this heart to which I entered. Each time I do this the
experience is different as it will most likely be for you too. Allow yourself
to travel to where ever it takes you holding the conscious thought that
you are heading to a place known as the void. Eventually you will arrive

This too will be different from person to person, for some it will be the
purest of black energy, for others the pure black energy of the void may
appear to be surrounded by a multitude of colors etc… The most
important thing for now is to take your place in the center of this void.

I was introduced in this space to my/our very own Mother Father God
Creator being so I/we will not place upon you that which I/we see or
invite. The point is that YOU call upon this magnificent being and
however it manifests is in perfection for you. I have done this many times
now as I guided others to this place and almost always the person I/we
did it with saw a different image than I/we did.

The point of you being here is to open your hearts and verbalize what
ever you desire. I would have to call this place and this magnificent
energy a double edged knife, because not only is it a place of releasing
all negative or dark energies to have them annihilated, it is also a place
of awesome power of creation.

I/we would recommend to start with, that you enter with the purpose of
discovering and releasing that which is dark and bringing you into your
purest Mother Father God Creator essence. While doing so you will also
be offered a membrane be placed around you in which microcosmic
Warriors of Light will enter into and remain with you. This membrane can
be used solely for yourself or can be expanded to include your family and

When you see sparks of light dance in your vision, talk to them, they are
there for you.

Having initially gone through this experience I noticed that when I came
back I always felt a little dizzy and lightheaded so here again we would
recommend you do it when you can rest, absorb and recuperate
afterwards. Always have lots of water close by. Many come out of it
feeling feverish. Don’t be concerned just drink lots of water and allow
what is being released to flow through and out of you in your physical
bodies natural way.

We sincerely and with all our hearts hope you will work with this. If you
can’t quite get there in the beginning? Please feel free to connect with
us. We will guide you through it. We wish you the Mother Father God
Creator Love that is our divine birth right.

God Lamps.

Working with the God

Lamps is a powerful tool
for transforming dark

When working with these God Lamps visualize placing them around you
in the following directions.
East, South, West, North, Above, below and in the heart.

Imagining yourself inside this shape is extremely powerful. Combined

with the God Lamps and your call to release or transform any and all
negative energies is heard and answered.

Chapter six.

Where Are We Headed?

In this chapter you will see that I have
added examples of how our words and
our thoughts are effecting us more
than we have ever consciously

It is my sincerest hope and desire that

as you read through these parables
that you recognize or remember
things from your own journey where
you might have wanted to think/feel

It is my hope and desire that these

parables will change your life for the

It is TIME

Are you ready?

This parable and channeled message
is about you being ready to take
responsibility for you life and all that
happens in it.

When you are, you will notice that your

life is moving in the direction you want
it too.

It is TIME
The title of this article has been put in front of me so many times during
the workshops I have been giving and I have to be in my truth from two
different angles.

First of all, I am going to ask you to do something for me. Hold up your
hand and point a finger at something or someone. Look closely at that
hand. Are you seeing how that looks? Are you noticing that one finger
points away from you and that there are 3 pointing back towards you?
What might that be saying to you? If like many your thumb is pointing
skywards? You might want to open to the answers provided through
source. It really is quite amusing when you start to understand the
dynamics of what is happening here. Your thumb is actually acting like
your universal antenna so feel free to connect and use it.

Could it be that you are blaming others for a great deal of what is
happening in your life.

Remember the title of this article? IT IS TIME!!! It is time dear friends to
awaken and take responsibility for everything and we do mean
everything that is happening in and around you. Stop blaming others,
stop pointing fingers. Would you like to change your life? You know that
all you have to do is take some steps.

There are so many magical beings on the other side of the veil that are
here jumping up and down, just waiting for you to take responsibility for
what is happening in your life. They are waiting to be asked to assist you.

Be in truth with yourself. Step back, take a look at what is going on. Are
you blaming others for a bunch of stuff? Most of the human race are and

(message from the other side.)

This is what we are offering you. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR life,
your choices, your communications. What will we provide? Like we said,
there are so many beautiful beings of light here waiting for you to do so,
and guess what, each and every one of them would willingly change
places with you. (Of course they are not limited by the veil here)

Whether you believe it or not right now we are here to assist you. Your
journey right now is all about CO-CREATING. You take responsibility for
your life, stop blaming everyone around you, open to your hearts desires
then make the statement verbally and out loud. Then step back for a
while and watch us weave our magic.

Whoa! We didn’t want you going there. Yeah we felt that. Some of you
were thinking: “Wow” Is it really that easy? Hmm. Yes and NO. We will
place things on your path that will guide you, assist you, lead you into
your highest potential. Your job is to be aware of these things and take
action. Take the steps and no, we do not mind them being baby steps
until you get used to it all. We know your challenges. Allow yourself that
building of trust. Love yourself enough to take these steps. Love yourself
enough to have the wisdom and insight to see these things. Love
yourself enough to let go and let “US”.

Beloved friends, this really is so much fun. This Co-creation game is

filled with miracles and wonderment. Don’t you remember that you really
did come to this earth plane to have fun, to experience to your fullest
potential, to be in JOY?

Come on then!!! Take that first step. Accept YOUR responsibility for all
that is happening in your life. We promise, we will play our part.




I chose to write this parable in

verse form and add tips at the end.

Feel the words with your heart,

merge them into your brain from
there and life flows beautifully.


Let your soul soar free,

Let your human self simply be,

Whenever there is resistance,

It is because of some inconsistence.

Be aware of what the universe has to show

Your human self will certainly be in the flow

Release all control and be in the now,

God will surely show and guide you how

If you don’t want your life to be tragic
Allow the universe to works its magic

It is simply a question of attitude,

to be in total gratitude.

When your stuck for choice…

Listen to you hearts voice…

In a deck of cards the highest is the Ace,

In the journey of life it is the state of Grace.

As pure as the snow and the bright white dove,

So must be your earthly Love

For when to all the above you can agree,

You truly have the eyes to see.

Add to all of that the ears to hear,

You will never experience the emotion of fear.

Now you are in the know,

So above, so below

Life is what you choose it to be,

Move out of duality in to traility,

Then you are what you came here to be,

Gods purposeful desire for all of humanity.

Often times when we meet with resistance these days we are learning to
step back and simply be an observer for a while. Sometimes we can
make different choices and if the resistance disappears we will know it
was the right choice and we can continue.

Sometimes it is only a question of time and the resistance will fade, in

those cases patience and intuition are your most powerful aid. When it is
from ego and not from the heart, you might be required to look a little

Open to source and the answers are there. Resistance has my vote as a
word provided by the angels, for if you are aware of this one word, you
are truly guided on your path in life.

May your life be filled with Joy and Love for when it is, there is no
resistance from you and those above. You are fulfilling your every desire
and your divine task. So mote it be and so it is.

How Our Thoughts Create.

Having now reached an understanding that

words are energy and creation is all about

You have now realized that it is you who are

“creating” your reality through your words
and thoughts.

Is there anything in your life you don’t like?

Then dear hearts! Create ANEW!!!

How our thoughts create…

For some this statement might seem a little far fetched for others it will
be as natural as eating, for all of us it is fact whether you choose to
believe it or not.

Imagine with me for a moment that we are all divine beings being that
spark of the Mother Father God Creator essence. If you could? All of a
sudden it doesn’t perhaps seem that far fetched anymore does it.
Remember, even in the bible it says man was created in my image…..

Does not GOD create purely and simply by thought alone? If we are
created in god’s image, then why should it not be possible that we to can
create purely by thought? Makes you stop and think for a moment
doesn’t it? What have you been thinking lately? (chuckle)

Would you like to see some scientific evidence? Yeah! We know how
most human minds work. Most of the time you only believe what your
five senses can perceive or what your leading geniuses (scientists etc.)
can prove to you. (resounding chuckle)
Take a look for the unbelievers, it might expand your thoughts. I Am not
kidding here, take a look at what thoughts do to water.

Here is another thought, most of you reading this will have felt the urge
to follow a teaching like the Shambhala energies, or Reiki etc. How did
that thought affect you in the beginning? I would be willing to bet that it
has broadened your horizons with regards to thoughts. Think about it for
a moment. Your wish to allow healing energies to travel through you so
that the one receiving them can choose to heal? You feel them traveling
through you don’t you? How did they originate. Yes, from a thought. Your
intent to share loving healing energies from source with another.

How many times have you thought of someone and not long after they
have called or they mysteriously and magically appeared. How many
times have you wondered how you were going to pay a particular bill?
Look back on those times. Weren’t they somehow or other paid?
My point in the previous examples were simply to put some examples in
front of you as to how it always has been this way. You have always
created through your thoughts.

What I would like to do now is place in front of you the power of
enlightened thoughts. Imagine for a moment you have a great deal of
knowledge on the chakra system. You know how each one is specially in
its specific place to allow for certain areas of development in you.
Imagine for a moment that you know all of these creative processes and
that all your charkas are totally in balance with all this knowledge.

Lets take it a step further. Your Conscious mind, Sub-conscious mind

and your higher self are also all in total alignment with each other. YOU
are in command, yet you are not. An oxymoron perhaps indeed.
However when both are true, you are. You are master of your thoughts,
your mind and your emotions.

This brings us to the four body system. The etheric, the mental, the
emotional and the physical bodies, when all of these are also under your
command and you are the master of them?

The next step is mastering your vocabulary. When you understand both
in thought and verbally the power of words, you understand the need for
clarity. You understand the need for exchanging negative thoughts to
empowering ones.

All of these things combined go to making you a very powerful creator

being. They bring you ever closer to that multi-dimensional god creator
being that you came here to be. They bring you ever closer to being the
Ascended Master here on this earth plain. They bring us all ever closer
to creating heaven on earth. Recognize that statement? Of course you

Enjoy the journey dear friends one and all, for it is in the experiencing
and the learning that the greatest of JOY can and will be found. It is
YOUR God given birth right.

The Power Of Words.

While reading this parable I hope to

place in front of you new thoughts, new
ideas, new perceptions.

It is my hope that you are willing to look

closely at how you communicate and
expand your borders.

The Power of words.

The following words can be found in the bible. St John, chapter 1.


Oh boy! It is about then that our (humanity) problems started or that is when
separation started to be experienced. As we started to use words and no longer
communicated through thoughts or image projections we found that it was
possible to hide truths. Duality took on another major element.

