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Applied Mechanics Lab

Nvis 8000

Learning Material
Ver. 1.1

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Nvis 8000

Applied Mechanics Lab

Nvis 8000
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 04

2. Features 05

3. Component Identification 06

4. Technical Specifications 10

5. Safety Instructions 11

6. Theory 12

7. Experiments

Experiment 1 20
Verification of Hooke‟s Law with the help of spring
Experiment 2 22
To verify Triangle Law of forces and Parallelogram Law of forces
Experiment 3 25
Understanding the concept behind Resolving Forces (Components)
Experiment 4 28
Study of Simple Harmonic Motion using mass on a spring
Experiment 5 30
Study of Simple Harmonic Motion using the pendulum
Experiment 6 32
Study and verification of the Lami's theorem
Experiment 7 35
Understanding the concept of Adding Forces Resultants and equilibrants
Experiment 8 38
To verify the Polygon Law of forces
Experiment 9 41
To Study of Sliding Friction
Experiment 10 43
To Study forces applied on an Inclined Plane

8. Glossary 46

9. Frequently Asked Questions 48

10. Warranty 49

11. List of Service Center 50

12. List of accessories 51

13. Reference 52

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Nvis 8000 Applied Mechanics Lab is a useful training product to learn the fundamentals of
Mechanics. The study of Mechanics begins with Newton‟s Second Law: force equals mass times
acceleration. This set of experiments is designed to help you investigate the nature of force by
studying a very special case in mechanics: the case, in which there is no acceleration, because the
vector sum of all the forces acting on the body is equal to zero. Why study this very special case?
There are two reasons. The first is that non accelerating systems are much easier to observe than
accelerating systems. By investigating the many ways in which forces can be applied to a body
without causing acceleration, a great deal can be learned about the vector nature of forces. The
second reason for studying this special case is that it is not so special after all. Look around most
solid objects on Earth tend to come to rest, and of course, when they are at rest, the net force
acting on them is zero. Throughout the world of our everyday experience, unaccelerated systems
are the rule, not the exception.
Applied mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences and the practical application of mechanics.
Applied mechanics examines the response of bodies (solids and fluids) or systems of bodies to
external forces. Some examples of mechanical systems include the flow of a liquid under
pressure, the fracture of a solid from an applied force.

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Magnetic attachment of accessories

High quality rust-proof stainless steel Board

Wall Mounting Arrangement

Simple Representation of Concept

Simulation Software (optional)

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Component Identification

Experiment Board:


Spring Balance:

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Force Ring:

Degree Scale:

Rolling Mass:

Mass Hanger:

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Inclined Plane:

Friction Block:

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100g (0.1kg)
50g (0.05kg)
20g (0.02kg)
10g (0.01kg)
5g (0.005kg)

Neodymium Magnet:


Ferrite Magnet:

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Technical Specifications

Masses : (5g, 10g, 20g, 50g, 100g)

Experiment Board : 600mm X 600mm

Spring Balance : 0 to 1Kg

Rolling Masses : 70g and 125g

Friction Block : 95g

Pendulum Ball : Diameter-1inch

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Safety Instructions

Read the following safety instructions carefully before perform the experiment.

1. Keep the product dust free, clean.

2. Magnetic fields of Neodymium magnets are much strong, so please handle carefully
one by one for protection of fingers. It can pinch, crush, and cause lots of damage

3. Keep some non attracted materials (Wood, Teflon, Nylon, Plastic, etc) in between
each two magnets.

4. Keep distance between Neodymium magnet and some special metals like- iron, steel
and also from other magnets.

5. Use soft materials for attachment neodymium magnets on experiment board for
avoid scratches on board.

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In any field the importance of a thorough knowledge of fundamentals cannot be over emphasized.
Fundamentals have always been stressed in the learning of new skills. Similarly, the mechanics
branch of science which deals with the forces and their effect on bodies on which they act is
founded on basic concepts and forms the ground-work for further study in the design and analysis
of machines and structures. Mechanics can be subdivides into:
Statics, the study of non-moving bodies under known loads.
Dynamics (or kinetics), the study of how forces affect moving bodies.
Mechanics of materials or strength of materials, the study of how
different materials deform under various types of stress.
Deformation mechanics, the study of deformations typically in the elastic range.
Fluid mechanics, the study of how fluids react to forces. Note that fluid mechanics can be
further split into fluid statics and fluid dynamics, and is itself a sub discipline
of continuum mechanics. The application of fluid mechanics in engineering is
called hydraulics.
The concept of force is used to describe an influence that causes a free body to undergo
acceleration. Force can also be described by intuitive concepts such as a push or pull that can
cause an object with mass to change its velocity (which includes to begin moving from a state of
rest), i.e., to accelerate, or which can cause a flexible object to deform. An applied force has both
magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity.

Force = Mass x Acceleration

Newton's second law can be formulated to state that an object with a constant mass will accelerate
in proportion to the net force acting upon and in inverse proportion to its mass, an approximation
which breaks down near the speed of light. Newton's original formulation is exact, and does not
break down: this version states that the net force acting upon an object is equal to the rate at
which its momentum changes.

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Characteristics of Forces:
1. Magnitude
2. Direction
3. Nature (Puss or Pull)
4. Point of application

Some technical terms of forces:

Coplanar forces- co planar forces are defined as the force or a set of forces acting a body are in
the same geometric plane.
Concurrent forces- The forces acting or meeting in a single point of action is said to be
concurrent force.
Non-Co-linear forces- Non-co-linear force is defined as the force which doesn‟t act on the same
line of action of that force.

Action of Forces:

1. Coplanar concurrent collinear- In which vectors lie along the same straight line.
2. Coplanar concurrent non parallel- In which lines of action pass through a common
point is called concurrent force. Line of action meet at a point but have different direction
in same plane.
3. Coplanar non concurrent parallel- Line of action of all forces lie in same plane and
parallel but may not have same direction.
4. Coplanar non concurrent non parallel- Line of action of all forces lie in same plane but
do not pass through common point.

