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J Med Food 13 (3) 2010, 650–656

# Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. and Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
DOI: 10.1089=jmf.2009.0171

The Lipid-Lowering Effects of 4 Weeks of Daily Soymilk or Dairy Milk Ingestion

in a Postmenopausal Female Population
Kristen M. Beavers,1 Monica C. Serra,1 Daniel P. Beavers,2 Geoffrey M. Hudson,1 and Darryn S. Willoughby1
Departments of 1Health, Human Performance, and Recreation and 2Statistics, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA

ABSTRACT Alterations in plasma cholesterol concentrations, especially increases in low-density lipoprotein (LDL), are
well-known risk factors in the development of atherosclerosis. Numerous studies have examined the lipid-lowering effects of
functional soy-containing foods, but few have specifically examined soymilk, with equivocal findings reported. In September
2008, a single-blind, randomized, controlled trial was conducted on 32 postmenopausal women at Baylor University, Waco,
TX, USA. After a 2-week run-in period, subjects were randomly assigned to consume three servings of vanilla soy (n ¼ 16) or
reduced-fat dairy (n ¼ 16) milk per day for 4 weeks. Plasma lipid profiles were obtained pre- and post-supplementation.
Plasma high-density lipoprotein, LDL, and triglycerides were not significantly different between groups post-intervention
(P ¼ .45) or from baseline (P ¼ .83). Separate analysis of plasma total cholesterol levels yielded similar results (P ¼ .19 and
P ¼ .92, respectively). Furthermore, subanalyses controlling for dyslipidemia (n ¼ 23) and lipid-lowering medication usage
(n ¼ 28) did not significantly alter results. Despite good dietary compliance, our study failed to show a significant hy-
pocholesterolemic effect of soymilk consumption in this postmenopausal female population. Potential reasons for this non-
significant finding are discussed, and future research directions are presented.

KEY WORDS:  cardiovascular disease  cholesterol  isoflavones  lipid lowering  soy

INTRODUCTION derson et al.,7 which showed that an average intake of 47 g of

soy protein=day resulted in a 9% decrease in total cholesterol
C ardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of
death in the United States, affecting one in three adults.1
Atherosclerosis is the process by which CVD occurs, and
(TC), 13% decrease in LDL, 10% decrease in triglyceride
(TG), and a moderate 2.4% increase in high-density lipo-
protein (HDL). More recent studies6 suggest that the bene-
alterations in plasma cholesterol concentrations, especially
ficial effect of soy protein on cholesterol may be more modest
increases in low density lipoprotein (LDL), are well-known
than originally proposed; however, over a period of many
risk factors in the development of the disease.2 Furthermore,
years even a modest improvement in blood lipids levels has
blood cholesterol values are negatively associated with es-
the potential to decrease coronary heart disease risk.
tradiol and have been shown to increase in women who are
With regard to isoflavones, current research indicates that
postmenopausal.3 Because of the relatively low incidence of
when consumption of soy protein-containing isoflavones
CVD found in Asian countries, researchers in the late 1960s
is compared to that of isoflavone-depleted soy protein, lipid
began to exam the cardiovascular benefit of consuming a diet
profiles are significantly improved.5,9 Results from a recent
high in soyfoods, as soy is a staple of Asian cuisine. Since
meta-analysis6 suggest that soy protein coupled with at least
then, more than 100 clinical studies have explored the effects
40 mg=day isoflavones has lipid-lowering effects and that
of soy protein on blood cholesterol levels.4–7
such effects are magnified when ingestion increases to
The exact mechanism by which soy lowers blood lipids
80 mg=day. Interestingly, these beneficial results may not
remains unclear, but in 1999 the Food and Drug Adminis-
apply to isoflavone intake alone. In a study examining the
tration approved a health claim stating that the inclusion of
effects of 6 weeks of isolated isoflavone intake (90 mg=day
soy protein into a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may
vs. placebo) on cardiovascular risk factors in moderately
reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering blood
hypercholesterolemic, postmenopausal women,10 the authors
cholesterol levels.8 This claim was substantiated in numerous
found that while both groups experienced small reductions
clinical trials, including the seminal meta-analysis by An-
in total and LDL cholesterol, this decrease was not statisti-
cally significant, and no difference was noted between
Manuscript received 13 May 2009. Revision accepted 22 August 2009. groups. Therefore, in light of recent research, it appears that
supplementing a combination of soy protein with apprecia-
Address correspondence to: Kristen M. Beavers, Ph.D., R.D., Department of Health,
Human Performance, and Recreation, Baylor University, One Bear Place # 97304,
ble amounts of isoflavones may yield the most favorable
Waco, TX 76798-7313, USA, E-mail: lipid-lowering effect.


