Artifact 1 Reflection

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Eliatriz Baez Gonzalez

Senior Portfolio
December 6, 2017
Artifact #1: Analysis Reflection
For my AP English Literature class, the class was learning about literary elements. Some
examples of literary devices are allusions, similes, imagery, hyperbole, and alliteration. Mr.
Watson, my English teacher, assigned a group project. The task was to listen to a song and a
cover of that same song. My group and I picked the song “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen and
the cover by Panic! At The Disco since it suited everyone’s music style relatively well.
I had listened to the original song about twice, so I wasn’t familiar with it. With that
being said, I had no idea the Panic! At The Disco had made a cover of the song for the movie
Suicide Squad. Although the movie was not a big hit, the song was widely praised for not trying
to copy Mercy’s powerful vocals. As someone who loves music greatly and is a musician, I did
not expect literary elements to play such a powerful role in lyrics as it does. With the analysis of
both versions of the famous six (6) minute song, the group decided that there was metaphors,
repetition, allusions, euphemism, tone, shifts, and imagery. Both of the singers emphasized
different parts of the song that added to the effect given to the listener.
This project has help me notice little effects given in music more often now. I believe
that understanding music is a difficult objective to do, especially if you want to do it well; I feel
one step closer to my goal.

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