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journal J. Am. Ceram Soc.

, 73 (21 187-205 (1990)

Perspective on the Development of

High-Toughness Ceramics
Anthony G. Evans*
Materials Department, College of Engineering,
University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106

1. Major Developments (Fig. 2). Secondly, the topic attracted the

attention of outstanding scientists who
(1) Synopsis have since continued to provide invalua-
THE science governing the strength and ble contributions to progress in the field.
fracture of structural ceramics has devel- Still another important development was
oped from a mostly empirical topic in 1965 the appreciation that the mechanical
into a mature discipline that now sets the properties of ceramics could be apprecia-
standards in the field of mechanical be- bly enhanced by the incorporation of ce-
havior. The intent of this review is to pro- ramic fibers and whiskers. Finally, a recent
vide a perspective regarding this discovery that may have a similar substan-
evolution, followed by succinct descrip- tive impact on the ceramics field concerns
tions of current understanding. The rapid metal-toughenedceramics and compos-
developments in the field are considered ites formed by directed metal oxidation.
to have commenced upon the first con-
certed attempt to apply fracture mechan- (2) Introduction of Fracture
ics conceptsto ceramics, beginning in the Mechanics
middle 1960s (Fig. 1). This allowed a dis- The mathematical framework and the
tinction between the separate contribu- experimental techniques of linear elastic
tions to strength from the flaws in the fracture mechanics that had developed
material and from the microstructure, as from the early 1950s and had been exten-
Anthony G. Evans is Alcoa Professor and
manifest in the fracture toughness. Anoth- sively applied to metals were first recog- Chair of the Materials Department at the
er contribution that accelerated the learn- nized to have importance to the ceramic
Unviersity of California at Santa Barbara.
ing process was the development of field by Davidge and by Wiederhorn. A native of Wales, he earned his B.S. in
indentation techniques, which allowed These authors examined a variety of ex-
metallurgy in 1964 and Ph.D. in physical
trends in the damage resistance of new perimental approaches and began the metallurgy in 1967, both from Imperial
ceramics to be assessed on a routine ba- process whereby the fracture toughness College, London, England. During 1967
sis. However, the most important develop- could be established as a material param- to 1971 he was with the Atomic Energy
ment, which originated at about the same eter and eventually be related to micro- Research Establishment, Harwell. In 1971
time, was the discovery of toughened zir- structure. At the same time, initial attempts Evans came to the United States as visit-
conia alloys. The ensuing research on were made to separate the contributions ing scholar at the University of California
these alloys established two vital prece- to strength, S, from the flaw size, a, and at Los Angeles. He then worked at the
dents. Firstly, the introduction of the the toughness, Klc, through the simple National Bureau of Standards from 1972
materials-by-designapproach, which es- application of the Griffith relation to 1974, Rockwell International Science
tablished the benefits that accrue from the
strong collaboration between processing, S = YKlc I fi (11 Center from 1974 to 1978, and the
University of California at Berkeley from
characterization, testing, and modeling where Y is a well-documented crack/ 1978 to 1985. He has more than 200
specimen geometry parameter. Although technical papers to his credit.
A. H. Heuer-contributing editor it took some time to rigorously accomplish A Fellow of the American Ceramic
this objective, the first attempts brought at- Society, Evans is a past chair of the Bas-
Manuscript No 197905 Received November 20, tention to the concept of a "microstructural ic Science Division and a past vice presi-
1989, approved December 13, 1989 flaw" and soon provided a focus for
Presented in part at the 91st Annual Meeting of the
dent of the Society. He received the
processing activities concerned with the Society's Ross Coffin Purdy Award in
American Ceramic Society. Indianapolis, IN, April 24,
1989 (Orton Memorial Lecture)
elimination of the largest flaws. This de- 1980, and was recipient of the Fulrath
[Key words toughness, fracture microcracking, zir- velopment also addressed a paradox in Award in 1981. Evans delivered the Ed-
conia. R curve ] the field, wherein strength measurements ward Orton, Jr., Memorial Lecture and
'Member, American Ceramic Society were then typically expressed in terms of received the John Jeppson Medal and
Award during the 1989 Annual Meeting
of the Society. He is a member of the Na-
tional lnstitue of Ceramic Engineers.

Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Evans Vol. 1 3 , No. 2

average microstructural features, such as fracture has been its contribution to our
grain size and porosity, whereas differ- understanding of the role of "toughness"
ences in strength between test methods in damage tolerance. Specifically, the
(e.g., bending and tension) were rational- tougher materials exhibit strengths after in-
ized on the basis of weakestlink statistics. dentation that vary less rapidly with inden-
Some of the first observations concern- tation load (crack size) than for brittle
ing the interactions of cracks with the mi- ceramics (Fig. 3). This behavior reflectsthe
crostructure were made within the next existence of a resistance curve. Indeed,
several years. Out of these observations this measure of toughness is probably the
came preliminary concepts for fracture re- most useful in terms of the practical ap-
sistance mechanisms and the models that plication and durability of ceramics.
emerged later. Many of these concepts Many of the indentation methods are
can be traced to the work of Lange and only approximate and do not provide the
of R. Rice. Also, work at Harwell Labora- quality of fracture resistance data needed
tories in the United Kingdom established to rigorously relate toughness to micro-
that very high toughness ceramics could structure. The surface flaw methods, in-
be made by incorporating carbon fibers. troduced first by Petrovic and Jacobson,
This body of work provided a strong moti- seem to be the most precise, providedthat
Fig. 1. Overall chronological trends in the vation to maintain a high level of activity residual stresses are eliminated by polish-
development of high-toughness ceramics. in the field and to seek a better under- ing out the plastic zone. However, none
standing of mechanisms and approaches of these methods can be used for the
for enhancing the reliability and damage highest toughness materials now
tolerance of ceramics. available.
Although these prospects were evident,
Materials by design progress was slow for two reasons. First- (4) Pivotal Role of Zirconia
ly, different methods for measuring frac- The discovery in 1976 that zirconia can
ture toughness often gave different results, exhibit high toughness initiated a remark-
leading to enquiries about the utility of the able decade of development,culminating
fracture toughness as a material parame- in materials having toughness on the or-
ter. Secondly, the most acceptable test der of 20'2. A sequence of ma-
methods required moderately large test terial inventions in Australia, Germany, and
specimens, whereupon the data emerged the United States involving Garvie, Claus-
slowly and were confined to the relatively sen, Lange, and Gupta provided the in-
few ceramics amenable to the fabrication centive. Such materials elicited
of sufficiently large specimens. One con- outstanding characterizationresearch by
sequence of these factors was that the fo- Heuer, Ruhle, and Hannink and some
cus of much of the research in the field novel experiments originating with Swain
was on the characterization and implica- and Marshall. The results were then ration-
tions of slow crack growth, with minimal alized through a clear understanding of
attention given to the enhancement of the responsible mechanisms, established
touahness. by the micromechanics models of
T i e first of the above issues would later McMeeking. Budiansky, Hutchinson,
Fig. 2. Scheme involved in the materials-by- be resolved upon the revelation that many Evans, and Marshall. This process oc-
design concept. curred in an iterative manner built around
polycrystalline ceramics exhibit resistance-
curve behavior, as elaborated in Section the understanding that the process-zone
I (5). However, it is interestingto note that size was important and that resistance-
the resistance-curveeffects were first ob- curve effects are inherent to the
served in 1974, but the significance was mechanism.
not appreciated. The second issue was
addressed upon the introductionof inden- (5) Importance of Resistance Curves
tation methods discussed in the following All "tough" ceramics exhibit resistance
section. curves. However, this feature of their be-
havior did not become apparent until
(3) Influence of Indentation Fracture about 1980. The existence of resistance-
The introductionof approaches for frac- curve behavior was predicted by
ture toughness estimation by using vari- McMeeking and Evans to be an essen-
ous indentation methods allowed tests on tial feature of transformation toughening
small specimens and, thus, permitted rap- and soon verified experimentally by
id probing of the "damage tolerance" of Swain. These predictions placed empha-
many different ceramics. These ap- sis on the transformationwake. The more
proaches emerged from systematic pi- general importance of the wake was
oneering research by Lawn over more demonstrated by some clever experi-

