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Inflation Branding China

Friendly flock
Fr eases Expo in Shanghai presents
Crested ibises from China boost in April domestic goods to the world
Japa island’s tourism WORLD, PAGE 10

FRIDAY, May 11, 2018  ¥2

Li reminds
China ready Japanese
to defend of terms
in treaty
its interests By HU YONGQI
and CAI HONG in Tokyo

The China-Japan Treaty of

Peace and Friendship, which
If talks fail, nation is resolute in its includes Japan’s self-reflection
on aggression against China
and its one-China stance, is
response to planned Trump tariffs one of the four political docu-
ments both countries should
By ZHONG NAN in Beijing the US economy. fully comply with to bring
and CHEN WEIHUA “This will send a signal to bilateral ties back to the right
in Washington companies or people attending track, Premier Li Keqiang said
the hearing that proposed tar- on Thursday.
China will resolutely defend iffs will penalize US consumers Yang Xinglong, an English teacher and counselor at the Qiyi middle school in Yingxiu, Sichuan province, offers psychological The treaty was a milestone
its interests even as it expects a by increasing prices on con- counseling to quake survivors on Wednesday. ZOU HONG / CHINA DAILY document for bilateral rela-
positive outcome from the sumer and technology prod- tions, confirming principles in
upcoming China-US trade
talks through efforts from both
sides, the Ministry of Com-
ucts,” he said. “Both sides
definitely will discuss the
details on this issue in the US.”
THE HIDDEN SCARS the China-Japan Joint Decla-
ration and the adherence to
the one-China policy, the pre-
merce said on Thursday.
The ministry issued the
statement ahead of a planned
May 15 hearing by the Office of
The administration of US
President Donald Trump esca-
lated trade tensions with Chi-
na in late March by invoking
THAT TAKE YEARS TO HEAL mier said at a reception that
commemorated the 40th
anniversary of the signing of
the treaty in Tokyo.
the US Trade Representative to Section 301 of the US Trade Japanese Prime Minister
discuss proposed 25 percent
tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese
Act of 1974 to probe China’s
intellectual property and
Many survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake, which struck 10 years Shinzo Abe, and more than
1,400 representatives from
imports. technology transfer. ago this week, are still experiencing psychological problems. both countries participated in
During the hearing, US com- A tariff list was issued tar- the event, which Li said show-
panies and consumers will geting 1,300 Chinese prod- By CUI JIA claimed 69,226 lives and left the site on her own to “talk” to She now works as a psy- cased a wide range of common
have the chance to have certain ucts, including industrial and WANG KEJU another 17,923 people missing. the 54 students and eight chological counselor at a new interests shared by the two
products taken off the list or robots and telecommunica- in Yingxiu, Sichuan It also left the main building of teachers who lost their lives. school, named Qiyi, which countries.
others added through public tions equipment. and YANG WANLI in Beijing Xuankou High School in the Most of the students and was built after the quake. It Over the past 40 years, bilat-
discussion and lobbying. Business leaders in the US mountain township severely teachers were in classrooms stands near a huge boulder eral ties made productive
Regarding this issue of Chi- have voiced concerns about the Chen Heqiong vividly warped and leaning precari- and school offices when the that rolled down the moun- achievements guided by prin-
na-US trade friction, China’s negative impact of a possible remembers the absolute ously to one side. Buildings quake struck at 2:28 pm on tain during the disaster and ciples set in the treaty, despite
stance has been very clear. Chi- worsening China-US trade darkness that engulfed her were destroyed almost imme- the first day of the school has become a tourist attrac- twists and turns, Li said. Ties
na opposes any form of unilat- relationship and pinned high when she was trapped for diately in the worst-affected week. tion because it marks the epi- can move back to the right
eralism and protectionism in hopes on the resumed talks three days below the ruins of areas of the quake zone, which “It’s a form of therapy for center of the quake. track because of the spirit and
trading. The US must with- between the two countries. her high school after a magni- covered about 130,000 square me. I avoid going there at all fundamental principles set in
draw its threats, said Gao Feng, William Cohen, US defense tude 8 earthquake hit Ying- kilometers. costs, except for that one day. See Quake, page 6 the four political documents,
spokesman for the Ministry of secretary from 1997 to 2001 xiu, Sichuan province, on The twisted school build- After all, it was a day the peo- he said.
Commerce. and now chief executive of the May 12, 2008. ing is now part of the local ple of Yingxiu, including me, Inside Both countries should com-
As China and the US will con- Cohen Group, said there were The temblor, known as the earthquake museum. Every have been trying to forget,” ply with the treaty to increase
duct the second high-level eco- legitimate concerns to be Wenchuan earthquake, year, on May 11, Chen visits said Chen, 50. Editorial > p8 friendship, said Li, who called
nomic and trade consultations addressed, but he emphasized for learning from history and
in the US soon, Gao said China that it’s important to address facing up to the future, while
hopes the two sides can work
together to jointly advance
bilateral business ties and gain
them in a responsible fashion
so that everyone is in a win-win
Ousted insurance head gets 18-year term keeping high-level exchanges
between the two neighbors.
The premier called on Japan
mutual benefit for the good of “I don’t feel the (Trump) By LIN SHUJUAN led investors so he could billion yuan in premiums purchase in 2015. to align its development strat-
the people in both countries administration has a strategy in Shanghai fraudulently raise 65.25 bil- paid by policyholders, a viola- On Feb 23, Wu was egies with the Belt and Road
and the world as a whole. for achieving that,” Cohen said. lion yuan and divert the mon- tion of insurance regulations, removed as the group’s head Initiative, boost cooperation
The Ministry of Commerce “The stated objective of doing it ey for his own use. The funds, to ensure the cash flow of his when the country’s insurance in innovation and high-end
also announced on Wednesday within the next two years is Wu Xiaohui, former chair- raised by ignoring regulatory other companies, according regulator took control of the manufacturing.
that Vice-Premier Liu He will pretty short term. I don’t think man of Anbang Insurance limits to oversell insurance to the court’s verdict. insurer to protect its solvency Li said people-to-people
lead a delegation to the US to it’s possible.” Group, the Chinese insurer products worth 724 billion The court said the ruling and consumer rights. exchanges, including tourism,
discuss economic and trade According to US media that owns the Waldorf Asto- yuan to 10.6 million inves- was made with consideration Anbang announced last should be promoted to
issues at an appropriate time, reports, the US trade delega- ria New York hotel, has been tors, were transferred to com- of the facts, nature, circum- month that the company enhance connections between
marking the second high-level tion that Treasury Secretary sentenced to 18 years in pris- panies he personally con- stances and harm to society. was receiving a $9.6 billion the two peoples. Tokyo’s host-
meeting since a bilateral trade Steven Mnuchin led to Beijing on for fraudulently raising trolled for overseas invest- Over 50 people, including bailout from a government- ing of the 2020 Summer Olym-
dispute escalated in March. last week demanded China cut $10 billion and embezzle- ment, debt repayment and Wu’s family, journalists and run fund, which would be pic Games and China’s hosting
The first talks were in Beijing the bilateral deficit by $100 bil- ment of corporate funds. “personal squandering”. members of the public, able to purchase 98 percent the 2022 Winter Olympic
on May 3 and 4. lion a year over the next two The sentence was announ- To achieve the fraud, the attended Thursday’s public of its equity.
Tu Xinquan, director of the years, a demand that most ced on Thursday by Shanghai court said Wu concealed his sentencing. An open trial of Wu’s case See Li, page 3
China Institute for WTO Stud- economists regard as untena- No 1 Intermediate Court. Wu, ownership of more than 100 Wu was detained in June was held on March 28.
ies at the University of Interna- ble because US fiscal policy and 51, also was deprived of his companies, filed false state- after a multibillion-dollar Wu contested all charges Inside
tional Business and Economics low savings rates in the US are political rights for four years. ments with authorities and string of global acquisitions against him, but pleaded
in Beijing, said the Chinese del- the primary cause of the deficit. The court also ordered 10.5 lured investors by promising by the insurance and invest- guilty in his final statement Related story > p10
egation’s visit will be helpful to billion yuan ($1.65 billion) of higher returns than those ment conglomerate prompt- at the end of the trial.
tell the US public that unilater- Inside Wu’s property be confiscated. offered by competitors. ed doubts about how it paid
ally imposing a tariff on China The court found that Wu, Wu, who founded Anbang for its buying spree, including Xinhua contributed to this LATE NEWS
will generate a huge impact on Comment > p9 between 2011 and 2017, mis- in 2004, also embezzled 10 the $2 billion Waldorf Astoria story.
Trump says
he’ll meet
Protesting pullout from pact
Center to warn of tsunamis with Kim
By WANG QINGYUN and warn about possible tsuna- region, and will benefit their on June 12
and ZHOU JIN mis, began its trial operation at people in the long term,” he said.
the end of January, and will pro- Also, China hopes to work US President Donald Trump
China will continue to vide a 24-hour service to nine with these countries to make said on Thursday he will meet
provide public goods and countries, including China, the South China Sea “waters with Kim Jong-un, leader of the
services to countries border- Geng said at a news conference. of peace, friendship and coop- Democratic People’s Republic of
ing on the South China Sea The other eight countries eration”, the spokesman said. Korea, on June 12 in Singapore.
and will work with them to covered by the service are Zhang Jie, a researcher at “We will both try to make it a
maintain regional peace, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philip- the Chinese Academy of very special moment for World
Foreign Ministry spokesman pines, Brunei, Indonesia, Social Sciences’ National Peace!” Trump tweeted, calling
Geng Shuang said on Thurs- Thailand, Cambodia and Institute of International it a “highly anticipated meet-
day after the inauguration of Singapore. The center also Strategy, said the establish- ing”.
a tsunami alert center. will provide training. ment of the advisory center is
The South China Sea Tsuna- “China has always believed in line with China’s policies •See the latest on our app
mi Advisory Center, built by in and been committed to pro- toward the South China Sea. and at
China and authorized by the moting pragmatic maritime Countries in the South Chi-
Intergovernmental Oceano- cooperation among countries na Sea have begun to focus on
graphic Commission of the bordering on the South China cooperation since the situa- 国内统一编号:CN11-0091
United Nations Educational, Sea and fulfilling duties to tion in the region eased, 国际标准编号:ISSN0253-9543
Scientific and Cultural Organi- cooperate, stipulated in the Zhang said, adding that such
zation, was officially launched UN Convention on the Law of cooperation will help enhance A member of the
on Tuesday. Vladimir Ryabi- the Sea,” Geng said, adding mutual trust and will be Asia News
Iranian demonstrators chant slogans during a protest in front of the long-closed US embassy in nin, executive secretary of the that China hopes to strength- strengthened over time.
Teheran on Wednesday in response to President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the nuclear commission, joined the open- en such cooperation. © 2018 ChinaDaily
deal with Iran and renew sanctions. VAHID SALEMI / AP ing ceremony in Beijing. “This helps the common Contact the writers at wang- All Rights Reserved
See story, p11 The center, built to monitor interests of countries in the Vol.38 — No.11863
Friday, May 11, 2018  CHINA DAILY

Looking ahead
Candid camera: Birds of a feather
Events and stories coming up in the next few days

Key property market forum Congress to be held during May 16-18. A

demonstration of smart driving will be one
to be held in Beijing of the highlights. Focusing on the challen-
On Monday, the Chinese Academy of Social ges of self-driving vehicles, the WIDC com-
Sciences will hold the China Real Estate petition is divided into three series,
Forum in Beijing. Officials, experts and including self-driving, smart-aided driving
enterprises in the sector will gather to dis- and information security.
cuss how to ensure the healthy develop-
ment of the property market. A blue book
on the sector’s development will also be Athletes have high hopes for
released during the event. climbing competition
The second leg of the 2018 International Fed-
Tianjin gears up for eration of Sport Climbing World Cup series
China tour will take place in Tai’an, Shan-
intelligent driving event dong province, on Saturday and Sunday, fol-
The World Intelligent Driving Challenge lowing the first stop in Chongqing. Hailed as
will be held in Tianjin from Monday to the premier climbing competition in the
Thursday, attracting teams from home and world, the event will gather more than 300
abroad. It is part of the World Intelligent elite boulder and speed-climbing athletes.

Visit for breaking news and exclusive content

Photos: Images keep the past Wednesday. Shipments of smartphones

totaled 32.667 million in April, down by 15.3
alive with each precious frame percent year-on-year. Also, fewer new An egret seems to hover in expectation of food on a lake in Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on April 29. WANG WEIGUANG / FOR CHINA DAILY
mobile phone models were rolled out last
month with only 55 new models entering
the market in April, down by 53.8 percent
people to
year-on-year. Phone shipments dropped
23.7 percent year-on-year in the first four
months. Analysts believe that the Chinese
Nightmares fade into lived dreams
smartphone market will see a reshuffle as
under- My nightmares have flash floods of rock that injuries wondered how wriggled in a puddle.
smartphone consumption slows as almost
stand the mostly stopped. inundated those below. they’d cope without walking. Tadpoles.
all Chinese own at least one phone.
condi- I don’t know if theirs have. Tectonic vehemence simulta- They did. “Look,” my colleague, a
tions of the past. Yu Zhixin, a senior jour- Everything convulses and neously warped buildings Then, they told me, they local, said. “Life.”
nalist born in 1955, has a collection of Society: Changsha pavilion to
buries me. into real-life M.C. Escher wondered how they’d make We laughed. And cried.
images that give a precious insight into be placed in US city I snap up in bed like a paintings. love with their spouses. That was shortly after I
yesteryear. He started to shoot photos in Changsha mousetrap. I soon realize it Many people were Nobody among this group met Xue Chen.
1979, and most of his works are themed Yanghu never actually happened — interred. in Mianyang city, at least, I’d volunteered at his pre-
around people. He focuses on daily work, Wetland Park at least to me, in real, waking Five of my birthdays were divorced. Some say their fabricated middle school half
lives and folk customs and through his presented the life. spent at the Cave of 10,000 relationships grew. a year after the disaster.
images tries to keep the past alive. Xiangjiang It did to Dead in Sichuan’s Yingxiu, I recall driving into the He said his goal was to
Pavilion to St. them. since the date tends to fall mountains beyond the miles master English and become
Easy Talk: Films plot storyline Paul, Minneso- Many were around China’s Tomb Sweep- and miles of tents and rubble a tour guide to meet people
ta, US, last
for happy ending overseas week, in
buried alive. ing Day. until these improvised settle- from around the world and
Over the past decade, many Chinese films About 80,000 Few experiences make you ments were replaced with travel.
celebration of didn’t sur- think about meaning like miles and miles of landslides Today, he leads foreigners
that have done well at the domestic box
the 30th Erik vive. entering into another year of that eventually clogged the along the ancient Silk Road.
office have flopped in North America. With
anniversary of Nilsson Survivors life surrounded by death. bone-clattering road. “I had a dream,” he recent-
the aim of taking Chinese films to a global
Changsha and Second awoke to a That is, while watching par- We’d seen nothing for ly texted me.
audience, Cinedigm, a leading independent
St. Paul becoming sister cities. The pavilion Thoughts living night- ents claw at the earth and hours but the fan-shaped “I studied and worked
content distributor in the United States,
was modeled after the Aiwan Pavilion, one mare every scream at the sky, since their ejections of rock and sand hard … I love my job.”
plans to enter strategic alliances with six
of the four most famous pavilions in China, morning then. But some of children will never celebrate that erupted from the moun- He invited me to his wed-
Chinese movie and television companies.
which was built on Yuelu Mountain during their life dreams have since another birthday. taintops. Buildings’ top ding.
What is the biggest challenge Chinese films
the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) in 1792. The come true. Over the years, more of the floors sometimes poked out Indeed, his story is one of
face in terms of going global? Easy Talk
new pavilion will become part of the Phalen I spent about eight women I met had babies aft- like periscopes with win- the nightmares of a decade
speaks to Chris McGurk, chairman and
Regional Park in St. Paul this August. The months in total making 15 er losing their only children. dows for lenses. Other build- ago that’ve turned into
CEO of Cinedigm, and Bill Sondheim, presi-
sister-city project between St. Paul and journeys through the Now, these kids have birth- ings’ bottom floors spat dreams come true today.
dent of Cinedigm’s Entertainment Group.
Changsha, Hunan province began in May Wenchuan earthquake zone days. waterfalls from cliffs that
1988. Visit our website to find more. to chronicle Sichuan Yu Zhengyin spent 20 had suddenly appeared. Contact the writer at
Animals: Over 1,000 snow province’s recovery after the hours fighting to survive aft- We stepped out of the car. erik_nilsson@
leopards live in Sanjiangyuan Rankings: Unicorn firms in a magnitude 8 temblor er she was buried. She want- Thickets of incense sticks
The number of
snow leopards
fairytale of business success unleashed its seismic ed to die once rescued since commemorated those buried
Ant Financial is China’s highest-valued uni- violence May 12, 2008. her legs were lost. beneath like exclamation Online
in the Sanjiang- Ten years ago, the Long- Yu learned to love life points punctuating their Scan the code
corn company (a private startup, valued at
yuan area, the men Mountains slung off again. deaths. to hear an audio
more than $1 billion) in the first quarter,
source of their stone skins to blast Many people with spinal Tiny green question marks version.
with market value exceeding 400 billion
China’s major
yuan ($63 billion), according to the Q1 Hur-
rivers, now
un Greater China Unicorn Index. The com-
exceeds 1,000, This Day, That Year
pany’s value closed at 1 trillion yuan after
experts believe.
the company announced in April it would
According to
raise $9 billion, the report said. Chinese
Lyu Zhi, a biolo- The Russian master con- artificial intelligence
smartphone maker
gy conservation professor with Peking Uni- ceded defeat after 19 moves has been heating up.
versity, infrared cameras have captured
Xiaomi was ranked the years in the sixth game of the tour- Many computers
second-largest unicorn
more than 50,000 pictures of snow leopards
in the country. Last
on nament. It was the first took on chess mas-
over an area of 5,000 square kilometers defeat of a reigning world ters, and the com-
week, the company
since 2011 when the population monitoring Editor’s Note: This year champion by a machine in puters often won.
applied for listing on
program started in Sanjiangyuan. Located marks the 40th anniversary tournament play. Although a late
the Hong Kong stock
in Qinghai province, Sanjiangyuan literally of China’s reform and open- The photo in China Daily comer in the sector,
market, and it will be
means the “source of three rivers”, the Yang- ing-up policy. shows C.J. Tan, team leader China has released
the first company with
tze, Yellow, and Lancang. of Deep Blue, giving a speech an ambitious plan
a dual-class share struc-
ture to list in Hong Scan it! On May 11, 1997, an IBM on artificial intelligence at which sets bench marks for artificial intelligence pro-
Biz: Smartphone shipments Kong. Visit our website Read computer called Deep Blue the University of Hong Kong AI industries and allocating, gram developed by a Chinese
continue to fall in April to have a look at the 12 more on beat world chess champion in September 1997. On through to 2030, $151 billion company, defeated top play-
China’s smartphone shipments continued largest unicorns compa- chinadaily. Garry Kasparov. The screen are images from the for the core AI industry and er Ke Jie in Fuzhou, Fujian
to fall in April, industrial data showed on nies in China. machine could explore up to tournament. $1.5 trillion for related province, in a Go (Chinese
200 million possible chess In the two decades after, industries. strategy board game) com-
positions per second. the race for dominance in Last month, Golaxy, an petition.

