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Newest thing — you

Retailers let customers design

Talks for Kim-
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The prodigy’s back
their own servings and style underway After a stunning debut in China, Swedish
superstar violinist returns LIFE, PAGE 16

FRIDAY-SUNDAY, April 6-8, 2018 $1

UN chief High-level handshake

Trump doubles
on trade:
Working down with $100b
together in new tariffs
works best By CHEN WEIHUA
in Washington
Republican from Nebraska,
tweeted on Wednesday that the proposed retaliation from China
By WANG LINYAN and will have a negative impact on
HONG XIAO US President Donald Trump the state of Nebraska.
at the United Nations escalated tensions on Thursday “@POTUS must negotiate
over a possible trade war with with the Chinese in a construc-
International cooperation China by ordering the US trade tive way to get good trade results
and dialogue are the way representative to consider $100 for our farmers and ranchers,”
to solve trade disputes, UN billion in additional tariffs on she said.
Secretary-General Antonio China.
Guterres said on Thursday. “In light of China’s unfair
“Trade wars are always bad retaliation, I have instructed
for those involved in the trade the USTR to consider whether
war and for the international $100 billion of additional tar-
economy as a whole. We iffs would be appropriate under That may be Mr.
need to have international Section 301 and, if so, to inden-
cooperation,” Guterres said tify the products upon which Trump’s intention,
in an interview with Chinese to impose such tariffs,” Trump
media at United Nations Russia’s President Vladimir Putin meets with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Kremlin in Moscow on Thursday. said in a statement issued by the to meet political
headquarters in New York Wang is in Russia on a working visit as President Xi Jinping’s special envoy. He met earlier with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. White House.
before his visit to China. ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICHENKO / REUTERS His words came hours after and economic
“Wherever there’s a prob- his White House advisers tried
lem, there must be dialogue, to ease the concerns over a trade objectives that
there must be a serious dis- war by saying the two countries
are a bit out of

US companies may miss

cussion to overcome the will resort to negotiations to
problem,” he said. solve their trade issues.
Guterres said efforts need The US announced on Tues-
alignment with
to be made “to preserve what
was acquired by many years
day it would impose 25 percent
tariffs on 1,300 Chinese prod-
each other.”
of work of world organiza- ucts worth $50 billion under the Douglas Paal, vice-president
tions” to make sure there is
trade benefit to the interna-
tional economy as a whole.
said he is
delighted to
opportunities in China Section 301 of US Trade Act of
1974 following an investigation
into China’s intellectual prop-
erty policies and practices.
China responded by slapping
25 percent tariffs on 106 US
for studies at the Carnegie
Endowment for International

Chinese Ambassador to the

US Cui Tiankai said in a meet-
be visiting
China and
Countermeasures on trade could responded to a Twitter mes- products, also worth $50 bil- ing with US Acting Secretary of
State John Sullivan on Wednes-
sage by Trump. Wang said it is lion, including soybeans, corn,
participating leave them out if dispute escalates “absolutely unacceptable” to cars and airplanes. day that China is always ready
in the Boao ask China alone to cut the Many US lawmakers, espe- to continue and intensify its
Antonio Forum of the By HU YUANYUAN ment is just a “stalling tactic” The US govern- country’s surplus with the US cially from Midwest farm states, dialogue and communication
Guterres, Asia Annual and JING SHUIYU in Beijing, used in the hope that China by $100 billion each year. have voiced deep concern about with the US side on any possible
UN Secretary- Conference CHEN WEIHUA will change its mind. ment’s pledge Trade is carried out by com- how a trade war with China will economic or trade issues. “But,
General 2018 at the in Washington Larry Kudlow, the new panies and consumers from impact their local economies we need reciprocity. Our good-
invitation of director of the White House to address the both countries on a voluntary and the midterm election later will has to be met by the same
President Xi Jinping. Gut- US enterprises may miss National Economic Council, basis, Wang said, adding that this year. Eight out of the top 10 degree of goodwill,” he said.
teres will meet Xi and other the opportunity to benefit told NBC News that it’s possi- trade deficit is trade imbalances cannot be soybean-producing and export- Cui warned that if anybody
Chinese officials and then from China’s ongoing open- ble that US President Donald forced by government but are ing states in the US voted for tries to hurt the interests of the
give a speech at the opening ing-up process if the Sino-US Trump’s tariffs are a negotiat-
just an excuse determined by the economic Trump in 2016. Chinese people, China will cer-
session of the forum, which
will be held April 8-11 in
dispute escalates, experts
from top government think
ing tactic and won’t actually
take effect. “Yes, it’s possible.
to curb the structures and industrial
competitiveness of the coun-
Senator Chuck Grassley, a
Republican from Iowa, a major
tainly fight back.
China also retaliated early
Hainan province. tanks said on Thursday. It’s part of the process,” he development of tries involved. soybean exporter to China, said this week against the US Sec-
“It will be an enormous “Some of China’s opportu- said. For Chen Wenling, chief farmers and ranchers should tion 232 tariffs on steel and
pleasure for me to participate nities may not apply to US Their comments came China’s high- economist at the economic not bear the brunt of any trade aluminum imports imposed on
in this event and to recog- enterprises, based on WTO hours after China announced exchanges center, the recent war. March 23 in the name of nation-
nize the extremely impor- rules and China’s Foreign it would slap 25 percent tariffs end manufac- US trade moves involving “The Administration knew al security. The tariffs Chinese
tant contribution of China Trade Law,” said Wei Jianguo, on 106 US products worth $50 China reflect a shift in strate- that if it imposed tariffs on Chi- imposed include 128 US prod-
to multilateralism in today’s a former vice-minister of billion, ranging from soy- turing sector.” gic priorities. nese goods, China would retali- ucts from pork, nuts to seamless
world, where multilateralism commerce and current vice- beans and cars to whiskey and “China and Russia are now ate against US agriculture,” he steel pipes.
is sometimes under attack,” president of the China Center airplanes. That was a response Ye Fujing, director of the on top of the US government’s said in a statement.
said Guterres, whose first vis- for International Economic to the 25 percent tariff on Institute for International strategic concerns, replacing Senator Deb Fischer, a See Trump, page 2
it to China was in the 1980s. Exchanges. “Once the US tar- 1,300 Chinese products worth Economic Research terrorism,” Chen said. “This
He described the occasion iff measures against Chinese $50 billion announced by the reflects the growing worry in
as a very important moment
in the history of China, with
products take effect, China
will immediately adopt coun-
US Trade Representative on
Tuesday, following a Section curb the development of Chi-
the US over China’s recent
achievements in industry
Culture for the holiday
40 years of reform and open- termeasures.” 301 investigation into China’s na’s high-end manufacturing upgrades and its moves
ing up leading to an “unpar- According to the Office of intellectual property policies sector,” said Ye Fujing, direct- toward modernization.”
alleled” process of economic the United States Trade Rep- and practices. or of the Institute for Interna- Chen said the Sino-US
growth and a reduction of resentative, the proposed US Amid speculation that a tional Economic Research, a trade dispute is just the
poverty that have contributed list under Section 301 of the major tariff war may not mate- think tank under the Nation- beginning of what will be an
to the improvement of the US Trade Act of 1974 will rialize, the Dow Jones industrial al Development and Reform increasingly intense strategic
global economy. undergo further review in a average fluctuated wildly on Commission, the country’s competition between the two
The UN chief expressed his public notice and comment Wednesday, plunging 501 top economic regulator. countries in the years ahead.
belief in China’s commitment process, including a public points after the opening bell but “Many categories that the “We should be prepared for
to globalization, free trade hearing. After completion of closing the day up 230 points at US included in the list are a trade war that could last
and international coopera- that process, the trade repre- 24,263. The S&P 500 closed the important for China’s indus- years, and take more prevent-
tion, especially the develop- sentative office will issue a day up 1.16 percent. trial upgrades, but the scale of ive measures in other fields,”
ing world. final determination on prod- “The essence of the Sino- their export to the US is not Chen said. Foreigners attend the opening ceremony of a willow culture festival
“The Belt and Road Initia- ucts subject to additional US trade war is high-tech, big at all,” Ye said. in Beijing’s Liuyin (Willow) Park, on Thursday. The three-day event
tive is a perfect demonstra- duties. and the US government’s At a news conference on Contact the writers at features a series of cultural activities to attract visitors during the
tion of that,” he said. Wei said the US review pledge to address the trade Wednesday, Vice-Minister of huyuanyuan@ Tomb Sweeping Day holiday. LUO XIAOGUANG / XINHUA
Describing himself as a period to seek public com- deficit is just an excuse to Commerce Wang Shouwen
strong believer in multi-
lateralism, Guterres said
global problems cannot be
addressed on a country-by-
country basis.
“Global problems need
to have global answers, and Developments in smart voice-recognition software are drying up demand for stenographers, as Zhang Yue reports.
global answers can only be
implemented through multi- X
lateral frameworks,” he said.

evelopments in campuses and even climb yuan ($25) in March 2006 “I could barely imag- artificial intelligence and
See UN, page 3 smart voice-recog-
nition software are
skyscrapers to drum up busi-
ness. He quickly realized that 160 yuan to record and transcribe dis-
cussions during a two-hour
ine such an income when
I was starting out,” said Li,
smart voice-recording soft-
ware is threatening their
drying up demand being a freelance stenogra- fee for Li Zhengjie’s first job seminar in Beijing. Li and 36, who now leads a team industry.
for stenographers, as Zhang pher is hard work — even his wife, also a stenographer, of 12 stenographers cov- “I’m kind of worried wheth-
Yue reports. before you’ve landed a client. made about 1,800 yuan a ering events across the er this job will still exist in the
At the start of his career, Twelve years on, the job month that year, but today Chinese capital. years ahead,” said Pan Li, who
Li Zhengjie would scour the is still hard, but at least his Li’s first client was a pro- they can earn up to 30,000 However, some in the busi-
streets, wander university income has increased. fessor who paid him 160 yuan a month. ness fear breakthroughs in See Typing, page 4
Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA


Negotiation, Auto companies facing tariff risk

not useless By PAUL WELITZKIN
in New York
Daimler plants in South Carolina and
Alabama, respectively.
percent tariff on imported trucks from
World Trade Organization members
be significant,” he said.
The tit-for-tat auto trade dispute
tariff threat,

BMW, Daimler, the maker of

“Ford has some issues because the
Explorer comes from Chicago and
most if not all Lincolns come from
and with the proposed tariffs on China
these rates would go to 27.5 percent
and 50 percent said Dziczek.
may also affect plans by Ford to move
production of models, notably the
Focus, to China for export to the US.
is the way Mercedes-Benz, and Tesla are the
automakers most vulnerable if China
the US. These are some of the most
profitable vehicles it sells, so higher
Elon Musk’s Tesla faces a major Chi-
nese tariff risk because China is its
Whiston said it’s too early for Ford
to reverse course on the Focus “but if
raises tariffs on imported vehicles prices hurt a lot, especially relative to second-largest market by revenue last they think the US were to have a large
forward made in the US, analysts said.
“China exports comprise 38 percent
the Germans, GM and VW with facto-
ries in China more than Ford,” David
year, and it makes all its vehicles for
China in the US, noted Whiston.
tariff in place for a long time then I
don’t see how you can keep exporting
of total Daimler exports from the Unit- Whiston, auto analyst for Morningstar In a research note, Brian Johnson A Ford F-150 pickup truck is seen at from China to the US and be competi-
By CHEN WEIHUA ed States, 31 percent for BMW, and 24 Inc said in an email. of Barclays said a base Tesla Model S an auto dealership in Shanghai on tive against other compacts made in
in Washington percent for Tesla,” Kristin Dziczek of American vehicle exports to China 100D in the US costs $94,000 while April 5. ALY SONG / REUTERS the States such as the Chevy Cruze, the Center for Automotive Research face a 25 percent tariff. China has sug- the same vehicle in China today costs Toyota Corolla, and Honda Civic.”
in Ann Arbor, Michigan, wrote in an gested it would add another 25 per- about 931,000 yuan or $148,000 before Ford was planning to bring in the
US President Donald Trump email Thursday. cent to counter proposed US tariffs on the added tariff. “While these steep add to the prestige factor for luxury Mondeo and MKZ from China; total-
and Commerce Secretary Wil- If the tariffs go into effect, it could Chinese exports. The US imposes a 2.5 import tariffs are part of the upper-end cars), for lower-luxury vehicles than the ing about 300,000 units a year, by
bur Ross both tried to calm the mean production cuts at BMW and percent tariff on imported cars and 25 luxury market (and in some respects Model 3 a 50 percent premium would 2022.
panic about a possible trade war
on Wednesday, just hours after
China slapped a 25 percent tariff
on $50 billion of imports from
the US, including soybeans,
whiskey, cars and airplanes.
US senator calls
Trump tweeted early on
Wednesday morning that “we
are not in a trade war with
for trade win-win
China”, while Ross told CNBC
that he expects the situation By ZHANG RUINAN important
will likely lead to a negotiated in Philadelphia to our
deal. Larry Kudlow, director of ruinanzhang@chinadailyusa. economy;
the White House National Eco- com and we’re
nomic Council, suggested that the home
it’s possible Trump’s tariffs are US Senator Thomas Carper, of DuPont,
a negotiating tactic and won’t Democrat of Delaware, called and many
actually take effect. for a win-win solution to settle US Senator other man-
If that is the case, then Trump the trade issues between the Thomas Carper ufacturing
has already proved himself world’s two largest economies, companies,
wrong. China has demonstrated speaking with China Daily on pharmaceutical companies,
that it cannot be coerced and Thursday. financial institutions, lots of
that it is fully determined to Stronger communication is them have a presence in the
reciprocate. Wielding a big tar- the key to develop a trusting trading relationship with
iff stick won’t give the US more An apple-packing facility of Gilbert Orchards, a family-owned enterprise in Yakima, Washington. In addition to sending cherries to relationship between China China.”
leverage at the negotiating table. China, the company also ships Gala and Red Delicious apples to Guangzhou and Shanghai. PHOTOS BY LINDA DENG / CHINA DAILY and the US, he said. Carper also stressed the
By threatening protection- “The current administration importance of communica-
ist tariffs, Trump has caused a has indicated the America-first tion between the people of the
major disruption in the global
trading system and also put
Americans in harm’s way. US
Cherry, apple growers: tariffs the pits vision, which is understand-
able,” said Carper. “What I
look for is a win-win situation,
two nations during this special
“Joe Biden, our former
consumers — farmers and blue- By LINDA DENG in Seattle Northwest crop last year. to predict the impact of the where America wins and other vice-president and the former
collar workers, many of whom Last summer, China Eastern tariffs, but it will make the US nations win as well, and the senator from Delaware, has
voted for Trump — have been Airlines’ Cherry Express cargo cherry less competitive. Data hope out of this rather diffi- long said that all politics is per-
hurt already as a result of the Chinese tariffs on cherries plane sent fresh cherries from from China Customs indicate cult chapter, a better outcome sonal; so is diplomacy,” said
tariff war triggered by the steel and apples are leaving north- Seattle to Shanghai 55 times in that China imported 102,000 in which not only the United Carper.
and aluminum tariffs under US west growers disappointed. eight weeks. tons of cherries valued at $770 States wins, but China wins “That’s the reason why my
law. The damages will be much “We see China with tremen- The Cherry Express is a million in 2017. too.” wife and I accepted the invita-
greater if the tit-for-tat tariffs dous growth potential and unique partnership between In 2017, cherries from eight “I’ve long been a believer in tion to go to China two years
sparked by another part of the China is already the biggest online sales giant Alibaba, countries were imported into free trade, which is truly free ago — because I believe it’s
law take effect. export market we have for cher- China Eastern Air Group and China. and fair, and we’re all better off important to get to know peo-
China has long called for ries,” said Sean Gilbert, general Northwest Cherry Growers. “Last year, we shipped just when that’s the case,” he said. ple in their personal lives and
negotiations to resolve bilateral manager at Gilbert Orchards In 2017, about 2.9 million over 3 million 20-pound boxes “Delaware has the third- to develop a trusting personal
trade and investment issues. So in Yakima, Washington. “We 20-pound boxes of cherries, of cherries in June, July and largest county in the US – Sus- relationship.
if the Trump administration is export 10 percent of our cher- Sean Gilbert, general valued at $127 million, grown August, to China and the value sex County; I’m told the county “The relationship between
open to negotiation, as it has ries to China. manager at Gilbert Orchards, and packed in Washington and the past year is right in a $130 raises more chickens than any China and our country is enor-
indicated, it should immedi- “The recent tariffs with Chi- said China is a very important Oregon, were exported to Chi- million range. My growers are county in America and we mously important, especially
ately cease using the tariff stick na are very disappointing. We growth market for apples. na, according to the Northwest at a point what they need every raised more soybeans, I’m told the economic relationship;
and get on with the negotiating hope that they will be resolved. Horticultural Council. single market they can get and than any county in America,” and we need to keep that in
process. But if they are not, they’ll result “We started to develop the having a market as great as Carper said. mind, we need to work out our
Negotiations, through any in lower returns for our grow- valued at an average of $3 bil- Chinese market about 11 years China slowed down by tariffs is “So, we are selling various differences by talking to each
established platform, is a much ers and farms. There was a lot lion annually, and create tens ago, from zero to over 33,000 concerning, ” Northwest Cherry agriculture products from other,” Carper said.
better way to address each oth- of hard work we have put in of thousands of jobs in rural tons last year,” said Keith Hu, Growers president B.J. Thurlby southern Delaware to lots of “I hope cooler heads will
er’s concerns than threatening a already developing that market, communities. international program direc- said. other countries, including prevail, and we will end up
tariff war. and it is going to be hurt by the Exports are vital to the indus- tor for the Northwest Cherry “I have worked for 11 years China, and it is extremely in establishing a win-win
Negotiations may not be a tariffs.” try, with approximately one- Growers. “We continue to see in the Chinese market to build
smooth process and will not The Pacific Northwest third of the apples, pears and the growth especially in the the consumers’ trust behind
solve all the problems or solve
them in a short time. That is just
the nature of many complicated
is home to family-owned
orchards that provide approxi-
mately 66 percent of the apples,
cherries grown in the region
going to other countries.
Super-large fresh cherries
second-tier cities. We have
established the first-tier cities
pretty well. We’re looking for 10
our products, and I think we’ve
done that. The frustrating part
is that I feel the consumers in
Trump: Team expects
issues in big countries.
Gun violence, for example, has
haunted Americans for decades,
74 percent of the pears, and 78
percent of the sweet cherries
grown in the United States.
are expensive in China, but it’s
now one of the top export mar-
kets for the Northwest. They
second-tier key cities in inner
China for growth. The Chinese
China will be the ones who have
to pay prices as well. I also care to negotiate on trade
market is important.” about my friends in China,”
but it remains a serious issue Together, these crops are took about 13 percent of the Hu thought it was too early Thurlby said. From page 1 “That may be Mr. Trump’s
regardless of the massive public intention, to meet political
demonstrations like the recent Both the Section 232 and and economic objectives that
March for Our Lives.
China has long called on the
US to loosen and lift its restric-
Only believe half of what you read, or less Section 301 tariffs are regard-
ed as a violation of the World
Trade Organization rules.
are a bit out of alignment with
each other. But it may reflect
different objectives from dif-
tions on US high-tech exports On Thursday morning, ferent wings of the White

to China. The US has not only bright spot world analyzing and testing sun patterns. Wheeler gushed with obvious enthusi- Trump’s White House trade House,” he said.
failed to address this but moved appeared We believe this location will be optimal asm. “This will not just give us world- adviser Peter Navarro and Paal believes it would be
in the opposite direction with among the in terms of sun collection,” company wide exposure but through the universe National Economic Council good for President Xi to reit-
more discriminatory policies gathering spokesman Dexter Chong III. as well.” Director Larry Kudlow both erate at the Boao Forum for
against China, both in trade and clouds of trade wars last Then Chong added, “When our com- The piling on continued with Wheeler indicated that a solution will Asia on April 8-11 what Pre-
investment. Chris week from, of all places, pany thinks of collecting solar rays, we adding: “This is monumental for eastern be found through negotiation. mier Li Keqiang said at the
And it’s impossible for the Davis Kankakee County, think of eastern Kankakee County. Most Kankakee County. For us to land a proj- Navarro said that there recent National People’s Con-
US to demand that China, the New York Illinois, a patch of flat locals don’t realize how much sunshine ect of this scale is fabulous. We’ve been will be discussions between gress: that China will not allow
world’s largest developing coun- Journal farmland about 50 you have here.” looking for a project to put us on the US Trade Representative Bob forced technology transfer, will
try, solve its problems overnight. miles south of Chicago. And that’s when something about the map, and I truly believe this is the one.” Lighthizer, Treasury Secretary protect intellectual property
What is important is that And this spot prom- story started to not seem right. Rural Illi- Wheeler said they were looking for a Steven Mnuchin and Chinese and cut tariffs.
China is moving in the right ised to be so bright it would be visible nois is known for big storms, corn, harsh name for the project and may name it officials. “This would undercut a sub-
direction. It has been steadily from outer space. winters, corn, endless highways that after the company’s acronym — F.O.O.L.S. He told CNBC that the stantial portion of the justifi-
improving its protection of intel- The Kankahee Daily Journal reported never bend, and corn. But sunshine? A solar panel expert from Sunny Skies meeting is “to try to get some cation for Section 301 tariffs,”
lectual property rights, a key ele- that China-based solar and wind power Chong then told the Daily Journal’s Tech, Ekoj Rof Sredaer, said the county place, where China stops doing Paal said.
ment for creating an innovation company Fields of Opportunity & Orna- Lee Provost that construction on the would become the national leader for what it is doing in terms of Marcus Noland, executive
-driven society. mental Land Structures had proposed project could begin in two and a half energy derived from gas. its aggressive attack on our vice-president and director
Chinese leaders have pledged a massive $4.01 billion, 777-acre solar weeks, and farmers would be notified to Talk about gas. economy”. for studies at the Peterson
further reform and opening-up. farm to straddle unincorporated county prevent them from buying seeds. “To say the area has hit a home run “We are in conversation. Institute for International
President Xi Jinping is expected townships. A few reasonable sounding details fol- is understating the importance of this It’s all part of the discussion. Economics, said the Trump
to roll out new measures at the The story, under the headline: “Chi- lowed. The array could have as many as development,” Sredaer said. “I can’t even Let’s not jump to the worst- administration has not really
Boao Forum for Asia next week. nese solar farm to hit region”, ran a 123 6-by-3-foot panels per acre, meaning put it into words.” case conclusion,” Kudlow told articulated its goal, the mech-
After all, this year marks the picture of a distant complex of buildings as many as 95,500 panels covering form Allow me. the media Thursday morning anism or the timeline.
40th anniversary of China’s floating above a sea of solar panels. farm fields. The first clue was the price of the proj- when asked about a negative “They seem to be going
reform and opening-up drive, The caption read: “Like this village in With government regs requiring that ect: $4.01 billion, as in $April 1st billion. impact on US farmers and off on a trajectory where
which has brought phenome- China, eastern Kankakee County will be one worker cannot monitor more than The second clue was the acronym for workers in a trade war. they are going to act tough,”
nal progress to the country and covered in solar panels when construc- 117.25 solar panels in any given 24-hour the company Fields of Opportunity & “We don’t have a tariff Noland said. “They’re not
benefited the world, including tion of the $4.01 billion solar farm is period, they would need at least 800 Ornamental Land Structures: FOOLS. enacted yet,” he said, adding going to have clear goals.
the US. It’s in China’s interest to completed.” workers, who would also be housed. And finally, spell solar panel expert that the end game is economic They’re not going to have a
continue on that path. Fields of Opportunity & Ornamental The fuzzy math seemed to stack up. Ekoj Rof Sredaer’s names backwards and growth by tearing down barri- clear mechanism for resolv-
So it’s really time for Trump to Land Structures reportedly did surveys “The development will be so large, you get: Jokes For Readers. ers and playing by rules. ing the issues, and they really
give up the useless tariff weapon worldwide to find regions with optimal astronauts orbiting Earth in the Interna- Congrats to the Daily Journal for the Douglas Paal, vice-president seem to be heading in a direc-
and come to the negotiating sun and wind exposure. It had farms tional Space Station will be able to clearly bright spot of a little humor. Happy April for studies at the Carnegie tion of imposition of mea-
table. pumping out renewable energy in Swit- see the reflection,” Provost wrote. We Fools Day. Endowment for International sures that are supposed to
zerland, Germany and China, with devel- checked. That’s 254 miles up. Peace, said White House offi- address some kind of issue
The author is deputy editor of opments pending in Russia and Iceland. “Talk about putting Kankakee on the Contact the writer at chrisdavis@ cials are sending confusing and end up just being a per-
China Daily USA. “We have obviously been around the map,” country board chairman Andy signals. manent feature.”
Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 3


