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NIM : 17/422545/PTP/01596
JUDUL: Peningkatan Nutrisi Kedelai Hitam (Glycine max (L) Merritt) Hasil Perkecambahan Metode Ultasonik sebagai
Upaya Pencegahan Osteoporosis

No Author dan Pustaka Interested Part Naration

1 1a Sözen, T.,Özışık, L., and Osteoporosis -related to various factors including Tulang merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam tubuh sebagai
Başaran, N.C. 2017. An Overview menopause and aging- is the most common chronic
and Management of penunjang aktivitas fisik manusia di mana berfungsi sebagai penyangga
Osteoporosis. European Journal metabolic bone disease, which is characterized by
Rheumatol 2017; 4: 46-56 increased bone fragility. Although it is seen in all age serta pelindung organ tubuh. Salah satu penyakit tulang yang sering
groups, gender, and races, it is more common in
terjadi dan mengganggu aktivitas yaitu osteoporosis. Osteoporosis
Caucasians (white race), older people, and women.
With an aging population and longer life span, adalah penyakit yang berhubungan dengan berkurangnya kepadatan
osteoporosis is increasingly becoming a global
tulang serta menurunnya kekuatan tulang. Penurunan kekuatan tulang
ini dapat menyebabkan patah tulang terutama pada tulang belakang,
Osteoporosis is a disease in which the density and
pinggul, dan pergelangan tangan. Penyakit ini tergolong tidak memberi
quality of bone are reduced, leading to weakness of the
skeleton and increased risk of fracture, particularly of gejala-gejala khusus sehingga sering dianggap remeh. Beberapa gejala
the spine, hip and wrist. Osteoporosis is a global public
osteoporosis memang tergolong umum seperti sakit pada tulang
health problem; the disease and its associated
fractures are an important cause of morbidity and punggung, nyeri, tinggi badan yang menurun serta postur tubuh yang
mortality affecting millions of people worldwide.
berubah. Beberapa bagian tulang yang rawan terkena osteoporosis yaitu
Osteoporosis not only reduces life expectancy but also
negatively affects quality of life. The loss of bone occurs tulang belakang, pergelangan tangan, dan panggul (Sözen et al, 2017).
progressively over many years and without apparent
Wanita memiliki resiko lebih besar dalam mengalami osteoporosis
symptoms, and often the first sign of osteoporosis is a
fracture. For this reason, osteoporosis is often referred (Looker dan Isfahani, 2017). Di Indonesia, pada tahun 2011 terjadi
to as the “silent epidemic”
insiden patah tulang panggul pada perempuan mencapai 5418 kasus
2 1a Looker, A.C. dan Isfahani, N.S. The percentages of adults aged 50 and over with an pada perempuan usia 40 – 99 tahun (Anonim, 2015). Penurunan kadar
2017. FRAX-based Estimates of elevated hip or major osteoporotic fracture probability
10-year Probability of Hip and hormon esterogen akan memicu resiko osteoporosis yang bisa dilihat
Major Osteoporotic Fracture were 19% and 8%, respectively. Fracture probabilities
Among Adults Aged 40 and Over: varied signiicantly by age (older groups had higher dari pengamatan pemeriksaan tulang selain spine L1-L4, femur neck,
United States, 2013 and 2014 . probabilities than younger groups), sex (women had dan total femur. Pada tahun 2010, sekitar 53,6 juta (54%) orang dewasa
National Health Statistics Reports higher probabilities than men), and race and Hispanic
Number 103 March 28, 2017. AS mengalami osteoporosis (Wright et al, 2016). Diperkirakan 95%-97%
origin (non-Hispanic white persons had higher
probabilities than all other race and Hispanic groups) (p
< 0.001). An estimated 95%–97% of adults aged 50 and
over with an elevated probability of either fracture type orang dewasa berusia 50 tahun ke atas memiliki resiko tinggi
had femoral neck osteoporosis or low bone mass.
osteoporosis (Looker dan Isfahani, 2017).
1a Anonim. 2015. Infodatin Data insiden patah tulang panggul pada perempuan
dan Kondisi Penyakit mencapai 5418 kasus pada perempuan usia 40 – 99
Osteoporosis di Indonesia.
Diakses dari tahun.
osteoporos. Tanggal akses 22
Maret 2018.