than a decade. Of particular importance ments conducted by Steinbrecht, who re-
was the discovery that the cracks around vealed that the toughness of Al2O3 is
hardness indentationsformed on unload- diminished upon removing the wake by
Flaw size, a ing and, hence, were dominated by sawing. Continued research on this topic
residual fields Appreciation of this factor revealed that microcrack toughening ex-
Fig. 3. Effects of damage on the strength
of low and high toughness ceramics The tear permitted the 'dentificationOf the non- hibits wake effects and that crack bridg-
ing modulus IS the slope of the resistance dimensionalparameters that related ing by intact grain is a common feature
curve toughness to either the size of the cracks of crack extension in polycrystals and is
or the failure stress after indentation also an important contribution to the frac-
A more recent benefit of indentation ture resistance. Finally, and most recent-
February 1990 Perspective on the Development of High-Toughness Ceramics 189
ly, it has been demonstrated that and Isostatically Hot-PressedAl2O3Com-
toughening by fibers, whiskers, and met- posites," J. Am. Ceram. SOC.,66 [6]
al networks all exhibit wake-dominated 396-98 (1983); F. F. Lange and M. Met- Limiting Physical Characteristic
resistance-curvecharacteristics. calf, "Processing-RelatedFracture Origins:
When rigorously measured and inter- 11, Agglomerate Motion and Cracklike In-
preted, resistance-curvebehavior ration- ternal Surfaces Caused by Differential Sin-
alizes effects of specimen geometry on tering," ibid., 398-406; and F. F. Lange,
toughness, crack-size effects, and trends B. I. Davis, and I. A. Aksay, "Processing-
in strength. Additionally, in the highest Related Fracture Origins: Ill, Differential
toughness materials, linear elastic be- Sintering of Zr02 Agglomerates in
havior is violated for many of the common A1203/Zr02 Composite," ibid., 407-408.
test specimens. Consequently, nonlinear J. R. Rice; p. 191 in Fracture, Vol. 11,
approaches are needed to characterize Mathematical Fundamentals. Edited by H.
material behavior. Liebowitz. Academic Press, New York, Microstructure, Fabrication,
1968. micromechanics machining
(6) Discovery of Composites
R. W. Rice, "Mechanisms of Toughen- Fig. 4. Aspects for achieving high-reliability
High-work-of-fracture-fiber-reinforced ing in Ceramic Matrix Composites," ceramics.
ceramics consisting of carbon fiber, rein- Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 2 [7-81 661-701
forced glasses, and glass-ceramicswere (1981).
first demonstrated in 1972, accompanied R. W. Steinbrech and A. H. Heuer, "R-
by the first complete model of composite Curve Behavior and the Mechanical
behavior. However, activities on ceramic Properties of Transformation-Toughened
composites were not pursued vigorously ZrO2-ContainingCeramics," Mater. Res.
until 1983, when Prewo and Brennan an- Soc. Symp. Proc., 60,469-81 (1986).
nounced a Nicalont Sic-fiber-reinforced M. V. Swain, "Inelastic Deformation of
glass-ceramic composite. This announce- Mg-PSZ and Its Significance for Strength-
ment established the possibility that ce- Toughness Relationships of Zirconia-
ramic composites having high resistance Toughened Ceramics," Acta Metall., 33,
at elevated temperature might be possi- 2083-91 (1985).
ble. A major activity on ceramic-matrix A. V. Virkar and R. L. K. Matsumoto,
composites has ensued and is still in pro- "Ferroelastic Domain Switching as a
gress. Another related discovery was that Toughening Mechanism in Tetragonal Zir-
A1203 could be toughened by SIC conia," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 69 110)
whiskers. Together, these materials have C-224-C-226 (1986).
provided the basis for the concepts of
toughening by brittle reinforcements, in- II. Toughening Mechanisms
volving the debonding and sliding proper-
ties of the reinforcementlmatrixinterfaces. (1) General Features
The objective of research concerned
(7) Bibliography
with structural ceramics is the generation f Crack advance, Aa
Actual references to the work alluded of materials having high reliability. To a0
to above can be located in Section 11, achieve this objective, there are two fun-
which covers the various mechanisms in damentally different approaches (Fig. 4): Fig. 5. Resistance-curvebehavior charac-
some detail. The reader is also referred to teristically encountered in tough ceramics K,
flaw control and toughening. The fiaw con- IS the fracture resistance and Aa IS the crack
the seven-volumeseries Fracture Mechan- trol approach accepts the brittleness of the
ics of Ceramics, edited by Bradt, Evans, advance
material and attempts to control the large
Hasselman, and Lange (Plenum Press, extreme of processing flaws. The tough-
New York, 1974-1983), which contains ening approach attempts to create micro-
much of the chronology, plus the follow- structures that impart sufficient fracture
ing basic references: resistance (Fig. 5) that the strength b e
A. G. Evans and A. H. Heuer, comes insensitive to the size of flaws (Fig.
"REVIEW-Transformation Toughening in 3). The former has been the subject of
Ceramics: Martensitic Transformations in considerable research that identifies the
Crack-Tip Stress Fields," J. Am. Ceram. most detrimental processingflaws, as well
SOC.,63 [5-61 241-48 (1980). as the processing step responsible for
R. C. Garvie, R. H. J. Hannink, and R. those flaws.'-3 The latter has emerged
T. Pascoe, "Ceramic Steel?," Nature (Lon- more recently, and has the obvious ad-
don), 258, 703-704 (1975). vantage that appreciable processing and
A. H. Heuer, "Transformation Toughen- postprocessingdamage can be tolerated
ing in Zr02-ContainingCeramics," J. Am. without compromisingthe structural relia
Ceram. SOC.,70 \lo] 689-98 (1987). bility.4.5
A. H. Heuer, F. F. Lange, M. V. Swain, The resistance of brittle solids to the
and A. G. Evans (eds.), "Transformation propagation of cracks can be strongly in-
Toughening," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 69 [3] fluenced by microstructure and by the use
169-298 (1986); ibid., 69 [7] 511-84 of various reinforcements.The intent of the
(1986). present paper is to provide a succinct r e
J. W. Hutchinson, Harvard University view of the known effects of microstruc-
Report No. 58 (1974). ture and of reinforcements on fracture
F. F. Lange, "Processing-Related Frac- resistance. In most cases, toughening
ture Origins; I , Observations in Sintered results in resistance-curvecharacteristics
(Fig. 5), wherein the fracture resistance
tNippon Carbon Co., Tokyo, Japan svsternaticallv increases with crack exten-
190 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Evans Vol. 13, No. 2

sion. The resulting material strengths then ever the length of the nonlinear zone is ap-
depend on the details of the resistance preciably larger than the spacing between
curve and the initial crack lengths,s,' such the relevant microstructuralentities. Such
that toughness and strength optimization conditions invariably exist when the ma-
usually involve different choices of micro- terial exhibits high toughness. The cou-
structure. The individual mechanisms in- pling between experiment and theory is
clude transformations, microcracking, another prevalent theme, because tough-
twinning, ductile reinforcements, fi- ening is sufficiently complex and involves
berlwhisker reinforcements, and grain a sufficiently large number of independent
bridging. variables that microstructureoptimization
An underlying principle concerns the only becomes practical when each of the
essential role of nonlinearity, as manifest important modes has been described by
in mechanisms of dissipation and energy a rigorous model, validated by experiment
storage in the material, upon crack propa- (Fig. 2).
gation. Consequently, the potent toughen- The known mechanisms can be con-
ing mechanisms can be modeled in terms veniently considered to involve either a
of stresddisplacement constitutive laws for process zone or a bridging zone (Fig. 7).
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram illustratingnon- representative volume elements (Fig. 6). The former category exhibits a toughen-
linear hysteretic elemental response and as- Furthermore, the toughening can be ex- ing fundamentally governed by a critical
sociations with enhanced toughness. plicitly related to stressldisplacement hys- stress for the onset of nonlinearity, $, in
teresis (Fig. 6), as will be elaborated for elements near the crack and by the as-
each of the important mechanisms. The sociated stress-free strain, ~ i . 8 - 1 1 The
general philosophy thus adopts the con- resulting stress-strain hysteresis of those
cept of homogenizing the properties of the elements within a process zone then yields
material around the crack and then for- a steady-state toughness given by11
mulating a constitutive law that character-
izes the three-dimensional material
response. Models that discretize micro- where AgCis the increase in the critical
structure details in two dimensions are strain energy release rate when the crack
typically less rigorous, because three- is long,$ f the volume fraction of the
dimensional interactions along the crack toughening agent, and h the width of the
front are not readily described, and be- process zone in steady state.9,QTransfor-
cause multiple calculations are needed to mation, microcrack, and twin toughening
eliminate artifacts of the discretization. The are mechanisms of this type.
homogenization approach rigorously The bridging category exhibits tough-
describes the toughening behavior when- ening governed by hysteresis along the
crack surface,'3~14induced by intact m a
Fig. 7. Schematic diagram illustrating both $Short cracks and cracks without fully developed terial ligaments
process-zoneand bridging-zonemechanisms process zones give smaller changes in toughness as
of toughening elaborated in the discussion of resistance curves U*

where 2u is the crack opening, 2u* the

opening at the edge of the bridging zone,
Table 1. Tough Ceramics t the tractions on the crack surfaces ex-
erted by the intact toughening agent (Fig.
7), and f the area fraction of reinforce-
toughness Exemplary
Mechanism fMPa.rn1'3 materials Limitation
ments along the crack plane. Ductile rein-
forcements, as well as whiskers, fibers,
Transformation -20 ZrO2 (MgO) and large grains, toughen by means of
bridging tractions.
Microcracking -10 AI2O3lZrO2 It is also possible for a process-zone
Si3N41SiC T<1300 K mechanism and a bridging mechanism to
SiCiTiB2 Strength operate simultaneously, and thus gener-
ate a net toughness larger than that for the
Metal dispersion -25 A1203lAI separate mechanisms. Indeed, the over-
AI2O3lNi T<1300 K all toughness can even be multiplicative.15
WClCO Oxidation The operation of multiple mechanisms is
probably common and needs to be ad-
Whiskerslplatelets -15 Si3N41SiC dressed for each material system when
Si3N4/Si3N4 Oxidation toughness optimization is contemplated.
A1203/S1C T<1500 K Furthermore, some of the more controver-
Fibers 230 CAS*/SiC sial debates on mechanisms probably
LAStlSiC reflect the occurrence of multiple mecha-
A12O3/SiC nisms, wherein the dominant mechanism
SiClSiC Processing changes as the microstructureis systemat-
SiClC Coatinas ically varied. A particular example con-
AI203lA1203 hbers - cerns the respective roles of grain bridging
*Calcium aluminum silicate glassceramic ?Lithium aluminum silicate glassceramic and of a microcrack process zone in vari-
ous tough ceramic polycrystals.
In the "toughest" materials, a steady-
February 1990 Perspective on the Development of High- Toughness Ceramics 191