Unfortunately, many of the clinical studies addressing the protocol. Exclusionary criteria included active use of hor-
lipid-lowering potential of soy often fail to incorporate mone replacement therapy, presence of coronary artery
commercially available soyfoods, such as soymilk. Because diseases and=or other significant uncontrolled cardiovascu-
it is plausible that synergistic effects may exist among iso- lar, renal, hepatic, gastrointestinal, mental, and endocrine
lated soy constituents, there is considerable need for studies disorders including diabetes mellitus, a body mass index of
examining whole soyfood consumption. To date, only a few <19 kg=m2 or >35 kg=m2, active smoking status (within the
studies have specifically examined the lipid-lowering ben- past 3 years), an average intake of more than two alcoholic
efits of soymilk consumption,11–15 and the results of these drinks per day, and=or the consumption of any dietary
studies have been equivocal. Due to the lack of consensus in supplements that could affect antioxidant status (excluding
the literature, as well as the current reevaluation of the multivitamins) 3 months prior to beginning the study. All
support for the Food and Drug Administration health claim, eligible subjects were required to obtain medical clearance
the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of from their personal physician and sign Baylor University
soymilk consumption on plasma lipid levels in a postmen- (Waco, TX, USA)-approved informed consent documents.
opausal female population.
Study design
MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was conducted as a 4-week single-blind, ran-
Primary and secondary outcomes domized, controlled trial. Prior to randomization, the pro-
tocol included a 2-week run-in phase in which participants
This analysis was a part of a trial originally designed to met with a registered dietitian and were educated and in-
examine the ability of soymilk to attenuate exercise induced structed to limit the amount of dairy products consumed
inflammation and oxidative stress. The primary outcome of (avoid dairy milk completely and limit dairy servings to two
this substudy was to examine the lipid-mediating properties per day) and to avoid isoflavone-containing soy products.
of soymilk. We hypothesized that participants randomized This was done in attempt to minimize baseline dietary dif-
to consume three servings of soymilk per day for 4 weeks ferences between groups with regard to dietary treatments.
would have statistically greater reductions in traditional At this time, participants also provided a 24-hour baseline
markers of cholesterol than the control (dairy) group. Spe- dietary recall to the registered dietitian so that baseline
cifically, we examined plasma levels of TG, TC, LDL, and protein intake could be assessed using the Food Processor
HDL in the entire group of participants post-intervention. Dietary Assessment Software program (ESHA Research
Secondary outcomes included the change in the aforemen- Inc., Salem, OR, USA).
tioned cholesterol values over the supplementation period After the run-in phase, participants were then scheduled
and two subanalyses of the dataset controlling for select to report to the Exercise & Sport Nutrition Laboratory at
confounders. Because of concerns that lipid-lowering Baylor University for baseline testing. This testing session
medications may affect study results, we performed a sub- included personal and medical questionnaires, height and
analysis omitting study participants who reported current weight measurements, blood sampling, dietary intake as-
use of any prescription lipid-lowering or lipid-controlling sessment, and aerobic fitness (maximal oxygen uptake
medication. Additionally, subanalysis of the individuals [VO2 max]) testing by performing a cardiopulmonary graded
with dyslipidemia, as defined by the National Cholesterol exercise test on a treadmill ergometer (Quinton, Inc., Bo-
Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria16 in at thell, WA, USA). After the testing session, participants were
least one of the lipid markers measured was also conducted matched based on baseline protein intake and cardiopul-
to determine if baseline cholesterol status impacted treat- monary fitness level, as both have been shown to affect
ment efficacy. circulating blood lipids,7,17,18 and were randomly assigned
to consume three servings of either soymilk or dairy milk
Participants per day for 28 days. The milk was provided to the partici-
pants in black bags labeled ‘‘A’’ or ‘‘B’’ in such a way that
Thirty-two apparently healthy, recreationally active,
investigators were blinded to treatment order. Participants
postmenopausal women between the ages of 40 and 60 years
were instructed to return to the Exercise & Sport Nutrition
were used as participants in the study. A power calculation
Laboratory 2 weeks into the supplementation period, to pick
revealed that 16 participants per group were necessary to
up additional milk, and again at 4 weeks, for follow-up
detect a significant difference between groups in markers of
testing including the same battery of tests performed at base-
lipid lowering (LDL effect size of 20 mg=dL11) given a
line with the exception of the aerobic fitness test.
Type I error rate of 0.05, SD of 19 mg=dL, and a power of
0.80. Participants were recruited from the Central Texas
Milk products
area and were considered eligible to participate in the study
if they were physically active but not trained (not engaged in Both milk products were provided by WhiteWave Foods,
an exercise program involving either resistance or endur- Inc. (Broomfield, CO, USA). The soy product was the SilkÒ
ance training more than three times per week for 1 year) and brand very vanilla flavored soymilk, and the dairy product
postmenopausal (naturally or surgically amenorrheic >1 was the HorizonÒ brand reduced-fat organic dairy milk. The
year prior to start of study) and could adhere to the study commercial beverages were matched as closely as possible