FRI - SAT MAY 11-12

8/14 Beijing 18/24 O 15/28 C Shanghai 17/26 C 21/28 D
14/27 0/21 Changchun 11/25 C 14/21 C Shenyang 15/21 Sh 13/23 C
17/30 Changsha 20/29 T 22/27 Sh Shenzhen 23/28 C 24/30 C
Chongqing 18/22 D 19/28 C Shijiazhuang 17/24 O 16/29 O
18/24 Dalian 13/19 C 12/20 O Suzhou 19/28 C 18/27 D
15/28 Fuzhou 17/28 C 20/32 C Taipei 21/28 C 23/30 S
10/23 Guangzhou 22/28 Sh 23/29 C FRIDAY
Taiyuan 13/22 D 11/28 O
13/19 Guilin 21/27 D 22/29 D Tianjin 18/23 D 17/26 D SATURDAY
13/25 Guiyang 16/19 Sh 16/22 T Urumqi 14/27 S 17/30 S
16/25 Haikou 25/33 T 25/34 C Wuhan 18/24 R 19/28 R
16/31 17/26
21/28 Hangzhou 15/28 C 20/29 C Xi'an 15/23 D 12/29 C
24/40 Harbin 7/24 S 12/22 C Xiamen 20/28 C 20/31 S Abu Dhabi 29/36 S 25/43 S BuenosAires 17/18 R 16/17 D
29/41 21/28 Hefei 17/25 D 18/25 R Xining 1/18 C 3/22 S
22/28 23/30 Bangkok 28/34 D 27/34 D Caracas 26/27 D 26/27 C
23/29 Hohhot 10/20 D 9/23 C Yantai 15/20 O 14/20 D Colombo 26/32 D 26/32 D Chicago 14/15 D 9/11 D
26/36 Hongkong 23/26 Sh 25/29 C Yinchuan 8/23 C 10/26 C Dubai 28/35 S 27/39 S Houston 22/28 C 23/26 C
23/26 Jinan 17/23 D 16/28 D Zhengzhou 17/23 D 16/31 O
24/36 25/29 Hanoi 24/31 D 24/32 O Las Vegas 27/32 C 25/29 D
Kunming 13/27 S 14/27 S Zhuhai 24/27 Sh 25/28 C Islamabad 22/36 C 24/36 C Los Angeles 16/17 D 16/18 O
Lanzhou 7/23 C 9/26 S Jakarta 24/32 D 25/33 D Mexico city 17/19 D 19/21 D
28/34 Lhasa 6/15 D 1/13 C
27/34 Karachi 28/36 S 27/35 S New York 11/19 S 17/19 C
Lijiang 12/23 S 12/24 D Kuala Lumpur 24/32 D 24/33 R Ottawa 17/17 D 6/15 C
25/32 Macao 24/27 Sh 25/27 C Rio De Janeiro 24/25 S 22/27 S
25/34 25/31 26/36 Manila 26/36 D 25/36 C
25/36 Nanchang 20/28 Sh 23/29 T Mumbai 27/35 S 27/34 D San Francisco 14/19 C 14/22 C
25/34 Nanjing 16/23 T 20/26 T Athens 17/25 D 19/26 S
Berlin 20/20 D 18/18 D New Delhi 24/40 S 29/41 S Sao Paulo 14/25 S 13/19 S
Nanning 22/29 Sh 24/30 O Pyongyang 10/22 O 11/17 D Vancouver 13/15 S 12/18 S
24/32 Qingdao 13/15 D 14/17 D Brussels 13/14 S 9/17 O
24/33 Geneva 13/17 O 16/18 O Riyadh 19/37 S 17/38 S Washington 16/21 S 17/25 C
Sanya 27/33 C 27/33 C Seoul 10/23 O 13/19 O
Istanbul 15/19 D 14/20 D
25/32 London 7/12 C 8/9 O Singapore 25/32 D 26/32 D
26/32 Madrid 13/20 S 13/17 D Sydney 10/18 D 12/21 D Cairo 20/28 S 18/28 C
Moscow 3/18 C 9/22 C Teheran 16/23 D 16/23 D CapeTown 10/19 D 12/21 D
24/32 Paris 15/17 S 11/18 O Tokyo 12/23 S 13/25 C Johannesburg 3/19 C 7/19 O
25/33 Rome 18/18 D 17/18 D Wellington 14/19 D 17/18 D Lagos 26/28 D 25/26 D
Vienna 16/17 D 14/18 D Yangon 26/36 D 24/36 D Nairobi 15/25 D 14/26 O
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018


Inflation eases for

2nd month in row
Lower prices for food — especially pork level would remain “control-
lable”, he was quoted as say-
— were easy on consumers in April ing by Securities Daily.
China set a consumer infla-
By XIN ZHIMING would add to the complexity tion control target of under
and LI XIANG of the geopolitical situation about 3 percent this year.
in the Middle East and cur- The producer price index,
China’s consumer inflation tail oil supplies. which gauges factory gate
eased for a second straight Cao Heping, an economist prices, rose by 3.4 percent in
month, dragged down by at the Peking University April from a year earlier, end-
lower food prices. Analysts School of Economics, was ing a five-consecutive-month
said consumer inflation quoted by Chinese media as deceleration cycle, up from
would continue to be stable saying that given China’s pru- 3.1 percent in March.
this year despite the recent dent and neutral monetary Industries, such as petrole-
spike in international oil pri- policy stance and overall um and natural gas exploita-
ces. domestic supply and tion, metal smelting, coal
The consumer price index demand would remain bal- processing and chemicals, Premier Li Keqiang engages in conversation on Thursday with Japan’s Emperor Akihito (left) at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. He said he
increased by 1.8 percent in anced and consumer prices are the main contributors to hoped bilateral ties improve. It was the first time a Chinese premier has met with the emperor since June 2010. Akihito said he hopes “our
April from a year ago, com- may maintain the trend of factory gate price increases relations of goodwill and friendship will improve”, according to the royal household. AFP
pared with a 2.1 percent year- stable and mild rises. in April, said Sheng of the
on-year gain in March, the NBS.
National Bureau of Statistics
said on Thursday.
Food prices dropped 1.9
percent in April month-on-
The producer price
index, which gauges
“After a weak March ..., we
think economic activity in
April and May is likely to stay
firm,” said a research note by
Li: Oppose trade protectionism
month, making it the main financial group UBS before
contributor to easing con- factory gate prices, the release of the NBS data From page 1 such as finance and trade, Abe his successful visit to Japan.
sumer inflation last month, rose by 3.4 percent on Thursday. said. Cooperative agreements
said Sheng Guoqing, a senior “Policy support for rental Games will provide opportu- Earlier on Thursday, Li also signed between Japan and
NBS statistician, in a state- in April from a year market development may nities to enhance communica- visited Japanese Emperor Aki- China and positive results
ment on the bureau’s web-
site. Pork prices dropped by a
earlier, ending a five- only provide limited lift for
the downward property
tion among the public.
As two of the world’s major
hito and several leading politi-
During my visit, from trilateral talks by leaders
of China, Japan and the
sharp 16.1 percent in April consecutive-month adjustments this year. On the economies, China and Japan The two countries should Abe and I had Republic of Korea on Wednes-
compared with a year ago. other hand, manufacturing should make further efforts to take full advantage of the day will help promote peace,
Analysts said China’s con- deceleration cycle, investment revival, resilient safeguard the multilateral exchange of their legislative frank talks and stability and prosperity for
sumer inflation would up from 3.1 percent consumption and strong trading system and free trade organizations, bringing peo-
reached a basic Asia and the world at large, he
remain mild this year external demand should by fighting against rising pro- ple from all walks of life to said.
although international oil in March. offer some cushion,” it said. tectionism, Li said. have an objective and rational Chuichi Date, president of
prices have risen sharply, Overall, China’s GDP “During my visit, Abe and I perception of the ties, Li told consensus.” the House of Councillors in the
which will have a spillover growth may ease this year as had frank talks and reached a Japanese legislators. Diet, said bilateral ties are
effect on domestic prices. Sun Fu, an analyst at Zhe- property and infrastructure basic consensus. Around 20 During a meeting with Ta- Premier Li Keqiang among the most important
International crude prices jiang Securities, said pork activities weaken, the report projects were approved by damori Oshima, speaker of the ties for both countries. China’s
topped three-year highs fol- prices remain in a downward said, warning that the ongo- both countries,” Li said. House of Representatives in province that China will firmly peaceful development is vital
lowing the news that US cycle and international oil ing China-US trade frictions Meetings between leaders Japan’s parliament, or Diet, open its door wider. New to Japan as well as the region
President Donald Trump prices have yet to show a may bring some headwinds. from both countries can make the premier said President Xi opportunities will come for and the world, he said.
decided to pull out of the Iran trend of continual sharp rises great strides in ties, and the Jinping sent a clear message to pragmatic cooperation
nuclear deal. Investors in the second quarter. In this Contact the writers at xin two countries have agreed to the world at the 2018 Boao between China and Japan. Contact the writers at huyong-
expected the development scenario, China’s inflation expand cooperation in fields Forum for Asia in Hainan Oshima congratulated Li for

NPC priorities point to crackdown on polluters HK tycoon retires

By CAO YIN resources, as well as further more systemic and complete,” adopted and revised about 20 ceiling for the fine. review a draft law on the pre- the plan says. laws and bills on environment In addition, there have been
vention and control of soil pol- The NPC Environment Pro- and ecology, including the more enforcement inspec-
The top legislature has lution, according to the plan. tection and Resources Conser- Water Pollution Prevention tions related to such laws. For
placed environment-related The soil law was discussed vation Committee also plans and Control Law and similar example, from June to August
legislation high on its agenda among lawmakers twice last to conduct more research on laws on environmental protec- last year, legislators were
this year to offer a stronger year. A draft law usually clean energy this year to help tion and air pollution preven- divided into five teams for 10
legal basis for the country’s receives three reviews before the country’s northern regions tion. regions to check how the Solid
fight against pollution. being adopted by the legisla- avoid winter air pollution, As the number of such laws Waste Control Law had been
The annual work plan of the ture. according to the top legisla- has been rising, the ability to implemented.
Standing Committee of the In December, the Solid ture. punish polluters has been In March, the legislature
National People’s Congress, Waste Control Law is expected Environment-related legis- more powerful. said it would invite officials of
which was made public at the to be revised, the plan shows. lation and enforcement For example, the revised environment-related authori-
end of last month, lists four The legislature is also con- inspections have received Environmental Protection Law, ties under the State Council to
major legislative items relat- sidering a draft law on atomic much more attention from the which went into effect in 2015, respond to concerns and ques-
ing to environmental protec- energy, but it did not release top legislature since the 18th is the law with the strictest pun- tions from national legislators
tion. the exact timetable for the National Congress of the Com- ishment. Polluters face fines regarding the Air Pollution Li Ka-shing, 89, who amassed a fortune estimated at over $33
In August, the legislature law. munist Party of China in late ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 Prevention and Control Law, billion, steps down as chairman of his flagship CK Hutchison
will revise the Chinese Land “The legislative efforts 2012. yuan ($1,576 to $15,765) a day if and to conduct an inspection Holdings on Thursday at Harbour Grand Kowloon hotel. He told
Administration Law to ensure against pollution will make In the past five years, the they do not stop emissions after on how the law is implement- reporters he had “done the best I can”. ROY LIU / CHINA DAILY
rational exploitation of land our environment-related laws NPC Standing Committee being alerted, and there is no ed this year.

Tibet delegates find E-sports bonus: Plentiful jobs

success in Canada By SHI FUTIAN
especially at the university
making university students
the mainstay of the e-sports
Through the national market.
A delegation of the National momentum of development in While gaming is still con- e-sports league, the youth The market value of Chi-
People’s Congress from Chi- their relations and they share sidered by many parents to league plans to facilitate and na’s e-sports sector had
na’s Tibet autonomous region a wide range of common inter- be the enemy of their chil- regulate the emergence of reached a whopping 20 bil-
concluded a four-day visit to ests and opportunities for dren’s studies, Chinese uni- more e-sports clubs at Chi- lion yuan ($3.15 billion) in
Canada on Wednesday. cooperation. versity students are being na’s universities and create 2016 thanks to direct spend-
The lawmakers visited He said China is willing to encouraged to attend more job opportunities in the ing on games, copyright dis-
Toronto and Ottawa, where work with Canada to earnestly Pema Wangdu (right), deputy to the National People’s Congress from e-sports courses and even e-sports sector. tribution, merchandising and
they exchanged ideas with a implement the important con- the Tibet autonomous region and member of the Tibetan regional Par- find a career in the sector. “The purpose of having other e-commerce, but the
variety of people. The group sensus between the leaders of ty standing committee of the Communist Party of China, answers That’s because there are this report is to give the uni- report indicates a looming
was led by Pema Wangdu, dep- the two countries, deepen questions in Ottawa on Wednesday. YU WUIDONG / CHINA NEWS SERVICE an estimated 260,000 versity student the right danger for the sport — a
uty to the People’s Congress of exchanges and cooperation in vacant positions waiting to understanding of e-sports shortage of talent.
the autonomous region and various fields, properly handle CPC National Congress. ciation will continue to work to be filled in the Chinese and to help the scientific and “Many university students
member of the Tibetan region- differences and sensitive issues, Under the guidance of Xi promote the development of e-sports industry, according healthy development of have an interest in and love
al Party standing committee of and promote the sustained and Jinping Thought on Socialism friendly and cooperative rela- to a university e-sports e-sports in China,” said Yu for e-sports, but they don’t
the Communist Party of China. stable development of the stra- with Chinese Characteristics tions between the two countries. development report pub- Miao, vice-president of the have the opportunity to get
Pema Wangdu, who is also tegic partnership between Chi- for a New Era, he said, Tibet- Ontario is willing to lished on Thursday by the China Youth E-Sports Com- into the business,” said Bob-
the secretary of the CPC Lhasa na and Canada so as to better ans are working with the rest strengthen cooperation with Network Film and TV Cen- petition. “We will build an by Jin, a senior manager of
Municipal Party Committee, benefit the two peoples. of the Chinese to move toward China in economy and trade, ter of the Chinese Commu- ecosystem of e-sports and League of Legend at Tencent.
gave a presentation on Tibet’s He added that the Tibet the grand goal of building a science and technology and nist Youth League in create more job opportuni- “Through more university
economic and social develop- autonomous region is willing moderately prosperous socie- tourism, officials said. Canada Beijing. ties.” activities and tournaments,
ment and answered questions to continue to actively support ty in all respects and to strive is impressed by Tibet’s The jobs, however, are not There were about 260 mil- we hope that more students
from Canadians. and participate in friendly for the realization of the “Two achievements in various fields to play games. With no short- lion registered e-sports will get involved and have
In Ottawa, the delegation exchanges between the two Centenary Goals.” in recent years and is willing age of gamers, authorities gamers in China in 2017, but the chance to work in the
met with the Canada-China countries. “Canadian friends are wel- to maintain candid exchanges are trying to nurture profes- the number is expected to e-sports sector.”
Legislative Association and the Pema Wangdu spoke of the come to visit Tibet, take a look with China to enhance mutual sional game designers, rise to 350 million in 2019, In September 2016, the
foreign and international historic changes that have tak- at the new socialist Tibet today, understanding, they said. coaches, tournament man- according to the report, pro- Ministry of Education listed
development committee of the en place in Tibet since the listen to the true thoughts of During the visit, the delega- gers and e-sports live broad- duced with the help of “e-sports and management”
House of Commons. In Toron- implementation of the system the Tibetan people and tion also met ethnic Tibetans casters. CYEC, Tencent E-Sports and as a college major, paving the
to, the delegation met with the of regional ethnic autonomy enhance understanding of the living in Ottawa and Toronto, The youth league also the Tencent team that sup- way for higher-education
head of the department of and the historic achievements reality of Tibet,” he said. experts and scholars from Car- announced the establish- ports the hit game League of institutes to offer related
international relations of in Tibet’s economic and social Canadian officials said they leton University and the Cana- ment of the Chinese Universi- Legend. courses and official diplo-
Ontario province. development over the past 40 consider developing relations dian Institute of Foreign Affairs. ty E-Sports League to help Also, 54.8 percent of the mas. Many universities saw a
Pema Wangdu said China years of reform and opening- with China important, and the further boost the healthy nation’s e-sports gamers have promising future for the field
and Canada enjoy a good up, especially since the 18th Canada-China Legislative Asso- XINHUA development of e-sports, undergraduate degrees, and jumped in.

