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Civil disobedience is something that has played a large role in our nation’s history.

we look back, we can see that it has been put into practice many times, most famously during the
civil rights movement. During this time period, people often faced consequences for their acts of
protest. Examples of civil disobedience from the civil rights movement include figures such as
Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. People would march through the streets or conduct sit-ins
at restaurants. But, civil disobedience has occurred since then. There were large protests during
the Vietnam War, opposing American intervention in the war. More recently, there have been
protests concerning the expansion of an oil pipeline. Although those whose participate in civil
disobedience are often punished, it is still a noble act. As a nation, we should be proud of these
people. Although we may not agree with their ideas, at least they are trying to help the country.
They have identified what they believe to be a weakness, and instead of letting it persist, they are
trying to fix it in a peaceful manner. Often times, instead of being supported, they are punished
for their actions. That is why civil disobedience is an act that requires significant amounts of
courage. Even if many people see them as disruptors or criminals, it may be more appropriate to
see them as patriots. They are willing to take a risk and possibly face consequences for their
actions, all in an effort to help the United States. Civil disobedience has helped the United States
make great strides in shaping it into the nation it is today. Without people such as Rosa Parks and
Martin Luther King Jr., we may not have grown out of our segregation, and would still be
plagued with racism even worse than we are now. Civil disobedience has helped the nation to
grow, and has helped shape it into the social leader of the world. Civil disobedience takes
significant courage, and is an action that should command our respect.
Often times, it is the young adults that lead the charge for change. They are the ones who
are willing to take the risk to help our country. Still being young, they feel less confined by the
way things have always been. The older generation tends to believe that things are the way they
have always been, and will remain that way. On the other hand, younger people are more willing
to try and shape a better world in which they can spend their lives. They don’t have as many
years filled with people telling them that things cannot and will not change. Being younger, they
tend to dream bigger and be willing to take larger risks. Their youth provides the perfect
breeding ground for ideas that can change the lives of those in this nation.
Although civil disobedience today may not be as visible as it was during the civil rights
movement, it is still a common practice in the United States. Since the shooting at Marjory
Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, this has become more apparent. This round of civil
disobedience has been no different from others, with the youth leading the charge. The teenagers
of Florida are making their voices heard. They have organized protests and rallies to get their
message out, in an attempt to impact legislation on gun control. According to Sarah Gray from
Time, the students have organized multiple events to show others just how important of an issue
this is. On March 14, a national school walkout has been organized. Students, teachers, and
administrators across the country are being encouraged to leave their classrooms for 17 minutes,
one for each of the lives lost in Florida. Ten days later, students are planning a protests entitled
March For Our Lives. They plan to march through the nation’s capital to promote legislation for
school safety and gun control. Lastly, on April 20, the nineteenth anniversary of the Columbine
shooting, another school walkout is being planned.
These actions by the students of Parkland, Florida show substantial courage and
maturity.These students whose lives have been forever changed by the trauma they experienced,
are making sure that something good comes out of their pain. They are making an effort to
reduce the number of people who have to go through such a horrific event. This takes courage.
Many people believed they were too young to have their voices heard, but they have proved
them wrong. In fact, they seem to be the loudest voice right now, more than adults, congressman,
or organization. They didn’t let the naysayers win. They stayed strong in their belief and have
changed the conversation on school safety and gun control. Whether you agree with their
solutions or not, they have shown courage and a desire to improve the nation we live in. They
refused to let the country move on without addressing the issues. With their help, the nation has
entered into a deep conversation about how to protect our schools. Without their courage, the
nation might have just chalked it up as another unfortunate shooting, and moved on.
When people do engage in civil disobedience, it is often frowned upon. Those that
participate are often punished for their actions instead of thanked for trying to improve our
nation. In Texas, a school superintendent composed a Facebook post warning students that any
act of protest would be punished with no less than suspension. This opposition to protests in
general is shared among select individuals across the nation. In an article written for the
Washington Post, Christopher Ingraham stated that in 18 states, bills had been introduced with
the intent of curbing protests. These pieces of legislation differed in their approach. One bill
attempted to ban the use of masks, while another wanted to seize the assets of participants if the
protest turned violent. Although the bills had different strategies,they all had the same goal:
convince people not to protest.
