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Bonding and Structure

Monday, February 6, 2017 9:48 AM

Overview of bonding
1. Elements , compound and Mixtures
a. Elements : contains only one type of atoms เช่น element of carbon contains only carbon atom.
b. Compound : contains more than one type of atoms, hold together with chemical bond , the same ratio, and cannot
separate them by physical means. (หยิบออก) เช่น CO2
c. Mixture : can contain any number of different substance (atom ก็ได ้ compound ก็ได ้, any ratio, Can sepate
Atom and Ion ต่างกันอย่างไร
a. Atom : number of proton = number of electron , no charge เช่น Sodium atom (Na) มี proton = 11, electron = 11 , no

b. Ion : atom or group of atom , can positive or negative charge because gian/loss electron เช่น Sodium ion (Na) มี
proton = 11, electron = 11, loss electron = 1 ดังนัน proton = 11, eletron = 10 --> Positive ion (cation) --> Na+ ส่วน
ใหญ่เกิดกับ Metal ยกเว ้น H เป็ น non-metal แต่ เป็ น Positive ion
เช่น cholide ion (Cl) มี proton = 17, electron = 17 (2,8,7) ดังนัน gain electron มา 1 เพือเติมให ้ stable ->
Negative ion(anion) -> Cl-
ส่วนใหญ่เกิดกับ Non-Metal

*** ถ ้าเปลียน proton -> new element , ถ ้าเปลียน eletron -> gain/loss
3. metal : properties -> conduct electricity and heat, maileable(, high melting point (solid at room temperature, positive ion ,
react with oxygen -> basic oxide (ละลายนํ าแล ้วได ้ PH>7)
non-metal :
exceptions: Mercury is metal but liquid at room temperature
sodium กับ potassium, have low density and low boiling point
diamond and graphite -> graphite is non-metal but good conductor of electricity, diamond is non-metal high
melting point , hardest เพราะ มี special structure

Metal and Alloy

1. Metals are elements , so they contain only one type of atom.
2. Alloy are mixture , at least one substance (can be metal or non-metal) is added to metal เช่น gold ทีขาย 97.5 % ถือเป็ น
alloy เพราะเติม silver ลงไป

Overview of bonding
1. Bonding is about how atoms are join together เพือ stable (atom <-> atom)
2. Structure is about how the boned atom are arrangement.
3. Bonding มี 3 Types
a. Covalent : electrons are share between atom. สําหรับพวก non-metal atom of same element or difference element
(give compound) , bond created by share electron.
b. Ionic : electron transfer from one atom to another for form ions. Metal bond with non-metal to give conpound. Metal
loss electron, non-metal gain electron then no charge. Bond created by opposite ions charge. + กับ -
c. Metallic : lattice of positive ion in a sea of electron , only metal atom -> same atom หรือ different element (Alloy)

b.กับ c. เป็ น electrostatic force

Why do atom bond ?

Atom bond to other atoms in order to gain the same arrangement of outer-shell electron as a noble gas atom.
Because this is a stable arrangement. เช่น He , Neon, Argon ทีมี outer-shell electrons = 8 ยกเว ้น He มี 2
1. When element in solid state , structure that regular arrangement, called lattice
2. Structure (molecule) แบ่งเป็ น simple molecular และ Giant
a. Simple molecular เจอใน covalent compound เท่านัน
- The lattice is built up of million of separate small molecules
- ตัวอย่าง iodine (I2), the lattice is made up of 2 molecule , each contain 2 atom
- Structure hold together with strong covalent bond but weak inter molecular force
- Result: solid has a low melting point, does not take much heat energy to break up lattice to form liquid.
b. Giant
- The lattice is built up from positive and negative joined by ionic bond หรือ metal ion joined by metalic bond หรือ
non-metalic atom joined by covalent bond (diamonกับgraphite)
- structure hold together with strong network bond
- solid high melting point , take great energy to break down lattice to form liquid.
Ionic bonding

4. Bonding and Structure Page 1

Ionic bonding
Cations and Anions. Ionic bonds involve a cation and an anion. The bond is formed when an atom, typically a metal, loses an
electron or electrons, and becomes a positive ion, or cation. Another atom, typically a non-metal, is able to acquire the
electron(s) to become a negative ion, or anion.

Ionic property : นึกถึง salt

Ionic bonding
- Metal atom bond with non-metal atom
- Electron transfer from Metal atom to non-metal atom
- The ions are stable because they have electron arrangement same as noble gas atom
- Join with electrostatic force หรือ Opposite charge attract together

Example -> Sodium (2,8,1) chloride (2,8,7)

- structure ของ sodium chloride จะอIonic compound จะอยูเ่ ป็ น latice structure , High melting and high boiling point

Ionic property : นึกถึง salt ถ ้าเอาไป heat ต ้องเกิน 100 ถึงจะ melt , high melting and boiling , bond are strong, conduct electrivity ได ้
เมือ ion มัน move ได ้ ดังนันต ้องเอาไป disolve in water เพือให ้ ion move

4. Bonding and Structure Page 2

Covelent bonding
- formed between same non-metal atom (element) หรือ different non-metal atom (compound)
- electrons are share between atom
- The ions are stable because they have electron arrangement same as noble gas atom

- boned atom formed a unit called "molecule" (group of boned atom)

Molecular element

- element คือ one type of atom เป็ น atom ของ non-metal เพือ form เป็ น Molecule

เช่น Hydrogen

Covalent bond is the attraction between the positive nuclei and negative share of electrons.

Molecular compound

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