state cracking phenomenon occurs,16-'9 cidence of saturation is less apparent for

wherein the crack extension stress be- other mechanisms.
comes independent of crack length. For Another interesting feature of process-
such materials, the toughness is usually zone problems concerns the role of the
nonunique and not, therefore, a useful de- modulus of the material in the saturation
sign parameter. Instead, the steady-state region (Fig. 6). When the saturation modu-
cracking stress and the ultimate strength lus differs from the initial modulus of the
become the more relevant material material, as in microcrack toughening, the
properties. Transitions between toughness magnitude of the stress intensity at the tip,
control and steady-statecracking are thus KtiP, is dominated by the saturation
of major significance. modulus, because the crack tip is essen-
Some of the materials to be considered tially embedded in material having this
in this review are summarized in Table I. modulus. Furthermore,the modulus effect
This list is impressive when it is appreciat- is independent of the size of the process
ed that conventional ceramics have a zone, because linearity exists near the
toughness, K,, of =1 to 3'2. crack tip. Consequently, accurate knowl-
However, some caution is also necessary edge of the material behavior within the
because the highest levels of toughness saturation zone, when present, is needed
cannot usually be used to effectively en- to adequately simulate crack-extensionbe-
hance strength and reliability. havior.
A final issue, when either Ktlpor gtip is
(2) Process Zone Mechanisms used as a fracture criterion, concerns the Fig. 8. Effects of distance on the dissipation
An important basic feature of process- choice of the critical value of these quan- that occurs in each layer of the process zone.
zone mechanismsconcerns the contribu- tities. Specifically, it is evident that the
tion to toughening that derives from each crack extends into material modified by
layer, dy, a distance y from the crack the mechanism that occurs in the process
plane (Fig. 8). These contributions are, in zone. However, it is often difficult to in-
turn, governed by specific aspects of the dependently ascertain the fracture resis-
stress-straincurve. An issue of fundamen- tance of material in this state.
tal importance concerns the material be-
havior at large strains. Notably, if the (A) Transformation Toughening
material remains nonlinear beyond the crit- (i} Basic Features
ical transformation strain, the steady-state The stress-inducedtransformationsthat
energy dissipation density caused by the can cause significant toughening include
nonlinearity increases as y diminishes and martensitic and ferroelastic transforma-
tends to infinity as y -, 0, because the tions, as well as twinning. The former
strain at the crack front is infinite. Conse- involve both dilatational and shear com-
quently, it has been appreciated for a long ponents of the transformation strain, while
time that the energy release rate at the the later typically has only a shear com- Fig. 9. Schematic stress-strain curve for the
crack tip in steady-stateis sfrictlyzero. In ponent. At the simplest level, transforma- supercritical martensitic transformation indicat-
this case, AQ, can only be calculated by tion toughening can be regarded as a ing the critical stress and the permanent strain
having detailed knowledge of the dimen- process dominated by a volume increase
sions of the zone in which the crack-tip (dilatational stress-free strain, E:). Then,
fracture mechanism occurs. This difficul- based on simple concepts elaborated be-
ty has prevented rigorous modeling of the low, it is apparent that a stress-induced
contribution to the toughness of metals frontal process zone must have no effect
provided by plastic dissipation within a on the crack-tipfield, and, thus, initial crack
plastic zone. The same problem does not growth must occur without toughening
exist when the nonlinear deformation pro- (Fig. lO).9.10 However, upon crack exten-
cess saturates, such that the stress-strain sion, process-zoneelements unload in the
curves become linear at large strain, as wake, hysteresis occurs (Fig. 9), and
illustrated in Fig. 6. In this case, both 9 toughening develops, as given by
and K have finite values at the crack tip
(gtip and Ktip,respectively), because the AQ, = 2f Fh.zi (4)
material around the tip is now linear and
where ;sC is the critical mean stress for
there is no steady-statedissipation in this
supercritical5 transformation. This steady-
saturation zone. Consequently, a crack- state level of toughening is attained after
growth condition can be identifiedwherein
substantial crack extension. A directly
either gtiP or KtiP may be equated to a equivalent result for the increase in criti-
critical value, governed by the nature of
cal stress intensity factor, AK,, can be
the material immediately ahead of the
derived by appreciating that a residual
crack tip. This saturation approach has
compressive stress is created within the
been adopted for toughening mecha-
transformation zone. This stress inhibits
nisms in ceramics, largely motivated by crack opening, resulting in crack shield-
the transformation-toughening problem
ing, such that
wherein a saturation condition can be Fig. 10. Transformation zones illustrating
rigorously identified (see Fig. 9), based on A K c = 0 . 2 2 E ~ ~ f f i I ( 1-v) the dimensions used in describing the
the transformation strain. However, the in- transformation-toughening process: a frontal
where E is the composite modulus and u zone and a steady-state zone for a dilatation-
is Poisson's ratio. al driven transformation.
'%upercritical refers to the condition wherein &/ par- A comparison of the predicted values
ticles within the process zone fu//y transform with experimental data based on actual
192 Joulrnal of the American Ceramic Society-Evans Vol. 73, No. 2

zone sizes measured in steady state20 (Fig. knowledge of the nucleation is not yet suffi-
11) has revealed that Eq. (5) predicts the cient to allow R and T to be expressed ex-
correct trends but consistentlv underesti- plicitly in terms of these variables.
mates the toughness by a factor of =2. It
(iii) Crack-Tip Stress Fields
has been surmised that the disparity arises
because shear effects have not been in- The general form of the crack-tip stress
corporated. One hypothesis regarding the field in the presence of a transformation
shear strain involves nonassociated flow.8 zone, depicted in Fig. 12, is characterized
Specifically, it is presumed that the shear by two stress intensity factors.9 Outside the
stress dominates the nucleation of the zone, for small-scale transformation (i.e.,
transformation, but that the residual strain a small zone compared with crack length
is predominantly dilatational, because of and specimen dimensions), the field is giv-
extensive twinning.21 This premise results en by the linear elastic solutions (h<r<a)
in a zone profile, in plane strain, with
diminished transformed material ahead of
OJ = (KJfZr) :, (7)
the crack. The resultant toughening ex- where K, is the stress intensity deter-
ceeds Eq. (5) and, furthermore, agrees mined by the applied loads and r the dis-
quite well with experimental data (Fig. 11). tance from the crack tip. Close to the tip,
Fig. 11. Comparison between theory and However, the necessary zone shapes are the transformation strain is saturated, and,
experiment for various partially stabilized zir not consistent with those observed by ex- hence, the material is again linear and can,
conia materials AKu refers to a zone shape periment.22 Some inconsistency thus re- consequently, be characterizedby anoth-
dictated by the equivalent stress, whereas mains to be addressed, and other shear er stress intensity factor, Ktlp,such that
AKd refers to a zone shape governed by the postulates, as well as the operation of ad-
mean stress ditional mechanisms, such as twin-
induced microcracking (see Section 11(2)),
may be involved.
The zone size, h, represents the major
The coefficient z,,,
which depends on the
polar angle, approaches that for elastic
microstructural influence on toughness. materials when f$N$ IS small
Clearly, h is governed by a martensite The transformation may thus be charac-
nucleation law. However, a fully validated terized by a stress intensity change, AK,
law does not yet exist. Consequently, con- defined as
nections between h and the microstruc-
ture still cannot be specified. Nevertheless, (9)
certain trends are apparent, based on the When Ktlp<K,,, the transformation zone
free energy of the fully transformed prod- shields the tip from the applied loads. The
uct. Specifically, h invariably decreases fracture behavior is governed by the
with increase in temperature and decrease values of Ktipand K, at the fracture criti-
in particle size. A temperature- and cality. Knowledge of the stress in the in-
particle-size-dependenttoughness is thus tervening regions is not required for
inevitable for this mechanism. analysis of the toughening.10 Specifically,
(ii) Constitutive Laws the near-tip field provides a plausible
Constitutive laws expressly relate the crack-extension criterion
components of the stress and trans- Ktip = KO (1 0)
formation strain tensors in the transform-
Fig. 12. Crack-tip stress fields in the ing solid. The stresses are most where KO is the fracture resistance of the
presence of a dilatational transformation zone conveniently expressed in terms of the material in the transformation zone im-
for a supercritical transformation. mediately ahead of the crack tip, where-
mean stress, 5, the deviatoric stresses,
s, =a,, - d,, 0, and/or the equivalent upon, the observed toughness is
stress, u e = v 2 , and their variation Kc = KO+ AK,
during transformation. Such relations are, (11)
in fact, the equivalent of the more familiar where AKc is the quantity - AK, evaluat-
constitutive laws used to describe plastic ed at the fracture criticality.
deformation and crack-tip fields in elas-
tic/plastic solids. A viable constitutive law (iv) Toughening and Resistance
must account for the effect of particle size Curves
and shape upon the incident of transfor- There are two equivalent analytical
mation by allowing only a certain fraction, methods for determining trends in tough-
6 of the solid to actually transform at a giv- ness: one based on stress intensity factors,
en imposed stress, ai. The simplest yield AK, and the other on conservation in-
criterion has the form23 tegrals A 9 . Both approaches predict the
same behavior, but have different utility
when various aspects of toughening re-
quire elucidation. Consequently, both ap-
proaches are briefly described. The
where R and T are experimentally deter- approach based on stress intensity factors
mined, normalizing parameters that de- indicates that the magnitude of AK clear-
Fig. 13. Change in normalized toughness pend on f , E~ and particle size ly depends on the shape of the zone and
as a function of normalized transformation Experiments per!ormed on partially stabi- on the components of the transformation
strain lized zirconia (PSZ) and tetragonal zirco- strain tensor. Initially, it is pertinent to con-
nra polycrystals (TZP) are consistent with sider a crack in an untransformedparent,
this transformationcondition 23 However, such that a frontal zone develops as the
February 1990 Perspective on the Development of High-Toughness Ceramics 193
load is imposed. Subsequently, a steady- Few toughened materials exhibit super-
statezone of uniform width over the crack critical transformation. Generally, there is
surfaces (Fig. 10) is examined. The AK lev- a gradient in the fraction of transformed
els are different for these two zone con- material with the transformation zone, with
figurations, resulting in R-curve effects.9 the largest fraction present near the crack
For the stationary crack, when the long plane. Such conditions are referred to as
range strain field of the transformed parti- subcritical. For this case, the toughness
cles is purely dilatationa1.f the mean can be obtained by integrating the meas-
stress dictates the shape of the transfor- ured transformed fraction over the width
mation zone, which then has the shape of the zone.g.10 Also, in some materials, the
depicted in Fig. 10. For this condition, transformation is reversible. Such transfor-
AK= 0. For the steady-stateconfiguration mations can produce toughening, provid-
and when the transformation does not re- ed that hysteresis is involved.8
verse in the wake, as well as when all par- The equivalent approach for cracking
ticles within h are transformed, the plane toughness, based on conservation in-
strain zone width for small-sca/edilatational tegrals, dictates that, for the frontal zone,
transformation is9,IO the volume elements within the zone do
not experience unloading. Consequently,
6 (1 + v ) ~K,
h= 12n (z) the path-independent J integral applies
and the relation
The corresponding extent of crack shield- J = (1 - Y*)K~/€ (1 7)
ing is given by Eq. (5) as
pertains for all line contours around the
AK= -0.22E f$\/T; /(I -u) (13) crack tip. Furthermore,because the elas-
tic properties of the transformed and un-
The supercritical plane strain toughness transformed materials are essentially the
can thus be expressed in the following same, contours around the tip (giving
forms: Ktip)and remote from the tip (giving K,)
AKc = 0.22E f$fi/(
1 - u) yield identical values of K whereupon
Ktip=K, and A K = O , as before. Con-
AKJKC = ( O / I2R)(1 f U)EfE: / F ( I - U) versely, when a fully developed zone ex-
(1 4) ists (Fig. l o ) , the material within the zone,
behind the crack tip, has experienced un-
KJKo=[1 -(fi/1211)(1 +u)
loading, and a path-independentJ does
x EFT/ 3(1 - u p (1 5) not apply. In this case, the appropriate
I f the transformation is not activated by the conservation integral, I , has the same form
hydrostatic crack-tipfield, but instead oc- as J at the tip
curs in shear bands inclined at =n/3 to the
crack plane (R>> in Eq. (6)), all of the
deleterious transformations in front of the but remote from the tip
crack are excluded. Then, if the transfor-
mation strain is still hydrostatic, the super-
critical AKc increases to l = [(l - u2) K $ E ] - 2 IU Q
dy (19)