Call for cooler heads

Boeing, GM urge calm approach in Sino-US dispute
US companies prefer negotiations, countries, Boeing said that
while both governments have
according to their earnings
the narrow-body B737.
Meanwhile, Boeing is build-
By ZHONG FEITENG in the future and China must
be prepared for that.
“outlined positions that could China is now the world’s ing a B737 MAX completion On Wednesday, the United Third, the proposed tariff
long-term policy to confrontation do harm to the global aero- largest aircraft market by sales and delivery center in Zhous- States published a proposed rate on the listed Chinese
space industry, neither has yet volume. The country imported han, Zhejiang province, and it list of imports from China products is 25 percent,
By ZHONG NAN day as a response to tariff imposed these drastic meas- 60 billion yuan ($9.52 billion) is expected to go into opera- worth around $50 billion in which is in accordance with
and ZHU WENQIAN proposals from the Trump ures”, the group said in a state- of Boeing’s products and tion in May. By the end of this annual trade it has targeted US domestic laws, but not
Administration. ment. accounted for 26 percent of year, Boeing plans to deliver for additional tariffs. Nine international treaties. In
A number of large commer- Items on the latest list from “We will continue in our Boeing’s global production, the first B737 MAX plane hours later, China announced other words, for the US, its
cial entities from the United Beijing include planes with an own efforts to proactively said Lin Zhijie, an aviation directly from Zhoushan to a a list of US goods totaling the own domestic laws come
States including Boeing, Gen- operating empty weight engage both governments and industry analyst and colum- domestic airline. same value that will be sub- before the international
eral Motors and the American between 15,000 kilograms and build on the recent assurances nist at Carnoc — China’s larg- General Motors also said in ject to equivalent tariff hikes, treaties that it has signed
Soybean Association, have 45,000 kg, which covers a by US and Chinese leaders est civil aviation web portal. a statement released on fulfilling its promise of “retal- and ratified. Actually, the US
urged the US government to series of Boeing 737 planes. that productive talks are ongo- “There is no significant dif- Wednesday that the company iatory measures of the same has been adopting such a
resolve the simmering trade Some single-aisle Boeing ing. A strong and vibrant aero- ference in performance supports a positive trade rela- strength and the same scope”. principle since the 1970s by
dispute with China through aircraft, including the B737- space industry is important to between Airbus SE’s aircraft tionship between the US and The proposed US list is negotiating with the econo-
constructive dialogue, and to 700, B737-800, B737-900 and the economic prosperity and and Boeing’s, and the product China, and hopes they value a something worthy of our mies that export to it.
seek sustainable trade policies. B737 MAX 7, are among the national security of both coun- certainly can be replaced with vibrant auto industry and attention. First, it covers That principle has been
Their response came after major plane models that Boe- tries,” the US aircraft manu- a strong alternative,” he said. understand the interdepen- approximately 1,300 prod- increasingly more evident
China announced plans to ing exported to China over the facturer said. The homegrown C919 dence between the world’s two ucts imported from China, since Donald Trump took
impose 25 percent supple- past few years, and are among From 2018 to 2020, Air Chi- large passenger jet, and the largest automotive markets. including industries such as office, which in turn deals a
mental tariffs on 106 US prod- the products likely to see high- na, China Eastern Airlines and A320 series made by Europe- aerospace, information and heavy blow to the liberal
ucts including automobiles, er tariffs. China Southern Airlines plan an aircraft manufacturer Air- Contact the writers at communications technolo- global trade order. China is
commercial aircraft, chemi- As a possible trade war will to purchase more than 300 bus — the archrival of Boeing zhongnan@ gy, robotics and machinery. not the only victim of this
cals and soybeans on Wednes- affect businesses from both aircraft from the B737 series, — are competing models of Media outlets in both China strategy. Many alliances that
and the US describe it as the US enjoys with Europe-
“aiming at technology” and an countries and other part-

UN: Too After a snowfall mainly targeting the coun-
try’s grand “Made in China
2025” plan. The list also
ners have suffered.
Last but not least, the US
officials that drafted the pro-
Escalation shows a desire to “contain” posed list claim to be “mini-

would hurt
China’s high-tech industries.
Of course, China’s high-
tech industries are not the
mizing” its negative effects
upon US consumers by seek-
ing substitutes of products
primary cause of the US exported from China.
From page 1
trade deficit with China, so
the containment measures
won’t help the US narrow
The problem is, it is hardly
possible to find substitutes
for all the Chinese products

are left
export volume to China
was too big,” China’s Vice-
Minister of Finance Zhu
the deficit.
Second, it should also be
noted that the list, even if
exported to the US, and US
consumers are likely to suffer
from their government’s
Guangyao said on Wednes- eventually implemented, is newly proposed tariffs. In a

day in Beijing.
“Chinese farmers have
petitioned industry associ-
far from triggering a total
“trade war” as fierce as that
seen between the US and
word, the US move hurts
both the Chinese and US pop-
ulations, and we hope Wash-
ations,pagesaying 1 that US gov- Japan in the 1980s — a bitter ington can reconsider the
ernment subsidies hurt conflict in which the US measures before it is too late.
“And sosoybean growers,
the international required Japan to limit its
and China must
framework thatrespect
governs its exports to the US. However, if The author is a researcher at
global demands.”
trade is of course of trade frictions between China National Institute of Inter-
Jon Taylor,
extreme importance.professor” of and the US continue, there national Strategy, Chinese
As a truesciencebeliever at the
in free might be more uncertainties Academy of Social Sciences.
trade as a key ofcontributor
St. Thomas to
in Houston,
global said the
prosperity, Guterrestrade
could still get ugly
betweenenormous China and benefithe
US. it also has losers and vic-
The Jiankou section of the Great Wall in Beijing’s Huairou district is blanketed in snow on Thursday due to the strong cold front sweeping
Canadians pay
He For
tims. warned of theincome
example, politi-
tribute in Nanjing
through many parts of the country since Wednesday. WANG JING / CHINA DAILY
cal repercussions
inequality has increased,of escala-and
tion. For
many example,
people have beenthe tariffleft
would hurt Iowa, a key in
“The answer
“If we go
is into
to this
a long, sus-
not protection-
of low prices,
not isolationism,
Hainan cultivating high-tech agriculture By CANG WEI in Nanjing
call on the Canadian govern-
ment to proclaim Dec 13 as
Nanjing Massacre Com-
it will
but impact
the answer some farmers’
is interna- Shortly before Tomb memorative Day, and the
tional to stay on the and farm,”
the TIDES OF another 960 tons of fresh vege- graduating from a university of winter white chrysanthe- Sweeping Day, which fell on motion passed by the Toron-
Kirk Leeds,
Agenda 2030 can CEObe of the
a very tables were sold to Hong Kong, in Nanjing, and then returned mums accounts for over half of Thursday, many overseas to City Council in December
Iowa Soybean
important Association,
instrument for according to official statistics. to Changtang, his home vil- the country’s total and is grow- Chinese and foreigners visit- 2016 — which was intro-
told ”the
that, Des Moines Regis-
he said.
IN HAINAN Xu Yun, director of the Hain- lage, in 2007. At the time he ing at 20 percent a year. ed the Memorial Hall for the duced by Councilor Jim
IowaUNis2030the top Agendaproduc- for an provincial department of convinced his fellow villagers The 733-hectare Lingshui Victims of the Nanjing Mas- Karygiannis — to recognize
er of soybeans
Sustainable in the US. is
Development By MA ZHIPING agriculture, said the province to try cultivating sweet pota- modern agriculture demon- sacre by Japanese Invaders the Nanjing Massacre as a
Taylor said
a blueprint managing
for eradicating and LIU XIAOLI in Haikou is restructuring its agricultural toes instead of the traditional stration zone on the east coast, in Nanjing, Jiangsu prov- historical event.
poverty trade relations by the is sector by reducing low-effi- lower-profit rice. launched in 2015, has played ince, to remember the dead “We were interfered with
a major
year 2030. challenge facing Hainan province is increas- ciency industries and products Sweet potato fields have an active role in showcasing and call for peace. by the government when we
Trumpsaid administration,
“it’s extreme- ingly working to hasten agri- such as sugar cane and euca- expanded to 1,800 hectares in the importance of technology During a visit organized held exhibits about the Nan-
ly important “wouldfor us to bebe well able cultural supply side structural lyptus. Instead, it is expanding Qiaotou, a town of 22,000 resi- in farming. A vertical farming by Canada’s Nanjing Fellow jing Massacre in Toronto
to haveby changing
a fair its pro-
globalization reforms, speed up the develop- higher quality produce varie- dents, and a research institute system introduced from Sing- Association, about 100 years ago,” Wang said. “It
for approach”.
the Agenda 2030 to be ment of the sector’s moderni- ties such as winter vegetables developing virus-free seed- apore can now produce 27.5 Canadians of Chinese origin said that Canada is a peace-
William Zarit,
implemented, leavingchairman
no one zation and strengthen tropical and melons, sweet potatoes, lings there is helping promote tons of vegetables per mu wore violet cress-shaped ful country and cannot have
of the American
behind Chamber
for global injustices agriculture. pineapples, grapefruits and better farming practices. Out- (0.066 hectare) a year versus badges as symbols of peace such ‘bloody’ exhibitions.
of Commerce
to be corrected, in and
China, forsaidthe Before it was upgraded to a cherry tomatoes. put value from sweet potato output from traditional farm- while paying tribute to the But now the government has
he hopes Washington
possibility of establishing and province in 1988, about 80 per- Chengmai, about 60 kilome- harvesting reached 360 mil- ing of just 4 tons. victims. Wang Haicheng, invited us to hold exhibits.”
community will of nota sharedfollow cent of its grain and animal ters from the provincial capi- lion yuan ($57 million) last Xu, the agricultural official, president of the association, The Nanjing Massacre, in
through onintheir
prosperity “threats”.
the world as husbandry products was sup- tal of Haikou, is one of the year. About 310,000 tourists said Hainan will accelerate presented three original which more than 300,000
Instead, they
President shouldusually
Xi Jinping work plied from outside. But it is regions that has reaped bene- visited Qiaotou in 2017 to agricultural standardization documents to the memorial Chinese were killed in a six-
toward a . “serious negotia-
mentions” now becoming the country’s fits from restructuring local enjoy digging up sweet pota- to realize comprehensive high hall, including the motion week rampage starting on
tion”, TheChina
He said Associated
has been Press
an biggest fruit and vegetable farming. “Our Qiaotou brand toes for themselves last year. efficiency production. It will introduced by Huang Sumei Dec 13, 1937, took place
active on Wednesday.
builder of multilateral- producer in the winter, con- sweet potatoes sell well in Bei- The Qiaotou model of intro- cultivate 30 leading sectors in — the first Chinese-Canadi- when Japanese troops cap-
ism Soybean
and involved futuresin allfellforms as tributing 4.8 million metric jing and Shanghai, as well as ducing high-efficiency farm- planting, aquaculture and an woman elected to the tured Nanjing.
of globalas 5 percent on
governance. tons of vegetables to the markets in Japan and Cana- ing is being copied across the processing while developing Ontario regional parliament Wang, also curator of the
“We welcome theirthat biggest
fact domestic market last year. da,” said Wang Wenke, head of island. 30 key products to upgrade — to designate Nanjing Mas- World War II Asian Memorial
as a positive losscontribution
since July A total of 430 tons of litchee, Changtang village in Qiaotou Dongfang, on Hainan’s the competitiveness of quality sacre Commemorative Day Museum of Canada, said that
for andworld,”
went onheto said. close longan, mango, paw paw and town, Chengmai — an area southwest coast, now has Hainan farm produce. to remember the victims. the museum has collected
down by 4 percent. green oranges were exported known for its rich soil and the large fields of red flesh dragon The other two were a more than 1,000 relics and
Contact the writers at wan- from Hainan to Canada, the longevity of its locals. fruit and white chrysanthe- Contact the writers at statement by Jenny Kwan, pictures related to the massa-
Paul Welitzkin in New York
glinyan@chinadailyusa. United Kingdom and the Unit- The 40-year-old village head mums after converting waste- mazhiping@ Member of Parliament of the cre to let more people know
contributed to this story.
com ed States last year, while made a living in cities after land into farmland. Its export New Democratic Party, to about the historical event.


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4 CH INA Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA

Typing: Insiders are confident ‘Exciting

world’ of
their skills will remain relevant quiet but
From page 1 scriptions of their interviews. Li and his wife signed up for class-

has been in the business for 12 years.

She works with her friend Ma Ruiju-
“They’d give me their recordings
and I’d usually charge them 70 or 80
yuan an hour,” he said. But since 2015,
es, paying about 10,000 yuan for tui-
tion, and over the next six months
dedicated themselves to learning
an from a home office in Handan,
Hebei province, about 400 kilometers
from Beijing. They handle interviews,
that kind of work has all but disap-
peared. “Few are still coming to me
today because they can simply use
how to use a stenotype, a machine
that enables users to record speech
in shorthand.
academic speeches, court hearings, smart software and apps to produce “The hardest part is improving
phone surveys and celebrity appear- their own transcripts,” Li added. your speed. To go from typing 60
ances, charging 80 yuan an hour. words a minute to 120 words required Yue
Pan, Ma and Li were all inspired to ‘Exciting experiences’ us to practice by typing millions and Reporter’s
become stenographers around 2006 After graduating with an advertis- millions of words,” he said. Log
after spotting advertisements in ing degree from college in his native Due to the limited demand in his Li Zhengjie works as a stenographer at an acdemic seminar at Beijing’s
local newspapers that suggested Shenyang, Liaoning province, Li hometown, Li decided to move to Tsinghua University in March. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY

demand for such skills would soar worked for several months for a Beijing shortly after completing his tenographers are
over the following decade. local ad agency. But he was not hap- training. Stenographers typically among the people I
The prediction was correct, and py with the salary. start by transcribing audio files and problem since 2010, and I used to have met most regu-
all three have so far enjoyed decent “Then I saw a newspaper ad for a then progress to conferences, which worry my job may one day no longer larly during my seven
careers. Yet as demand begins to stenography training school that are high pressure but pay about 300 exist,” he said, adding that voice-rec- years working as a reporter.
drop due to new technologies, so are said the industry would be one of the yuan an hour. Li started working ognition software like that produced On many occasions while
incomes. most promising for the next 10 years conferences in 2008. by iFlytek is the No 1 reason why covering seminars and
Li mostly now works conferences, and promised high salaries,” he Ma from Hebei relocated to the I’m the main bread- demand from journalists for tran- forums, I have relied on them
seminars and forums, but in 2006 he recalled. “At that time, none of my capital in 2006 for the same reason winner in my family scription services is drying up. for when I can’t split myself
was receiving a lot of business from friends and relatives had ever heard as Li. “Most of my clients were intro- “When the conversation takes in two to hear speeches being
journalists who wanted quick tran- of such a job.” duced by friends in the same indus-
try, and I was usually hired to do
because this job allows place in a very quiet environment
and all the speakers are talking loud-
given at the same time at dif-
ferent venues.
transcripts of media interviews,” the me to earn more mon- ly and clearly, such apps work better Sometimes I have observed
32-year-old said. and more efficiently than us the look of concentration on
Before long, she was regularly ey than my husband. humans,” he conceded. the faces of the stenogra-
working in the studios of China Cen- Yet he said he feels confident that phers sitting in front of me or
tral Television, the State broadcast- What’s more, it keeps such technology will not replace nearby, their fast-moving fin-
er, and Beijing TV, and by 2010, she conference stenographers, at least gers a blur as they type on
had helped produce transcripts of a me connected with the not in the short term. their shorthand machines.
number of high-profile shows, “I’ve never doubted the necessity Based on my experience,
including CCTV’s Legal Report.
outside for a human stenographer because they seldom talk to anyone,
“Those were the most exciting
experiences of my 20s,” she said,
world.” only we can recognize who is speak-
ing when, so we can record the cor-
no matter how bustling a
forum or conference might
laughing. “I didn’t know what a TV Ma Ruijuan, rect order of speakers,” Li said. “Plus, be. But I approached a stenog-
interview was like until I stepped stenographer in the environments at forums and rapher during a break at one
into a TV studio.” Hebei province conferences are usually too noisy for event because I was curious to
Ma eventually moved back to her voice translation apps to work effi- know how fast they can type
hometown with her husband and ciently.” and the rate of accuracy.
children, but she continues to work last month that will not only record Ma agrees, and added that most It was then that I learned
on interviews by receiving and send- court hearings, but also aid judges in interview recordings she works on about the structure and prin-
ing files through the internet. reviewing criminal cases. are also conducted in noisy environ- ciple involved in using their
“I’m the main breadwinner in my “We’re now able to use AI to help ments such as on streets or in res- shorthand machines.
family because this job allows me to judges review four types of cases, taurants. A stenotype has only 24
earn more money than my hus- namely homicide, theft, telecom Li said he ultimately believes his keys. The basic principle is
band,” she said. “What’s more, it fraud and illegal fundraising,” he said job can coexist with AI systems. almost the same as typing
keeps me connected with the out- at a news conference on March 5. As “It’s like radio versus television,” with a standard qwerty key-
side world.” he spoke, his words appeared on a he explained. “When TV arrived and board, as the input language
screen beside him almost instantly, became popular in every household, is pinyin. The difference is
Coexisting with AI demonstrating the speed and accura- many people were saying radio was that multiple keys can be
Courts are a major source of work cy of the company’s technology. a dying industry. Yet both are run- used simultaneously to spell
for stenographers, who record pro- Stenographer Li Zhengjie said the ning well today and simply have out entire words or phrases,
ceedings for the public record. How- rapid developments seen in AI in adjusted to cater to varying custom- saving a lot of time.
ever, tech tycoon Liu Qingfeng is recent years have raised concerns er demand. Stenographers are argua-
hoping to change that. about the future of his profession. “Such coexistence will also be bly little noticed, but they
Liu’s company, iFlytek — which is “I’ve been thinking about this seen between stenography and AI,” have an impact on many
headquartered in Hefei, Anhui prov- he added. industries, including those
ince, and makes language that affect our daily lives.
input software and voice- Contact the writer at My interview with Ma Rui-
recognition programs — juan, a stenographer based in
unveiled an AI system Handan, Hebei province, took
some time to complete for this
story due to her heavy work-
load. Not only do many of her
freelance assignments come
with tight deadlines, but she
also has two children and is
occupied much of the time
with housework.
Yet the 32-year-old told me
that, spiritually, she gains a
lot from the recordings she is
paid to transcribe. She has
spent hours listening to law-
yers, professors, reporters,
TV hosts and sometimes
celebrities. She told me
repeatedly that “this is some-
thing that truly attracts me to
the job”.
“If I didn’t choose to learn
this skill, probably I would
never have gone to Beijing. I
would not be able to meet
and hear from so many inter-
esting people on so many
exciting topics. I would not
have had the chance to step
onto a China Central TV stu-
dio set or even get to see how
a TV program is produced,”
she said. “All these are mil-
lions of miles away from my
native village.”
She barely thinks about
what effect the developments
in artificial intelligence
might have on her profes-
sion, she said, adding, “I’ll
continue to do this as long as
there is a demand.”
Her words reminded me of
my interview with Li Zheng-
jie, a stenographer in Beijing
with 12 years of experience. I
asked him whether he is con-
cerned about his profession
in the long run.
“I don’t think stenography
will be the only type of job
affected by the development
of AI. Many jobs will be
affected in the process of
transformation,” he said.
“Yet what’s important is
that the job has helped me
open a much more exciting
world, and I have moved my
life to a city such as Beijing.
I’m grateful for the change
and ready to face any poten-
tial changes in my career
with confidence and an open
C H I N A DA I LY USA Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I NA 5

