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The deed of trust is made and executed on 2nd day of August 2010 at Gulbarga by
 Dr. Mohammed Mehmood Khuram S/o Gulam Mustafa (Chief
Age: major, Occ: Doctor, R/o Gulbarga.
 Mohammed Idrees S/o Mohammed Ayyub (Vice President)
Age Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.
 Mohammed Farooq S/o Mohammed Hafeezuddin (Secretary)
Age: Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.
 Syed Nayeemuddin s/o Syed mohiuddin (Joint
Age : Major, Occ: Engineer, R/o Gulbarga.
 Mohammed Salauddin S/o Mohammed hafeezuddin (Trustee)
Age Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.
 Mohammed Ismail S/o Mohammed Khasim Ali (Trustee)
Age Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.
 Mohammed Fayazuddin S/o Khaja Moinuddin (Trustee)
Age Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.

Here in after called as the Author and members of the trust.

Were as, now the authors have made up their minds and decided to give away the
said sum of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) in the Trust for the cause of
Educational and Charitable Social Welfare for the benefit of the Whole community,
with hope and firm conviction that the mite contribution and service done with
sincerity will active and assume the shape and form capable of catering good deeds
to the community and society in general.
Whereas, further in the cause stated supra to achieve and help achieve the
ultimate objective the authors have decided to appoint the chief trustee as the
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ultimate Authority to execute and establish and form the trust and to manage funds
hereafter for the benefit of pupil in SAARC AREA in particular and other in general.

Whereas, further the Chief Trustee/President can appoint more trustees if

needed in future on his will and wish and may terminate any of the trustees with
out prior notice going against the aim of the trust.


That the trust shall be known as Beacon Educational, welfare and charitable
trust were the trustees have elected Sl. No. 1 as president Sl. No. 2 as vice
president Sl. No. 3 as secretary Sl. No. 4 as joint secretary and remaining three as
trustees and declared and founded the trust name BEACON
Darga Road, Gulbarga, Area of operation in Karnataka, and also in other parts of


• To render services in the field of religious education, Academic Education,
medical relief, relief to poor irrespective of caste, creed, race ,religion or
• Upbringing poor children, providing employment to handicapped, young and
old persons, development of weaker sections.
• Providing educational and technical requirements, employment, improving
the talents of children, women and weaker sections, opening of Orphanages.
• To establish, run, supervise or control Religious, vocational, technical
training, Medical, Engineering, Agricultural land fast food and confectionery
• To promote Education in all manner for peace propagation.

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To take up the above aims and objectives the trust will undertake :
• To start and run the schools, colleges, libraries, crash courses , hostels
,training centers for clinical vocational and other institutions which could
further cause of Education, old age homes, and adult education centers.
• To establish and start any industries, small scale industries or any other kind
of business as per the decision of the president and vice president of the
trust from time to time in the interest of the trust.
• To give scholarship, medals, awards, prizes, etc to the students of all castes
as per requirement.
• To start, run and support hospitals, medical dispensaries, research centers,
Orphanages, Old age homes and to take other steps calculated to further the
cause of medical relief.
The following are the terms and conditions of the trust
• That the trust shall be known as Beacon Educational, welfare and
charitable trust.
• The trust hereby created shall be for perpetuity and shall not be
• That the primary concern and prime object being Religious education
and Academic education, advancement of education, the trust shall
impart primary and higher education covering the fields of arts,
science, commerce, technology, the chief trustee/president shall do all
that is necessary for establishing and starting necessary institutions
which can cover all fields of human beings
• And further, the chief trustee/ president shall do all acts deeds
conductive and reasonable and necessary for the proper governance
superintendence and for the administration of the trust, its properties