AKc = 0.38E f$fi/(l -u) (1 6)

where U(y) is the residual energy density
Zone profi/e considerations are thus of in the wake. Equating the magnitude of
prime importance in determining the mag- the conservation integral for the near-tip
nitude of the transformation toughening. and remote paths gives
It is also noted that, for conditions of plane
stress, the zone width is predicted to be h
smaller, causing the toughness to dimin-
ish. When the transformation zone is large,
K2,= K&+ [2El(1 - u2)] I Uo/)
dy (20)

the zone width may be affected by the

previously transformed material and Eq. or
(12) does not apply. Inthis case a numeri- h
cal solution has revealed the trend in the
toughening ratio KJKo with EfETl 3 de-
Aqc=2 I W ) dY
picted in Fig. 13. In particular, it is noted
that “lock-up”cccurs when E f E : I 8 = 3 0 . The integral in U(y)can be simply related
This phenomenon, first recognized by to the elemental stress-strain curve (Fig.
Rose,24 has been elaborated by Amazi- 9). Specifically, material in the process
go and Budiansky.15 Specifically, at lock- zone undergoes a complete loading and
up, K at the crack tip tends to zero and unloadingcycle as the element translates
the crack cannot propagate. In practice, from the front to the rear of the crack tip
under such conditions, an existing crack during crack advance. Hence, each ele-
would arrest and new cracks would form ment in the wake is subject to the residu-
and grow, leading to a damage mode of al stress work contained by the hysteresis
failure. loop (Fig. 9). Consequently, by appreciat-
ing that the wake is subject to a residual
(An extensively twinned particle with uniform twins compression, the residual energy densi-
and, thereby, no long-range shear strain ty can be readily evaluated aslo
194 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Evans Vol. 73, No. 2
(B) Microcrack Toughening
(I) Basic Features
where 6* is the slope of the stress-strain The phenomenon ot microcrack tough-
curve of the transforming material. The ening was postulated more than a decade
three terms in Eq. (22) derive from the ag0,27-30 and, indeed, a range of materi-
areas I, 11, and 111 under the stress-strain als exhibit trends in toughness with parti-
curve depicted in Fig. 9. The latter two cle size, temperature, etc., qualitatively
terms cancel when consistent with this mechanism. However,
the mechanism has only been rigorously
5* = - 2€/3(1+ V ) identified and validated for various two-
phase ceramics, including AI2O3tough-
- 4Gl3 (23) ened with monoclinic (m)ZrO23' and SIC
toughened with TiB2.32 The fundamental
and Eq. (21) for the toughening is then premise concerning the mechanism is
identical to Eq. (4). This condition for B* depicted in Fig. 17. Microcracks occur
applies when the transformationis super- within regions of local residual tension,
critical.10 caused by thermal expansion mismatch
The preceding discussion has referred and/or by transformation.33,34 The
exclusively to supercritical transformations, microcracks also occur along the lowest
wherein all particles within the zone trans- fracture energy paths and locally relieve
form. Subcritical transformations are the residual tension. Consequently, a dila-
characterized by a transformation slope tation occurs governed by the volume dis-
B*>- 4Gf3. Some typical results deter- placed by the microcrack. Furthermore,
mined numerically for the dilatational trans- the microcracks reduce the elastic modu-
formation are plotted in Fig. 14.10 lus within the microcrack process zone.
Resistance-curve behavior is inevitable The elemental stress-strain curve for a
in transformation-toughenedmaterials, be- microcracking solid thus has the form
cause initial crack growth is largely un- depicted in Fig. 17. The hysteresis dictat-
affected by transformations produced by ed by this curve, when the microcracks
the stationary crack. The slope of the are activated by the passage of a macro-
resistance curve (the tearing modulus) is crack, constitutes the change in tough-
governed by the current geometry of the ness, as elaborated below. However, this
zone, which depends on zone evolu- contribution is partially counteracted by a
tion.1215 Consequently,toughening curves degradation of the material ahead of the
can only be calculated by applying in- microcrack. The full extent of the degra-
cremental crack-growth methods. Such dation is presently unknown.
analysis reveals that the zone initially The basic material quantities that allow
widens as the crack extends and eventu- microcracking (residual stress and low
ally reaches a steady-state crack width fracture energy interfaces) also lead to
(Fig. 15). The actual zone morphology grain bridging, as described in Section II
and, thus, the shape of the resistance (3).Often, therefore, both microcracking
curve, depend on the transformation and bridging operate simultaneously to a
criterion and on the flow rule. Calculations relative extent that depends on features of
based on a dilatational law indicate a large the microstructure. An important measure-
tearing modulus and a peak prior to ment that distinguishesthe mechanism is
steady state (Fig. 16).12 The peak is most the size of the microcrack process zone.
pronounced for the supercritical condition The techniques that have the best capa-
when the zone height is large. The exis- bility for characterizing this zone are the
tence of the peak is not physically obvi- scanning acoustic microscope (SAM),
ous but may be rationalized by which allows measurement of the elastic
appreciating that the rising resistance modulus with high spatial resolution,%and
curve and the steady-state resistance have transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
a separate dependence on the frontal- For example, the SAM technique has
zone shape evolution and are thus not uni- recorded a small process zone in a poly-
quely connected. The occurrence of a crystalline AI2O3,but a substantial zone in
peak fracture resistance coincides with a a glass-ceramic material, whereas TEM
peak in zone height. Such zone height has identified microcrack process zones
peaks have been observed by experi- in AI203/m-ZrO2and in SiC/TiBp.
ment.22 The crack shielding caused by
The resistance curves are also depen- microcrackscan be conveniently separat-
dent on the length of the crack, resulting ed into dilatational and modulus contrjbu-
in short crack effects which influence tions. The former depends on the
trends in strzngth.12 For crack lengths in process-zonesize and shape, whereas the
the range a < 5h, interaction between the latter depends only on the zone shape.
zones at the opposite crack tips reduces The dilatational contribution to KtlPfrom
the zone shielding. Consequently, the op- the residual field has precisely the same
tima in strength and toughness are not form as that associated with transforma-
usually coincident. Property optimization tions, but with f ~ dreplaced by 87. This
thus involves consideration of crack-length contribution thus depends on zone size
effects, as well as resistance-curvecon- and shape, as in the case of transforma-
siderations.26 tion toughening. For example, when the
February 1990 Perspective on the Development of High-Toughness Ceramics 195

microcrack nucleation condition involves

a critical normal stress, the steady-state
toughening is34

A& = 0.40EO~ (24)
whereas, for a critical mean stress
AK, = 0.32EO~fi (25)
where OT is now the misfit strain caused
by microcracks (analogous to f.9. By
contrast, the toughening imparted by the
modulus reduction depends on zone
shape, but not on zone size. Following
Hutchinson,% the asymptotic modulus
contribution is34
(1 - v)AKJKC= (kf - $)(GIG- 1)
+ (k2+ $)@GIG- V )
where kl and k2 depend on the micro-
cracking criterion. Values of AKc/Kc cap
be obtained by simply inserting GIG
and V into Eq.(26). Typical results for the
steady-statetoughening are, for a critical
normal stress and pemy-shaped micro-