Russia makes UN move after spy plan is rebuffed

Moscow offer of joint investigation nization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons watchdog
sentative of the Russian Feder-
ation at the OPCW.
speech in Moscow that both
sides must avoid tensions
the grim times of the Cold War.”
London believes that a mili-
received by early next week,”
said the OPCW in a statement.
voted down at watchdog meeting to hold an extraordinary ses- After the vote, the British escalating to the dangerous tary-grade nerve substance
named Novichok that was
But in a move hailed as a
sion behind closed doors on delegation tweeted that “the levels of the Cold War. vindication by Moscow, the
THE HAGUE, Netherlands by the Soviet Union. Wednesday. international community has Accusations of Moscow developed in Soviet times was British defense laboratory at
— Russia has called for urgent More than 150 Russian dip- Both Russian and British again stood up and said ‘No’ to engineering the attack were a used in the poisoning of Sergei Porton Down analyzing the
UN Security Council talks on lomats were ordered out of the experts and officials attended Russian attempts to confuse “grotesque provocation ... Skripal and his daughter on nerve agent revealed on Tues-
the spiraling diplomatic crisis United States, European the session. and frustrate this process”. crudely concocted by the Brit- March 4 in the southern day that it could not say
sparked by the spy poisoning Union members, NATO coun- Out of the 41-member John Foggo, who is acting as ish and American security ser- English city of Salisbury, an whether the substance came
scandal as a group of expelled tries and other nations in the OPCW Executive Council, a British permanent representa- vices”, he said. allegation Moscow denies. from Russia.
US diplomats left their embassy wake of the attack, a move that total of 23 countries either tive to the OPCW, told the ses- For Washington, “fighting The OPCW experts have Early on Thursday morning
in Moscow early on Thursday. was met in kind by Russia, voted in favor of the proposal sion that Russia’s call for a the nonexistent so-called Rus- visited the locations and col- the first of around 60 US diplo-
Britain blames Russia for which denies any involvement or abstained. joint inquiry with Britain was sian threat has become a real lected environmental sam- mats ordered out of Russia left
the March 4 poisoning on in the incident. “Unfortunately we have not “perverse” and “a diversionary fixation”, Naryshkin added. ples. The samples were their embassy compound in
UK soil of former double Moscow proposed a joint been able to have two-thirds of act”. “It has reached such propor- brought to the OPCW labora- Moscow on their way to the
agent Sergei Skripal with Russia-Britain investigation the votes in support of that Russian foreign intelligence tions and developed such ludi- tory on March 23. airport.
what it says was a military- into the poisoning, leading the decision,” said Alexander chief Sergei Naryshkin crous characteristics, that it’s “The results of the sample
grade nerve agent developed Executive Council of the Orga- Shulgin, the permanent repre- warned on Wednesday in a time to talk about the return of analyses are expected to be XINHUA—AFP

Briefly Court rejects Lula delay bid

Sumo chief sorry
Pilots presumed
dead in jet crash
over women row
Two pilots were presumed TOKYO — The head of described the announce-
dead after an F-15K fighter Japan’s sumo association has ments as “inappropriate”
jet crashed on Thursday in apologized after women under the circumstances.
the country’s rural south, attempting to perform CPR “The announcement was
the Republic of Korea’s air during a medical emergency made by a referee who was
force said. It wasn’t imme- on Wednesday were repeated- upset, but it was an inappro-
diately clear what caused ly asked to leave a sumo ring. priate act in a situation that
the crash or whether any of At least two women involves one’s life. We deeply
the pilots attempted to rushed into the ring in apologize,” Hakkaku said.
eject. An airforce spokes- Maizuru, northwest of Kyo- Miwa said the mayor had
man said bodies had been to, after a local mayor col- been hospitalized and was
found and their ID was lapsed while giving a speech. now in a stable condition.
being checked “but both But as the women attempt- This is not the first time
pilots are feared dead”. ed to help the mayor, multiple there has been a sumo battle
announcements were made of the sexes. A row erupted in
JAPAN over loudspeakers asking 1990 when then-chief cabi-
Headache for Abe them to leave the ring, city net secretary Mayumi Mori-
official Noriko Miwa said. yama wanted to present the
over troop logs The rings where sumo is Prime Minister’s Cup to a
Japanese Prime Minister practiced are seen as sacred sumo champion in the ring.
Shinzo Abe’s government places in the Shinto faith. She eventually lost that bat-
faced criticism on Thurs- Women, who are consid- tle in the face of sumo bosses.
day, after his defense minis- ered to be “ritually unclean”, A decade later, Osaka may-
ter said the army last year are barred from stepping or Fusae Ota was also
found activity logs from a into them. banned from presenting the
controversial 2004 to 2006 According to witnesses champion’s trophy in a tour-
deployment to Iraq, but had cited by local media, sumo nament in the city.
failed to report them to his Demonstrators against Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva celebrate outside the National Congress in Brasilia on officials threw large quanti- Sumo is still recovering
predecessor. Defense Minis- Wednesday as the Supreme Court rejected his bid to delay a 12-year prison sentence for corruption. ERALDO PERES / ASSOCIATED PRESS ties of salt into the ring after from a scandal last year
ter Itsunori Onodera said the women had entered, in when former grand champi-
the Ground Self-Defense an apparent bid to “repurify” on Harumafuji was charged
Force, as Japan’s army is the sacred ground. over an assault on a rival
known, had located the logs
in March 2017 but failed to
report them to his prede-
cessor, Tomomi Inada.
Talks begin to set up Kim-Moon summit In a statement, the sumo
association’s chief, who goes
by the name Hakkaku,
wrestler while out drinking.


SEOUL — The Republic of dential press center, and Yun The meeting was aimed at how many times he and Moon
PHILIPPINES Korea and the Democratic Kun-young, director for the ironing out the protocols, would meet on that day and
Tourist island People’s Republic of Korea on government situation room. security measures and media also whether parts of their King remembered
Thursday started talks to dis- The DPRK delegation was coverage of the summit, the meeting would be broadcast
ordered closed cuss security and protocol led by Kim Chang-son, an offi- ROK’s presidential office said. on live television.
President Rodrigo Duterte issues for the inter-Korean cial from the State Affairs “We had sincere talks for The two sides have agreed to
has approved the closure of summit later this month, the Commission. four hours straight,” said hold a working-level dialogue
the tourist island of Bora- ROK’s presidential office said. The working-level dialogue Kwun. on Saturday on communica-
cay for up to six months aft- The five-member ROK dele- came ahead of the first sum- He declined to give details, tions between Moon and Kim.
er saying the waters off its gation was led by Kim Sang- mit between ROK President saying the two sides will meet The leaders of the countries
famed white-sand beaches gyun, a senior director of the Moon Jae-in and top DPRK again for further discussions agreed to set up a direct hotline
had become a “cesspool” National Intelligence Service. leader Kim Jong-un scheduled on a date yet to be fixed. and have their first phone con-
due to overcrowding and Four other Blue House offi- for April 27 at Peace House, a The countries will need to versation before the meeting.
development. Tourism cials attending the meeting are Panmunjom building con- decide how Kim will arrive at A summit between Kim and
undersecretary Frederick Cho Han-ki, protocol secretary trolled by the ROK. the venue, including whether United States President
Algre said the shutdown to the president, Shin Yong- Kim would become the first he would cross the military Donald Trump is also antici-
will start on April 26. wook, a deputy chief for presi- DPRK leader to step onto ROK demarcation line by foot in a pated by the end of May. People take part in a silent rally on the National Mall to mark the
dential security service, Kwun soil since the 1950-1953 Kore- symbolic gesture. The coun- 50th anniversary of the assassination of civil rights leader Martin
AP—REUTERS—AFP Hyuk-ki, director of the presi- an War ended in armistice. tries also need to determine XINHUA—AP—AFP Luther King Jr. in Washington, on Wednesday. REUTERS

2022 Games venues on Regional leaders vow to secure Syria’s future

schedule and ‘sustainable’ ANKARA — The presidents
of Russia, Turkey and Iran
vowed to secure the territorial
Putin told reporters during
the joint news conference aft-
er the summit that the Islamic
Syrian conflict has no military
On Wednesday, the White
withdrawal from the country.
White House Press Secre-
tary Sarah Sanders said
integrity of Syria during a tri- State extremist group “retains House said there was no fixed that Trump was “not going
The preparations for the hitting that deadline more time between the two cit- lateral summit in Ankara on its destructive potential to departure date for US troops to put an arbitrary time-
Beijing 2022 Olympic Win- difficult. ies by around 40 minutes. Wednesday. attack in different regions in Syria, after President line” on pulling out troops.
ter Games are progressing The Beijing Zone will Of the venues from the The trio also called for across the globe” despite its Donald Trump expressed
well on all fronts, with con- be home to curling, ice 2008 Games to be used, the “a lasting ceasefire between defeat in Syria. eagerness for a quick military XINHUA
struction on schedule and hockey, skating and the Bird’s Nest Stadium will the conflicting parties” in the Turkish President Recep
venues being built with newly established Big Air stage the opening and clos- talks on the crisis, according Tayyip Erdogan insisted that
sustainability in mind. across 13 venues, including ing ceremonies, while the to a joint statement released the Ankaraled military opera-
Beijing 2022 will use 26 eight from the Beijing 2008 National Aquatics Center, following the summit. tion in northern Syria aims to
competition and non-com- Summer Games, four new aka the Water Cube, will The three countries also fight the Kurdish militia as it
petition venues in three
zones — Beijing, Yanqing
and Zhangjiakou.
builds and one temporary. host curling.
Close by in the Olympic
Forest Park, the Nation-
stressed their joint determina-
tion to speed up efforts to
“ensure calm on the ground
poses a threat to Turkey.
International Olym-
pic Committee president 26 al Speed Skating Oval,
dubbed the Ice Ribbon, is
and protect civilians” after
talks on the future of the 500,000 THROUGH TH
Thomas Bach believes that number of venues that will under construction and is country.
Beijing 2022 will set a new be used at Beijing Games expected to be completed The leaders went on to urge number killed in Syria’s civil war As the host city of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
standard for sustainability. by the end of 2019. the international communi- summit in June, Qingdao will use the opportunity to promote
“Beijing 2022 can set a Twenty-two separate ty, particularly the United reform and opening-up to a new level, said mayor Meng Fanli.
new benchmark for a sus- light strands (or ribbons) Nations and its humanitarian
tainable Olympic Games, flow up and around the agencies, to send additional A world leader in the manufacture of high-speed trains,
on one hand benefiting The Yanqing Zone, locat- oval in homage to the sport aid, restore basic infrastruc- “Turkey will not stop until home appliances and marine engineering equipment, and
from the legacy of Beijing ed 74 kilometers northwest it will host, creating a stun- ture and help preserve the all regions under the control home to many famous brands such as Tsingtao Beer, Haier
2008, and on the other of downtown Beijing, and ning spectacle by night. country’s heritage. of the People’s Protection and Hisense, Qingdao has carried out a number of opening-
developing a new win- with a total of five ven- Other venues will also The summit brought Units (also known as the up policies to promote reform and development in recent years
ter sports destination in ues, will host three sports feature high-tech enhance- together two powers that have YPG), including Manbij, are and to create an open economy.
a sustainable way,” Bach (alpine skiing, bobsleigh/ ments. The National been Syrian President Bashar secured,” he said.
told Xinhua at Febru- skeleton and luge). Aquatics Center will be alAssad’s most forceful sup- Erdogan also expressed It will also use the Belt and Road Initiative to optimize its next
ary’s Pyeongchang Winter The city of Zhangjiakou, repurposed from Water porters, Iran and Russia, and Ankara’s readiness to take step in plans for opening-up, increasing its ability to influence
Games. about 180 km from Beijing Cube to Ice Cube thanks one of his strongest oppo- action in the northern Syrian surrounding regions and integrating resources. To date, 134
With less than two years in Hebei province, will have to the installation of a nents, Turkey. city of Tal Rifaat along with overseas Fortune Global 500 companies have opened offices
before the test events, the eight venues in total and will transferable rink, while Cooperation between the Russia and Iran to build a in Qingdao, along with about 2,100 other foreign-funded com-
construction of major com- host skiing and biathlon. the National Skeleton and rival camps raised hopes of peaceful environment. panies and organizations.
petition venues has to be The transport infrastruc- Luge Center will feature a stabilizing Syria after seven Fo r h i s p a r t , Ir a n i a n
finished before the end of ture is also taking shape. special roof to protect the years of conflict, in which Presi dent Hassan Rouhani
2019. Some work cannot Construction has begun track from the rays of the 500,000 people have been accused the United States of
be carried out in winter, on the Beijing-Zhangjiak- sun in order to save energy. killed and half the population trying to use the jihadists of
especially in the mountain- ou Intercity Railway, which displaced. the alNusra Front and IS as
ous Yanqing Zone, making will reduce train-travel XINHUA Russian President Vladimir tools in the region, saying the
Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA


From left: Zhang Hongying gives a herdsman a checkup; Yelxat slips and falls on a icy slope; Zhang Hongying asks a pregnant woman how she feels lately.


A health center in the Bozader pastoral district
set up in 1978 is still going strong

The four doctors from the health center in the Bozader pastoral district in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region: Ashat, Zhang Hongying, Yelxat and Seysen (from left).

Photos by JIANG WENYAO To do this, they set out from the foot of the
Xinhua mountain, hunchbacked, moving slowly with
reins of the horse in one hand.

he Bozader Winter Pasture in Tekes Then, after reaching a certain height, they
county, Ili Kazak autonomous prefec- press their bodies against the cliffs and move
ture, in the Xinjiang Uygur autono- forward, because the edge of the abyss is too
mous region is renowned for its close for comfort.
pasture, but it is also notorious for its hazard- One often feels dwarfed by the sheer scale of
ous paths. So, if you are not familiar with the the place. And it is essential for the doctors to
terrain, you can easily get confused by the watch out for each other.
hoofprints on the snow slopes. Yelxat takes the lead, with Zhang Hongy-
Steep mountains separate the pasture from ing in the middle, followed by Ashat and
the rest of the world. Seysen.
However, a health center in the Bozader pas- The four doctors in the clinic are all dressed
toral district set up in 1978 has been kept going in coats and hats. And, with bronze horse
for the past 30 years. whips in hand, they look like herdsmen. Only
The average altitude in the region is more than the red cross on the saddle bags identifies
2,500 meters. And there are mountains and val- them as medical personnel.
leys between one household and the next. So, in This team has men and women, young and
order to send medicines to every household, the old, Kazakh and Han.
clinic team need to constantly unlock new “dark
alleys”. - ZHANG LEI
Seysen delivers medicine to herdsmen.

The clinic team crosses over somewhere deep in the Tianshan Mountains, which is 4,000 meters above sea level.
C H I N A DA I LY USA Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 Focus | SHANGHAI 7
By XU JUNQIAN in Shanghai an equally ambitious plan. The 30-year-old’s company,
China's wine market is expected Lady Penguin, was one of the top

ocated in Roussillon, a to be worth $23 billion by 2021. performers on last
Catalan region in southern year, raking in 50 million yuan in
France that borders Spain, sales. She is confident of hitting
the famous Domaine de 100 million yuan by the end of
Rombeau winery is surrounded by this year. In fact, she even said
rolling mountains and the Mediter- that “it would be an easy goal to
ranean Sea. accomplish”.
Averaging 2,500 hours of sun- The Beijing native, who grad-
shine and no more than 600 mil- uated from Brown University in
limeters of rainfall every year, the the US, developed an interest in
region’s terroir allows the vine- wine while moonlighting at a
yard, which dates back to the early three-star Michelin restaurant
18th century, to produce a variety in New York. Her interest led
of grapes with a remarkably high her to spend one year learning
level of sweetness. The result is an about wine in France.
exquisite wine that tastes similar Wang later rose to fame in the
to sherry and is well-received by virtual world after producing
consumers. Philippe Raspaud, the short videos about wine appre-
sixth-generation owner of the his- ciation that were accompanied
toric winery, calls this le gout du by hilarious narrations. In her
soleil, which means “the taste of videos, she would candidly com-
the sun”. pare the tastes of different wines
The wines produced in Roussil- to “an international hooker from
lon account for 80 percent of the Las Vegas” or “the hope of a devel-
total in France, but Raspaud wants oping country”. Her videos, which
a larger share of the global market. are uploaded to her Sina Weibo
China, he said, is key to achieving account, have an average viewer-
that goal. ship of 600,000. She currently
“ We want to sell to China runs a team of 70 people that have
because, in today’s world, you produced 200 videos.
simply cannot be absent from this “I think people like watching
market if you want to be qualified my videos because I’m not tech-
as a global brand,” said the 35-year- nical or pretentious. I speak in
old, who was in Shanghai before terms people would understand,”
he participated in the 98th China said Wang.
Food and Drink Fair in Chengdu, “Young people in China, espe-


Sichuan province. cially those who have just started
“We see a huge gap between drinking wine, are tired of hear-
cheap supermarket offerings mostly ing wine terminology like terroir
dominated by domestic wine pro- or tannin. That’s definitely not
ducers and super expensive offer- the way to get people drinking.”
ings from regions such as Bordeaux, Among those who took notice
which even we French do not drink of her was Xu Xiaoping, wide-
very often. No one has filled this gap China’s wine market is set to become the world’s second largest in 2021 ly considered the godfather of
for a decade,” he added. venture capital investment in
As the country’s largest and old- and experts say that the key to seizing a share of the sector is appealing to China. With Xu’s 1-million-yuan
est exhibition in the food and bev- investment, Wang and two other
erage industry, the trade fair has the adventurous young consumers who are driving this phenomenal growth partners established Penguin
attracted upwards of 3,000 exhibi- Guide, a food and drink educa-
tors and 150,000 professional visi- tion platform, in 2015. The next
tors this year. It is expected to con- year, Wang started her own busi-
solidate 20 billion yuan ($3.18 bil- ness, Lady Penguin, that focuses
lion) in transactions this year, half exclusively on wine.
of which would be from the alcohol According to her, most of
segment that includes wine, beer, Lady Penguin’s customers are
liquor and Chinese baijiu. aged between 25 and 35 and
come from first-tier cities like
Young consumers drive growth Shanghai and Guangzhou in
China is presently the third larg- Guangdong province.
est wine market in the world by “My customers don’t have a
value. According to a joint report strong preference for wines.
released in February by Vinexpo, Most of them just come with a
one of the largest exhibitions for certain budget, usually no more
wine and spirits in the world, and than 300 yuan, and let our cus-
UK-based International Wine and tomer service team select the
Spirit Research, the growth rate of wines for them,” she said.
the Chinese wine market is fore- “From my perspective, wine
casted to exceed 30 percent over five drinking among young Chinese
years starting from 2017. By 2021, today is very much like restau-
China would become the second rant hopping. They have a few
largest wine market in the world Left: The historic winery Domaine de Rombeau in France is eyeing a larger share in the global market, especially in China. Right: Philippe Raspaud (left), the sixth- favorites that they would keep
with a value of $23 billion, behind generation owner of Domaine de Rombeau, and the senior winemaker of the winery. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY returning to, but they’re gener-
only the United States. ally more eager to explore other
While the sales and export num- options,” she added.
bers of premium wines suffered Looking ahead, Wang is plan-
after the Chinese central govern- ning to develop a wine education
ment rolled out a sweeping anti- and those who drink don’t pay. Today a national basis, and that Chinese passionate following. system that is suited to Chinese
corruption campaign in 2013, this we are very happy to see a rise of ‘real consumers have yet to develop a He also pointed out that factors drinkers. Currently, most of the
incident had at the same time drinkers’ who shop based on their loyalty to brands. This means a level such as packaging and market- wine schools in China adopt the
resulted in a boom in the mass
segment as more importers and
We want to sell to China own preferences. This is definitely a
good sign for any market looking for
playing field for new entrants to the
Chinese wine market like Raspaud.
ing matter more in China than in
traditional markets like France or
system created by The Wine and
Spirit Education Trust in Britain
dealers flooded the market with because, in today’s organic growth,” said Deglise.
A consumer sur vey by UK
“I am told that Chinese consum-
ers want to be different and indi-
other European countries. As such,
he has undertaken measures to
in 1969. One of the key differ-
bottles that cost below $20. ences between these two systems
Attracted by the affordable pric- world, you simply consultancy Mintel showed that a vidualistic, be it in their choice of redesign his wine labels exclusive- is that the former would feature
es, young consumers have since wine’s origin is the most decisive wine or fashion,” said Raspaud, ly for Chinese market. Last year, more wine pairings with Chinese
poured into the market. Guillaume cannot be absent from factor for Chinese consumers when who hopes to brand his wines as Domaine de Rombeau exported cuisine.
Deglise, CEO of Vinexpo, said that picking a bottle, and France, which such. 60,000 bottles of wine to China. “The dinner table is still the
these consumers have become one this market if you want is the largest wine exporter to Chi- Comparing high-end wine brand Raspaud is hoping to double the most important social occasion
of the key growth engines for the na, is the most popular choice. Lafite to luxury label Louis Vuit- amount this year. for the Chinese. And that’s also
Chinese wine market. to be qualified as a The 2017 survey, which polled ton, the Frenchman said that his where most of the wine will be
“There used to be a weird phe- about 2,500 young wine buyers, winery would be the equivalent of A localized approach consumed. So there should be a
nomenon in China’s wine circle
global brand.” also found that wine standards or an independent designer whose Wang Shenghan, an e-commerce different approach to popular-
where people who buy don’t drink, Philippe Raspaud, winery owner preferences have not emerged on products are coveted by a small but wine retailer based in Beijing, has izing it,” said Wang.