Friday, May 11, 2018

The main bodies offering care for the elderly should

mostly be communities and home-care options, with
priority given to communities.”
Jiao Yahui, deputy chief for medical administration and supervision, National Health Commission


Briefly Aliwedding
Tourists warned
to stay away from
Ride-share driver
suspected in killing
China’s ride-sharing giant
Didi Chuxing is offering a
reward of up to 1 million
rare camel habitat
yuan ($157,600) for informa- By ZOU SHUO
tion on the whereabouts of
one of its drivers, Liu Zhen- Urumqi
hua, who is suspected of kill- Travel agencies have been Xinjiang Uygur
ing a flight attendant. The offering expeditions to Lop autonomous region
woman ordered Liu’s car on Nur in the Xinjiang Uygur
Saturday via the Didi app to autonomous region for trav-
take her from the Zhengzhou elers looking to conquer the
airport area to the city’s Lop Nur Wild Camel
no man’s land in the region’s National Nature Reserve
downtown. The woman, sur- southeast.
named Li, 21, worked at But the trips are illegal.
Lucky Air. She told col- The Lop Nur Wild Camel is overseen by the Xinjiang
leagues via WeChat that the National Nature Reserve, the Department of Environmen-
driver said she was beautiful largest dry desert reserve in tal Protection, which issued a
and wanted to kiss her. Li Xinjiang, is dedicated to the rule earlier this month pro-
declined their advice to get protection of wild Bactrian hibiting any expeditions or
out of Liu’s car. Didi shared camels, which are even more tourists in the area reserved
Liu’s name, photo, ID num- scarce than the giant panda. for Bactrian camels.
ber and cellphone number. Fewer than 1,000 wild Bac- “Spring is the reproductive
The woman’s body was trian camels live in the harsh season for Bactrian camels,”
found with stab wounds on deserts of China and Mongo- the statement said. “No orga-
Tuesday. Police are still lia. About 600 of them — 60 nization or individual may
searching for the suspect. percent of the global popula- enter the reserve for expedi-
Jack Ma (center), founder and chairman of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, attends a group wedding as chief witness for his tion — call the reserve home. tions or sightseeing purposes.”
SHAANXI employees in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Thursday. A total of 117 mainly Alibaba-employed lovebirds participated in the wedding and Lop Nur holds the mystery Violators will face fines
5 people die in received greetings from Ma. NIU JING / FOR CHINA DAILY of the disappearance of Lou- and can even be held crimi-
lan, an ancient Silk Road civili- nally liable, it said.
minivan crash zation from the third century. In November 2017, a fleet of
Five people were killed in a It was also the site of China’s 16 Land Rovers and 49 peo-

More nurses are needed to

minivan crash in Fugu first atomic bomb test in 1964. ple were found driving
county on Thursday, The area has been attractive to through Lop Nur as part of a
according to local authori- visitors who love adventure. cross-country activity. The
ties. The vehicle plunged At travel website Qu- reserve imposed fines of up to
into a reservoir at 7:50 am., a trip to Lop Nur 5,000 yuan on the company
Five of the eight passengers

care for graying population

costs more than 15,000 yuan that organized the activity,
in the vehicle died at the ($2,400) per person. Each and the 49 tourists were fined
scene; three survivors were tourist must pay a 1,500-yuan 5,000 yuan each.
treated at a hospital. “protection fee” to the reserve. An official at the reserve
The tour lasts seven to 10 said on Thursday that the
YUNNAN days. A tour guide, who also “protection fees” listed on
Large rhino horn serves as the driver, will carry travel website are being
intercepted Focus shifts from nursing homes to According to the National In terms of easing the eco- three tourists around Lop Nur. examined. She declined to
Committee on Aging, there nomic burden on nursing ser- Similar travel services are provide more information.
Customs officials in Yunnan more community and at-home service were 241 million people over vices, the National Health also offered at He Mang, assistant dean of
province intercepted a large 60 in China at the end of 2017, Commission has been paying and at similar the School of Tourism Man-
cross-section of rhinoceros By JIANG CHENGLONG be our main future direction,” accounting for 17.3 percent of more attention to long-term prices. also offers agement at Sun Yat-sen Uni-
horn. Customs staff in Teng- jiangchenglong@ said Jiao Yahui, deputy chief the total population. Those care insurance. The insurance guides for tourists who drive versity, said the ecology of
chong intercepted a parcel for medical administration from 60 to 69 made up 56.1 is designed to provide eco- themselves. A guide costs the reserve is vulnerable and
on Monday and found the and supervision for the percent of that group, or 135 nomic assistance to those 2,600 yuan per day. illegal expeditions not only
horn section, which More seniors will be able to National Health Commission. million people. who lose the ability to tend to Ctrip and Fliggy said on threaten wildlife but also
weighed 757 grams. The receive nursing care — not “The main bodies offering Yet there were only 3.8 mil- their daily needs as they grow Thursday that they have tak- destroy vegetation.
case is under investigation. only at elderly care facilities care for the elderly should lion nurses nationwide in old. en such travel services off Expeditions into deserts
Transactions involving rhi- but also within communities mostly be communities and 2017, which is insufficient to “This can help with sen- their websites. also entail significant safety
noceros horns or products and even at home in the home-care options, with pri- care for the country’s elderly, iors’ long-term nursing Established in 1986, the risks. Rescue missions require
have been banned in China future, according to a health- ority given to communities.” Jiao said, noting that elderly expenses to a certain extent,” Lop Nur reserve covers a lot of manpower and finan-
since 1993. care official. Hospitals are currently the includes healthy individuals, Jiao said. 61,200 square kilometers. It cial resources, he said.
“Based on our national con- main providers of nursing those with chronic diseases In 2016, 15 pilot cities in
HUBEI ditions, nursing care provided services for the elderly in and those able to look after China were designated to
Park to open
by year’s end
by organizations should not China. themselves to some degree.
“So we are now extending
our nursing services for the
pilot long-term care insur-
ance, including Shanghai;
Guangzhou, Guangdong
Tibetan antelopes
A heritage park in Wuhan
will open to the public at
the end of this year, authori-
elderly from hospitals to com-
munities and even homes,”
Jiao said. “Our healthcare
province; and Chengdu, Si-
chuan province.
The nursing profession in
start birthing journey
ties said on Thursday. The centers within communities China is becoming much
Panlong City Ruins, featur- can send staff to seniors’ stronger in terms of quantity XINING — Pregnant Tibet- The animals usually mate
ing bronzes from the Shang homes.” and quality, Jiao said. “The an antelopes have begun in December and give birth
Dynasty (c. 16th century- Shanghai has been setting number of registered nurses their annual migration to a in late June or early July.
11th century BC), were the up nursing centers within in 2017 rose by 126.5 percent lake deep within the Hoh Xil The Tibetan antelope is
first of their kind discov- communities since 2016, with over the 1.68 million in 2008,” Nature Reserve in Qinghai mostly found in the Tibet
ered along the middle the goal of bringing such ser- she said. “And 67 percent of province to give birth, the autonomous region, Qinghai
reaches of the Yangtze Riv- vices closer to where people them have college or higher reserve’s management and the Xinjiang Uygur
er. Located beside Panlong live. degrees. bureau said on Tuesday. autonomous region. The ani-
Lake, the site was discov- Wen Daxiang, deputy “However, there is still a At around 7:30 pm on May mals are a Class 1 protected
ered in 1954 and has been director of the Shanghai huge gap between supply and 3, about 50 Tibetan ante- species in China.
named one of China’s top Health Commission, said: “Up demand. Our society should lopes were seen crossing the The antelope population
100 archaeological discov- until the end of 2017, there pay more attention to promot- Qinghai-Tibet highway to declined sharply from
eries of the 20th century. An exhibitor shows a therapeutic bed to visitors at the China were 108 nursing centers in ing the profession so more Zonag Lake in Hoh Xil, 200,000 to 20,000 in the
International Senior Services Expo in Beijing on Wednesday. the city, 99 of which were oper- people will decide join their which is known as the “deliv- 1980s because of illegal hunt-
XINHUA—CHINA DAILY FENG YONGBIN / CHINA DAILY ated by private companies.” ranks.” ery room” for the migratory ing. The population has since
species. recovered, thanks to meas-
Every year, tens of thou- ures taken to protect habitat

In Shanghai, anxiety remains as education choices narrow sands of the expectant ante-
lope mothers migrate to the
lake between the end of May
and stricter enforcement of
the hunting ban.
In July, Hoh Xil became a
and early June. They usually world heritage site.
By CAO CHEN in Shanghai According to this year’s pri- with the designated public schools and that schools with- depart the area with their off- mary school enrollment poli- school as a backup. out boarding facilities must spring in August. XINHUA

A sharp decline in the num-

cy, applicants must choose a
private or public school when 19,900 After introduction of the
new regulations, the family
not accept students from oth-
er districts.
ber of students applying to pri- filling out enrollment papers. Number of applications decided to drop the private In addition, all interviews
vate primary schools in
Shanghai may indicate that
This means that if one is not
accepted into a private school
received by private schools school application, saying the
risk was too high.
for private primary schools
were limited to just two days
Some puppy
in Shanghai so far, compared
the city’s newly introduced — which can happen because with 37,400 last year Competition for a seat at — this year on May 19 and 20.
regulations have cooled its of limited space and high private schools has become so At the same time, authori-
long-standing ardor for the demand — the student also fierce over the past decade ties have attempted in recent
schools. risks losing his or her spot at a that in some extreme cases years to balance the education
The number of applicants designated public school more than 70 pupils have quality of private and public
for kindergarten and primary based on the residential prox- parents to be more rational applied for a single seat. schools through methods such
slots at private schools in the imity system. The student will in selecting private schools,” Anxiety about school selec- as curriculum resource shar-
metropolis dropped by half then be subject to allocation said Xu Yanxin, assistant to tion has also led parents to ing and high-quality teacher
this year, according to regis- to another primary school, the principal of ECNU Affili- enroll their children in inten- exchanges.
tration figures from the which can be less desirable ated Bilingual School, a pri- sive after-school private train- Despite the drop in the over-
Shanghai Municipal Educa- than the previously designat- vate boarding school serving ing sessions to ensure all number of applications to
tion Commission. ed one. students from preschool to successful interviews. Anxiety private schools, however, anxi-
Private schools have Children could once be Grade 12. has prevailed and complaints ety remains high for many
received only 19,900 applica- steered toward a private Zhou Ping, the mother of a of children being overbur- parents.
tions, compared with 37,400 school without losing their 6-year-old, said the family dened have run rampant. “The average ratio for all A worker from the Yunnan Zoo uses a blowgun to shoot an anesthesia
last year. The enrollment ratio spots in their neighborhood bought an apartment in 2016 To ease the stress, Shang- private schools may be lower,” dart into an Asian black bear at a resident’s home in Yiliang county,
— the ratio of applicants to public school, because enroll- to ensure that her son would hai’s education commission said a parent of a 6-year-old Yunnan province, before taking the bear to the zoo on Wednesday.
available slots in private ments in private schools have a spot at a reputable has, since 2015, narrowed the who asked that only his sur- The resident, Su Jun, bought the animal two years ago from a road-
schools — dropped from came earlier than in public public school nearby. She had choices for private education. name, Shi, be used. “But for side vendor who said it was a puppy. Su realized that it was a bear as
around 3-to-1 in the past two schools. planned to apply for a private It ruled that each student the most popular schools, it’s it grew to more than 200 kilograms, leading him to contact county
years to 1.4-to-1 this year. “The new policy forces school as a priority choice, could apply to two private still a dog-eat-dog scramble.” forestry officials in January. ZHANG HAOZHE / FOR CHINA DAILY
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018 CHINA 5

Safflower plants Artifact facts

come to the desert vision
By LUO WANGSHU in Beijing
and MAO WEIHUA in Urumqi
first attempt in China to culti-
vate safflower in the desert,”
As a bulwark against deser-
tification, safflower plants are
he said.
Despite Wang’s confidence,
it’s still too early to know
for HK
being cultivated on arid land whether the plants can survive
in the Xinjiang Uygur autono- in the Gurbantunggut. Results By LUIS LIU in Hong Kong
mous region, according to a will be known in less than
regiment of the Xinjiang Pro- three months: Workers will
duction and Construction begin harvesting at the end of A high-ranking official
Corps. July. called on Hong Kong to
Workers from the regiment The flowers and seeds from push forward the develop-
began sowing safflower seeds safflower plants are used in ment of the “one country,
on May 1, and will complete traditional Chinese medicinal two systems” policy in new
the task soon. About 53 hec- products, in vegetable oil and ways.
tares will be planted in the other applications. Wang Zhimin, director
Gurbantunggut Desert in Xinjiang is China’s biggest of the central government’s
northern Xinjiang. safflower production base, liaison office in the Hong
Wang Hongjiang, a techni- mostly in Ili, Tacheng and Jim- Kong Special Administra-
cian in the regiment, said sar. tive Region, made the
desert conditions are actually According to Wang, the remarks during a meeting
ideal for safflower cultivation. investment per hectare is to study the spirit of Presi-
“The soil and water condi- 9,000 to 10,500 yuan ($1,418 to dent Xi Jinping’s speech
tions there are all good for the $1,650). commemorating the 200th
crop,” he said, adding that The regiment decided to birthday of German philos-
workers draw water from a plant in the Gurbantunggut A visitor learns about the protection of artifacts at the 14th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair in Shenzhen, opher Karl Marx, a founder
nearby reservoir for irrigation. late last year in light of suita- Guangdong province, on Thursday. The five-day event features exhibitors from 42 countries and regions. XUAN HUI / FOR CHINA DAILY of communist ideology.
Wang has been cultivating ble soil conditions, weather In his speech, Xi high-
the thistlelike annual plant in and a relative lack of pollution, lighted the openness and
Xinjiang for about six years, Wang said. More will be plant- epoch-defining character

Chengdu woman nurses

mostly in Ili Kazak autono- ed next year if the crop is suc- of Marxism — a guiding
mous prefecture. cessful, he said. theory of the Communist
“Xinjiang is known for saf- Party of China.
flower, but it is mostly grown Contact the writers at Wang urged liaison offi-
on dedicated agricultural land luowangshu@ cials to push forward the
or along hillsides. This is the development of the “one

Special delivery 4-legged quake survivors country, two systems” poli-

cy with a more innovative
perspective, a broader
vision and more open
This is in line with Xi’s
Guided by empathetic heart, she Many dogs
pledge made during his vis-
it to Hong Kong in July that
quit business to open dog shelter hid in the the country must do well in
building up the socialist
mainland but also the capi-
By HUANG ZHILING one of around 20 quake sur- rubble for fear of talist Hong Kong, Wang
and CUI JIA in Chengdu vivors. being killed. It was said.
Chen was an employee at He also said that Marx-
When Chen Yunlian and a
guest opened the door to her
a State-owned thermos
plant in Chengdu. In the ear-
difficult and danger- ism is people-centered and
practical, and added that
apartment in the suburbs of ly 1980s, she quit her job ous to look for them. liaison officials must step
Chengdu, Sichuan province, and became wealthy by sell- up their efforts to commu-
a dozen dogs barked, ing plastic bowls. Very often the rubble nicate the care and support
wagged their tails and licked Her life took a U-turn in Xi and the central govern-
their shoes and trousers. 1996. When she was on her collapsed after we ment offer to the people of
“It is their way of being way to sign a business con- Hong Kong.
friendly,” said Chen, who tract, she found a sick, stray took away a dog.” Moreover, as Marxist
Postal worker Wang Hua sets a route for an aerial drone in seems much younger than dog along the side of the theory is scientific and
Qingzhen, Guizhou province, on Thursday. The local postal bureau her 70 years. road gazing sadly at her. Chen Yunlian, who rescued more than 200 dogs from the rubble truthful, liaison officials
has used the device, which can carry about 4 kilograms, to deliver She gently took out a dog Feeling empathy, she sought of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 must stand firm politically,
parcels to five remote communities, covering routes in just 10 min- lying below a chair to apply treatment for the dog and Wang said.
utes that once took 2 hours. LIU XU / XINHUA medicine to its eyes. took him home. began biting the trousers of ble. He sat on the clothes Achieving the goal also
“She is Jing Ling, which “Since then, I have just her owner, trying to lead the and refused to leave. requires full implementa-
means smart in Sichuan dia- adopted dogs and no longer way out of the building. The Chen adopted the dog, tion of Xi Jinping Thought
lect. She lost her eyesight in do business,” Chen said. family did not understand which died four years later. on Socialism with Chinese