Adding Forces:

There are two forces (F1 and F2) acting on an object. The same effect could be achieved with
only one force which is the sum of F1 and F2. This sum is called the Resultant Force.

This is actually just vector addition. Forces can be treated as lines, and just like drawing a poly
line in CAD, you must enter the length (representing Newton‟s) and the angle (degrees).

Resolving Forces:

To avoid using CAD or triangle geometry (cosine rule etc), we can use the collinear force trick.
Collinear forces can be added like numbers, so if every force is resolved into X and Y
Components, all the X ones can be added together to give the total X force. Same with the Y

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These two totals can then be added as 1 simple triangle to give the final resultant force.

Fx = Magnitude X cos (Angle)

Fy = Magnitude X sine (Angle)
Since we are using 360 degree notation for the angle (A), the formula will always give the correct

Laws of Forces:
1. Parallelogram law of force
2. Triangle law of force
3. Polygon law of force

Parallelogram law of force- When more than two forces are involved, the geometry is no longer
parallelogrammatic, but the same principles apply. Forces, being vectors are observed to obey the
laws of vector addition and so the overall (resultant) force due to the application of a number of
forces can be found geometrically by drawing vector arrows for each force. This construction has
the same result as moving F2 so its tail coincides with the head of F1, and taking the net force as
the vector joining the tail of F1 to the head of F2. This procedure can be repeated to add F3 to the
resultant F1 + F2, and so forth.

Triangle law of force- According to this law if there are three forces acting over a body which is
in equilibrium. Then, the two forces are represented as a two side of a triangle in same order with
scaling their magnitude to a suitable scale then the third side or the closing side of the triangle
would be the resultant in opposite order.

Polygon law of force- When the forces acting on a body are more than two, the triangle law can
be extended to polygon law.
If a number of coplanar concurrent forces acting simultaneously on a body are represented in
magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon, taken in order, then their resultant can be
represented by closing side of the polygon in magnitude and direction in the opposite order.
Consider the forces F1, F2, F 3 and F4 are acting at a point O as shown in below figure (a). Starting
from the point O, the vector OA represents the force F 1 in magnitude (using suitable scales) and
direction. From the tip A, draw vector AB representing the force F2. Similarly, vector BC
represents the force F3 and vector CD represents force F4. Join the starting point O to the end
point D giving a vector OD in opposite order. Vector OD represents the resultant
force R = F1 + F2 + F 3 + F4 in magnitude and direction as shown in below figure (b).

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From the triangle law of forces

Lami's Theorem:

This theorem was given by a Great Mathematician “Bernard Lamy”, and the name was coined
Lami‟s theorem.
According to this theorem, when three coplanar, concurrent and non-co-linear forces act on a
body which is in equilibrium then the magnitude of each force is proportional to the sine of angle
between other two forces.

This theorem can be proved by the sine law.

(A/Sin α) = (B/Sin β) = (C/ Sin γ)

Also we can solve it by triangle law.

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Torque, also called moment or moment of force is the measure of a force's tendency to produce a
rotation about an axis. That is, if a force is used to begin to spin something, or to attempt to spin
something, a torque is generated. A torque would also be generated if a force was used to stop
something from spinning.

For example consider a rod or board that is placed horizontally and is attached to an axis at its
center so that it can rotate. This would be somewhat like a seesaw or teeter-totter. If a force pulled
down on the right side of this board, then it would rotate clockwise.

In physics, it is usually called "torque", and in mechanical engineering, it is called "moment".

However, in mechanical engineering, the term "torque" means something different. The symbol
for torque is typically τ, the Greek letter tau. When it is called moment, it is commonly denoted
Mass is defined as 'the quantity of matter composing a body'. In every object, there is a unique
point called 'center of mass (CM)' around which the object's mass is equally distributed in all
directions. In other words, mass is balanced at the CM in all directions. Finding the CM of an
object is an important task in biomechanics since, in many cases, the CM of an object is the point
which effectively represents the whole object.
Weight is the gravitation acting between the earth and the object. Its direction is downward. The
weight vector (force vector) passes through the CM of the object.

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Center of Mass:
Gravity is a universal force; every bit of matter in the universe is attracted to every other bit of
matter. So when the balance beam is suspended from a pivot point, every bit of matter in the
beam is attracted to every bit of matter in the Earth. Fortunately for engineers and physics
students, the sum of all these gravitational forces produces a single resultant. This resultant acts as
if it were pulling between the center of the Earth and the center of mass of the balance beam.

The magnitude of the force is the same as if all the matter of the Earth were located at the center
of the Earth and all the matter of the balance beam were located at the center of mass of the
balance beam.

Hooke's Law:
Hooke's law of elasticity is an approximation that states that the extension of a spring is in direct
proportion with the load added to it as long as this load does not exceed the elastic limit. Materials
for which Hooke's law is a useful approximation are known as linear-elastic or "Hookean"

F = -k x
x = displacement of the end of the spring from its equilibrium position;
F = restoring force exerted by the material;
k = force constant (or spring constant).

When this holds, the behavior is said to be linear. If shown on a graph, the line should show a
direct variation. There is a negative sign on the right hand side of the equation because the
restoring force always acts in the opposite direction of the displacement. With this statics system,
there are two methods of measuring and applying forces. One method is to hang the calibrated
masses. For a mass m, gravity pulls it downward with a magnitude F = mg, where g is the

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acceleration caused by gravity (g= 9.8 m/s2 downward, toward the center of the Earth). The
Spring Balance provides a second method of applying and measuring forces.

Simple Harmonic Motion:

Simple harmonic motion is specified by the motion of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the
linear elastic restoring force given by Hooke's Law. The motion is sinusoidal in time and
demonstrates a single resonant frequency.