for fluid volume, total caloric, and macronutrient intake. assess the adequacy of our randomization scheme. Study
Nutrient profiles of the milk beverages obtained from the compliance, defined as the percentage of prescribed bever-
nutrition facts panel are shown in Table 1. Because the milk age consumed, was assessed across groups using a two-
products were not matched based upon dietary fat or cho- sample Wilcoxon rank-sum test as these data were
lesterol intake and because slight alterations in macro- and demonstrably non-normal.
micronutrient intake were likely over the 4-week supple- We analyzed the reported dietary intake variables to
mentation period (despite instructions to maintain a similar evaluate the potential confounding effects of certain nutri-
diet to baseline), equations were used to predict changes in tional variables known to interact with plasma lipid levels.
TC19 and LDL.20 The prediction equations used dietary We then compared means across groups at baseline using
intake of saturated and polyunsaturated fat and cholesterol univariate t tests, and, using repeated-measures analyses of
to predict changes in plasma cholesterol values. variance on each variable, we assessed the effect of the
time=intervention on the dietary intake.
Dietary intake Group-specific means were compared for the primary
study outcome for the full analysis and subgroup analyses
To assess dietary intake, each participant was asked to
using a multivariate analysis of variance. The outcome of
keep 4-day dietary records at baseline and during the second
within-individual change from baseline was assessed using a
half of the 4-week supplementation period. The dietary re-
repeated-measures analysis of variance; specifically of in-
cords were then analyzed using the Food Processor Dietary
terest is whether a grouptime interaction was statistically
Assessment Software program. In an attempt to determine
significant. We then repeated these analyses using the uni-
compliance with the milk supplementation protocol, each
variate outcome of plasma TC and the change in plasma TC
participant was instructed to keep a compliance log of daily
from baseline. All numerical summaries and statistical
milk ingestion to be submitted to investigators at the 4-week
comparisons were conducted using SAS version 9.1.3 (SAS
testing session. Authors of similar studies21,22 have sugges-
Institute, Cary, NC, USA), and the Type I error rate (a) was
ted the standard of compliance is between 80% and 100%;
held constant at 0.05 for all tests.
thus, a threshold of <80% consumption of the prescribed
supplement was defined as ‘‘non-compliant’’ a priori. Fi-
nally, a reported side effects questionnaire was administered
at baseline and at 2 and 4 weeks to determine if any sig- Study population
nificant negative side effects occurred during the course of
the study because of the dietary supplementation. Recruitment for this study began September 2008, and
participant testing ended December 2008. A total of 33 in-
Plasma lipid assessment dividuals who met entrance criteria were recruited to begin
the study. Baseline blood work for one participant was un-
Fasting venous blood samples were obtained before and able to be collected because of an early non-intervention-
after the supplementation period from the antecubital vein related dropout, leaving 32 participants retained for
into a 10-mL collection tube using a standard VacutainerÔ analysis. Baseline demographics for the 32 individuals who
apparatus (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). Blood samples completed the study are found in Table 2. No statistically
were allowed to stand at room temperature for 10 minutes significant differences were observed in any of these vari-
and then centrifuged. For each sample, the plasma was re- ables between treatment groups. Additionally, no significant
moved and frozen at 808C for later analysis. Plasma HDL, weight changes were observed during the course of the in-
LDL, TG, and TC levels were then assessed by a trained tervention (P ¼ .25).
technician using the Dimension RxL Clinical Chemistry
System (DADE Behring Inc., Deerfield, IL, USA).
Table 2. Baseline Demographic Statistics Including Plasma
Statistical analysis Lipid Values by Treatment Group
Baseline demographic, health, and dietary characteristics Vanilla soymilk Reduced-fat
were summarized as sample mean and SD values. Means group dairy milk
between groups were compared using independent t tests to (n ¼ 16) group (n ¼ 16)
Age (years) 53.88  3.65 54.87  3.05
BMI (kg=m2) 25.36  4.05 26.30  3.82
Table 1. Nutrient Profile of One Serving of the Milk Cardiopulmonary 25.60  4.86 25.57  4.70
Supplements Provided to Study Participants fitness (VO2 max)
Baseline fasting lipid
Vanilla soymilk Reduced-fat
values (mg=dL)
(8.25 fl oz) dairy milk (8 fl oz)
TC 191.50  28.79 208.13  23.56
Calories (kcal) 130 120 TG 103.50  79.35 113.25  82.63
Fat (g) 4 4.5 LDL 106.56  24.22 115.62  20.21
Protein (g) 6 8 HDL 63.06  12.01 66.81  17.21
Carbohydrates (g) 19 12
Data are mean  SD values.

