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George P. Gerdan, Lucinda J. Coombe and Frank Takac

Department of Land Information

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)

A technical report prepared for the State Data Centre

Number SDC95/1
December 1995

This report has been prepared by the Department of Land Information, Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology (RMIT) for the State Data Centre under contract and is the joint
property of the both parties. The document cannot be reproduced in part or whole without
the written consent of the State Data Centre, however, the Department of Land Information
reserve the right to reproduce the document for educational purposes.

The views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the Department of Land
Information. The accuracy of information in the paper is solely the responsibility of the
author(s). All correspondence should be sent to:

George P. Gerdan
Department of Land Information
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne, Victoria
Australia, 3001
Tel: +61 3 9660-2213
Fax: +61 3 9663-2517

December 1995

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 2



TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................3

1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................5

2. RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE ..............................................................................................7

2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Harmonics.....................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Defining interference intervals ..........................................................................................................8
2.4 Case Studies .................................................................................................................................8
2.4.1 Case Study 1: Uncontrolled jamming caused by a radio link transmitting at 1240MHz ...................8
2.4.2 Case Study 2: Controlled jamming at close range using a variable frequency jamming source ........9
2.4.3 Case Study 3: RF interference caused by high power television transmitters ............................... 11
2.5 Power of the transmitted signal...................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Summary .................................................................................................................................... 13

3. THE EFFECTS OF MULTIPATH ..................................................................................................... 14

3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2 Causes of multipath...................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Multipath characteristics............................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Magnitude............................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.2 Signal strength...................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.3 Repeatability......................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.4 Satellite elevation .................................................................................................................. 16
3.4 Mitigation techniques.................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.1 Site selection........................................................................................................................ 17
3.4.2 Antenna groundplane ............................................................................................................. 17
3.4.3 Narrow correlator spacing....................................................................................................... 18
3.4.4 Multipath estimating delay lock loop........................................................................................ 18
3.5 Summary .................................................................................................................................... 18

4. SIGNAL OBSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................... 20

4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 20
4.2 Satellite orbit prediction ................................................................................................................ 20
4.3 Multipath effects........................................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Summary .................................................................................................................................... 20
The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 3
5. THE VODAFONE SCENARIO......................................................................................................... 22

5.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Current information ....................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.1 Frequency ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.2.2 Transmitting power ................................................................................................................ 22
5.2.3 Antenna location ................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.4 Antenna elevation .................................................................................................................. 23
5.3 Radio frequency interference ......................................................................................................... 24
5.4 Multipath..................................................................................................................................... 24
5.5 Obstruction.................................................................................................................................. 24
5.6 Summary .................................................................................................................................... 25

6. RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................... 27

7. REFERENCES AND SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................ 29

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 4


The State Data Centre currently operates a GPS base station service in Ballarat, Victoria.
Future services may be established throughout Victoria, therefore, it is imperative that
factors affecting GPS base station performance are considered during the establishment
of these sites. This report addresses three key issues in the establishment of GPS base
stations, radio frequency interference, multipath and signal obstruction.

GPS receivers acquire signals from satellites transmitting at two L-band frequencies,
1575.42MHz for the L1 carrier and 1227.60MHz for the L2 carrier. Measurement of the
carrier signal yields the carrier phase measurement. Binary codes are modulated onto the
carrier signals, measurement of which yields the pseudorange observable. The signals
travel approximately 20,000km to reach a user on the Earth’s surface. As a result, the
signals are very weak and their successful tracking is affected by interfering signals at the
same frequency (termed radio frequency (RF) interference). Section 2 of this report
examines the effects of RF interference on GPS signal acquisition.

Section 3 considers the effects of signal reflection, or multipath, on the GPS observables.
Multipath is a site dependent phenomenon which is difficult to model and cannot be
removed by differential operation. The characteristics of multipath effects are reviewed and
several mitigation techniques discussed.