Simple harmonic motion is not restricted to masses on springs. In fact, it is one of the most
common and important types of motion found in nature. From the vibrations of atoms to the
vibrations of airplane wings, simple harmonic motion plays an important role in many physical
phenomena. A swinging pendulum, for example, exhibits behavior very similar to that of a mass
on a spring. By making some comparisons between these two phenomena, some predictions can
be made about the period of oscillations for a pendulum.
A pendulum with the string and mass at an angle θ from the vertical position. Two forces act on
the mass; the force of the string and the force of gravity. The gravitational force, F = mg, can be
resolved into two components; Fx and Fy. Fy just balances the force of the string and therefore
does not accelerate the mass. Fx is in the direction of motion of the mass, and therefore does
accelerate and decelerate the mass. Using the two congruent triangles in the diagram, it can be
seen that Fx = (mg sin θ), and that the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position is an
arc whose distance, x, is approximately (l tan θ). If the angle θ is reasonably small, then it is very
nearly true that sin θ= tan θ. Therefore, for small swings of the pendulum, it is approximately true
that Fx = (mg tan θ) = (mg x /l). Comparing this equation with the equation for a mass on a spring
(F= -kx), it can be seen that the quantity (mg/l) plays the same mathematical role as the spring

Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material
elements sliding against each other.

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The interactions between objects that cause them to resist sliding against each other seem to be
due in part to microscopic irregularities of the surfaces, but also in part to interactions on a
molecular level. However, though the phenomena are not fully understood, there are some
properties of friction that hold for most materials under many different conditions. In this
experiment you will investigate some of the properties of sliding friction the force that resists the
sliding motion of two objects when they are already in motion.

Types of Friction:

Dry friction resists relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces in contact. Dry friction is
subdivided into static friction ("stiction") between non-moving surfaces, and kinetic
friction between moving surfaces.
Fluid friction describes the friction between layers within a viscous fluid that are moving
relative to each other.
Lubricated friction is a case of fluid friction where a fluid separates two solid surfaces.
Skin friction is a component of drag, the force resisting the motion of a solid body
through a fluid.
Internal friction is the force resisting motion between the elements making up a solid
material while it undergoes deformation.

Coefficient of Friction:

The static friction coefficient (μ) between two solid surfaces is defined as the ratio of the
tangential force (F) required producing sliding divided by the normal force between the surfaces

μ = F /N
For a horizontal surface the horizontal force (F) to move a solid resting on a flat surface

F= μ x mass of solid x g.

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Experiment 1

Verification of Hooke‟s Law with the help of spring

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Mass Hanger

1. Arrange the setup as shown in the below figure.

2. Hang the spring at the top of Experiment Board.

3. Hang a Mass Hanger on the spring with mass (for e.g. 0.05Kg = 50g) as shown in the figure
Note: Be sure to include the mass of the Mass Hanger (10g=0.01 Kg) in the total mass. To get
the correct force in Newton, you must use the mass values in kilograms.

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4. Measure the spring displacement by scale after hanging the mass (in meter) as shown in the
figure below.

5. Using the formula F = mg, determine the total weight in Newton for each set of masses that
was used. (m = total mass & g = gravitational force = 9.81 m/s2 )
6. Record the all values in Observation Table.
7. Similarly you have to take readings for different masses in proper proportion (for e.g. 0.06kg,
0.08kg, 0.10kg and so on…..)

Observation Table:

Mass (kg) Weight (N) Spring Displacement (m)

On a separate sheet of paper, construct a graph of Weight (N) versus Spring Displacement (m)
with Spring Displacement on the X-axis & Weight on the Y-axis. Draw the line that best fits your
data points. The slope of the graph is the spring constant for the spring used in the Spring
Balance. Measure the spring constant from your graph. Be sure to include the units (Newton

Spring Constant (K) = _____________ (Newton‟s/meter).

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Experiment 2

To verify Triangle Law of forces and Parallelogram law of forces

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Small Pulley
Mass Hanger
Paper Sheet
Neodymium Magnet
Ferrite Magnet

The “Triangle Law of Forces” states that if three coplanar forces acting on a particle can be
represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides of triangle taken in order, the forces will
be in equilibrium.
This law can also be stated as: that if two forces acting on a particle are represented in magnitude
and direction by two sides of a triangle taken in order than their resultant will be given by the
third sides of triangle taken in opposite direction.
“Parallelogram law of forces”: if a particle is acted by two forces represented in magnitude and
direction by the two sides of a parallelogram drawn from a point then the resultant is completely
represented by the diagonal passing through the same point.

1. Arrange the setup as shown in the figure below.

2. Fix the paper sheet on the board set in a center of vertical plane using ferrite magnet.
3. Mount the 2 pulleys top on the Experiment Board using Neodymium Magnet as shown in
figure above.

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4. Pass one thread over the both pulleys carrying a mass hanger at its each end (For adding
weight during the experiment).
5. Take a second thread and tie its one end at the middle of the first thread and tie a mass hanger
at its other end.
Note: Make sure that knot of the second thread should be in center on the first thread after
hanging the masses on the mass hanger.
6. Displace slightly the mass hanger from their equilibrium position and note if they come to
their original position of rest. This will ensure free movement of pulley.
7. Hang the masses on each mass hanger in proper proportion, so that the knot comes
approximately in the center of sheet.
8. Now first of all mark the center point of three threads on the paper sheet (on knot).
9. Mark the two points on paper sheet according to each thread (diagonally) as shown in figure
10. Remove the paper from the board and draw the line of forces meet at “O” as shown in figure
11. Name the forces P, Q, R, as OA, OB & OC respectively on the branch.
12. Assume a suitable scale (for e.g. 10g = 1 cm or 20g = 1 cm).