AKJK, =1.42q (27) Fig. 14. Ratio of near-tipto remote stress intensity factors. The dashed line is the asymptotic
result for small E:
with q being a measure of the microcrack
density, defined following Eq. (30). In
general, the AKc due to dilatation and
modulus effects are not additive: interac- microcracked bodies establish the modu-
tion terms are involved. lus effect34 as

(ii) Constitutive Law GIG = 1 + (32/45)(1- ~ ) ( -

5 ~ ) q / (-l V )
The reduction in elastic moduli caused B/B=1 +(16/9)(1 -9) q/(1 - 2 ~ ) (31)
by microcracks, as well as the permanent
strain governed by release of the residu- where the bar refers to microcracked
al stress, depend upon microstructure. material.
Characteristic constitutive laws are illustrat- For particles in residual compression,
ed for two important cases consisting of the corresponding constitutive law de-
spherical particlessubject to either residual pends sensitively on the response of the
tension or residual compression. For the interface to the microcrack. For the one
former case, the microcracks occur either material studied thus far (A1203/ZrO~),
within the particle or at the interface, some debonding occurs at the interface
whereas for the latter, the matrix develops and the basic parameters derived for the
microcracks. Results for these cases have microcracks are (Fig. 18) Fig. 15. Dependence of relative zone width
been derived for materials having on relative crack extension.
homogeneous elastic properties prior to 8~ = ~.~(uR/R)TJ/<~ (32)
microcracking. For particles subject to where UR is the residual microcrack
residual tension, in which penny-shaped opening of the interface, as affected by the
microcracks form (Fig. 17),the volume of debond length, d, and
each opened microcrack is34
5 =ClR
AL' = (16R3/3)(1 - V~)O!/€ (28) where c is the microcrack length. The
where above results may be used in conjunction
with Eqs. (25) and (26) to predict
4=2€.$19(1 - U) (29) toughening.
R is the particle radius and EJ the misfit (iio Toughness Correlation
strain between particle and matrix. This Microcracking in various zirconia-
volume increase dictates the permanent toughened alumina (ZTA) materials and in
strain, such that the microcrack misfit strain SiC/TiBz has been systematically studied
becomes by preparing thin foils at various distances,
y, from a macrocrack.31.32 For the form-
O,=(16/3)(1 - u Z ) ~ ~ / E (30) er, radial matrix microcracks were ob-
where q =N@> is the number density of served. All such radial microcracks Fig. 16. Theoretically predicted ratio of (rela-
microcracked particles, with N being the occurred along grain boundaries in the tive) toughness to crack extension.
number of microcracked particles per unit A1203.Usually, the interface between the
volume. Solutions for the elastic moduli of AI2O3and Zr02 was debonded at the ori-
Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Evans Vol. 73, No. 2
gin of the microcrack. The detectibility of are similar in magnitude.This is important
radial microcracks depended on their in- because, although the former contribution
clination with respect to the incoming elec- cannot be readily changed (being
tron beam. Trends in the visibility of governed almost entirely by the saturation
microcracks upon tilting around one axis microcrack density, qs), the dilatational
indicated that tilting in all directions would contribution may be enhanced by increas-
be needed to detect each microcrack ing both the process-zone size and the
present in the foil. However, tilting in the microcrack density within the zone. This
TEM is limited to f 45" in all directions, so may be achieved by control of the m-Zr02
that only 0.3 of the solid angle is covered. particle-size distribution, through its in-
Therefore, the fraction of detectable fluence on the nucleation of the
microcracks is limited to ~0.3. microcracks.
Subject to this detectability limitation, Although progress has been apprecia-
large regions of TEM foils of known thick- ble, a number of substantive problems ex-
ness have been investigated. One exam- ist in the analysis of microcrack
ple is shown in Fig. 19, wherein all toughening, both experimental and theo-
microcracks observable under different tilt- retical. Among the problems are a poor
ing conditions are marked. It is noted, on fundamental understandingof the degra-
the average, that at least two microcracks dation caused by the microcracks direct-
emanate from each rn-ZrO2 particle. In ly ahead of the crack front and limited
most cases, the microcracks terminate at knowledge of the interactions between
the A1203 grain triple junctions. The as- modulus and dilatational contributions to
sociated projected length, /, of each crack shielding, as well as experimental
microcrack has been measured and relat- microcrack detectability limitations. These
ed to the radius, b, of the originating m- topics require further study before
Zr02 particle. authoritative conclusionscan be reached
The utility of microcrack length meas- regarding toughening and before predic-
urements is facilitated by defining a tions of toughening trends can be
representative geometry and determining rigorously contemplated.
Fig. 17. Basic concepts of microcrack
toughening. the related microcrack density parameter,
q, introduced by Budiansky and O'Con- (3) Bridging Mechanisms
ne11.36 Evaluation of the microcrack pro- Contributionsto the toughness caused
files observed by tilting suggests that each by reinforcing elements that bridge be-
ZrOp particle is circumvented by a radial tween the crack surfaces are convenient-
microcrack, consistent with the symmetry ly separated into two types: ductile and
of the residual strain field around each par- brittle. The former refers to metal-
ticle. The model depicted in Fig. 18 has toughened ceramics (cermets) and relies
thus been used for further analysis. on high toughness and ductility to permit
The microcrack density determined metal ligaments to exist and to contribute
from the frequency distribution of project- to toughness through plastic dissipation.
ed microcrack lengths (Fig. 20) diminish- However, when the bridging material is
es with distance from the crack plane. A brittle, such that the toughness of the
maximum density, qs, adjacent to the bridge is similar to that of the nonbridg-
(a) Suggested microcrack configuration crack surface suggests a saturation value, ing (matrix) material, the occurrence of
governed by the total Zr02 particle con- bridging is more subtle and requires either
i c r o aParticle
s microstructural residual stress or weak in-
tent, as needed to use the shielding for-
$:== ==:I- mulation.The decrease with distance y is terfaces or both. The former may be ap-
- - - _ _ _ _- - approximately linear, such that preciated by noting that large local
Residual residual stresses caused by thermal ex-
opening, 6
q-vs(1 - Y W (33) pansion mismatchlanisotropy are capable
(b) Microcrack model
of suppressing local crack propagation
where h is the process-zone width. A (Fig. 21) and, thereby, may allow intact
similar trend was found for SiC/TiB2.32 ligaments to exist behind the crack front.37
Based on the above results, the residual When these ligaments eventually fail in the
strain contribution to the shielding has crack wake, energy is dissipated as
been determined as AKd= - 2.5 f 1 acoustic waves and causes toughening
MPa.mlQ. The modulus-reduced shield- (Fig. 22). The latter may be understood by
(c) Micro mechanics model
ing is obtained as AK,= - 5 + 2 recognizingthat low fracture energy inter-
MPaamlQ. Simple addition of the dilata- faces (andlor grain boundaries) can cause
Fig. 18. Microcrack model used to meas- tional and modulus contributions would in- the crack to deflect along those interfaces,
ure crack densities and to analyze the changes dicate toughening, AK,, of -7.5 again permitting intact ligaments. As the
in crack volume and elastic modulus: (A)'2, sufficient to account fully for the crack extends, further debonding can oc-
schematic drawing of a typical configuration, measured toughness, AK,, of -6 cur. Eventually,the bridging material fails,
(B) microcrack model used for analysis, and
(C) mechanics model. MPa-ml@. It should be appreciated, either by debonding around the end or by
however, that the individual contributions fracture. Following failure, frictional sliding
to the shielding are relatively large and ad- may occur along the debonded surface.
ditivity is not strictly valid. Interaction effects The energy dissipation upon crack propa-
should be taken into account before more gation thus includes terms from the ener-
rigorous comparisons between theory and gy of the debonded interfaces, the
experiment are attempted. It is of interest acoustic energy dissipated upon reinforce
to note that the modulus reduction and ment failure, and frictional dissipation dur-
dilatational contributions to the shielding ing pullout (Fig. 22). These contributions
February 1990 Perspective on the Development of High-Toughness Ceramics 197

lead to a unified model of the fracture

resistance of materials that exhibit bridg-
ing by brittle ligaments.
(A} Ductile Reinforcement Toughening
(I} Basic Features
Ductile reinforcements may profoundly
increase the toughness. One contribution
to the toughness derives from crack trap-
ping,38 another involves crack bridg-
ing,13,39-41and yet another involvescrack
shielding and plastic dissipation associat-
ed within a plastic zone.42 The material
systems that exhibit plasticity-induced
toughening have three distinct microstruc-
tures: isolated ductile reinforcements, in-
terpenetrating networks, and a continuous
ductile phase. Isolated ductile reinforce-
ment is exemplified by ductile fibers,43-45
by Nb-alloy plates in TiA1,46.50 and, prob-
ably, by ferrite in the quasi-cleavage of
steels.48 An example of an interpenetrat-
ing network is Al-alloy-reinforced A1203 Fig. 19. TEM photograph with all observable microcracks marked.
produced by the Lanxide method.49.50
The continuous ductile network case in-
cludes most metal-matrixcomposites and,
probably, cemented carbides.51 An impor-
tant difference between the first two
the elastic constraint of the matrix, but A
microstructuresand the third concerns the
potentialfor plastic strain in the composite should decrease as the crack opens and,
outside the bridging ligaments. Plastic furthermore,should depend sensitively on