3 1a Wright,N.C., Looker, A.C., Osteoporosis and low bone mass combined affected
Saag, K.G., Curtis, J.R., Delzell, approximately 53.6 million (54%) older US adults in
E.S., Randall, S., dan Dawson-
2010. The estimated number varied by sex and
Hughes, B. 2016. The Recent
Prevalence of Osteoporosis race/ethnicity, with women and non-Hispanic Whites
and Low Bone Mass in the having the largest counts. The patterns of osteoporosis
United States Based on Bone and low bone mass counts by age also varied between
Mineral Density at the men and women. The large number of individuals with
Femoral Neck or Lumbar osteoporosis and low bone mass underscores the
Spine. J Bone Miner Res. continued importance of addressing bone health in the
Author manuscript; available
older population in order to reduce the clinical burden
in PMC 2016 February 18.
caused by fragility fracture.
Wai, P. Liu,M. Chen, Y., dan The present meta-analysis found that soy isoflavones Prevelensi osteoporosis pada perempuan umumnya meningkat
Chen, D. 2012. Systematic significantly increased the bone mineral density by 54%
Review of Soy Isoflavone seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Salah satu faktor yang dapat
Supplements on Osteoporosis in and decreased the bone resorption marker urinary
Women. Asian Pacific Journal of deoxypyridinoline (DPD) by 23% compared to baseline memicu osteoporosis yaitu berkurangnya hormon esterogen. Esterogen
Tropical Medicine Volume 5, in women. Using random effects model, the effect of
Issue 3, March 2012, Pages 243- dapat menghambat proses kerapuhan tulang. Pada beberapa kasus
isoflavones on bone mineral density (BMD) regarding
menopausal status and isoflavone dose revealed terutama pada wanita menopause atau yang mengalami penyakit lain,
higher weighted mean difference changes were found
hormon esterogen yang dihasilkan dalam tubuh mengalami penurunan
in postmenopausal women and isoflavone dose above
75 mg/d. Subgroup analysis of trials with menopausal sehingga dibutuhkan asupan dari makanan untuk menyeimbangkan
status, supplement type, isoflavone dose and
hormon tersebut. Isoflavon merupakan salah satu kelompok nutrisi yang
intervention duration that used soy isoflavone extracts
resulted in significant different overall effect of DPD baik bagi kesehatan wanita. Isoflavon termasuk salah satu jenis
using by random effects model. Sensitivity analysis
polifenol atau flavonoid yang bersifat sebagai fitoesterogen kerena
indicated that the effect of soy isoflavones on BMD and
DPD was robust. kemampuannya berinteraksi dengan reseptor estrogen pada sel.
Isoflavon juga memiliki sifat potensial dalam pencegahan dan
perlindungan terhadap beberapa penyakit seperti kardiovaskular,
kanker, dan osteoporosis. Isoflavon dapat meningkatkan kepadatan
mineral tulang dan menurunkan resorbsi tulang (Wai et al, 2012). Salah
satu sumber nabati yang mengandung isoflavon yaitu kedelai hitam.
Tanaman kedelai hitam termasuk dalam famili Leguminosae,
subfamili Papilonideae. Kedelai hitam (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) adalah
salah satu jenis komoditas yang terkenal di Asia yang cocok ditanam di
wilayah tropis seperti Indonesia. Kedelai hitam adalah salah komoditas
penting di Indonesia sebagai bahan baku pembuatan kecap dan
beberapa produk pangan lainnya.

