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Slab-less/Tread-riser Staircase | Meaning |

Reinforcement Details | Load Transfer | Failure

March 3, 5877521

Slab-less/Tread-riser Staircase | Meaning | Reinforcement Details | Load Transfer | Failure

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What is mean by slab-less staircase ?

As the name suggest the staircase with no provision of slab is known as slab-less
staircase/Tread-riser staircase

Unlike traditional staircase (one with slab) in slab-less staircase the load is transferred to
the end supports through trader and riser. Thus it is also known as Trader riser staircase.
Main purpose of providing this kind of staircase is to have a good architectural view. The
absence of slab results in a formation of zig-zig pattern formed by riser and trader which
looks quite appealing in aesthetic view compared to the traditional staircase.

How the reinforcement is provided in the slab-less staircase ?

As there is no slab to carry the load , all load acts on treader and riser of staircase. Thus a
continuous reinforcement linking one another is provided from one end to the another.
Reinforcement in slab-less staircase can provided in following ways,

Type 1

In this separate reinforcement is provided at top and bottom of stair linking to one another.
Both reinforcements (top & bottom) acts individually. This kind of reinforcement is provided
in case of medium loading.

Type 2

In this the reinforcement is provide on stair basis. One rectangular link is

formed at trader and is attached to the another link at riser . Thus
continue up to ends. This kind of reinforcement is provided in case of
heavy loading.

Type 3

In this no separate reinforcement is provided at top & bottom instead straight

bars(distribution) are provided at centre with a curly bar(main bar) provided surrounding the
straight bar. This result is great savings but not suitable for heavy loading.

Load transformation in slab-less staircase

Load transformation in slab-less staircase is not as complicated as its seems. In slab-less

staircase each treader acts as an individual cantilever beam with point load acting on its
free end. This applies only to type 1 & type 2 reinforcement. In Case of type 3
reinforcement ; the whole staircase is assumed as a single beam with zigzagged bottom.
Lets consider a slab-less staircase with Type 1 – Type 2 reinforcement

In the above staircase each trade acts as a beam as given in followings figure

And each riser acts as support to its succeeding beam as given in following figure

Thus load transformations happens in following way tread to riser , riser to trade , tread to
rise this continues till the end support.

Analysis & design of slab-less staircase

The design procedure of slab-less staircase is a bit of complicated. Generally flexibility

method is used to design the slab-less staircase. One must consult a professional
structural engineer to design the slab-less staircase.
Design procedure of slab-less staircase is too lengthy and can’t be presented here. So I am
giving a link to the slab-less staircase design procedure here . The link is given only for
study and research purpose.

Failure of slab-less staircase

Construction of slab-less staircases is a tedious job, especially the

placing of reinforcement. Improper placement of reinforcement might
result in failure of slab-less staircase. Thus slab-less must be casted by
skilled labour. Following are the some of the common failure causes for
slab-less staircase

Insufficient Reinforcement :

Slab-less staircase need special and a lot more reinforcement than regular stair case.
Sometimes the designer doesn’t take in account the excessive load might occur on site
which result in insufficient Reinforcement. Also in some cases contractor doesn’t consult
the designer and provide reinforcement based on their own experience, this should be
strictly prohibited. The reinforcement requirements for slab-less staircase varies from site to
site, thus one must consult a professional help while design staircase reinforcement.

Improper placement of reinforcement :

Placing of reinforcement for slab-less staircase require skilled labour as the alignment &
linking of reinforcement is kind of crucial in case of slab-less staircase . Unskilled and
labour with no experience in slab-less staircase reinforcement placement might not be able
to provide the reinforcement properly . Which results is its failure.

Insufficient tread/riser thickness :

A range of stresses occurs in slab-less staircase. The concrete should be enough to resist
those forces. Thus proper thickness of rise and treader should be provided to avoid failure
of staircase.


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