Winning over the crowds with a no-frills approach

By XU JUNQIAN in Shanghai and cultural The bar stocks between 60 and 70 platform Bottles XO. Then there business. He made his first bucket years old, Shen is already planning
relevance. types of wine and regularly chang- is II Vino, a wine bar opened by of gold by establishing and run- to open a chain of Vinism bars
Instead of the conventional plat- T h e b a r ’s es its selection every month. Each an Italian wine dealer that exclu- ning one of the country’s first wine across major Chinese cities. After
ter of cold cuts, cheese and crack- interior decor glass of wine costs only between sively promotes the produce of his education institution chains, I-WAY. all, business has been brisk —the
ers, the patrons at Vinism, a cozy reflects as 50 and 65 yuan ($8-10). Apart from country. Wine drinkers with bigger By the time he sold his shares to his bar currently rakes in an average
bar in a quiet residential neighbor- much. Here, Chinese favorites like dumplings wallets could be found at Roosevelt partners in 2015, the company had of 400,000 yuan every month, an
hood in Shanghai, passed around the atmosphere and pickled offals, the bar also Wine Cellar, a swanky establish- 13 outlets across China. impressive amount considering
pickled offals and Chinese dump- is unmistak- offers more creative dishes such as ment on the Bund which stocks “In the later years of my teaching the size of the establishment.
lings while quaffing their wines. Shen Sibei, owner ably casual. pig ear terrine. about 4,000 vintages. career, the most common question Women are the key contributors to
Established just two years ago, of Vinism bar in Customers are Wine bars were a rarity in the “Cocktails are cheesy. Beer is for I got from students was where they Vinism’s financial success. Shen said
Vinism is among a new breed of Shanghai seated on rudi- city a few years ago. A quick search fathers. Whisky is too expensive and could drink good wine, instead of that about 90 percent of his regular
wine bars in Shanghai that has mentary wood- on, China’s largest strong,” joked Shen Sibei, the owner what defines a good wine. And that customers are women. He noted that
moved away from the conventional en chairs. The walls are decorated listing site for restaurants and bars, of Vinism, about the reasons behind was when I knew it was time for this ratio was similar to the one he
approach of branding wine drink- with colorful motifs, photo frames shows that there are now more than the rising popularity of wine bars. me to try my hand at something witnessed back at his wine school.
ing as an activity reserved for the and chalk boards. There is no som- 20 wine bars in Shanghai. Among The 31-year-old native of Zhe- else,” said Shen, who studied wine “Women find wine especially
sophisticated. Rather, its focus is melier dressed in a suit waiting to them is XO Bar, the brick and mor- jiang province has spent most of in a college in Burgundy, France. appealing because it’s unlikely that
on affordability, experimentation give recommendations. tar outpost of online wine delivery his professional career in the wine Though the bar is only two they would get drunk on it,” he said.
8 SHANGHAI | The Bund Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA

Shanghai-based artist Shi Yihong will

perform a repertoire by each of the Four
Great Dan at the Shanghai Grand Theatre


There has long been a rule that disciples of each of China’s four opera masters stick to their respective
styles of performance, but Shanghai-based Shi Yihong has little interest in sticking with convention

By ZHANG KUN in Shanghai
Troupe of Shanghai where she per-
formed a series of plays from the Mei
Lanfang discipline and became known The stories behind
n the world of Chinese opera, as an excellent singer as well as a mar-

the four great actors

Shi Yihong could be considered tial actor.
a rebel. In 1996, she became one of the first
Come May 1, the Shanghai-based Peking Opera actors to study a post
artist will once again go against conven- graduate program hosted by the Minis-
tion and perform a repertoire by each try of Culture.
of the Four Great Dan — it refers to One of her most notable career By ZHANG KUN in Shanghai Mei was renowned for his efforts in mod-
the legendary opera singers Mei Lan- achievements was collaborating with ernizing Peking Opera in terms of plays,
fang, Shang Xiaoyun, Xun Huisheng and Academy Award-winning composer Tan The early 1900s is widely considered the stage design, lighting, makeup and cos-
Cheng Yanqiu — in a concert marathon Dun in a concert, as well as presenting golden age of Peking Opera in China. Then, tume design. Mei was also the first Peking
at the Shanghai Grand Theatre. a Chinese adaptation of Victor Hugo’s competition was fierce as opera troupes led Opera artist to gain international recogni-
For decades, there has been an unspo- classic novel Notre Dame. by renowned stars toured all over China. tion when he performed in the US in 1930.
ken rule among the disciples of each In 2011, she did what is considered Meanwhile, critics were ever ready to fire During wartime, Mei kept a moustache
of these four masters that they would taboo in Peking Opera circles when she off their assessments of the quality of each as a reply to the Japanese who requested
stick to their respective styles of per- presented Suolin Purse, a repertoire troupe’s performance. him to perform. This bold act of patriotism
formance. But Shi has little interest in from the Cheng Yanqiu school. In 1927, Shuntian Times, a newspaper in earned him great respect and bolstered his
politics. “I study the performances of other Beijing, hosted a contest for performers of fame as an artist.
“There was no distinction of schools schools not because I want to imitate Peking Opera who played female roles in Cheng Yanqiu’s (1904-1958) style was
in opera before the advent of the Four but because I want to learn from their their plays. Such an actor is known as dan. called “chang”, which refers to his distinc-
Great Dan. Everyone learned from one strengths and improve my level of art- The top prize was won by Mei Lanfang, tive singing style. As a student, Cheng stud-
another freely and that’s how they istry,” she explained then. followed by Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun ied under Mei but he later developed his
became the great masters that they The next year, she made a bold deci- and Xun Huisheng. Since that historic con- own unique style, which was defined by
were,” she said. sion to take part in a new Kunqu Opera test, the four artists have been widely known whimpering-like vocalization that was later
She will kick off her performances production of Peony Pavilion. While as the Four Great Dan of Peking Opera, and widely recognized by the opera world as
at 1:30 pm on May 1 with The Story of Kunqu and Peking operas share many each went on to develop their own disciplines “soft and pleasing, firm but gentle”.
Su San by Mei Lanfang, the “school” commonalities, they are essentially two which have been studied and followed by Cheng paid great attention to emotional
that she is under. She will then perform different theater forms. Her crossover generations of opera singers. expressions during his performances and
Wang Zhaojun by Shang Xiaoyun, fol- drew criticism from the academic and In the past, Peking Opera was an all-male became widely known for his portrayal of
lowed by Jin Yunu by Xun Huisheng theatrical community, with some saying affair. In the 1960s, however, the cultural women in tragic stories.
and A Young Woman’s Dream by Cheng that Shi “twisted” the essence of Kunqu administration of China discouraged cross- Shang Xiaoyun’s (1900-1976) style was
Yanqiu. with her rendition. gender performances in folk opera and the known as “bang”, the Chinese term for
Each play will last about 50 minutes, Again, the artist was defiant, issuing a majority of the disciples under the Four “bravo”. Shang started his opera journey
following which Shi will take a 20-min- rebuke: “Why would I stage a play that Great Dan have since been women. as a martial arts character and his perfor-
ute break. garners no dispute? There have been Wang Yaoqing (1881-1954), a Peking mance style was powerful. He was particu-
“It is going to be physically challeng- many calls for people to rejuvenate Chi- Opera artist and critic, summarized each of larly adept at portraying brave and heroic
ing, but with the proper training I am nese opera…there is no point in us opera the four artists’ styles using a single Chinese women characters.
sure I can manage,” said the 46-year-old. people entertaining ourselves. Chinese character, and these characters have since Xun Huisheng’s (1900-1968) style was
Her feat might seem impressive to opera is in decline and we need more become the most widely recognized defini- called “lang”, which is an adjective for
those unfamiliar with Peking Opera. But
Being a Peking Opera people to see it and talk about it.” tion of the Four Great Dan. coquettish or seductive. Xun started his
to those within the opera circle, her con-
cert marathon will likely come across as
singer is a life sentence. The experience of performing Peony
Pavilion, she said, helped to deepen her
Mei Lanfang’s (1894-1961) style was
called “yang”. When translated literally,
training not in Peking Opera, but Hebei
Bangzi, a coarser form of folk opera theater.
a transgression.
“A person capable of multiple lan-
You’ll need to practice understanding of Peking Opera.
“I learned how to control my breath-
“yang” means “look and style” as the art-
ist excelled in his portrayals of women of
He made the switch to Peking Opera when
he was 19 but kept elements of Bangzi in
guages or different skills is likely to win your skills every day if ing better while singing and was able to refinement and grace. Mei, arguably the his repertoire.
recognition and respect in most instanc- find inner peace on the stage. This gave most celebrated Peking Opera artist of all Xun, who was famous for his sweet voice,
es,” wrote Niu Chunmei, a theater critic you still want a career me more confidence and I was able to time, first became famous in the 1910s. He was particularly good at presenting seduc-
for Beijing Daily. immerse myself into the character,” she boasted a mellow voice and impeccable tive or sassy women characters such as
“But it is only in the folk opera scene, on the stage.” said. movement on stage. prostitutes.
especially the Peking Opera circle, Shi Yihong, Peking Opera singer In 2016, Shi established her own pro-
where such a person is viewed with duction company, affording her more
disapproval.” freedom in creating new plays and
Lin Kai, a veteran theater producer productions.
who has worked with Shi on multiple Lin said that it is a rarity for an artist
occasions, also pointed out that it is explained. of Shi’s experience to be expanding her
not just performers but audiences as Born in 1972, Shi began her Peking repertoire. But for Shi, who has never
well that would be offended with her Opera training as a wu dan, or a female performed two of the upcoming four
undertaking. martial arts-based performer, at the plays, this constant need to learn does
“Opera singers and audiences are Shanghai Folk Opera School. She was not stem from a desire to outdo oth-
often very passionate about the artist only 9 years old. ers, but from a determination to stay
and the school they follow. The Peking When she turned 15, Shi majored in relevant.
Opera community is strict when it qing yi, which refers to young or mid- “Being a Peking Opera singer is a life
comes to respecting boundaries. If a dle-aged women characters that exude sentence,” she said.
play is recognized as one of Cheng Yan- refinement and grace, and became a “You’ll need to practice your skills
qiu’s, disciples of Mei Lanfang would disciple of the Mei Lanfang school. every day if you still want a career on From left to right: Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun, Mei Lanfang and Xun Huisheng are recognized as
usually not perform it in public,” he She later joined the Peking Opera the stage.” the four great Peking Opera actors in China. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
C H I N A DA I LY USA Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 ANALYSIS 9

By DAVID BLAIR the end of 2017, the switch from coal

hina’s use of natural gas
surged by 19 percent in
2017, as areas across north-
ern China switched to this
CHANGE IN THE AIR to natural gas and electricity in the
Beijing area was successful in nearly
eliminating the sulfur dioxide pollu-
tion from coal, but little progress had
been made against nitrogen oxides.
Chen Songxi, a professor at Guan-
relatively clean fossil fuel and away ‘Dramatic improvement' as use of more natural gas, and less coal, brings more blue skies during winter ghua, described the conclusions of a
from highly polluting coal in resi- forthcoming publication: “The move
dential heating and industrial uses, from coal to natural gas is reflected
according to data from the Ministry in the dramatic, roughly 50 percent,
of Environmental Protection. falls in sulfur dioxide levels through-
This enabled Beijingers and those out the region since 2013. This was
in surrounding areas to enjoy many true in highly industrialized towns
clear, blue-sky days this past winter, as well as in Beijing. Beijing’s level
in sharp contrast with the heavy air already reached single digits in 2016,
pollution seen just a year ago. in the summer and spring, which is
Increased use of natural gas is very close to European cities.”
an important component of plans Liu Baoxian, deputy director of the
to reach the national priority goals Beijing Environmental Monitoring
of creating an ecological civilization Center, says, “The average annual
and higher-quality growth. These concentration of sulfur dioxide saw
goals were stressed at the recent two a historical low of only 8 micrograms
sessions meetings of the National per cubic meter” — far below the
People’s Congress and the Chinese national standard of 60.
People’s Political Consultative Confer- On the other hand, Chen says, “The
ence in Beijing. other component of PM2.5 is nitro-
Air pollution in northern China gen oxides, mostly from car emis-
is usually worse in the winter, but sions. We have seen little change in it.
this past winter saw unprecedented The other thing we see in the region
improvement. Largely due to the is that the ozone level has been going
policy decision to shift to natural gas up significantly. The number of cars
for heating and many industrial uses, in Beijing has pretty much leveled off
the average concentration in Beijing but is not being decreased.”
of the most hazardous small particu-
late matter, PM 2.5, fell in January by Supply sources
70 percent year-on-year to 34 micro- The winter of 2017 was a perfect
grams per cubic meter, the then storm for natural gas. For example,
Beijing Environmental Protection The National Centre for the Performing Arts and the Great Hall of the People under a blue sky in 2017. JIN LIANGKUAI / XINHUA gas shipments from Turkmenistan
Bureau said in a statement. It was fell by 32 percent from September to
the first time the figure was under November, which could not be made
the national standard safe level of Natural gas consumption in China policy of upgrading industrial trans- up by volume from Uzbekistan and
35, the bureau said. However, this Unit: billion cubic meters formation. Kazakhstan, according to China’s
month has seen many days of high “If you think about where China is customs authority. In addition, a
air pollution, although coming weeks at right now, there is a need to scale large Sinopec liquefied natural gas
are forecast to be clear. down construction and the reliance terminal in Tianjin did not become
From October to January, all 28 on infrastructure projects and real ready for commercial shipments
cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei estate to drive growth. At this point, until this month.
region, also known as Jing-Jin-Ji, and training some of the people in the Domestic production of natural
surrounding areas saw their winter construction sector to do retrofits gas increased by 10.5 percent, while
air quality improve. For example, Shi- 73.0 84.1 92.6 111.2 137.1 150.7 171.9 188.4 194.6 210.3 250.0 would make an enormous amount imports made up the difference,
jiazhuang, the capital of Hebei prov- 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017* of sense,” Myllyvirta says. growing by 28.9 percent. As of 2016,
ince, saw a decrease of 52.4 percent. China’s gas came from 60 percent
Jining in neighboring Shandong Fewer accidents, too domestic production and 40 percent
province saw the smallest decrease, Growth rate of natural gas consumption in China The most direct beneficiaries of imports, but the central government
8.4 percent. Unit: y-o-y percent the switch from coal to natural gas expects imports to grow to 50 per-
“The dramatic improvement in 20.0 19.0 for rural heating and industry are the cent by 2020.
air quality mainly resulted from villagers and workers who no longer Imports consist of liquid natural
effective and extra-strict controls 15.0 23.3 have to work with coal or breathe its gas, imported by ship, and pipelines,
on emissions and advantageous 10.0 emissions. currently mostly from Central Asian
weather to disperse pollutants,” 9.6 Michal Meidan, vice-president countries. A new pipeline from Rus-
says Li Xiang, director of air qual- 13.9 for research at Energy Aspects, a sia is expected to bring natural gas to
ity management at the capital’s 10.1 3.4 London-based energy consulting Northeast China and to Shanghai by
environmental protection bureau. 8.0 company, says: “Natural gas is a big 2020. However, LNG is abundantly
Restrictions covered many sources, improvement over coal in terms of available and can provide flexible
such as factories, vehicles and the pollution but also in terms of worker supply — especially once receiving
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017*
burning of coal, she says, adding safety. Worker accidents and mining terminals and underground storage
that more than 11,000 polluting * Estimate extrapolated from January to November data. accidents all have been rampant and capacity are completed.
Source: Ministry of Environmental Protection
companies were closed or moved. LI YI / CHINA DAILY
a source of concern for many years. In 2017, LNG took a bigger share
In 2013, Premier Li Keqiang By switching to natural gas, you get of the imports. China imported 68
announced goals to reduce pollution fewer accidents in the industrial million metric tons in 2017 — of
throughout the country. This was Average annual PM 2.5 in Beijing workplace. You don’t need the big which 38 million tons was LNG and
a fundamental change of direction Unit: micrograms / cubic meter piles of coal you did to fuel furnaces.” 30 million tons was from pipelines.
from the previous emphasis solely on Myllyvirta, of Greenpeace, says: “In The previous year, the total was 54
rapid GDP growth. Since then, poli- the winter, we know that heating is million tons, of which 26 million tons
cies to shift toward cleaner industry 85.9
Natural gas is a big an important source of outdoor pol- was LNG and 27 million tons from
and energy brought down the aver- lution affecting cities and so on. But pipelines, according to Meidan, of
age concentration of PM2.5 by almost 73.0 improvement over coal the biggest health impact of heating Energy Aspects.
40 percent from 2013 in the Jing-Jin- with coal is the indoor pollution of China’s LNG imports surpassed
Ji region. In Beijing, the average con-
58.0 in terms of pollution people living in houses where coal those of South Korea to become the
centration of PM2.5 went down from
89.5 micrograms per cubic meter in
but also in terms of is used for heating and cooking. Bei- world’s second-largest after Japan.
jing’s average PM2.5 is now around According to Marc Howson, director
2013 to 58 mcg per cu m for the entire worker safety.” 60 (micrograms per cubic meter). If of the LNG market at S&P Global
year of 2017 — below the target of you heat with coal, you easily have Platts, a further increase to 50 million
Michal Meidan, vice-president for
60 set out when the campaign was research at Energy Aspects several hundreds or even more than metric tons is expected in 2018. Aus-
launched and 36 percent below the 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1,000 inside your house.” tralia is the major supplier, followed
2013 level of 90. Throughout China, According to the World Health by Qatar, Malaysia, Indonesia and
Source: Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
338 cities saw an average reduction LI YI / CHINA DAILY
Organization, local smog in general Papua New Guinea.
of 6.5 percent from 2016 levels. That is the sector where natural gas — which leads to increased risk of The US Energy Information Agen-
Recent research by the Energy restart a coal-fired power plant that centrate natural gas use in residential makes most sense in China. If you stroke, heart disease, asthma, and cy estimates that China has huge sup-
Policy Institute of Chicago estimates had been shut down in March last and industrial uses, where it makes look at what happened in the last lung cancer — consists of sulfur diox- plies of unconventional shale gas,
that the reductions in air pollution year. the most difference in reducing pollu- winter, the local policies were very ide, nitrogen oxides, dust and other about equal to those of the US and
since 2013 add 3.3 years to life expec- Natural gas prices soared in tion. The modern ultra-supercritical focused on gas. In the next years, particles. Also, carbon dioxide emis- Canada combined. However, extrac-
tancy in Beijing and, in Hebei prov- December. The price of liquefied coal-fired electrical power plants that the policy is more balanced between sions lead to global warming, though tion of that gas is still in the early
ince, 4.5 years in Baoding and 5.3 natural gas in China jumped from China is building are not as clean as geothermal, biomass, electric heat- they are not locally harmful. stages.
years in Shijiazhuang. 4,000 yuan ($605) per metric ton to natural gas turbines, but they are far ing and gas. I definitely think that Sulfur dioxide is created mostly “Sinopec is developing shale with
more than 10,000 yuan per ton. How- cleaner than the very small burners, broader mix, including emissions- by burning coal. Nitrogen oxides, quite good results in Chongqing,
Winter shortages ever, the price was brought down to so it is seen as making sense to con- free sources as well, will be better and and the ground-level ozone that producing 5 billion to 7 billion cubic
This year’s rapid shift from coal 5,613.6 yuan per ton by mid-January, centrate coal mostly in electrical might avoid some of the problems is created when they interact with meters of gas, quite a good accom-
to natural gas has led to shortages. according to data from the National power generation, as is now done we saw this winter.” sunlight, come mostly from motor plishment,” says Meidan. “However,
According to the then ministry of Bureau of Statistics. in developed countries. He also says that the govern- vehicles. Dust and other particles are the geology is still unclear, and there-
environmental protection, around Han Xiaoping, chief information Lauri Myllyvirta, a coal and ment’s 2021 heating plan, made airborne largely by construc- fore the technological needs and the
100,000 families and some schools officer of China Energy Net Con- air pollution expert at which stiffens building tion, truck traffic or wind from desert pricing environment are all open
temporarily lacked heat in December. sulting, said the current natural Greenpeace in Bei- insulation standards, areas. questions.”
The government stepped in with a gas shortage is due to insufficient jing, says: “Shifting will require retrofit- Natural gas is much cleaner than Natural gas use is expected to grow
combination of measures, including domestic gas resources and the lack small boilers or house- ting the insulation of coal, both globally and locally. Local- to 10 percent of China’s total energy
allowing some additional use of coal of distributed gas storage infrastruc- hold heating rural houses, so ly, it produces almost no sulfur diox- mix, up from around 7 percent now.
and moving natural gas from indus- ture, especially underground storage from coal to gas demand ide and less nitrogen oxides than is Combined with an even stronger
trial uses to residential and from tanks. gas definitely from heating created by gasoline or diesel engines. emphasis on anti-pollution enforce-
southern China to the north. The In addition to building more natu- leads to big will decline. This Recent analysis by a team at ment, it will be a key component
National Development and Reform ral gas infrastructure, the strategy for air qual- ties in with Peking University’s Guanghua School of a cleaner mix of energy use and
Commission also ordered Beijing to alleviating future shortages is to con- ity gains. the broader of Management concluded that, by upgraded industry.

The Qiniandian of the Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing is seen in the smog in 2016. JIN LIANGKUAI / CHINA DAILY
10 P E O P LE Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA


Green route is the only way forward

Expert acknowledges
China’s efforts toward
conservation The private sector are
decent and smart and it is time to tap into

argeted conservation- their knowledge and
related policies and reg-
ulations, together with resources to reach
consistent funding for
research, have set China on the
sustainability goals.”
path toward reining in pollution. Liu Jian, chief scientist of the United
Africa can learn from this, help- Nations Environment Programme
ing it meet sustainable goals and
reduce pollution-related deaths,
says Liu Jian, the chief scientist of
the United Nations Environment
Pollution has become the world’s
No 1 killer, jumping to the top of power the world six times over.”
the priority list, says Liu. Accord- Africa is yet to exploit its hydro
ing to a World Health Organiza- power potential on its two biggest
tion report, at least 12.6 million rivers, the Congo and the Nile, he
people died in 2012 of environmen- says. It has huge bio-mass potential
tally related deaths. Air pollution in addition to a young, educated
accounted for half of these deaths. and cheaper workforce as the rest
Nevertheless, China’s strong of the world enters the aging phase.
leadership and commitment are “This is the land of hope,” he
reversing the trend, while promot- says. “There is no reason Africa
ing investment in the green econ- cannot do better in green economy.
omy. During the third UN Envi- There is already a blueprint, and
ronment Assembly Forum, held in some countries, such as Kenya, are
December, Chinese environmental already setting the pace. Other-
projects and one individual won the wise, the continent will replicate
UN’s top environmental awards. previous mistakes.”
The winners were Saihanba Affor- Efforts should be made in con-
estation Community, Mobike and trolling car emissions by setting
Wang Weibao, chairman of Elion standards on car exhausts, and
Resources Group, who won the China is already doing it, Liu says,
Lifetime Achievement award. adding that such moves need
“Private business has a key role courage. This should start from
to play in cutting pollution,” Liu increasing investment in research,
says. In its efforts to transform the he adds.
country into “Beautiful China”, the Previously in China, there were
government has worked closely discrepancies between investment
with scientists and corporate enter- in science and technology and eco-
prises. nomic growth. In 1987, a nation-
Such cooperation within the al program called the National
UNEA is long overdue, says Liu. Knowledge Innovation Program
During the previous session, the was launched, thus increasing
private sector was left out, and Liu investment in science and technol-
was determined to change this. ogy to about 10 times that of the
Only a year into his job, it fell upon previous 20 years.
him to organize a forum that would “China is now knocking on the
discuss achievable ways of cutting door as an innovative country. Its
emissions. longterm investments are show-
“I wondered whether the policy- ing benefits in the economy. It has
makers and scientists were enough a competent team that meets the
to meet our green solution goals,” needs of the economy,” says Liu.
he says. Africa, and particularly Kenya, is
Liu was aware of the Emissions Liu Jian says air pollution can only be curbed by solutions designed from the source. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY in the best position to build such a
Gap Report, produced by the UNEP team, he says. “Not necessarily to
and released in 2017. It said joint cover every aspect, but to support
efforts between the government triggered several green investment reach sustainability goals. Most of First, environmental conserva- nies such as IBM and Philips are the essential part of the economy
and the scientific community can opportunities,” he says. them are surprisingly on our side tion needs to be prioritized in glob- highly receptive, he says. that holds a comparative advan-
only meet one-third of the com- Therefore, the dynamics of the and have proved to be farsighted al business forums, he says. “Dur- “We are keen to expand this con- tage, similar to what Denmark
mitments made in the Paris Cli- UN Global Science-Policy-Business and visionary. Look at the solu- ing the recent World Economic versation to nonstate actors, and and the Netherlands have done.
mate Agreement. Partnership with Forum on the Environment on Dec tions they are implementing in Forum in Davos, only two heads of hence the need for a new name. Investing in science is costly but
the business sector was therefore 2 and 3 had changed. “We creat- developing countries, and most of state — India’s Prime Minister Nar- We are still consulting but we are rewarding.”
urgently needed. “Unless business- ed an opportunity for the private them agree that green is the avenue endra Modi and French President thinking of naming it the World Among the most discussed top-
es change their water utilization, sector to engage with the policy- toward sustainability. Emmanuel Macron — addressed Environmental Forum, to give a ics during the UNEA 3 forum was
energy production using coal, and makers and scientists in seeking “They say that if you are not environmental issues. The environ- voice to everyone and also promote the Belt and Road Initiative and
soil management, pollution will to enable policies and attractive turning green then your business ment is important, since it dictates leadership in innovation.” the effect the huge infrastructure
persist. No one is to be left out in incentives that will increase green is facing a dead end, with no hope. sustainable development,” he says. On Africa, he says the continent project will have on the environ-
this campaign,” says Liu. investments for new businesses,” That is why I believe the popularity Second, scientists need to proac- is in the pole position to be the ment. Liu says countries will have
Since 2006, Achim Steiner, the says Liu. of the forum will increase, especial- tively identify sources of pollution launchpad of a green revolution. to implement different approaches
former executive director of the Enthusiasm was high in the busi- ly among the business community. and solutions in terms of innova- “Africa is the land of hope. It has and policies to increase the success
UNEP, has promoted the green ness community. Only 400 people We are learning from the World tion and technology, linking with more potential than China and rate of the initiative.
economy concept, says Liu, adding were expected to take part, but Economic Forum but not limiting entrepreneurs for implementation. India, and even the US and Europe. “Strategies around conserved
that the idea started to catch on. Liu’s team received around 1,900 ourselves,” he says. “Only when you put these three Comparisons can be made on per sites such as national parks and
"This concept is a paradigm shift, application. Only 800 participants During UNEA 3, participants groups together will results be capita net resources, and Africa water bodies will be different from
since it forces all players to address were allowed, with an emphasis on agreed that, for the world to have seen,” says Liu. ranks first in water, for example, those for bare land and will thus
pollution from the source and not the private sector. The forum was cleaner air, $18.6 billion of invest- He says that his office is work- followed by China, then India. Afri- need site-specific designs. The one-
the end. Air pollution can only be self-financed. ment is needed. Liu says that, for ing with the governments of the ca is rich when it comes to renew- model-suits-all approach will not
curbed by solutions designed from “The private sector are decent this to happen, there is a need for United States, China, Europe and able energy potential. Research work. Plans will have to adjust to
the source. and smart and it is time to tap into stronger political, intellectual and India to reach out to the business shows that a solar farm covering the socioeconomic needs of host
“This is revolutionary and has their knowledge and resources to entrepreneurial leadership. community. Multinational compa- a third of the Sahara desert could countries, too.”