1c Permentan. 2007. PERMENTAN Kedelai hitam Mallika memiliki polong lebat, muncul Salah satu kedelai hitam yang merupakan produk unggulan
No.42/Permentan/OT.140/09/200 dari nodia pertama, polong masak yang tidak mudah
7. Diakses dari Indonesia yaitu kedelai hitam Mallika. Kedelai ini merupakan varietas
www.perundangan.pertanian.go.i pecah. Umur tanam 85-90 hari dan toleran terhadap
d.Tanggal akses 24 Maret 2018. ulat grayak atau ulat jengkal. Kandungan protein kedelai hitam asli lokal Bantul yang dapat beradaptasi baik pada
kedelai Mallika sebesar 37% dan lemak sebesar 20%
5 1c Kim, E., Lee, O., Kim, J.K., Kim, the amount of total isoflavones was positively
dataran tinggi maupun dataran rendah pada musim hujan maupun
S., Lee, J., Kim, S., dan Chung, I. correlated with the contents of the malonylglycoside musim kemarau. Kelebihannya yaitu memiliki polong lebat yang
2014. Isoflavones and
[malonyldaidzin ± malonylgenistin ± malonylglycitin]
Anthocyanins Analysis in (r = 0.99***) and glycoside [daidzin ± genistin ± muncul dari nodia pertama serta polong masak yang tidak mudah
Soybean (Glycine max (L.)Merill) glycitin] (r = 0.89**) groups
from Three Different Planting pecah. Kedelai hitam ini memiliki umur tanam 85-90 hari dan toleran
Locations in Korea. Field Crops
Research 156 (2014) 76–83. terhadap ulat grayak maupun ulat jengkal. Kandungan protein pada
kedelai Mallika sebesar 37% dan lemak sebesar 20% (Permentan,
6 1c Zhoua, R., Cai, W., dan Xu, B. Raw black soybean contain genistin 364.1 µg/g and
2017.Phytochemical Profiles of daidzein 384.9 µg/g, daidzin 306 µg/g. But, glycitein 2007). Kedelai hitam merupakan salah satu sumber isoflavon. Isoflavon
Black And Yellow Soybeans As
Affected By Roasting. and glycitin are not detected.
ini banyak ditemukan pada biji-bijian dan kacang-kacangan. Genistein
International Journal Of Food
Properties 2017, VOL. 20, No. 12, dan daidzein adalah bagian dari komponen isoflavon pada kedelai (Kim
et al, 2014). Kedelai hitam mengandung genistin 364.1 µg/g and
1c Nurrahman. 2015. Evaluasi Kandungan antosianin kedelai hitam terletak pada
Komposisi Zat Gizi dan Senyawa daidzein 384.9 µg/g (Zhoua et al, 2017). Kedelai hitam Malika
kulitnya yang berwarna hitam . Kedelai hitam Malika
Antioksidan Kedelai Hitam dan
Kedelai Kuning. Jurnal Aplikasi mengandung genistein sebesar 0,65 mg/g dan daidzein mengandung genistein sebesar 0,65 mg/g sementara daidzein sebesar
Teknologi Pangan 4 (3) 2015. sebesar 3,67 mg/g.
3,67 mg/g. Selain itu, kedalai hitam merupakan jenis kedelai yang
mengandung antosianin. Kandungan antosianin kedelai hitam terletak
7 1c Astadi, I.R., Astuti, M., Santoso, The phenolic content in Mallika and Cikuray were 8.15
U., dan Nugraheni, P.S. 2009. In ± 0.23 and 6.46 ± 0.11 g GAE/100 g, respectively. The pada kulitnya yang berwarna hitam (Nurrahman, 2015). Kandungan
Vitro Antioxidant Activity of
Anthocyanins of Black Soybean anthocyanin contents were 11.36 ± 0.12 and 1.45 ± antosianin kedelai hitam Mallika mencapai 8,15 g GAE/100 g (Astadi et
Seed Coat in Human Low Density 0.13 g/100 g, respectively. Cyanidin, delphinidin, and
Lipoprotein (LDL). Food pelargonidin were found as individual anthocyanidins. al, 2009).
Chemistry 112 (2009) 659–663. The optimum DPPH radical scavenging capacity (%) of
Mallika and Cikuray were 92.78% and 91.50%.

