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Continuous Assessment

Programme: BSc in Furniture Design & Manufacture,

BSc in Furniture & Wood Technology,
BSc (Hons) in Education (Design Graphics & Construction)

Year: 1

Module: Materials and Construction

Module Credits: 5

CA Weighting: (15% of module) / (0.75 credits)

Internal Examiner(s): Mr. Seán Garvey

Mr. Seán Breen
External Examiner(s):

Submission of Report
Date/Time: 14th April 2018 at 9pm
Unless accompanied by a signed absence sheet, late submission will
not be marked

Instructions to Candidates:
Please read the following information carefully
Assignment Aim:
The skills associated with identifying wood and trees are important when it comes to choosing a species for
a particular application (as the properties of all species are different). They are also necessary in
communicating information to clients/pupils alike. An understanding of the wood drying process and the
ability to carry it out correctly are also important in reducing costs and degrade and increasing quality.

The aims of this assignment are:

 To introduce and develop the skills associated with converting and drying trees/wood.
 To make sure students have the ability to carry out accurate moisture content/degrade checks
 To allow students work well in small groups
 To allow students present their findings in a mainly visual presentation which will double up as a
valuable resource for teaching practice.

Assignment Instructions:
This assignment is divided into a number of sections as follows:

 Participation in labs
 Presentation on the converting and drying process

 Participation in the converting and drying lab involves observing, taking notes/photos, asking
questions and debating relevant topics.

 The presentation (in PowerPoint or Prezi etc.) should include a minimum of fourteen of the topics
numbered below, which will illustrate each step in the milling and kiln drying process. Each slide
should contain a picture and a short explanation. The presentation will be undertaken in groups, see
next page.

1. Setting up the mobile band saw

2. Loading/orientating the log on the carriage
3. First cut
4. Subsequent cuts (inc. any adjustments that need to be made)
5. Brushing off sawdust
6. Preparing the base for the stack
7. Aligning the stickers
8. Numbering boards/painting the ends?
9. Positioning the stack for air drying
10. Loading the buggy/Carriage
11. Inserting the MC probes
12. Weighting the top of the stack?
13. Selecting the schedule
14. Monitoring the kiln
15. Recording the (daily) MC values
16. Conditioning the stack
17. Checking final MC (confirming with oven dry test)
18. Checking for ‘case hardening’

Assessment Criteria / Marking Scheme:

Participation in labs 10%
Presentation 90%

Latest Submission Date for Report:

Sun 14th April 2018 at 9pm
CA Groups

G00359293 Bohan Kevin Francis

G00353763 Casey Lauren (Lorna)
G00357565 Cooke Dillon

G00356985 Daly Andy

G00349467 Durnin Robert
G00284657 Feeney Dean

G00360475 Finnerty Shane

G00354679 Gallagher Sean
G00358873 Horan Shaun

G00361496 Kearney Jack

G00353771 Kiernan Philip
G00360533 Martin Damian

G00357977 Mc Gee Shaun

G00359869 Mc Gee Harkin Jonathan
G00359010 Merrins Sean

G00356781 Nic Conmara Sibéal

G00286083 O Connell Diarmuid Denis
G00355485 O Reilly David

G00356075 Patton James

G00344193 Thompson Richard
G00356958 Todd Cara

G00363780 Walsh Micheal

G00338141 Walsh Gavin

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