Sherlock star part of Chinese comedy

By BO LEUNG in London which is the film production arm known about the script. China, and most of the interior of media and entertainment giant Deirdre McCanny, who owns Co shots will be filmed there.
Shanghai Media Group. Couture, an artisan chocolate shop McCanny said it was a shock to
The British actor Rupert Graves, The movie is believed to be one in the city’s Chichester Street, where see the Sherlock star. She and her
who shot to fame playing Detective of the first feature films to be pro- some of the filming took place, told staff had not known he was going
Inspector Lestrade in the BBC tele- duced as part of a China-UK co- The Irish News she was delighted to be in the film.
vision series Sherlock, is shooting production treaty signed in April her store was chosen as a location. “It’s super-exciting to be part of
a romantic comedy aimed at Asian 2014 between the UK government “The Chinese film crew came in and, hopefully, as there is a massive
audiences. and Beijing. back in January to scout for loca- Chinese market here, we will get to
Graves and a Chinese film crew While filming has been going on tions and they really liked the under- see the movie when it’s released,”
have been seen in Belfast, Northern in various locations in Belfast, it’s ground open space of Co Couture,” she said.
Ireland, where they are filming a thought that the Northern Irish she said. “The director wanted the According to the fromer State
movie called Special Couple. capital city is being used as a stand- main character to live in a basement administration of press, publica-
In June 2016, the China-UK Film in for London. apartment, something that’s rather tion, radio, film and television, Chi-
Fund signed a strategic partner- According to The Irish News the hard to come by in Belfast, but Co na’s box office revenue rose 13.45
ship with China’s SMG Pictures to movie is being directed by Huang Couture fitted the bill perfectly.” percent in 2017, to more than 55.9
shoot the comedy. Special Couple Lei and produced by Huang Jianx- It’s thought a replica of the base- billion yuan ($8.6 billion) for the Actor Rupert Graves is shooting a movie in Belfast aimed at Chinese audiences.
is fully financed by SMG Pictures, in and Chris Curling, but little is ment property has been built in year.
C H I N A DA I LY USA Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 NE WS CA P SULE 11

News in review
Monday, April 2 to Friday, April 6

1 2 3 4 5

Monday April 2 Wednesday April 4 Thursday April 5

Beijing home market fast nearing stable phase Meituan acquires Mobike for $2.7 billion Manufacturing activity sped up in March
The residential property mar- supply and transaction volume China’s online-to-offline cater- independent brand. The man- Manufacturing activity of was the lowest during the past
ket in Beijing will reach a rela- compared with previous years. ing company Meituan-Dianping agement team will remain Chinese enterprises gathered four months.
tively stable level amid downside “The government wants to sta- acquired bike-sharing firm unchanged, with Wang Xiaofeng, speed in March, indicating Despite the slightly weak-
risks this year, according to an bilize home prices, especially in Mobike, Meituan CEO Wang Hu Weiwei and Xia Yiping con- that the nation’s economy con- ening demand, manufactur-
industry expert from Savills, an Beijing,” said Anthony McQuade, Xing said in an internal letter, tinuing to serve as the company’s tinued to maintain momen- ers still remained upbeat on
international real estate consult- managing director of Savills for according to a report by tech. CEO, president and CTO respec- tum in the first quarter of this business prospects for the rest
ing company. the Northern China market. tively,” Wang, who will be chair- year, latest data said. of the year, with the indus-
In 2017, both supply and “There might be some tweaking A source close to the deal said man of Mobike, said in the letter. The Caixin China manufac- trywide confidence hitting
demand in the residential prop- at the edges, but they will not the price of the acquisition is $2.7 The acquisition was approved turing PMI for March showed the highest point in a year.
erty market in Beijing were stimulate the market too much.” billion, 65 percent of which will by a vote at Mobike’s sharehold- that the index dropped by 0.6 Expectations are rife that the
restrained because of tighten- “Fundamentally, there is be paid in cash while 35 percent er meeting held Tuesday night, percentage point from the expansion of production will
ing regulatory policies, resulting still a strong demand,” he said. will be paid by Meituan’s stake, according to a report by tech. previous month to 51, but was be facilitated by stepped-up
in a yearlong decline in market (Photo 1) the report said. In addition, $320 still well above the 50-point investment, improvement
million of the $2.7 billion will be According to a report by Lan- mark that separates growth in market expectations and
Alibaba, Tencent rivalry moves to online food delivery used as a future liquidity supple- jinger, the valuation of Mobike from contraction on a month- the launch of new products.
ment for Mobike. after its previous round of fund- ly basis. However, the reading (Photo 4)
The duel between China’s control of the platform for $9.5 “Mobike will continue to raising was $3.45 billion.
business conglomerates Alibaba billion. Previously, Alibaba and operate independently as an (Photo 3) HIV self-test kits on sale at Shanghai universities
and Tencent is moving to online Ant Financial had invested
food ordering services. $2.25 billion to acquire about China looks to lead large int’l science projects Three universities in Shanghai drawer in the machine.
On Monday, Alibaba and its 30 percent of started offering HIV self-test kits The student can view the
financial arm, Ant Financial, Alibaba will integrate’s China aims to organize and influence in the science and in vending machines on Tuesday results online by entering a spe-
signed an agreement with businesses to compete with Mei- launch a series of large inter- technology field, the Ministry to promote HIV testing on cam- cific code number. The whole
online food ordering platform tuan, a Tencent-backed online national science projects in the of Science and Technology said. pus while protecting privacy. process is anonymous. to buy out and take full lifestyle platform. coming years to solve impor- According to a plan by the Students at Shanghai Lixin It is part of a program jointly
tant problems in science. ministry, China will develop University of Accounting and launched by the Chinese Asso-
China will organize and more large science projects to Finance, Shanghai Universi- ciation of STD and AIDS Preven-

Tuesday April 3
launch one or two large inter-
national science projects and
foster three to five projects by
improve its abilities in scien-
tific and technological inno-
vation and play an important
ty and Tongji University can
buy a kit for around $4.80,
take a urine sample, and
tion and Control and the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation
to address HIV transmission on
2020. An additional six to 10 role in international science return the kit to a deposit campus.
BoC provides $4.8 billion for winter sports large projects will be cultivat- and technology by the middle
ed by 2035 to increase China’s of the century.
Bank of China, the first offi-
cial partner of the 2022 Olympic
and Paralympic Winter Games,
host Summer and Winter edi-
tions of the Olympic Games. BoC
is the only bank in China to have
Friday April 6
announced its Winter Olympics served both the 2008 and 2022
action plan by providing $4.8 Olympics. More tax reductions for businesses
billion for China’s winter sports Since its launch in February
and industry from now to 2024. 2017, Beijing 2022’s marketing China will issue additional construction, basic telecommuni-
With the theme of “Taking part program has received consider- policies to further cut $63.8 bil- cations services and farm produce
in winter sports together”, BoC’s able attention and interest from lion of tax this year for manu- from 11 percent to 10 percent.
action plan aims to encourage 30 different sectors. Beijing 2022 facturing enterprises, following “This round of tax reform will
million Chinese families and 100 has signed five official partners the announcement of value- focus on supporting the manufac-
million Chinese people to take so far, including Bank of China, added tax reform, the Ministry of turing industry, as it is an impor-
part in winter sports and give a Air China, Yili Group (dairy Finance said. tant part of the real economy and
boost to the sports industry. products), Anta (sports apparel), According to the plan, the tax also the foundation of overall
Beijing will be the only city to and China Unicom. rate for manufacturing will be economic development,” said Xu
lowered from 17 percent to 16 Hongcai, assistant minister of
World’s first cloned cashmere goat gives birth in China percent, and for transportation, finance.

The world’s first cloned cash- 20 female goats and most were Online travel agency granted license for car-hailing service
mere goat has sired two kids impregnated.
in North China’s Inner Mongo- The superfine cashmere fiber Ctrip, China’s largest online launched car-hailing services in
lia autonomous region, it was from the goat is less than 13.8 travel agency, has become the Shanghai. In January, Chinese
announced. micrometers thick, much finer latest entrant to the nation’s automaker Geely announced
The two kids, born last week than the average of 15.8 microme- booming car-hailing market. its ride-hailing brand Cao Cao
after a natural reproduction pro- ters on the famous Erlang Moun- Ctrip, which provides ser- had completed its first round of
cess, are strong and in good con- tain goats in Inner Mongolia. vices for booking online funding, raising $159 million.
dition, according to researchers. The successful breeding of flights, hotels and tailored “The revenue of the opera-
“The successful breeding will the cloned billy goat with natu- trips, announced that it had tors in the domestic car-hailing
accelerate the application of clone rally born females could vastly been granted a license by the market is considerable, and the
technology in cashmere goat hus- improve the quality of cashmere transport authority in Tianjin threshold to enter the market
bandry,” said a researcher at the in the wool industry, with huge to operate ride-hailing services is low, and that has attracted
animal breeding base where the implications for producers, nationwide, after preparing to new entrants to the sector,”
kids were born. according to the breeding firm launch such services for three said Cheng Shidong, director
The father, the world’s first Zhongke Zhengbiao Biotech China on Tuesday released 47 rare milu deer into the wild in the years. of the Urban Traffic Office at
cloned cashmere goat, was born Company. wetlands around Poyang Lake to improve biodiversity and protect the In late March, Meituan- the Institute of Comprehensive
in December 2016. To test its The billy goat was genetically ecosystem of the country’s largest freshwater lake. This was the first Dianping, China’s largest Transportation of the Nation-
breeding capabilities, research- engineered to produce finer and release of milu deer into the wild in the region in East China’s Jiangxi online platform for ordering al Development and Reform
ers let it mate with more than softer wool. (Photo 2) province where the species disappeared around 1,000 years ago. food and booking restaurants, Commission.


The number of people in China with
HIV/AIDS as of June 2017, according We have the
to official data
confidence and
50 percent
The percentage of funerals in China
capability to
respond to any
set by the Ministry of Civil Affairs that
would be “green” by 2020 (Photo 5)
US protectionist
2.2 million
The number of shared bicycles in
Lu Kang, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs spokesman


137 million
The number of primary and
secondary school students in China
who attended after-school training
institutions in 2016

About 4.8 million creeping phlox blossoms bloom in Tianwang township in Zhenjiang, East China’s Jiangsu province. The pink, carpetlike
flowers draw thousands of visitors. The flowers will not fade away until early May. PHOTOS BY DAI XIANING AND WAN LINGYUN / CHINA DAILY
Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA

Looking ahead when many don’t
ne of the most striking forum an immediate lift. many of the ideas underpinning Ian Goldin, former economics
aspects about China, It was the event’s 19th China’s new direction. adviser to Nelson Mandela when
particularly to outsiders, installment. What makes the discussions he was South Africa’s president,
is the level and quality of It is always the first State-level interesting are the very big con- is now a professor of globaliza-
debate that takes place here. international conference held cepts and ideas that tend to get tion and development at Oxford
This was after the two sessions. ignored in the routine daily news. University.
particularly Many who attend are veterans Nicholas Stern, a British econ- He first came to China in 1982
the case at the of the forum. Stephen Roach, the omist and climate change spe- and predicted that the country
China Develop- well-known China expert and cialist from the London School would have an annual per capita
ment Forum, a senior fellow at the Jackson of Economics, said the next 20 income of $35,000 at today’s
which recently Institute for Global Affairs at years are vital for human civiliza- prices, putting it firmly among
concluded in Yale University, was attending his tion if we didn’t want to see cata- the world’s high-income nations.
Andrew Beijing. 18th forum. strophic environmental damage, Not all jobs will have been
Moody “There is no It is the one time in the year which would result in London replaced by robots, and Chinese
equivalent to that many of the experts truly being next into the sea or snow people will be working in their Xu Guiyuan, a prospect with the Baltimore Orioles, is shown at a Major League
this forum in engage with China, and they sit vanishing from the Himalayas. 70s and 80s. Baseball development center in July 2015. CAO JIANJIE / XINHUA
the world,” said Apple CEO Tim like the College of Cardinals as During this time the world The world economy will also
Cook at the conclusion of his
address to the final session.
And it has to be said there are
not many events that one attends
Chinese ministers and other key-
note speakers deliver speeches
and presentations.
One of the speeches that
economy is set to double, with an
average global GDP increase of
3 percent. Infrastructure invest-
be very different, with 80 percent
of it made up by emerging mar-
ket nations — China being chief
China looks to hit a
ment is also expected to double. among them.
where every second person you
meet seems to have won a Nobel
Prize or is head of Google, BP,
attracted a lot of interest was by
Yi Gang, the newly appointed
governor of the People’s Bank
Stern said that everything
might depend on China’s Belt
and Road Initiative deploying
What makes the forum attrac-
tive to many of those who attend
is that there is a sense that China
home run in baseball
Total, Baidu or any other house- of China, who spoke about the the latest green technology in in its new era feels like a place

hold-name corporations you care country’s further opening its building new infrastructure. that is looking forward in a eople colors and ethnicities — with the
to mention. financial sector. What China will be in 2050 world that too often now seems often ask, notable exception of women and
The arrival of proper spring The theme of this year’s forum as it passes the centenary of the to be looking backward. “What mainland players of Chinese descent
weather in the sumptuous sur- was “China in the New Era”, founding of the People’s Republic is the — are in the majors.
roundings of the Diaoyutai State which provided an opportunity in 1949, including becoming a Contact the writer at meaning of life”? Two notable pioneers from China
Guesthouse, with temperatures for intellectuals to engage — modern socialist country in all Jokingly, my were both of American heritage.
over 20 C at last, gave this year’s some for the first time — with respects, was also discussed. cn Keith response almost One, Henry Lees “Harry” King-
Kohn always is, “Choco- man, played for the New York
late mousse”. Yankees in 1914. But he was born to

On the prowl for an attitude adjustment

It is delicious, missionaries in 1892. Another, Austin
rich, can take a bit of time to devour Brice, born in Hong Kong 100 years
because it is so sweet, and then when later, in 1992, pitched for the Miami
it’s gone, you miss it. Marlins and now is with the Cincin-
However, author Douglas Adams, nati Reds. Other Chinese players are
So what’s the deal with Chi- reporter Ren and Cat-Kind — all of which wandering spirits. Likewise, in his comedic sci-fi novel The Hitch- making their presence felt.
na’s love/hate attitude toward Xiaojin intro- are dedicated to rescuing strays the idea of zhao cai mao (cats hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, felt Major League Baseball has its eyes
cats? duced readers and finding homes for them. that bring fortune) is embodied differently. As his readers know, the on China. In December, it signed a
Two of the best friends I’ve to Soo-bin, the Still, there are too many by the ubiquitous statues that answer to the question of the mean- 10-year deal to expand its training
made since moving to Beijing snowy white, disturbing reports like that of adorn the front desk of many ing of life, actually, “The ultimate and recruitment centers in China.
in 2013 are Rocky and Callie, blue-eyed star a man in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu restaurants and shops. question of life, the universe and The deal also includes more than
who were abused kittens when of Cat’s Kitch- province, who was recently So why do these fascinat- everything”, is the number 42. 20 MLB-branded baseball facilities.
they were rescued off the street en, an online arrested for trapping more than ing creatures, whose ancestors Adams, who died in 2001, later It already signed “Itchy” Xu
nearly five years ago. Both Greig cooking show 500 felines that he planned to migrated to Asia after the Egyp- wrote of this definition, “The answer Guiyan to play with the Baltimore
required expensive medical care produced by sell to restaurants. tians exported them to Greece to this is very simple. It was a joke. Orioles organization. The Baltimore
— one for cracked ribs that the Shanghai Can- According to Chinese news more than 3,000 years ago, elicit It had to be a number, an ordinary, Sun reported Xu was the first player
vet determined were likely the box Media Co. site, the man lured the such polarized reactions here? smallish number, and I chose that of Chinese birth and ancestry to be
result of being hurled against Soobin — whose name means cats into traps by using spar- Perhaps there’s no way to one. … I sat on my desk, stared into signed through the MLB’s develop-
a wall, and the other for a paw “crispy cookie” in English — has rows as bait, and they were explain the Jekyll and Hyde the garden and thought 42 will do. I ment centers in China.
that was deliberately crushed 4.19 million obsessive followers then crammed into two tiny attitude, but China — and the typed it out. End of story.” The 2018 baseball season began
by a stomp. on Sina Weibo, and his charis- huts to await their fate. The world — would be a better But is it really? just a few days ago.
Chinese guests in my home matic presence has swelled the man told police his custom- place if more people heeded You see, 42 also is the number on Sooner or later, “America’s Pas-
either love or hate the cats — show’s Weibo account to 11.4 ers would pay around 30 yuan the words of Mahatma Gandhi: the back of the uniform of baseball time” will be played in China.
there seems to be no middle million followers. ($4.50) per animal. “The greatness of a nation can great Jackie Robinson, who was the And who knows, back in the
ground — and those in the lat- And last month there was In some regions of China, be judged by the way its ani- first black man to play baseball in the states Itchy may be the Jackie Rob-
ter camp often show palpable an uplifting feature in the bei- cats are preferred pets because mals are treated.” major leagues in the United States. inson of a new era — with Chinese
fear of my four-legged pals. Go jinger magazine entitled ‘Help- they’re thought to be imbued He played for the Brooklyn Dodgers characteristics.
figure. ing out our furry friends.’ It with the power to “see the Contact the writer at starting on April 15, 1947. It was a
On the other hand (paw?), profiled volunteer groups like unseen”, so owning one groundbreaking day, for sure. Contact the writer at keithkohn@
a recent story by China Daily Girls4Paws, A Voice for Animals will help ward off ghosts or cn Today people of all shapes, sizes,

Call us at 212-537-8888
Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 13


Some of Inner Mongolia’s pastoral herders,
whose ancestors led nomadic lives, are raising
livestock in modern ways
By SATARUPA BHATTACHARJYA Wangchuge says somewhere on his farm he has set up tanks with drink-
in Ordos, Inner Mongolia ing water for his sheep that automatically adjust temperatures. He is keen to develop an earmark but doesn’t specify if it would be digital.

