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Hospira Healthcare Inala Pvt Lid [Azer Company a APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Deparment Psion Apled for ‘Name in Full (GLOGK LETTERS) Fist Nome ide Name | LastName Permanent Address (BLOCK LETTERS) Prosent Address (BLOCK LETTERS) Landing Na Tanaine No, ble No Mobi Na. ‘A. PERSONAL DATA Date of Beth Age Gender Pace of it Mail Statue Nationality Passport No. Blood Group Passpon Beery Date Emaiid “Two Viste i Identeaton Mans [2 Emergency Contact Detals| Name ‘aoress Relationship Mobi Lenatne QD 'B. FAMILY BACKGROUND elatonstip ‘Name ‘Gezupaton Pace of Residence Fatner ‘Spouse Cchieren Breters Sisters ‘One dependents {atan ‘G-ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS Ustin oder starting with High Schoo! seeicotegunasne | FET [Sze Guan DegreerDiploma ssunjects | CPA or % Kindly provide te deals of the following incase of (a) Break between academic courses or (I me for pass futexceeded the permed cures duralan "FT" FulTime, PT “Part Tne, CC Correspondence Course Paget QD "D.LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY (Kindly (~) wherever applicable) Languages (Une Hater Tong) Sek wae [E COMPUTER SHALL (inay (wherever applet) a esas ae tes —] — Ser S Ofc (Wor et, Powerpoint eRe tas en DETAILS OF CURRENT / LAST EMPLOYMENT Name & Address of Organization Nature of Business, Annual Turnover & No.of Employees Draw the oqanzation cha ofthe Company / Deparment indicating 2 levels above and below your poston (nay aso ndeate te ltl numberof employees reporting to you, any), Page sof@ poles Splem peg HOM pur HOU VOESH BeIS TATE | wRZIST unos uunenpiser_ | Suuer uo | poy S cy openue6io _seasuodsou fy, sejsenoe (15) sea Kees | “eeeder | VRE AON EA ous souogeoon 9 SUN sHs90 ‘oven ‘suon 0 ‘Quowsydue y2sard sk Bueno) eouayedx= OM OL BONSRTAXG WOM @ sissteg Bn09) roy somysvodsoy fay oa rman] uinespiser_ | Bawor uo L wag (19) #1860 Kees pe vontod sen ‘Wee Bao BOT toting, QD H. DETAILS OF CURRENTILAST EMOLUMENTS ‘Components Monthly (NR) ‘Anal (INR ‘A. Monthly Components Basic alan House rent alowance ‘iy compensatory alowance | Eacation alowance Washing alowance ‘Transport allowance Personal allowance ‘ny cher allowance Total (A) 8. Annual Components Medial reimbursement Leave travel atowance: Bonus grate ones Total (8) C.Retiale Provident ind Superannuation ratty Total (¢) ‘Annual CTC (A¥B*C) Other Benefis gt ar aver aonarce, od coupons) ‘otal (0) (Grand Total (A¥B+C+D) @QD LOTHER CAREER INFORMATION — Post qualification traning elevattothe posion applied) Program Inston Vendor Month Year ‘Other ashievenenis (Paper Preseisions/Pubications/Palertaawarde Honor recsved, any) -J:GENERAL INFORMATION Were you previously employed wth ue? No) Have you undergone selecion process with Hospi nla previousy? No) IF Yes, Pst Applied for Year Were you selected fran rterview? Yes) No) "Were you made an ofr? Yeo() No) ‘re yu a mario of any Association Yes) we) ives, Name ofthe Assocation From Te ‘ie Hatt Page 7019 Qe fered, ean jon Hospra aye and my expected CTC is Inks Do you have any leclion preferences? yee, Kd late consents and your location preerences “ee you under any kind oflogalebigation 1 your Curent employe Yee] wer) yes, Kindy state “ay ober infrmaton ike exracurisdarnobbies whch you tink should e akin fo account n considering you eppeation. (hve 3 references trom your CareriAcadomics (Other than relives) Yous Name Peston Organization (Contact No Acquaintance | erty tat fomaton sata ins applet ise f Best of my nonledge. | understand that any mareresnion presen of naan nm wl nde my eens tbl fo betaine by he Company. Rave no cjcion to you ‘eny wih any fy revo enpayrs on ny ate parang tome, jm he conosny Pace Date ‘Appicants Sgrature “Tank You fr you value or roving Ute cess als. We wich you athe very bes Page soto /FOR OFFICE USE =

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