Nick's Father: Write The Verbs in Present Simple

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a. Choose the correct tense of the verb to best complete each sentence below.

1. Jim and Susan _________________________ to school tomorrow.(went/will go)

2. Sam sits down and ______________________ in his notebook. (writes/wrote)

3. The energetic puppy sure ________________ happy yesterday! (is/was)

4. Mrs. Smith _________________ a song in the talent show next month.

(sang/will sing)

5. They ___________________ on the phone for three hours last night.


6. My baby sister ________________ for the first time yesterday! (speaks/spoke)

7. Uncle Scott ____________________ me a new video game tomorrow.

(gave/will give)

b. Write the verbs in Present Simple. Nick’s father

1. Nick’s father (work) in London.

2. His office (be: am/is /are ) in a big building.

3. Every morning he (get up) at six o’clock.

4. He (wash) in cold water.

5. He (eat) eggs and toast for breakfast.

6. He (drink) orange juice for breakfast.

7. He (put on) his jeans and jacket.

8. Then he (run) to the railway station.

9. He always (take) his umbrella.

10. He (buy) a newspaper and (read) it on the train.

11. In the evening he (come) back home at five o’clock.

12. After dinner he sometimes (watch) television.

13. He never (go) to the cinema.

1. She (send) Bruno the letter when she has time.

2. I (sleep) at 11:30 p.m. this evening.

3. The police officer (arrest) the thug after you identify him.

4. The truck (pick up) the money later tomorrow afternoon.

5. When you graduate, your parents (clap) in the audience.

6. When you wake up tomorrow morning, it (rain).

7. His boss (speak) with him tomorrow at 1:00 p.m..

8. I (subscribe) to the magazine next month.

9. They work hard. They (get) good marks at the end of the school.

10. Tomorrow at this time, I (attend) a conference.

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