An additional limiting factor in the successful operation of GPS base stations is the
obstruction of satellite signals by physical features. The effects of obstructions are reduced
signal to noise ratio values, multipath and, in the extreme, satellite tracking outages.
Section 4 considers the effects of signal obstruction on GPS signal acquisition and
discusses methods for predicting outage periods caused by physical features.

This report has been motivated in part by the establishment of a Vodafone transmission
antenna adjacent to the existing State Data Centre GPS base station. Section 5 evaluates
the potential impact of the Vodafone installation on the base station service in light of the
issues discussed in the previous sections. While the impact of the Vodafone antenna on

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 5

RF interference cannot be completely determined, if the base station service is affected, it
is likely to be minimal.

The document concludes with a series of recommendations for establishing GPS base
stations. The recommendations are not a guarantee that reliable signals will be received in
all circumstances, however, they provide a guide for the establishment of successful GPS
base stations.

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 6


2.1 Introduction
The determination of three dimensional position using the Global Positioning System
(GPS) relies on the reception of radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted from satellites
approximately 20,000km from the receiving antenna. As a result, the performance of the
system is dependent on the successful and accurate reception of the broadcast signals.

Radio frequency signals are vulnerable to interference from external sources. This RF
interference may be generated intentionally, as is the case in military environments, or
unintentionally, as in many civilian applications. In applications where RF interference is
caused unintentionally, the interference generally originates from “out-of-band” sources
[Ward, 1994]. High power transmitters can often generate lower power harmonics which
become “in-band” interference at the GPS frequencies.

The effect of RF interference is reduced signal to noise ratio (signal strength) of the
incoming satellite signal. When the signal to noise ratio is reduced below an acceptable
level, the signals may be corrupt and the acquired measurements are unuseable, or in the
extreme, the satellite can no longer be tracked.

In the establishment of GPS base stations, it is important to understand the characteristics

of RF interference to ensure successful operation.

2.2 Harmonics
RF signals are generated at a particular fundamental frequency. In the case of the GPS
satellites, the L1 carrier has a nominal frequency of 1575.42MHz and the L2 carrier has a
nominal frequency of 1227.60MHz. However, in a RF transmitting system, lower power
harmonic frequencies are also emitted. These harmonic frequencies are multiples of the
fundamental frequency.

GPS signals may experience interference from other sources which are not generated with
a fundamental frequency in the GPS L-band range if the signal harmonics approach the

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 7

GPS frequencies. For example, a signal transmitted at a frequency range of 782-788MHz
generates a second harmonic frequency of 1564-1576MHz. Similarly, a frequency of 524-
530MHz generates a third harmonic at 1572-1590MHz. Both these harmonics approach
the nominal frequency of 1575.42MHz for the L1 carrier and can, therefore, cause
problems in tracking GPS satellites.

2.3 Defining interference intervals

The frequency ranges of interfering signals can be grouped into three distinct categories to
ease description of a specific interference source. The categories are termed in relation to
the interference source proximity to the frequency of interest. Table 2.1 defines the
frequency ranges for “in-band”, “near-band” and “out-of-band” interference.

L1 (1575.42MHz) L2 (1227.60MHz)

Interference Low (MHz) High (MHz) Low (MHz) High (MHz)

“In-band” 1565 1585 1218 1238

“Near-band” 1525 1625 1178 1278
“Out-of-band” <1525 >1625 <1178 >1278

Table 2.1 “In-band”, “near-band” and “out-of-band” interference intervals.

2.4 Case Studies

Several examples of the effects of RF interference have been documented over the last
five years. The following studies are worthy of review.

2.4.1 Case Study 1: Uncontrolled jamming caused by a radio link transmitting at

The results of a study performed as part of a contract report to the Netherlands Geodetic
Commission [Sluiter and Haagmans, 1995] highlight the effects of RF interference
generated by a transmitter broadcasting at a frequency of 1240MHz. This frequency is
within 15MHz of the L2 carrier frequency of 1227.60MHz (“near-band” interference). Four
receivers were evaluated, the Ashtech Z-12, Leica SR299, Allen Osborne SNR8000
TurboRogue and Trimble 4000SSE. The four receivers were tested simultaneously and the
tracking performance of each unit evaluated. Three station locations were considered at
The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 8
distances of 200m, 1000m and 2000m from the transmitter. The results are summarised

200m from transmitter (10 satellites visible above 10 degree elevation mask)
Ten minutes of data was collected simultaneously using all four receivers. The Ashtech Z-
12 tracked all ten satellites. None of the other receivers were able to track a satellite.

