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ENGL 3155-1


For this project you will work within your collaborations to research and write a proposal that solves a
problem for a real client.

Overall Purpose: to help an organization/client improve its operations more effectively.

Specific Purposes of the proposal:

 Convince a skeptical audience that there is a problem or need, and that it is significant enough
to warrant close attention to your proposal
 Establish realistic objectives or criteria that effectively link problem and solution
 Convince the audience that your solution meets their objectives/criteria
 Convince the audience (your client) that you are highly qualified to carry out this project

Reader: the final proposal is written to your client, not to your instructor.

General Parts of the Proposal Assignment: this assignment is divided into two parts, each worth 50
points. At the end of the semester, you will need to submit a substantially revised final version of the
proposal that includes both parts. The final version is worth 100 points.

Part I: Problem Section—This section has two components: problem section and objectives/criteria.

Problem Section: must include the following sections in any appropriate format/headings:

 Problem statement—an introduction that outlines your problem.

 History—what is the history of the problem. Explain how the organization has suffered because
of the problem.
 Causes—what factors lead to the problem?
 Effects—what factors are a product of the problem?
 Future of the problem—What are possible negative consequences if the problem remains

Objectives/Criteria: Compose a list of criteria that a viable solution must meet.

Part II: Solution Section- This section must include all the following components outlined below:

 Methodology—describe how you investigated the problem and potential solutions. Your
research plan should identify what sources and research methods are required for the
investigation and the type of information you obtained from each source. Furthermore, indicate
how you interpreted the data obtained from sources.
 Solution Overview—explain in details what your proposed solution is
 Implementation—how can the solution be implemented? Provide detail work plan with
 Resources—other than cost, what other resources are needed for the implementation of the
 Budget/Cost—how much will the implementation of the solution cost? Provide a realistic
estimate. Include graphs or other visual aids as necessary
 Personnel and Qualifications—explain why you are qualified for this project (not to implement
the solution but to offer a solution—in other words, how can you convince the client that you
are the right person for this project and you are qualified enough to offer a solution).

Evaluation of project—show how your proposed solution matches the criteria outlined in the proposal
section as specified by your client. Will your proposed solution solve the problem? What are the short-
term and long-term benefits for the client?

Conclusion—provide an overview of the whole proposal. Offer contact information.

Attachments—surveys, references, visual aids, and other documents that contain details that could
convince your readers.

The final version of the proposal will also include a cover page and an overview (abstract) of the

General Guidelines for the Proposal:

Style—clear, direct, informative, and persuasive. Make sure that the style and the format of your
document meet the expectation of the reader and the conventions of this form of professional

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