8 Okafor, D. C.Enwereuzoh, R. O., Water absorption characteristics represent the ability of Kedelai hitam tersebut akan lebih memiliki nilai ekonomis yang
Ibeabuchi, J. C.,Uzoukwu, A. the product to associate with water under conditions
E.,Alagbaoso, S. O., and tinggi jika diolah menjadi tepung sehingga umur simpan dan variasi
Udenkwo, C. Production of Flour where water is limiting (Dough and Pastes). The oil
Types From Black Bean absorption capacities are 1.5785 ± 0.149 mls/g. produk yang dihasilkan akan semakin banyak. Pengolahan tersebut
(Phaseolus vulgaris) And Effect
of pH And Temperature on dapat dilakukan dengan pengeringan, penggilingan, serta pengayakan
process to make black soysbean flour: Black
Functional Physico-Chemical
Properties of The Flours.
soybeansortingsoaking dehulling oven sehingga didapatkan tepung kedelai hitam (Okafor et al, 2015).
European Journal of Food drying at 60OC for 8 hours milling sieving Black
Terdapat beberapa tahapan proses dalam pembuatan tepung, salah
Science and Technology Vol.3, beans flour
No.2, pp. 64-84, May 2015. satu tahapan yang tergolong penting yaitu persiapan awal biji kedelai
9 1d Ding, J., Ulanov, A.V., Dong, M., γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and riboflavin (vitamin B2) hitam. Biji kedelai hitam yang mengalami perkecambahan akan
Yang, T., Nemzer, B.V., Xiong, S., in red rice significantly increased after germination for
Zhao, A., dan Feng, H. 2018. memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan biji
Enhancement of gama- 72 h, and then experienced a further increase after
aminobutyric acid (GABA) And treatment by ultrasound at different stages during tanpa perlakuan perkecambahan. Perkecambahan biji merupakan
Other Health-Related Metabolites germination. The metabolomics analysis showed that salah satu proses yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kualitas nutrisi (Ding
In Germinated Red Rice (Oryza some plant metabolites, i.e. GABA, O-
sativa L.) by Ultrasonication.
Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 40 phosphoethanolamine, and glucose-6-phosphate were et al., 2018; Huang et al, 2017). Pada proses perkecambahan senyawa-
(2018) 791–797. significantly increased after the ultrasonic treatment
senyawa nutrisi dapat meningkat karena nutrisi-nutrisi yang dibutuhkan
(VIP > 1.5) in comparison with the untreated
germinated rice. tanaman dikeluarkan untuk proses perkecambahan tersebut.
Kandungan nutrisi seperti isoflavon pun meningkat selama
10 1d Ding, J., Hou,G.G., Nemzer, B.V., The severely sprouted SW for 72 h enhanced health-
Xiong,S., Dubat,A., dan Feng, H. promoting bioactive compounds, including GABA and perkecambahan (Ren et al, 2016). Waktu perkecambahan biji dapat
2018. Effects Of Controlled
antioxidants, which could be used as natural nutrient
Germination On Selected meningkatkan kandungan isoflavon (Ma et al, 2018). Selain itu,
Physicochemical and Functional enhancer in foods. The controlled germination process
Properties Of Whole-Wheat flour could be an alternative natural approach to produce kandungan total fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan juga meningkat (Donkor
And Enhanced γ-aminobutyric WWF to improve its end-use functionality or enhance
Acid Accumulation by et al, 2012; Ding et al, 2018). Peningkatan total fenol pada biji yang
Ultrasonication. Food Chemistry
health benefits as a food ingredient.
243 (2018) 214–221. dikecambahkan seiring dengan lamanya proses perkecambahan (Guo
et al, 2012).
11 1d Huang,G., Cai, W.,dan Xu, B. The soyasaponin Ba was found only in germinated
2017. Improvement In Beta- soybeans, and there were no soyasaponin Ba in the
Carotene, Vitamin B2, GABA,
Free Amino Acids And raw samples. The soyasaponin Ba content was 3.25
Isoflavones In Yellow And Black mg/g and 2.74 mg/g in germinated yellow and black
Soybeans Upon Germination. soybeans, respectively.
LWT - Food Science and
Technology 75 (2017).