strain in the first two is limited by elastic the work hardening rate. These simple a,

strains in the elastic network. Consequent- results already provide the important in-
sight that a peak stress exists at small
ly, experience and analysis confirm that F
crack openings, such that the plastic dis- m
crack bridging is usually the most potent Q

mechanism when the ceramic phase is sipation is dominated by the large strain
continuous, because the only ductile (necking) regime (Fig. 23). The importance
regions which experience extensive plas- of interface debonding thereby becomes
tic strain are those segments that stretch apparent, because debonds reduce the
between the crack surfaces in the bridg- constraint, but increase the plastic stretch
ing zone. The plastic dissipation in this prior to failure. Numerical solutions ob-
bridging zone can be large and can pro- tained with prescribed initial debonds es-
vide a major increase in toughness. Con- tablish the salient trends (Fig. 23). Notably,
the plastic dissipation increases systemat- Distance from crack plane, y (pm)
versely, a composite with a continuous
metal network is subject to nonlinear pow- ically as d/R increases. Furthermore, if the Fig. 20. Trends in the microcrack density
er law deformation and can experience debond evolves during crack opening, the parameter, '1=N<c3>, with distance y from the
substantial plastic strain within a plastic dissipation is further enhanced. The above crack surface.
zone. Consequently, the potential for ap- predictions are generally similar to ex-
preciable plastic dissipation within a plas- perimental measurements, which confirm
tic process zone is much greater for this large stresses at small u and increased
class of microstructure. dissipation when debonding occurs. Bridging Grains
Understanding of the toughness gener- The toughness attributed to bridging,
based on Eq. (3),can be reexpressed in Interfaces
ated by ductile ligaments is contingent
upon the law that characterizes the nondimensional form by noting that the Residual strains
stress/stretchrelation, flu).Insights regard- flow stress scales with the uniaxial yield
ing the parametersthat affect this relation strength, Y, and that the plastic stretch is
can be gained from simplified analytical proportional to the radius of the cross sec-
models. Complementary numerical solu- tion of the reinforcing ligaments, R; con-
tions then allow determination of specific sequently,the asymptotic toughness is4041
trends. Budiansky and CO-workers13.52 A g C I f YR = x
and Rose53 analyzed srnal/-%a/ebridging,
in which bridge length is small in relation where x is a "work-of-rupture''parameter
to crack length, specimen dimensions, that depends on the critical plastic stretch,
and distances from the crack to the speci- u, (or ductility), of the reinforcement and
men boundaries. The stresslstretch rela- on the extent of the interface debonding,
tion depends strongly on the mode of d. Values of x have been obtained both
failure of the ductile ligaments. A small- by calculation and by experiment40 based
scale yielding analysis indicates that t on determinations of the area under the
Fig. 21. Ligament formation allowed by
residual stress.
should increase rapidly with initial crack stresdstretchcurve for the reinforcing liga-
opening. A large-strain necking analysis ments. For a wekbonded interface (d=O)
then reveals that, without debonding, the and for ductile ligamentsthat fail by neck-
stress attains high initial levels because of ing to a point, the resultant trend in x with
198 Journal of the American Ceramie Society-Evans Vol. 73, No. 2
wherein the precipitates locally block the
passage of dislocation, causing the flow
strength to be inversely proportional to the
precipitate spacing. Inserting the meas-
ured precipitate spacing ( k l 00 nm), the
yield strength is Y=220 MPa. This value
is comparableto typical values quoted for
Al alloys precipitation hardened with Cu.
Stereo measurements have been used to
evaluate the plastic stretch to failure, u,.
The normalized plastic stretch, u, lR,
varied appreciably between ligaments.
However, there was no systematic depen-
dence on either the ligament dimension,
R, ortheaspect ratio: the mean stretch
was u,/R= 1.6. The plastic stretch to
failure indicates that x is in the range 2 to
3.5. Substitutingthe above values of Y and
x into Eq. (35) and noting that f=0.2 and
R=2.0 pm, A g , is calculated as 170
to 300 J * m-2, Consequently, there is ac-
ceptable agreement with the measured
value of 150 to 200 J. m-2, Such behavior
is consistent with the interpenetratingnet-
work microstructure.
For cemented carbide materials, the
Fig. 22. Schematic indicating the various contributions to the steady-state toughness. contribution from bridging deduced from
the measured zone sizes is found to be
relatively sma1154,55 (AgC=40J m-2) for
reasonable choices of the flow stress of
the Co alloy, whereas the overall meas-
ured toughness is g?,=400 J . m-2.
work-hardening rate n indicates that x is Consistent with this interpretation, meas-
in the range 0.3 to 1. Less-ductile liga- urements of plastic zones indicate zone
ments that rupture prematurely by profuse sizes in the range h=40 pm.42 It is sup-
hole nucleation have correspondingly posed that dissipation is appreciable in this
smaller values of x. Systems subject to de- zone and that this may be the
bonding exhibit larger x and approach 8 predominant contribution to the toughness
for large dlR. Experimental results have in- of these materials.
dicated that trends in Y and d are reflect-
ed in a plot of x with rei‘ative plastic stretch (B) FiberMhisker Reinforcement
u,/R (Fig. 24). (i)Basic Features
(ii) Toughness Correlations Practical ceramic-matrix composites
reinforced with continuous fibers exhibit
The basic nondimensional solution (Eq. the failureldamage behaviors sketched in
34) can be used both to rationalize tough- Fig. 26. The composite properties are
ness measurements and to develop a known to be dominated by the interface,
I IcI.7LI” *LIFL”II, _ I a
predictive capability. For purposes of the and bounds must be placed on the inter-
former, Y and n can be inferred either from face debonding and sliding resistance to
Fig. 23. Nondimensional stress versus a TEM characterization of the microstruc-
stretch behavior and associated “work-of- have a composite with attractive mechan-
rupture” x for various debond lengths.
ture50 or from microhardness measure- ical properties. The strong dependence of
ments (Elliott ef a/.a),while R, u,, and ceramic-matrix composite properties on
d can be determined by quantitative SEM the mechanical properties of the interface
of the fracture surface.50 Comparison be- generally demands consideration of fiber
tween theory and experiment is most coatings andlor reaction product layers.
readily achieved by reexpressing Eq. (34) Residual stresses caused by thermal ex-
in the form
pansion differences are also very im-
A q , = f YRx (u, IR) (35) portant.
The specific microstructural parameters
To use this result, Y is first o b t a i n e m - that govern Mode I failure are the relative
lowed by evaluation of x , using u, IR. fibedmatrix interface debond toughness,
Thereafter, A q c is examined for con- rjlrf,the misfit (thermal expansion) strain
sistency by comparison with the ex- between fiber and matrix, E ; the friction
perimentally determined value. For coefficient at the debonded interface, p,
Lanxide composites of A1203 reinforced the statistical parameters that characterize
with Al, the experimental information is as the fiber strength, So and rn, the matrix
follows: The yield strength has been evalu- toughness, rm,and the fiber volume frac-
Fig. 24. Work of rupture as a function of ated by noting that the alloy contains Al- tion, f. The prerequisite for toughness is
plastic stretch measured for various ductile Cu precipitates which behave as im- that ri /I-,; 114 to allow crack-front de-
reinforcements. penetrable obstacles (Fig. 25). Conse- bonding (Fig. 27). Subject to this require-
quently, their influence on yielding should ment, the misfit strain must be small
be represented by Orowan hardening, (E: 2 3 x 10-3) and preferably negative,
February 1990 Perspective on the Development of High-Toughness Ceramics 199
such that the interface is in tension. sites reinforced with SIC fibers reveal that
Furthermore, for a continuous fiber, the materials with a C interlayer satisfy de-
friction coefficient along the debonded in- bonding requirements (Fig. 29) and also
terface should be small. The ideal fiber have small T and thus demonstrate exten-
properties include a high median strength sive pullout.60-62 Conversely, composites
(large So)and large variability (small m), having a continuous SiOn layer between
as needed to encourage large pullout the matrix and fiber exhibit matrix crack
lengths. When r j Irf and p are both small, extension through the fiber without
experience has indicated that the tensile debonding62.63 (Fig. 30). Experiments on
stress-strain behavior illustrated in Fig. these composites and on whisker-
26(A) is obtained. Three features of this reinforced composites also confirm the
curve are important: matrix cracking at a strong influence of T. Notably, systems
stress uo. fiber-bundlefailure at uu, and which debond but do not slide readily (be-
pullout. Conversely, larger r,/rfand p cause of either a high friction coefficient
cause the stress-strain curve to become or morphological irregularity) exhibit small
linear (Fig. 26(!3)). The ultimate strength pullout lengths and moderate toughness.
then coincides with the propagation of a Such behavior is exemplified by
single dominant crack. LASttlSiC composites with oxide inter-
Present understanding of debonding is phases and by various whisker-reinforced
consistent with the following sequence of materials, respectively.
events during matrix crack propagation. Tough composites can be obtained by
Initial debonding along the interface at the creating the appropriate interphases
crack front requires that r i / r f be small between the fiber and matrix, either by
enough to lie within the debond zone coating or, in situ, by segregationhter-
depicted in Fig. 27.56 Furthermore,the ex- diffusion. The most common approach is Fig. 25. Bright-fieldTEM view of the precipi-
tates in the Al alloy that cause hardening.
tent of debonding is typically small when the use of a dual coating: the inner coat-
residual compression exists at the inter- ing satisfies the debonding and sliding re-
face, but can be extensive when the in- quirements, while the outer coating
terface is in residual tension and the fibers provides protection against the matrix dur-
are smooth. Further debonding is usually ing processing. However, the principal
induced in the crack wake57 (Fig. 28). The challenge is to identify an inner coating
extent of this debonding is governed that has the requisite mechanical proper-
largely by the residualfield. Residual radial ties while also being thermodynamically
tension results in unstable conditions and stable in air at elevated temperatures.
encourages the extensive debonding of
smooth fibers. Residual compression (ii, Constitutive Laws
andlor an irregular fiber morphology The mechanical properties of uniaxial- Fiber bundle failure, o,,
cause stable debonding,Se with the extent ly reinforced composites are largely
determined by the friction coefficient and governed by the relationshipsbetweenthe
the roughness of the debonded interface. opening of a matrix crack, u, and the
Subsequent fiber fracture involves the stresses, t, exerted on the crack by the in-
statistics of fiber failure,59 subject to an ax- tact bridging fibers and the failed fibers as
ial stress governed by the sliding they pull out. The traction t(u)is well-known
resistance of the debonded interface. The for composites in which debonding occurs
above sequence suggests that, although easily (very small r j / r f )and which also
debonding is a prerequisitefor high tough- slide easily along the debonded interface
ness, the properties of the composite are (small T).For other cases, reliable t(u)func-
dominated by the sliding resistance of the tions have yet to be elucidated. Easy E
debonded interface, which dictates the debonding and sliding provide a crack- (a) 'Tough' composite
major contribution to toughness caused by opening function that depends on the sign
pullout. The locations of fiber failure that of the misfit strain, as well as the rough-
govern the pullout distributions can be de- ness of the debond interface,through their
termined from the stresses on the fibers, effect on the sliding resistance. For in-
using concepts of weakest-link statistics. stance, sliding can be described by a
Analysis of this phenomenon has been Coulomb friction law
performed for composites having debond-
ed interfaces subject to a constant sliding T=Pq (36)
stress, 7.59 The magnitude of T governs the where p is the friction coefficient and q the
load transfer from the fiber to the matrix. nominal residual compression normal to
Large values of T cause the fiber stress to the interface. At the simplest level, q is set
vary rapidly with the distance from the by the residual misfit strain and the
matrix crack and induce fiber failure close fiberkoating morphology, such that T is
to the crack, leading to small pullout essentially invariant. In this case, prior to E
lengths, h,. Conversely, small T results in the incidence of fiber failure, t and u are (b) 'Brittle' composite
large h,. related by17.18
Various observations of crack interac- Fig. 26. Schematic illustrating the range of
tions with fibers are supportive of the stress-strain characteristics exhibited by
above rules. In particular, experiments on (37) ceramic-matrix composites.
glass and glass-ceramic-matrix compo-
Equation (37) has been used to describe
the mechanical behaviors that are ob-
Kithiurn aluminum silicate tained while the fibers are largely intact.
200 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Evans Vol. 73, No. 2
At another extreme, when all of the fibers fiber and matrix surface separate, leading
have failed, the traction on any fiber is59.63 to unrestricted crack opening. Additional
complexity is involved when debonding
ti = 2f~(hj
- u)/R (38) and sliding occur simultaneously. Some
where hi is the distance from the matrix preliminary results for such behavior ex-
crack plane at which that fiber failed. ist, but are not addressed here. it is sim-
G More difficult problems to address con- ply noted that, in such cases, the fracture
failure cern the incidence and location of fiber energy of the coating becomes another
failure. This has been regarded as a parameter of interest.
problem in weakest-linkstatistics,a where- The location of fiber failure vis-a-visthe
0 upon the function t(u) depends upon the matrix crack plane is of critical importance
statistical parametersSo and m in addition because this location governs the pullout
-1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0
to the variables contained in Eq. (37).The length h,. Both theory59 and experi-
Elastic mismatch, a
expressions are unwieldy and are not menF suggest that, for aligned reinforce-
reproduced here, but can be located in ments, h, is governed by weakest-link
the article by Thouless and Evans.59 Some statistics. For the simplest case, wherein
trends, expressed in nondimensional form, the sliding stress T remains constant, an
are summarized in Fig. 31. The small dis- expression for the mean pullout length has
placement behavior is dominated by the been derived as59
intact bridging fibers, whereas the long tail
(2h,/R)m" = (1/2rr(m+ l)m](AdRz)
is governed by the pullout of failed fibers.
Another level of complexity is involved x (so/T)mr[(m+ 2)/(m+ l ) ]
when the interface stress q~ varies with (40)
-1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0
Elastic mismatch, a the loads t on the fiber. A simplified result where r in this expression is the gamma
obtained using a modified shear lag ap- function and A. is a reference area for the
Fig. 27. Fracture energy requirements for proach suggests the following features58 fibers (usually set equal to 1 m2). Conse-
crack-frontdebonding. (Ef = Em= E and vf= urn= u): quently, for aligned fibers, it is evident that
U/R=(fJ/p)[f(l+F)/(l - uf)] h R is essentially governed by S ~ Thigh :
x(l -utuf)/(l-9 (39) g'
fi er "strength" and low sliding resistance
encourage large pullout lengths. Cor-
where responding trends for inclined fibers are
f = t/f$E
(iiq Matrix Cracking Stress
with being the misfit strain which
causes the interface to be in residual com- The stress a. at which matrix cracking
pression. Equation (39),although approx- occurs has been the most extensively
imate, has several salient features. In studied behavior in ceramic-matrix com-
particular, as expected, crack opening is posites. For composites in which the
inhibited by large values of the friction residual stress normal to the interface, qN,
coefficient. Furthermore, as f + l / v , the is tensile and the interface properties can
be effectively represented by a unique
sliding stress, T , Eq. (37) may be used to
derive the lower-bound, steady-state
matrix cracking stress."
00 a* P
E-E Em