1000m from transmitter (11 satellites visible above 0 degree elevation mask)
Fifteen minutes of data was collected with the Z-12 tracking all eleven satellites. The
SR299 and SNR8000 both tracked the five highest satellites and the 4000SSE was unable
to track any satellites.

2000m from transmitter (8 satellites visible above 0 degree mask).

Ten minutes of data was collected. The Z-12 tracked all eight satellites, the SR299 tracked
six, the SNR8000 seven and the 4000SSE did not record any useful measurements.

“All interference problems ceased to exist when the direct ray-path from the suspected
jammer was obstructed by a house” [Sluiter and Haagmans, 1995: p.2].

In summary, the effects of an interference source transmitting at a frequency close to the L2

carrier are highlighted. Only the Ashtech Z-12 managed to perform to acceptable levels. It
is not the intent of this report to endorse or condemn any particular receiver. The fact that
several receivers readily accepted by the surveying and mapping community failed to
perform satisfactorily serves to highlight the importance of understanding the nature of RF
interference on GPS signals.

2.4.2 Case Study 2: Controlled jamming at close range using a variable frequency
jamming source
The second study is part of the same report to the Netherlands Geodetic Commission
[Sluiter and Haagmans, 1995]. The same four receivers were evaluated, however, in this
instance, the interference source was controlled. The receivers were set up adjacent to
each other, approximately 80m from the jamming source. The jamming frequency was
varied in discrete steps ranging from 1100MHz to 1725MHz. The critical factor assessed
The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 9
in the test is the number of satellites tracked with useable measurements at each
frequency. Both the L1 and L2 carriers were considered. The results of the test are
summarised below.

The Ashtech Z-12 receiver

The L1 and L2 signals were affected by “in-band” jamming at the L1 frequency. The L2
signal was similarly affected by “in-band” jamming at the L2 frequency.

The Leica SR299 receiver

The L1 signals were affected by “near-band” jamming at the L1 frequency and also by a
slightly larger jamming band at the L2 frequency. This indicates a strong interaction
between the L1 and L2 carrier loops. The L2 signal was lost in similar conditions to the L1
signal, however the L2 jamming band width was slightly larger.

The Allen Osborne SNR8000 TurboRogue receiver

This was the only receiver affected by “out-of-band” signals. The L1 signal was affected by
frequencies within 15MHz of L1. If L2 was not being tracked, L1 signals were also lost. The
L2 signal was affected by a wide range of jamming frequencies and also when L1 was not
being tracked. In a similar manner to the SR299, this indicates a high interaction between
the L1 and L2 tracking loops within the receiver.

The Trimble 4000SSE receiver

The L1 signal was affected within 15MHz of the L1 frequency and 30MHz of the L2
frequency. The L2 performance was similar to the L1 with slightly increased susceptibility
adjacent to the L2 frequency.

The results of the test indicate that jamming at or near the L1 carrier frequency causes loss
of both the L1 and L2 signals. In addition, if the receiver architecture employs a scheme
where there is interaction between the two carrier frequencies, both the L1 and L2 signals
are affected by jamming at or near the L2 frequency.

The results also highlight the differences in susceptibility to RF interference between

different receivers. The key feature of this study is not the receiver type, as two of the
The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 10
models tested (Leica SR299 and Trimble 4000SSE) have already been superseded,
rather that the susceptibility is highly receiver dependent.

2.4.3 Case Study 3: RF interference caused by high power television transmitters

Hutchinson and Weitzen [1994] investigates the ability of a ten channel single frequency
receiver (manufacturer not specified) to provide positional information when driven
adjacent to a series of television station transmitters broadcasting at a variety of
frequencies. The transmitters emit signals in the UHF and VHF ranges at power levels up
to 5Mw (megawatts).

