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Objective: Create a Venn Diagram comparing a chosen country’s natural characteristics with Australia

Criteria Limited Satisfactory Excellent Notes

Identify Australian natural Student identified 1-2 Student identified 3-4 Student identified 5 +
characteristics Australian natural Australian natural Australian natural
characteristics. characteristics. 1 characteristics.
Characteristics may overlap characteristic may Characteristics are solely
with chosen country overlap with chosen Australian.

Identify a chosen Student identified 1-2 Student identified 3-4 Student identified 5 + natural
neighbouring country’s natural characteristic natural characteristics characteristics independent
natural characteristics independent to chosen independent to chosen to chosen country.
country. Characteristics may country. 1 characteristic Characteristics do not
overlap with Australia. may overlap with overlap with Australia.

Identify similarities Student identified 1-2 Student identified 3-4 Student identified 5 + natural
between Australia and a natural characteristics natural characteristics characteristics shared
chosen country’s natural shared between Australia shared between Australia between Australia and
characteristics and chosen country. and chosen country. chosen country.

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