Imagine with me for a moment a scene measured from within our three
dimensional perception from a long, long time ago. A time when we were still in
the form of energy patterns and communication took place through an exchange
of vibrations, thought or image projections. We were looking for a way to
experience something beyond what we were and to do that we had to take on
solid form. We had also to find a way of blocking out the memories of all
knowingness. A grand experiment indeed. From a place of all-knowing creator
energy patterns to a place of being in solid form and what can only be perceived
as one of darkness and separation. It is not overly important as to how it all
came about . It is more important to look at how we developed our languages
and the power or lack thereof of the words we use in our conversations. Through

this parable, I wish to share with you from whence we came, where we have
traveled and where in the end we have chosen to move towards.

Once we took on the form of solid energy in this biological bubble we call the
human body, we have had little or no conscious command over much of this.
We made our choice of parents and circumstances before we re-entered into the
life cycle of human experiences. At some point in each of these experiences we
picked up words initially from our parents who did exactly the same as they
entered into this life cycle.

Our parents also have a history of word choices and which could be either
empowering or debilitating. Understand that there is no judgment in those
words, remembering that we chose them so that we had the best possible
beginning for the journey we wished to experience and the lessons the soul
desired to learn and expand from.

Most will have gone from there to experience school, perhaps even through
many different levels. Our relationships within those systems will also have
influenced our vocabulary. It is important to note we are all totally unique and
even though inside the same systems particular words may be experienced
differently from individual to individual. Within the family and schooling
experience we learn how to use words to our advantage and also to our

The next challenge many might experience is the difference even between the
meaning behind individual words depending on which part of a country you find
yourself situated. Add on top of that even in those countries that have English as
their main language there will be different meanings attached to words which
are spelled exactly the same and for all intents and purposes are the same.

In addition to all of the previous the fact that not only within the English
language which I am using for the purpose of sharing this information there are
so many different languages around the world. Is it any wonder we can’t
understand each other? Is it any wonder that there are conflicts going on all
around the world? Is it any wonder there is the feeling of separation?

We have been through many centuries of rediscovering each other as we started

to explore the world.
We have also gone through the challenges of the different languages and we
learned to appreciate to a degree each of our cultural differences. There are
many challenges still facing us, yet as our world becomes increasingly a smaller
place because of the speed in which we can now travel and that the largest part
of the world is now also connected through telephone, media and internet. We

are most definitely growing closer together and discovering how to understand
and accept each other.

In my own personal journey I am fortunate to speak to many different people

originating from all corners of the earth. Speaking two languages fluently and
understanding another more than enough to follow a conversation I am fortunate
to understand the skill of using words to get my messages or my thoughts across
to others. Pronunciation and annunciation within the English language also
becomes very important when speaking with others where it is not the native
tongue. It is important to watch and listen to my partner in communication to
notice signs that they might not have understood what I wished to share with
them. In doing so it offers me the opportunity to reiterate and perhaps even use
different descriptive words to share the information.

When looking at all the challenges we are and have been faced with it certainly
seems that we have placed ourselves in a grim position with insurmountable
challenges. Having said that, I know that you will agree with me that we are
changing rapidly and have been for the last century or so. Look at the way
technology has advanced and played a huge role in these changes. We now have
the technology to sit at a computer and see, hear and speak to other individuals
on the other side of the planet instantly, for instance through sharing
conversations instantly through email or chat rooms.

It is through these mediums that we are now connecting with each other again.
In so many countries around the world we are sharing thoughts and words and in
doing so we are beginning to understand each others differences. In that
understanding we are starting to realize that we are not all that different from
each other and the differences that we have perceived to have been there were
because of the difficulties we spoke of earlier within the languages etc. As we
become more open and willing to explore the words we use and as we become
more willing to understand the different nuances within those words, we start to
understand and accept each other more fully.

As we do this on an ever more increasing scale we will no longer have the

differences within the words. The different attachments or meanings will
disappear. It will increase the knowingness of whence we came. It will assist in
releasing the conflicts we find in many countries. As we find these differences in
the words dissipating we will find our selves becoming ever closer to each other.
We will find ourselves returning to the ONE.

Do you now see the power and the importance of our words? Will this assist you
in looking a little closer at the words you use in your daily communications. Are
your words empowering you and those you are talking too, or do the words you

use dis-empower? You see! Now that we are communicating we are looking
even closer at the words we ourselves are using and we are consciously
choosing to use words that are empowering. We are no longer placing limits
through the words we speak. We are understanding that with the words and
thoughts that we put forth we are creating our very reality.

The human race has been programmed from the very beginning to wish to move
forward. All we need to do now to see this is to look at the differences within
our own generations. From for instance grandparents on down to grandchildren.
We can see the huge changes we have made. We can see the huge steps we have
advanced ourselves. We can see the changes in the “WORDS”.

Where is this going to take us? It is my feeling that it will take us to a place of
total understanding first. In the words we use, there will no longer be the energy
of conflict, words will be much more aimed at empowering each other. It is also
my belief that as this increases we will also ( and already in many cases has)
start to reactivate a sense that has been dormant for thousands of years. This
being our sixth sense. We are already feeling the words more and more. We
already know when someone is being untruthful with us. As these senses and
skills expand we will return to that place of telepathy or if you prefer no longer
having the need to share words.

It is already happening my friends. Open your eyes. Surround yourselves with

those that are already playing with these energies. Not only will it enrich your
own life! In simply continually being the new you, you will allow others to
make the choice of change within themselves and they will. Why you might
ask? The answer to that is quite simple. They will see that you are enjoying life
to its fullest, they will see that you are an extremely happy person. They will see
that you choose LOVE above conflict. So you see dear friends. All you need to
do to make the world a brighter happier place is to be willing to play with the
words you use in your daily communications.

YET AGAIN! IT BEGINS WITH THE WORD. Change begins with your
words. HEAVEN ON EARTH is not that far away anymore, it is no longer a
dream, it is a reality that you and I are creating with our choice of words. To
close this section I would like to leave you with this thought from the King
James version of the bible, St John:
IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE “WORD” and the word was with God, and
the word was God.
Could this perhaps be translated in the light of all that I have shared with you
that you and your words carry the energy of GOD the Creator and that you are
that God, Goddess, Creator?
ENJOY in JOY dear friends. Enjoy this game for it truly is a fun game.

The Gift Of Words.

Our words can also be such a beautiful

and magical gift.

As we understand more and more the

energy contained within our words, as
we understand that our choice of words
makes a difference, we understand that it
is up to us to make that choice.

In this parable I have chosen a selection

of words to visualize the meaning behind
it all.

The Gift Of Words.

Having just shared with you the parable “In the beginning was the word”.

In expansion, I offer this parable “The gift of words” to you in the knowing
that we will be required more and more to observe our thoughts and
words as we move ever closer to the ascension of the ALL.

For all of the Light workers of the world we are very much aware that it is
not just for ourselves that we observe the power of words.

A simple but very profound task, which we all participate in as we

consciously change our words and energy to that of Divine Light and
LOVE we change the world.

Allow me to place a few examples of powerful words that will bring forth

The first word is a state of being and it is “Grace”. All of the other words
that follow are an essential part of your finding this state of being. It is a
magical state in which all things are cleared without struggle and growth
for the all is a consequence of it. An excellent resource for understanding
the deeper levels of grace is a book written by Diadra Price called “Grace
Awakening Essence”.

“Gratitude” offered to the higher realms for all experiences through our
daily lives whether we perceive them to be negative or positive is a
word/energy that is able transform our lives to our divine and greatest
potential. When offered from the heart this will result in the unfolding of
our souls contract and the fulfilling thereof. An excellent forty-two day
series of e-mails which is destined to change the world as more people
sign up for and follow it.

“Giving”. It is a fact, the universe or GOD never judges our thoughts or

desires. It is also a fact that the universe or GOD always returns what
ever it is we are putting out in multiple form. It is never equal or less, it
always comes back many fold. This is a universal law of creation and is
clearly visible in all things around us, especially in nature. Giving can
take many forms and one powerful way of giving is your knowledge to a
willing ear, assisting others to awaken or expand as they travel this
human experience.

“Love” in our 3D world is often insincere and used flippantly, love in

relationships is often conditional and full of expectations and has as its
opposite “fear”. When “LOVE” is offered from the sacred heart it has no
opposite, it simply is. It is the energy of the DIVINE and will always
manifest more in your life when offered from the heart.

“Acceptance” has as its opposite judgment and judgment always

comes from the ego. When one is able to change judgment to
“acceptance” magical things happen around you and no longer will there
be the need of people acting as mirrors entering into your life to assist
you to see this important lesson. When you are in the state of
acceptance life is filled with beauty, for it is the reflection of your own
beauty from within.

“Surrender” could well be perceived as having to give up something, to
let something go, to lose out. Yet I offer to you this suggestion: When
surrender takes on the experience of acceptance it becomes a magical
experience and you enter into the flow of Universal Consciousness.

“Joy” has as its opposite sadness and or misery. When faced with
sadness or misery? Understanding that we are responsible for all things
that happen in our lives it is but a conscious choice to change to the
desire to experience joy. This too is a matter of mastering the ego or
mind, and making the conscious choice to en-joy and to be in-joy.

“Passion” has a multitude of meanings and no matter what you are

doing or however the energy of passion is present, it is an energy that
will also manifest more into your life when it is used for the greater good
of all.

“Peace” when experienced as a state of inner being is one of the most

transformative energies on our beautiful planet. As more discover the
state of peace from within there will no longer be lack, war or the desire
for competition in any shape or form. As more and more transfer to the
state of peace within, it will reflect on the outside and we will indeed have
created heaven on earth. “So within, So WithOut”.

“Thanks” a simple but very powerful word and I have chosen to close
this gift of words to you with my thanks for being a part of my life, for
being my teacher, for being my reflection, for being YOU. You are a
magnificent being in my eyes and the eyes of GOD. I thank you above all
for your willingness to read this book and your willingness to be aware of
your words for in so doing we are all creating the highest potential and
greater good for the ALL. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

“Attraction” In the end, this is what it is all about. The Law of attraction.
What do you want to attract to you? Are you happy with your life as it is?
Be willing to look at your thoughts and words. How are you putting those
vibrations out there. Are you attracting to you what you desire? Or is it
the opposite? Now you know why, you can start to work with this law of

Empowering YOU Through Words.

In this parable it is my intention to share with

you some subtle differences on how you can
work with the energy of words.

You will see that simply making a few minor

changes in certain statements you change
completely the energy created through them.

It will change your life as you are willing to work

with it.

Empowering YOU through words.

Having already tasted to a certain extent the importance and the Power
of Words, you will have already started to look closely at the way we are
using words both verbally and in our thoughts. Most will have realized by
now how particular words are empowering and others that are
subconsciously blocking our success rate as a Creator or in other words
manifesting our hearts desires.