Dietary compliance respectively; P ¼ .61). Based on the equation of Hegsted

et al.,20 the predicted change in LDL was significantly dif-
According to a Wilcoxon-rank sum test, there was no
ferent between the soy and dairy groups, with the soy group
statistically significant difference in compliance between the
having a projected decrease versus a projected increase
treatment groups (P ¼ .35). Although compliance logs are
in the dairy group (-1.51  0.24 vs. 1.65  0.26 mg=dL, re-
often unreliable indicators of dietary adherence, results from
spectively; P ¼ .02).
4-day food records analyzed post-intervention also support
this conclusion. A per-protocol compliance threshold was
defined as >80% supplement consumption, and only one Plasma lipid outcomes
participant was defined as non-compliant. Removing this
Figure 1 displays final plasma lipid markers post-
participant from analysis yielded average compliance rate of
intervention by treatment group. No statistically significant
98% across both groups. Analysis excluding this individual
differences were observed between groups (soy vs. dairy)
from the data set revealed no significant differences with
with regard to TG (105.94  72.79 vs. 112.38 
regard to the primary outcome measures; therefore, only
62.79 mg=dL), LDL (111.44  30.38 vs. 122.56  33.48 mg=
intention-to-treat analysis is presented. Reported side effects
dL), or HDL (62.69  13.29 vs. 68.13  15.32 mg=dL) val-
questionnaires administered at baseline and at 2 and 4 weeks
ues post-intervention (P ¼ .45). Likewise, no changes were
also revealed minimal and equivocal side effects between
observed from baseline (P ¼ .83). Because total plasma TC
treatment groups.
is a linear combination of LDL, HDL, and other lipid
components, it was assessed separately. No changes were
Dietary intake
observed post-intervention (195.88  35.28 vs. 213.50 
Dietary intake data are presented in Table 3. No differ- 40.50 mg=dL; P ¼ .19) or from baseline (P ¼ .92).
ences were observed in any of the dietary variables by group To preserve the original randomization scheme, partici-
prior to supplementation. A time effect across both groups pants reporting active use of cholesterol-lowering medica-
was observed for kilocalories (P ¼ .02), protein (P < .01), tion were retained for the initial analysis. However, because
fat (P ¼ .02), and saturated fat (P < .01), with all values of the potential for confounding, a subanalysis was per-
increasing over the course of the intervention. Although formed excluding four participants who reported use of
discrepancies did exist in the supplement nutrient profiles, cholesterol-lowering medications on medical history ques-
dietary intake analysis did not reveal statistically significant tionnaires (n ¼ 28). Such an analysis did not significantly
caloric or macronutrient differences between groups post- alter the change in lipid values from baseline (TG, LDL, and
intervention. Saturated fat values were found to be elevated HDL, P ¼ .69; TC, P ¼ .97) or post-intervention between
in the dairy group overall (P ¼ .05), and a significant groups (TG, LDL, and HDL, P ¼ .68; TC, P ¼ .41). Addi-
grouptime interaction was noted for fiber (P < .01) and tional subanalysis of those individuals with dyslipidemia
cholesterol (P ¼ .02). (n ¼ 23) did not reveal any significant changes in TG,
According to the predictive equation by Keys,19 the pre- LDL, or HDL from baseline (P ¼ .92) or post-intervention
dicted change in TC was an overall increase in both the between groups (P ¼ .74). Likewise, TC remained un-
soy and dairy groups, with no significant difference ob- changed (P ¼ .95 change from baseline and P ¼ .57 post-
served between groups (2.54  0.28 vs. 1.73  0.32 mg=dL, intervention).

