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Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers Announce New Executive Director

Jamie Goen Joins the Industry Advocacy Group for Independent Crab Harvesters

Seattle, WA - May 7, 2018 - Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers welcomes Jamie Goen as Executive
Director starting today. Ms. Goen comes with a wealth of experience in fisheries management starting
in her career travelling the world on oceanographic vessels running scientific equipment, having sailed
every ocean except the Arctic. It was traveling the world, seeing the variety of fishing communities, and
thinking about how they play a role in sustainably managing their resources that she really became
interested in fishermen and fishing communities.

Jamie has Master’s degree from the University of Washington in marine policy, focusing on using
fishermen’s knowledge in management. After graduate school, she worked for the North Pacific Fishing
Vessel Owners’ Association Vessel Safety Program briefly before landing a position at the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) where she worked for 15 years, predominantly on fishing
quota programs (also called catch shares). Most of my time at NOAA Fisheries was with the Pacific
coast groundfish fishery where she worked on the Limited Entry Fixed Gear Sablefish Permit Stacking
Program and was the lead on implementation of the Trawl Rationalization Program. In addition, she
also worked in New England for a year on the Atlantic Sea Scallop Quota Program. Later she worked in
Washington DC temporarily on special assignment as the Congressional Affairs Liaison to the head of
NOAA Fisheries handling all congressional requests, helping prep witnesses and briefing materials for
congressional hearings, and coordinating national announcement of high profile federal actions. Most
recently, with the International Pacific Halibut Commission, she was part of their leadership team and
was Branch Manager overseeing their data collection programs from fisheries and from fisheries-
independent surveys, as well as being involved in regulations and fisheries policy.

“Throughout my career, I have been drawn to stakeholders and their role in managing resources,
helping them navigate process and encouraging their voice,” said Ms. Goen. “While in the past it has
been from inside governance bodies, I am very excited to be representing the Alaska Bering Sea
Crabbers directly as an industry voice to maximize the benefits from the Crab Rationalization Program,
to provide delicious crab to consumers, and to ensure a sustainable fishery for generations to come. My
life has taken me to interesting places and provided many an adventure and I am excited to start this

“Jamie is very well-qualified, smart, will be a good fit with the organization,” added Alaska Bering Sea
Crabbers Board President, Lance Farr. “We are excited to have her on board.”

About Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers

ABSC members fish for king, snow and bairdi crab in the Bering Sea, are actively involved in scientific
research, policy development, and marketing; and are committed to ensuring the long-term
sustainability of the Bering Sea crab fishery.

Jamie Goen 206-417-3990

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