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• CAPPA Sponsorship


• OSD Volunteering
V O L U M E 1 0 , I S S U E 3 J U L Y 2 0 0 9
• OSD interviews.

• CAPPA Spotlight:
Tiffany Gallo

• Book Review:
Fathers at Birth

• DVD Review: Birth

as We Know it.

• CAPPA Newly
Certified and


CAPPA Spotlight 4

OSD Interviews 8

Prenatal Yoga 12

Breastfeeding 22 Photographer Patricia Grube.

Multiples Jay lovingly supporting Eileen during her VBAC labor.
Read her story on page 26.
The Challenge of 24
Back Labor

Eileen’s VBAC 26

Being a Doula 29

Infant and Child 30

Oral Health

Postpartum Mood 32

Copyright © 2008 Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association

P AGE 26

Eileen’s VBAC Journey

By Eileen Moulthrop, with Heidi Gonzales

Patricia Grube’s prenatal told her about my plans to

yoga class at YogaWorks. have a VBAC at home. I
Patricia, whom was also a quickly learned that she was
childbirth educator and not very supportive of my
doula, educated and in- choice. Unwilling to compro-
spired me to learn about mise, I called my midwife and
natural birth, home birth, she gave me the number of a
water birth, midwives and doctor she had worked with
doulas. Suddenly, I became before. After our consult with
invigorated with hope for him, he agreed that I was a
the birth I desired. As I good candidate for a VBAC
began to research these and home birth. Jay and I
things, a new world opened were ecstatic. Over the next
Doula Patricia Grube supporting Eileen during a contraction. up to me. I learned that, few weeks, I took Davi’s rec-
Eileen spent a good part of her labor in the birth tub. first and foremost, I didn’t ommendations about exercise,
need an obstetrician to have diet, kegels and perineum
When I was expecting my my baby. I also learned that massage. I continued doing
“Patricia inspired son, I wanted a vaginal birth having a VBAC isn’t as dan- yoga twice a week and be-
without drugs. I listened to gerous as it sometimes is por- lieved in my body’s ability to
me to learn everything my obstetrician trayed, it is possible to have a birth naturally. I had never
natural childbirth, had to say and followed all of VBAC at home, and that wa- felt more positive or optimis-
her instructions. I read books ter and movement are excel- tic in my entire life. Jay and I
home, water about birth and learned every- lent choices to help labor pro- had never been more in love.
thing I thought I needed to gress naturally. After several I was incredibly happy and
birth, and
know. However, I didn’t consultations and personal my baby was active and
midwives. know about midwives or dou- self-exploration, my husband, healthy. Everything had fallen
las. And, like many others, I Jay, and I decided to bring into place for us.
Suddenly, I believed I had to go to the our daughter into the world
became hospital to have a baby. My right inside of our home. The During the last four weeks,
un-medicated vaginal birth decision to have a home water my contractions increased. I
invigorated with ended up as a drug-induced birth suddenly brought me experienced them for hours,
labor that resulted in an emer- complete peace. only for them to cease. Davi
hope for the birth
gency c-section. In November checked me a week before my
I desired.” 2007, I became pregnant for Soon after we made this deci- due date and I was 1 cm di-
the second time and immedi- sion, we hired Davi Kaur lated, 50% effaced and my
ately knew that I wanted to Khalsa to be our midwife. She cervix was soft. That was so
have a vaginal birth after c- and her midwife partner, exciting to hear because I
“I continued section (VBAC). Afraid of made me feel confident, knew my body was making
doing yoga twice switching doctors and starting strong and peaceful. I also daily progress. I wasn’t an-
a week and be- anew, I saw the same obstetri- trusted their medical knowl- ticipating going into labor
lieved in my cian. However, I knew this edge and their experience of before or even on my due
time I had to listen to my birthing babies. Patricia date, which was August 7,
body’s ability to
body, my heart and my intui- Grube, my yoga instructor, 2008.
birth naturally. I
tion if I wanted to have a agreed to be my doula. Jay
had never felt vaginal birth. and I felt that between these Continued on the following page.
more positive or women, we would have all of
optimistic in my I continued to see her the support and encourage-
entire life.” throughout my pregnancy but ment that we needed to have
I needed a change. I just did- our baby at home.
n’t know what. While nearing At my next prenatal appoint-
my third trimester, I found ment with my obstetrician, I