12 1d Ren, Q., Wang, J., Liu, A., Wang, On days 4 and 5 of germination, it showed an increase
F. and Wang, H. 2016. in the maximum concentration of the isoflavones and
Identification And Determination
Of Isoflavones In Germinated recommended for consumption for potential health
Black Soybean Sprouts by benefits. From the 5th to 9th day of germination,the six
UHPLC−Q-TOF-MS Mass isoflavone contents decreased slightly (about 9%
Spectrometry and HPLC-DAD. decrease). Among the six isoflavones, genistin and
daidzein were dominant with germination time. The
20, NO. 12, 2877–2887. contents of the six isoflavones in the black soybean
sprouts were different. Lower contents of the
compounds were found on 2–3 and 6–9 days of
germination,and higher on 4–5 days of germination.
13 1d Ma, M., Wang, P., Yang, R., The isoflavones content was significantly increased
dan Gu, Z. 2018. Effects of UV- from 4884 (germination for 2 days) and 5079 µg/g (4
B Radiation on The Isoflavone
days) of the control (0 h exposure to UV-B) to 5425 and
Accumulation and
Physiological-Biochemical 8001 µg/g, respectively, when the samples were
Changes of Soybean During exposed 6 h/day to UV-B.
Germination Physiological-
Biochemical Change of
Germinated Soybean Induced
by UV-B. Food Chemistry 250
(2018) 259–267.
14 1d Donkor, O.N., Stojanovska, L., Germinated grains contained substantial amounts of
Ginn, P., Ashton, J., dan total phenolics with rye having significantly higher
Vasiljevic, T. 2012.
content compared with the non-germinated grains.
Germinated Grains – Sources
of Bioactive Compounds. Food Radical scavenging activities of the phenolic extracts
Chemistry 135 (2012) 950– were between 13% and 73% for non-germinated and
959. 14% and 53% for germinated.

15 1d Guo, X., Li, T.,Tang,K., dan Liu, Total phenolic contents were significantly (p < 0.05)
R.H. 2012. Effect of Germination increased in a time- dependent manner after the
on Phytochemical Profiles and
Antioxidant Activity of Mung Bean germination and were up to 966.4± 58.3 mg GA
Sprouts (Vigna radiata). J. Agric. equiv/100 g DW on day 9, which were 4.5 times higher
Food Chem. 2012, 60, than the original concentration of mung bean seeds.

16 1e Nazari,M. and Eteghadipour, M. About the action mechanisms, it is concluded that the Salah satu teknologi yang telah banyak diaplikasikan pada pangan
2017.Impacts of Ultrasonic Waves ultrasounds impose a mechanical pressure on the
on Seeds: A Mini-Review. adalah teknologi ultrasonik. Teknologi ultrasonik kini telah banyak
Agricultural Research and seed’s cell wall. This pressure increases the seed’s
Technology Journal Volume 6 porosity, and consequently rises the seed’s digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Teknologi ini dapat digunakan
Issue 3- April 2017. permeability to oxygen and water. After this, the alpha-
dalam bidang kimia, teknik, pangan, bahkan kedokteran. Gelombang
amylase activity inside the seed increases which leads
to increased hydrolysis of the starch. Finally, the ultrasonik yaitu gelombang di atas 20 KHz. Teknologi ini dapat
germination percentage and speed are enhanced.
diaplikasikan pada proses perkecambahan biji. Hal ini dapat
17 1e Miano, A.C.,Pereira, J.D.C., During the germination process, the seed hydration
Castanha, N., Junior, M.D.M., dan follows a tree-stage water uptake pattern. The first mengurangi permasalahan mengenai lama dan tidak seragamnya biji
Augusto, P.E.D. 2016. Enhancing
stage consists of the hydration process itself (as
Mung Bean Hydration Using The saat dikecambahan secara alami. Teknologi ultrasonik dapat
Ultrasound Technology: described in sections 2.1), when the seed absorbs the
Description Of Mechanisms And necessary water to activate its metabolism. In this meningkatkan proses hidrasi pada biji serta dapat mengurangi waktu
Impact On Its Germination And stage, the seed arises the first signs of metabolism
Main Components. Scientific proses hidrasi biji-bijian hingga 25% dari waktu proses (Nazari dan
Reports 6:38996.
Eteghadipour, 2017; Miano et al, 2016). Hidrasi merupakan salah satu
The ultrasound reduced ~25% of the hydration process proses yang penting pada biji-bijian dimana air dapat masuk ke dalam
time. In addition, this technology caused acceleration of
the seed germination – and some hypothesis for this biji. Metode ultrasonik ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan
enhancement were proposed. Moreover, it was kecepatan perkecambahan biji serta dapat meningkatkan kandungan
demonstrated that the ultrasound did not change both
structure and pasting properties of the bean starch. nutrisi biji (Yaldagard et al, 2008; Goussous et al, 2010; Miano et al,
Finally, the flour rheological properties proved that the 2016, Ramtake et al, 2015; López‑Ribera dan Vicient, 2017; Toth,
ultrasound increased its apparent viscosity, and as the
starch was not modified, this alteration was attributed to 2012; Ding et al, 2018). Waktu pemaparan ultrasonik berkolerasi pada
the proteins. kecepatan perkecambahan (Toth, 2012). Metode ultrasonik ini tidak
18 1e Yaldagard, M., Mortazavi, S.A., Ultrasound waves used in treating the barley seeds berpengaruh negatif terhadap perkecambahan bahkan justru dapat
dan Tabatabaie, F. 2008. before soaking results in better and faster germination.
Influence Of Ultrasonic meningkatkan kekuatan biji (Miano et al, 2015).
Stimulation On The Germination This is due to shell fragmentation leading to more
Of Barley Seed And Its Alpha- water retention capacity in dry grains. Secondly, the
Amylase Activity. African Journal stimulation of the germination process of barley
of Biotechnology Vol. 7 (14), pp. caused by ultrasound is as a result of enlargement in
2465-2471, 18 July, 2008
the pores size of the seed’s shell for better hydration.
All these increase alpha-amylase activity causing
faster germination of barley seeds and two-day
reduction in the malting period in sonicated barley
grains in water.

