Mindmine Summit 2018-Schedule

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Day One: Thursday April 19, 2018

0900 - 0930 Registration

0935 - 0950 Welcome Address

1010 - 1040 Session I: Inaugural Session & Keynote Address

1050 - 1115 Break for Tea/Coffee

The Road to India@75

1120 - 1220 Session II:
Will structural reforms finally connect the dots?

1225 - 1310 Session III: “Citification’’ of Bharat

Emerging nightmare or exciting opportunity?

1310 - 1410 Break for Lunch

Risks, Threats & Cyclicality

1415 - 1500 Session IV:
Are we now smarter about the future?
Turning the wheels of Investment
1505 - 1550 Session V: Will JAM trinity or other triggers create the largest growth and wealth
opportunities in the new decade?
1550 - 1610 Break for Tea/Coffee

Mindmine Exchange- Harnessing legacy

1610 - 1655 Session VI:
Can our artisanal past craft an exciting future?

Future Tense
1700 - 1745 Session VII:
How do we reimagine learning in India?

Evening Event

1845 onwards BML Munjal Awards Distribution Ceremony followed by Dinner & Cocktails

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Day Two: Friday April 20, 2018

From Gladiators to Catalysts

1010 - 1100 Session VIII:
Can our politicians reinvent themselves?

1100 - 1120 Break for Tea/Coffee

Floor prices in agriculture

1125 - 1220 Session IX:
Are we treating the malaise or just the symptoms?

India’s Millennials
1220 - 1310 Session X:
Can they Reshape Markets, Society and Governments?

1315 - 1415 Break for Lunch

Reimagining Governance
1420 - 1510 Session XI:
Can principles and trust replace dogmatism?

The Big Debate

1515 - 1600 Session XII: In the opinion of this house, the destiny of our country is
being changed by revolution, and not by evolution

1605 - 1650 Session XIII: Valedictory Session

1655 onwards Summary of Learning

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