Updated Brag Sheet

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Eliatriz Baez Gonzalez

I currently attend Carson High School in Carson, California.
 GPA: 3.64 (Weighted)

 For Fall Semester 2017 I was enrolled in the following classes:

Mandarin 3
AP Literature
AP Psychology
Advance Band

 For Spring Semester 2018 I was enrolled in the following classes:

Mandarin 3
AP Literature
AP Psychology
Advance Band

 Boys and Girls Club – B&GC is a club where boys and girls can grow and learn in a
safe place. B&GC has programs and services to enhance the development of young
people by “instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging, and influence”.

 Concert Band – (35 hours a week for 25 weeks a year) I am part of Carson High’s
Concert Band. I am 1st clarinet and section leader. The Concert Band does a spring
concert at the end of the school year for the students attending Carson High, parents, and
the community.

 Marching Band – (35 hours a week for 27 weeks in a year) I am also part of Carson
High’s Marching Band, Marching Blue Thunder. I am 1st clarinet as well as section
leader. Marching Band is a group of instrumental musicians perform for entertainment
(i.e. football games, parades, etc.) and go to competition.

Honors and Awards:

 Academic Excellence in Mandarin – This award is given to the students enrolled in
Mandarin who show improvement, dedication, and work hard. I was given this award in
10th and 11th grade.

 Honor Roll – (Bronze Award) this award is given to students in recognition of academic
excellence based on their GPA. I was given Honor Roll (3.0 – 3.49 GPA) 9th and 10th

 Participation of Marching Blue Thunder Auxiliaries – This award is given to all the
members who were apart of Carson High’s Marching Band, Marching Blue Thunder. I
received this award my 10th and 11th year

 Most Improved for Marching Blue Thunder Auxiliaries- This award was given to me
in 11th grade for showing the most improvement. This award is given after the band
members vote for another band member.

 I am currently working at Jack in the Box and started in the summer of my 11th grade
year (2016). My responsibilities are taking costumers’ orders and helping the restaurant
keep clean. I use my earnings towards my family income.

Special Programs:
 I took the program Personal Development 20 (PD20) in the summer of 2016. PD20 is a
summer class that helps you understand the types of colleges and what the requirements
are. This also includes help with college applications, scholarships, A-G requirements,
and SAT/ACT readiness.

Special Circumstances:
 My family has a very low yearly income.

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