If anything, by now we are beginning to realize just how powerful our

words/thoughts are and the importance of clarity therein. Understand
dear friends it is a journey of discovery. It is a journey of finding the truth

within yourselves as to how “YOU” have been programmed throughout
your lives via the parents, schools etc. It is now more than ever about
being willing to change that programming.

Is it difficult?

If you think it is, It surely will be.

If you think you can do it? You might just be able to.
If you know you can. You most definitely will.

Will it be a rapid change? Maybe, maybe not! But it is not about that is
it? It is about your willingness to look at your programming. It is about
your willingness to change. It is about your divine contract to achieve
GOD-GODDESS state of being. I am reminded of some words from the
bible, although perhaps not totally accurate. They go something like this:
And man was created in my image. Knowing that this is open to personal
interpretation and of course I totally respect “your”
translation/interpretation of it. For me and my own reality it means that I
am created in the image of GOD and that I am here to experience as
GOD, to achieve the level of knowing, awareness and ability. I AM here
to experience for/with/as GOD.

What I wish to place in front of you in this parable is some more

examples of the Power of words and how they limit or empower YOU!

You see! In my reality, in my world it is all about being in my POWER.

Those of you who are alert and aware of what I have been sharing with
you in this series of parables will have noticed something special about
the statements in bold a little earlier.

Did you feel the difference in the statements? Did you notice the
difference in the power you felt as you read/stated them? Allow me to
place in front of you a few word changes that make a huge difference in
your energy and the results brought forth because of them.

Example 1.
I am thinking of going to the city to do some shopping tomorrow. Would
you like to go with me?

Is there anything in particular that you notice about that sentence?

First of all. You are giving your power away, therefore you are not in
YOUR “power”.

There is doubt within the statement, there is a lack of clarity and

Another is that you are asking a question and not making a statement.
When asking a question, you are in actual fact offering the other the
opportunity to make decisions for you. When they do that, they are taking
YOUR power and making it their own.

Lets see what happens to the energy within the statement if we change
but a few words.

I am going to the city tomorrow to do some shopping and I would

like you to come with me.

Do you see-feel the difference. With this you are making a powerful
statement. You are also offering the other person the opportunity to be in
their power. To be in their truth. They are now faced with a choice.
Should they wish to go with you they will rapidly and willingly agree.
Should they not wish to go for whatever the reason, they are faced with a
choice of being in their truth and own power by stating such. The
alternative is of course to lie and grudgingly agree. If you are aware of
these word power games and the subtle differences, you will notice
them. It is of course up to you what you do with them thereafter. I always
look for a way to empower the other into making the choice that is from
their heart.

I have placed a couple of examples here for your discernment and when
you do understand the subtle differences, the importance of clarity, the
importance of being in your truth and power. You will have found an
important reason why many are still failing to manifest their hearts
desires. You see dear reader. I have discovered that when all of the
previous are in balance the flow of magic within the universe is
exponentially increased.

I am now going to take it a step further. When you have a clear

understanding of what we have just shared, you will find things
manifesting in your own life at a much faster rate. Lets now take an
example that we might be stating in our prayers.

Dear Creator, I need money to pay my bills. I am struggling to make

ends meet.

I have purposely chosen this example so we can take a look at where it

can be improved upon.

I will do that for now in the form of questions. There are two very
important words in the above statement that is limiting YOU, dis-
empowering you and is lacking in clarity.

Did the two words I am referring to jump out at you straight away? If they
did, congratulations. You are understanding the power of words within
statements. If it didn’t, then please do not go into the poor me role,
simply be willing to practice a little more. You “will” get there.

First of all lets take a closer look at the word ‘need”. If you are needing
you are basically making a statement that is placing something ahead of
you. Then we have two of the most powerful words that are ever brought
forth from the human mouth. “I AM”. Anything and everything that follows
those two words is manifested in your reality. Look at what follows it in
this example. Take just for a moment the possibility that we are the
creators of our own reality. What then is being put out to the universe in
the previous statement.

Now let me offer a different way of using words to empower and


Dear creator, thank you for providing the funds to pay my bills. I AM
grateful for the abundance on all plains of existence.

Now the skeptics among us might be forgiven for saying that it is not true
because it hasn’t happened yet and that is ok. However, let me put it to
you this way. Another of the most powerful energies within the creation
process is gratitude, yet another is visualization. I would offer you the
perspective that having already seen it manifested (whether it is or is not
yet in your NOW reality) you are in fact creating into your future and
allowing it to take place. Your words of gratitude are a way of
acknowledging the fact that it has happened and shows trust in the
process of manifestation taking place.

I know that some reading this will not believe and that is ok too. All I ask
is that you be willing to look at yourself in truth. Are you the first or the
second example? Are you willing and open to at least giving it a try? You
might just be surprised at the results you achieve. You might just be
surprised at the way your life changes because you did. Those in the
second category! Congratulations, you are abundant.

Another example:
Recently I discovered during one of my conversations another two words
that carry such a different energy, yet by simply looking at them both we

discovered and very much felt the energy change when we exchanged
the words. These two words were:

"Doubting" and "Understanding".

As we were having a normal discussion all of a sudden I said something

that my conversation partner, Mary Pat, had to ask: “Are you doubting
me?” As I looked at that word, I had to look closely at why I had been
talking the way I had. I AM always open and honest with myself when
looking at this type of thing and she knows and trusts that, so when I
came back with the answer: “No, I am trying to understand where you
are coming from”. “I am trying to understand you on a deeper level.” We
wrote the words down because we instinctively knew that something
energetically had shifted. As soon as we both saw the words written in
front of us one above the other, (try it, write doubting and then
understanding underneath it.) something definitely did shift in our
conversation and our energy.

This is another beautiful example of how we are limiting ourselves

through our word choices. I could have gone into ego by defending
myself for her using the word doubting and challenged what she said, yet
something was triggered within me. I opened to look deeper at what was
happening when the word “understanding” popped into my mind. A lot of
lightning fast thoughts shot through the both of our minds and all of a
sudden we knew that we had just shifted from a closed and lower
vibration energy word to a word that opens to receiving all kinds of
insights from the universe. We also both immediately moved away from
ego and were open to our higher guidance. What followed was a magical
experience that did indeed take us to a new level of understanding each
other on new and deeper levels.

In working with this word: “UNDERSTANDING” I have become very

much aware that while placing that word more regularly in my
conversation and giving it a prominent place, I have changed
energetically. I AM more open, I AM more alert, and I am listening with
different ears.

Have fun with this one dear friends and enjoy as we did with this new
example of understanding the power of words.

Life is a gift.

Live in the present and present

yourself with noting but presents.

Life is a gift.

When one can truly walk through life seeing it as a gift, then life is a
blessing in all its magical forms.

We have talked about Gratitude before today so we know the effects of

what being continually in a state of gratitude can bring. In this parable I
would like to take a look at another magical word.

That word is “PRESENT”.

It is a word that can have so many different meanings as you will see as
we continue.

Present can mean being here in the now, right now. When your fully
present in the now, you are not concerned about any past mistakes. Nor
would you be concerned about the future.

That past you cannot change and dwelling in it often results in negativity
especially if you are concentrating on events that might not have
delivered what you desired.

The future is as yet unwritten, so why would you want to unnecessarily

worry about that.

Your future is being sculpted in every moment with every thought, breath
and word. Do you see how important it is to be fully present in the
present moment? Lets break the word present down. If you were to write
it as follows it would be: pre sent.

Could this point to the fact that your gift to self of living in the present is
actually pre sending your wishes into your future to be created as you

We encourage you to work with this for a while. Once you have you will
realize that the greatest present you could ever have given yourself is
living in the “Present”.

Every single moment is a new creation. Every single thought is a new

creation. In every single breath you are creating.

Are you going to create lots of nice presents for yourself? We hope you
choose to present yourself with lots and lots of presents in the present.

You have to love this word. Just in that last sentence alone it had three
different meanings.

Enjoy your presents… All of them.

A Trinity Of Power Words.

The 3 words I have chosen here are all

very powerful words. As you work with
them, you will see how they compliment
each other.

In your daily lives the power of these

words have the ability to lift you to new
and greater heights.

A Trinity of POWER words…

In the previous section I talked purely and simply about words. In this
section I would like to introduce you to 3 of the most powerful words we
posses in our language:


When you truly get into the meaning of these 3 words you will notice that
it creates a circle or cycle which continually reverts back to or even
moves forward into one or the other. Lets take a look at why we might
see these words as being so important to us all especially in this special
juncture of time that is now upon us.

Let me take “INTENT” as the first of the three words. What exactly is
intent? I personally believe that it is every single thought that runs
through our brain or mind. I have talked before about mankind becoming
more aware of who we are, why we are here and that we have no
limitations. So many around the planet now are realizing more and more
that by simply setting intent with their thoughts, they are manifesting
what ever it is that they are thinking. Many are starting to literally play
with it, almost as if it is a new toy. (laughter) To most of us it is of course
a new toy, and like every child, a new toy is fascinating and we don’t
want to stop playing with it.

Why, you might ask am I referring to it in this child like manner? Well!
For two reasons and the first being that we are indeed basically children
with this new found power. Let me correct that if I may. It is not really a
new found power, it is one that has lain dormant within us for eons and it
is now time for us to remember. Just as I have stated previously, our
DNA is changing rapidly and a part of that change is information that has
been stored there simply waiting for us to be ready to remember and

The second reason is because I believe that children have much less
inhibitions, or perhaps even this: They have not been here on this earth
plain long enough to be influenced by we the parents, the school
systems and society on a whole. When we revert to our inner child or the
childlike state, we find that we have much less inhibitions or I will even
go so far as to say that our ego’s are much less developed and less

likely to get in the way. We therefore are much more willing in the
childlike state to experiment and take (perceived) risks.

By now you also know that I believe that “everything” is energy, and I
do mean everything. With that thought in mind I would like to share the
following with you:

When the energy of “Intent” is posted, it opens a path and the energy of
“manifestation flows” leading to your hearts desires being created in your
now reality.

This leads me beautifully into the next word on my power list.

“Balance”. It is when we are well balanced that we are at our very best at
setting intent and manifesting. We all know the tricks our ego plays with
us. It will attempt to let you know that you are not worthy of manifesting,
or you don’t deserve? Some might even have an over active ego which
could potentially lead to the other extreme. Most of us will have
experienced or are experiencing either example.