Three scenarios were tested on more than one occasion over a period of several months.
The first scenario is adjacent to a station with no harmonics that approach the GPS L1
frequency. The second scenario considers a station transmitting at a frequency with a
second harmonic which approaches the L1 band. The final test is performed in the vicinity
of a station with the eighth harmonic frequency approaching the GPS L1 frequency. The
results are summarised below.

No harmonics
There was no significant loss of lock observed until the receiver was within 30m of the
transmitting antenna (radiating at 2.1Mw). It should be noted that the authors state that it is
not conclusive whether loss of lock at this range was caused by RF interference or the
antenna tower structure itself.

Second harmonic
In the vicinity of the transmitter, large regions were observed where the receiver was unable
to track satellites. The first indication of problems were experienced 13km from the
antenna, on the top of a hill with an unobstructed view in all directions. Similar performance
was witnessed at a radius of 3km from the antenna with signal to noise ratio drops of 10 to
15dB. No satellites could be tracked within 30m of the transmitter.

Eighth harmonic

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 11

Interference and associated tracking problems were observed in the vicinity of the
transmitter. As soon as line of sight to the transmitter was interrupted, the receiver resumed
tracking satellites.

“From the test conducted, it was observed that there was a strong correlation between line
of sight propagation path to a television transmitter with harmonics in the GPS L1 band
and loss or degraded signal-to-noise ratio on the order of 10 to 15dB” [Hutchinson and
Weitzen, 1994: p.334].

The test highlights the effect of interference sources with harmonics which approach the
GPS frequencies. As with the first case study, the interference ceased to cause problems
when the line of sight between the GPS antenna and the offending transmission source
was obstructed.

2.5 Power of the transmitted signal

A feature of the television transmitter example is that in all instances the receiver was
unable to track satellites within 30m of the transmitting source. While the authors
[Hutchinson and Weitzen, 1994] are inconclusive as to whether this was a result of the
interfering source or the physical structure of the transmitter, the proximity of the GPS
antenna to the offending source is a factor which needs to be considered.

When receivers tracking GPS signals are located adjacent to transmitting devices, the
power of the transmitted signal can “drown out” the weaker GPS signals, causing
“blocking” of the “front end” of the receiver. In this instance, satellites cannot be tracked,
whether the offending source emits harmonics in the GPS frequency range or not.

Theoretically, the range to a transmitting source that will permit successful tracking of GPS
signals can be computed. The distance is a function of several factors including the power
of the transmitting source, the gain pattern of the transmitting and receiving GPS antennas,
the relative location of the two antennas, the quality and length of the GPS antenna coaxial
cable and the receiver characteristics. Unfortunately, as precise internal specifications of
commercially manufactured GPS receivers are not available, calculation of such a distance
is not viable. In addition, as GPS receivers available in the modern market vary significantly
The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 12
in performance (as illustrated by case study 1), calculations need to be performed for each
receiver to be used.

2.6 Summary
This section has covered the basic components of RF interference effects on GPS signals.
The following findings are noted.

a) RF interference results in reduced signal to noise ratio values. When the signal
to noise ratio drops below an acceptable level the satellite can no longer be

b) RF interference can be caused by sources transmitting at the GPS frequencies

of 1575.42MHz and 1227.60MHz, or by sources with harmonics that approach
these frequencies.

c) RF interference ceases to cause problems when the line of sight between the
GPS antenna and transmitting source is blocked.

d) Modern technology GPS receivers vary significantly in their ability to track

satellites in the presence of RF interference.

e) Interference at the L1 carrier frequency causes tracking loss on both GPS

frequencies as the L2 carrier is acquired using information provided from the
L1 carrier.

f) In receivers with a high interaction between carrier loops, L1 tracking may be

affected by interference at or near the L2 frequency.

g) The GPS receiver may cease to track satellites when placed close to a
transmitting source. This is due to “blocking” of the “front end” of the receiver
and is independent of transmitting frequency.