with p being the axial residual stress in the

matrix. This result is independent of the
matrix crack length because the crack is
"fully" bridged by fibers and applies
when the initial crack is larger than the
fiber spacing.18 Measurements performed
on many different glass- and ceramic-
matrix composites (Fig. 32) reinforced with
Nicalon fibers have verified that Eq. (28),
in fact, provides an adequate repre-
sentation of matrix cracking provided that
1220 MPa.62 Values of T in this range
have been demonstrated for fibers coat-
ed with either C or BN, as elaborated be-
Fig. 28. Schematic illustrating the initial debonding of fibers at the crack front, as well as fiber low. For these systems, it is recognized
debonding and sliding in the crack wake. that T depends on the misfit strain, and,
consequently, for the simple case where-
in T and q~ are related through a friction
coefficient (Eq. (36)),the matrix cracking
February 1990 Perspective on the Development of High- Toughness Ceramics 20 1

Fig. 29. Crack-front debonding in a Nicalon-fiber-reinforcedaluminosilicate-glass-matrixcomposite.

stress exhibits a maximum 60 given by17 toughness. The above effects are indica-
tive of resistance-cuwe behavior, because
6,x +
= (2/3)[2fpr,,,/(i E/E,)EA~’~ (42) each contribution is only fully realized
This result has evident implications for when the fibers fail and pull out. The full
material design. details of the increase in the fracture
More detailed diagnosis of matrix crack- resistance can be calculated from the
ing confirmsthat Eq. (41)is a lower bound crack surface tractions t(u)by applying Eq.
for the onset of cracking. Further crack- (3). A useful simplification for further dis-
ing occurs as the stress is raised above cussion is the peak (or asymptotic) tough-
go, resulting in a periodic crack array (Fig. ness that is obtained when each
33).’6 The crack spacing reaches a satu- mechanism exerts its maximal contribu-
ration value, s, when the stress every- tion. At the simplest, physically relevant
where in the “matrix blocks” between level, this toughness is given by66
cracks becomes smaller than that applied
stress. The magnitude of the saturation Agczfd[S2/E- E ( E ; ) ~
crack spacing is governed by the sliding +
+ 4rj/R(1 - f ) ] 2~fhE/R (45)
stress, T,such that T and s are related b p
The first term is a bridging contribution that
derives from the stored strain energy dis-
sipated as acoustic waves, with S being
Consequently, the matrix cracking stress- the reinforcement “strength.” The second
es can be expressed in terms of the crack term is the loss of residual strain energy
spacing as caused by matrix crack extension and d e
bonding. The third term reflects the new
“surface area” caused by debonding, Fig. 30. Fracture surface indicating fracture
and the fourth term is the pullout contri- through the fiber in a silicalSiC-fibercomposite.
The crack spacing clearly provides an ap- bution, dissipated by frictional sliding of the
proach for estimating T and for establish- interfaces.
ing a self-consistent description of matrix Experience indicates that the residual
cracking. strain term is small in systems of practical
utility and can often be neglected. The lar-
(iv) Toughness gest potential for toughness resides in the
In reinforced ceramics which fracture by
the growth of a single dominant flaw in
pullout term, provided that hdR is large.
An extreme range of pullout behaviors is - 0.6
Mode I, there are four effects which in-
fluence toughness.66 Debonding gener-
ates new surface and contributes
apparent among the available range of
fiber- and whisker-reinforced ceramics,
resulting in wide variations of toughness.
- 0.4

