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Grand Prix Armor Rally

The Official Rules: This event is in the spirit of early 1900s

international races. This is a friendly race for glory, international
prestige, and prize money. The rules are simple. Complete the
designated course as quickly as possible. Interfering with other teams
is expressly forbidden. Teams are expected to act like civilized
gentleman. Judges will be on the field to ensure fairness. No weaponry
is allowed to be discharged, except as a salute.

The Unofficial Rules: Despite judges and the pre-race inspection of all
ammunition loads, teams know that winning is everything and losing is a fast
track to obscurity. Sabotage and dirty tricks are tolerated as long as 1) the judges
don’t see it and 2) no one dies.


Terrain Effects (cost per inch)

Type Move Base Turning Clear Rough Swampy Smoke
Light Wheel 4+4d6 4 1 5 8 +2
Armored Car 4+3d8 3 1 5 8 +2
Half-Track 4+3d6 2 1 2 6 +2
Light Tank 4+3d6 2 1 2 6 +2
Medium Tank 4+2d8 1 1 2 6 +2
Heavy Tank 4+2d6 1 1 3 6 +2

All vehicles entering into swampy terrain roll 3d6. On a double or triple, they are bogged down for
2 turns. The exception is a heavy tank which rolls 4d6 and bogs for 3 turns.

Vehicles have been stripped of all but their main armament. The only ammunition available are
salute rounds. The size of the charge is strictly enforced, as the judges can tell by the sound of
the round going off. While the rules state the round may only have “harmless thick paper or thin
plastic rounds to provide an authentic look, but do no damage”, no one really pays much attention
to it. Most crews stock 3 types: ones that follow the rules, one that follow the rules but contain
smoke, and ones that only look like they are legal. The official rounds are used when the judges
can see what you are doing. Although they are supposed to be harmless, they can foul an
opponent’s running gear. Smoke rounds are legal in view of the judges as well. Illegal round
contain a smaller than normal AP project with discarding sabot. The reduced charge and
projectile size make deaths unlikely, but can play havoc with your opponent’s machine.
To Fire at a opponent, roll to hit (d10), roll to see if hit does damage (d10), roll to see where it hits
(d6), and finally look up results.

To Hit (d10)
Weapon DRM
Small Medium High Moving Moving Obscured
Target RCL Gun Gun Velocity Target Weapon
Small 1-2
Medium 1-3 +2 +2 +2
Large 1-4
Assault Guns are -1 to Hit.

Damage (d10) Hit Location (d6)

1-2 Track
Soft 1-5 1-4 1-4 1-2* 3-4 Hull
Light 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-5 5-6 Turret
Medium 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-4
Heavy 1 1 1-2 1-3
* Hits are more likely to pass through with causing problems.

Weapon Track Hull Turret

RCL Track damaged 2 Engine damaged, go Crew stunned, must
points, go forward 1” forward 1” and stop 2 continue in current
and stop until repaired. turns. direction (no turns) for
½(d6) turns.
Small Track damaged 1 point, Engine damaged, go Crew stunned, must
go forward 1” and stop forward 1” and stop for continue in current
until repaired. 1 turn. direction (no turns) for 1
Medium Track damaged 2 Engine damaged, go Crew stunned, must
points, go forward 1” forward 1” and stop for continue in current
and stop until repaired. ½(d6) turns. direction (no turns) for
½(d6) turns.
High Velocity Track damaged 3 Engine damaged, go Crew stunned, must
points, go forward 1” forward 1” and stop until continue in current
and stop until repaired. repaired. direction (no turns) for
½(d6) turns.

Repairing Damage requires the crew to spend a turn doing just that. Crews may not shoot and
repair in the same turn. Crews roll 2d10. It is free to leave the vehicle, but costs 1 turn or 1 point
to reenter.

Doubles of 6-10 = Damaged beyond repair

Doubles of 1-5 = Repairs 2 points
1-5 on a single die = Repairs 1 point

Dirty Tricks (“Push the button, Max”) are the stock and trade of racing crews. There are two
kinds: those controlled by the crew and those requiring henchmen. Smaller vehicles have less
room for “options” and must rely on others a bit more. Each crew rolls two ½(d8) to see how
many dirty tricks they have to work with during the game. On-board tricks are only used once, but
you may buy more that one of the same tricks.

Vehicle Trick Capacity

Half-Tracks - 3
Armored Cars -2
Light Tanks -2
Medium Tanks - 3
Heavy Tanks - 4

On-Board Tricks [Cost 1 point each]

Oil Slick – Drops oil behind the vehicle for 2” as the vehicle moves.
Caltrops – Drops spikes behind the vehicle for 1” to puncture tires.
Logs – Drops traction logs from the rear of the vehicle for 1 “.
Smoke – Puffs a trail of smoke behind the vehicle for the distance of its move.