Our ego produces many of those little saboteurs that in effect limit us in
our manifestations. Ego is very much a part of the duality. Please don’t
get me wrong here. Ego is a valuable part of our make up. What I am
saying is that a balanced ego is even more valuable to us. I love to look
at and review how my ego has been present during my day. What I also
love to do is use a valuable visual tool. We all know the Libran (star sign)
weighing scales? No, I don’t have a physical set of scales. (laughter)
These are a set of scales that I visualize in my minds eye, and as I
review my day I see them tilting to the left or to the right whenever I have
become imbalanced with my ego. I have found this tool to be an
invaluable one during my spiritual growth. Especially when I am willing to
be totally honest with myself, willing to look at the experiences of the day
without any attachments or not judging myself etc. Those scales have
shown me the parts of my make up that I might choose to work on. When
doing so I have found that “BALANCE” has been a wonderful state to be
in. It is also simply a choice, I can choose to be in balance, or I can
choose to be the other energy that could be chaos. No judgments on this
either because it really is this simple. It is a choice. No more, no less.

When totally in balance I have found that I am always very much in the
flow. Everything seems to flow so easily. I am in my most euphoric state.
I am able to manifest my hearts desires more rapidly. Although having
said that, it is also not so important because when I am in that balanced
state I also know that time is not of the utmost importance. The point is,
my desires are manifested.

Of course if I am in chaos or out of balance, then things seem to be
blocked. They are not flowing and I feel disconnected. When I am willing
to be aware of what is going on in my life, I can make a choice. I know
chaos might seem to strong a word for some reading this. Not really, it is
simply the opposite of balance.

It is my perception that when we are totally in the energy of “balance”,

we are at one with all that is. We are in “Oneness”.

This leads me into the third power word on this list. “AWARENESS”.
When the previous two words are totally in sync with each other it is of
the utmost importance that I am aware of everything that is happening
around me. Yes Everything. If for some reason I am blocking the
messages from my higher/partner self, it is important that I am aware of
all that is going on around me. This could even be signals from the
animal or insect kingdom. Our guides are very creative when attempting
to get a message through.

It could be something I see in a newspaper or a magazine. Somehow

or other something will seem to jump out at me, or be somehow brighter
than other sections. It could be something that is on TV. Particular words
will grab my attention. This also happens sometimes while walking down
the street whereby I happen to overhear a portion of some ones
conversation. A sentence or even just a particular word will serve to
trigger something inside of me and it will eventually lead me to
something important.

One of the most prominent reasons that our prayers or requests

appear to go unanswered is because we missed the syncs being placed
on our paths. Another reason is of course our awareness of the words
we have chosen to use while we were stating our prayers or requests. It
is essential that we are aware of the words we have chosen. Were they
in total clarity? Could they have been interpreted differently? If it is not in
total clarity for ourselves, how can we expect our helpers to understand
what it is we are praying for or requesting? There are so many ways that
our helpers will attempt to place things in front of us that are meant to
assist us in getting our requests or prayers answered. Because we are
all unique in our personal journeys here, it will vary from person to
person how.

So you see how powerful all three of these words are in our daily lives?
I would even go so far as to say that they all play an essential role in our
lives. Neither is more important than the other, nor will one always come
first. As you learn to play with these three words you will even find that

they are interchanging, one leading continually into one of the others. I
hope you enjoy playing with them as much as I do and have.

I would like to finish this section by making one further statement. I

firmly believe that these 3 words when understood completely or totally
absorbed into our being will also lead to other power words one of which
could be compassion. However that is another story and it warrants its
own section in this book.

Another Power Word For Your Consideration.

When you have this word in your heart and

your being you truly have embarked on a path
of deeper understanding.


It is my sincere hope that by the time you have finished reading this
section that you will have another way of looking at the many different
“disasters” that are currently touching the hearts of so many on our earth

As recent and much publicized examples we have September 11th, the

Madrid bombing and in the not to distant past the School incident in
Russia, the London Bombings, The Tsunami and then the hurricanes in
the USA. There are others of course that are equally as horrendous from
within our human perceptions, for instance the genocide that is going on
in Africa.

Just for a moment I will stay with the subject of genocide. I would like to
place in front of you an example. It is not all that hard to imagine
because it is actually happening. However for this example I would ask
you to look at and feel the following statement:
20,000 dead in the last month. Imagine also that you are seeing this
message on the local and world news programs. There are many
different emotions that you might experience while hearing this kind of
message. For this experience I would like to concentrate on three of the
main reactions.

Reaction one might perhaps be: Oh, that is on the other side of the
world and I don’t personally know those people. Let’s go grab a coffee.

Reaction two could be: Oh my goodness, we can’t allow this to

continue. We should send our troops over there and stop those
responsible by any means necessary.

Reaction three would perhaps flow like this: The person who is watching
may experience tears welling up in their eyes, they may feel empathy
with those experiencing the genocide and although they do not know any
of those people personally, they might well be feeling on a heart level
what they are going through. Now they might not be able to explain why
they are feeling the emotions although clearly they are.

Lets take a closer look at possible reasons for each of these three
Reaction one: The person in question is aware of what is happening
and chose to change the subject as quickly as possible. Could it be
because they were not touched by the experience? Could it be that they
are cold hearted and because they are so far away from what happened
that they don’t care? Perhaps not! It might well be that this example does
not know how to react, I would suggest that it does touch them, yet they
don’t know “how” to react nor what to say. Therefore they choose to
distance themselves from those emotions by a reaction of flight/escape.
This example chose to change the subject because of that.

Reaction two: This example immediately experienced disgust and

anger. An eye for an aye and a tooth for a tooth. This example would
have preferred to have immediately rallied the troops, sought out those
responsible and would have therefore continued in exactly the same
energy. It would cost even more lives should this example be followed.

Reaction three. This example in my heart tells me that this person is
connected to their higher self and OPOM’s. Although this example does
not know these people it is experiencing the emotions, knows not why it
is shedding tears, yet clearly it is. This example could have chosen either
of the two earlier options or perhaps any other yet it didn’t. It could have
chosen to judge, yet it didn’t. It chose the option of “compassion.” This
feeling came from the heart, the very depths of the soul. It immediately
felt compassion for those people.

In my own human experience right now I am curious. Which option will

you choose the next time you see this kind of thing in the media?

Lets take a moment and look a little closer at the word “Compassion”.
The Oxford English Dictionary has these words to share: a strong feeling
of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them:
to feel / show compassion.

I would like to break the word down into smaller sections so we can take a
deeper look at the word. Com-pass-ion. It contains two other important words,
the first being compass which I am sure you will agree that this would be a
direction finder? The second word being passion. Here are my thoughts on this.
The compass part is so that you can find direction into your feelings and
emotions. The passion part might be so that you can feel passionate about what
is happening.
Could this then lead to you entering into your heart and perhaps offering with a
passion your love to the situation?

If I have achieved nothing else with the sharing of this word and these examples,
I would hope that at any time in the future you experience these examples no
matter how far away it is from you, you might stop for a moment and offer the
situation your “UNCONDITIONAL” Love/compassion.

Why you might ask am I asking you to offer your unconditional love and
compassion to the situation?
Here again are my thoughts on this. It is quite possible that those people in these
situations have contracted in during this life cycle to experience this as a part of
our collective divine plan. I consciously choose to offer unconditional love
because it is just that, “UNCONDITIONAL”. No other energies attached, such
as peace, retribution, anger, pity etc.

I open my heart and send this unconditional love that the collective experience
who are going through all of these situations receive the LOVE energies and
open to their own choices and growth within the situations. It is my belief that in

doing so I am offering a great gift of unconditional love energy and allowing
them to choose their own path within their human creator experience. It is also
my belief that in feeling this and perhaps in the growth that may come forth
from their collective experience is for the greater good of all. You see! I believe
that whenever these situations are resolved to the highest potential of mankind,
mankind collectively raises the vibrations of all that is.

I would like to close this section with a recommendation. The example given
above is very similar to a section of a book or set of tapes I once listened to from
someone whom I have a lot of love and a high degree of respect for the journey
he is on and is sharing with the world. His name is Gregg Braden and the book
or tapes I am referring too are “Beyond Zero Point”. If you have the opportunity
to get them, please do. They are a wonderful source of information and also
allow you to make your choices by simply offering you information and
examples. His website is:

Gregg is a wonderful energy who chooses often times to experience from I

believe a balanced approach between the sciences and metaphysical. Another of
his great works is “The GOD Code”.
Thank you Gregg for being who you are and your sharing.

Another huge example of how compassion can change the world is the most
recent experience of the tsunami. The whole world sent love, help, donations
etc. It awakened the understanding of compassion all over the globe. Many
nations did a great deal to assist. Little was one of those nations to know that
they too would experience that same compassion but now being shown back to
them. Yes, I am talking about the USA and the hurricanes that destroyed so
many lives. There are many ways of showing compassion and it most certainly
was on a huge scale with these two last events.

I trust and know that this changed humanity. There are more than likely more of
such events ahead of us. It is my sincerest desire that we all experience
compassion in no matter what form it takes when they do.

Three More Power Words.

When fully aware of the power of these three

words, you can work fully with the laws and
powers of the universe for your greatest good
and benefit.

Choices, Intent and Experiences.

As you continue to raise your energies/vibrations and became more

aware of who you are, why you are here and the power behind your each
and every thought or word. You move into the experience of what we will
choose to call “Higher awareness experiencing”.

By now you will all at varying degrees understand that your journey is
one full of experiences that have brought new insights and perhaps to
new levels of awareness?

Not only are you looking at all experiences now with a different kind of
awareness, you might be looking at each experience as if you were
seeing two movies being played simultaneously. One experience will be
that of a lower vibrational choice, i.e fear, panic, anger, drama, etc.

The other will be the result of being “UNCONDITIONALLY” open to all

that you see, feel and experience.
What is happening in this is that you are able to make a choice as to
which you prefer to experience at this point in your journey. Neither is
viewed as good or bad. They are what they are “experiences”.

Sometimes you might want to consciously choose the lower vibrational

option just to see what lessons you can learn from it. To see what kind of
experiences you can add to your list if you will. I choose them so that I
can share those experiences with others, be it verbally in the physical or
through the fact that it has been placed or recorded in the grids for all

those searching for that experience to enjoy the experience without
actually having to live through it.

I think it is quite clear now to all reading this that it is my wish during this
journey to experience as much as I care to and then share that with
others. I have chosen this time to teach through the experiences I am
living or that are placed in my vicinity. In my reality there is no greater
teaching method than this. My reason for stating that is that no matter
how many experiences I have placed in this book and no matter what
shape or result I achieved, there is always going to be people reading it
which will be able to relate to an experience in their own journey. It is my
intention that they are able to look at it and perhaps find answers as to
the why’s and how’s etc, perhaps even providing them with clarity within
their own experiences.

