10 Maths Practice Analysis Task

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Year 10 SAC 1 Linear Graphs and Modelling

Section A

A car hire company Absolutely Basic Cars ( ABC ) offers good sedans for hire at
competitive rates. They charge their customers $85 plus $0.30 per kilometre travelled.

Question 1
Copy and complete the table of values below into your log book.

Travelled 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Cost ($) 85 91 115

(3 marks)
Question 2

Plot the points from your table above on the axes below and draw the linear graph which
passes through those points.

(3 marks)
Question 3
(i) Find the gradient of the line

(ii) Find the intercept on the Cost (C) axis (vertical axis)

(iii) Express the equation of this line in terms of y  mx  c

(iv) Hence, find the equation of the line expressing Cost (C) in terms of Distance
travelled (D).

(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 marks)

Section B

A second car hire company Absolutely Abominable Automobiles (AAA) offers old but
roadworthy ‘ bombs’ for hire at cheap rates. They have two different methods of
charging their customers.

Method 1 This is a fixed rate where you pay $105 no matter how many
kilometres you travel.

Method 2 Here there is a charge of $40 plus $0.50 per kilometre travelled.

Question 1 Complete the table of values below for Method 1 by choosing 7 additional
suitable values for distance travelled..

Travelled 0 160

(2 marks)
Question 2 Set up a similar table of values for Method 2 using the same distances you
chose for Question 1.
Travelled 0 160

(4 marks)

Question 3 Plot the points from Method 1 and Method 2 on the axes below and label
your lines as Method 1 or Method 2.

(2 + 2 + 1 +1 = 6 marks)
Question 4 For Method 1 use your knowledge of straight line graphs to:

(i) find the gradient of the line

(ii) find the intercept on the vertical axis

(iii) express the equation of this line in terms of y  mx  c

(iv) write the equation of the line in terms of the cost (C)

(v) find the cost if the distance travelled was 85 km.

(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 marks)

Question 5 For Method 2

(i) find the gradient of the line

(ii) find the intercept on the vertical axis

(iii) express the equation of this line in terms of y  mx  c

(iv) write the equation of the straight line for the cost (C) in terms of
the distance traveled (D)

(v) use your equation to find the cost if the customer travelled
345 km.

(vi) use your equation to find the distance travelled if the cost
is $166

(2 +1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 8 marks)

Refer to your answers to Questions 3, 4 & 5 to answer Question 6.

Question 6 Explain which of the two methods considered above would be cheaper for:

(i) customers who travelled less than 60 km

(ii) customers who travelled more than 80 km

(2 + 2 = 4 marks)
Question 7 Explain under what circumstances the two methods would cost the same.

(2 marks)

Question 8 A customer asks for the cheapest car hire. What advice would you give?

(2 marks)

Section C

From next week onwards, the management of Absolutely Abominable Automobiles, AAA,
have decided to only charge for the hire of their cars by Method 2.

Question 9

Calculate how many kilometres you must drive before the two competitors, Absolutely
Basic Cars, ABC and Absolutely Abominable Automobiles, AAA would charge the
same amount.

(2 marks)
Many of the clients of both of these companies are overseas or interstate tourists who are
visiting Melbourne and Victoria for at least a week. They usually want to visit places
outside of Melbourne. (For example, the alpine ski areas, the wineries, the Great Ocean
Road, west of Geelong, etc.)

Question 10

From which company would you choose to hire a car if you were planning a holiday for
at least a week touring around many of Victoria’s tourist destinations? Justify your
answer with reasons.

(4 marks)

A third company, Better Value Hire, BVH, wants to enter the market and decides to offer
a special deal for those who expect to drive more than 125 kilometres.

The following question concerns how Better Value Hire, BVH, will calculate their
charge for hiring a car.

Question 11

(a) Show that when the distance travelled is 125 km, Absolutely Abominable
Automobiles, AAA charges $ 99.50.
(b) Show that when the distance travelled is 500 km, Absolutely Basic Cars, ABC
charges $225.00

(c) Use these two pairs of values for (Distance, Cost) to find a linear equation linking
Cost (C) to the Distance travelled (D).

(1 + 1 + 4 = 6 marks)

End of Investigation for Mainstream Students

Advanced Maths students only

The equation found in Question 11(c) explains how Better Value Hire, BVH will
calculate the cost of hiring a car so long as the distance travelled is more than 125

Question 12

Complete the table below to compare the Costs (C) for hiring a car from each of the
three companies, ABC, AAA and BVH for Distances travelled (D) greater than 125 km.




The company Absolutely Abominable Automobiles, AAA has now found that it is losing a
lot of its customers to the other two companies. Therefore, they decide to change how
they will calculate the cost of car hire.

They decide to change their cost per kilometre but the initial cost of $40 will be kept the

Also, they decide to charge the same as both of the other two companies (ABC and BVH)
for travelling a distance of 500 km.
Question 13

(a) Find the new linear equation used by Absolutely Abominable Automobiles, AAA,
to calculate the Cost (C) from the Distance travelled (D).

(b) Complete the table below by recalculating the new Costs of hiring a car from
Absolutely Abominable Automobiles, AAA.


(c) Comment on the effects of AAA modifying their charges from the point of view
of a client who wants to hire a car for a week and tour Victoria seeing the Great
Ocean Road, the Grampians and the surrounding wineries and the Yarra Valley.

(3 + 2 + 2 = 7 marks)

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