Table 3. Main Food Components Consumed During the Study by Treatment Group
According to 4-Day Food Record Analysis
Vanilla soymilk group (n ¼ 16) Reduced-fat dairy milk group (n ¼ 16)

Pre-intervention Post-intervention Pre-intervention Post-intervention

Calories (kcal=day) 1,582.01  365.75 1,769.73  364.82a 1,685.68  394.96 1,827.71  520.11a
Carbohydrates (g=day) 184.03  56.03 208.89  55.19 207.53  50.79 216.48  67.21
Protein (g=day) 75.44  25.41 94.66  22.70a 65.39  16.74 90.89  22.46a
Fat (g=day) 61.07  20.40 67.30  22.97a 63.37  22.25 77.26  25.42a
Saturated fat (g=day) 16.38  6.29 20.39  13.56a 19.95  7.85b 28.27  8.68ab
Monounsaturated fat (g=day) 14.90  6.54 16.76  8.51 16.18  9.26 20.06  9.10
Polyunsaturated fat (g=day) 9.72  9.77 13.47  5.66 9.02  6.26 8.72  5.77
Cholesterol (mg=day)c 214.96  112.72 168.36  97.38 225.74  148.78 291.56  105.15
Fiber (g=day)c 17.46  4.59 26.70  4.68 16.35  6.52 15.98  6.00
Data are mean  SD values.
aDenotes significant differences from baseline (P < .05).
bDenotes a significant group effect (P < .05).
cDenotes significant grouptime interaction (P < .05).




150.00 FIG. 1. Final plasma lipid markers

Soy after 4 weeks of milk supplementation
100.00 Dairy by treatment group.