Something else I would like to share here is an experience that has

become a fact of my life. I am still of course a human being, living the
experiences as I travel my journey. This also means that I still carry a
certain amount of old baggage with me. What I mean by this is that I
sometimes still do revert to old energy reactions, such as anger, fear,
frustration, impatience etc. Not very often, thank goodness, but I still do
on occasion.

I have also found that the more I become aware of what I am, what I can
create and the more I raise my vibrations, the more I have to be aware of
my thoughts or words. An example for instance could be that I was angry
with someone for something that we experienced together. I did not
share these feelings of anger with that person which means that I have
left them hanging out there as it were. I understand that I must take full
responsibility for leaving those thought patterns out there. I put them out
there. I am now also totally aware that because of what I have left
unresolved (I prefer the term out of balance) I have created the age old
universal law “what you sow, is what you reap” and oh boy was this a
powerful lesson. What came back was an energy/expereince that way
exceeded what I put out. What I mean by this is that the experience I
received in return was the proverbial ten fold. (laughter) That one had me
pondering for a while I can tell you.

Of course the upside if you will to this experience is the awareness of

what I had created. The awareness of the fact that should I continually
choose to put “loving” intentions out there in all of my experiences. Are
you getting the picture yet.

Suffice to say that since I now choose to be aware of all that I create with
my thoughts and words. (most of the time, remember now! I am still
human) I choose consciously to put loving and positive intentions out
there. This has had the effect that my journey is one of Love, positivity
and abundance and it has increased exponentially. I hope by sharing this
experience with you, that yours does too.

In closing this section let me share an example how it could have worked
out to be a totally different outcome to the one that I had eventually
created. As a result of certain events in my life, I am partially disabled.
This meant that to a certain extent I also still received benefits from the
government. Every once in a while I was called upon to go for a check up
to see how I was progressing. I remember clearly the first time I received
the request of my presence for an examination. Let it be known that at
that time in my life our family had to sometimes be creative to make ends
meet. So you can imagine that when I received that letter my first
reaction was to go into fear and panic.

It was not until a day or so later that I had had time to think about it that I
remembered that I could create a positive outcome to what was
happening. I chose to put it out to the universe that the result of this
examination would be for my highest potential good. That I release all
attachments and fears, and that I would trust that no matter how it
looked, I would follow any results that came from it. Even as I made the
statement I felt as if a weight was being lifted of my shoulders.

Although in the weeks leading up to that first appointment I must admit

that I was still a little nervous now and again, especially on the day of the
examination its self. My reason perhaps for the nerves was the fact that
I knew that all of the benefits laws were becoming more stringent and the
government was encouraging these doctors to get people back to work if
there was even a remote possibility.

It was not until another two months later that I would learn the result from
this examination during a second appointment. I felt inside that all was
well and that it was working out as I had put it out to the universe. I was
trusting the result to be for my highest good. The appointment I was now
to attend was one to see what my levels of mobility were and what kind
of work I would be fit to do. When the results of this one came back I was
a little surprised to say the least. I had received a raise in my level of
disability and in addition to that I was to receive more money per month.

I have to say I am only remotely surprised now. You see I had also been
working on setting up workshops and seminars. I was in the middle of
writing this book. I have absolutely no intentions of staying on the
benefits. I know inside me that I have a message to share with the world
and that I was to be doing that through these workshops etc. As the
universe (and myself) has taken care of me now in creating this extra
space of preparation time, I know and trust that it (I) will take care of all
my earthly needs in the future too.

My point in sharing this example is, I could have chosen to experience

from fear and panic. I know the outcome would have been a totally
different one. I chose to set an intent, I made a conscious choice and I
was willing to work with the experiment. The next time you are faced with
adversity? Please remember this experience and know from your heart
that no matter what the result is you have created, it is always for your
highest good. All you need to do is be aware of the duality potentials
within the experiment, make your choices, to set out your intentions and
then trust.

Synchronicities And Universal


Moving from self(ish) consciousness into

Universal Consciousness is probably the
most beautiful gift you could give yourself
and through doing so, all those around you.

Synchronicities and Universal Consciousness.


Life at times can be very confusing, there is so much changing around us

and yet somehow or other we know that it is for the greater good of us
all. We are still stuck in circumstances that are holding us back. Are they
our own choices? Are we in fact creating them? Or is the universe taking
care of everything? Time will tell…

Life as we know it is definitely changing. There are so many things
happening around us and we know that we often don’t have the answers.
We also know that we don’t always need the answers any more. We also
know that when it is time for the answers, they are there. One of the
reasons for this is because we are now choosing to be the vessel of
change. We are choosing to be in every now moment “now”. We are now
choosing to be the vessel of “Unselfish LOVE” or another popular term
yet vastly misunderstood “Unconditional LOVE” in all things we do. We
are moving ever closer towards Universal Consciousness. (GOD)

The term “GOD” has been so badly abused and interpreted by humanity
that the word even feels uncomfortable to use, which is one of the
reasons that in this book of parables the term “Mother Father God” has
been broadly used. Yet we know now that this term is also limiting. You
also only need to switch the TV on, pick up a newspaper or any other
form of media and all around us you see that the world is in great chaos.
It is essential that you do not react to this chaos, but to remain above it
as if an observer. Pour by all means LOVE from your heart into any or all
these situations.

Has humanity lost it’s way? Perhaps we have reached that stage now
that it is time to be in total truth about how we have blamed GOD for so
many things, that so many have claimed that they have the one and only
true GOD. Wars and genocide have been experienced in the name of a
GOD. Look at the situation around the Danish cartoons and you will see
what is meant by religious chaos that has long been predicted. No matter

what religion or faith you subscribe to, you are now being asked to see
through the illusion of “SELF-ISH LOVE Consciousness”. Maybe it is
time for us to see that in our religions and religious writings that MAN has
interfered, made changes from the original purpose and it has not been
for the many, but for the few who had an agenda. Inside us, deep inside
us we know the truth, we know that this is not the way of GOD.

GOD is more than a segment or A religion. GOD is ALL encompassing

and is in ALL things. It is the separation experienced through “SELF-ISH
LOVE Consciousness” that is creating all of this. It is now time for
humanity to awaken to “Universal Consciousness” to understand that all
parts of all things are all a part of SELF. It then speaks for its self that
you would not desire to damage, hurt or deny SELF anything. Quite the
contrary, you would wish nothing but the best and highest LOVE.

Many are experiencing health issues right now. Have them, by all means
checked out and when nothing results from the check ups, then rest
assured that your body, your cells, organs, yes every atom of your
physical being is being transformed so that you are able to function at
your best in the higher vibrations of the times to come. Do all that you
can to take care of your physical being, it is after all the vessel you desire
to ascend with. Listen to your body, it will not misdirect you, pay attention
and take action when required, whether this is more exercise or different
eating habits, follow your intuition.
Some examples: Personally I experienced heart challenges and it was
so convincing that I also had the pains in the left arm. Once that passed,
I experienced changes in my lungs, live and kidneys. No sooner had they
passed, my skin started to itch all the time with no visible reason for it…

Amazing synchronicities…
There will more than likely be a great deal of amazing synchronicities
happening all around you right now. For now you are being asked to be
the observer for the most part. Events are being prepared for you and for
now it is better not to get in the way with your thoughts, words or actions.
To emphasize: BE observant of your thoughts, words and actions. BE
aware if you are getting in your own way through doubt, fear, personal
will, or otherwise creating. As you move into March 2006 the events will
become more visible and you will know when to take action and when to
be the observer.


Yes, you are indeed expanding on all levels almost continuously now. On
the cellular level, the conscious level, the subconscious and unconscious
levels. Your physical, mental, emotional and spirit bodies are expanding
moment by moment. The more you are able to release the “Selfish
Consciousness” and open to “Universal Consciousness” the more you
will find yourself in the flow. Remember that we are still limited behind
the veils of illusion. Opening more and more to Universal consciousness
will allow the energies beyond the veils that are all seeing and all
knowing to assist and guide you to your highest potential and for the
greater good of the ALL.

Not knowing…
We already touched lightly on this, but for the purpose of clarity and
emphasis. The more you can get out of your own way from here behind
the veils, the more you will open to the all seeing all knowing
counterparts and the more you will be a tool for the Universal
consciousness to work through you. Often this means your not knowing
where events are leading you. Do your very best to simply allow it to be
so. You and humanity will benefit enormously from your being able to do

The previous statement will maybe face many of you with your greatest
challenge yet. Your trust and patience levels will be tested. You must
KNOW without a shadow of doubt that the Universe is working along
side you to bring into manifestation the greatest good for you all.
Perhaps the greatest rule to adhere to in these near future times is:
“When in doubt? Do NOTHING!”. Let the Universe DO IT for you….

Universal Consciousness…
We will be using this term and the “ALL” more and more in our writings
as it does encompass everything and our reason for this is because of
the way the word “GOD” has become limited by mans interpretation and
images projected on to it…

2006 and beyond.

Ma2006 is to be the year of diligence for you as your desires are
becoming ever more rapidly manifested. It will be a time to scrutinize
your thoughts and words. The words you use will create your reality at an
increasingly rapid pace. If it is not the reality you desire? Then we
recommend you go back in time (in your minds eye) and see how you
formulated your words/thoughts. This is a period of great learning for the
closest ripples to the center of “The Pond”. (Remember the parable

about God’s Pond? Chapter 2) Please do not beat up on yourself, you
are greatly honored with this task and the gift available to you is almost
beyond imagination.
Recognize or rather REMEMBER who you are and why you are here.
YOU are the CREATORS, be willing to be it in all forms. Create that
which is for the greatest good of ALL.

Secrets Of The Past Reveal Blockages In The


I saved this parable although it might

certainly have fitted very well in previous
chapters. My reason for doing so will
hopefully speak for its self after you have
read and absorbed it.

It is in two parts and the reason for that will

be clear by the end.

Secrets of the past reveal blockages in the now!!!

A date to remember Sunday 15th of January. 2006

I had a bunch of appointments set up for that weekend and originally

they were set up for Saturday and Sunday. Synchronisticaly it ended up
they all took place on Sunday.

It started with an appointment with a very dear friend with whom I have
been working for some time, assisting back and forwards with each
others growth. Her name is Marie-José but I will call her MJ as I always
lovingly do. This appointment was for a hypno-regression session.
Having experienced to a certain extent one of these before I new pretty
much what was going to happen.