Triangle Law of Forces:

13. Draw a line „ab‟ parallel to force P and cut it equal to the magnitude of P (for e.g. you hang
the 60g masses on the mass hanger also you have to consider 10g mass of mass hanger, so you
have to cut the line of 7 cm). Hence the point „b‟ will be produced.
14. Now from point „b‟ draw the line „bc‟ parallel to force Q and cut it equal to the magnitude of
the Q same as previous step.
15. Calculate the magnitude of „ca‟ as per your assumed scale, i.e. R1. This will equal to the third
force R, which will prove the triangle law of forces.
16. If calculated R1 is different from original magnitude of R then percentage error is found as

Original Magnitude( R) Calculated Magnitude( R1)

Percentage Error = *100
Original Magnitude( R)

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Parallelogram Law of Forces:

17. Cut OA = magnitude of force P & hence produce point „S‟ as per your assumed scale.
18. Similarly cut OB = magnitude of force Q & hence produce point „T‟.
19. From point „S‟ draw a line SW parallel to OB and draw a line TW parallel to OA.
20. The resultant of forces P & Q will be shown by R1 which will be equal to R. which will prove
the triangle law of forces.
21. If R1 is different from original magnitude of R then percentage error is found as follows:

Original Magnitude( R) Calculated Magnitude( R1)

Percentage Error = *100
Original Magnitude( R)
Note: R & R1 are in opposite direction.
Observations Table:
Assume Scale……………
S.N. Total Total Total Calculated ℅ Error=
weight of P weight of Q weight of R Resultant R1 (R-R1)/R×100

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Experiment 3

Understanding the concept behind Resolving Forces (Components)

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Degree Scale
Force Ring
Small Pulleys
Mass Hangers
Neodymium Magnet

1. Arrange the setup as shown in the below figure.

2. Hang the Spring Balance at the top of Experiment Board.

Note: Adjust the zeroing screw on the top of the Spring Balance until the indicator is aligned
with the 0 cm mark on the centimeter scale of the Spring Balance.
3. Fix the Degree Scale on the center of Experiment Board using Neodymium Magnet.
4. Mount the pulley on the right top of Experiment Board using Neodymium Magnet. This will
be the first pulley.

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5. Pass one thread over the pulley carrying a mass hanger at its one end (For adding weight
during performance of experiment) and tie its other end to the force ring.
6. Mount another pulley near the bottom of degree scale using Neodymium Magnet. This will be
the second pulley.
7. Now take a second thread & pass it over the second pulley carrying the mass hanger at its one
end (For adding weight during performance of experiment) and tie its other end to the force
8. After that take a third thread & tie its one end to the force ring & tie its other end to the mass
hanger (as shown in figure above).
9. Now hang the masses on the mass hanger in proper proportion.
10. Adjust the spring balance & second pulley in such a manner that the force ring must
approximately comes in the center of the degree scale.
11. Now measure the angles θ of force F as well as measure the magnitude of this force. Note
these values.
Magnitude of Force F =___________
Angle of Force F = ___________
Note: These X and Y components are actually the X and Y components of the equilibrants of F,
rather than of F itself.
12. Record the magnitude of the X and Y components of the equilibrant of force „F‟ from spring
balance & vertical mass hanger respectively.
Magnitude of X-Component = ______________
Magnitude of Y-Component = _____________
13. Now determine the magnitude of X & Y components as mentioned below:
Why use components to specify vectors? One reason is that using components makes it easy to
add vectors mathematically. Below figure shows the X and Y components of a vector F, at an
angle ө with the X-axis. Since the components are at right angles to each other, the parallelogram
used to determine their resultant is a rectangle. Using right triangle AOX, the components of F are
easily calculated: the X-component equals F cos ө, the Y component equals F sin ө. If you have
many vectors to add, simply determine the X and Y components for each vector add all the X-
components together and add all the Y components together. The resulting values are the X and Y
components for the resultant.

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14. Now determine Fx & Fy, the magnitudes of the X and Y components of F.
Fx = F cos ө = ………..
Fy = F sin ө =...............
15. Now change the magnitude and direction of force F and repeat the experiment.

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Experiment 4
Study of simple Harmonic Motion using mass on a spring

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Mass Hanger

Below Figure shows a mass hanging from a spring. At rest, the mass hangs in a position such that
the spring force just balances the gravitational force on the mass. When the mass is below this
point, the spring pulls it back up. When the mass is above this point, gravity pulls it back down.
The net force on the mass is therefore a restoring force, because it always acts to accelerate the
mass back toward its equilibrium position.
Whenever an object is acted on by a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement of the
object from its equilibrium position, the resulting motion is called Simple Harmonic Motion.
When the simple harmonic motion of a mass (M) on a spring is analyzed mathematically using
Newton‟s Second Law the period of the motion (T) is found to be:

T=2π √M/K
1. Arrange the setup as shown in the figure below.

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2. Hang the spring at the top of Experiment Board.

3. Take a thread & tie its one end to spring & other end to mass hanger.
4. Now hang the some masses on the mass hanger in between 50-150g for proper observation.
5. After that pull the mass hanger till some limit of spring in the downward direction & then
release it.
6. You observe that masses are oscillating.
7. Measure the time it takes for at least 10 full oscillations to occur. (Measure the time for as
many oscillations as can be conveniently counted before the amplitude of the oscillations
becomes too small.)
8. Record the Mass, Time and Number of Oscillations counted in the below Observation Table.