“After a sheep is born and earmarked, we will be able to keep daily logs
ast stretches along Expressway 216, which connects urban on its intake of grass and water. This will make consumers feel safe about
Ordos to its rural Otog Front Banner, lie uninhabited. More Traditional methods of raising sheep buying the meat,” he says.
animals than people can be found in this part of the Inner The banner is among 33 such administrative subdivisions in Inner Mon-
Mongolia autonomous region where trucks carrying coal are
have disappeared (in his village). ... golia where livestock production is a major economic activity.
often the only sighted vehicles on the highway.
Other than its coal reserves, which are among the world’s largest, the
The use of technology has helped “We are trying to develop modern animal husbandry and agriculture that
are both eco-friendly and profitable,” a senior local official says, adding that
region produces mutton, milk and wool. It has iron ore and rare earth, and reduce both labor and time.” the industries generated 2.2 billion yuan ($348 million) in 2016.
among more modern industries, wind and solar power. Lately, it has gotten He didn’t want to be identified by name as he was speaking on behalf
into data mining. Wangchuge, resident of the Otog Front Banner of his team.
China Daily’s recent interviews with local pastoral herders and officials An ecological concern has been the degradation of the grasslands, partly
in two villages of the Otog Front Banner suggest that the modernization of owing to overgrazing.
livestock production and management is underway. Alongside, traditional In 2013, the region launched some protection measures and since has
lifestyles of the once nomadic people are changing. made from a woolen fabric and wood. Many years ago, nomadic groups in tried to restrict active grazing to nine months in a year.
The prefecture-level city of Ordos, located in the region’s south, has an the region would dismantle them and carry along the parts from place to Matching up
area of more than 85,000 square kilometers but a population size of just place as they explored the steppe. Bixiriletu, a 40-year-old resident of Angsu, another village in the Otog
2 million or so. With a dominant Han population, and around 11 percent The present-day yurts in the banner, for instance, have concrete bases and Front Banner, grew up watching his parents herd their sheep to grasslands
Mongolian, the ethnic mix includes Manchu and Hui groups. serve as hotels in summer where visitors can experience Mongolian culture. far from home. In the past few years, he had to wake up nightly to check
Ethnic Mongolians comprise 30 percent of the banner’s population of Sheep on screen on his animals.
78,000, with the majority estimated to be involved in raising livestock and It is late afternoon in Tabantaolegai village when Wangchuge decides to Now, he has the tools — a camera and a smartphone.
agricultural activities. The banner, which was established in 1980, has 68 survey the grounds on which his sheep are grazing. But instead of walking Bixiriletu worked at a coal mine in the banner for much of his adult life.
villages and four towns. through sandy fields to gather the animals from different corners, he moni- In 2012, he watched a TV program on artificial insemination in sheep. The
More than 2 million domestic animals, mostly sheep, are raised each year, tors them on a TV screen from inside a modern yurt. show, he says gave him the idea of visiting a breeding facility in Ulanqab,
according to local government officials. The herder, who runs a family business of raising sheep for meat and which is also located in the region’s south.
The outside world has long associated Inner Mongolia with images of wool, says he sells an average of 300 sheep a year. US tech giant Apple Inc is reportedly looking to set up a cloud hub in the
wild horses running through the grasslands. But horse racing, the popular A video camera he has placed on the roof of his house provides him with city, its second in China after the southwestern province of Guizhou.
recreational sport in the region, appears to be more relevant to the tourism real-time feed of animal movements on his plot of land, which is large. “The donors (sperm) are foreign,” he says of the meat-producing Dorper,
industry today than to society. “Traditional methods of raising sheep have disappeared (in his village),” the South African hybrid sheep that was developed for arid conditions
The banner had 2,913 horses in 2016. In 1975, there were more than 2 Wangchuge, 41, says as he slices salted mutton, a Mongolian delicacy. similar to Ordos.
million horses in the region. “The use of technology has helped reduce both labor and time.” The mixing of foreign and local breeds, Bixiriletu says, has meant shorter
The annual Naadam festival has kept Inner Mongolia’s equestrian tradi- He owns six cows as well, but mainly for milk. waiting periods.
tion alive though. This village in the Otog Front Banner has 175 permanent resident families,
A similar story is that of yurts, or the tent dwellings, which used to be many of whom keep sheep and grow corn and a variety of rice. Lin Hong contributed to this story.
14 DINING Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA

A WHERE When it comes to

n emperor and his
favorite consort Recipe
used to admire a
delicately carved
ornament made of jade that
was probably part of her dow-
Vegetarian cabbage
wraps wine, we should
ry. It is a miniature head of
humble cabbage, with a crisp
white base and translucent
frilled green leaves with two
tiny insects resting on the veg-
CABBAGE 1 large head of cabbage
200 g dried shiitake mush-
rooms, soaked and sliced
1 carrot, peeled and
adapt, not adopt
etable. 1 can bamboo shoots,
The emperor was Guangxu shredded By LI DEMEI sales of their wine and an
of the Qing Dynasty (1644- 1 can or eight freshly peeled awareness of its wine culture.
1911), and this famous piece of water chestnuts, minced During the explosion of Similar to tea and coffee,
jade is called the Jade Cab- 1 tablespoon yellow fer- trade between Britain and wine is not a necessity, and it is
bage, currently one of the mented bean sauce, huang- East Asian countries in the not unreasonable for consum-
main exhibits of the Palace doujiang 17th century, tea was intro- ers to still regard it as a luxury,
Museum in Taipei. It was tak- Traditional and fusion cooking styles, regional 1 teaspoon sesame oil duced to the country and especially when the influence
en from Yonghe Palace in the Salt and a bit of sugar to rapidly superseded coffee as of traditional Chinese culture
Forbidden City, the imperial and international ingredients and a new awareness taste the national drink, albeit is taken into account.
quarters of the consort Jinfei. 1 liter mushroom stock with the novel addition of a Originally, the most popu-
This exquisite and valuable of healthy eating are all factors contributing to an Blanch the whole cabbage dash of milk and some sugar. lar drink in China was rice
piece of art lauds one of the
most common vegetables in
exciting time for Chinese cuisine. and carefully remove the
large outer leaves. Take out
And just as Britain adopt-
ed, then adapted, tea to suit
wine, which was later
replaced by a trend for drink-
China, while representing
wishes for good harvests and
Pauline D Loh writes. the short tender heart of cab-
bage and finely chop it up.
local tastes to make it the
country’s most popular bev-
ing baijiu. What’s more, the
tradition of emptying a glass
fertility. Heat vegetable oil in a erage, China is witnessing a in one as a sign of respect to
The Chinese cabbage is large frying pan and add the similar revolution in its rela- your companion dictates that
planted all over China, in all yellow fermented bean tionship with wine. spirit glasses are usually
seasons, but it is in the cold sauce. Fry until fragrant, then Although wine production small. Wineglasses are by
northeastern provinces that it add sliced mushrooms, has a long history in China, it comparison much larger, and
grows large and sweet and minced water chestnuts, has never been the country’s less suitable for this tradition.
tender, and plays a starring shredded bamboo shoots tipple of choice — even to the Other than this, Chinese
role in the cuisine. and carrot. When the mix- present day. The increasing food has an enduring impact
Whole cabbages are bought ture is well seasoned, add consumption of wine in Chi- on wine consumption.
and stored for the long winter the chopped cabbage. Sea- na may be largely due to the Instead of eating dishes one
months, piled outside in son with sesame oil, salt and country’s opening-up, where by one, as in the European
courtyards and on balconies. sugar to taste. improving standards of living tradition, Chinese dishes are
Together with the huge Fry the ingredients until have gradually brought wine always served together — so
Shandong leeks, it is one of the the mixture is relatively dry into Chinese people’s lives. how can European wine
vegetables that will fill the and the vegetable juices are Locally produced wine as match with this tradition?
winter larder. reabsorbed. Cool. well as the imported prod- When tea was imported
Huge truckloads of white Spread out each large cab- ucts from Sino-foreign joint into Britain, British people
cabbages roll into Beijing bage leaf and place a gener- ventures made up the vast developed their own way of
around October and Novem- ous spoon of fried ingredients majority of sales during the drinking it, and tea-produc-
ber, plentiful and cheap. So on the stem end. Roll up like initial stages of the country’s ing countries embraced the
cheap, in fact, that “as afforda- an envelope and place the roll wine development, where it trend. When wine is import-
ble as white cabbages” has at the bottom of a shallow was regarded as an alterna- ed into China, why can’t Chi-
become a popular term for a nonstick pot. Continue to tive form of alcohol to domes- nese people invent their own
great bargain. pack the rolls into the pot tic baijiu (white spirits). way of enjoying it according
Wise housewives load their until the cabbage leaves and In the late 20th century, as to their personal habits?
shopping trolleys full of huge ingredients are used up. imports of wine increased
cabbages, often topped with a Pour the liter of mushroom and large amounts of luxury The author is an associate
super huge bunch of leeks. stock into the pot and slowly wine flooded the market, professor of Wine Tasting
The vegetables are carted let it simmer for an hour. wine was regarded as more of and Enology in Beijing
home and neatly arranged on an extravagance. Wine pro- University of Agriculture
the balcony, or in a sheltered Braised Chinese ducers like France used a vari- and invited teacher at ESA
part of the garden. Sometimes cabbage with ety of methods to promote Angers, France.
an old blanket is thrown over Chinese ham
the pile to deter open thievery 1/2 a head of Chinese
by either the two-legged or Stir-fried cabbage with vinegar and dried pepper. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY cabbage, about 1 kg
four-legged. 100 g Jinhua ham, shredded
This has been a winter ritual 100 g fresh shiitake mush-
for a very long time, from amazingly versatile. stock and shredded dried scal- rooms, thinly sliced
when times were hard and It can be finely sliced and lops. That touch of cream gives 2-3 thin slices ginger, slivered
logistics were limited. tossed with vinegar, sesame oil the dish a velvety smoothness 1 liter chicken stock
Sometimes, cabbages are and a pinch of sugar for a crisp that takes it to another level. Cut the Chinese cabbage
pickled. and refreshing salad. A bunch I also like making Russian- into 5-cm chunks, rinse and
They are soaked in brine and of blanched mung-bean noo- inspired cabbage rolls with drain.
fermented in huge vats as dles provide the tactile con- Chinese cabbage instead of Heat up two tablespoons of
suancai, the “sour vegetables” trast. This is especially round cabbages. For one oil in a wok and add the ginger
that Dongbei (Northeast) cui- appreciated deep in winter, Braised cabbage rolls. thing, the leaves are larger and julienne. Fry until fragrant,
sine revolves around. This is when fresh salads are hard to more pliable, and they do not then add the shredded ham.
especially common in Liaoning come by. melt into nothingness. Add the sliced mushrooms.
and Heilongjiang provinces. Cut into chunks and cooked savory noodles and make the Chinese cabbage is also Add the cabbage chunk and
The yingcai or “hard dishes” with carrots in a bone-marrow dish a healthier option. known as Napa cabbage in the give them a good toss so the
of the Northeast are hearty stock, it turns into a tender Sometimes, I remember my West, after migrant Asian ingredients are evenly mixed.
offerings such as thick slices of vegetable stew to please the southern Chinese roots and farmers introduced this vege- Pour in the chicken stock
fatty pork belly stewed with toothless old lady in the house, cook a vegetarian special with a table to the San Francisco and bring to a boil. Allow to
roughly shredded pickled cab- and is enjoyed just as much by base of braised cabbage, with farmers’ markets from their rapidly boil, then reduce the
bage, or huge pots of sweet those with a full set of teeth. mushrooms, ginkgo nuts, lotus farms in Napa Valley across heat and cover the pan.
potato noodles cooked with Stewed cabbage retains its seeds, peas and carrots on top. the Bay. When the sauce is
more fermented cabbage. sweetness and is one of the Another dish is tender All very well, but I do think reduced and the vegetables
In our Beijing household, few leafy vegetables that can braised cabbage hearts in thick it’s about time we reclaim the are tender, check the sea-
traditions die hard, and the withstand long cooking with- chicken stock and top of milk name, in recognition of Chi- soning and adjust to taste.
pile of cabbages in the yard is out losing color and taste. or cream. This is straight from nese cabbage’s unique contri- This is a great dish to
slowly reduced by daily soups The spouse’s favorite is to the imperial kitchens, and only bution to the Middle serve the same day, but the
and stir-fries. I have succeeded have a pile of blanched cab- the sweetest, most tender Kingdom’s cuisines all these flavors will mature and bloom
in sneaking in carrots and bage with his zhajiangmian, hearts of the cabbage are used. thousands of years. even better the next day.
tomatoes to add some color to dry-tossed noodles with hot It is sweet on sweet, with the
the winter diet. bean sauce. The blanched veg- natural flavor of the cabbage Contact the writer at PAULINE D LOH Trade professionals explore wines that can pair best with
The dabaicai cabbage is etables lighten the heavy, accentuated by the chicken Chinese dishes. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
C H I N A DA I LY USA Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 TRAV E L 15

From the ruins in Sigiriya and the temple in Kandy, to an elephant orphanage,
Xu Lin offers visitors a mixed experience in Sri Lanka

t’s almost dusk. And I can just Starting from there, a series of vertigi-
about see the bats hanging If you go nous staircases on a large rock take me to
upside down on trees far away. the upper palace — the best place to enjoy
Gradually, the trees seem more It’s convenient to charter a vehicle for a beautiful sunset.
white as flocks of egrets arrive to roost. the whole trip and the driver will take It’s not uncommon to bump into mon-
The bats then fill the sky, signifying a you wherever you like. Please bargain keys or stray dogs during the climb.
change of shift. The bats and the egrets when you hop into a tuk-tuk, or an auto From Sigiriya, we head to the city of
seem to take turns to rest on the trees. rickshaw. Wear a mask to avoid dust Kandy which is famous for the Sri Dalada
The site is close to Yala National Park, during the safari tour. Carry sunblock Maligawa temple where the Sacred Tooth
Sri Lanka. And I am amazed by the beau- and mosquito repellent. Relic of Lord Buddha is kept.
ty of the wildlife even before my safari The temple’s grand festival, Kandy Esa-
tour in the park. la Perahera, is held in July and August
The next day, I wake up at 5:30 am and annually.
carry my breakfast to a vehicle. home to injured and maimed elephants The Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeni-
Our tour guide has sharp eyes, so it’s and abandoned baby elephants. ya, in Kandy boasts exotic species of plants
easily to spot wild boar, crocodiles, pea- It is noon when we get there. And a such as orchids, spices and palm trees.
cocks, lizards, elephants and deer. herd of elephants are crossing a road aft- From Kandy to Nuwara Eliya, I take a
It’s better to carry a pair of binoculars er taking a shower in the lake, while a train to enjoy views of the tea plantations
to see different species of birds. policeman directs traffic. and forests on both sides.
The park has one of the highest leop- Besides watching elephants shower My next stop is the old town of Galle
ard densities in the world. and feeding them, tourists can also buy and its fortifications, which in 1988 was
But seeing one really depends on your notebooks and postcards made from ele- designated as a UNESCO World Heritage
luck, as a large cat can appear and vanish phant dung. Site.
in an instant. About two hours’ drive from there is A sea port for trade during the 14th
On the trip, my friend suddenly spots a Sigiriya, or lion rock, one of the finest century, Galle has now become a popular
black leopard descending from a tree. We examples of ancient urban planning. destination for tourists from home and
then try to track it down for about half an It was listed as a UNESCO World Heri- abroad.
hour, but never see it again. tage Site in 1982. Its architecture is typically European
More Chinese tourists are traveling to The fortress complex, built by King due to its colonial history, when it was
Sri Lanka for encounters with animals, Kashyapa during the 5th century, controlled by Portugal, the Netherlands
the sea and its cultural heritage. includes the ruins of an ancient palace on and Great Britain.
The prices also make a difference. the flat-topped summit of an enormous Galle now has churches, old hotels and
For example, it’s much cheaper to do a rock about 200 meters high. stores that sell jewelry, spices and tea.
wild safari in Sri Lanka than in Africa. After the king’s death, the site was used And local children practice cricket on
For most travelers, their first stop in Sri as a Buddhist monastery until the 14th the playgrounds.
Lanka is Negombo, home to Bandara- century. It’s pleasant to walk along the well-pre-
naike International Airport. There, I am fascinated by the gardens served Galle Fort and enjoy the breeze
At Negombo’s fish markets, fishermen and ponds and their symmetry. from the Indian Ocean.
unload their catch and vendors hawk It’s breathtaking to climb the spiral Finally, on a train from Galle to Colom-
seafood. stairs attached to sheer walls that lead to bo, the country’s commercial capital, I
Also, fish are arranged in an orderly the colorful frescoes. am excited to see the Indian Ocean just
manner on straw mats along the beach to Then, I come to a small plateau and see beyond the windows.
be dried. a pair of gigantic lion’s paws carved into That train journey also marks the end
For those who love elephants, a visit to the bedrock. of my satisfying trip to Sri Lanka. From top: At Negombo’s fish markets,fish are arranged in an orderly manner on straw mats
the Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage is a It was an entrance originally built in along the beach to be dried; a monkey at Sigiriya, or lion rock, a fortress complex built by
must. The orphanage, established in 1975 the form of a lion but its upper parts have Contact the writer at King Kashyapa during the 5th century; elephants play with each other at the Pinnawela Ele-
by the Sri Lanka Wildlife department, is been destroyed. phant Orphanage.

From left: Meera Mosque in Galle Fort; a railway station in Sri Lanka; local residents at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya; Damro Tea Plantation. PHOTOS BY XU LIN / CHINA DAILY

Tourists pick their own grapes at Chile wine harvest fest

VALLE DE COLCHAGUA, Chile — Doz- with an output of about 800 million liters of them from Brazil and the United States interesting tastes and characters, they’ve
ens of tourists armed with sharp scissors
and donning dusty gloves and aprons
last year. It was the world’s fourth-largest
exporter by volume, and the leader
800 million — visit the winery about 90 miles (140
kilometers) south of the Chilean capital.
grown grapes in extreme places such as the
icy south and the Atacama desert.
walk through rows of green vines, hand- among “New World” producers. liters of wine produced by Chile in The two-hour drive from Santiago along Back at Viu Manent, the team of tour-
picking dark purple grapes that will be The South American country has been 2017, which makes the country the the country’s “Wine Trail” gives tourists ists has gathered about 1,100 pounds (500
turned into Chilean wines enjoyed making wine since the mid-1500s, when world’s No 9 wine producer the chance to wine-hop at guesthouses kilograms) of grapes. It seems like a lot
around the world. Spanish settlers brought the first vines, and restaurants that offer carmenere, but Grez says that depending on the har-
It’s hard work under a scorching sun and has become known for producing cabernet sauvignon and other varieties vest, professional workers can pick two to
and the professional pickers watching reliable and affordable wines. for which Chile is known. four times as much — anywhere from
them from a distance grin knowingly. But Visitors pay up to $90 for the tour of world by the British magazine Drinks Chile’s natural barriers have a lot to do 2,000 pounds (900 kilograms) to 4,400
the tourists have paid for the hands-on Viu Manent, which includes riding on International. Founded in 1935, Viu with the successful growth of its wine pounds (2,000 kilograms) a day.
experience at Chile’s harvest, which horse-drawn carriages or bikes in the pas- Manent was also awarded Winery of the industry. It is shielded by the Pacific Ocean “I thought it was interesting because I
draws thousands of visitors each year, so tures of the Colchagua Valley, one of Year in 2017 by the Wines of Chile associa- on the west, the Andes mountains on the put myself in the shoes of the people who
they carefully cut the precious grapes in Chile’s best-known wine regions. tion. east, Antarctica to the south and the do this work,” lawyer Ana Maria Farren
bunches and deposit them into wooden And they get the grape-picking experi- “There are some vineyards that offer world’s driest desert to the north. This has said. “We were here for half an hour and
crates at the Viu Manent winery. ence. similar initiatives, but none is as com- helped protect Chile from plagues, allow- ended up tired. The (workers) are here for
“The truth is that you always drink the While the tourists don’t get to keep the plete and focused on the integral experi- ing winemakers to grow vines ungrafted, hours at a time. This experience allowed
wine, but you don’t really know the proc- grapes, they top off their work with grilled ence of wine producing and enology as using ancient cultivation techniques. me to understand all the heavy work that
ess behind it,” said Gina Cuesta, a visitor steak, fermented grape juice and a glass of ours,” said Freddy Grez, who is in charge In recent years, Chilean winemakers have is behind a bottle of wine.”
from Colombia. malbec at the vineyard’s visitor center, of Viu Manent’s tourist activities. also been experimenting with other temper-
Chile is the world’s No 9 wine producer, which this year was named best in the Each year, about 37,000 visitors — most atures and terrains. In the quest for more ASSOCIATED PRESS
16 L IF E Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA

A new documentary about the

Beatles influence in China is
coinciding with a Beijing exhibition
to mark the 55th anniversary of
the band’s first album

Besides Chinese fans, the Beatles
have also been a great inspiration
for Chinese singer-songwriters.
Beijing-based indie band, The Life

Journey, traveled to London to record
their new album, titled Always Be
There, at Abbey Road Studios last
year, as a tribute to the Beatles.
They have collaborated
with Scottish musician
and producer Howard
Bernstein, professionally
known as Howie B, who has
By CHEN NAN worked with artists like U2. The four members of the band
also took a picture outside the

n March 22, 1963, the studio, imitating the cover pho-

Beatles released their to of the Beatles Abbey Road
debut album, Please album, which is regarded as
Please Me. Recorded in one of the most iconic imag-
EMI’s Abbey Road studio, it reached An exhibition, titled The Beatles, es of pop history.
the top of the British album charts in Tomorrow, is currently under way at “There were lots of
May of that year and remained there the Today Art Museum in Beijing. tourists taking photos on
for 30 weeks before being replaced Kicking off on March 24 and run- the road. Because of the
by their second album, With the ning until May 27, the exhibition dis- Beatles, people make the
Beatles. It also started the journey of plays posters, newspaper articles, pilgrimage to London to fol-
arguably the most legendary and rev- album cover art, famous quotes, vid- low in their footsteps. We
olutionary rock bands of all time, eos, audio clips and more than a were deeply impressed,” says
brought into being by its four mem- hundred photos of the Beatles, from Kong Yang, the band’s lead
bers — Paul McCartney, John Len- behind-the-scene shots to live vocalist.
non, George Harrison and Ringo shows, spanning from 1963 to 1972 “When we were working in the
Starr — in Liverpool in 1960. and shot by photographers from Abbey Road Studio, we felt close to
Fifty-five years later, from March Britain’s The Mirror newspaper. songs and realized why they influ- not only the Beatles but also to
22, 2018, 28 famous Beatles albums “The first time I read about the enced so many people,” says Zhang. George Martin, who produced many
including Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper’s Beatles was in a youth magazine in “They invented a new sound for a of the Beatles’ classic albums,” adds
Lonely Hearts Club Band and The the 1980s when I was a student at rock band. I particular enjoyed guitarist Huang Zijun. “Producing an
Beatles 1962-1966, have been made the Central Academy of Drama in their impeccable vocal harmonies.” album is like doing experiment in a
available on major Chinese streaming Beijing,” recalls renowned music We admire the As he grew up, Zhang became a lab. It’s the achievement of all four
services, such as QQ Music, Kugou critic Zhang Youdai in Beijing at the big fan of the Beatles and bought the members of the Beatles and George
and Kuwo. exhibition’s opening ceremony. Beatles’ creative band’s albums on his travels around Martin.”
To mark the 55th anniversary of “Their name was literally translated the world. One of his favorite songs The band was founded by lead
the release of the band’s debut into Chinese as jia ke chong. The
songwriting. It’s from the band is called Carry That vocalist Kong and guitarist Huang
album, a Chinese documentary
titled Here Comes the Beatles, has
article said that the band influenced
a whole generation of young people
amazing to think that Weight, which was written by Len-
non and McCartney and was
when they were about 16 years old.
In 2005, they moved from their
been launched on three online in the 1960s and I was curious about 50 years later we are released as a single from their hometown, Liuzhou, in South Chi-
na’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous
streaming music services under them and their music.” album Abbey Road in 1969.
Tencent Music Entertainment Then Zhang asked one of his looking back on their “I particularly like the lyrics: ‘Boy, region, to the capital to pursue their
Group-QQ Music, Kugou and classmates, a Japanese student, to you’re gonna carry that weight, Car- music dream. So far, they have
Kuwo. With one episode being buy him a cassette during a trip to music, which is still ry that weight a long time’. When I released eight studio albums.
streamed online each week, the Hong Kong at that time. Unfortu- listened to that song in my 20s, I was “We admire the Beatles’ creative
documentary, which has five epi- nately, his classmate bought a cas- vibrant and overwhelmed then and I am over- songwriting, which evolved along
sodes, has veteran Chinese singer- sette by a band from the Philippines whelmed even today,” says Zhang. with their personal growth. It’s
songwriters and music critics covering Beatles’ songs. pioneering.” “Undoubtedly, they are one of the amazing to think that 50 years later
sharing their memories of the Beat- “When my Japanese classmate greatest bands in the world and we are looking back on their music,
les and discussing the bands endur- finally bought me the legal record- Kong Yang, lead vocalist of Beijing- their legacy can still be felt today which is still vibrant and pioneer-
based indie band The Life Journey
ing influence. ing of the Beatles, I listened to their around the world.” ing,” says Kong.