Five minutes before the session was to start I did the Twin Flame
merging ritual as I felt it important that my twin flame be with me. As I
made myself comfortable and prepared to go within, I noticed a certain
amount of discomfort around my neck and shoulders. The next steps
revealed why. Something that I have perceived to be experiencing
recently in my life is “Resistance” in several different ways. I had sort of
decided that I would spend today finding out why, so it did not surprise
me when the first things that came up were issues around my father and
childhood. On several occasions during different stages of my expanded
awakening I have been confronted with these issues, each time a little
surprised that they were back again because I had long since forgiven
him and understood much of why he was as he was.

I saw and experienced pain in different extremities in my body as I went

through the experience again. I feel that because I have done that
before, it was there now just to take it to another level of healing,
forgiving and understanding. It was also preparing me for what was
about to happen.
The areas of pain while in these sessions carry a meaning and have a
purpose which is generally revealed when sitting in or connecting to that
pain. One of the words that came back every time was the word
resistance. Having been forced into a religion I did not want from a very
young age, I inwardly rebelled and took every opportunity I could to get
out of it. As I got older I was a very keen athlete in many disciplines, so I
often used that as an excuse to get out of the house and away from
whatever experience I did not want to go through.

This revealed repetitive patterns in my adult life which also does not
really come as a surprise, because I am fully aware that the first seven to
nine years are your formative years and until you realize it, your whole
life is centered and viewed/lived through the eyes/experiences of that


After a while MJ was attempting to take me even deeper into this

experience so that more could be revealed to me. How it happened or
why I don’t know, but I had already moved away from this so we went
with the next stage of this experience. I was now experiencing visions
from a life time in Egypt, deep inside the sacred chambers and temples. I
was wearing the clothes of a highly skilled and revered magician/priest.
This too didn’t really come as a surprise because my Twin Flame and I

have had brief visions of this experience before. I became an observer of
what was happening. There was another being stood next to me and I
could see/feel that this beautiful and equally powerful being was my Twin
Flame. We were charged at that time with assisting humanity through our
magic (creator skills) to raise their vibrations moving closer to the GODS.
We had what we recognize as the “Book of knowledge” which reveals all
and has no secrets for the adept.
Somehow or other our experiments had unintentionally brought great
harm to humanity. ( I/we know now that humanity just wasn’t ready.) We
had reached a level of awareness that we knew that all things return to
themselves through the circular energy of the laws of the universe.
Having being the creators of that experiment instinctively we knew that it
had consequences. The next vision was a very painful one to relive. I
saw myself bending over my beloved, holding her in my arms as I knew
that she was about to die. As she breathed her last breath, she
whispered it is ok my beloved. I Love you and we will be together again.
After which she left her body. Briefly experiencing this loss, then. and
again in the now during this regression, I was quickly brought back to the
soul level of the experience. (More on that in a moment)


After a moment or two of deep breathing and centering back into balance
the tears stopped and I became calm again. I had perhaps expected to
stay there for a while to see what the intention was behind that
experience but before I knew it I was traveling back to another
Much of what was happening there was similar to the previous journey.
My Twin and I were there together again, working on similar projects
together to assist humanity to the next level. A great similarity between
the two experiences was the LOVE that we had within us for the ALL that
is. It was almost overwhelming. Again we were highly skilled
magicians/creators and through the book of knowledge there were no
secrets that were hidden from us. That is, other than those that we were
creating. Somehow or other these experiments had gone array. It
brought about the downfall of Atlantis. The pain and the grief of that was
too much to bear for me and as I observed the vision, it was now I that
was in my beloveds arms. It was I that was about to take my last breath.
It was I that whispered the words, “Fear not my beloved. I Love you, and
we will be together again”. After observing her pain and grief for a short
while, I could no longer bear it so I left that experience and returned to
the soul experience.

After and during both of these journeys, there were moments where the
tears and pain of loss was experienced in the now moment of this
regression. After a while and some deep breathing I returned to a state
of peace and simply being. I needed a potty break too, so we broke off
for a short while. I knew this would be ok because I am quite skilled at
going in and out of this trance like state.

Inner knowing.

When I returned, I simply centered again and went within. I connected to

my I Am presence and continued to observe the experiences. What was
revealed or in other words what was being revealed to us? Having both
had this experience together and both having experienced being the one
to depart, I know that we never have to experience the high powered
Magicians/Creators journey again with the same result. We are here
now, both of us and are being offered the chance to go through this
experience again together. But now with the absolute knowing that we
will not fail this time, nor will there be any mistakes. Why? Because
humanity “IS” ready for it this time.

In the Now.

During our meditations together we have already in this lifecycle seen

and experienced the book of knowledge. It has always seemed to be just
out of reach. It has always seemed to hold its secrets just beyond our
knowing in the now. Why? Because in this journey we are not quite there
yet. We are both expanding daily, moving ever closer to the BE-ING that
is required to be able to come together and bring forth not only the
secrets of the book of knowledge, but to also continue with the
experiments/creations where we left off. Only this time we both know and
have this inner peace that it has already been written that this time we
will succeed. When we look back since our being reunited again, we can
see that parts of the book of knowledge have already been revealed to
us. We are already being allowed to exercise our wings as it were. We
are preparing ourselves to learn to fly again with this knowledge.

While exploring what particles of those experiences had been brought
into this lifecycle so that we could have the opportunity to move beyond
the veil of illusion we know as the third dimension. Certain slightly
surprising facts came to light. I will begin with her for no apparent reason
other than one of us has to go first.

In her journey since we met she has not always been able to be in her
truth and often times used her skills as a manipulator to get her way.
(Careful now! Don’t start judging this, the beauty of it will be revealed as
we go along.) Her not being able to be in truth is in perfection, because
as she moves beyond the veil into the higher vibrational realms it will no
longer be necessary for her not to be in truth. The illusions of fear and
control by her and those around her will disappear as she expands
herself in the now. The lack of truth is related to our past life experiences
and the fear of losing each other again. It is also a lack of trust that in the
end we both know that it has already been written/created and this time
we cannot fail. We have both experienced the pain of loss again as we
had to part after having spent brief periods together. At the time we did
not know what it was or why it was there. Now we do. Now, back to the
word manipulator. In the third dimension it would certainly be viewed as
such. We know it is not so, she is simply honing her old skills again. She
is preparing herself to step into the higher vibrational realms where the
word changes and becomes “creator”. The perfection of all of this is so
beautifully orchestrated, we sometimes sat in awe as piece by piece it
was being revealed to us.

With me it has been slightly different, yet the source of it is the same. I
have not been in sacred truth with her or myself and others around me
because of fear. My lack of trust was also because of our past life
experiences. I have held my hand above her head in so many ways
because I could not bare to see her hurt. I have bent over backwards to
fulfill her wishes and desires. This too came from the fear of losing her
again. I too have been the master manipulator. I have tried to push my
desires and my wishes upon her trying to get her to go places with me,
do the seminars and workshops with me, or just to simply be with me.
We both knew that it was out of balance, but we didn’t know quite why.
We do now! I too was preparing myself for the exchange of the realities,
exchanging manipulation for creation in the higher vibrations.

As we look back on this we can see the perfection of the whole

experience. We have let go of old fears. We have let go of the
manipulation because we know what it is. We have already started to
create and are receiving the tools to be able to do so again. We have let
go of each other, because inside we KNOW, we cannot, nor have we
ever been separated. We can now see the choices to be made from two
perspectives, there is always an easy way and a hard way. We are also
now able to view the choices and see the two potentials and make our
choices accordingly. We are much more connected in the ethers,

(telepathically) so much of our communication takes place there.
Because of this, when we do get the opportunity to talk, we see (for the
3D reality) that amazing things have taken place. Whatever she has
been working on has been absorbed within my inner knowing and my
studies have been absorbed by her.

The future.

What does the future hold for us? Well, we both know what the highest
potential outcome is, because we have both seen it in our visions and
our meditations. In part it is up to us to get out of the way and let the
universe and our pre-incarnated selves run the show. In part it is about
us being aware of the things happening around us and making choices
that are in alignment with them. Can we fail? The clear answer to that
has to be NO. Although it is still not created in the physical, I have
already seen the outcome and how it will take place. In future writings we
will reveal if this did indeed pan out the way we had created it. We can
still get in the way as we leave the experiences of the old third dimension
behind us, perhaps we can slow it down too, of that I am also not even
sure. What I am one hundred percent certain of, is that the universe IS
weaving its magic. Things ARE happening around us that will take us to
wherever it is we are meant to be and what ever it is we are meant to be
doing. I know she feels this way too, in fact she has felt this way for a
long time but could not find the words to make it clear to me? Or was it
perhaps that I wasn’t able to hear? None of it is important any more
because we both KNOW and TRUST that our divine task is unfolding.

Q: What have we learned from this?

A: Well, for certain there is a pre written script that we are following.
Q: Does this mean we don’t have free will?
A: No, it doesn’t, we have the freedom of choice.
Q: Can those choices change the outcome?
A: To a certain degree yes but only for a while, in the long run, I don’t
believe they can, eventually we will fulfill the divine contract together.
Q: Will it be in this lifetime?
A: With all that we have seen, all of our visions, all of our meditations.
The answer would have to be a resounding YES.

Why share this personal story?

Because we are all one in the end, and we know that others are moving
into the same space, having similar experiences. We know that when it is
time for others to experience the hypno regression, they will, because it

does provide clues, healing and answers. The simple fact of the matter
When you are ready it will appear on your path and you will move
forward because of it.

Secrets of the past reveal blockages in the now. (Part 2.)

Having just read through the parable about the regression therapy, I
wanted to continue with another event that happened that same day.

I had an appointment with a very dear friend in the USA at around 6 pm

my time. I was only just home in time. I desired to ask her a few
questions around the same theme (Resistance) and see what she would
bring forth from Michael whom she brings through extremely well and is
always accurate.

After spending some time on events that took place last year and did not
play out as I had hoped they would, she reminded me that Michael had
warned me that the potential was high that it would end up the way it did.
I of course had not listened and obviously had to learn the hard way. In
many ways my trip to the USA for a period of three months was a huge
disappointment. Let me put that another way. The parts that I was forcing
my will on, did not work out. It cost me a great deal, financially,
physically, emotionally and mentally.

The trip was not a waste of time, because on ALL levels I gained a great
deal and these gains are invaluable. I could not put a price or value on
them. They will turn out to be worth a great deal more on ALL levels than
I ever could have lost during my trip. Mentally, emotionally, physically
and spiritually they were also of great value. I have expanded
enormously from the experience. All parts of me are much more
empowered including the four bodies and beyond.

