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Luis Alfredo Lagunez Medina

Schindler´s list.

The movie was very interesting because talks about the second world war and show
us how the Nazis were very inhuman with the Jews. Also we can see the ethnic
mistreatment suffered by Jews by the Nazis.
The main actor in the movie is Oskar Schindler who was a businessman and he has
a kitchenware factory. He along with his accountant make a good deal advantage of
the situation that was lived in Poland. Schindler obtained a kitchenware factory in
Cracovia, but as he spend a lot of money on labor, he decided make a deal with the
commander Amon Goeth, who was in charge of the Jewish concentration camps, to
allowed Jews to work for him in the factory, of which his accountant called Itzhak
Stern was in charge.
In principle Oskar Schindler didn´t think in the situation of the Jews, he only thought
in his owns necessities and become in a great businessman. But he was different of
the Nazis, all the people that worked in his factory, he worried to keeping them
healthy and he support them. Oskar Schindler was a person who cares about the
others, and he tried to give his workers the indispensable.
After that his factory was saw as a life expectancy by the Jews.
Oskar Schindler, seeing all the massacre and mistreatment that the Jews were
suffering, he began to change his priorities, and now he was more concerned with
protecting the Jews than to behave in a millionaire businessman.
One of the parts of the film that most caught my attention is when Oskar Schindler
sees how all those people suffer and that the destiny of each one of them is death.
When he sees that all the Jews were sent to Auswitch to exterminate them he
decides to invest every weight he had gained in his factory, to save the life of some
So he orders Stern to make the list of all Jews who are going to "buy", and this
defines the list as:
"This list is life, around it there is an abyss".
The film was very good I like you a lot because I leave a good teaching, and it is that
people should not be judged by their origin since there may be good and bad people,
in this case Oskar Schindler to the difference since he thought differently Than the
Nazis. We could also add that in the world there may be people with a high human
value who like to help others and do the best for the humanity.

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