1. Measure K, the spring constant K =___ (Newton/meter). (See Experiment1)
2. Now divide the total time by the number of oscillations observed to determine the period of
the oscillations. (The period is the time required for one complete oscillation).
3. Record this value of measured period in the observation table.
4. Use the following equation to calculate a theoretical (calculated period) value for the period
using each mass value.
T=2π √ (M/K)
M = Total Hanged Mass
K = Spring Constant
T = Time Period of Oscillations (Calculated)
5. Enter this value of calculated period in the observation table.
6. Cross check your measured value with calculated value of period.
7. Repeat the experiment for different set of masses.
Observation Table:
Mass No. of Time Measured Calculated
(Kg) Oscillation (s) Period Period
(s) (s)

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Experiment 5

Study of Simple Harmonic Motion using the Pendulum

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Mass Hanger
Stop Watch

1. Arrange the setup as shown in the below figure.

2. Now take a thread & tie its one end to the vertical hanger & its other end to a pendulum.
3. Before hanging the pendulum, first measure the length of thread (l) & note down this value.
4. Now oscillate the pendulum in such a manner that amplitude of oscillation should not be too
5. Measure the time it takes for at least 20 oscillations of pendulum to occur. And note down the
observation table.
6. Record the Time t and No. of Oscillations counted in the below Observation Table.

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7. Add the length of hook & radius of pendulum in the length of thread (l). It is total length of
thread L & records it in the observation table.
Length of Hook = 1.5 cm
Radius of Pendulum = 1.2 cm

1. Now divide the total time by the no. of oscillations observed to determine the period of
oscillations. (The period is the time required for one complete oscillation)
2. Record this value of measured period in the table.
3. Use the following equation to calculate a theoretical value (calculated period) for a period
using different length of string.
T= 2π √L/g
L = Total Length of Thread
g= gravitational force (9.81m/s2)
4. Record this value of calculated period in the observation table.
5. Cross check your measured value with calculated value of period.
6. Repeat the experiment for different length of string.

Observation Table:
Total Length of No. of Time (S) Period (S) Period(S)
Thread L (in Oscillation Measured Calculated

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Experiment 6

Study & Verification of the Lami's Theorem

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Force Ring
Degree Scale
Small Pulley
Mass Hanger
Neodymium Magnet

In statics, the Lami's theorem is an equation relating the magnitudes of three coplanar, concurrent
and non-collinear forces, which keeps an object in static equilibrium, with the angles directly
opposite to the corresponding forces. According to the law:

Where A, B and C are the magnitude of forces A, B and C respectively. This keeps the object in
static equilibrium.

α = angle opposite to force A

β = angle opposite to force C
γ = angle opposite to force B

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1. Arrange the setup as shown in the figure below.

2. Fix the Degree Scale on the center of Experiment Board using Neodymium Magnet.
3. Mount the 2 pulleys on the top of Experiment Board using Neodymium Magnet.
4. Pass one thread over the first pulley carrying a mass hanger at its one end (For adding weight
during performance of experiment) and tie its other end to the force ring.
5. Now take a second thread & pass it over the second pulley carrying the mass hanger at its one
end (For adding weight during performance of experiment) and tie its other end to the force
6. Take a third thread & tie its one end to the force ring & other end to mass hanger.
7. Now hang the masses on the all mass hangers in proper proportion & in such a manner that
the force ring must approximately comes in the center of the degree scale.
8. Now record the magnitude A, B & C of forces F3, F1 & F2 respectively and convert it in to
Newton by following formula:

F= mg
m = Mass in Kg
g = Acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/second square)

9. Now measure the angles of forces F1, F2 & F3 as α, β & γ respectively and record these
values in the table.

A B C F1 F2 F3 α β γ F3/Sin F2/Sin F1/Sin

(Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (N) (N) (N) Degree Degree Degree α β γ

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10. To prove the Lami's Theorem solve for the equation:

11. Verify the results by comparing each term with above equation.
Note: If there are some minor error comes in calculation, so it may be the human errors.
12. Now change the masses and take another set of readings.

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Experiment 7

Understanding the concept of Adding Forces Resultants and Equilibrants

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Spring Balance
Degree Scale
Force Ring
Small Pulleys
Mass Hangers
Neodymium Magnet
Paper Sheet

1. Arrange the setup as shown in the below figure.

2. Hang the Spring Balance at the top of Experiment Board.

Note: Adjust the zeroing screw on the top of the Spring Balance until the indicator is aligned
with the 0 cm mark on the centimeter scale of the Spring Balance.

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3. Fix the Degree Scale on the center of Experiment Board using Neodymium Magnet.
4. Mount the 2 pulleys on the top of Experiment Board using Neodymium Magnet.
5. Pass one thread over the first pulley carrying a mass hanger at its one end (For adding weight
during performance of experiment) and tie its other end to the force ring.
6. Now take a second thread & pass it over the second pulley carrying the mass hanger at its one
end (For adding weight during performance of experiment) and tie its other end to the force
7. Mount the third pulley on the near bottom left of degree scale using Neodymium Magnet (as
shown in figure above).
8. After that take a third thread & tie its one end to the force ring & pass it over the third pulley
and tie its other end to the spring balance.
9. Now hang the masses on the mass hanger in proper proportion & adjust the only third pulley
in such a manner that the force ring must approximately comes in the center of the degree
10. Now measure the angles θ1, θ2 & θe through the degree scale as shown in figure above &
record these values.
11. After that record the mass M1 & M2 of forces F1 & F2. And mass Me of force Fe through the
spring balance
12. Now calculate the forces F1 & F2 in Newton.

F= mg (g = 9.81)

Observation Table:

S. N. Mass (kg) Force (N) Angle

1. M1 = F1 = θ1 =
2. M2 = F2 = θ2 =
3. Me = Fe = θe =

13. Now take separate sheet of paper, from point „O‟ draw the forces line F1 & F2 as per angle θ1
& θ2.
14. Assume a suitable scale (for e.g. 10g = 1 cm or 20g = 1 cm).
15. On your diagram, use the parallelogram method to draw the resultant of F1 and F2. Label the
resultant Fr. Measure the length of Fr to determine the magnitude of the resultant force and
record this magnitude on your diagram.
16. Does the equilibrants force vector Fe, exactly balance the resultant vector Fr. If not, can you
suggest some possible sources of error in your measurements and constructions? Vary the
magnitudes and directions of F1 and F2 and repeat the experiment.
17. If Fr is different from original magnitude of Fe then percentage error is found as follows:

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Original Magnitude( Fe) Calculated Magnitude( Fr )

Percentage Error = *100
Original Magnitude( Fe)

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Experiment 8

To verify the polygon law of forces

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Small Pulley
Mass Hanger
Paper Sheet
Neodymium Magnet
Ferrite Magnet

“Polygon law of forces” sates that if a no. of forces acting on a particle are represented in
magnitude and direction by sides of a polygon taken in same order then their resultant is
represented in magnitude & direction by the closing side of polygon taken in opposite direction.