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 13


3.1 Introduction
Signal multipath is the term given to the phenomenon where a satellite signal arrives at the
receiving antenna after being reflected off a surface. This generates a range measurement
which is longer than a signal travelling along a direct satellite-receiver path. Multipath is a
major limiting factor in many GPS applications and affects both the pseudorange and
carrier phase measurements. The major difficulty in modelling multipath is that it is a
localised phenomenon which depends on the observing environment, therefore it cannot be
removed by differential operation.

3.2 Causes of multipath

Multipath is caused by reflection of the satellite signal off a physical feature. Therefore, the
nature of the reflective surface will have an impact on the magnitude of the multipath error.
From experience, structures which should be avoided wherever possible include large
metal roof tops and smooth surfaces. Establishment of an antenna on or adjacent to a
building with a flat metal roof is likely to result in poor quality measurements. Smooth
surfaces such as still bodies of water absorb less amounts of signal when compared to
rough surfaces such as rocky ground. This is supported by the results presented in
Tranquilla and Carr [1990]. In instances where smooth reflective surfaces are adjacent to
GPS antenna locations, the antenna should be raised as high as possible above the
reflective surface. Additional preventive measures are listed in section 3.4.

3.3 Multipath characteristics

There are several characteristics of multipath that can be used to prevent and correct
affected signals.

3.3.1 Magnitude
The magnitude of multipath error is greater on the pseudorange measurement than the
carrier phase measurement. Typically, pseudorange multipath of several tens of metres is
not uncommon, whereas carrier phase multipath is generally of the order of one to three

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 14

centimetres. Lachapelle et. al. [1989] quote maximum errors of 293m for the C/A-code
pseudorange and approximately five centimetres for the L1 carrier phase.

3.3.2 Signal strength

As a multipath affected signal has been reflected off a surface, the signal to noise ratio is
generally lower than that of an unaffected signal. This characteristic can be used within the
receiver to detect multipath affected signals [Axelrad et. al., 1994].

3.3.3 Repeatability
Perhaps the most important characteristic of multipath when considering a GPS base
station is that multipath is highly repeatable. Multipath errors are the same when the
satellite is in the same position during each orbital pass. This is evidenced by the following
diagram which depicts carrier phase residuals on two consecutive days in a high multipath

Figure 3.1 Carrier phase residuals for satellites 23-21 on consecutive days

The repeatable nature of the residuals represents the high correlation between multipath in
consecutive orbital periods. Similar repeatability can be observed in position error on
consecutive days. The following diagram (figure 3.2) presents east coordinate errors for
three hours on consecutive days.

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 15

Figure 3.2 East coordinate error on consecutive days

Repeatability can be used to generate multipath corrections at GPS base station sites. By
building a history of multipath occurrences over time, corrections to each satellite can be
generated and provided with the recorded measurements. At this point in time, multipath
corrections are provided by very few, if any, base stations operating around the world. Over
the next few years, it can be anticipated that this will change and multipath estimation at
stationary sites will be commonplace.

3.3.4 Satellite elevation

As multipath is caused by reflection off physical features, the effects can be correlated with
satellite elevation as most obstructions exist at low elevations. As a result, high elevation
satellites are usually given increased weight in commercial processing software. Multipath
effects are generally a maximum at low elevations as can be seen in the following diagram
where the measurement residuals increase as a satellite is setting towards the end of the
data collection session.

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 16

Figure 3.3 Carrier phase residuals for satellites 12-7 on consecutive days

3.4 Mitigation techniques

The following measures can be taken to minimise the effects of multipath in GPS
positioning applications.

3.4.1 Site selection

The simplest measure that can be taken to minimise the effects of multipath involves
careful site selection. In the establishment of GPS base stations, antenna sites are
generally selected on buildings which are clear of obstructions above a five or ten degree
elevation mask. In order to reduce the impact of multipath, the antenna should be raised as
high as possible above the roof surface (several metres if feasible). From experience, it
has been found that between five and ten times the amount of multipath can be observed
on antennas which are less than one metre above the roof surface as opposed to antennas
five metres above the roof surface.

