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Electricity Power Grid

By: Nico, Jack, Elliott, and

San Marin Energy Consumption
San Marin uses 196,000 kWh per year
Why We have both Solar and Wind Turbines
We need solar panels and wind turbines because if the grid that solar uses runs

out of energy, or there isn’t enough sun, then the wind turbines will compensate

by bringing in an additional 2,666 kWh per month

This Is where the solar panels and wind turbines will go.
Solar PowerGeneration Technique

2705 Solar Panels

Individual Solar Panel Wattage: 250W

Cost per solar panel: $2175

Total Cost: $5,883,375

Wind Power Generation Technique
2 10kW Wind Turbines

Each wind turbine will generate 1,333.3 kw/mo and 16,000 kW annually

Each will cost $100,000 for installation/equipment

Total Cost: $200,000

Enough to power 1 day/month at San Marin

Storage of Energy
We will store our energy in several big batteries called Tesla power packs

They can hold 210 kwh

$445/kWh with a system with 200 kWh of energy and 100 kW of peak power was the cheapest available
priced at $145,000. A 250 kW inverter costs $52,500. By October 2016, Powerpack 2 cost $398/kWh.

San marin using about 196,000 KWH of electricity per year will need 320 Tesla power packs costing 47
million dollars
Transfer Energy Method
● We can use different types of wires to
transfer the energy from the solar and
wind turbines to then be stored inside our
Tesla power packs.
Final Cost

● The total cost of

our project would
be 52,283,000
Note: We have this price for the energy being on for The full year 24/7

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