Gifted, young violinist made

My mother wanted
his return to China me to become
a tennis player and
By CHEN NAN hard to convince her that I want to
become a violinist,” he says. “I tried
practice with your head.”
“My goal as a violinist is to help
I tried hard to
After making his debut in China to compose a violin concerto at 9
years old but I am still not finishing
people with music. No one hates
classical music. Some just don’t
convince her that
by performing with Mariinsky
Orchestra under the baton of Mae- yet.” know it,” he adds. I want to become
stro Valery Gergiev at Harbin Grand He started his violin studies at 6 Lozakovich has a long time rela-
Theater in August, Swedish violinist years old in 2007, and made his con- tionship with Verbier Festival, an a violinist. I tried
Daniel Lozakovich returned to Chi- certo debut with the Moscow Virtu- international annual music festival,
na, joining in the Verbier Festival osi Chamber Orchestra and Russian which takes place for about two to compose a violin
Chamber Orchestra’s tour in the conductor Vladimir Spivakov two weeks in late July and early August
country. years later. in the mountain resort of Verbier, concert at nine
From March 23 to April 1, the Ver- Performing as a soloist through- Switzerland. The violinist has been
bier Festival Chamber Orchestra out Europe with orchestras now, performing at the festival since
years old, but
visits Chinese cities, including Bei-
jing, Guangzhou, Xi’an and Nanjing.
including Vienna Chamber Orches-
tra and the Konzerthausorchester
Founded by Martin Engstroem in
I am still not
Under the baton of Hungarian vio- Berlin, he has signed an exclusive 1994, Verbier Festival also has an finishing yet.”
linist and conductor Gabor Takacs- recording deal with Deutsche academy, which nurturing young
Nagy, who is also the music director Grammophon in 2016 and will musicians from around the world, Daniel Lozakovich, violinist
of the Verbier Festival Chamber begin his cooperation with the label including Lozakovich. In 2000 and born in Stockholm, who
Orchestra, Lozakovich performs J.S. by recording two orchestral albums 2005, Engstrom set up the Verbier returned to China joining in
Bach’s Violin Concerto No 2 BWV and a recital album. Festival Orchestra and the Verbier the Verbier festival Chamber
1042. Since 2012, Lozakovich studies at Festival Chamber Orchestra, which Orhcestra’s tour
“I have performed the piece many the Karlsruhe University of Music, tours worldwide with young musi- Daniel Lozakovich, violinist. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
times. I try to find the composers’ and he is mentored by German vio- cians aging from 15 to 29 years old.
characters in their works. When I linist Eduard Wulfson. Currently, he “This is our fourth tour in China
play, I try to become the composers,” is a student at the College du Leman and we perform with these young University. In 1975, he moved to Par- who has invited Chinese musicians joint collaboration of conductor
says Lozakovich in Beijing recently. in Geneva. soloists, who best show our ambi- is and became a partner in the artis- to perform at festival, including Chi- Zubin Mehta and Chinese film
At 17, the violinist, who was born In his spare time, Lozakovich tion to promote the young talents,” tic agency Opera et Concert, nese pianists Lang Lang and Yuja director Zhang Yimou.
in Stockholm, Sweden, is hailed as enjoys playing football, boxing, ten- says Engstroem in Beijing. Besides working closely with Austrian con- Wang. “Those musicians are willing He was impressed by the fast
one of the most exceptional young nis and chess. Musically, he is also Lozakovich, Chinese-American ductor Herbert von Karajan (1908- to come back to the music festival development of the country and the
musicians in the world. As he inspired by jazz. pianist George Li also joined in Ver- 89) for many years. In 1986, he since we have a long relationship classical music scene here.
recalls, he decided to become a vio- “I enjoy different kinds of sports, bier Festival Chamber Orchestra’s moved to Switzerland. since they were teenagers.” “Many great orchestras have per-
linist when he saw the instrument which makes me more flexible,” he tour in China. “All the rehearsals and master Engstroem came to Beijing for the formed in China but for Verbier Fes-
for the first time as a child. says. “I don’t practice for long Born in 1953 in Stockholm, Eng- classes at the Verbier Festival open first time in 1997 as a production tival, it’s more youthful and it shows
“My mother wanted me to hours. The brain needs to function stroem obtained his degree in Music to the public. We want to present team member of the opera Turandot a different way of making music,” he
become a tennis player, and I tried and it’s much more effective to History and Russian at Stockholm young musicians,” says Engstroem, by Giacomo Puccini, which saw a says.
C H I N A DA I LY USA Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 LI F E 17

Bay McLaughlin,
co-founder of Brinc, discussing
the Belt and Road Initiative

By MAY ZHOU in Austin
AT SXSW “This system is the modern version of A flying car and hyperconnected megalopolis were among the stories told at the Silk Road. Already 68 countries have

signed up, which represents 65 percent
flying car certainly got some the annual event in Texas attended by some 60 Chinese companies of the entire world population and 40
attention at SXSW 2018. percent of the world’s GDP. When China
“It feels so futuristic,” a goes big, they go massive; there is noth-
member of the audience com- drones and flies one person at a time. amazing sight.” showers often occur? Martin suggested. ing in history like this,” he told the crowd.
mented after Derrick Xiong, Ehang was one of more than 60 Chinese The secret of the sharing economy is China was being discussed by more than “This is the China century; we are just
co-founder and chief marketing officer of companies that attended SXSW this year, a using a fixed amount of assets to serve lots just Chinese. Bay McLaughlin, co-founder living in it.”
Ehang, finished presenting the company’s big jump from last year’s 15. of consumers to maximize use of one dura- of Brinc, told people at SXSW: “The Great- Zhang Peng, founder and CEO of China’s
latest development. Xiong said the biggest challenge the ble product, Martin explained. In Mobike’s er Bay is in China, not Silicon Valley.” GeekPark, said that more and more Chi-
Ehang, a Guangzhou-based company company faces is not technology or regula- case, one bicycle gets used by five to 10 McLaughlin spent 10 years in the Bay nese tech companies are capable of devel-
specializing in automated flying, was tions but people’s mindset. people a day. Area, including eight at Apple. Four years oping their own core technologies and
founded in 2014 and has been developing “People fear for their safety. People don’t It’s important to develop a computer ago he moved to Hong Kong. have the ability to expand globally.
passenger drones in earnest ever since. feel comfortable flying in this,” he said, algorithm to run the system efficiently. McLaughlin introduced China’s Guang- Beijing-based GeekPark is one of China’s
Dubbed an autonomous aerial vehicle adding that to allay those fears, all of the “Efficiency is what makes share econo- dong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area: 11 cities largest internet and technology innova-
(AAV), the Ehang 184 represents the com- executives in the company will commute my profitable,” Martin said. in the Pearl River Delta region, includ- tion platforms. For the second year, the
pany’s most advanced technology. in an Ehang 184 every day. The sharing economy can help change ing Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and company organized Chinese companies to
“The traffic system we have right now “If you still find us alive in three years, cultures, too, Martin said. Huizhou. exhibit at SXSW.
is all 2-D, and we have all been caught in you probably will feel much more comfort- “Singapore was launched in May last China’s bay area represents 67 million Other Chinese companies were there.
traffic jams. The only way out is the sky, able,” he said. year. It is super humid, rich, got a great people with GDP of $1.4 trillion a year, Alibaba’s senior director Paul Fu discussed
and Ehang 184 is the answer,” said Xiong. Xiong said the company was ready to metro system, Uber is everywhere, and McLaughlin said. the company’s two successful shopping
Ehang 184 is designed with fail-safe release a new product later this year: a roads don’t get too clogged up. It didn’t When the bullet train system under con- festivals. He said the company plans to
redundancy — eight propellers and four drone for two. He also announced that the seem likely. Now we get several hundred struction is completed in a couple of years, make future shopping more personally
arms — to ensure safety, Xiong said. The company will soon begin a global demo rides a day; the culture changed visibly,” the commute between the cities will be tailored, and there was much room to grow
company has extensively tested Ehang 184 tour to attract investors. Martin said shortened to less than an hour. in that area.
in deserts, densely populated cities, in rain, “We believe in the future, which is com- Martin experienced the change first The hyperconnected region forms a Leung Shanying, design director of Ant
in fog and in force 7 typhoons, more than ing very soon. We want to work together hand. Living in Shanghai, he changed jobs super cluster, with each city focusing on a Financial, a subsidiary of Alibaba, showed
1,000 times. with others,” Xiong said. when Mobike started to come out. Origi- major area: Hong Kong on fintech, Shen- how Alipay helps to break the barrier of
Recently it completed more than 40 China’s flying car was not the only thing nally, he was planning to move to accom- zhen on electronics and IoT, Guangzhou international borders, revolutionize retail
flight tests with passengers onboard. that caught people’s attention at SXSW. In modate his job change, but soon he real- on auto and fashion and tech, and Macau sales and give people equal access of
“Vice-mayors of Guangzhou and Xi’an a discussion about Mobike’s business mod- ized that with Mobike, he didn’t have to. on gaming and virtual reality. payment.
flew in an Ehang 184. Some of our inves- el, Chris Martin, vice-president of global “It took about 25 minutes to commute “China has made the structure to make Zou Xiaowu, CEO of Yeahmobi, China’s
tors flew in it. That’s me in the drone,” expansion, faced an audience eager to [by bicycle]. Soon on weekends I found this super cluster work for a long time. The leading mobile marketing platform, pre-
Xiong said pointed to the video playing learn the secrets of the “sharing” business. myself going to coffee shops and restau- government provides grants and incen- sented China’s important role in mobile
on the screen. Martin presented the big picture of rants on a bike. After a couple of months, tives to people who want to be part of it. It’s apps in the global market — about 60,000
The image of Xiong riding in the Ehang Mobike: In the two years since it launched I gained this larger feeling of being outside where the convergence comes. When you apps are from China.
184 was selected as one of the sharpest sci- in 2016, the company raised $1 billion, all the time, moving all the time, and it have that many people working toward Nikita Huang, marketing manager at
ence images in February by Nature, along reached 200 million users, owns 8 million showed the distance I traveled and calories the same direction, it will be big,” said DataMesh, discussed how to mix big data
with pictures of the take-off and landing of bikes in 230 cities in 17 countries and con- burned,” Martin said. McLaughlin. with reality in real time to produce inter-
Space X’s Falcon Heavy rocket. ducts about 30 million transactions a day. How can the model be used for some- While the Greater Bay will have more active video programs such as creating a
With a top speed of 130 kilometers/hour, “I flew in from Santiago, Chile this thing else? someone in the audience asked. impact on people in the next two to three fire-breathing dragon or dancing with a
Ehang 184’s longest tested range is 8.8 km morning,” Martin said. “Thousands of Find something that people use often but years, China’s Belt and Road Initiative virtual avatar. The company enthralled the
with a designed range of 30 km. The flying people riding Mobike bikes in the cen- not all the time. Maybe umbrella share in makes the Greater Bay look like nothing, visitors with its interactive program at the
car is remotely controlled just like smaller tral financial district of Santiago — it’s an large cities in tropical areas where sudden McLaughlin said. SXSW trade show.

By MAY ZHOU in Austin The groups appeared together on

The huge conference room at Aus-

tin’s Convention Center was packed
to the gills when the creators of the
Austin SXSW keep growing China Night on March 15.
Close to 140 feature films and 170
short films were screened this year,
with 89 world premieres. Among
hit HBO TV series Westworld took miserable and kind of get you down. smartcar. The examples were endless. them were the Chinese documen-
the stage on March 10, day two of the “But life can’t be about solving one Originally started in 1987 as a tary People’s Republic of Desires
South by Southwest (SXSW) 2018 miserable problem after another; we regional music festival by a few staff- directed by Wu Hao, which won the
festival. need things that inspire you, that’s ers at the Austin Chronicle newspa- Grand Jury Award.
On stage were director Jonathan why we did this,” Musk told the audi- per, the first SXSW attracted about SXSW Interactive has become an
Nolan, producer Lisa Joy and four ence, referring to his recent Space X 700 attendees. incubator for new ideas and tech-
cast members of the futuristic sci-fi rocket launch. The name South by Southwest nologies. Speakers, meet-ups and
drama about a Wild West-themed Musk quoted a Russian scientist: (SXSW) was a play on Alfred Hitch- startup accelerators attract big cor-
amusement park staffed by androids “Earth is the cradle of humanity, but cock’s classic thriller North by North- porations, inventors, entrepreneurs
run amok. you cannot stay in the cradle forev- west, referring to Austin’s location on and investors worldwide.
The audience was treated to foot- er”, and continued, “It’s time to go the map. AI continued to dominate SXSW
age of the yet unreleased Westworld: forth and start another star-faring Its influence grew by the year. 2018 tech talk with more than 100
Season II. Toward the end of the civilization, be out there among the In 1994, film and multimedia were different presentations. The other
following discussion, Nolan started stars, expand the scope and scale of added. Eventually, SXSW was divided hot topic was blockchains.
to talk about artificial intelligence human consciousness. That makes into three major components: music, Austin has grown with SXSW as
applications more optimistic than me glad to be alive. I hope you all feel film and interactive, which focus on well, from the 42nd largest city in
the bleak, dystopian vision of West- the same way.” emerging technology. the US in 1987 to the 11th largest city
world — things like space programs A Q&A session with Musk was Elon Musk (center), co-founder of Tesla, joins the cast and crew of HBO’s SXSW Music is considered the today, according to Austin Mayor
and a certain red car. staged the next day at the packed Westworld on March 10 at SXSW in Austin. MAY ZHOU / CHINA DAILY largest musical festival in the world, Steve Adler.
Suddenly there was a buzz in the Moody Theater. For an hour, Musk with more than 2,000 performances Adler said SXSW is “still about
air, and lo and behold, Elon Musk shared his vision of the future, talking by musicians from the world over. the incredibly creative artists and
walked onto the stage. The audience about space travel, colonizing Mars what SXSW is all about: the conver- speakers included Bernie Sanders, A handful of Chinese musicians innovative filmmakers trying to
erupted in cheers as smartphones and the danger of uncontrolled AI gence of high technology, music and Arnold Schwarzenegger, Melinda joined the festival this year: Fazi, a find managers and distributors,
popped above heads to capture the development. film. Gates and Irish Prime Minister Leo post-punk / indie-rock band from except now they are called venture
moment. When the talk ended, his brother This year, more than 400,000 peo- Varadkar. Xi’an; Ruby Fatale, an audio/visual capitalists.”
“There are a lot of negative things Kimbal Musk joined him on stage ple from around the world jammed Many companies set up interac- experimental band from Taiwan; Bei- “SXSW is where good ideas come
in the world all the time,” Musk began carrying a guitar. Together in cowboy downtown Austin for 10 days starting tive displays to show off their latest jing-based electronic musician Shao; to become real. It’s the World’s Fair
without any introduction or greeting. hats, they sang the duet My Little March 8. More than 3,000 talks on a gizmos. One could find a 3D-printed punk band SUBS; and Second Hand of the future, with the highest con-
“There are lots of problems that need Buttercup. wide range of topics were present- house model from ICON, an AI dog Rose, which is known for combining centration of innovators and creators
to get solved, lots of things that are Musk’s appearances summed up ed. Besides Musk, other prominent from Sony and a Mercedes-Benz Chinese and Western sounds. in the world,” Alder concluded.
18 Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018


From beggar to king of the noodles On the move

Ant Financial’s Lucy Peng

to helm Lazada Group
A-share strategist, as chief
strategist at its China joint
Some thought Zhang Tianyi was wasting his education, but now he is reaping rich rewards Lucy Peng venture Credit Suisse
(pictured), Founder Securities. Upon
By CHEN MEILING chairwoman joining the new group, Chen of Ant Finan- will lead the firm’s China equi-
cial Services ty research team to explore
Zhang Tianyi decided that Group, an investment opportunities in
he never wanted to see, let affiliate of Ali- the A-share market and pro-
alone eat, a bowl of noodles baba Group Holding Ltd, was vide their clients with more
again. And who could have appointed CEO of Lazada money-making options. Chen
blamed him? In the interests of Group, in which Alibaba has a will report to Wang Mingshen,
market research, the law grad- substantial stake. Lazada CEO of CSFS. Before joining
uate sampled 30 tiny bowls of leads online shopping in Credit Suisse in 2015, he
noodles every single day for Southeast Asia. Peng’s served UBS Securities LLC as
three months, at the end of appointment came after Ali- the head of China equity
which his tongue was numb baba pledged an extra $2 bil- strategy.
and his stomach seemed to be lion to Lazada. Meanwhile,
perpetually on fire, he said. Lazada’s founder and former Onyx Hospitality appoints
Yet, Zhang somehow con- CEO Max Bittner will become Gina Wo as senior VP
vinced himself that his future a senior advisor at Alibaba. Onyx Hospitality Group, a
was inextricably intertwined Peng said she is excited about provider of hotel manage-
with noodles, a decision based future opportunities in ment services, appointed
on his discovery of what he e-commerce development in Gina Wo as its senior vice-
said is the ideal noodle recipe. the Southeast Asian market. president and head of its Chi-
That recipe brought about Currently, e-commerce nese operations. Wo took
Funiutang, his branded beef accounts for only 3 percent of office on March 26. In her
and rice noodles dish, based the region’s retail, indicating new role, Wo will oversee all
on the most common street huge potential for future busi- business aspects and aim for
food in his hometown, one he ness growth. ongoing growth in the Chi-
has turned into a multimillion nese market, and focus on
dollar business success in Bei- Porsche names Puttfarcken the company’s long-term
jing, and whose fame he hopes Zhang Tianyi, founder and CEO of Funiutang, a Chinese beef and rice noodles brand, prepares lunch for customers at a restaurant in as CEO of China unit strategy. Wo will report direct-
will stretch to the four corners Beijing. XINHUA German luxury car brand ly to Onyx’s president and
of the globe. Porsche appointed Jens Putt- CEO Douglas Martell. Wo’s
“As with McDonald’s in the Indeed homesickness was taking him 10 years to build a kind of ethos in many of its Peking University, rated as the farcken as CEO of its China appointment follows the
United States, I want the name one of the things that set him rice noodle brand that is wide- marketing products, includ- country’s top tertiary institu- unit effective July 1. Puttfarc- recent opening of the compa-
and image of Funiutang to on his quest for the perfect ly recognized. ing decorations, short videos tion, Zhang said some people ken is the current CEO of Por- ny’s Shanghai base.
appear wherever the red flag dish. Another was the poten- Specifically, the goal is to and WeChat stories. have taken a bleak view of his sche Deutschland GmbH.
with five stars is raised,” Zhang tial he saw in rice-based food open 500 to 1,000 restaurants The distinctive corporate career, criticizing him for Detlev von Platen, Porsche’s Banma Tech promotes
said. products worldwide as the sta- in cities worldwide in the culture plays an important wasting his education to sell member of the executive Hao Fei, Sr VP, to CEO
Since Zhang and three of his tus of China, where much of future, including in the US and role in brand-building, Zhang noodles. board specializing in sales Banma Technologies, a
classmates founded Funiut- the world’s rice is consumed, Europe. said. But Zhang said diligently and marketing, said that joint venture of Alibaba
ang in 2014, and after several continues to rise. At a Funiutang outlet in “The domestic dining mar- doing things that some may Puttfarcken has several years Group Holding Ltd and car-
rounds of financing, its value “The world has long been Zhongguancun, in the Haidi- ket is undergoing a transfor- regard as trivial and unim- of experience in sales, and he maker SAIC Motor Corp Ltd
is put at up to 500 million dominated by wheat because an district of Beijing, all the mation with the demand of a portant is worthy of respect. is confident that the group to make internet-connected
yuan ($78 million.) it’s eaten in Western coun- service and kitchen staff wear rising generation of customers He held down about 50 dif- will achieve more under Putt- cars, promoted Hao Fei, sen-
As the chief executive offi- tries,” he said. “It’s a pity that black T-shirts inscribed with who value the culture and ferent part-time jobs when he farcken’s leadership in the ior vice-president, as its CEO.
cer, Zhang, 28, now manages rice noodles, despite their the word baman, Hunan dia- spirit embodied in a product, was at college, he said, includ- China market. Puttfarcken Scientist Alex Shi, aka Shi
17 offline restaurants in Bei- long history, don’t have a lect meaning never give up, rather than its price and func- ing legal consulting, selling joined the group in 1997, and Xuesong, the former CEO,
jing with about 400 employ- brand.” dare to say no and be yourself, tion.” insurance, working as a was appointed vice-president will remain as the chairman
ees, in a company that reaped He decided to go into the Zhang said. Zhang said he is fortunate to receptionist and being assist- for customer relations in as well as on the technical
about 100 million yuan in rev- food business three months “Just as McDonald’s repre- be living at a time when the ant to a chief executive. Once 2004 and vice-president for committee to continue offer-
enue last year. before he graduated in law sents Americans’ culture of country is promoting innova- he even tried out begging, just after-sales services in 2010. ing support. Shi said he
Beef and rice noodles, a spi- from Peking University so that fast, clean and efficient service, tion and entrepreneurship, to experience life at its nadir, looked forward to a younger
cy, salty and oil noodle made if the venture left him penni- we want to share the spirit of and was reported to have met he said. Chen Li to head strategy at management team and
from rice, is one of the special- less he would still have time to Chinese young people with our Li Keqiang in 2015 when the “Doing many different Credit Suisse JV hoped it will bring in fresh
ties in Changde, Hunan prov- find a job. brand — hard-working, posi- Chinese Premier visited things gave me the opportuni- Financial services provider thinking and brighter future.
ince, that has a history of 6,500 Much to his surprise, things tive about life, and who are Zhongguancun Inno Way, a ty to see how society really Credit Suisse appointed Chen
years and one that Zhang said went well. Now, he said, he has ambitious enough to pursue cluster of startups and entre- works. The perspective on life Li, who was formerly China CHINA DAILY—AGENCIES
he and fellow locals eat every enough patience and confi- their dreams.” preneurs. that formal education provides
day. dence that he can envisage it The company pumps that As a master’s graduate from is far too limited.”
C H I N A DA I LY USA Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 BUSI NE S S 19