The comical thing is, as I was talking to my friend she began to bring up
things that I had hopes and dreams of in the future with regards to my
Twin Flame. She was telling me I had to let her go. I had to release her
and only when I could, that there is another waiting for me which will
bring me more than I could ever experience with my (perceived) Twin.

My experiences with the sweet angel that I now feel to be my Twin have
been so powerful and we have had so many unbelievable experiences

together that have proven to us time and time again that we are Twins,
you can imagine that this confused me.

As you can well imagine, I immediately went into fear, loss and all of
those other ego levels.
A little while later I remembered something she had said to me.
“Sweetheart, why don’t you talk to Michael yourself?” “He is trying to get
through and for some reason your not listening”.

It was at this point I remembered a conversation that my Twin had had

with another very powerful medium and she too had brought messages
through that for us were conflicting messages at that time on what we
were receiving from the many ascended masters that are working with us
and through us. I wondered why this earlier example should pop into my
mind right at this moment?

I thought to myself. Well! It can’t hurt, let me see if I can reach Michael.
For ease of sharing the message I will do this in the form of M for
Michael and Me for me.

So I simply stated Michael are you there? To which I got the answer,
[M] “I Am always with you Ian”. The masters have this way of stating the
obvious and what you already knew, but in your funks you forget. He
[M] I know why you are here.
[Me] I thought you might.
[M] Please state your question.
[Me] Ok, no beating about the bush with you huh? Why are we getting
messages through these wonderful mediums whom we trust that go
against all the experiences my Twin and I have had together?
[M] When you examine the messages closely, you will see that in their
frame of reference they are right.
[Me] What? So this one I am working with is not my Twin and I will not be
with my Twin in this life cycle and the visions we have had about our
divine task are all BS?
[M] That is not what I said. Read the previous message again and feel it
with your heart.
[Me] Ok, I have and I still don’t get it?
[M] The frame of reference I refer too is as you well know the veil of their
own programming, their own life experiences and to a certain extent, the
only way that they could translate the message being given to them. With
regards to the Twin Flame experience, neither of them have that frame of
reference to translate the messages accurately for “YOU”. Which is why I

asked our beautiful sister to ask you to connect directly with me and I
was waiting for you.
[Me] Please continue, I think I am beginning to understand.
[M] Yes, I can see you are. Why do you think we spend so much energy
on you and your Twin, preparing you through all of the experiences you
have had, providing you with so many tools, rituals and Mantras etc?
Why would we introduce you to other twins who have experienced the
journey and are now together fulfilling their divine task?
[Me] Ummm, I think I get it, but do please continue.
[M] Who are the experts with regards to the experiences of the Twin
[Me] Well, those that you have introduced us too I should imagine?
[M] Indeed, with one addition you appear to be forgetting.
[Me] ohh. Who?
[M] A special Twin that we have been preparing through many
experiences, through visions of the future and in particular their own
future, giving them many tools, guiding them through the trials and
tribulations (perceived) so that they could extend the ring of knowledge
and expertise on Twins. Who might that be do you think?
[Me] Oops…I got it, your referring to us? Ok! Then why would this
medium be so assured in her statements?
[M] Again she is correct with her statements. You will not be with your
Twin in the physical as you know her.
[Me] Oh goodness, this is so confusing.
[M] Beloved one, have you not recently gone through experiences
whereby you perceived that you were even dying? and did you?
[Me] Yes to the dying and I don’t think so, I appear to still be here..
[M] Exactly and is your Twin also going through a similar situation? No
need to answer, we know you know she is. Are you the same person
after going through that experience and do you think she will be?
[Me] Ohh… I get it, It will be her but it won’t, because she too will have
had parts of her die/transformed and she as I am being, will be birthed
anew into a new being?
[M] Exactly! So you see, both you and the medium are correct.
[Me] Thank you so much for this explanation. I was so confused because
I love this medium and do trust her. I could not understand why we were
getting these conflicting messages.

This conversation went on a great deal longer and I got a whole bunch of
answers to a lot of questions both halves of this Twin Flame have and
I’m sure at the right time they will be revealed through our articles or
next (combined) book.

Hopefully through this conversation some will see that when you are
being prepared to fulfill your divine task on this earth plane! You will
more than likely be the experts on the subject, (as far as that is possible)
and looking outside your selves for the answers will often have a slightly
different interpretation than if you had gone inside to find your answers. If
your in a funk? Do what ever it takes to raise your vibration, to open
yourself up, to trust the answers you are getting.

Note: Recently it was also revealed to us that no matter what we do, the
universe is taking the steps required so that we are both free to fulfill our
divine merging and completing our task.

Universal Consciousness.

When truly understood what Universal

consciousness is and unconditional love, it is
a gift that you give forth freely from the heart.

It transforms any and all fears or ego issues.

Enjoy the journey back to Universal


Universal Consciousness

During my journey there have been a great deal of questions placed in

front of me during seminars, private sessions, counseling sessions etc.

“it” has been requested to share insights on the title of this message.

First of all it will be necessary to understand two important differences of

consciousness levels. First of all there is what is perhaps not so widely
known but oh so prevalent on the earth plain and that is “Self-

Self Consciousness.
When we talk about self-consciousness we are basically talking about
“ego-consciousness” or perhaps even “selfish-consciousness”. This is
the consciousness pattern, that most individuals on earth right now are
functioning from. This has come about because of our separation from
our source. There is nothing wrong with this because it ended up as
being a part of the divine plan. Having said that it is now time for us to
remember that we are indeed all a particle of source and as such we are
the divine creators of our world and reality.

It cannot be done from selfish-consciousness because it always leads to

self-centered desires or for a giving in order to receive. The human
experience on most levels is almost always one of doing for another as
long as one gets something back or out of it. You see this on all levels,
whether it be relationships, work, business, sport etc…

It really doesn’t matter whether you get this right now or whether you
even agree with me or not. I believe that I will be able to show by
example the difference between the selfish-consciousness and universal
consciousness as I go deeper into this parable.

In this next example I will feed two birds with one crumb as the saying
goes. Actually this will feed more birds and as the story unfolds you will
see what I am referring too. I will show how even though I hadn’t realized
it at the time I was working from selfish-consciousness. In September of
2005 I left all my worldly goods behind me and traveled to the USA. I
sincerely believed at that time that I was “Letting go and letting GOD”.

My primary reason was to travel throughout the USA sharing a two day
workshop on achieving ascension. So far so good, there was nothing
wrong in that and my heart was true to that purpose. I was there also to
promote a new seminar of mine that relates to Creation its self and the
relationship within that to the Twin Flames. Still, so far so good. Still
nothing wrong with this picture. I really didn’t realize until I got back to
Holland at the end of November where everything had gone so wrong. I

will get to that in a moment but first of all I have to share what the results
were of how I had done this.

When I got back home. ( I was already in the stages of divorce before I
left and only really waiting for the date to come around that it would be
recognized by law.)
I returned to the uncomfortable surroundings of a home I shared with an
ex partner that was still very angry with me and does not to this day
understand any of my journey, nor has she any desire to. (One of the
reasons for the divorce.) I am fortunate that my name was still on the
deeds or I am might have been on the street. I had given my car away to
a friend before I left. I had incurred debts while traveling the USA.
Basically I could not have reached closer to rock bottom at that time than
I had.

I don’t want to paint a picture of total misery here, because it most

definitely was not. I got to stay with some wonderful people from whom I
learned a great deal. I got to meet some incredible people. I got to stand
in front of some extremely knowledgeable people and share with them
my insights. I got to taste the American culture and the differences
between it and European culture. I got to feel how it was to activate a
template under Atlanta through simply being who I was and going
through some internal growth shifts. I got to attend a workshop that took
me into the very depths of my being, bringing to the surface issues I was
not even aware were there. I got to meet up with and hold one very
special person in my life for a period of about 4 hours who’s name for the
time being must remain confidential. I share these facts with you
because the trip really wasn’t a failure and even though I had lost a great
deal financially, I have no doubt in my mind that through the lessons
learned the losses have by far been recuperated.

I took the time until the end of 2005 to heal, absorb, search and discover
the reasons behind why it had not been a successful trip.
The reason quite simply was because “I had got in my own way”.
You might recognize that title from an earlier writing from me. The simple
fact is, I had done it again, but now I understood more how. It was at the
end of it all because I was doing it again for “selfish-consciousness”
reasons. I had hoped to begin a new life there. I had hoped to hook up
with a very special person and do the workshops together. You see I had
an ulterior motive. I had expectations that were not realistic. Oh I had the
faith in the universe that we would be taken care of, but what I had not
taken into account were the feelings, fears, wishes, desires etc of this
other person.

It was not really until early 2006 that I realized the difference between
“Selfish-consciousness” and “Universal Consciousness”.

The magical part of this story is that now I do understand I can and am
making conscious choices from a place of greater knowing that I can
hope to master while in the physical for a while at least anyway. This is
where the “Universal Consciousness” comes in.

What exactly is universal consciousness? You could call it God, Allah the
ascended masters, angels. etc. There are many names for what might
be termed or understood as the ALL that is. In my own personal journey
the words that are used have been so abused and misused that I
searched for a different term whereby I could feel comfortable with what I
communicate with. They like to call themselves the “ALL” and who am I
to argue with that. When you experience the ALL, you are truly
communicating with so many diverse and different parts of the ALL, it is
a wonderful and magical experience to be in touch with the all. As I
mentioned in a previous parable, it goes beyond physical or non physical
beings, it is the fauna, animal and mineral kingdom and even that
description is limiting it.

Even though at that time still financially limited I trusted that with this new
knowledge I would be ok and guess what? It turns out I am more than
that. All of my personal desires, my personal wishes are being taken
care of. The reason for this is that I am no longer working for personal
gain, I am no longer working in the “WILL” of Ian. I am now working
totally for the greater good of all. I am working with the WILL of
“Universal Consciousness”.

In a period of two months even without funding I have been able to set
up a completely new web site and a completely new forum.

There are images being created and transformed into power jewelry
which will be sold via the website. By the time you have this book in your
hands they will be available via the web site:

Guided meditations and activations are being recorded and background

music is being created. The CD’s will be sold on the web site.
(As the book went to the publisher, the CD’s had become available.)

The tools I need to transform the PowerPoint Presentations into readable
Adobi format have been provided. The same for the promotion flyers.
Perhaps most important of all for me at this moment in time is that I have
the tools to create an eBook and ultimately the places to create and have
my first book published. I have been provided with an editor and having
great fun with that.