3.4.2 Antenna groundplane

An antenna groundplane is a large metal disk which is successful in reducing multipath
effects. Most manufacturers provide groundplanes with survey grade receivers and these
should be used in all applications where practicable. Choke ring antenna groundplanes are

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 17

also available and are claimed to be an improvement over a regular groundplane, however,
the cost of a choke ring as compared to a conventional groundplane is generally not
warranted as the increased multipath reduction is not substantial.

3.4.3 Narrow correlator spacing

It has been shown in the last few years that narrow correlator spacing [Fenton et. al., 1991]
receiver architecture is successful in reducing multipath effects on GPS signals. The
pseudorange measurement noise is also reduced and, as a result, most manufacturers
employ a narrow correlator in modern technology receivers.

3.4.4 Multipath estimating delay lock loop

One of the more recent developments in GPS receiver technology involves the detection of
a multipath affected signal within the receiver itself. The characteristic that reflected signals
have weaker strengths and longer paths is used to isolate direct path measurements from
reflected path measurements. Novatel have introduced the Multipath Estimating Delay
Lock Loop (MEDLL) in a recent line of receivers [van Nee et. al., 1994]. It can be
anticipated that derivatives of this technology will be present in all commercial survey
quality receivers within a few years.

3.5 Summary
The following characteristics of multipath are of relevance in the establishment of GPS
base stations.

a) The effects of multipath are site dependent and cannot be removed by

differential operation.

b) Multipath effects are greater on pseudorange measurements than on carrier

phase measurements.

c) Multipath errors of several tens of metres for pseudorange measurements and

up to three centimetres for carrier phase measurements are commonly

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 18

d) Multipath causes reduced signal to noise ratio values.

e) The magnitude of multipath error is a minimum as satellites are overhead and is

larger at lower satellite elevations.

f) Multipath errors are highly repeatable and correction information can be

determined for stationary sites.

g) Multipath can be reduced by careful site selection high above roof top
surfaces, use of a groundplane on the receiving antenna, and employing
receivers with narrow correlator and multipath estimating delay lock loop

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 19


4.1 Introduction
The signals from GPS satellites are unable to pass through solid objects such as buildings
and bridges. In fact, trees and other similar features also limit the use of GPS technology
by blocking the satellite signals. Even obstructions such as light poles have an affect on
GPS signals. While satellites can still be tracked, a drop in signal to noise ratio is generally

Physical obstructions are inherent in any dynamic positioning environment in urban areas
and their effect is difficult to predict. However, in the application of GPS base stations, the
effects of physical obstructions can be assessed.

4.2 Satellite orbit prediction

The GPS satellites provide an orbital almanac as part of a navigation message. The
almanac parameters can be used in conjunction with the approximate antenna location to
predict the azimuth and elevation of a satellite at any point in time. By analysis of the
satellite position in relation to the receiving GPS antenna, it is possible to ascertain when
satellite signals will be obstructed by physical features.

4.3 Multipath effects

If a structure impedes a satellite signal and the signal to noise ratio is still sufficiently high
that the satellite can be tracked, multipath may affect the incoming signal. It is difficult to
predict the effects of a structure as multipath cannot easily be quantified using a
mathematical relationship which incorporates structure characteristics. However, it is
possible to analyse whether certain structures are affecting recorded measurements. This
is performed by analysis of pseudorange and carrier phase measurements for periods
before and after the satellite is obscured by the structure.

4.4 Summary
Large solid structures will prevent GPS signals from reaching the receiving antenna and
limit use of the system. If the physical structure impedes the signal but does not prevent the

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 20

receiver tracking the satellite, a reduction in signal to noise ratio can be expected, in
addition to the signal being affected by multipath. The amount by which the signal is
affected is difficult to predict, but can be analysed once data is acquired at a particular site.