Guizhou residents the Wenchuan earthquake

when a building fell on her,”
Chen said.
After the Wenchuan
earthquake, she and volun-
teers rushed to the quake
her strange behavior but
“The dog was the last to
Chen has a 7.3-hectare
facility to care for the thou-
sands of dogs she has adopt-
Characteristics for a New
Era, which is the latest
development of Marxism
Jing Ling has lived at zone because she knew dog leave the building. Falling ed. in China, Wang said.
protect cedar forest Chen’s canine center with
some 5,000 other aban-
doned dogs on a hill in the
owners could not care for
their animals, and police
would kill strays because of
building materials blinded
her. The owner cried and
asked me to take care of
The cost is heavy and
Chen must raise the funds
New era thought has
enriched the idea of one
country with two systems
For 18 generations, people in drops of their own blood in a suburbs of Chengdu. As her concerns about disease. her because dogs were for- “In preparing a meal, the and has offered guidelines
Denglu village in Taijiang coun- traditional ritual. right eye became inflamed “Many dogs hid in the rub- bidden in the tent shelters base requires 500 kilograms to further develop the prin-
ty, Guizhou province, have kept There is a major economic recently, Chen took her ble for fear of being killed. It in the quake zone,” Chen of rice,” she said. ciple, Wang said.
their ancestor’s oath to guard a interest, as traders covet the home for intensive care. was difficult and dangerous said. Despite her difficult The office will work hard
primeval forest of Chinese precious timber. But the resi- “She is more than 10 years to look for them. Very often Chen cared for the dog for financial straits, she offers to ease Hong Kong’s inte-
cedar trees. dents say they would rather live old. One year for a dog is the rubble collapsed after two years until the owner the rescued dogs chicken gration into the nation’s
The large, slow-growing in poverty than make a fortune about 7 years for a human,” we took away a dog,” Chen got a new house to welcome breast and giblets in addi- overall development by
evergreens were the precious from the wood. Chen said. said. the savior home. tion to rice and dog food. pushing forward the
timber used to build imperial Zhang said a businessman After the magnitude-8.0 Her love for dogs deep- In another case, in Beich- “They are old and need Guangdong-Hong Kong-
palaces, such as Beijing’s For- once offered him 2.8 million earthquake in 2008, Chen ened as she heard stories of uan county, a dog was seen special care,” she said. Macao Greater Bay Area
bidden City, and to furnish yuan ($439,000) for a single rescued more than 200 dogs their loyalty in the quake digging in the rubble after a plan and supporting Hong
imperial houses. However, tree, in addition to a brokerage from the rubble. Most of zone. building buried his owner. Contact the writers at Kong’s participation in the
overcutting has driven the fee of 500,000 yuan and proper- them died or were adopted Minutes before the earth- But he only managed to pull huangzhiling@ Belt and Road Initiative,
plant species to near extinction ty in the county. But he refused. by dog lovers. Jing Ling is quake, a dog in Dujiangyan some clothes out of the rub- Wang said.
in China. In 2015, the county govern-
Denglu, secluded in a cedar ment joined residents’ efforts to
forest about 11 kilometers from
a county-level town, has 140
households, many in wooden
protect the trees after some ille-
gal logging occurred. The gov-
ernment helped identify
Tibet solar energy park to benefit 2,000 poor families
houses supported by sturdy individual trees that were more
trunks. than a century old and entrust- thing goes well, the plant will sions, we finally made up our
Zhang Shengyi, Party chief of ed the residents to manage the
By DAQIONG in Lhasa
and ZHANG YI in Beijing be completed in 2025. Five
The government has patiently minds,” she said.
the village, said the wood is a forest. percent of the annual profit introduced policies to us Lhagchog said she opened a
symbol of longevity, and resi- As part of poverty relief Construction of China’s will be used for local poverty small restaurant which
dents had maintained a tradi- efforts, a paved road to the vil- largest photovoltaic industrial alleviation,” Galsang Nyoidrub many times, and after countless brought in more revenue than
tion of cedar worship. There are lage was built, 4G mobile servi- park has begun in Samdrubze said. expected, and the local govern-
more than 20,000 cedar trees in ces were introduced and a district of Shigatse, Tibet He said the electricity will family discussions, we finally made ment also helped her father
the forest and nearly every big primary school was built. The autonomous region, with the be sold to South Asian coun- up our minds.” find a job as a custodian, with a
tree blossoms with red prayer pristine woods and the legend- project expected to house tries, including Nepal and monthly salary of 4,500 yuan.
ribbons. ary village are drawing more 2,000 families from poverty- India, as well as to East China Lhagchog, Shigatse resident who moved from Penpa, the 54-year-old
During the village’s 600-year artists and tourists, and resi- stricken areas, local anti-pov- after transmission lines go up a remote village to the solar park father, said, “We moved from a
history, every generation of dents hope that the wood will erty authorities said on in the future. shabby mud building to a big
Zhang clan has pledged to bring them some fortune in a Thursday. “Located close to an Opposite the photovoltaic help them find proper jobs.” and bright house. Our life
guard the rare trees, swearing sustainable way. The park, with an invest- expressway which is under industrial park, a “photovolta- Lhagchog, 28, one of the changed totally from farmers
an oath and drinking wine with XINHUA ment of 28 billion yuan ($4.4 construction, and near the ic town” is under construction, beneficiaries of the project, to city residents.”
billion), will be centered on a city’s airport, the industrial with an investment of 4 billion moved from Garzang village to Lhagchog said: “With con-
2,000-megawatt solar power park will also develop ecologi- yuan. The community will the community in downtown venient transportation, it is
plant, with an annual output cal agriculture and service accommodate 2,000 house- Shigatse last December. easy to take my 2-year-old
of 4 billion kWh, and an out- industry jobs to generate more holds from poverty-stricken “My family has always lived daughter to the hospital. Now I
put value of over 4 billion employment opportunities,” areas, representing the largest in Garzang, a remote village,” am improving my cooking
yuan, said Galsang Nyoidrub, he added. relocation project in the she said, “We have relied on skills to run my restaurant bet-
director of the Samdrubze “The power plant alone will region. seven acres of land to make a ter. I want to raise my daughter
Development and Reform not generate enough job “We have already finished living, but it has low yields due to be a grateful, educated per-
Commission. vacancies, so we will also 75 percent of the project. to water shortages and the son who is useful to society,”
He said developing the solar develop agriculture suitable to Some 1,008 people from 234 high altitude. “The family is satisfied with
power sector in Shigatse local conditions. Greenhouses households have already “Since 2016, the govern- our life now, and we believe a
makes sense on many fronts. It will be built under photovolta- moved in, and most are satis- ment began encouraging us to brighter future is coming. We
is even nicknamed “the city of ic panels to save space.” fied with their living condi- move, but we were hesitant at are lucky to live in the new
sunlight” with average annual Two agricultural companies tions and employment first because of fear of an era,” she said.
sunlight of 3,300 hours. have already started opera- arrangements,” Galsang Nyo- unknown future. The govern-
Women parade through a cedar forest in Denglu village in Taijiang “We plan to officially start tions in the park, investing 150 idrub said. “One task is to per- ment has patiently introduced Contact the writers at
county, Guizhou province during last year’s Spring Festival. building the solar segment at million yuan, Galsang Nyoi- suade those poor households policies to us many times, and zhangyi1@
LIU KAIFU / XINHUA the end of this year. If every- drub said. to leave their hometowns and after countless family discus-
6 CHINA Friday, May 11, 2018 CHINA DAILY

I want all the students

who consulted me
before to be able
to reach me whenever
they need to.
psychologically from
an earthquake can be a
lifelong process.”
Du Li, counselor at Dingxin Xinjian
Primary School in Dujiangyan city

In Dujiangyan, safety concerns

meant 349 high school students and
329 teachers had to gather at one
school, and classes had to resume
almost immediately because many
of the students were set to take the
most important test of their young
lives — the gaokao, or national col-
lege entrance examination — about
a month later.
“Some students and teachers had
post-traumatic stress disorders, such
as insomnia and depression,” Zhang
said. “The experts lived with them for
about two weeks, and offered assist-
ance whenever they could, which
helped many of those affected.”

Long-term support
Zhang stressed the importance of
long-term psychological support.
Chen Heqiong (second from right), a former teacher who is now a counselor at Qiyi, a middle and high school in Yingxiu, Sichuan province, plays a game with students. ZOU HONG / CHINA DAILY “People often need a long time to
recover from mental wounds. For
example, take the magnitude 7.8

Quake: Teachers-turned-counselors
earthquake in Tangshan (Hebei
province) — even now, many people
are still influenced by what they
experienced then, even though the
quake occurred in 1976,” she said.
In November 2008, the AIDS pre-

help survivors rebuild shattered lives vention project arranged for 34

teachers from Sichuan to visit Beijing
and spend two weeks attending psy-
chology classes and lectures deliv-
ered by experts. In the following three
years, the project was extended, with
From page 1 the result that many of the teachers
became licensed psychologists.
Ten years on, all the schools in the “The Wenchuan earthquake is a
province that were damaged or milestone in post-traumatic psycho-
destroyed have been rebuilt and fit- logical support in China. In the past,
ted with state-of-the-art teaching people were reluctant to visit psy-
equipment. However, many of the chologists, even during a crisis,
students who survived the quake because they felt ashamed to be
are still struggling with post-trau- labeled as having a ‘mental illness’,”
matic stress, and it may take dec- said Liu Zhengkui, a researcher with
ades for them to recover fully, the Institute of Psychology at the
according to Chen, the teacher- Chinese Academy of Sciences.
turned-counselor. According to Liu, before the
“The earthquake has left a giant Wenchuan quake, no psychologists
boulder in everybody’s heart. Some in China specialized in post-trau-
people are able to walk past it, while matic assistance, so the inadequate
others remain stuck behind it,” she counseling provided by untrained
said. volunteers in the immediate after-
As a result, many teachers in the math resulted in many victims
quake zone have retrained as psy- shunning psychological assistance,
chological counselors to provide and some inappropriate advice even
step-by-step assistance for troubled made the victims’ conditions worse.
survivors, even those who have In the first three years after the
graduated and started their work- quake, the institute sent professionals
ing lives. to many badly affected areas to pro-
“As someone who was trapped vide treatment and training.
and then rescued, I can perfectly “Foreign experts who provided
understand what students who had experience of post-trauma assistance
similar experiences went through. I were very helpful, but we discovered
can connect with them and they that some of their techniques, such as
trust me,” said Chen, who had exposure therapy (which is often used
gained a bachelor’s in educational to treat anxiety disorders), were not
psychology a few months before the practiced efficiently in China,” Liu
earthquake struck. He Yulong, a science teacher at Yongchang Primary School, also offers psychological counseling to quake survivors. ZOU HONG / CHINA DAILY said.
In 2009, when the new campus “By learning from both practice
came into use, Chen, who once and overseas experience, our
taught political education, became a high school in another township. Although Feng doesn’t mind talk- lems are hidden, the more difficult affected by the quake established experts discovered some unique
full-time counselor at the school That was when he first noticed his ing about the quake, he usually they are to treat. psychological consultation facilities, and effective treatments — for
because she believed the students’ emotional scars. refuses to visit Yingxiu: “The old and many teachers received profes- example, practicing calligraphy —
psychological wounds should be “When my new classmates asked school is still there. I don’t really Unexpected trigger sional training. which proved to be useful methods
treated as quickly as possible. what was wrong with my leg, I want to see it.” According to Du Li, a counselor at “Psychological consultation was of tackling stress and nervous disor-
During the following year, she immediately became very angry and However, he will make an excep- Dingxin Xinjian Primary School in used like a first aid service in the ders for many patients.”
helped a student who began crying refused to say another word,” he tion this year, to attend a class Dujiangyan city, many teachers first few years after the quake, and According to the institute, more
uncontrollably when the teacher recalled. reunion. who survived the quake are still now it’s part of the students’ health- than 1 million people have benefited
asked the class to write letters to Eventually, he decided to consult experiencing psychological prob- care routine,” Du said. from crisis counseling in the past 10
their relatives, because he had lost Chen in an attempt to deal with his Hidden problems lems, but as a result of unusual cir- Established in 2006, the AIDS Pre- years, with more than 50 percent of
his father in the quake. She also stress before it became worse. Chen Xuemin, a teacher who pro- cumstances. vention Education Project for Chinese them age 18 or younger.
held therapy sessions with a stu- “She told me it was perfectly nor- vides psychological counseling at “Many parents who lost children Youth was one of first nonprofit orga- Moreover, some survivors have
dent who told her she saw no point mal to feel uncomfortable about Ziyan Primary School in Mianzhu in the earthquake decided to have nizations to provide psychological learned to overcome their initial
in living after her mother and people’s questions about my injury, city, which was also hit by the quake, another baby, and now some of the counseling after the quake. trauma and now regard the disaster
grandmother died in the disaster. but I should understand that my said some students displayed obvi- teachers are teaching the younger “At the time, psychological prob- as a moment of revelation.
Feng Chengjie, a former student new classmates only asked because ous and severe psychological trau- brothers or sisters of children they lems didn’t receive a lot of attention, “I don’t see the earthquake as a
of Chen’s, knows he was fortunate to they cared about me,” he said. ma immediately after the event, but knew who died. Trust me, it’s not because most resources were target- bad thing. Somehow, I have to
survive. “She also encouraged me to that didn’t mean that those who easy for them,” she said. ed at medical aid, food and water appreciate it because it made me see
“My left leg was stuck in the rub- accept my injury as a part of the showed no symptoms wouldn’t The 50-year-old is fully aware of supplies, along with temporary the best in people. For me, the rescu-
ble and I was trapped for more than ‘new me’, and that there was nothing experience problems later on. the importance of psychological housing,” said Zhang Yinjun, the ers who used their bare hands to dig
two days. But I consider myself to be ashamed of. Now, I have no She described treating a former counseling because she has also project’s director. me out, the volunteers who cared for
lucky because a classmate who was problem explaining about the earth- student who began having a recur- experienced post-traumatic stress A few days after the earthquake, me 24/7 at the hospital and teacher
right behind me as we tried to quake and what happened, but I ring nightmare about seven years disorder, marked by extreme irrita- the project organized teams of psy- Chen are all superheroes,” said Feng,
escape died when the ceiling fell in,” don’t want to be treated differently after the quake. The girl dreamed bility and hallucinations. Profes- chologists to help resolve conflicts the former student.
said the 24-year-old, who started because of what I went through 10 she was walking to school with her sional assistance helped Du between the education department Chen Heqiong, the teacher who
working in Chengdu, the capital of years ago.” friends along a road lined with overcome her difficulties, and later and parents who had either lost spent three days buried in the rub-
Sichuan, two years ago after gradu- Feng keeps in close contact with a graveyards. However, on the jour- she trained as a counselor. children or whose children had ble of Xuankou High School, was so
ating from a university in the city. student who was rescued from a ney home she was always alone. Although many aspects of her life been severely injured. deeply affected by the disaster that
Although the muscles in his left leg high school in Yingxiu that was also “After a number of therapy ses- have changed in the past 10 years, “Nothing can relieve the anguish in 2009 she changed her birthday to
were badly damaged below the knee, severely damaged. The two shared a sions I discovered that she had one thing has remained constant — of losing a child. Some parents had May 12, the date the earthquake
the doctors treating him were able to room in the hospital and quickly walked to school with her friends her cellphone number. “I want all no way of expressing their grief, struck.
avoid amputation. However, the leg became friends. on the day of the earthquake, but the students who consulted me except by directing their anger at the “For me and students such as
was permanently damaged and the “One of his legs was amputated, she was the only one in the group before to be able to reach me when- education department,” Zhang said. Feng, it was the day we were reborn
scars are obvious. and he lost his father. The earthquake who survived. The nightmares ever they need to. Recovering psy- However, when the experts — we have to make sure we live our
In 2009, after completing his is still a forbidden topic for him. He were triggered by anxiety as she chologically from an earthquake arrived in the areas devastated by new lives to the full,” she said.
studies in junior high school at the gets very angry and swears at people prepared for the national college can be a lifelong process,” she said. the quake, they realized that many
temporary tent campus in Yingxiu, if they mention the event, which he entrance exam,” Chen Xuemin said, In the aftermath of the disaster, students and teachers were experi- Contact the writers at
Feng began attending a senior believes destroyed his life,” Feng said. adding that the deeper the prob- almost every school in the area encing severe post-traumatic stress.
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018 CHINA 7

Rebirth in the
face of death
By CAO YIN in Beijing and The work has helped him
HUANG ZHILING to realize that it is not easy to
in Chengdu become a good rescue work-
er. Every firefighter is always
Jiang Yuhang regards the ready to respond quickly
2008 Wenchuan earthquake when the alarm bell rings,
as his rebirth and something no matter what they are
to treasure in his life. doing, because “no one
His survival was seen by knows when the next emer-
many as a miracle. The then- gency will come”.
19-year-old intern at the At first, the work was new
Yingxiu highway adminis- and exciting, and even
tration spent 124 hours though Jiang has inevitably
trapped under the rubble of settled into a routine, he has
a six-story building in Ying- never regretted his choice.
xiu township, Sichuan prov- Although the upcoming
ince, near the quake’s 10th anniversary of the
epicenter, and he could quake means he cannot
smell the bodies of his dead avoid recalling the disaster,
colleagues nearby. he has devised his own
Ten years later, he still method of dealing with it.
clearly remembers catching “Every May 12, I talk in my
glimpses of the orange uni- heart to the people who
forms of the firefighters in saved me and helped me aft-
the rescue team through the er the disaster. I report the
cracks in the debris that sep- year’s achievements and fail-
arated him from safety. ures to them,” he said, refer-
Huaxi village in Jiangsu province has long been considered the country’s No 1 village. XU CONGJUN / FOR CHINA DAILY “Seeing those flashes of ring to the imaginary
color made me feel secure conversations he has with
and brought hope, so I made his saviors.

Village blazes path to prosperity

a decision at that moment to “The significance of com-
join them,” the 29-year-old memorating the event is that
said. we should improve our res-
Six months after the cue services because learn-
quake, he joined a rescue ing lessons from a disaster
unit affiliated to the Shang- can help to prevent us from
Huaxi, where residents once subsisted on grain rations, owns billion-yuan conglomerate hai Fire Service, which had
saved his life. Later, he was
being harmed again,” he add-
ed. “I am proud to be a fire-
transferred to his home- fighter. For me, the happiest
By CANG WEI in Nanjing is estimated to worth 300 mil- “We have many preferential town, Kaili in Guizhou prov- thing in the past 10 years has lion yuan according to media policies to attract talent,” Wu ince, as part of an emergency been better understanding
reports. said. “They are crucial to our response team. the job and becoming fully
Wu Xie’en, a village chief in But 57 years ago, Huaxi was development and we must “I am able to better under- integrated with the rescue
Jiangsu province, has person- a poor village with only 1,764 have an open mind to wel- stand peoples’ feelings of team. I want to do this work
ally donated more than 100 yuan in assets and debts of come them.” hopelessness and fear dur- for as long as possible.”
million yuan ($15.7 million) in 20,000 yuan. Each of its 667 The group has invested in a ing an emergency, because I
15 years to help villagers build villagers received a daily laser chip program led by sci- have been in the same situa- Contact the writers at
a well-off community. ration of 250 grams of grain. entists who returned to China tion,” he said.
Huaxi village, where he Then its chief, Wu Xie’en’s from Silicon Valley in the Unit-
works, is known as China’s No father, Wu Renbao, started to ed States. It began production
1 village. It may not be the kick-start industry and help in the neighboring city of
country’s richest village, but it the villagers shake off poverty. Changzhou recently.
is considered by many to be In his 15 years as village People working for the
the most famous. chief since succeeding his group now share the same sal-
“Leading such a village is father, Wu has put a lot of ary standards and rights as vil-
never easy,” Wu said. “I just thought into reforms and lagers, who used to enjoy extra
hope that my work can bring a finding new growth engines bonuses but now make up less
better future to Huaxi and our — even being called the “fac- than 8 percent of its work-
villagers.” tory-closing chief” for shut- force.
The 54-year-old has a busy ting down traditional “You are a Huaxi local if you
schedule most days. He gets industries. work for the village,” Wu said.
up at 6:30 am and arrives at In 2003, his first year in “The talented young genera-
the office within an hour. After office, he closed nine compa- tion is Huaxi’s future.”
spending an hour catching up nies engaged in traditional For five years, he has sent
with the news and routine industries, such as chemical batches of young people to
paperwork, Wu turns his production and the manufac- poverty-stricken areas in Guiz-
attention to meetings, making ture of wire rods, which pollut- hou and Qinghai provinces to
investment decisions and giv- ed the environment but could live with local farmers.
ing lectures. He often does not Village chief Wu Xie’en talks about Huaxi’s development in front of earn more than 100 million “Many of our young people
get to bed until 1:30 am. a photo of the Long Wish Hotel. LIU YIFAN / FOR CHINA DAILY yuan a year. have enjoyed good living con-
The village he leads now The group now owns com- ditions since they were born,”
owns a conglomerate, Jiangsu panies in many sectors, from Wu said.
Huaxi Group, with total assets the well-planned village, Huaxi has never been hesi- wholesale agricultural prod- “They should experience
of more than 50 billion yuan. where each family owns fancy tant about showing the out- ucts and financial services to farmers’ lives in other areas
Located in the city of Jiangyin, cars and free villas. They work side world how wealthy it is. investment and cutting-edge and know more about the
it has grown from just under 1 in the group’s companies and Its 328-meter-high Long Wish technologies. country. We hope that with
square kilometer in the 1960s factories, have free medical Hotel, which cost 3 billion In 2001, Huaxi started to their help, the village and its
to 35 sq km. insurance and enjoy stock and yuan to build and opened in accept villagers from neigh- companies can thrive for at Jiang Yuhang trains a search dog in Kaili, Guizhou province.
About 60,000 people live in yearly bonuses. 2011, houses a golden bull that boring areas. least 100 years.” JIANG HONGJING / XINHUA