Plasma Lipid Levels

DISCUSSION Lastly, in a randomized trial that compared the effects

of soy proteins from differently processed products with
In this 4-week intervention study, we failed to find a sig-
animal protein on a variety of CVD risk factors,14 no dif-
nificant hypocholesterolemic effect of soymilk consumption
ference was observed between groups in any of the car-
in a postmenopausal female population, despite good re-
diovascular outcomes assessed. Furthermore, a separate
ported compliance with the dietary protocol. Although
analysis of the soymilk-based diet (i.e., included plain
discussion of the plausible factors contributing to this non-
soymilk, plain soy yogurt, and tofu) revealed a signifi-
significant result is warranted, it is first prudent to reflect on
cantly greater lipid-modulating potential (4% decrease in
these findings in the context of related clinical trials.
LDL cholesterol) than the other experimental diets relative
Several studies have shown that soymilk consumption is
to the animal-protein diet.
associated with a reduction in plasma lipid levels, especially
Given our findings and the inconsistencies in the literature
in hypercholesterolemic patients. Gardner et al.11 enrolled
regarding the lipid-lowering potential of soyfoods, it is of
28 hypercholesterolemic men and women in a crossover
further interest to explore what factors may have contributed
study comparing the lipid-lowering responses to two com-
to this nonsignificant result. Baseline cholesterol status,
mercially available soymilks (one with appreciable amounts
supplement type, dosage, and duration, as well as dietary
of isoflavones [125  17 mg=day] and one without (39 
control, are all potential confounding agents that have been
1 mg=day]) with low-fat dairy milk. After 4 weeks of in-
identified and are discussed below.
tervention, results showed that consumption of soymilk was
associated with a modest reduction in LDL cholesterol
compared to low-fat dairy milk, regardless of isoflavone con- Baseline cholesterol status
tent. Interestingly, results from a previous study of similar It is recognized that the extent of cholesterol lowering by
design23 suggest that the isoflavone-containing fraction is soy may be dependent on initial plasma levels,6,7 with some
an important factor in the lipid-lowering properties of soy studies suggesting that definitive hypocholesterolemic ef-
products, with the authors reporting a significant increase fects only occur in patients with significant hypercholes-
in the total and LDL cholesterol-lowering ability of a soy terolemia (TC values of  270 mg=dL).7 In an attempt to
protein plus isoflavone beverage compared to a beverage control for baseline cholesterol values, a subanalysis of our
prepared solely with isolated soy protein. dataset was performed, including only those individuals
Two other studies worthy of note also examined the with some form of dyslipidemia as defined by the National
lipid-lowering potential of soymilk consumption in hy- Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III
percholesterolemic patients.12,13 Bricarello et al.12 re- criteria16 (n ¼ 23), although doing so did not significantly
cruited 60 hypercholesterolemic men and women, between alter the results. However, in our entire cohort, the highest
the ages of 20 and 70 years, to consume either soy or nonfat baseline TC level was 250 mg=dL; therefore, it is possible
dairy milk at 1 L=day for 6 weeks. No effect of soymilk that baseline plasma TC levels may not have been suffi-
was observed for TC and TG, but soymilk consumption ciently elevated to observe a significant reduction. Despite
reduced plasma LDL cholesterol and increased HDL cho- this line of reasoning, it should be noted that recent results
lesterol compared to baseline and the dairy milk group. suggest that hypocholesterolemic effects of soymilk can be
Conversely, when 16 hypercholesterolemic men and seen in normolipidemic subjects.15
women participated in a crossover study in which diets
were supplemented with either 500 ml=day dairy or high-
Supplement dosage
glycitein soymilk for 4 weeks, no statistical differences
from baseline and between dietary groups was observed for Another reason for the nonsignificant finding of this study
any cholesterol values.13 could be due to the type and amount of soy provided.