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 21


5.1 Introduction
The preparation of this report has been motivated in part by the establishment of a
Vodafone cellular telephone transmitting station adjacent to the existing GPS base station
at the State Data Centre. This section aims to summarise the current information available
regarding the establishment of the transmitter and predict its effect on GPS signal

5.2 Current information

There are several pieces of information that can be used to predict the effects of the
Vodafone transmitter on GPS signal acquisition.

5.2.1 Frequency
In a letter dated November 10, 1995 to Martin Hale of the State Data Centre from Craig
Gibson of Vodafone, the frequency bands in which Vodafone exclusively operate are 935-
960MHz and 890-915MHz. Both these frequencies are considered “out-of-band” in regard
to the L1 and L2 GPS carrier frequencies. In addition, the harmonics of both frequency
bands are also considered “out-of-band”. In short, the Vodafone frequencies and
associated harmonics do not approach the GPS carrier frequencies.

The Department of Land Information has also been provided with specifications for a
microwave antenna operating in the 7-10GHz frequency range. This frequency range is
also “out-of-band” and should not affect GPS tracking.

5.2.2 Transmitting power

From a series of antenna specifications provided to the Department of Land Information by
the State Data Centre, the maximum power of the Vodafone transmitting station is 500w
(or 0.5Mw). The microwave antenna power specifications are approximately one tenth of

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 22

5.2.3 Antenna location
The Vodafone antenna is proposed to be placed approximately 37m from the two State
Data Centre GPS antennas, in the north-west quadrant with respect to the GPS station.
The following diagram depicts the relative position of the Vodafone and GPS antennas.

Figure 5.1 Plan of the location of the Vodafone and State Data Centre antennas.

5.2.4 Antenna elevation

The proposed height of the Vodafone antenna in relation to the State Data Centre GPS
antennas is depicted in the following diagram.

Figure 5.2 Elevation of the Vodafone and State Data Centre antennas.

The important feature of the relationship between the antennas is the elevation at which
satellites may be affected by the antenna structure. From Figure 5.2, it is apparent that
satellites with elevations of less than fourteen degrees may be obstructed by the Vodafone

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 23

antenna. It is also worth noting however, that the Vodafone antenna is not a large structure
in comparison with transmission line towers and similar features.

5.3 Radio frequency interference

The Vodafone scenario is similar in many respects to the third case study presented in
section 2.4.3. In the test performed adjacent to a television station with no harmonics in the
GPS frequency range, no interference was reported until the antenna was within 30m of the
transmitting source. Therefore, using similar reasoning, the Vodafone transmissions and
associated harmonics should not cause tracking problems at the GPS L1 and L2 carrier

The question that remains unanswered pertains to the power of the Vodafone
transmissions and the capabilities of the GPS receiver. In the television station example,
the transmission power was 2.1Mw, significantly greater than the 0.5Mw of the Vodafone
tower. In the case study, the manufacturer of the receiver is not provided. Assuming that the
receiver is comparable with modern technology units, it is quite feasible to expect that the
GPS receiver will be able to successfully track satellite signals. However, the State Date
Centre have employed earlier model receivers which may not have the ability to acquire
GPS signals as effectively as later model units. In short, for future investments in GPS
technology, the receivers should be evaluated in similar environments to ascertain their
effectiveness in the presence of offending radio frequency sources.

5.4 Multipath
The physical size of the Vodafone tower is such that significant multipath effects should not
be expected. In fact, the nature of the building roof is likely to cause more multipath
problems than the Vodafone tower at the low elevation of the incoming signals.

5.5 Obstruction
In order to assess the effect of the physical structure of the Vodafone antenna, a satellite
orbit prediction for the Ballarat region has been undertaken. Using the azimuth and
elevation of the Vodafone antenna from the GPS antennas, it is possible to determine
which satellites are likely to be obscured by the structure. The following table summarises
the satellites and the amount of time each day that obstruction may be a problem. It should
The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 24
be noted that the times are conservative due to a several degree azimuth and elevation
band around the proposed structure site.