Around China Roses bring riches to flower innovator

HENAN edly wearing shorts to work.
Teacher suspended Jin is suing for 25,000 yuan A man in Southwest China
($3,930) in damages. He has is learning that a rose by any
for spitting ordeal accused his former employer of other name perhaps smells
A kindergarten teacher, sur- violating labor laws and regu- sweeter after all.
named Zhang, has been sus- due to a land-use feud. A Guo- lations, while it countered that After three decades in the
pended after ordering all 17 of long village head, surnamed Jin had breached company flower trade, Yang Yuyong’s
her female pupils to line up Zhuang, said young villagers regulations because he had business is blossoming, and
and spit at a young male class- should no longer suffer from been told when he was hired in he was even given the right to
mate in Pingdingshan. Foot- age-old resentment. 2016 that he would not be name a variety of Chinese
age showed Zhang leading her NANFANG RURAL DAILY allowed to wear shorts to work. rose — bingqing, or “icy
class in a round of applause SHANGHAI TV STATION clear”.
after each spitting. The boy JIANGSU Yang, 63, now calls Yunnan
was in tears by the end of the province home — where the
ordeal. Zhang said she just Icy treat contains SHAANXI
mild climate has allowed the
wanted to teach the boy a les- vile surprise Man beaten for cultivation of a booming flo- Women gather rose petals at a plantation in Anning, Yunnan province. The province has 200,000
son after he was caught spit- A woman, surnamed Yang, forgetting hi-fi ral market. flower growers, creating 800,000 sector-related jobs. WONG CAMPION / FOR CHINA DAILY
ting at one of his female who discovered a rat’s tail A man, surnamed Wang, was The province has 200,000
classmates. The boy’s parents inside her flavored ice rejected beaten after he forgot to take a flower growers, creating
contacted the education a compensation offer of 2,000 hi-fi to a square for a public 800,000 sector-related jobs. “When I came to Yunnan, Yang is exempt from ease-resistant and command
authority after learning what yuan ($315) in Huai’an on May dance session in Xi’an. Wang Commercial flower planta- most flowers on the market 600,000 yuan in taxes each higher selling prices,” Zhang
had happened to their son. 1. Yang said she was shocked had pitched in with another tions cover over 100,000 were ordinary at best, not year as support for innova- said.
They have since filed a lawsuit when she found the object aft- man, surnamed Zhou, and oth- hectares. Last year, the mar- good enough for export,” he tion. But these new varieties Last year, close to 4,000
against the kindergarten. er taking a few bites. She er dance partners to purchase ket in Yunnan was worth said. of flowers are too expensive farmers planted patented
SHANGHAIIST.COM immediately returned to the a hi-fi this month. But Zhou about 50 billion yuan ($8 He started to work for to cultivate for most growers roses, paying 8.5 million yuan
supermarket and asked for and three other dancers billion). “Spring is the busi- French company Meilland who are required to pay roy- in fees through the center.
GUANGDONG compensation of 50,000 yuan, rushed to his barbershop and est season as that’s when we International in 1999. “Until alties on registered varieties. Yang himself collected
Intermarriage ban but was denied. She contacted beat him, bruising his head, experiment with new varie- 2008, we exported over 20 “Most think they are too 200,000 yuan in royalties last
authorities but was told the after he failed to take the hi-fi ties of hydrangea and roses, million yuan in flowers each expensive and the stakes are year.
lifted for villages most she could receive in com- to a square in the city’s Chan- including domestic varie- year, but our business shrank too high,” said Zhang Li, head “Intellectual property
Village heads in Guolong and pensation for a case like hers gan district on the night of May ties,” Yang said. during the global financial of an international floral auc- rights are ultimately produc-
Beishan signed a goodwill was 1,000 yuan. 6. Police arrived at the scene He learned flower growing crisis,” he said. tion center in Kunming, capi- tive forces. Patented products
agreement on May 6 that offi- BTIME.COM and took them all to a nearby in his native Northeast China Farmers like Yang now tal of Yunnan. will eventually be accepted by
cially allows their villagers to substation for questioning. from his father, and was the concentrate on developing Beginning in 2006, the cen- more people,” he said.
intermarry. Before the agree- SHANGHAI BEIJING YOUTH DAILY first to register a trademark new varieties. He holds 39 ter has waived patent fees on China is the world’s largest
ment was signed, residents for a Chinese rose. patents for rose varieties, and seeds, only charging royalties producer and consumer of
from the two villages had been
Worker sacked for
To expand his business aft- nine for hydrangeas. to flower growers when their flowers, with 13,300 square
prohibited for over 200 years wearing shorts er initial success, Yang relo- “It takes a great deal of products are sold. kilometers of flower fields.
from marrying one another. A man in Hongkou, surnamed cated to Yunnan in 1998, investment and manpower to “Only five farmers grew the Sales stood at 139 billion yuan
Village heads and clan chiefs Jin, has demanded compensa- aiming for a broader overseas come up with new strains, patented types in the begin- in 2016.
originally implemented the tion from his ex-boss after he market. Now he watches over but the government has ning. Now more are growing
ban over two centuries ago was sacked last year for repeat- 80 hectares of flowers in Yuxi. helped me,” he said. them because they are dis- XINHUA
8 Friday, May 11, 2018

China Daily


Realistic expectations Song Chen

for Kim-Trump talks

verything appears to be rosy ahead of the planned
meeting between US President Donald Trump and
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea leader Kim
Trump expressed his personal appreciation to
Kim after three US citizens who had been detained
by Pyongyang for anti-state activities were released
on Wednesday. The DPRK’s official news agency, KCNA, reported
that Kim had decided to grant amnesty to the three Americans at
the “suggestion” of the US president.
The move came just hours after the government leaders of China,
Japan and the Republic of Korea expressed their shared commit-
ment to preserving and promoting the positive momentum on the
Korean Peninsula at their long-postponed tripartite summit meeting
in Tokyo. And it has been a while since they all agreed on something.
And it came the day after Kim made his second visit to China to
meet with President Xi Jinping, just 40 days after his first visit,
which was also his first trip outside his country since he became
leader. During their cordial conversations in the northeastern
coastal city of Dalian, Kim reiterated his willingness to denuclear-
ize and his hopes that the upcoming summit with Trump would
lead to lasting peace for his country and the Korean Peninsula.
History has hardly seen such broad-based support for substan-
tive headway to be made in resolving the Korean Peninsula situa-
tion. With all the direct stakeholders enthusiastically engaged, it is
becoming seemingly more possible by the day that the “historic
meeting” Kim anticipates will produce what Trump hopes will be
a “very successful deal”.
But it is that very desire that may prevent it from being realized.
Anyone anticipating that “complete, verifiable, irreversible denu-
clearization” can be obtained with just a snap of the fingers, is
probably destined to be disappointed.
That Pyongyang is actively promoting rapprochement, and has
openly embraced the idea of ultimate denuclearization is indeed a
very encouraging development. And, considering the shared inter-
est in a negotiated outcome for the protracted crisis, the region may
be closer than ever to untying what has long been a Gordian knot.
However, let us not ignore Kim’s statement that a successful
summit with the US president will only be “a fine first step toward OPINION LINE
building a fine future”.
And given Washington’s apparent eagerness for immediate out-
comes and Pyongyang’s preference for things to proceed in a step-
by-step manner, a lot still needs to be straightened out in order to
Project’s cascade of corruption Age not height
bridge what could be an unsurmountable gap. should clarify
Given the role it has been playing in facilitating the progress
that has been achieved so far, Beijing can play a more active role in
this respect by promoting a convergence of pragmatic expecta-
was a series of failed supervision who’s still a kid
tions for the upcoming meeting. A WATER AND SOIL EROSION TREATMENT PROJECT in Huangyuan county, Central China’s
Hunan province, was a cash cow for more than 50 officials of county, city and the provincial governments. IT IS COMMON for children
Guangming Daily comments: under a certain height to be able to
Nation learns lessons from Xinhua News Agency reported that the officials sated with a share of the funds.
use public transport and other public
services for free. However, this prac-
siphoned off nearly 68 percent of the 10 million yuan Even now, the project is still trumpeted as an tice is outdated because Chinese chil-
rebuilding Wenchuan ($1.57 million) that the central government provided
for the project. The fund was serially fleeced at least
The reports show that corrupt officials are still
dren enjoy better nutrition today. comments:
six times before reaching the project site. What is looking to find ways to get around the anti-graft insti-

en years ago, on May 12, 2008, a devastating magnitude 8 noteworthy is, this happened in 2013 after the central tutional designs. And that there is still a long way to In the past children did not get an
earthquake hit Wenchuan county in Sichuan province. It authorities’ anti-graft campaign had heated up. go to form a healthy atmosphere in which officials ID card until they reached the age of
killed nearly 70,000 people and left around 18,000 peo- The project should have covered an area of 300 hec- dare not be corrupt. 18. As a result, many children did not
ple missing. The disaster also left an indelible scar on the tares. But on completion, it only treated 67 hectares of The case indicates that instead of taking the initia- carry anything with them that could
collective memory of the Chinese nation. land. It should not have been difficult to spot the cor- tive to fight against corruption, many officials are still prove their age, and it was hard to
As the country marks the 10th anniversary of the quake on Sun- ruption clues. But the collective corruption was not sniffing around for opportunities to monetarize their judge children’s ages based on their
day, we can take pride in how the stricken areas have risen from uncovered until late 2015 when the National Audit power. appearances.
the ruins, in the fortitude of those who survived the quake, and in Office carried out a spot check. Thus, the central authorities should carry out a Many park and bus management
the helping hands that have been offered and continue to be The project and the projected spending of the funds sweeping investigation on how government funds are companies solved the problem by
offered to help them rebuild their lives. had gone through all the procedures required by rele- being used, particularly in ecological and environ- introducing the height standard,
Not least the huge amount of assistance in various forms pro- vant rules and regulations, there being supervisory mental protection, poverty alleviation and industrial namely granting children under cer-
vided by the central government and the governments of provin- mechanisms to oversee the quality of such projects, upgrading projects, and never ease the anti-graft cam- tain heights ticket exemptions. It was
ces and regions nationwide, which has helped the economies and how the government funds will be used and the ten- paign no matter how many corrupt officials have been much easier to apply because all the
disposable incomes of residents in the 39 counties and regions in dering process. But all the supervisory bodies were uprooted. ticket checkers needed to do was
Sichuan that were hardest hit by the quake expand more than install a fixed ruler at a checkpoint.
threefold over the past decade. That is higher than the province’s Most of the standards were made in
average, according to official statistics.
But while it is right to acknowledge what has been achieved in
the post-disaster reconstruction efforts, we should bear in mind
Hard to believe glowing figures were a mistake the 1980s or earlier. Children now
enjoy much better nutrition and grow
much faster than before. That in turn
that the best way to commemorate the dead and missing is to make causes social injustice because the
sure that the nation is better prepared for any natural disaster. THE GOVERNMENT OF NINGSHAN COUNTY in Northwest China’s Shaanxi province said its tourism Minor Protection Law clearly states
To help ensure that is the case, an earthquake monitoring net- revenue was 1.4 billion yuan ($220 million) over the three-day May Day holiday from April 29 to May 1. But later that “Every minor should enjoy legal
work is being set up in the seismically active regions of Sichuan admitted it had made a mistake and the figure was actually 140 million yuan. Xiaoxiang Morning News comments: rights equally”. It is time to amend the
and Yunnan in an effort to explore the possibility of earthquake policy to ensure the law is fairly
prediction. The aim is to successfully predict earthquakes whose Ningshan’s slip-of-the-pen error was exposed when evaluating the performance of local officials. If it had implemented.
epicenters are less than 20 kilometers deep, as the closer to the Ankang city, where Ningshan, one of 11 counties is not been a “clerical error”, Ningshan’s exorbitantly It is quite easy today for ticket
surface an earthquake starts, the more ground shaking and poten- located, said its May Day holiday tourism revenue was high tourism revenue would have directly boosted the checkpoints to check a child’s age.
tially damaging it will be. Fittingly, the first of 2,000 planned mon- 1.9 billion yuan. county’s annual economic figures, which would have Children today have ID cards, school
itoring stations was established in Wenchuan on Monday. Generally speaking, there is a strict procedure for made a very positive starting paragraph in the local cards, as well as other cards, all of
Yet while we might one day be able to predict such cataclysmic government to release statistics, and the chance of governor’s work report for the year, and be testimony which are registered with their birth
quakes, it would be hubris in the extreme to believe that we can enlarging the amount tenfold is slim. That’s why the to the capability of officials in the related fields. dates. Public service institutions
prevent or forewarn of every natural disaster that may befall us. netizens have tended to believe the county govern- The county government’s apology should not be an should accept such cards as valid evi-
And while Wenchuan has shown that new buildings, bridges and ment intentionally exaggerated its tourism revenue. end to the incident. To prevent the same scenario dences of a child’s age.
roads can be built, and economic activities revived, it has also Especially as the local governments in Liaoning prov- from happening again, the higher authorities in Besides, the concept of “children”
shown how hard it can be for people to get over the psychological ince, Tianjin and the Inner Mongolia autonomous Ankang city or Shaanxi province should look into the should be extended to “all minors”,
aftershocks. region were found to have fudged their gross domes- case to verify who should take the blame for the bold namely all citizens under 18. Those
The fact that less than 10 percent of those who suffered psycho- tic product data. clerical error, which, if it had gone unspotted, would above the age of 14 and still under 18
logical problems after the quake have sought counseling shows Economic data remains the major criterion for have benefited many people at almost no cost. should also enjoy the social welfare.
more attention should now be paid to this area.

China Daily
15 Huixin Dongjie Chaoyang, Beijing 100029 Commercial endowment Park. On May 7, the China Banking and multi-level pension system, which includes
News: +86 (0) 10 6491-8366; Insurance Regulatory Commission released elderly support for families, the public pen-
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CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018 VIEWS 9
Frank Ding and Vanessa Xu

Open Door 3.0 heralds a new growth era Chen Weihua

oncerns over a looming to attract foreign capital, know- prised the market once again with China’s competitiveness as its The author is deputy editor of
US-China trade war cre- how and businesses. the courage, speed and scale of the economy matures. China Daily USA.
ated tremendous market Although China’s “Open-Door Not only does it deepening of reform and opening- The day after the Boao Forum,
volatility in the past 1.0”, as we term it from 1980-2000, up. Xi’s speech at the Boao Forum Yi Gang, the new reform-minded
indicate further
months. But it appears unlikely
that an all-out trade war between
the world’s two largest economies
was a fundamental change for a
closed economy, it was still a baby
step toward a complete opening-
domestic market
for Asia highlighted his conviction
to transform China into a respon-
sible global power.
governor of the People’s Bank of
China, announced further reform
agenda for banking, insurance
White House up
would break out.
Even more positively, in his key-
up of the economy and full current
account liberalization. By and
liberalization, it More specifically, Xi said China’s
goal is to reach a balanced current
and asset management industries.
The long-term implications of
to its tricks with
also shows China is
note speech at the Boao Forum for
Asia in Hainan province last
large, only Guangdong province
was fully open during that period
progressing toward
account and it “… will take the ini-
tiative to expand imports”. For this
Xi’s speech will be hugely positive,
as it is a landmark in China’s new some nonsense
month, President Xi Jinping while most of the rest of China purpose, China will substantially opening-up policy for the coming
announced a new round of open-
ing-up, which we term as China’s
remained largely closed.
China’s entry into the World a rule-based mar- cut import tariff on automobiles
and some other products this year.
decades. Not only does it indicate
further domestic market liberali-
quite a lot
“Open-Door 3.0”. Trade Organization in 2001 can Xi also emphasized that the finan- zation, it also shows China is pro-
ket economy.