Although in many places students have been punished for participating in school
walkouts, others are more understanding. According Joe Heim and Donna St. George from the
Washington Post, some schools have decided against punishment. For example, schools in
Fairfax County took no action against students that left class to participate in protests. In fact
some schools even supported the protests that were staged by their students. In Montgomery
County, Maryland, students protested with the support of the administration. Derek Turner, a
district spokesman, explained why the district supported the protests. He stated, “It’s an
important conversation, and we’re very open for kids to have these discussions, have these
debates, because they are the generation that this directly affects.” High schools are the only
educational institutions voicing their support for protesters. In a Reuters article, Gina Cherelus
discussed the support colleges and universities are giving students. Her article stated that many
colleges will ignore any disciplinary actions students face for protests following the Florida
shooting. Among the dozens of schools taking this position are many high-profile colleges. At
least three Ivy League colleges have promised to follow this course of action. The ACLU, or the
American Civil Liberties Union, has published an article helping students understand their rights
regarding protests during school. The ACLU has expressed support for student willing to protest,
and has even successfully defended such students in court in the past. Not only has the ACLU
supported student protests, but so has the Supreme Court, ruling in favor of such students. In a
1969 court case highlighted in Olivia Waxman’s article for Time, the Supreme Court ruled that
students didn’t lose their rights when they entered the school building. As long as the students
weren’t disrupting other kids’ learning, then they could express themselves as they chose. In
short, students have the right to express themselves.
The students across the country need to be given the opportunity to make their voices
heard. Adults must teach the youth that their opinion matters, and that they create change. If we
stomp out students’ attempts to produce change, they won’t learn the power they have, and will
become apathetic adults. The nation should support kids as they learn to voice their opinions.
We, the youth of this country, need the ability to change our country and fix its flaws. We need
to be able to have a meaningful discussion about what can be done to protect the students
spending much of their day in the nation’s schools.
But, gun control and student protection isn’t the only way our nation can improve. Each
and every citizen of this country has some way they think it can improve. For me, that issue is
the importance of the fine arts. Our school is very supportive of these activities, and as a result
sees significant amounts of success. Unfortunately, other schools don’t provide the necessary
support for these activities. Instead, they give promote sports significantly, at the expense of the
fine arts.
The fine arts can be very beneficial for students. In music classes such as choir and band,
students learn how to create and appreciate music. Many discredit the importance of music
because it may not apply directly to an individual’s occupation, but regardless, it is still
important. Creating music is something that can be done throughout an entire lifetime. It is a
great way to connect with others and make new friends. It is common ground that can be built
upon to create a relationship. Music can be created and played from one’s youth through one’s
retirement. While sports can be very beneficial, most sports can’t be done for an entire lifetime.
Music can also help people relax, and unwind. Fine arts can teach students many important
lessons. In debate and forensics, students can learn how to speak publicly, and get become
comfortable getting up in front of others. Forensics can help kids express themselves through
acting, or teach them how to give speeches. In debate, kids are taught important critical thinking
skills, and how to think on their feet. Debate can also teach kids about researching. Lastly,
theater is also very important. Just like forensics, it is another area for kids to express
themselves. They can also learn about empathy, as they are forced to take on other people’s
identities. They are forced to understand other people’s situations, and act appropriately.
Although sports can be very beneficial, the fine arts should not be ignored.
There are many ways to promote the fine arts with protests. People could initiate marches
in the capitals to show their legislators the importance of the fine arts. People could hold signs at
the entrance to district school board meetings to show their school board members how much the
fine arts mean to them. Lastly, kids could sing in the hallways or at lunch, if they wanted to. This
would show how enjoyable the fine arts are to them. Thankfully, our school is very supportive of
the fine arts, but for those who are less fortunate, there are many ways that people could bring
attention to the lack of support in their school districts.

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