Sat Start Time (UTC) Stop Time (UTC) Period (min)

04 17:40 18:02 22
06 1:26 1:50 24
12 18:58 19:20 22
18 13:38 13:42 4

Table 5.1 Time periods for which satellites are below 15º degree elevation and 5º either
side of an azimuth of 287º at Ballarat on 5th December, 1995.

It should be noted that the orbital period of the satellites is slightly (approximately four
minutes) less than twenty-four hours. Therefore, the same satellite will be obstructed
approximately two hours earlier each month. From table 5.1, it is apparent that the time
periods are quite short (less than half an hour). In addition, the size of the tower is likely to
cause slight multipath effects and lower signal to noise ratio values, rather than render the
satellite unuseable. As many commercial pseudorange processing packages weight
measurements based on signal to noise ratio and/or satellite elevation, the effects may not
be noticeable in many instances. In surveying applications where the carrier phase is used,
manufacturers often recommend elevation mask constraints of fifteen degrees, in which
case the discussion is irrelevant as the structure does not impinge above fifteen degree

5.6 Summary
From the information provided, it is logical to conclude that if the Vodafone transmission
source has an effect on the base station service, the effect is likely to be minor. The
Vodafone frequency should not cause problems in GPS satellite acquisition. Low elevation
satellites may experience slight multipath and hence lower signal to noise ratio values due
to the physical presence of the antenna structure. The question that needs to be resolved is
whether the receiver is capable of tracking within 37m of an antenna transmitting at 0.5Mw.
Based on the information reported in current literature, modern receivers would appear to
be able to perform satisfactorily under these conditions.
The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 25
In the event that the power of the Vodafone transmissions affects the receiver to the point
where the GPS signals cannot be acquired, several options are available. First, the
antenna can be relocated further away from the transmitting antenna. Second, a filter may
be available which blocks the Vodafone frequency from the “front end” of the GPS receiver.
Third, a state of the art receiver can be tested to see if it is affected in a similar manner.
The assessment of which of these techniques is the most cost-effective is dependent on a
number of factors, however, the third option is perhaps the most beneficial to the base
station service in the long term.

In summary, to evaluate the impact of the Vodafone installation on the existing base station
service, pseudorange and carrier phase measurements need to be acquired before and
after installation. The acquired measurements should be analysed to assess the impact of
RF interference on satellite tracking, magnitude of multipath and reduction in signal to
noise ratio caused by the Vodafone transmissions.

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 26


The report has detailed several aspects concerning the establishment of GPS base
stations and the successful acquisition of GPS observables. The following
recommendations are made.

a) GPS base stations should not be located adjacent to antennas transmitting

signals at the L1 or L2 frequencies.

b) GPS base stations should not be located adjacent to antennas transmitting

signals with harmonics at the L1 or L2 frequencies.

c) If establishment of a GPS base station in the vicinity of a transmitting antenna

with fundamental frequency or harmonics in the L1 and/or L2 frequency ranges
is unavoidable, the direct line of sight between the GPS antenna and
interference source should be blocked.

d) State of the art GPS receivers should be used to benefit from improvements in
RF interference resistance by GPS manufacturers over the last few years.

e) GPS base stations should be located as far as possible from transmitting

sources, whether the signals have harmonics in the L1 or L2 ranges or not.

f) GPS users will request increased performance from base station services, in
particular with the requirement for dual frequency measurements. Therefore,
interference frequencies at both the L1 and L2 frequencies must be

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 27

g) GPS base station antennas should be located with a clear unobstructed view
of the sky. Large features adjacent to antenna sites may cause reduced signal
to noise ratio values, signal multipath and in the worst case, satellite tracking

h) If base station antennas are to be placed on roof tops, the antennas should be
raised as high as possible above the roof surface.

i) Antenna groundplanes should be used for all GPS base stations.

j) Modern technology GPS receivers with multipath detection firmware should be

used where possible.

k) The performance of the base station should be monitored periodically with

respect to RF interference, the magnitude of code and carrier multipath, signal
to noise ratio and satellite outages.

The Effect of RF Interference, Multipath and Obstruction on the GPS Observables 28


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