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Hay mucho menos publicado en el lado Vanatru del paganismo germ�nico que en Asatru.

Mientras que Asatru significa verdadero para los Aesir (Od�n y los dioses de
Asgard), Vanatru significa verdadero para los Vanir (Freyr y Freya, y los dioses de

El autor estudi� filolog�a germ�nica y celta a nivel de posgrado y obtuvo un Ph.D.

en lenguas germ�nicas y estudios medievales.

A pesar de sus impresionantes credenciales, este libro es incre�blemente accesible

y escrito para una audiencia general. Sin embargo, debido a sus credenciales, este
autor generalmente se considera confiable con su presentaci�n de la historia y se
espera que haya hecho su investigaci�n.

Se entiende que Wicca es una religi�n contempor�nea influenciada por ideas antiguas
en lugar de la representaci�n real de la religi�n europea ind�gena. Sin embargo,
Thorsson afirma que la Wicca realmente puede recurrir a las tradiciones Vanic. �l
postula que Freyr y Freyja son el verdadero Wiccan Lord and Lady basado en la
etimolog�a de sus nombres (Freyr y Freyja literalmente significan se�or y dama ).

Ahora, si Gerald Gardner, el fundador de Wicca, ten�a esto en mente cuando cre� su
religi�n, no podemos decirlo. Esta teor�a puede parecer sospechosa para algunos, ya
que los wiccanos dominantes generalmente ponen �nfasis en el pante�n celta.

El �nfasis Wiccan en todas las cosas celtas es dudoso cuando uno considera que la
palabra Wicca es de origen germ�nico . Tambi�n se puede encontrar misterioso que
Ostara, una diosa de los alemanes en el continente fue injertado en la rueda de
Wicca del a�o. Incluso su contraparte en las Islas Brit�nicas, Eostre, es una diosa
anglosajona (germ�nica). Mientras que algunos ejemplos de la "Rueda del A�o" usan
el irland�s Lughnasadh, otros usan Lammas. Lammas era una vacaci�n anglosajona .
El calendario Wiccan tambi�n celebra a Yule para el solsticio de invierno, otra
fiesta germ�nica . El solsticio de invierno celta es Me�n Geimhridh .

So, considering Wicca uses a Germanic name and has such precedent of inserting
Germanic tradition into their religion, one might consider the Lord and Lady may
have been meant to be Frey and Freyja in Gardner�s thought process. Or it might
simply be an alternative way of viewing the religion to make it more palatable to
people who value historical precedent in their religious practice.

Anyway, this book is not about Wicca. It�s about interpreting the Vanir through the
eyes of a former Wiccan who�s personal practice evolved as his knowledge of ancient
history deepened. This book will not tell you how to be a Wiccan. But for some
Wiccans it may open the doorway of new insights and interpretations of paganism.

While this book is highly recommended for Wiccans looking to deeper their study, it
is also recommended for other pagans and Heathens interested in the Vanic gods.
This book provides a foundation of understanding the history of the Vanir, and the
connection between Vanir tradition and witchcraft. It discusses underground
survivals of witchcraft and its revival. It also gives a rudimentary introduction
for the Norse/Germanic practice of Seidr (spelled Seith by the author, the � symbol
can be translated as �th� or �d� and the �r� is often dropped in translation).

seidrI have to apologize to any of you reading this right now. I bought this book a
few years ago, and as I�m finishing up this review, I�m realizing it has gone out
of print. I�ll leave it in our Amazon bookshop anyway in case some reasonably
priced used copies turn up. At the least if you click on it in our store, Amazon
should suggest similar titles and books by this author. Or, maybe you can find it
used with another bookseller!

Anyway, I quite enjoyed this title, and I hope some of you will be able to get your
hands on it.

If you are interested in Seidr, we have added another book on it to our shop.
�Seidr; The Gate is Open� is a title I haven�t read personally, but it comes highly
recommended by other readers.

~ review by Aelfwynne ~


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This entry was posted in Book reviews, Celtic paganism, Correcting Misinformation,
Germanic Pagan Religion, Posts by Aelfwynne, Vanir and Vanatru, Wicca and tagged
celtic, Edred Thorsson, frey, freya, freyja, freyr, gerald gardner, germanic,
heathenism, Heathenry, lord and lady, norse, pagan, seid, seidr , vanatru , vanir ,
Wicca , wiccan , brujer�a , brujer�a del verdadero en6 de diciembre de 2013por
northerngrove .
Librer�a Northern Grove
Diciembre de 2014
Octubre de 2014
Agosto de 2014

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