Henchmen Tricks [Cost 2 points each]

Smoke Pot – Billows a 2x2” block of smoke. One-time use. Set off by crew, via radio-control.
AT Gun – Hidden Small Gun can take shots at opponents. Can not be used after seen by judges
or if opponent tries to set up a gun in the same place.
Land Mines – Hidden 1x1” patch of mines.

Crews may not shoot and use oil slick, caltrop, log, smoke, or smoke pot tricks in the same turn.
Smoke Pot, AT, and Mine tricks are recorded on a map and given to judge before the game.
Judge will compare maps. Any AT or Mine tricks with 2 or more teams placing them at the same
spot or close proximity to one and other will be nullified. The Judge may opt to let nearby AT Guns
shoot it out. In that case, fire against one and other is simultaneous, treat as stationary light
tanks. Two hits that do damage knock the gun out.

Trick Effects
Oil Slick – Once you hit oil you can not voluntarily turn your vehicle for the remainder of your turn.
Armored cars, trucks, and jeeps passing through oil roll d10. On a 2-8, they must turn a
cardinal point based on the number (ex, if straight is north, on a 2 you go NE, 3 – E, 4 –
SE, etc.). Armored cars and trucks continue straight on a 9-10 and flip on a 1. Jeeps flip
on a 9-10 and continue straight on a 1.
Caltrops – Pops tires of all who pass through it. Roll as above to see if change direction as a
result. Armored cars and half-tracks treat flip rolls as continuing straight. Requiring a 1-
turn tire change.
Logs – Treat area as rough from that point. Any vehicle behind the trickster within 2” of the trick
vehicle must roll d10. On 1-5, vehicle continues straight. On 6-10, must turn a cardinal
point (ex, N to NE) to avoid logs. Turns must be away from logs and use up all turns for
vehicle’s next move. A vehicle directly behind the trickster turns to right or left at random.
Smoke and Smoke Pot – see rules on smoke.
AT Gun – Small Gun on opportunity fire, may only shoot once per turn.
Land Mines – Mine fields could as swamps for movement, and no turns can be made in the field.
Upon entering a mind field and for every turn you are even partially in a minefield, the
crew rolls 2d6. If doubles are scored move forward without mine attacks this turn.
Average and round down. This is the number of mines you hit. Roll for each to see if you
take damage as if they were light gun hits. Roll for location, hull and turret locations
cause vehicle to end turn where it is by otherwise have no effect. Treat track hits are

Terrain Effects (cost per inch)

Type Move Base Turning Clear Rough Swampy Smoke
Light Wheel 4+4d6 4 1 5 8 +2
Armored Car 4+3d8 3 1 5 8 +2
Half-Track 4+3d6 2 1 2 6 +2
Light Tank 4+3d6 2 1 2 6 +2
Medium Tank 4+2d8 1 1 2 6 +2
Heavy Tank 4+2d6 1 1 3 6 +2

All vehicles entering into swampy terrain roll 3d6. On a double or triple, they are bogged down for
2 turns. The exception is a heavy tank which rolls 4d6 and bogs for 3 turns.

To Hit (d10)
Weapon DRM
Small Medium High Moving Moving Obscured
Target RCL Gun Gun Velocity Target Weapon
Small 1-3
Medium 1-4 +2 +2 +2
Large 1-5

Damage (d10) Hit Location (d6)

1-2 Track
Soft 1-5 1-4 1-4 1-2* 3-4 Hull
Light 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-5 5-6 Turret
Medium 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-4
Heavy 1 1 1-2 1-3
* Hits are more likely to pass through with causing problems.

Weapon Track Hull Turret

RCL Track damaged 2 Engine damaged, go Crew stunned, must
points, go forward 1” forward 1” and stop 2 continue in current
and stop until repaired. turns. direction (no turns) for
½(d6) turns.
Small Track damaged 1 point, Engine damaged, go Crew stunned, must
go forward 1” and stop forward 1” and stop for continue in current
until repaired. 1 turn. direction (no turns) for 1
Medium Track damaged 2 Engine damaged, go Crew stunned, must
points, go forward 1” forward 1” and stop for continue in current
and stop until repaired. ½(d6) turns. direction (no turns) for
½(d6) turns.
High Velocity Track damaged 3 Engine damaged, go Crew stunned, must
points, go forward 1” forward 1” and stop until continue in current
and stop until repaired. repaired. direction (no turns) for
½(d6) turns.

© 3rd Corps Games, 2015

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