1. Arrange the setup as shown in the below figure.

2. Fix the paper sheet on the board set in a center of vertical plane using ferrite magnet.
3. Mount the 2 pulleys (1st set) on the top of Experiment Board using Neodymium Magnet.
4. Pass one thread over the both pulleys carrying a mass hanger at its each end (For adding
weight during performance of experiment).
5. Now mount the other 2 pulleys (2nd set) on the bottom of Experiment Board using
Neodymium Magnet.

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6. Pass second thread over the both bottom pulleys as well as it passes through the first thread
carrying a mass hanger at its each end (For adding weight during performance of experiment).
7. Take a third thread and tie its one end at the middle of the first & second thread and tie a mass
hanger at its other end.
8. Displace slightly the mass hanger from their equilibrium position and note if they come to
their original position of rest. This will ensure free movement of pulley.
9. Hang the masses on each mass hanger in proper proportion, so that the knot comes
approximately in the center of sheet.
10. Now first of all mark the center point of three threads on the paper sheet.
11. Mark the four points on paper sheet according to each thread (diagonally) without disturbing
the system (as shown in figure above).
12. Remove the paper from the board and draw the line of forces meet at “O” (as shown in figure
13. Name the forces P, Q, S, T, R as OA, OB, OC, OD & OE branch.
14. Assume a suitable scale (for e.g. 10g = 1 cm or 20g = 1 cm).
15. Now cut a line OA at point „a‟ equal to magnitude of the force P.
16. After that from point „a‟ draw a line „ab‟ parallel to the OB. And cut it equal to the magnitude
of force Q.
17. Now from point „b‟ draw a line „bc‟ parallel to the OD. And cut it equal to the magnitude of
force T.
18. After that from point „c‟ draw a line „cd‟ parallel to the OS. And cut it equal to the magnitude
of force S.
19. Now join this point„d‟ to the point „O‟ & measure this distance. This is R1 which will
approximately equal to the force R, which will prove the Polygon law of forces.
20. If R1 is different from original magnitude of R then percentage error is found as follows:

Original Magnitude( R) Calculated Magnitude( R1)

Percentage Error = *100
Original Magnitude( R)

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Observations Table:
Assume Scale……………

S.No. Total Total Total Total Total Calculated ℅ Error =

Weight of Weight of Weight of Weight of Weight of Resultant (R-R1)/R
P Q S T R R1 ×100

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Experiment 9

To study the Sliding Friction

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Inclined Plane
Friction Block
Long Pulley
Mass Hangers
Neodymium Magnet

1. Arrange the setup as shown in the below figure.

2. Mount the inclined plane on the top left of experiment board using neodymium magnet.
3. Use the pendulum to insure that the inclined plane is in level with the experiment board.
4. Now mount the long pulley on the top right of experiment board using neodymium magnet.
5. After that take a thread & tie its one end to friction block & other end passes over the pulley
with carrying a mass hanger.
6. Put the friction block on the inclined plane.
7. Now adjust the position of the pulley so that the string is level with the surface of the Inclined
8. Adjust the mass on the Mass Hanger such that, when you give the Friction Block a small push
to start it moving, it continues to move along the inclined plane at a very slow, constant speed.
9. The weight of the hanging mass that is just sufficient to provide a constant slow speed is Ff.
Ff is the force of the sliding friction of the Friction Block against the Inclined Plane.

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10. Two variables can be varied while measuring Ff. They are:

Normal Force (W+M)g: Place masses (M) on top of the Friction Block to adjust the
normal force between the block and the Inclined Plane.

Note: Here W (95g=0.095Kg) is the mass of the friction block & M is the applied mass.

Contact Area (A & B): Adjust the area of contact between the Friction Block by having
side A & B of the Friction Block in contact with the Inclined Plane i.e. performs this
experiment with both side of Friction Block (A&B).

11. Now add different masses (for e.g. 0.02kg, 0.04kg and so on….) on top of the Friction Block.
At each value of M, adjust the hanging mass to determine the magnitude of Ff (follow steps 8
to 10).
12. For each measurement, calculate the ratio between the magnitude of the sliding friction (Ff) &
the magnitude of the normal force (W+M) g. This ratio is called the coefficient of friction µ.

Coefficient of
(W+M)g (in Newton) Ff (in Newton)
Sr. No. M (in Kg) Friction µ
W = 0.09Kg & g=9.81
A side B side A side B side
1 0
(No mass on the (0.09 + 0) x 9.81
friction block)
2 0.02
3 0.04
4 0.06
5 0.08
6 010

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Experiment 10

To Study forces applied on an Inclined Plane

Items Required:
Experiment Board
Spring Balance
Inclined Plane
Rolling Masses (Small & Big)
Long Pulleys
Mass Hanger
Neodymium Magnet

1. Arrange the setup as shown in the figure below.

2. Mount the inclined plane on the experiment board at any angle using neodymium magnet.
3. Now mount the long pulley on the right side of the inclined plane a shown in figure above.
4. Use the pendulum to find the angle of inclination of inclined plane with the experiment board
& note down it in the observation table.
5. Take a thread & tie its one end to center of rolling mass & other end passes over the pulley
with carrying a mass hanger.
6. Put the rolling mass on inclined plane & hang the masses on the mass hanger in such a
manner that the rolling mass & mass hanger both comes in the position of equilibrium.
7. Now note down the value of Fx in the observation table.