Copyright © 2008 Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association


Eileen’s VBAC Journey -Continued from page 26

By Eileen Moulthrap, with Heidi Gonzales

friend of ours to through contractions and walk
explain what was around. At this point, it was too
happening. She said it uncomfortable to stay still during
sounded like early one. After dinner, Jay got Dylan
labor and that I should ready for bed and I cleaned up. At
get some rest if 9:30pm, Davi came back to check
possible. But, I wasn’t on us. My cervix was thinner than
tired at all. I was very it had been, but I was still only
energetic. We had an about one centimeter dilated. Davi
appointment scheduled left and I decided to get into the
at 5:00pm with Davi, shower. I stood there just letting
so I figured we would the warm water go down my “Jay was
just keep laboring and back and I moved my hips dur-
absolutely amazing
let her check me at my ing each contraction. Jay was
appointment. talking to me and rubbing my through my labor.
Eileen laboring in the birth tub. Jay providing loving
back. After I was done, I got Whatever position
physical support.
Jay and I walked about out and used my birth ball so I
I was in, whatever
I enjoyed my pregnancy and took an hour, which was 2.5 miles with could move my hips around.
every day as if I still had lots of a stop for frozen yogurt. We Davi arrived at 11:00pm to I was doing, as

time. Jay’s parents arrived on headed back home so that I could check us out. I was now 3 cm each wave would
August 4, 2008 as they were going get some water and use the dilated so she decided to shake my body, he
to take care of Dylan while I was in bathroom. It was such a sunny, stay.
would hold me up
labor. beautiful day and I really enjoyed
being outside. So, we went back After this point, my labor in- and help me rock
On August 6, 2008, I woke up very out and walked another two miles. creased to the point where I back and forth and
early. Jay was up with me and we Jay called Davi and she said to couldn’t focus on anything love me.”
had some quiet time before he left come in for our appointment if I other than what my body was
for work. I began experiencing wasn’t too uncomfortable. I could going through. Patricia arrived
some discharge, but had no other still talk and walk through them so around midnight. I spent some time
signs of impending labor. we headed home to get ready. walking back and forth across the
Throughout the morning, I saw house with Jay’s support. I used
more discharge every time I went Davi confirmed I was in early the exercise ball, but it didn’t seem
to the bathroom. Jay had gone to labor. My contractions were six to work for me anymore. I also
work, so Dylan and I went to minutes apart and my body was remember being on all fours on my
breakfast with his parents. After we doing what it was supposed to. I kitchen floor at times. The only
ate, we decided to do a dry run to was 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced and time I was still is when Davi ad-
Dylan’s school in case they had to my cervix was very soft. The baby ministered the antibiotic drip be-
take him and that’s when the was also at a -1 station and the cause I had tested positive for beta
contractions started. By 11:30 am, heart tones sounded perfect. Davi strep. I sat on the exercise ball with
they were becoming more intense suggested that I go home, relax, my arm across my dining room
and I called Jay to let him know he have dinner and a glass of wine table through incredibly intense
should start preparing to come and try to get to bed early and rest. contractions and that was the most
home. Jay came home around She said to call her around 9pm miserable part of my entire labor.
1:30pm and we timed a few and give an update unless I needed Jay was absolutely amazing
contractions. After we put Dylan to call sooner. We kept Patricia through my labor. Whatever posi-
down for a nap, we took a walk. updated as well. tion I was in, whatever I was do-
The contractions were hard to time Davi decided to come by around ing, as each wave would shake my
because I couldn’t identify a 7:30pm to check on us. Everything body, he would hold me up and
beginning from an end. They was fine. I continued to see more help me rock back and forth and
seemed very irregular in length and mucus and my contractions were love me.
intensity, but were coming closer slowly intensifying. Throughout Continued on page 28.
together. We called a midwife dinner, I had to keep getting up
P AGE 28

