A Rhapsody of Clashing Steel Artbook PDF

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We’ve previously released a Dwarven Pitfighter, but this one, with

his Norman-inspired design and mighty axe and shield, is a lot

closer to the traditional ideas of what a dwarf should look like!

Drawing this guy was a little tricky with all the maille he’s wearing,
but the design came along pretty quickly because I knew exactly
what I wanted from it right from the start.

These photos include parts from other Kev’s Lounge Sets:

Battlemap from Kev’s Lounge Battlegrounds: The Meadow
Halfling Burglar from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: League of Scoundrels
Elven Archer and Lady Swashbuckler from
Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: Swords for Hire
I knew going into this one that by the end of it, I wanted a female
fighter in a suit of armour that was fairly realistic. Being an elf, I
also wanted the armour to be somewhat exotic, but I did want to
avoid the common tropes and cliches seen in other popular and
recent elven armour designs.

The other element was the sword. It’s quite popular to arm elves
with fancy guardless katanas, and that’s definitely something that
I did not want to do here. Instead she’s wielding a more elegant
scimitar-like design with a swept hilt like a rapier.

Initially I wanted to go for an action pose for her, but after a few
variations I decided I prefered her calmly standing and ready for
a fight instead.

These photos include parts from other Kev’s Lounge Sets:

Battlemap from Kev’s Lounge Battlegrounds: The Meadow
Dungeon tiles and pillars from Kev’s Lounge Dungeon: Hero’s Hall
Braziers from Kev’s Lounge Dungeon Furniture Pack
Coffins from Kev’s Lounge Gothic Coffins
Monks and Cultists from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: The Brotherhood
Snake Cult Assassin from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: Dangers in the Dark
We’ve done a few different fighters, but for this one I specifically
wanted a character in a full suit of gleaming armour with a massive

With this figure I aimed for realism and went to a lot of effort to
try and be historically accurate in the design with both the armour
and the sword. I did add a few fantasy touches by choosing a barbute
helmet over the more traditional hounskull bascinet, and by adding
a flowing red cape!

These photos include parts from other Kev’s Lounge Sets:

Battlemap from Kev’s Lounge Battlegrounds: The Meadow
Dungeon tiles and pillars from Kev’s Lounge Dungeon: Hero’s Hall
Braziers from Kev’s Lounge Dungeon Furniture Pack
This is our first half-elf and our first bard.

I chose to go with a bit of a swashbuckler feel for this guy, and I

wanted him to be casting a spell. Initially I wanted to simply have
his hand wreathed in flames, but instead decided to go for something
more theatrical but still dangerous looking as he’s prepared to get
into a fight.

These photos include parts from other Kev’s Lounge Sets:

Battlemap from Kev’s Lounge Battlegrounds: The Meadow
I’ve always quite liked hobgoblins as villains. They’re bright red
and they seem a lot more interesting than orcs.

I wanted this guy to look dangerous and powerful, so I armed him

with two mighty scimitars and designed him with a barbaric, but
sensible, costume.

My favourite touch is the way he uses daggers as pins to keep his

fur-lined cape in place.

These photos include parts from other Kev’s Lounge Sets:

Battlemap from Kev’s Lounge Battlegrounds: The Meadow
Orcish Wizard from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: Dangers in the Dark
Elven Knife-Fighter from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: League of Scoundrels
Boatswain from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: Swords for Hire
I’ve always been fascinated with gladiators, so this character was
a long time coming.

In ancient Rome, the gladiatorial games were an important part of

the culture and lifestyle. Each gladiator was trained to fight in a
particular style, and the Murmillo style was a popular one. Armed
with a gladius, a tower shield and a crested helmet, the Murmillo
resembled a Roman legionary and would be paired to fight against
other gladiators like the Thraex or Hoplomachus who were styled
after the enemies of Rome.

The design of this character was inspired heavily by one of my

favourite paintings, Pollice Verso by Jean-Léon Gérôme.

These photos include parts from other Kev’s Lounge Sets:

Dwarf Pitfighter from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: Swords for Hire
This figure was inspired entirely by a desire to create a character
in an extreme action pose, so the natural choice was to have a
martial artist whirling through the air. It was also a good opportunity
to add another female to the crew, so I went with it!

Initially I had planned on making her costume white, but the red
colour scheme was so much more striking and it means her enemies
can’t see her bleed.

These photos include parts from other Kev’s Lounge Sets:

Dungeon tiles from Kev’s Lounge Dungeon: Hero’s Hall
Snake Cult Assassin from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: Dangers in the Dark
Boatswain from Kev’s Lounge Paper Minis: Swords for Hire
All artwork and design by Kevin Richard John Berry. Distribution and resale in any form is strictly prohibited.
All rights reserved by copyright holder. © Kevin Richard John Berry and Papercraft Dungeon 2016

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