Digital era
helps old
in delivery,

For Lu Nan, a 35-year-old

Beijing resident, waiting in
line for some conventional
delicacies has been a holiday
He never celebrates Spring
Festival, Lantern Festival or
Mid-Autumn Festival with-
out first picking up some
freshly made seasonal deli-
cacies from Daoxiangcun, a
time-honored brand that’s
been a favorite of Beijing res-
idents since it opened in
They’ve been such a favor-
ite, in fact, that purchasing
them before a holiday has
meant waiting in line —
sometimes for up to two
hours — at one of the compa-
ny’s physical branches in
“I’ve always come to Daoxi-
angcun since I was a kid,” Lu
said. “I never go to other
shops to buy snacks and
cakes. It has become a habit
for me. I trust the quality of
the brand, and the price is
fairly reasonable.”
Customers visit Guangzhou Wanglaoji Pharmaceutical Co Ltd’s 1828 Wanglaoji outlet in a shopping mall in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. LI ZHIHAO / FOR CHINA DAILY Today, however, Lu no
longer has to wait in line.
Daoxiangcun, like other time-

Time-honored brands trying new ideas

honored brands, has
embraced the digital era,
which means that its signa-
ture yuanxiao (rice dump-
ings) are just a few computer
clicks away.
Traditional firms using retail outlets to offering hand-made pastries. In 2014, Daoxiangcun
The well-decorated shop, established its flagship
compete in more sophisticated market opened in a shopping mall in stores on Alibaba’s e-com-
Dongguan, offers handmade merce platform
pineapple cakes in a variety and China’s leading online
By ZHENG YIRAN nearby,” Chen said. of flavors, including original retailer JD. It also teamed “Because the climate in taste, Japanese-style matcha up with online food-deliv-
Guangdong is usually damp and cranberry. It provides ery platforms Baidu Waimai
China’s time-honored and hot, we often suffer from both eat-in and take-away and JD Daojia, a step
brands, known as laozihao, excessive internal heat. In services, and all the pineap- toward exploring the O2O
are adopting fresh operation order to repel internal ple cakes it sells are beauti- retail mode of time-honored
modes to catch the eyes of the humidity and heat, we are fully packaged. bakeries.
country’s increasingly sophis- fond of drinking herbal tea,” Zhao Yue, an analyst at Bei-
ticated consumers. he added. jing-based market research
Recently, traditional Chi-
nese herbal tea producer
Guangzhou Wanglaoji Phar-
Industry insiders said that
currently, the two leading
Chinese herbal tea makers,
firm Analysys, said “against
the backdrop of ‘new retail’,
more and more conventional
increase in 2017 sales reve-
maceutical Co Ltd launched Guangzhou-based Wanglaoji enterprises are attempting to increase in 2017 sales revenues
nues of Daoxiangcun com-
four outlets, called 1828 and Hong Kong-based JDB open offline experience of Daoxiangcun commodities
modities from JD
Wanglaoji, in Guangzhou, Group, take up more than 80 stores, where they can have from JD compared with 2016
compared with 2016
Guangdong province, bring- percent of the market share. the closest encounter with the
ing handmade herbal tea to Both the density and the consumers, bringing brand
physical stores. scope of the distribution values to them.”
Unlike conventional herb- channels have reached a satu- “However, the difficulties Last year, Daoxiangcun
al tea, which is usually sold in rated level, and all categories lie in how to cater to consum- signed a strategic partnership
cans in supermarkets, the of the products of the time- A consumer chooses his own customized herbal drink at an 1828 Wanglaoji outlet. ers’ personalized and diversi- with JD, and now, as long as
handmade teas are now honored brands have reached LI ZHIHAO / FOR CHINA DAILY fied consumption demands in consumers make their order
being served in physical maturity, making it difficult to the new era. They need to fig- before 3 pm, they can get
stores, where clerks offer cus- find new market growth ure out more crossover mar- fresh rice dumplings on the
tomized herbal drinks for the points. sumers’ rising consumption keting strategies, based on the same day.
consumers. As a result, they said, it is Against the backdrop of ‘new demands for herbal teas. brands’ own advantages and Daoxiangcun’s teaming up
“I ordered a classical one. reasonable for those time- “In 2018, we will continue conditions,” Zhao said. with e-commerce platforms
Customers can choose herbs honored brands to extend retail’, more and more conven- to explore the market in At present, there are 1,128 quickly proved to be a suc-
to add to their drinks, such their product categories and Guangdong, and we plan to time-honored brands regis- cess. According to statistics
as orange peel, goji berry and establish their own distribu-
tional enterprises are attempting to enter East China in the tered at the Ministry of Com- from JD, last year, consum-
licorice. Compared with
Wanglaoji’s herbal tea sold
tion channels.
Recent years have wit-
open offline experience stores.” fourth quarter of the year,”
Huo added.
merce, with the brands
enjoying an average history
ers ordering Daoxiangcun
commodities from its plat-
in cans, I think the hand- nessed earthshaking changes Zhao Yue, analyst at Beijing-based market research firm Analysys Other time-honored of 160 years. Among them, form expanded by 4.1 times
made one has a heavier taste in China’s catering market. brands are taking similar more than 60 percent are in compared with 2016. The
of Chinese medicine,” said Consumers are aware of an steps. Recently, Chinese the catering and medicine sales revenues in 2017
Jackie Chen, 25, a increasing number of diversi- ket volume of instant drinks researcher He Liting of Zero snack and candy maker Hsu sector. surged rapidly, with a ten-
Guangzhou resident. fied food and drinks, and had reached more than 50 Power Intelligence Group, a Fu Chi International Ltd Last year, the MOC, togeth- fold increase from 2016.
Three of the new 1828 those time-honored brands billion yuan ($7.94 billion) research institution head- opened its exclusive offline er with 15 government author- The digital era has also
Wanglaoji outlets are in that mainly rely on traditional per year, and the figure is quartered in Shenzhen, told shop in Dongguan, Guang- ities, jointly issued a guideline expanded the company’s
shopping malls, and consum- operation modes face severe still rising. China Industrial and Eco- dong province. to protect these time-honored reach far beyond Beijing.
ers find them a great combi- challenges. “People’s taste is randomly nomic News. The traditional pineapple brands, by promoting online Going online means Daoxi-
nation with adjacent Meanwhile, the market changing. In the market Huo Liren, deputy manager cake maker is trying its hand and offline integration, calling angcun can deliver its prod-
restaurants. for instant food and bevera- where competition is so of Wanglaoji, said in a media at what’s called “experiential for stronger intellectual prop- ucts nationwide, including
“I feel great to have a herbal ges is continuously growing. fierce, physical stores with no conference that the company consumption”, or consump- erty protection and offering small cities.
tea after having a spicy meal Official statistics show that distinguishing features are opened four physical stores tion driven by the desire for additional favorable govern- From JD’s data, in 2017,
in the Sichuan restaurant by the end of 2017, the mar- doomed to be knocked out,” simultaneously to meet con- memorable experiences, by mental policies. from first to sixth-tier cities,
subscribers to Daoxiangcun
on its platform grew by five to

Yili bakes up Western recipe for success 10 times, and the growth rates
in the fifth and sixth-tier cities
were the most obvious, reach-
ing eight times and 10 times
By ZHENG YIRAN and Chinese style delicacies, period (2016-20), Beijing Yiq- Yili also invites consumers to respectively.
including cakes, light refresh- ing Group plans to launch a visit its bread factory, where it “The fast-developing e-com-
For a good example of how ments, fast food and salads. total of 300 Yili chain stores. offers lessons in making merce retail industry in China
China’s time-honored brands Its brand elements can be The new direction for Yili is breads and cakes. has injected new growth
are embracing new retail found everywhere, including already winning raves from At the Yili factory in the points into the time-honored
channels, consider Century the logo of Beibingyang soda customers. Daxing district in Beijing, vis- brand,” said Cheng Wenhua,
Yili, a bakery that’s long been — a white bear — printed on “In the past, we could only itors can learn about the deputy general manager of
famous for its delicious pas- wall hangings. buy Yili bread in supermar- time-honored brand, which Beijing Daoxiangcun Food-
tries and breads. “This is our first chain store kets, and the category was enjoys a history of 112 years. stuff Co Ltd.
Finding itself up against with Western style, and we quite limited. Now, physical Walking down the corridor of “Back in 1985, we used old-
competition with new brands plan to launch more such chain stores offer a variety of selec- the factory, with old pictures fashioned scales to weigh the
selling Western-style cakes, stores in Beijing in the future,” tions, both Chinese and hanging on the wall, consum- Visitors take pictures in front of the Beijing Century Yili Grocery pastry, and consumers lined
Yili is now offering its prod- said Ma Chunying, director of Western, and the quality and ers gain a better understand- Co Ltd factory. QIAO JIAN / FOR CHINA DAILY up outside the store during
ucts in brick-and-mortar Beijing Century Yili Grocery Co taste is just the same as I had ing of the brand’s origin, and peak hour.
cafes, including one in Shu- Ltd of Beijing Yiqing Group. in my childhood,” said Zhang how the company evolved festivals, numerous visitors ing the ‘new retail’ era by join- “Now, with the online plat-
angjing, the southeastern The new outlet is one of Min, a consumer from Bei- over time. come to our factory. During ing hands with many forms, consumers can enjoy
part of Beijing, that wouldn’t more than 120 chain stores jing who had just visited the “Not only kids, but adults the busy season, we get more ecommerce platforms, such the delicacies more easily, and
be out of place in, say, Europe across Beijing, and the growth chain store. and the elderly are attracted than 1,000 arrivals per day,” as, JD, miss- many of the young generation
or North America. rate of its annual sales revenue Apart from launching to the factory to experience said Li Qi, general manager of and, fur- have become our fans. We see
The 150-square-meter cafe is greater than 20 percent. chain stores, to realize operat- the charm of the time-hon- Beijing Yiqing Group. ther expanding its tremendous room for develop-
encompasses both Western During the 13th Five-Year Plan ing transformation, Century ored brand. Especially during In addition, Yili is embrac- distribution channel. ment,” she said.
Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY USA

later, OpenAI’s policy and eth- AlphaGo 100 games to zero. ‘Automata Studies’ becomes ‘Artificial
ics adviser Michael Page told The machine learning Intelligence’ and a new science is born
a reporter with branch of AI turns out to be
about his job of looking at “the particularly good at visual
long-term policy implica- tasks, such as picking a face In 1956, John McCarthy, an The objective was to
tions of advanced AI”. out of a crowd or guessing a American computer scientist explore ways to make a
“I want to figure out person’s age, but, as Cambridge pioneer and inventor, called machine that could reason
what we can do today, educated mathematician for research on “Automata like a human, and was
if anything,” he David Foster points out, “these Studies”. But few people capable of abstract thought,
said. “It could be are not the kinds of problems understood what he meant, problem-solving and self-
that the future that most businesses are trying so he came up with another improvement. McCarthy
is so uncertain to solve”. phrase for the research he believed that “every aspect of
there’s noth- Foster, who co-founded the was promoting: artificial learning or any other feature
ing we can London-based consultancy intelligence. of intelligence can in principle
do.” Applied Data Science, advises While teaching be so precisely described that
Protecting clients on things like predictive mathematics at Dartmouth a machine can be made to
the future models for customer behavior, College in Hanover, New simulate it.”
means pre- price optimization and build- Hampshire, in 1956, McCarthy, a professor
dicting the ing their own data teams. McCarthy was the principal emeritus of computer science
future, and Their service, he said in an organizer of the Dartmouth at Stanford University, died in
no one is email, is driven by the three Conference on Artificial October 2011 at his home in
there yet. key aspects of any data science Intelligence, the first California. He was 84.
One of project: the business problem academic conference on the
the big to solve, the data that’s avail- subject. CHINA DAILY
problems able and the desired outcome.
with AI is AI is getting hyped and he
that the term thinks that’s not such a good Global market for AI: $37 billion by
is increas- thing: “The label ‘AI’ itself is 2025, 26% of China’s GDP by 2030
ingly thrown beginning to carry the value,
around to rather than the underlying
embrace just technology. There is a real dan- The global market for AI Communist Party of China
about anything ger of businesses being sold is projected to reach $37 (CPC). It largely confirms
that happens in the ‘triple A’ technique of AI, billion in revenue by 2025, a previously announced
the digital universe. without really understanding 57-fold increase from $644 plans for AI research, giving
YouTube picks your exactly what is being invested million in 2016, according to itself a target to become an
next video, the hiking in. And these things don’t tend a new report from Tractica, “innovation center” by 2030.
boots you were looking to end well.” a Boulder, Colorado-based According to the
at yesterday appear in a market intelligence firm that International Federation of
banner ad. focuses on human interaction Robots, China will lay claim to
“It took me a whole with technology 40 percent of total worldwide
book to describe what For China, AI-related robotic sales by 2019.
AI is and isn’t,” said industries are expected to China is the biggest
Meredith Broussard, We are so eager generate up to 26 percent of shareholder of the robotic
an assistant professor its gross domestic product global market, with a net
at the Arthur L. Carter to do everything by 2030. The largest sector worth of $30 billion.
Journalism Institute at gains will likely be in retail, It is No. 1 in sales for
New York University. digitally — hiring, financial services and industrial robots. South
Her new book, Arti- driving, paying healthcare. Korea and Japan are
ficial Unintelligence: Last year, President Xi ranked second and third,
How Computers Misun- bills, even choosing Jinping outlined the nation’s respectively. The US is
derstand the World (MIT technological ambitions in fourth.
Press), comes out at the end romantic partners.” his opening address to the
of the month. 19th National Congress of the LINDA DENG
YE LU / CHINA DAILY “When people talk about Meredith Broussard, author,
artificial intelligence some- Artificial Unintelligence
times they mean ‘machine Merging drones, AI to help clean energy
learning’ and sometimes they The “triple A” sales pitch is a hum along: the ultimate integration
mean Hollywood imaginary reference to the financial crash
things like The Termina- of 2008, where top-drawer AAA

MINDING THE tor,” she said. “The confusion

comes from the fact that we
have this term that has mul-
tiple meanings.”
Broussard said it comes
ratings were given to many
securities that turned out to be
the complete opposite because
nobody really understood what
was in them.
“We look at ourselves as a
global startup. In addition to
China, we are eyeing markets
in Southeast Asia, Europe and
North America,” said George
program in Beijing last March,
and GGV’s investment moved
the venture closer to the head
of the class.
Jenny Lee, managing

MACHINE: down to math and data, and

“machine learning” is a species
of computational statistics.
“It turns out that when you
have a truly vast amount of
Foster thinks there’s a paral-
lel to be drawn with AI today,
where companies are being
sold the dream of AI as a solid
investment, without really
Yan, founder and CEO of
Shanghai-based AI start up
The startup now has more
than 10 employees at its
partner of GGV Capital and
a Clobotics board member,
said Clobotics was chosen
because it’s “an interesting
convergence of the

data,” she said, “you can make understanding what technolo- R&D team in Seattle and is transportation, robotics and
really, really good guesses gies and techniques constitu- looking for fast development AI production”.
about things using computa- ent commercial AI today. of the team in the next two On Jan 23, the company
tional methods.” “With any kind of gold rush, years. announced a new $5 million
there are a lot of charlatans,” Clobotics has developed A+ round of financing led
Apparent edge Broussard said. “I would cau- the world’s first computer- by KTB Network, the largest
The race for dominance in artificial intelligence is heating Here China’s edge again tion people to be very clear vision based wind turbine venture capital firm in
up, especially between China and the United States, but becomes apparent. Liu Qing-
feng, chairman of speech-rec-
about what computers can and
can’t do, because it’s very easy
blade inspection service
using UAV drones. It takes
South Korea, and followed
by GGV Capital and Capital
as one report says, AI “is still largely shrouded in mystery’’, ognition software developer at
iFlyTek, told the South China
to get carried away with what
we imagine what AI might be.”
pictures of wind turbine
blade surfaces, and then
Development Investment
Fund (CDIF) in China. This is
reports Christopher Davis from New York. Morning Post, “China has the China’s recent use of facial uses computer vision to Clobotics’ second round of
most internet users. And the recognition technology to spot inspect the images on the financing in its first 12 months
Chinese government’s determi- fugitives in crowds offers a per- cloud. The system notifies of inception.

t’s the hottest thing in Plan”, setting benchmarks for development of chips, China nation to push the application fect example of the difference maintenance personnel of “If you look at how China
technology now, but the AI industries and allocating looks to close the gap fast. of AI forward is unmatched in between machine learning and damages, deterioration and and even the government
co-founder of Google through 2030 a gross output But where it is all heading any other country.” AI. Showing the machine thou- other early warning signs, look at its growth, it is very
said: “I didn’t see it com- of $151 billion for the core AI remains anyone’s guess. “Machine learning” and its sands and thousands of pairs which are critical for reducing clear that combining the
ing, even though I was sitting industry and $1.5 trillion for Before he died recently, offspring “deep learning” are of faces, it becomes better and maintenance costs. AI technologies with the
right there”. related industries. They aim to physicist Stephen Hawking behind most of the stunning faster than humans at mak- GGV Capital, a US-Chinese traditional industries is where
“It’’ is artificial intelligence be No. 1. warned that the emergence of headlines that stir excitement ing a match. That’s machine venture capital firm, is the government wants to take
– AI. Last year, Russian President AI — computers that “can, in about the emerging technol- learning. leading a $5 million financing it. It is amazing,” Yan said. “In
“I didn’t pay attention to it Vladimir Putin put an ominous theory, emulate human intel- ogy: AI translates news from When the machine makes round to get Clobotics off the next 15 years AI will change
at all, to be perfectly honest,” spin on AI, saying that it raised ligence, and exceed it” — could Chinese to English in real time the decision to make an arrest, ground. the looks of the traditional
Google’s Sergey Brin said in a “colossal opportunities and be the “worst event in the his- as well as any bilingually fluent that’s AI. With something like Clobotics was one of industry.”
session at the World Economic threats that are difficult to pre- tory of our civilization”, if we human can. Computer teaches that, Foster said, “There is a 16 startups taking part in
Forum’s annual meeting in dict now”. But Putin did predict don’t find a way to control it. itself to distinguish cats from lot more to be wary of and the the Microsoft Accelerator LINDA DENG
Davos last January. that: “The one who becomes Heavyweight scholars dogs. Google uses AI to help ethical dilemmas start multi-
But now everyone seems to the leader in this sphere will be and tech leaders are form- the Air Force analyze drone plying.” What if the “fugitive” driving, paying bills, even choos- are other judgment calls that
be jumping on the bandwagon, the ruler of the world.” ing groups in places like the footage. is wrongly arrested, who takes ing romantic partners — that we only humans can — or should
yet many aren’t exactly sure SpaceX/Tesla founder Elon Harvard Kennedy School of Google Deep Mind’s Alpha- the blame for the error — the have stopped demanding that — make.
where it’s going. As Brin said: Musk responded with the Government’s Future Society Go, having digested a huge data programmer? The police? The our technology actually works,” Writing in the current issue
“What can these things do? We tweet: “China, Russia, soon all and the Max Tegmark Future base of expert and amateur Go AI itself? she writes. of The Atlantic about the recent
don’t really know the limits. It countries w(ith) strong com- of Life Institute to envision games, estimates its next best She has coined the term “tech- tragic death of a woman hit by
has incredible possibilities. I puter science. Competition for ways to protect mankind from moves and beats the hitherto Not so fast nochauvinism” to describe the an experimental self-driving
think it’s impossible to forecast AI superiority at national level a menace that seems to loom undefeated world champion In her new book, Brous- belief that technology holds the Uber car, Broussard said, “An
accurately.” most likely cause of WW3…” but remains elusive. three out of four games. But sard makes the case that the key to everything and warns overwhelming number of tech
A recent Boston Consul- The highest-profile cabal wait. wild enthusiasm for applying that “we should never assume people (and investors) seem to
tants-MIT Sloane survey of Finish line is probably the handsomely AlphaZero comes along and computer technology to every that computers always get want self-driving cars so badly
3,000 international business China and the US, the recog- endowed non-profit OpenAI, teaches itself the game from aspect of life has produced a things right”. that they are willing to ignore
executives found that 84 per- nized leaders in the field, are founded in 2015 by — who else? scratch, exploring just the rules lot of poorly designed and per- Both Broussard and Foster evidence suggesting that self-
cent think that over the next locked in a race to the finish — guru of the future Elon Musk and discovering new ways to forming systems. agree that, as the cyborg revolu- driving cars could cause as
five years, AI will give them a line, whatever that finish line (who has since had to recuse beat itself. It then turns around “We are so eager to do tion, where AIs suddenly gain much harm as good.”
competitive advantage, and 72 may be. himself over possible conflicts and beats its older brother everything digitally — hiring, consciousness and enslave man- Again, the blind optimism
percent of respondents from A recent study from with his car company). The kind, isn’t coming anytime soon. she calls techochauvinism. “In
the telecom, media and tech Oxford University’s Future of group’s list of board members Artificial Intelligence Revenue, a self-driving car, death is an
industries said they expect AI Humanity Institute gave Chi- still reads like a Who’s Who of World Markets: 2016-2025 Toaster revolt? unavoidable feature, not a bug,”
to have a significant impact on na a score of 17 for its overall Silicon Celebs. $40,000
“There’s currently as much she writes.
their business and products. capacity to develop AI technol- chance of this happening as your “One of the problems with
The catch is, few of them are ogies; the US scored 33. Human extension $35,000 toaster and microwave starting self-driving cars is they can’t see
sure exactly how. As the report Of the main drivers of AI In its mission statement, $30,000
a revolution from your kitchen,” the things that humans do.”
says, “The field is still largely development — hardware, OpenAI says it believes “AI Foster said. China has prioritized devel-
shrouded in mystery.” research, talented scientists should be an extension of indi- $25,000
Driverless cars are probably oping sensors and positioning
($ Millions)

Funding for AI startups in and their algorithms and raw vidual human wills.” $20,000 the best example of a genuine AI technologies for self-driving
the West has been making data — China trails the US in all The statement goes on to technology that has the poten- vehicles, and the rush to put AI
quantum leaps and bounds — but data, and that, with more say: “It’s hard to fathom how tial to affect daily life, according in the driver’s seat in Silicon Val-
from $4 billion in 2016 to more than a billion smartphone much human-level AI could $10,000 to Foster. ley seems to be a flat-out sprint.
than $14 billion in 2017. Silicon users and 750 million internet benefit society, and it’s equally $5,000
There is little doubt that the The whole AI race brings to
Valley is awash in AI backing. users, it has a mountain of. hard to imagine how much it machine learning underpin- mind the great last line of Jack
In July 2017, China’s State Combined with strong could damage society if built $-
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
ning driverless tech is superior Kerouac’s classic On the Road:
Council announced a “New government support, aggres- or used incorrectly.” to human judgment at keep- “Whither goest thou, Ameri-
Source: Tractica
Generation AI Development sive recruitment of talent and N o w, t h r e e y e a r s ing a car on the road. But there ca, in thy shiny car in the night?”

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