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8. To calculate the force that must be exerted by the string and by the ramp, W can be resolved
into two components. Wx a component directed along the surface of the ramp and Wy a
component perpendicular to the surface of the ramp. The magnitudes of Wx and Wy are easily
calculated: Wx = W sinθ and Wy = W cosθ. Fx the force provided by the thread is
approximately equal and opposite to Wx. Fy the force provided by the ramp is approximately
equal and opposite of Wy.

Where, W is the weight of the rolling mass, which is W=mg (m=0.07kg (for small roller) or
0.12 kg (for big roller) & g=9.81)
9. Note down the readings of Wx & Fx in the observation table.
10. Now at same angle determine the value of Fy & Wy. And for this arrange the setup as shown
in the bellow figure.

11. Hang the Spring Balance at the top of Experiment Board.

Note: Adjust the zeroing screw on the top of the Spring Balance until the indicator is aligned
with the 0 cm mark on the centimeter scale of the Spring Balance.
12. Now mount the long pulley on the experiment board as shown in figure using neodymium
13. Take a thread & tie its one end to center of rolling mass & other end to the spring balance
passes through the long pulley.
14. Adjust the pulley & spring balance in such a manner that the angle between both thread of
rolling mass is approximately 90 degree & spring balance barely lifts the rolling mass also (as
shown in figure above).
15. Note down the readings of Wy & Fy in the observation table.
16. Now take the more readings of Fx, Fy, Wx & Wy at different-different angles of inclination.

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Observation Table:

Angle of Percentage Difference

Inclination Fx Fy Wx =Wsinθ Wy =Wcosθ Fx Wx Fy Wy
x100 x100
(θ) Fx Fy

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1. Acceleration: acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of a body changes with time. In
general, velocity and acceleration are vector quantities, with magnitude and direction,
though in many cases only magnitude is considered (sometimes with negative values for
deceleration, treating it as a one dimensional vector). As described by Newton's Second
Law, acceleration is caused by a net force; the force, as a vector, is equal to the product of
the mass of the object being accelerated (scalar) and the acceleration (vector). The SI unit
of acceleration is the meter per second squared (m/s2).

2. Applied mechanics: Applied mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences and the
practical application of mechanics. Applied mechanics examines the response of bodies
(solids and fluids) or systems of bodies to external forces. Some examples of mechanical
systems include the flow of a liquid under pressure, the fracture of a solid from an applied
force, or the vibration of an ear in response to sound.

3. Biomechanics: Biomechanics is the study of the structure and function of biological

systems such as humans, animals, plants, organs, and cells by means of the methods of

4. Congruent triangles: Triangles are congruent when all corresponding sides and interior
angles are congruent. The triangles will have the same shape and size, but one may be a
mirror image of the other.

5. Dynamics: Dynamics is a branch of physics (specifically classical mechanics) concerned

with the study of forces and torques and their effect on motion, as opposed to kinematics,
which studies the motion of objects without reference to its causes.

6. Elasticity: elasticity is the tendency of solid materials to return to their original shape
after being deformed. Solid objects will deform when forces are applied on them. If the
material is elastic, the object will return to its initial shape and size when these forces are

7. Elastic limit: The stress point at which a material, if subjected to higher stress, will no
longer return to its original shape. Brittle materials tend to break at or shortly past their
elastic limit, while ductile materials deform at stress levels beyond their elastic limit.

8. Fluids: fluid is a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied shear stress.
Fluids are a subset of the phases of matter and include liquids, gases, plasmas and, to some
extent, plastic solids.

9. Fluid mechanics: Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that studies fluids (liquids,
gases, and plasmas) and the forces on them. Fluid mechanics can be divided into fluid
statics, the study of fluids at rest; fluid kinematics, the study of fluids in motion; and fluid
dynamics, the study of the effect of forces on fluid motion.

10. Force: force is any influence that causes an object to undergo a certain change, either
concerning its movement, direction, or geometrical construction. It is measured in the SI
unit of Newton and represented by the symbol F.

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11. Friction: Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers,
and material elements sliding against each other.

12. Hydraulics: The physical science and technology of the static and dynamic behavior of
14. Kinetics: the study of motion and its causes

15. Magnitude: the relative size of an object

16. Mechanics: Mechanics is the branch of science concerned with the behavior of physical
bodies when subjected to forces or displacements, and the subsequent effects of the bodies
on their environment.

17. Momentum: It is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. For example, a heavy
truck moving fast has a large momentum—it takes a large and prolonged force to get the
truck up to this speed, and it takes a large and prolonged force to bring it to a stop
afterwards. If the truck were lighter or moving more slowly, then it would have less
18. Newton's second law: Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater
the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to
accelerate the object).
19. Newton's third law: For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

20. Resonant frequency: resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with greater
amplitude at some frequencies than at others. Frequencies at which the response amplitude
is a relative maximum are known as the system's resonant frequencies, or resonance
frequencies. At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large
amplitude oscillations, because the system stores vibration energy.

21. Sinusoidal: Physics having a magnitude that varies as a sine curve sinusoidal

22. Spring constant: A characteristic of a spring which is defined as the ratio of the force
affecting the spring to the displacement caused by it.

23. Statics: Statics is the branch of mechanics that is concerned with the analysis of loads
(force and torque, or "moment") on physical systems in static equilibrium, that is, in a
state where the relative positions of subsystems do not vary over time, or where
components and structures are at a constant velocity. When in static equilibrium, the
system is either at rest, or its center of mass moves at constant velocity.

24. Velocity: velocity is the rate of change of the position of an object, equivalent to a
specification of its speed and direction of motion.

25. Viscous: Having relatively high resistance to flow.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the centre of gravity of a triangle?