In December 1978, former lead- be regarded as China’s “Open- cial sector would be further gressing toward a rule-based n a statement last Saturday, the
er Deng Xiaoping set in motion Door 2.0”. China’s entry into the opened up, so would be other ser- market economy. White House described China’s
the transformation of China’s WTO coincided with the last vice sectors this year. The Open-Door 3.0 should be a caution that foreign airlines
economy when he announced the great boom in global trade and The manufacturing sector will positive factor in China’s econom- should not refer to Hong Kong,
reform and opening-up policy. allowed the country to develop holder of the largest foreign also see easing of restrictions on ic development as well as equity Macao and Taiwan as independent
Since then, China’s policy to open enormous industrial capacity, exchange reserves. foreign ownership. Intellectual investment in the long run. And countries as “Orwellian nonsense”.
up its economy to the rest of the become the “factory of the world” But China’s “Open-Door 2.0” is property rights protection, too, thanks to Xi’s vow to further deep- But it is the statement itself that is
world has constituted an essential and accumulate huge amount of still far from full current account has become a focus, as Xi said en reform, China’s policy risks nonsense. The letter by the Civil Avia-
part of the overall economic foreign exchange reserves. As a and capital account liberalization. “stronger IPR protection is the have substantially receded. tion Administration of China to 36 for-
reform. As a first step of opening- result, China has grown to Now China has entered a new requirement of foreign enterpris- eign air carriers is simply trying to
up, four special economic zones become the world’s second-larg- era. As people were still debating es, and even more so of Chinese The authors are co-founders of correct a mistake that has existed for
were established in southern Chi- est economy, the largest mer- whether China would deepen enterprises”, and termed it as the FountainCap Research & Invest- too long.
na, and tax incentives were offered chandize trading country and reform and opening-up, Xi sur- most important incentive to boost ment (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd. Who on earth still thinks the Hong
Kong and Macao special administrative
region or Taiwan are independent
Cui Hongjian countries? Since China and the US
established formal diplomatic ties in

Unilateralism a wall between US and EU

1979, even the US government does not
think so.
So why does the White House still
make a fuss about the issue by ignoring
plain and simple facts?

gnoring the call of an over- strengthening the US’ relations On Jan 12, The Paper, a Shanghai-
whelming majority of the with Saudi Arabia and Israel, based news publication, reported that
international community which could neutralize the EU’s at least 24 foreign airlines still list Hong
that the United States con- efforts to maintain peace in the Kong, Macao and Taiwan as countries,
tinue to honor the Iran nuclear Middle East. His move will also rather than using the term “regions”,
deal, US President Donald Trump intensify the refugee crisis and which Chinese prefer. The story went
on Tuesday withdrew the US from possibly increase terrorist viral among Chinese netizens.
the deal and reimposed sanctions attacks in the EU countries. Yes, given the country’s recent histo-
on Teheran. Although many EU members ry, Chinese are sensitive to such issues.
Last month, French President differ with the US on several Macao was for too long occupied by the
Emmanuel Macron and German issues, they have cooperated with Portuguese, Hong Kong was forced to
Chancellor Angela Merkel, during Washington on many fronts. be ceded to the British, and Taiwan was
their separate visits to the US, France, for instance, cooperated forced to be ceded to the Japanese.
tried to reason with Trump that it with the US to launch air strikes
was in the interest of Middle East on Syria in April, as it was seeking
peace — and thus in the interest of “mutual value and interest”. And
Washington — that the US stay in the EU increased the pressure on International compa-
the deal. But their efforts had little Iran to expand the terms of the
effect on Trump. The French and nuclear deal.
nies know that in
German leaders even failed to per-
suade Trump to rethink his deci-
Several EU members
have given in to Washing-
order to succeed, they
sion to impose 25 percent tariff on ton, and asked it to need to be sensitive to
steel and 10 percent tariff on alu- extend “ally treatment”
minum imports. to them, abandoning in the feelings of the local
The fact is, despite their troub- the process international
lesome alliance with Washington, trade rules and compro- populations where
some European Union countries mising the interests of oth-
changed their “policies” to er World Trade Organization they operate.
strengthen relations with the US. members. French Finance Min-
For instance, Macron started ister Bruno Le Maire even said
bilateral talks with the US after that, “there is no reason why the
Trump made public his discontent European Union should suffer
with the EU’s support for multilat- from a trade war between the International companies know that
eralism and Germany’s trade sur- United States and China”. in order to succeed, they need to be sen-
plus with the US. In spite of all this, Trump sitive to the feelings of the local popula-
Trump went ahead with his turned a deaf ear to Macron’s call tions where they operate. In this case,
unilateral actions, and included that the US stay in the Iran nucle- LI MIN / CHINA DAILY foreign airlines that were not aware of
the EU on the tariff list “for the ar deal, and Merkel won only a this sensitivity before should seriously
sake of US national security”. By one-month suspension of the tar- heed CAAC’s advice.
so doing, he once again under- iff on the European steel and alu- for mutual interests of strategy, between friends based on their show that only cooperation and Such advice applies not only to cor-
mined international trade rules minum exports to the US. value and economy. But many of capability to boost the US econo- respect for international trade porations, but also to every individual.
and hurt the US’ European allies, The EU finds itself in such a the EU countries failed, or my and generate employment, rules can allow all countries to When starting to learn English in ele-
which have huge interests in the precarious position because it did refused, to see Trump’s policy for especially in the “Rust Belt”, so effectively counter protectionism mentary school, I was taught to refer to
US steel and aluminum industry. not appropriately respond to the what it is, believing their alliance that the US can maintain its lead- and guard against the unilateral people from the United Kingdom as
Moreover, when Trump US’ new diplomatic policy and with the US or their NATO mem- ing position in high-tech and actions of the US, which could British, not English, because they could
described the Iran nuclear deal as became obsessed with self-de- bership would prevent Trump finance. trigger major trade and geopoliti- be Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish,
“insane” and “ridiculous”, some fense. from taking unilateral actions The outcomes of the meetings cal crises. many of whom don’t want to be called
EU countries attached great Trump’s “America First” policy against them. of Macron and Merkel with English.
importance to his remark. Trump puts the US above the global com- Relations between the US and Trump show that no country is The author is director of European Referring to Hong Kong, Macao and
has disturbed the balance of pow- munity disregarding all interna- the EU have suffered especially immune to Trump’s unilateral and Studies at the China Institute of Taiwan as a country goes beyond insen-
er in the Middle East by further tional rules. It has scant respect because Trump distinguishes protectionist moves. They also International Studies. sitivity, it’s about basic facts.
Would the White House or average
Americans feel okay if others start to
Axel van Trotsenburg describe Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Alaska or
Texas as independent countries,

More and better jobs for developing nations because there have long been inde-
pendence movements there?
After spending a year in Hawaii in the
early 1990s, I learned that the Hawaiian
sovereignty movement has been alive

ob creation is an immense by the private sector, the main of how innovations are creating China’s experience is one such since 1893, when the US overthrew the
global challenge. More engine of job growth. For this to new and different jobs. example. In recent decades, China Hawaiian kingdom. In 1993, both the
than 200 million people happen on a large enough scale, China’s path offers Governments need to take pub- has succeeded in creating millions US Congress and then US president Bill
worldwide are unem- we need to look at what has lic policy actions to create an ena- of employment opportunities and Clinton apologized to the native Hawai-
ployed, many of them young peo- worked best to create jobs, focus- useful lessons for bling environment. They need to absorbing millions of new ians for the illegal annexation.
ple. Another 2 billion working age ing on sectors that have the high- others. As it moves invest in education, from early entrants into its labor market, A Puerto Rican independence move-
adults — mostly women — remain est potential. childhood to adulthood, to build while transforming its economy ment has also existed ever since the US
outside the workforce.
With the world’s population
Agriculture still accounts for
almost 70 percent of total employ-
higher on the global the human capital needed for a
rapidly evolving global economy.
and society. China’s path offers
useful lessons for others. As it
seized the territory from the Spanish in
1898. I have made three trips to the Car-
growing rapidly, 600 million ment in low-income countries. A value chain, China They need to build quality infra- moves higher on the global value ibbean island and love its people, cul-
more jobs will need to be created central challenge for agriculture structure to connect domestically chain, China is also creating fresh ture, history, beaches, coffee and its
during the next 15 years. Sub-Sa- and the food system is to generate is also creating fresh and globally. And they need to set opportunities for other developing “un-American” metric system.
haran Africa alone will need 11 high value-added jobs across the up the right ecosystem for private countries. However, news from the beautiful
million new jobs a year through value chain, especially for women opportunities for investments, especially for smaller We are working with partners, island after Hurricane Maria last Sep-
2030. In many places, the need and youth. businesses and entrepreneurs. in China and globally, to share les- tember has been heart-breaking. Not
for jobs will intensify social and Manufacturing, which has driv- other developing “Jobs and Economic Transfor- sons of job creation and economic only have so many people been living
political pressures, contributing en economic growth in many mation” has become a special transformation and use them to without power month after month, the
to international migration. countries, is changing with new
countries. theme for the International Devel- support other developing coun- federal government of the world’s only
Above all, job creation will be the technologies and shifting pat- opment Association, the World tries. By looking closely at these superpower has not exactly been going
key factor for developing coun- terns of globalization. While some Bank Group arm that works with successes, we can identify what all out to help the disaster-stricken pop-
tries to reduce poverty, improve industries remain feasible entry the world’s 75 poorest countries, governments can do to generate ulation. It is shameful.
people’s lives, and reach the Sus- points for low-skill employment, and financial strengths. reflecting a shared sense of urgen- incomes and create jobs, by engag- I could go on and on with the inde-
tainable Development Goals by technological innovations could Beyond these traditionally cy among our donor partners and ing the private sector and unleash- pendence movement in Alaska, Texas
2030. cause substantial job losses. The important sectors, it is essential to clients. The World Bank Group ing people’s energy and creativity. or even Vermont. But of course, the US
Creating more and better jobs World Bank’s recent study, harness the technological innova- has a long-standing commitment Only if we work together can the Constitution does not allow any state to
requires economic transforma- “Trouble in the Making: The tion and entrepreneurship that in understanding and tackling the international community unlock declare independence.
tion: moving workers from lower Future of Manufacturing-Led the digital age has unleashed. As challenges of job creation and eco- the human and economic poten- And most Americans may find it hard
to higher productivity activities. It Development”, urges that we con- startups and digital platforms nomic transformation. Our tial of our countries, through more to understand the feelings of Chinese
also means a spatial transforma- sider economies’ competitiveness, mushroom across the world, from research and knowledge sharing and better jobs. on the matter. After all, US history over
tion with urbanization pulling vil- capabilities and connectedness Silicon Valley to Beijing’s Zhong- help IDA borrowers learn from the last 150 years has been a constant
lagers into secondary towns and against shifting international guancun to Kenya’s “silicon savan- successful examples of creating The author is World Bank vice- annexation of territories from Asia to
cities. This shift will need to be led trade patterns, market demands nah”, there are amazing examples jobs on a sustained basis. president of development finance. Latin America.
10 WORLD Friday, May 11, 2018 CHINA DAILY

Island takes flight Confection collision

after China bird gift

Crested ibises However, the number of
crested ibises in Japan
artificial breeding programs
for conserving and protecting
on Japan’s Sado plunged in the 20th century as
the birds were hunted for their
the species. In 1999, two crest-
ed ibises went to Sado as a gift
all descended meat and fine feathers. They
also lost their habitats due to
from China, and three more
ibises were sent to Japan by
from Shaanxi deforestation.
“Sado used to be the last
Now, around 284 crested
habitat of crested ibises in ibises are living in Japan.
TOKYO — Crested ibises, the Japan. But with the develop- To boost the local economy,
iconic birds that were on the ment of modern agriculture the city of Sado plans to
verge of extinction in Japan in and the abuse of pesticides, increase the number of for-
the 1980s, are now prospering food consumed by crested eign tourists from 1,510 in 2011
and providing a boost to the ibises, such as frogs and small to 5,000 by 2019, according to
local economy on the island of fish, disappeared from the Hiroaki Iwasaki, a local gov-
Sado, thanks to China’s help. paddies, and crested ibises ernment official, who said the
Since May, the island’s farm- also went to extinct,” said Tak- target has already been
ers have been busy in the fields ayuki Nishimaki, an official achieved in large part due to Liquid chocolate is spread across the A2 highway between Wrzesnia and Slupca near Poznan, western Poland, after a truck transporting
transplanting rice seedlings. from the agriculture depart- the birds. the sweet freight crashed through a traffic barrier on Wednesday. The tanker flipped on its side, blocking traffic in both directions,
In the morning and evening, ment of the local government. Moreover, crested ibises police said. POLISH PRIVATE TVN CHANNEL VIA AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE
white-plumed crested ibises To save the endangered spe- have become a brand of their
can be seen hunting for food in cies, the Japanese government own for local products, espe-
the paddy fields. captured the last five wild cially agricultural products.
“We can see these birds for-
aging in the morning and even-
ing all seasons now, as there
are crested ibises’ nests near
crested ibises on the island
and relocated them to a con-
servation center.
But 22 years later, the last
“We produce 20,000 tons of
rice every year, enough to satis-
fy the needs of 500,000 people
a year, which is ten times of the
Tracks of ancient road in Aleppo
our rice fields,” said 54-year-old Japanese-born crested ibis population of Sado,” said Man-
farmer Katsumi Oi. died at the center at the age of abu Watabe, an official from a ALEPPO, Syria — Despite bakery, possibly the only one of and grandfather had told mercial caravans used to pass
Sado, covering an area of 36, an age equal to 100 in local agricultural cooperative. the widespread destruction of its kind in the city these days. him, Mari said the Silk Road through it to reach the souk,
855 square kilometers and human years. To excel in the fiercely com- its ancient treasures in the The bakery produces vari- merchants used to buy the where shops were lined on
with a population of 55,000 Today’s crested ibises on the petitive Japanese rice market, past years of war and vio- ous types of cookies and breadsticks while crossing both sides of the streets.
people, is the sixth largest island are all descendants of local farmers stressed that lence, the historic spirit and bagels, the most famous crea- Aleppo’s old city toward Con- Nowadays, most of the
island in Japan. those from northwest China’s their rice is “produced in har- glorious past of the Syrian city tion being the sesame seed stantinople (now Istanbul), souks in Aleppo, including
The so-called Agriculture in Shaanxi province. mony with crested ibises”. of Aleppo is showing signs of breadsticks, known as Kaak Anatolia, the Black Sea and all Bab al-Nasr, have been largely
Harmony with Endangered In 1981, while the world was To produce such rice, farm- a return to life. al-Sakhaneh in Arabic, which the way to Europe. destroyed by the war.
Japanese Crested Ibis is seen holding its breath for the ers must make the rice pad- Though much of the city is used to be a favorite food for Alaa al-Sayyed, a lawyer But the shops that were not
as an advantageous resource endangered species, seven wild dies an effective ecological largely in ruins, it feels like travelers and merchants on and history researcher, said heavily damaged have started
on the island given its recogni- crested ibises were discovered system, where small creatures every fallen stone and broken the ancient Silk Road and are that the ancient city of Aleppo operating again, including
tion by the United Nations in the mountains of Shaanxi. coexist in harmony and crest- relic tells a story, and holds still enjoyed today. was located on the crossroads the bakery that makes the
Food and Agriculture Organi- “The gloom in the conserva- ed ibises have plenty of food, the promise of a new future. Khaled Mari, the owner of of several trade routes. Kaak al-Sakhaneh.
zation as Globally Important tion center (in Sado) was dis- Nishimaki explained. In the Bab al-Nasr Souk, the bakery, said the bread- “Aleppo was in the heart of China launched the Belt
Agricultural Heritage. pelled by the good news. ... “Crested ibises increase which dates back to ancient sticks were so popular among the Silk Road, the one coming and Road Initiative in 2013,
A crested ibis is an iconic These birds were to save the demands on protecting the Greece, three or four shops travelers because they could from China in the Far East with the aim of building a
bird deeply rooted in Japanese species from extinction,” environment, and the birds have reopened since the city last for months. toward what is currently trade and infrastructure net-
history and culture. Records Hiroyuki Ishi, an environmen- successfully breeding here was liberated from the rebels “People used to come and known as Western Europe work connecting Asia with
of the bird can be traced back tal journalist and scientist, lat- shows that the rice here is in late 2016. take the Kaak al-Sakhaneh in and the Spice Route coming the Middle East, Africa and
to as early as the Chronicles of er wrote in an article. safe,” said Nishimaki. The souk is named after the wrapped bags and would from the far south in India to Europe along the ancient
Japan, a book of history fin- With the seven ibises, Chi- adjacent Bab al-Nasr, or the travel long distances, and as Yemen, Hijaz, the Levant and trade routes including the
ished in 720 AD. na successfully launched its XINHUA Victory Gate, the northern long as it’s dry and not pene- then north of Aleppo heading Silk Road.
portal to the city. It has been trated by humidity, it could either toward the Black Sea to Hopefully, Aleppo can
destroyed and rebuilt several last for two months and the Armenia or the Caspian Sea, revive its past glory and pros-
Maritime times throughout history taste remains the same as if or to Constantinople to enter perity through participation
because of war and earth- just coming out of the oven,” Western Europe,” he said. in the initiative.
masks quakes. said Mari. Sayyed said Bab al-Nasr
One of these shops is an old Recounting what his father was important as the com- XINHUA
Balinese artists
dressed in decorative
costumes take part in
the Maritime Festival
at Pandawa Beach on
Cracks in nuclear
the resort island of
Bali, Indonesia, on
Wednesday. JOHANNES
reactor ring alarm
bells over power
LONDON — Cracks in seven out of eight of the
the core of a Scottish nucle- country’s plants.
ar reactor could signal that “We believe that most of

Russians assure British govt most of Britain’s aging

plants will not be able to
supply the country with
much needed power for as
the AGRs will have their life
limited by the progression
of cracking,” Britain’s Office
for Nuclear Regulation said
Two soldiers monitor the concentration of sulfur dioxide during
ongoing eruptions of the Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii on Wednesday.

over World Cup fan safety long as predicted.

Nuclear reactors gener-
ate just over 20 percent of
on its website, adding that
this presents “unique chal-
Volcano predicted to
By JULIAN SHEA in London
suspect was arrested over the
incident, and now faces up to
expulsions in both the United
Kingdom and Russia.
Britain’s electricity and
even before EDF Energy
said last week it would need
The bricks cannot be
repaired or replaced and
EDF said it will work with
keep up show of force
15 years in prison in France. The Foreign Office said: to shut down one of two the ONR to show there
Police from Russia and the Around 10,000 English fans “Due to heightened political reactors at the Hunterston would be no danger posed PAHOA, Hawaii — A large as an eye and respiratory irri-
United Kingdom are working are expected to be going to the tensions between the UK and B plant, almost half of that even in the event of an earth- explosion in Hawaii’s Kilauea tant, it was not a serious health
to protect supporters traveling tournament, which starts on Russia, you should be aware of capacity was scheduled to quake or other disruption. volcano on Wednesday may hazard. “We don’t anticipate
to the upcoming World Cup, June 14, and Harriett Baldwin, the possibility of anti-British go offline by 2025. “The longer-term safety mark the beginning of more there being any wholesale dev-
British Foreign Office said, a Foreign Office minister, said sentiment or harassment at “These reactors are over case will build on work violent, explosive eruptions astation or evacuations neces-
as Russian authorities have the Russian authorities had this time.” 40 years old. This is a gener- already completed and that could spray rocks for kilo- sary anywhere in the state of
given the British government promised world football’s gov- The government website also ic defect which cannot be EDF Energy expects that meters and dust nearby towns Hawaii,” said Donald Swanson
assurances that soccer fans at erning body FIFA and the has a specific section dealing fixed so it would not sur- this will demonstrate that in volcanic ash and smog, the of the Hawaiian Volcano
this summer’s event will be British government that they with travel to the World Cup. prise me if the older plants there are large safety mar- US Geological Survey said. Observatory.
safe despite fears of crowd vio- would be protected. It said UK police have made would all need to close gins both now and for the The USGS warned that Hawaii County Civil Defense
lence. Baldwin said that managing four visits to Russia in the past within the next few years,” projected reactor lifetime,” more violent eruptions at the said all 1,900 residents of the
According to the Foreign the threat of violence had been year, with Russian police visit- said John Large, an inde- EDF Energy said. crater could begin in mid-May, Leilani Estates and Laipuna
Office, people who attacked one of the priorities of tourna- ing the UK twice in the last pendent nuclear engineer- EDF has not changed its shooting rocks weighing sev- Garden areas, around 40 km
English fans at the Euro 2016 ment planners over the last nine months, and that there ing consultant. lifetime forecasts for Hunt- eral tons for over half a kilo- east of the crater, had been
match in Marseille, France, two years. will be a British embassy pres- Britain’s electricity gen- erston B, which is due to be meter, hurling pebble-sized evacuated. Lava oozing from
have been banned from These fans will be traveling ence on match days in all cities eration is under scrutiny decommissioned in 2023, projectiles several kilometers two new fissures in the area
attending matches in Russia. to Russia in the aftermath of a where the England team are due to a plan to close coal- although it predicts the and dusting areas up 32 km had paused but sulfur dioxide
The Euro 2016 tournament major breakdown in diplo- playing, as well as a 24-hour fired power plants by 2025 reactor will remain shut away with ash. gas was still a hazard.
in France was marred when matic relations between the telephone advice service. and weak economic condi- until mid-November. “This is the first of perhaps Exposure to very high levels
Russian soccer hooligans countries following the poi- Baldwin said that police tions for investment in new But experts said this is more events like that to come,” of the gas, which causes acid
attacked English fans before soning of former double agent cooperation had been strong gas plants. overly optimistic. The Tina Neal, the scientist in rain, can be life-threatening,
the teams’ match in Marseille, Sergei Skirpal and his daugh- “but clearly as with any foot- There are also doubts graphite bricks form chan- charge of the USGS Hawaiian according to the Agency for
with one England supporter ter Yulia in Salisbury in March. ball event this is a risk that about the timetable for nels which contain nuclear Volcano Observatory, said of Toxic Substances and Disease
being left with severe brain Russia has denied responsi- does need to be closely worked EDF’s Hinkley Point C fuel and the reactor control Wednesday’s blast which shot Registry.
injuries. bility for the incident, which on and the risk of violence nuclear plant, which is not rods, while allowing carbon projectiles from the crater. Fifteen fissures have opened
In February, a 31-year-old led to tit-for-tat diplomatic needs to be mitigated”. expected to come online dioxide coolant to remove The town of Hilo about 40 since Kilauea’s vents started
until the end of 2025, and heat from the reactor fuel km northeast of Kilauea on spraying fountains of lava up to
the proposed Sizewell C and core. They crack with Hawaii’s Big Island and the vil- 90 meters into the air on Thurs-
plant, which is not even age, but cannot be replaced lage of Pahoa 39 km east, could day and 47 hectares of land
being built yet. due to their location. be exposed to volcanic air pol- have been covered with lava.
French utility EDF said In France, EDF’s nuclear lution, or so-called vog, and a Kilauea has been in a state
the Hunterston B shut- plants provide up to 75 per- layer of ash should explosive of nearly constant eruption for
down was due to new cent of the country’s power eruptions begin and prevail- 35 years. It predominantly
cracks developing faster needs but the fleet has been ing wind directions shift, Neal blows off basaltic lava in effu-
than expected in graphite dogged by repeated shut- said. sive eruptions that flow into
bricks in one reactor’s core. downs and inspections Geologists cautioned that the ocean but occasionally
These bricks are used in all over the integrity of some Kilauea’s past explosions had experiences more explosive
14 advanced gas-cooled components. been relatively small on a glob- events.
nuclear reactors, or AGRs, al scale, and while ash from
in Britain which drive REUTERS the volcano posed a nuisance REUTERS
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018 WORLD 11