Although multiple studies have reinforced the need for group at baseline, but there were significant changes in
combined isoflavone and soy protein consumption to obtain select dietary variables at 4 weeks. The increases observed
more favorable cardioprotective benefits, perhaps we did not across both groups for kilocalories, protein, fat, and satu-
supply participants with enough of either or both to see a rated fat across time were likely due to the intervention
pharmacologic effect. At present, the Food and Drug Ad- itself as participants in these types of studies often do not
ministraiton health claim states that consumption of 25 g reduce dietary intake to account for supplemental intake.
of soy protein=day is needed to see a reduction in the risk However, while this increase could confound the plasma
of heart disease. In our study (assuming an average of 98% lipid changes from baseline, it would not explain the lack
compliance with the dietary protocol), total soy protein of difference between groups post-intervention. Conversely,
consumed by the soymilk group was roughly 18 g=day. the overall increased amount of saturated fat intake observed
Although more recent studies suggest that as little as 20 g of in the dairy group (particularly post-intervention) as well as
soy protein=day can lower non-HDL cholesterol and have the grouptime interaction for fiber and cholesterol in-
favorable cardiovascular effects,24 the possibility remains take may explain the nonsignificant post-intervention find-
that the amount of soy protein provided in approximately 3 ings with regard to plasma lipids, although this is quite
cups of soymilk per day was not enough to significantly speculative.
improve blood lipid levels. In terms of isoflavone content, Attempts were made to control for dietary fat intake by
recent meta-analyses support the notion that intakes of soy using predictive equations. No changes in TC were pro-
protein coupled with isoflavone above 40 mg=day have jected based upon dietary intake of saturated and polyun-
lipid-lowering effects.6 Although the isoflavone content of saturated fat and cholesterol, but it was predicted that the
the soymilk used was not analyzed, Gardner et al.11 used a soy group would have a decrease in LDL, while the dairy
similar product and showed that 3 cups of soymilk supplies group would observe an increase in LDL. Unfortunately,
approximately 90 mg of isoflavones, although the content these predictive equations do not incorporate other dietary
per sample was noted to be highly variable. Despite this, it is variables associated with alterations in plasma cholesterol,
likely that our study design provided a sufficient amount of such as fiber or select antioxidants. Additionally, error with
isoflavones to potentiate a reduction in cholesterol levels. the use of predictive equations also exists. Similar to our
Lastly, the possibility remains that in spite of reported die- results, a meta-analysis examining the effects of dietary fat
tary compliance, participants may not have adhered to the on serum cholesterol found that the predicted TC and LDL
study protocol, rendering intake insufficient. Unfortunately, levels were significantly lower on a high polyunsaturated
because of funding restraints we were unable to analyze diet relative to a high monounsaturated fat diet; however,
blood or urinary isoflavones and were dependent on par- the observed lipid differences were not significant.25 Fi-
ticipant truthfulness in compliance reporting. We implore nally, it is possible that inaccuracies in using a 4-day dietary
the need for future studies to assess these markers with more record to assess food intake confounded our results. Dietary
objective indicators of compliance as a means of process records are considered accurate for estimating stable dietary
evaluation. components, such as total kilocalories and percentage of
macronutrients, but more variable nutrients such as dietary
Time course of administration cholesterol may require 2–3 weeks of recording to accu-
rately estimate intake.26
Although the amount of time allotted for supplementation
in our study was comparable to11 or only slightly shorter in
duration than12,13 other studies observing favorable out- CONCLUSIONS
comes, our study failed to find a significant result. Results In light of increasing use, it is important to understand the
from the meta-analysis performed by Zhan and Ho6 suggest health effects of soymilk. Although numerous studies have
that the strongest lowering effects of soy protein containing reinforced the need for combined isoflavones and soy pro-
isoflavones on TC, LDL, and TG occurs within the short tein consumption to obtain favorable cardioprotective ben-
initial period of intervention (6 weeks). Therefore, it is efits, our study failed to show an improvement in the lipid
likely that our study was of sufficient duration to see initial profile. Future research should seek to clarify the biological
improvements in these specific markers. HDL improve- mechanism responsible for the lipid-lowering benefit of
ments, however, appear to require a longer intervention soyfoods, as well as the importance of study population
period as Zhan and Ho5 found that increases in HDL cho- characteristics, intervention type, dosage, and time course of
lesterol were only observed in studies of greater than 12 soyfood consumption necessary to achieve a significant im-
weeks of duration. provement in lipid profiles.
Dietary control
This study was conducted in free-living individuals.
Although this may have hindered protocol adherence, di- We would like to thank Dr. Mark J. Messina for
etary and compliance analysis suggests that it did not. All thoughtfully reviewing this manuscript and significantly
dietary variables included in this analysis were similar by contributing to its completion.

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1. Beth H Rice, Erin E Quann, Gregory D Miller. 2013. Meeting and exceeding dairy recommendations: effects of dairy consumption
on nutrient intakes and risk of chronic disease. Nutrition Reviews 71:4, 209-223. [CrossRef]

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