positively to toughness. Frictional dissipa- Understanding pullout thus dominates our

tion upon pullout results in local heating capability for producing ceramic compo-
and again contributes positively. Residu- sites having exceptional toughness. The
a/ stresses present in the material are par- dominance of toughness by pullout pro- 0 1 2 3 4 5
tially relieved by matrix cracking and vides a focus for specifying those proper- (UW
debonding and thus detract from the ties of the fibers and fiber coatings that Fig. 3,. Nondimensional crack
toughness. Finally, when the fibers fail, optimize the frictional dissipation. For stress as a function of crack opening,
some of the elastic energy stored in the aligned reinforcements, wherein weakest-
fiber is dissipated through acoustic waves link statistics govern the pullout length, an
and appears as a positive contribution to explicit dependence of toughening on
202 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Evans Vol. 73, No. 2
fiber strength and sliding resistance is fects cause the toughness to gradually
predicted.59 Physically stated, high fiber build up to the asymptotic values. Conse-
strength and low sliding resistance com- quently, the full toughness cannot usually
bine to maximize the frictional dissipation be utilized. The toughening rate (tearing
by inducing sliding over the largest pos- modulus) has not been broadly studied
sible fiber surface area. The inverse de- and trends are relatively unknown.
pendence of pullout toughening on T However, some numerical results for
emphasizes the need to control and un- pullout-dominated toughness indicate that
derstand sliding. Some of the qualitative asymptotic behavior is achieved only af-
features are depicted in Fig. 34, illustrat- ter considerable crack extension.67
ing the importance of the fiber morpholo-
gy, the misfit strain, and the friction (v) Ultimate Strength
When matrix cracking precedes ultimate
-aa 600 coefficient.
Nonalignedfibers and whiskers clearly failure, the uitimate strength coincides with
suppress pullout by virtue of bending fiber-bundlefailure.65 A simple estimate of
z 400
u) strains in the reinforcements that en- this strength, based on weakest-link statis-
courage fracture near the matrix crack tics that neglects interaction effects be-
300 plane. Indeed, fibers having low flexural tween failed fibers and ignores the stress

2 200 resilience, such as Sic, tend to fail at the supported by fractured fibers by means
.- matrix crack plane when inclined to the of stress transfer from the matrix through
E, 100
crack,67.68 whereas C fibers may still pull- interface fraction, gives
out over large distances69 Fiber alignment

- 1 i
0 [1 - (1 - TS/R$m*l]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 issues associated with pullout thus depend o,=fS exp -
Engineering strain (%) on fiber properties. +
(m 1)[I - (I - T S / R ~ ) ~ ]
When fiber pullout does not contribute
Fig. 32. Tensile stress-strain curves for a to toughness, as in many whisker- (48)
range of glass- and glass-ceramic-matrixcom- reinforced ceramics, the elastic energy with
posites reinforced with Sic (Nicalon) fibers. and debonding energy terms tend to
govern the fracture resistance, such that (R&.S)m+l =( & / ~ x R L ~ ) ( ~ ? S ~ / T S ) ~
x [l -(1 -Ts/RS)m-q
AQczfdS*/f+ 4r; f (d/R)/(I- f ) (46)
where L, is the specimen gauge length.
To interpret this expression, it is essential The effect of the sliding stress on u,, ap-
to appreciate that the debond length d de- pears directly, as well as through its effect
pends on the interface fracture energy Ti, on the crack spacing s, while the effect of
misfit strain E: and friction coefficient. The residual stress is present through its effect
associated relationships are unknown, but on T. The ultimate strength is also expect-
dimensional analysis suggests that57.58 ed to be influenced by the residual stress.
d/R = H(f,R(&,T)*/r,,S/f&,T,1/p) Specifically, in systems for which the fiber
(47) is subject to residual compression,the ax-
where H is a function. The important point ial compression should suppress fiber
is that there remains much scope for con- failure and elevate the ultimate strength to
trolling toughness by manipulating the in- a level in excess of that predicted by Eq.
terface debonding and sliding properties (48). This effect may be estimated by
and by maximizing the fiberlwhisker regarding the matrix as clamping onto the
strength. fiber and, thus, simply superposing the
A s already noted, resistance-curveef- residual stress onto S.

Fig. 33. Periodic matrix cracks formed upon loading above the steady-state matrix cracking stress.
February 1990 Perspective on the Development of High-Toughness Ceramics 203
(vi) Propefly Transition are shown in Fig. 35.62 Limited experience
Nonlinear macroscopicmechanical be- has indicated that the ratio of median
havior on tension is most desirable for strengths scales with the ratio of compo-
structural purposes. Analysis of the tran- site ultimate strengths.
sition between this regime and the linear Based on the above experimental fea-
regime is important, and involves compar- tures that C and BN coatings are effec-
ison of the basic trends in the steady-state tive in terms of satisfying crack-front
matrix cracking stress, oo, and in the debonding and also providing a low slid-
asymptotic fracture resistance, Age. Most ing resistance, whereas amorphous ox-
significantly, uo increases but A g C ides are incapable of debonding, it may
decreases as T increases. These oppos- be concluded that C and BN are the
ing trends with T suggest the existence of preferred coatings. However, both of
an optimum T that permits good matrix these materials are susceptible to rapid
cracking resistance while still allowing high oxidationa.75 and mostly incapableof per-
toughness. More specifically, a property forming their required debonding and slid-
transition is expected when the matrix ing functions at elevated temperatures in
cracking stress attains the stress needed oxidizing environments. A variety of other
for fiber-bundle failure. One estimate on coatings are thus under investigation.
the property transition can be obtained by When such coatings have been deve-
simply allowing oo to exceed the ultimate loped, some of the more complex crack-
strength, ou, whereupon a nondimension- opening and pullout constitutive laws
al parameter p which governs the transi- presented may be needed to describe the
tion when T is small is mechanical properties of the composite. t
(C) Bridging Grains Fig. 34. Schematic of the pullout process for
(49) debonded fibers indicating the roles of fiber
As already noted, bridging grains can
Specifically, when p exceeds a critical morphology, misfit strain, .and friction
be induced in two ways:5.76 grain- coefficient.
value, brittle behavior initiates. This esti- boundary debonding and residual stress.
mate has not been tested, and, further- Low fracture energy grain boundaries can
more, alternate parameters may be allow debonding, as in whisker-reinforced
conceived. materials, such that toughening involves
the same terms described by Eq. (45). In-
(vii) Experimental Correlations deed, a trend toward an increase in
Uniaxially reinforced ceramic- and steady-state toughness is found in various
glass-matrix composites with either C or polycrystalline A1203materials as the grain-
BN interlayer generally satisfy crack-front boundary fracture energy decreases.77
debonding requirements, and the materi- Also, elongated grains, which allow larg-
als exhibit axial and transverse mechani- er debond lengths, could lead to higher
cal properties that accord well with the toughness, as noted over a decade ago
above expressions for the matrix cracking for both Si3N478 and AI2O3.79 It is also
stress and the ultimate strength.62 To known that, when the grain-boundary frac-
achieve these comparisons, each of the ture energy is not low, as in sintered Sic,
parameters in Eqs. (41) and (48) has been elongated grains do not lead to higher 8-
independently ascertained. As already toughness. However, detailed application
mentioned, T can be measured using var- of Eq. (45) has not been attempted.
ious techniques: matrix crack spacing,l6,6* Residual stress-induced bridging occurs
indentation push-through stress,70,71 and because circumferential compression
matrix crack opening hysteresis.61 The causes the crack to circumvent local, high-
misfit strain $can also be determined us- ly stressed regions. Furthermore, it has
ing a variety of methods: X-ray or neutron been possible to rigorously demonstrate
line shifts, offset stresses in the crack open- that such a bridging process increases the
ing, and residual displacements obtained steady-state toughness in accordance
from nanoindenter tests. Accurate values with37
of the matrix fracture energy rm and of
AKc = 2.5fEAaATcR 0 1 2 3 4 5
the constituent elastic properties are also Fiber fracture stress, S (GPa)
needed. Furthermore, it is noted that the where / is the volume fraction of highly
comparison between theory and experi- stressed grains that result in bridging liga- Fig. 35. Fiber strength distributions ascer-
ment for the matrix cracking stress is con- ments and 2R the grain diameter. This in- tained on two composites (refer to Fig. 32 for
tingent upon having accurate values of the crease in toughness arises because the corresponding stress-strain curves) using
above parameters. ligament failure occurs unstably and ener- fracture mirror measurements
Correlations of trends in the ultimate gy is dissipated in this process as acous-
strength are primarily contingent upon tic waves, partly negated by some
knowledge of the in situ mechanical reduction in residual strain energy (c.f.. the
properties of the fibers. Appreciation for first two terms in Eq. (47)). For this process,
these properties can be gained by ex- elongated grains are not obviously
amining and measuring fracture mirrors beneficial.
on the fiber fracture surfaces in the com-
posite. Specifically, the distributionof mir- (0) Multiple Mechanisms
ror radii can be used to evaluate the axial The preceding sections have described
stress S on the fiber of the fracture loca- microstructural issues concerned with
tion.72-74 Some typical results for two toughness optimization when a single
materials with different ultimate strength mechanism operates. In practice, more
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