I can feel you asking: “So what have you been doing differently Ian?
Truthfully at this moment in time the only difference I can see is that I no
longer feel separate from you. I am one with you. I have no expectations
on an outcome. I am no longer getting in my own way. I have no or
limited personal desires. I am doing it because I have a heartfelt wish to
expand and assist myself and my OPOM’s. I am doing it because I no
longer wish to push my will and knowing on you. I am in a place of simply
allowing and knowing that we are all unique, yet all one.
In our uniqueness we are all heading in the same direction even though
we may be taking different routes. Those different routes are all ok no
matter what they are. I am a part of the whole. I am a particle of the
Universal consciousness and I am expanding in that knowing all the
time. The selfish consciousness is diminishing with every experience and
in all truth, I am sure you will agree, it is a wonderful place to be. All you
need to do is look at all the wonderful things that are happening around

Thank you for being that other part of me and allowing me to be that
other part of you.
Blessings dear OPOM’s.

Final and most powerful parable.

The information contained within this parable

has the power to change your life drastically.
It contains the power to allow you all that
your heart desires.

The information offered when you fully

understand it will assist you to find true
happiness and create it all around you.

Final and Most powerful Parable of them all….

In the previous (chapter) parables I have touched upon certain words

that can change your life as you see the value of them and the energy
contained within them. During seminars and workshops I ask people to
close their eyes and place one word in the one hand and the other word
in the other hand. We don’t know how it works, but the word that is of the
lesser vibration is always heavier and one can visibly see the hand
lowering, most important of all, they can feel it.

You have read how they can empower you and take you to another level
of your awakening journey.

In this last parable I wish to provide you with some final tips that have to
be the ultimate ones.

We have talked about how words are energy. Thoughts are energy. Your
actions and reactions are energy. Your state of mind is energy. Your
emotions are energy. In truth everything about you, in you and around
you is energy.

If you can imagine that all these things that we have just mentioned are
waves of energy rippling out from you into the universe. Now imagine
them being returned to you multiplied. Are you now willing to observe
your thoughts and words a little more?

Are you HAPPY with your life?

Some of my most profound, powerful and true favorite statements are:

Awareness is the beginning of the healing journey.

Only when you are aware of something can you make different choices.
Love yourself enough to live, love and travel this journey in JOY.
You think what you create and therefore you create what you think.
Fear is only the lack of knowing.
Create what you desire and NOT that which you “do not” desire.

I could continue with this kind of statement. However, that is not the
purpose of this parable. This parable is about you. Are you Happy on all
levels of your life?

Are you willing to observe where your focus lays?

Is it on lack, disease etc? Then know that it is you who are creating this.
What you focus on is what you are putting out to the universe. The
universe will and cannot judge, it simply provides more of what ever it is
you are focusing on. It is the most profound law of the universe and it is
as it is. It is the Law of attraction. You attract what you put out.

Be willing to focus your thoughts on what you desire to draw to you and it
will be so.

Allow me to share some examples of how I begin and end my day.

* I am in total gratitude for the home provided for me and my OPOM on
two continents. It contains all the comforts, necessities and desires we
have imagined.

* I am in total gratitude for the daily experiences and the insight to

understand them as expanding my being the creator of the reality I

* I am in total gratitude for my emotional body as it is my guide to

returning to my blueprint creator self.

* I am in total gratitude for the daily miracles and abundance that flows to
me from all directions.

* I am in total gratitude that everything I create is a worlds best seller…

* I am in total gratitude for the Perfect temple (body) which is my vessel

on this earth plain for experiencing as GOD/GODDESS self.

When I do them at the end of the day I of course turn them around to
being “Thanks” for the experiences etc. If for instance I haven’t
understood why something was placed on my path that day, I would be
thankful for the experience and the lesson. When I do that I ALWAYS
find that in the morning I have the insight and the knowing of why it was

To emphasize and assist in this whole expansion of your being:

There are two amazing DVD’s out there that I would strongly recommend
you buy.

One is a more scientific approach about life:

“What the Bleep do we know.”
And the other is:
“The Secret”.

Once you have seen these there is nothing else to be said other than it is
your choice. You choose what you experience. You choose what you
create. You choose the life and reality you live and experience.

ENJOY in JOY your choices.

Cover symbols explained

As you work with these symbols in your meditations you will experience
a great many things. Each one of them will take you to a new level of
consciousness. They should be treated with respect and care. If you do?
They will take care of you. Note: As you work with these symbols, be
prepared to experience releasing of your old patterns. Trust that it is for
your greater good. If experiencing challenges? Please do contact us for
a reading and advice.

Twin Flames (Triality) symbol.

Front Cover:
Twin Flames (Triality) symbol as explained
by Germain.

Early on a Saturday morning as the merged essence of Ian and Mary Pat
were doing the morning rituals to welcome in a new day, Germain came
through with an image that was to start a sequence of events that would
later provide more information about the beginning of creation itself.

“IMP” (IMP = Ian and Mary Pat) had a seminar planned for the
following day and the timing of this message was in perfection.
The image was very clearly presented in the mind of “IMP” and as
Germain began to explain the different aspects of the symbol it became
very clear how powerful and insightful the image would be.

Germain began with an image of two circles that symbolized the

separate entities before remembering the Twin Flame journey.

He continued by showing the infinity symbol and described how this was
the beginning of the Twin Flames journey. As the two circles come closer
together and begin to form the two halves of the eight, (infinity symbol)

this symbolized the beginning of the coming together of the divine
masculine and the divine feminine. Through working together whether in
the physical or the etheric realms they would experience within the inner
eye of the heart the moving energies as it traveled around the infinity
symbol. As the two energies meet in the middle it can be clearly seen as
the magnetic energies of the divine feminine and the electric energies of
the divine masculine. As they meet, energy is released and is not unlike
sparks flying. He explains that as this happens it is like a clarion call to
many entities throughout the many different houses of God who have
waited for this since the beginning of creation. They have prepared and
waited to rush in and support as it is requested. The significance of
which and the why will be revealed later. Germain further stated that he
would come back to the infinity symbol as he progressed further through
the explanation of the symbol.

Germain then began to describe the significance of the triangle. The two
lower corners represent yet again the divine masculine at the one and
the divine feminine at the other corner. At this stage of their development
the twins are very much still in duality. As the Twins work closer together
in releasing old limiting patterns and ego, the flames at the very center of
the triangles base would move closer together and would appear to
become almost one. This is when the pinnacle of the triangle comes into
play. It represents in essence the Mother Father God aspect of the
merged Twins and is a sign that the Twins have moved beyond duality
into triality. Which essentially means that they are now functioning almost
as one being in two bodies.

This is where Germaine took “IMP” back to the infinity symbol and
referred to the many tools that we have received during our journey
together. He reminded us of a particular morning when we were doing
our merging ritual how we saw the infinity symbol start to change form.
“IMP” remembers this day clearly because as we observed the infinity
symbol it began to vibrate very clearly at the central meeting point. It
continued to vibrate and began to expand. As we observed it, it seemed
to begin to unravel and instead of being two circles forming the eight of
the infinity symbol it now became one large golden/silver circle. Germain
continued to explain that this is the circle that we see surrounding the
whole of the image. He gently reminded us that it is not a permanent
state, that until we had reached a permanent state of LOVE it would
fluctuate back and forwards between the infinity symbol and the circle
and was a sign for us if and when there were parts of us that we were
required to explore at deeper levels.

“IMP” thanked Germain profoundly for this description and the symbol
and although there was a great deal more revealed to “IMP”, this will be
shared at a later date outside of this symbol explanation.
Much Love and Many Blessings,
The Twin Flames "IMP".

Universal Consciousness Symbol.

Back cover Top…

Universal Consciousness Symbol.

This image was given by Germain during one of our meditations. The
ruby's on each of the pinacles of the infinity symbols represent a heart of
each of the participants.

For instance on the right it would be one of the Twin flames hearts, on
the left it would be the other Twin Flames heart. If you are not aware of
your Twin Flame envision your guiding angel there.

The top Ruby would represent the heart of the Universal Consciousness,
and the bottom heart represents the heart of Mother Earth. When
visualizing this symbol during your meditations, you are effectively
merging with all four. Visualize each of the infinity symbols and the
energy as they travel between each of the hearts.

This results in what we can only describe as a brilliant, brightly, multi

colored light emanating from the center of the connecting points of the
sacred Helix. (Infinity symbols) After a while this energy can be seen as
an explosion of light.

When visualizing this image during your meditations or indeed wearing it
will connect you to and empower you with the energy of the ALL!
Universal Consciousness!

Omniversal Consciousness symbol.

Back Cover: Bottom.

Omniversal Consciousness symbol.

This image was given to us recently, it is a representation of the date

August the 8th 2006 and is of the triple infinity symbol..
Three 8's. (2006 = 2 + 6 = 8)

If one looks at the triality or twin flame symbol you can see that there is
one infinity symbol contained within the image. Having experienced the
meditation with it, one will have greatly merged the divine masculine with
the divine feminine. Having achieved the balance of the two within, a
connection to source was a natural process.

If you look at the universal consciousness symbol, you can see two of
them and in particular where the hearts of each are and how when they
are all merged there is an explosion of light. The meditations are different
per individual, yet everyone we speak with share with us that it has
raised their consciousness.

The name of the third symbol is “Omniversal Consciousness” this

symbol is pure multidimensionality. As you take this symbol into your
meditations you become omniversal. You are no longer limited to this
one Universe.
Many are reporting traveling to the home planet where ever that may be
and meeting up with long lost old family members. Others report meeting
with Mother Father God Creator and other God/Goddess creators.

Back Cover… The images should be placed either transparently on this page….or in
strategic positions so that the energy from them reaches out and touches those that glimpse
it from a distance…

It is my inner core knowing that everyone has a special piece of God

energy that they are here to express on Earth. That unique beauty offers
a flavor of the truth that helps all of us to define our experience as souls
pretending to be human. The book you hold in your hand offers exactly
that, a unique beauty that will help you to remember the memories of
who, what you are and why you are here.

The parables have been written during a period of around four years in
which it is clear how the author has expanded continually throughout his

Each parable offers an insight and perhaps even recognition of

something you have or are experiencing within your own awakening
journey. We know that the world around is rapidly changing, you are
rapidly changing. It is moving so fast now, you could even make the
statement that you are not the same person as you were yesterday.
The speed with which it is happening is creating confusion and often
inner and outer chaos.

We sincerely hope you enjoy and expand from reading this book and that
it will provide answers which will eliminate the confusion and dispel the
Much Love and Many Blessings ALWAYS in all ways,
“Rayel”. (Ian Victor Henderson)


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