Continued from page 27. Eileen’s VBAC Journey

By Eileen Moulthrop, with Heidi Gonzales

Patricia in and I was thinking that I support me with power and

helped me couldn’t handle it. I didn’t love; he was amazing.
by rub- think I was strong enough to be
bing aro- able to handle it. To stop my- It seemed like forever to me,
matherapy self from falling into this un- but I had only pushed about 20
oils on my productive state of mind, I be- minutes when I had her ready
back, gin to say out loud, “I CAN do to crown. Rebecca told me to
hands and this, I CAN do this, I CAN do reach down and feel the top of
arms, and this,” and “open, open, open.” my baby’s head inside of my
placed wet All of my supportive women vagina. When I did, it just
towels on began to say, “You are doing made it so much more real that
my neck this, Eileen. You are doing this. my baby was coming out. She
“The water and head. You’re almost there. You can encouraged me to keep my
I had tunnel vision and was in a do it.” hand on her head with each
felt so amaz-
labor fog so unless someone push so I could feel her crown-
ing. It was all was right in my face or touch- Jay got into the pool with me ing and coming out. I could
the relief I was ing me, I couldn’t see them or and I changed positions so feel her fuzzy hair and it
hoping for and couldn’t hear them. Davi could check me. Around looked almost black to me. I
expecting it to 9cm dilated, I heard a pop and could also feel the ring of fire. I
When I was about 8 cm dilated, saw as well as felt a rush of was burning. This made me
be. I was able
Davi asked me if I wanted to liquid leave my body. Jay was focus harder and be as produc-
to relax be- get into the birth pool. I tore off behind me and he heard the tive as possible while pushing.
tween con- my tank top as soon as I could pop and saw the ripple in the I knew I had to move my baby
tractions. ” and practically dove in. The pool, too. Having my water and get her out to end the burn.
water felt so amazing. It was break in the pool was an in- It wasn’t long before I had her
all the relief I was hoping for credible experience. I had been head all the way through. It is
and expecting it to be. I was pushing a little with each con- an amazing sight to see your
able to relax between contrac- traction at that point, but I baby’s head sticking out of
tions. I remember Patricia be- changed positions and started your vagina. Rebecca quickly
“I just kept
ing right there and talking to pushing a little more. moved the cord out of the way
looking at her
me, singing to me and massag- as I was ready to push again
and thinking, ‘I
ing my hands while I was in The next time Davi checked and with just two more pushes,
know I did all
the pool. Her touch and words my cervix, she asked me if I I had her out.
of this, but
were so soothing. The baby’s was ready to have my baby. I
where did you
heartbeat was always so strong was so ready. After pushing Davi and Rebecca were both
come from?’ It
and steady. I remember Davi and screaming through a few telling me to reach down and
was just so
saying, “Oh, Eileen, she’s so contractions, but not knowing pull her out of the water. I
unbelievable into this. She’s so ready to be how to bear down, Davi began could hear them, but I couldn’t
and surreal to born. She’s doing great.” to coach me. She told me to make my arms work. I asked
me. And, I was keep my chin to my chest, pull Rebecca to help me and she
also thinking, I spent a while leaning over the back on my legs and hold my guided my hands around my
‘Wow! It’s side of the pool holding onto breath in. She also told me baby and helped me lift her
over. I did it! the handles. At some point, screaming was not productive onto my chest. I was stunned
Oh my God!” while in this position, I closed and even though I knew she and amazed. I just kept looking
my eyes and saw flashes of was right, I couldn’t seem to at her and thinking, ‘I know I
bright light that were approxi- control it. After working did all of this, but where did
mately 8 cm round. I began through a few more contrac- you come from?’ It was just so
struggling to remain in control tions and pushing productively, unbelievable and surreal to me.
because the contractions were I could tell I was making pro- And, I was also thinking,
so intense during this time. gress. I could feel the baby ‘Wow! It’s over. I did it! Oh
Doubt was beginning to creep moving down. Jay continued to my God!’

Copyright © 2008 Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association

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CAPPA is a non-profit international training and certifying organization founded in

1998. CAPPA certified professionals aim to empower, connect and advocate for
families in the childbearing year. CAPPA seeks to forge positive and productive rela-
tionships between organizations that support healthy, informed family choices. The
organization consists of a leadership board, regional representatives, trainers, men-
tors, advisors and its membership. CAPPA is the most comprehensive pregnancy,
childbirth and postpartum organization available. CAPPA has grown to consist of na-
tional and international members and three divisions: the parent organization
CAPPA, CAPPA Canada and Operation Special Delivery (OSD).

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