Lesson Plan SG M c1 Wood Classification

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LESSON PLAN (2017-2018)

Topic: Wood classification – Hardwoods & Softwoods

Module: Furniture materials and construction
Date: 26-09-2017
Duration of Lesson: 2 Hours


The main aims of this lesson are to:

 Explain how this lesson fits in with the overall M&C syllabus and its relevance to the real world
 Briefly revise last week’s class: - how growth activity takes place in trees
 Define classification as a system of grouping trees
 Discuss and demonstrate the differences between hardwood & softwood and deciduous and
coniferous trees


Learning Outcomes (LOs) Assessment of LOs

At the end of this lesson the students will be enabled (Note: each LO has an assessment. Include a
to… variety of types.)
Explain why wood classification is important both in its own right and in
relation to understanding seasonal wood movement, wood Lecturer whole-class discussion, observation
identification and furniture making etc.
Identify and explain how and where growth activity takes place in trees Questioning, Kahoot quiz
Classify trees in a number of different ways. Small group then class discussion with questioning
Identify a number of Hardwood and Softwood trees Small group activity, class discussion, questioning
Compare and contrast deciduous and coniferous trees. Individual worksheet and peer assessment, minute papers



0-4 minutes Lecturer communicates to students that class is Students take up their seats, prepare to take notes, O
about to begin and asks them to silence and put
listen and engage with class.
away mobile phones.

Lecturer briefly introduces the topic and structure

of today’s lesson.
4-20 minutes Recap on last week’s lesson on growth activity in Brainstorming session, Kahoot quiz and sketch & O,L,G,CL
pass on for peer review
Key Questions:
1. Can you define wood?
2. Can you name the outer layers of a tree?
3. What is the function of the different layers in
the outer section of a tree?
4. What do we mean when we say growth
activity is taking place?
5. Where exactly does growth activity take place
in trees?
6. Demonstrate by sketching how growth takes
place in trees.
7. What are meristematic regions?
8. Name and differentiate between two types of
9. Where are these meristematic regions located
in trees?
10. Explain periclinal and anticlinal cell division.
11. Work through clothes line example.


20-24 minutes Lecturer asks students to put phones away again Students listen, view the LOs and answers questions O
after quiz. Lecturer introduces the LOs for today’s
relating to relevance.
lesson and indicates relevance to the real world
through questioning and class discussion
24-28 minutes Lecturer asks students to list as many trees as they Students brainstorm tree species O,CL
can think of.
Lecturer records their answers on the white board.
28-35 minutes Lecturer asks students if they know what
classification means and why it is important?
Ask students to suggest ways they typically classify
35-45 minutes Lecturer asks students to do a small group Students divided into small groups and come up O,L,CL
classification activity to try and group different
with at least two different ways trees can be
types of trees. Ask students to form small groups,
2-3 people per group. Lecturer projects images of classified. Student groups report findings.
various types of trees onto screen.
Lecturer asks students to suggest different ways of
classifying trees such as those on the screen. The
groups should try and come up with at least two
different ways.
Lecturer monitors groups as they work, making
sure they understand the assignment by
When 4 minutes have elapsed have groups report
as to their findings. Ask for volunteers first and then
ask other groups at random. Record findings on the
white board.
45-70 minutes Morning break Students take morning break

70-90 minutes Lecturer describes and demonstrates, the different Students listen, take notes, watch video (noting O,L,G
cell types, properties, characteristics and features
important points) view samples under microscope
associated with Hardwoods and Softwoods using
written information, short youtube video, usb and investigate physical wood samples.
microscope and wood samples including
magnifying glasses.
90-100 minutes Ask students to classify all of the trees that they Students classify earlier list of trees into one of O,L,CL
have listed earlier (on white board) into one of two two categories: - Hard and softwoods.
groups: - hardwoods and softwoods.
When 2-3 minutes have elapsed have students
discuss each species as to hard or softwood. Ask for
volunteers first and then other students at random.
Discuss and record findings on the white board.


100-110 minutes Lecturer projects worksheet onto screen. And asks Students individually fill out worksheet to L,CL
students to complete individually. When complete  Identify a number of Hardwood and Softwood
lecturer asks students to pass on for peer review. trees and
Key questions:
 Describe what you see in the images projected  compare and contrast deciduous and coniferous
from the microscope. trees.
 What cells do you recognise? what are their When complete, students pass on for peer
function? review.
 Can you recognise patterns formed by cells?
 Describe these patterns.
 What are the most important points covered in
the video? Why?
 Are all softwoods soft? Are all hardwoods hard?

110-116 minutes Lecturer asks students to fill out minute papers Students fill out minute papers with feedback L
with info as to most important key learning today,
questions relating to something they didn’t
understand (if relevant), topic that they
would like to learn more about (if relevant) and
general feedback for lecturer.

116-120 minutes Lecturer briefly indicates optional further reading Students listen O
and the nature of next week’s topic – Moisture in
*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability, CL=
Cooperative Learning


 PowerPoint presentation including LO’s

 Data Viewer
 Wi-fi
 Pre developed Kahoot quiz
 Sample hardwood and softwood pieces
 Magnifying glasses
 USB Microscope
 Recap worksheet



Number of resources and activities used leading to good variety in sensory input for students.


Getting students to honestly and critically give feedback during peer review of other students’ work.
Sticking to schedule.

Suggestions for Improvement

Reduce the time for students to answer Kahoot quiz, (it went on a few minutes too long)
Include more time for sketching cell division.

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