Europeans work to save Iran accord


At least 41 killed
after dam bursts
EU says it will eign Minister Jean-Yves Le
Drian said.
Republican president took
office in January 2017, urged
but gave no details.
Iran has drafted a “propor-
nuclear activities beyond 2025
or its alleged role in conflicts
“The region deserves better
than further destabilization
A dam burst its banks in
Kenya’s Rift Valley, killing at
ensure sanctions But Iranian President Has-
san Rouhani, who helped
Rouhani to adhere to the deal
and to consider broader nego-
tional” plan to cope with the
US withdrawal, the official
in Yemen and Syria.
His decision raises the risk
provoked by American with-
drawal,” Le Drian said.
least 41 people and forcing
hundreds from their homes,
officials said on Thursday.
toward Teheran engineer the 2015 agreement
to ease Iran’s economically
Trump said on Tuesday he
news agency, IRNA, quoted
government spokesman
of deepening conflicts in the
Middle East, puts the US at
The European Union said it
would ensure sanctions on Water burst through the
banks of the Patel Dam in
remain lifted crippling isolation, told
French counterpart Emmanu-
would revive US economic
sanctions, which would penal-
Mohammad Baqer Nobakht
as saying. He said without
odds with European diplo-
matic and business interests
Iran remain lifted, as long as
Teheran meets its commit- Solai on Wednesday night,
el Macron in a phone call that ize foreign firms doing busi- elaborating that budgets had and casts uncertainty over ments. sweeping away hundreds of
By CHINA DAILY Europe had only a “limited ness with Teheran, to been drawn up to handle vari- global oil supplies. European The Kremlin said Russian homes, including those on
opportunity” to preserve the undermine what he called “a ous scenarios. and US companies could lose President Vladimir Putin was the expansive Nyakinyua
Dismayed European allies pact, the Iranian Students’ horrible, one-sided deal that The fruit of more than a dec- billions of dollars in canceled “deeply concerned” by the Farm, which borders the
sought on Wednesday to sal- News Agency reported. should have never, ever been ade of diplomacy, the nuclear commercial deals and a major withdrawal, the RIA news reservoir. So far, up to 40
vage the Iran nuclear deal and Iranian Supreme Leader made”. agreement was clinched in new export market undercut agency said. people have been rescued
preserve their Iranian trade Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said: On Wednesday, he said Iran July 2015 by the US, France, by the US decision to reimpose Iranian officials will next from the mud and taken to
after US President Donald “Mr Trump, I tell you on behalf would now either negotiate or Britain, Germany, Russia, Chi- sanctions on Iran. week meet counterparts from hospitals. Many are feared
Trump withdrew the United of the Iranian people: You’ve “something will happen”. It na and Iran. France, Britain and Germany. still trapped.
States from the landmark made a mistake. ... I said many was not immediately clear It was designed to prevent ‘Region deserves better’ Khamenei appeared sceptical
accord and ordered sanctions times from the first day: Don’t what actions he was suggest- Iran developing a nuclear Le Drian, German Chancel- whether they could deliver: “I IRAQ
reimposed on Teheran. trust America.” ing would take place. bomb in return for the remov- lor Angela Merkel and the don’t trust these three coun- Security forces
“The deal is not dead. Macron, who like other The White House said later al of sanctions. International Atomic Energy tries.”
There’s an American with- European leaders had lobbied that Trump was preparing to Trump complained that the Agency all said Iran was hon-
vote in post-IS poll
drawal from the deal but the Trump to keep the agreement impose new sanctions on Iran, deal did not address Iran’s bal- oring its commitments under Reuters and AP Around 1 million soldiers,
deal is still there,” French For- that was struck before the perhaps as early as next week, listic missile program, its the accord. contributed to this story. police and other security
personnel were voting
across Iraq on Thursday in

Israel strikes
the first national elections
since the country declared
victory over the Islamic State
group. Servicemen in uni-

Iranian ‘military form queued up to cast their

ballots two days before the
rest of the country heads to
the polls for a parliamentary

targets’ in Syria election on Saturday, just

five months after the month-
slong battle against the
extremists drew to a close.
By CHINA DAILY The Dumair air base in the
eastern part of the Qalamoun INDONESIA
Syrian air defenses destroyed region north of Damascus is Police hostage
tens of Israeli missiles that were believed to have been hit, the
fired at Syrian positions before group said, adding that Israeli
crisis at jail over
dawn on Thursday, but some of missiles fell near a position A hostage crisis involving
the missiles hit their targets, where Iranian fighters are sta- extremist prisoners at a
state TV reported. tioned. high-security jail outside
The missiles targeted air The latest tension came a Jakarta has been resolved
defense battalions, radars, and day after Israel targeted a Syri- nearly two days after a
arms depots, state TV said, an military site in the Kisweh deadly riot broke out at the
providing no further details area southwest of Damascus, prison, Indonesian officials
about the exact location of the killing 15 fighters, including said on Thursday. Hundreds
targets. eight Iranians, according to of police and armored vehi-
Russia’s Defense Ministry activists. cles were deployed to rescue
said on Thursday that 28 Isra- Last month, Israel targeted a police officer taken hos-
eli F-15 and F-16 aircraft took two military sites in Syria tage by inmates after chaos
part, with around 70 missiles where Iranian fighters were erupted late on Tuesday at
being fired. located, including the T-4 air the facility inside the Mobile
A Russian deputy foreign base. Police Brigade headquarters
minister called for “restraint It’s the second large-scale in Depok, leaving five offi-
on all sides” on Thursday, say- missile strike on Syria since Mahathir Mohamad reacts during a news conference after his general election victory, in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, on Thursday. cers and an inmate dead.
ing Moscow was “concerned” April, when the United States LAI SENG SIN / REUTERS
at the escalation. and Western allies launched a INDIA
“We have established con- series of missile strikes on mil- Dust, rainstorm
tacts with all parties and we
call for restraint from all par-
ties,” Deputy Foreign Minister
itary positions in retaliation
for an alleged chemical weap-
ons attack on a former rebel-
Mahathir sworn in after shock victory leaves 14 dead
A powerful dust and rain-
storm demolished homes
Mikhail Bogdanov said. held area east of Damascus.
The strikes came a day after But the confrontation on By CHINA DAILY The 1MDB affair is being and downed power lines in
Israeli Prime Minister Benja- Thursday was long and more investigated by at least six northern India, killing at
min Netanyahu held talks in intense, reflecting the boiling Mahathir Mohamad, a countries, although Najib has least 14 people, an official
Moscow with Russian Presi- tension between Israel and former Malaysian prime min- denied any wrongdoing and said on Thursday, a week aft-
er another unseasonable
dent Vladimir Putin.
According to Israeli Defense
Iran and Syria on the other.
Israel has repeatedly said it
ister who led the opposition
to a stunning victory in the
Our struggle to change Malaysian has been cleared by Malay-
sia’s attorney-general. storm caused deaths and
destruction in the same
Forces, its fighter jets struck will not tolerate an Iranian general election, took the politics is not wasted. We believe At a news conference on
region. The storm with
“almost all” the dozens of Ira- military presence inside Syria, oath of office on Thursday Thursday morning, Mahathir
nian military targets in and has targeted several posi- night, becoming the world’s Mahathir can make a change.” said he would not seek winds blowing up to 100
km/h swept western parts of
response to a rocket attack on tions where Iranian fighters oldest elected leader at the revenge but is “seeking to
the Israeli-occupied Golan were believed to be stationed. age of 92. Mohamad Azlan Shah, restore the rule of law”. Uttar Pradesh state on
Heights by Iran’s Islamic Rev- The Thursday attack was In a huge political upset, a member of Mahathir’s alliance Pakatan Harapan Mahathir had vowed to Wednesday night, toppling
olutionary Guard Corps. the first major Israeli-Syrian Mahathir’s opposition alli- investigate the scandal if trees and demolishing doz-
A UK-based watchdog confrontation since the 1973 ance broke the grip on power elected and bring missing ens of mud and brick homes.
group said the Israelis target- Arab-Israeli war. of the Barisan Nasional coali- His PH alliance of four par- countries and the two peo- funds back to Malaysia. On
ed positions near Damascus, tion, which had governed ties trounced the BN coalition ples, which should be cher- Thursday he said that if UNITED KINGDOM
central Syria and the southern Xinhua AFP and AP Malaysia uninterrupted since of prime minister Najib Razak. ished and safeguarded by Najib had done anything Trump risks anger
province of Qunaitera. contributed to this story. its birth as an independent Najib’s BN won 79 seats, a both sides, Geng said. wrong he would “face the over iconic drink
country in 1957. collapse from the 133 it won in Mahathir has promised to consequences”.
The vote tally released by the the 2013 election, which was hand over the premiership to Multiple polls before the US President Donald Trump
Malaysian Election Commis- itself the coalition’s worst poll Anwar Ibrahim, a former dep- election had predicted that has risked the further ire of
sion on Thursday showed that performance ever at the time. uty prime minister who is in BN would extend its grip on Scotland, his mother’s home-
the opposition alliance Paka- Foreign Ministry Spokes- prison on sodomy charges power. land, after his luxury Turn-
tan Harapan, or PH, led by man Geng Shuang said on and is scheduled to be The rout of BN was made berry golf resort banned the
Mahathir, won 113 seats out of Thursday that Mahathir is a released in June. possible by a swing of BN core sale of national soft drink
the 222 seats of the parlia- veteran statesman, who made “Our struggle to change supporters to PH such as Irn-Bru. The resort’s general
ment’s lower house, enough great contributions to the Malaysian politics is not wast- those in rural areas, who have manager told the Ayrshire
for them to form the federal development of China-Malay- ed. We believe Mahathir can long relied on subsidies and Post newspaper that he no
government. sia relations. make a change,” said PH mem- favorable BN policies. longer sold the fluorescent
Mahathir ruled Malaysia The comprehensive strate- ber Mohamad Azlan Shah. orange fizzy drink as it
from 1981 to 2003. Born in a gic partnership between Chi- Mahathir was once Najib’s Xinhua, Reuters and stained the carpets. Irn-Bru
small village near the border na and Malaysia has a sound patron but they clashed over a Gao Desheng in Beijing has dominated the Scottish
with Thailand, Mahathir is momentum for development, scandal around 1Malaysia contributed to this story. market for 100 years with
known for steering Malaysia the mutually-beneficial coop- Development Berhad, or the equivalent of 12 cans
Israeli soldiers walk next to tanks near the border with Syria in from a mining backwater to eration has achieved signifi- 1MDB, a state fund from consumed every second.
the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Wednesday. become one of Asia’s fastest- cant outcomes and brought which billions of dollars were Online
AMIR COHEN / REUTERS growing economies. substantial benefits to both allegedly siphoned off. See more on AP—AFP

Migrant babies born at sea defying tides of turmoil

ROME — Mercy, Francesca, birth to Francesca aboard an The majority of them are defy the odds to make it safely Mercy and her mother were
Newman, Diabam and Sophia aid boat. young and many are pregnant. to Europe, their ordeal is just taken to Mineo reception cen-
were the names their mothers There are many elements of “I’ve met many women who getting started. ter in Sicily, the largest in
chose. What they had no con- a tortuous sea crossing that were raped,” said Marina Koji- According to maritime law, Europe.
trol over was where their can push pregnant women ma, a Japanese midwife who children born at sea are con- It still houses nearly 3,000
babies were born. traveling aboard crammed spent several months aboard sidered nationals of the ship’s people who sometimes wait
As hundreds of thousands vessels into labor — stress, the the Aquarius, a rescue ship flag carrier: Italy for Francesca years for an answer to their
of migrants risk their lives on vibration of boat engines, even jointly run by NGOs SOS Med- and the United Kingdom for asylum applications.
the perilous sea crossing from the relief of being rescued iterranee and Doctors With- Mercy. Little Francesca, and two
North Africa to Europe, doz- from danger. out Borders, or MSF. But in these countries, others, Newman and Favor,
ens of newborns have taken But the chance of a woman “Often they have to sell their restrictive citizenship laws born on the Aquarius in 2016,
their first breath aboard res- having to give birth on the per- bodies in order to get a place mean the babies are not enti- were luckier: Their parents
cue ships in recent years. ilous voyage is ultimately a on the boat.” tled to a European passport. were taken in by smaller cen-
“There were a lot of people question of numbers. Upon arrival in Italy, their ters, which may offer the
in the rubber boat, we were all Since 2014, almost 80,000 Citizenship dead-end unusual birth affords them chance to grow up to live a life Bernadette Obiona (right) and David Dibonde (left) pose with
packed together. ... The pain women have landed on Italian But even if the 35 babies no special treatment and less precarious than their birth. their newborn Alex during a family picture in 2016, a day after they
was awful,” said Stephanie, a shores, not including adoles- born aboard Mediterranean they often get lost among the were rescued off the Libyan coast.
Nigerian woman who gave cents. rescue vessels in recent years masses. AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE GABRIEL BOUYS / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE
12 Advertorial Friday, May 11, 2018 C HI NA DA I LY

China Import Expo blazes trail in

electronics, high-tech industries
Global corporate giants from China, the US and elsewhere participating, Cao Yingying reports.