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and the instructions and for its growth, improvement and development
keeping in view the ultimate welfare
• That all power and authorities in respect of the institution stated and
established by the trust shall vest with chief trustee/president besides
being discretionary power and authority to exercise in the matter
concerning development and improvement of the institutions of the
• That the chief trustee/president shall be vested with full and final
authority to deal with the teaching and non teaching staff working at
the trust’s institutions and further the trust shall be disciplinary
authority for the staff members of all classes and categories of all the
institutions of the trust
• The president shall have the ultimate powers and authority to make all
appointments of the categories required for the institution of the trust
and shall be empowered to remove, dismiss any member of the staff
disciplinary authority and deal with such members
• The president shall be vested with powers to make rules, regulations
and bye-laws for the efficient administrations and governance of the
trust and its institutions, not being contrary and inconvenient with the
provisions of acts, rules and regulations of central or state government
in this behalf
• The president shall be competent to appoint administrators to carry
out and look after day to day administration of the institutions of the
trust and their superintendent and management, for it shall also be
competent to appoint committees, sub committees for any specific
purpose and the board of advisors to advise on the matter of
importance for the educational institution
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• The president shall have bank account in the name of the trust and be
empowered to operate solely.
• The president shall use to apply the feature of the trust for the
improvement of the trust and its property, its institution and to upkeep
and for acquisition of properties for the trust. Further the president
shall be entitled to make such investigations that may be necessary for
the object of the trust and also for its benefit.
• There shall be proper accounts of the trust maintained and the
accounts maintained shall be got audited every year through a
competent auditor.
• The president shall be empowered to incur all the necessary expenses
and to accord sanction for the expenditure and to approve the
expenditure made.
• The president shall be entitled and empowered to alienate any of the
trust properties for the benefit of the trust.
• Vacancy created to any reason can be filled by president in his own will
and wish. The president is empowered to fill the created vacancy or
not to be filled up till he desires, further it is to add here that in case of
death of the president, his legal heirs or successors shall be the chief
trustee/president of the trust. The virtues of the trust activities shall be
carried out hereditarily.
• Except for the special reasons the president shall not be renounced
were there are sufficient reasons for such renunciation. The president
of the trust shall be empowered and entitled to nominate the person of
their confidence and capable of discharging the duties of the trustee in
that event, such nominated person shall be the chief trustee in place of
the sole trustee encouraging
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• The funds and income of the trust shall be solely utilized for the
achievement of its objects and no portion of it shall be utilized for the
payment to the trustee/members by way of profit or dividends.
• The president of the trust shall in all matters will preside over the trust,
conduct emergency meetings, look after the matters of the trust and
represent the trust in all Govt. offices, civil courts, criminal courts,
Appellate courts, and to defend cases filed against the trust, and to
receive donations or any amount in cash, cheque, Draft and by means
of any movable and immovable property etc for the trust.
• The president shall be entitled and be at liberty to accept gifts,
voluntary contributions from any person, firm or institutions or
Government and to collect subscriptions donations or aid from state
Government, central Government and abroad to augment the trust
fund and use such money for the objects of the trust.
• The president shall be entitled to invest trust funds in confirmation to
provision of Sec11, 12 of the Income Tax Act 1961.
• The bye-laws of the trust are liable to be amended from time to time in
future keeping in view of the needs of the trust, were the president is
the authority for such amendments.


All powers and duties of the vice president shall be according to orders
/directions determined by the president on a proper authorization and the
president shall use his power with in the limit of authorization given by the
president and with regards to the developments aim and objects specified
under the trust.
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The secretary and joint secretary shall maintain all records of the trust,
to manage the office and staff, to prepare agenda for the trust meetings, to
keep up records for the accounts and other transaction of the trust according
to the direction of the president [on a certified letter head stating
authorization]. The secretary and joint secretary can accept donations, gifts
extended to the trust and are authorize to pay cash to any specified person
working for the institution of the trust as per directions of the president.

The trustees of the trust shall have to present themselves in all the
meetings called by the trust president to review as per agenda, to give
suggestions, to discuss the agenda, the trust shall run in the guidelines
provided through the trust meetings

Any of the trustee will be disqualify from the membership of the trust if
he/she fails to comply with the aim and objects and rules and regulations of
the trust, acting against the interest of the trust were the president is the
ultimate authority to decide the fate of such trustees.
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The members have executed the trust deed with their own free will, consent
and with out any force or fraud on the day aforementioned at Gulbarga, in
presence of below mentioned witnesses.

1. Dr. Mohammed Mehmood Khuram (Chief Trustee/
S/o Gulam Mustafa President)
Age: major, Occ: Doctor, R/o Gulbarga.

2. Mohammed Idrees (Vice President)

S/o Mohammed Ayyub
Age Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.
3. Mohammed Farooq (Secretary)
S/o Mohammed Hafeezuddin
Age: Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.
4. Syed Nayeemuddin (Joint Secretary)
S/o Syed Mohiuddin
Age : Major, Occ: Engineer, R/o Gulbarga.
5. Mohammed Salauddin (Trustee)
S/o Mohammed Hafeezuddin
Age Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga
6. Mohammed Ismail (Trustee)
S/o Mohammed Khasim Ali
Age Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.
7. Mohammed Fayazuddin (Trustee)
S/o Khaja Moinuddin
Age Major, Occ: Business, R/o Gulbarga.



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