19 1e Goussous, S.J., Samarah, N.H., Results of this research indicated that US treatment
Alqudah, A.M., Dan Othman, M.O. effectively enhanced speed of seed germination of
2010. Enhancing Seed
Germination Of Four Crop chickpea, wheat and watermelon (but not pepper) to
Species Using An Ultrasonic varying degrees. This increase in speed of germination
Technique. Expl Agric. (2010), could have a positive impact on the success of early
volume 46 (2), pp. 231–242. field establishment of these crops leading to higher
yields. In addition,these profitable effects of US were
obtained at both favourable and unfavourable
temperatures, thus expanding the temperature range at
which germinationmay occur. As such, this technique
may also be very useful for plant propagators in
nurseries to achieve fast seedling establishment of

20 1e Ramtake, A.A., Meshram, U.P., the good effect of ultrasonic wave treatment on
dan Yaul, A.R. 2015. Effect of percentage of seed germination, root length, shoot
Ultrasonic Waves on Seed
Germination of Lycopersicon length and seedling height etc rather than control. But
Esculentum and Anethum high response with ultrasonic waves was given by
Graveolens. International Journal Anethum graveolens crop plant rather than
of Chemical and Physical Lycopersicon esculentum. So, it can be concluded that,
Sciences Vol. 4 Special Issue –
NCSC Jan-2015
the ultrasonic wave treatment can functions as good
plant growth regulators.
21 1e López‑Ribera, I dan Vicient, C.M. The ultrasound treated seeds present a greater number
2017. Use of Ultrasonication of pores in the seed coat than the control ones, perhaps
To Increase Germination Rates
Of Arabidopsis Seeds. Plant
being this the reason of the increase in the germination
Methods (2017) 13:31. rate.

1e Ding, J., Ulanov, A.V., Dong, M., The findings of this study showed that controlled
Yang, T., Nemzer, B.V., Xiong, S., germination with ultrasonic stress is an effective
Zhao, A., dan Feng, H. method to enhance GABA and other health-promoted
2018.Enhancement of gama- components in de-hulled rice.
aminobutyric acid (GABA) and
other Health-Related Metabolites
in Germinated Red Rice (Oryza
sativa L.) by Ultrasonication.
Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 40
(2018) 791–797.