Ans. The centre of gravity of a triangle is at the point where three Medians of the triangle meet

Q2. The forces which meet at one point and have their lines of action in different planes are
Ans. Non-coplanar concurrent forces

Q3. State The Law of Polygon of Forces.

Ans. If forces acting on a point can be represented of a polygon taken in order; their sides of a
polygon taken in order, their resultant will be represented in magnitude and direction by the
closing side of the polygon, taken in opposite order

Q4. The product of mass and velocity of a moving a body, is called

Ans. Momentum

Q5. The unit of force in SI units is

Ans. Newton

Q6. If number of forces act simultaneously on a particle, it is possible

Ans. To replace them by a single force

Q7. The weight of a body depends on?

Ans. It depends on gravitational force of attraction towards the centre of the earth.

Q8. The forces, which meet at one point, but their lines of action do not lie in plane, are
Ans. Non-Coplanar concurrent forces

Q9. What is the law of triangle of forces?

Ans. If three forces acting upon a particle are represented in magnitude and direction by the side
of a triangle, taken in order, they will be in equilibrium

Q10. State Lami’s theorem.

Ans. If three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force is proportional to sine of the
angle between the other two

Q11. What is the angle of friction?

Ans. Angle between normal reactions and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting

Q12. On what factor does the coefficient of friction depends ?

Ans. The coefficient of friction depends on Nature of surfaces

Q13. The ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction is known as

Ans. Coefficient of friction

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1) We warranty the product against all manufacturing defects for 24 months from the date of
sale by us or through our dealers. Consumables like dry cell etc. are not covered under
2) The warranty will become void, if
a) The product is not operated as per the instruction given in the operating manual.
b) The agreed payment terms and other conditions of sale are not followed.
c) The customer resells the instrument to another party.
d) Any attempt is made to service and modify the instrument.
3) The non-working of the product is to be communicated to us immediately giving full details
of the complaints and defects noticed specifically mentioning the type, serial number of the
product and date of purchase etc.
4) The repair work will be carried out, provided the product is dispatched securely packed and
insured. The transportation charges shall be borne by the customer.

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List of Service Center

Baroda Guwahati Indore

Flat No. A/1, Mudra Complex, Avijit Roy Building, A.K. Dev Road, 94, Electronic Complex,
Behind Sudha Hotel, Ellora Park, Fatashil Ambari, Near jalaram Pardesipura, Indore-452 010
Baroda-390023 (Gujarat) Mandir, Tel: 91-731-2570301/02,
Tel: +91-0265-3089505 Guwahati-25 Assam
Fax : +91- 0265-3089506 4211100,
Mobile: 09435144068
email : Fax: 91-731-2555643
email: E-mail:
New Delhi Bangalore Kolkata
First Floor, C-19, F.I.E., 202/19, 4th Main Street, AC-101, Prafullla Kanan, Near
Patparganj Industrial Area, Ganganagar, Bangalore - 560032 Kestopur Bus Stop, Krishnapur,
Delhi-110092 (INDIA) Ph.: +91-080-41285011 Kolkata- 700059 (West Bengal)
Ph: 011- 22157370, 22157371, T.Fax: +91-080-41285022 Tel: +91 33-65266800
Fax: +91-011-22157369 email: Mob: 9433029888
email: email:
Mumbai Jaipur Lucknow
E Type, Bldg No. 5/1/3, Sector Flat No. G-2, S-101, Bhagat First Floor, 279/54/20/A,
1,Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703 Vatika North, Civil Lines, Chuhar Singh Colony, Pan Dariba,
Ph: +91-022-27826616, 65266616 Lucknow (U.P.)
Jaipur - 302006 (Raj.)
email: Mobile: 09918670737
Mobile: 097998-10236
Hyderabad Cochin/Kochi Chandigarh
Plot No. 24, Flat no. 203, Laxmi C/o Pragalbha Valsan, Poriyamadathil 201, 2nd floor KMB Hospitality
Residency, Chandragiri house, ABMS Lane, Asoka Road, Services, SCO 19, Near Kabir Petrol
Housing Society, Trimulgherry Near Mathrubhumi, Kaloor, Pump, Ambala-Zirakpur Highway
Secunderabad- 500015. Kochi - 682 017 Zirakpur,
Ph:040-27740147,9247712763 Ph: 0484-2409441 Mohali - 140603
email: email: Ph.: 0172-6530329
Pune Chennai Orissa
105/106, 1st floor, Ajinkyatara, Flat C, 1st Floor, Old No. 49 Plot No-67 (1st Floor) Aerodrom
Ganesh Mala, Sinhgad Road, New No. 64, Bajanai Koil Street, Area,Vimpur mouza Near Vimpur
Pune - 411030 Sriram Nagar Extention, Primary School Bhubaneswar-
Ph.: +91-020-24254244/55 Pallipattu, Chennai-600113 751020
Fax: +91-020-24254244 Tel: 044-43514212, 43514213 Mobile: 09238307873
email: email: email:

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List of Accessories
1. Experiment Board 1 No.
2. Spring Balance 1 No.
3. Mass Hanger 5 Nos.
4. Masses (5g, 10g, 20g, 50g & 100g) 4 each
5. Degree Scale 1 No.
6. Force Ring 2 No.
7. Pulleys
Small 4 No.
Long 2 No.
8. Thread Roll 1 No.
9. Neodymium Magnet 5 Nos.
10. Stopwatch 1 No.
11. Ferrite Magnet 5 Nos.
12. Inclined Plane 1 No.
13. Friction Block 1 No.
14. Rolling Masses (70g & 125g) 1each
15. Pendulum 1 No.
16. Paper Sheet 10 Nos.
17. Pencil 1 No.
18. Eraser 1 No.
19. Scissor 1 No.
20. Scale (12”) 1 No.
21. Spring 1 No.

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