22 1e Toth, I. 2012. The Effects of According to the analyis, for medium-sized seeds the
Ultrasound Exposure on The largest germination capacity (86.11%) is obtained for
Germination Capacity of Birdsfoot
Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) an ultrasound intensity of 1.46 W/cm2 applied for 72.3
Seeds Romanian J. BIOPHYS., seconds. For large seeds the best germination capacity
Vol. 22, No. 1, P. 13–20, (81.85%) is obtained for an ultrasound intensity of 1.79
BUCHAREST, 2012. W/cm2 applied for 62.3 seconds.The data were studied
by quadratic multiple correlation analysis. Significant
correlations have been found between the physical
parameters of the applied ultrasounds (intensity and
duration of exposure) and the germination capacity of
23 1e Miano, A.C., Forti, V.A., Abud, Ultrasound technology does not negatively affect the
H.F., Gomes-Junior, F.G., Cicero, germination nor vigour of barley seeds, which means
S.M. and Augusto, P.E.D. 2015.
Effect of Ultrasound Technology that this novel technology can be used for enhancing
on Barley Seed Germination and the hydration process. Ultrasound could cause many
Vigour. Seed Sci. & Technol., 43, physiological changes that improve seed vigour.
2, 1-6.

1f Yaldagard, M., Mortazavi, S.A., Seeds sonicated for 5, 10, and 15 min at full power of Pemaparan biji pada waktu tertentu dengan ultrasonik akan
dan Tabatabaie, F. 2008. device increased in germination from ~93.3% (non-
Influence Of Ultrasonic berhubungan dengan hidrasi pada biji yang dapat mempengaruhi
Stimulation On The Germination sonicated seeds) to 97.2%, 98% and 99.4%,
Of Barley Seed And Its Alpha- respectively. These results may be attributed to aktivitas perkecambahan (Yaldagard et al, 2008; Goussous et al, 2010).
Amylase Activity. African Journal mechanical effects due to ultrasonically induced
of Biotechnology Vol. 7 (14), pp. Selanjutnya, lama perkecambahan pada biji juga akan mempengaruhi
cavitation increasing water uptake by the cell walls.
2465-2471, 18 July, 2008
kandungan nutrisi di dalamnya (Bekele et al, 2012; Ren et al, 2016).
1f Goussous, S.J., Samarah, N.H., In this study, results indicated that US treatment for as Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui waktu pemaparan ultrasonik dan
Alqudah, A.M., Dan Othman, M.O. little as 5 min also offers a practical priming option to
2010. Enhancing Seed
speed up germination of watermelon seeds germinasi yang sesuai pada perkecambahan biji kedelai hitam sebagai
Germination Of Four Crop
Species Using An Ultrasonic bahan baku tepung kedela hitam. Melalui penelitian ini, diharapkan
Technique. Expl Agric. (2010),
volume 46 (2), pp. 231–242. dapat memberikan informasi mengenai efek waktu pemaparan
ultrasonik pada kedelai hitam dan lama perkecambahan terhadap
24 1f Bekele, A., Bultosa, G., dan The results showed that both germination time and
Belete, K. 2012. The Effect Of variety had a significant effect ( ≤0.05) on sorghum malt karakteristik tepung kedelai hitam yang dihasilkan. Selain itu, dapat
Germination Time on Malt Quality
of Six Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) quality. This study revealed significant variations in the
Varieties Grown At Melkassa, grain quality (hectolitre weight, kernel size, crude diinformasikan pula efek tepung kedelai hitam yang telah
Ethiopia. J. Inst. Brew. 2012; 118: protein and amylose content) and malt quality (MWL,
76–81 dikecambahkan tersebut terhadap potensi pencegahan osteoporosis
HWE, DP and FAN) parameters among the varieties.
Malting conditions (germination duration) also had a secara in vitro.
marked effect on malt quality regardless of varietal
differences. Malting weight loss, HWE and FAN
increased with germination time, but the peak for DP
was about 96 h.

1f Ren, Q., Wang, J., Liu, A., Wang, On days 4 and 5 of germination, it showed an increase
F. and Wang, H. 2016. in the maximum concentration of the isoflavones and
Identification And Determination
Of Isoflavones In Germinated recommended for consumption for potential health
Black Soybean Sprouts by benefits. From the 5th to 9th day of germination,the six
UHPLC−Q-TOF-MS Mass isoflavone contents decreased slightly (about 9%
Spectrometry and HPLC-DAD. decrease). Among the six isoflavones, genistin and
International Journal Of Food
Properties 2017, VOL. 20, NO. 12,
daidzein were dominant with germination time. The
2877–2887. contents of the six isoflavones in the black soybean
sprouts were different. Lower contents of the
compounds were found on 2–3 and 6–9 days of
germination,and higher on 4–5 days of germination.

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