he 2018 China Import
Expo to be held in An exhibit featuring cutting-edge technology at last year’s event.
Kunshan, Jiangsu
province, will show-
case the city’s strength in
the electronics industry and
provide platforms for global
Eco-friendly and
intelligent exhibits
companies to seek out more
business opportunities, said
The expo, to be held at Kun-
shan’s Huaqiao International
Expo Center, runs from May
16 to 18.
take center stage
It is hosted by the Ministry
of Commerce, China Council By CAO YINGYING in the sectors of air pollu-
for the Promotion of Interna- tion treatment, water pol-
tional Trade and the Jiangsu In order to host a unique, lution control, disposal of
provincial government. To eco-friendly and intelligent solid waste, and ecological
offer a high-end, intelligent expo this year, organizers of restoration and protection.
and environmentally friendly the 2018 China Import Expo Organizers said these
expo, the organizers have and exhibitors will provide products are in great demand
replaced the previous con- new head-turning features from manufacturers.
sumer goods exhibits with and facilities to wow visitors. Robotic products will be
new photoelectronics, semi- One star of the show will another highlight of this
conductor and electrical be a cutting-edge humanoid year’s expo, with one of the
equipment exhibits this year. robot which has never been stars on display being a
According to officials of the displayed outside Japan. humanoid robot.
fair’s organizing committee, Another example at this The robot has the shape
a total of 400 international year’s expo — which is also and appearance of a middle-
companies will display their known as CIE — is exhibitor aged man. Standing 175 cen-
photoelectronics and semi- Kangbeike Equipment (Kun- timeters tall and weighing 80
conductor products during shan) Co. kilograms, it was created by
the expo. It will provide an innovative Kawasaki, the world-leading
These include multination- garbage collection device to robot manufacturing com-
als such as Microsoft, Fujitsu, users, which not only collects pany based in Japan.
Keyence, Osaka Transformer different kinds of drink cans Organizers said it will be
and Chinese technology com- and plastic bottles, but also the first time for the robot
panies including telecom recycles printed coupons. to go on display outside its
giant Huawei, Huatian Tech- In addition to many eco- home country.
nology (Kunshan) Electron- friendly devices, environmen- The robot is made of a
ics and Kunshan Govisionox tal equipment is one of the cutting-edge material, which
Optoelectronics. key displays at the 2018 CIE’s cannot easily be destroyed in
The exhibition will consist intelligent manufacturing hazardous situations includ-
of three main parts. exhibition area. ing fire and in environments
The first one is the intelli- Emerson InSinkErator, the contaminated by high levels
gent manufacturing exhibi- leading international high- of radiation.
tion area, which will show- tech garbage disposal unit The developer of the robot
case products related to arti- maker, will showcase its prod- aims to expand its scope for
ficial intelligence, precision ucts at CIE. potential applications, to
machines and industrial auto- The company’s food pro- help human beings to deal
mation — as well as numerical cessors grind food waste into with various tasks in extreme
control equipment, pharma- small particles using advanced conditions.
ceuticals and environmental technology, allowing it to be In the future, the robot is
protection equipment. discharged through sewage expected to work in environ-
The second exhibition area pipelines. ments dangerous for human
will display semiconductor The product can solve the beings, including workplaces
equipment and materials, problems related to kitchen where there is radiation or
integrated circuit sensors waste treatment for families, high temperatures.
and chip manufacturing pro- including kitchen garbage The robot can also wear
cesses. cleaning and sorting. firefighters protective cloth-
The third exhibition area The company’s instant hot ing to provide rescue servic-
will display electric motors water system provides healthy es at disaster-hit spots.
as well as related equipment, and high-quality drinking Another four models of
key components and parts, water. Its instant hot water Kawasaki’s latest robots —
computer integrated manu- dispensers provide near-boil- the RS007, duAro, CX210 and
facturing systems and related ing water right at the sink, CP700 units, whose mass
technologies. which can be used for making production began in last
To boost cooperation coffee and tea. November — will be show-
between companies from Chi- Also being showcased cased at the China Import
na and the world, this year’s at CIE are environmental Expo later this month in
China Import Expo — or CIE equipment and technologies Kunshan.
— will host the first Sino-US
(Kunshan) Intelligent Manu-
facturing Cooperation Forum,
the seventh World Business
Leaders (Kunshan) Confer-
ence and different themed
matchmaking meetings.
International industry lead-
ers are invited to discuss hot
topics such as e-commerce,
Internet Plus, industrial trans- Clockwise from top: A cross-border e-commerce forum is
formation and upgrading, and an important part of the previous expos. A young visitor
solutions to problems related examines jade jewelry on display. Precision instruments
to these areas will be provided attract attention. Local opera performances entertain
during the expo. guests at the event. An experience area gives first-
Some of the big names hand information about new technologies to visitors.
attending the forum include International exhibitors get feedback about their exhibits.
Zhang Yujing, president of PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Kawasaki’s intelligent manufacturing equipment is displayed at the
the China Chamber of Com- 2017 expo.
merce for Import and Export
of Machinery and Electron- industrial and commercial Organizers will arrange the event’s organizing com-
ic Products, Zhang Kelin, cooperation. representative companies in mittee.
vice-president of the China Top international figures related industries to talk with Lei Shing Hong Leasing,
Machinery Industry Federa- will attend the conference. each other face to face, to offer China Development Inter-
tion, Sun Bo, general manager They include Roger Fisk, the more opportunities for coop- national Leasing, Kunshan
of JD Logistics — the logistics The 2018 CIE will globally renowned strategist eration. Zhonghongxin Leasing and
arm of China’s e-commerce continue to make who was director of former According to officials, the another eight leasing com-
giant JD. They will be joined US President Barack Obama’s expo will also set up special panies will attend the exhibi-
by many more industrial lead-
ers in China.
efforts to help presidential campaign; Zhang
Xingping, senior vice-presi-
stands for financial leasing
The CIE — one of China’s
In addition to Chinese busi- Kunshan to attract dent of ride-hailing company Last month, the Kunshan most important and pro-
ness leaders and officials, the Didi Chuxing, Omar Ahmad city government released new fessional trade shows for
United States Consul-Gen- influential financial Adi Al Bitar, ambassador of policies to promote financial imports — was launched in
eral in Shanghai Sean Stein, the United Arab Emirates to leasing and equipment trade, 2012.
Verinda Fike, the manager leasing companies China and the leaders of other to help the technical develop- According to official statis-
of North East Asia at the US companies. ment of local companies. tics, during the last six years,
Trade and Development and professionals.” To improve service quality The policies are seen stimu- the annual expos have attract-
Agency and other leaders An official at the expo’s and promote communications lating more transactions of ed 4,243 companies from 46
of US companies, such as organizing committee between exhibitors and buy- related products, equipment countries and regions, includ-
GE, IBM and Microsoft, are ers, this year’s CIE will launch and services at the expo. ing the US, Japan, Germany
expected to share their opin- several matchmaking events “The 2018 CIE will con- and Australia.
ions at the forum. for enterprises with different tinue to make efforts to help Organizers said the events
The seventh World Busi- themes. Kunshan attract influential served 287,200 professional
ness Leaders (Kunshan) These themes include intel- financial leasing companies visitors and the exhibition
Conference, hosted by the ligent equipment and acces- and professionals and pro- area totaled 430,000 square
China Chamber of Interna- sories, Sino-US intelligent mote integrated development meters over the past years.
tional Commerce, will focus manufacturing, Sino-Japanese between financial leasing A robot on display during last year’s event. Developed by
on innovative development semiconductors, automation companies and local manu- Contact the writer at caoyin- Changzhou-based company Udear, it teaches children to read and
and aims to promote global and the robot industries. facturers,” said an official in learn.
SETTING AGENDA Innovation drives new economic growth p15 GLOBAL

ON THE MENU Chinese interest for US IPOs still strong p17 PLAYER
Nation gears up
for robotics race


Flexibility offers best
bid for
crucial for Slovenia’s
policy gains By FAN FEIFEI

Chinese home appliances

maker Hisense Electric Co
Prudent monetary stance ‘can help Ltd has won the bidding proc-
China deal with economic risks’ ess for Slovenian appliances
producer Gorenje, which said
By CHEN JIA showed slower expansion in it received three binding the first quarter compared offers by interested strategic
with last year, according to partners from Asia on Tues-
Chinese policymakers data from the People’s Bank day.
need to be more vigilant and of China, the central bank. Hisense offered the best bid
decisive while formulating In 2017, China’s broad mon- The production line of Chinese home appliance maker Haier in Qingdao, Shandong province. The company has developed an industrial of 12 euros ($14.2) per share
monetary policy and keep it ey supply growth only record- internet platform, which can help SMEs customize products in factories. XINHUA subject to its acquisition of 50
flexible to deal with uncer- ed 8.2 percent, far away from percent plus one share of
tainties that could hamper the goal of 12 percent, which Gorenje in the takeover proce-
economic growth in the com-
ing months, economists said.
Globally, monetary policy
was also lower than the sum
of the 6.9 percent GDP
growth and 1.6 percent for the
SME digitalization drive gets shot in arm dure, the Slovenian firm said
in a statement on its official
normalization in some large Consumer Price Index. Hisense has committed to
developed economies, or the China was used to setting By MA SI ister of industry and informa- structure and offering quali- 100,000 SMEs to move their launch a takeover intent with-
retreat from quantitative its annual target of M2 tion technology, said ty cloud services. businesses to cloud in 2018. in 15 days and to make a take-
easing after the global finan- growth rate as a sum of the accelerating the informatiza- In 2017, 16 major Chinese “After doing a good job by over offer in accordance with
cial crisis, may become one expected GDP growth rate, China will step up the push tion of SMEs in China is an companies, including telecom partnering with Zhejiang the statutory deadlines,
of the major uncertainties the inflation gauge of CPI, to fuel the digital transforma- effective way to improve their carriers and information ser- provincial government, we according to Gorenje.
for China, requiring highly and an adjustment factor tion of small and medium- competence and facilitate vice providers, invested 18 bil- will replicate such a coopera- Gorenje said on Tuesday it
cautious policymaking that usually at 3 percent, accord- sized enterprises by helping their financing efforts amid lion yuan ($2.8 billion) to help tion model in other provinces received bids from three com-
aims at building buffers and ing to Wang. them embrace cloud comput- fierce competition. SMEs across China deploy such as Jiangsu, Hebei, and panies who had performed
increasing resilience, a ing, big data and other cut- “About 16,000 startups reg- new technologies. They set up Shandong to help more SMEs due diligence over the past
group of economists from ting-edge technologies, a ister in China every day. More almost 5,000 agencies and embrace new technologies,” several weeks, but it did not
the International Monetary
Fund said on Thursday. 6.6 senior official from the
nation’s top industrial regula-
efforts will be made to
encourage such SMEs to
employed 140,000 workers to
assist SMEs in their informa-
Fang said.
Encouraging SMEs to use
reveal the names of the bid-
ding companies.
“But historically, market percent tor said on Thursday. embrace new technologies, in tization. cloud services is part of Chi- The other two bidders were
turmoil has often followed Such a move is part of Chi- order to upgrade their corpo- Last year, local govern- na’s effort to build globally identified as the Chinese home
monetary normalization,” IMF’s forecast for na’s broader effort to build rate structure and production ments also allocated a com- competitive industrial inter- appliance maker Haier Group
which requires a premium China’s growth in 2018 world-class industrial inter- lines,” Wang said. bined 300 million yuan to fuel net platforms. Last year, the and Hefei Meiling Co Ltd,
on prudence, said Alfred net platforms by 2035, According to the ministry, the process. State Council unveiled a according to reports by local
Schipke, the IMF’s senior which can allow companies technology and telecom Fang Li, deputy general guideline that aims to build newspapers Finance, Delo and
representative for China. The reason was explained to customize products at giants in China have been manager of the government three to five industrial inter- Dnevnik. The three bidders
He said recent US bond as a result of financial delev- speed and scale, and help active in speeding up the and enterprise client branch net platforms, which will declined to comment on the
yields and dollar movements eraging by the monetary them boost productivity and digital transformation of of China Mobile, the nation’s reach international stan- matter.
underscore the uncertainty authority, but this scenario cut costs. SMEs by laying out an largest telecom carrier, said dards by 2025 and lead the Gorenje reported in March
and “Asia could be materially “is very rare in history” Wang Jiangping, vice-min- affordable network infra- the company aims to attract world in key areas by 2035. that its 2017 net profit fell 84
affected given its high house- according to experts. It is the percent due to cost pressures
hold and corporate leverage”. first year in 2018 that the and strong competition. It was
Some economists said that
a too sharp slowdown of
broad money supply, or M2,
government has abandoned
M2 target as a monitor of the
real economic growth.
Rules on financial holding firms in pipeline seeking a strategic partner to
increase cost efficiency and
strengthen the brand.
as well as credit growth, may The International Mone-
harm the macroeconomy tary Fund issued the latest By LI XIANG capital authenticity and ade- sive borrowing and high capi- lenge for the regulators to inte-
but in a lagging period. version of Regional Economic quacy, shareholding structure, tal leverage. Some are even grate them into a unified
Wang Yongli, academic Outlook: Asia and Pacific on corporate governance and engaged in illegal activities framework,” Zeng said.
committee member of the Tuesday, and forecast “China’s China’s financial regulators their connection with subsidi- such as fake capital injection China has stepped up the
International Monetary Insti- growth to moderate to 6.6 are mulling new rules to regu- aries, according to the reports. and fundraising fraud. supervision of financial hold-
tute of Renmin University of percent in 2018 as financial, late the nation’s financial Industry experts said that Zeng Gang, director of ing groups. The government
Hisense is
China, called for “vigilance” on
possible economic weakening
housing, and fiscal tightening
measures take effect”.
holding companies to curb
risks originating from their
the new regulation would
likely target private groups
banking research at the Insti-
tute of Finance and Banking of
took control of private con-
glomerate Anbang Insurance
counting on
from negative impact such as The fund warned that there risky and opaque operations. and financial conglomerates the Chinese Academy of Social Group in February. Its former overseas markets
multiple financial tightening are risks and challenges The drafting of the new funded by industrial capital. Sciences, said it is necessary to chief Wu Xiaohui was sen-
policies taking effect at the ahead, including from a tight- rules is being led by the Peo- Growing risks from big address the regulatory void for tenced to 18 years in prison for future growth.”
same time, which might mag- ening of global financial con- ple’s Bank of China, the cen- financial holding companies financial holding companies, for illegal fundraising and
nify the effect and restrain eco- ditions and a shift toward tral bank, and the new have caught the attention of especially those that are con- embezzlement on Thursday Zhou Houjian, chairman of
nomic growth momentum. inward-looking policies. regulation will likely require Chinese regulators who are trolled by industrial capital in the first trial. Hisense
“Monetary policy should “Strengthening monetary financial holding companies concerned that the risks asso- and local governments. Former central bank gover-
be flexible and also have a policy frameworks and cen- to obtain necessary licenses ciated with these big groups “Supervision of financial nor Zhou Xiaochuan warned
response plan to deal with tral bank communications issued by the PBOC to con- could lead to wider systemic platforms controlled by finan- in March about the rising “Acquiring local compa-
the possible economic cool- can bolster the importance of duct business, according to financial risks that could jeop- cial firms is relatively easier risks associated with finan- nies is the easiest way for
ing,” he said. expectations, and exchange media reports citing people ardize the overall economy. because the parent companies cial holding companies. Zhou Chinese household applian-
China’s M2 growth rate rate flexibility can help to close to the regulators. Many of the big financial are already subject to strict reg- said that some business ces producers to expand
slowed to 8.2 percent in insulate economies from The new rules, which could holding companies have com- ulation. The risks are less con- groups have formed financial their presences in the global
March, down from 8.8 per- imported inflation,” it said. be issued and implemented plex and opaque sharehold- trollable when it comes to holding companies to control market,” said Zhang Yanbin,
cent in February and 8.6 per- “Policymakers should focus this year, will strengthen the ing structures and are financial platforms owned by multiple financial institu- assistant director of All View
cent in January. Yuan- on keeping debt under con- regulation and supervision of believed to have conducted industrial capital or by local tions and to conduct business Cloud, a Beijing consultancy
denominated new loans also trol.” financial holding companies’ risky practices such as exces- governments. It could be a chal- across different sectors. specializing in home appli-
ances, adding the European
market is of great signifi-

Expo to enhance domestic competitiveness cance to Chinese appliance

The Chinese home appli-
ances market is almost satu-
By SHI JING in Shanghai Spread over 25,000 square of the world for 17 consecutive rated, so domestic makers

China is looking to enhance

meters, the exposition has
attracted more than 600
domestic companies, includ-
22 years.
“Chinese consumers now
put more emphasis on indi-
are looking overseas to find
new business growth points.
The acquisition will allow
number of Chinese
its soft power and global ing State-owned enterprises viduality and diversity, attach- the Chinese company to
companies among the top
influence with the three-day such as China National Nucle- ing more importance to obtain local customers
100 in 2017 in the Global
Exposition on China’s Indige- ar Corp and China Aerospace experiences. More efforts on quickly and reduce produc-
500 list
nous Brands that commenced Science and Technology Corp, brand image building can tion costs, Zhang said.
in Shanghai on Thursday. as well as privately-owned ensure the more efficient sup- Hisense, which is based in
The event, themed with companies such as China’s ply of products. As the eco- Qingdao, Shandong prov-
“China brand, world sharing”, largest online travel agency “We have seen the renova- nomic ties between different ince, has been relying on its
is designed to help domestic Ctrip and Qingdao-based tion of century-old domestic economies are strengthening A visitor examines the stand of China National Petroleum Corp at go-global strategy to expand.
companies build influential home appliances giant Haier. brands and the rise of young- with globalization, we can the Exposition on China’s Indigenous Brands in Shanghai. “Hisense is counting on over-
brands to enhance the coun- In late April last year, the er brands thriving in the provide more choices to glob- GAO ERQIANG / CHINA DAILY seas markets for future
try’s overall competitiveness State Council approved the international market after the al consumers,” he said. growth,” said Zhou Houjian,
and help in China’s transition China Brand Day, which will reform and opening-up, Shanghai Mayor Ying Yong the top 100 companies in the global cooperation at the the company’s chairman, in
toward a consumption-driven fall on May 10 every year. which can be largely attribut- said that one of the major pur- world in 2017, compared with show. an earlier interview, adding
economy. Vice-Premier Hu Chunhua ed to Chinese companies’ poses of holding the exposi- 16 in 2016. “The brand is the compre- it is targeting the middle and
At the same time, it will also said at the opening ceremony increased brand awareness,” tion is to enhance Chinese Shanghai Party secretary Li hensive demonstration of the high-end segments of the
highlight China’s support of of the exposition that China he said. domestic brands’ global Qiang said that Chinese competency of a country, a market.
the real economy, stress on has witnessed the rise of a According to State Admin- awareness and influence. brands should demonstrate region and even a company,” The company has secured
intellectual property rights, number of domestic brands istration for Market Regula- According to the Global 500 their new image to the world he said. “Shanghai will make sponsorship deals for the 2018
and resolution to boost the with the country’s economic tion, there were more than list released by British brand with the help of this exposi- all efforts to promote the four FIFA World Cup, becoming
development of domestic growth and increased com- 14.9 million registered trade- valuation consultancy Brand tion. They should embrace brands of the city, which are the first-ever Chinese consum-
companies in a more open petitiveness in the global mar- marks by the end of last year, Finance in February, 22 Chi- the market in a more open manufacturing, services, er electronics brand to spon-
manner. ket. which outnumbered the rest nese companies were among manner and seek possible shopping and culture.” sor the tournament.
14 BUSINESS Friday, May 11, 2018 CHINA DAILY

Regulators ‘working on REIT policy framework’

By WANG YANFEI months,” said a source close to the rental income, while opening a “The thing is that all quasi REITs regulators. The thing is that all quasi REITs intro- channel to help property companies introduced so far are equivalent to
“The major regulatory bodies obtain financing. bond issuance, which means they
Regulators are working on a poli- have yet to reach an agreement on duced so far are equivalent to bond A host of guidelines with encour- cannot lead to high yields to lure
cy framework for a real estate future responsibilities on supervi- aging signs on promoting the rental investors,” Ouyang Jie, vice-presi-
investment trusts open to public sion, and in particular, preferential
issuance, which means they cannot lead to high market have led to expectations that dent of Future Land Holdings, said
investment in China, but uncer-
tainties about tax policies and the
policies to lower transaction taxes,
which need further action from the
yields to lure investors.” a policy framework may come out
very soon to support REITs, where
at a forum held by Golden Credit
Rating in Beijing.
future responsibilities shouldered nation’s taxation administration,” Ouyang Jie, vice president of Future Land Holdings the overall scale of the investment Low enthusiasm for rentals in
by different regulatory bodies may the source said. scheme is expected to exceed 4 tril- China is one of key problems put-
delay its official introduction, Discussion on the introduction lion yuan, according to an estimate ting the brakes on the develop-
according to people familiar with of REITs in China at a regulatory enacting the law for REITs. part of efforts to promote long-term by Peking University. ment of the REIT market,
the matter. level started as early as 2007, dur- Recent documents from the top healthy development of the real China has conducted some pre- according to Nie Meisheng, presi-
“The overall trend is China is ing which time the People’s Bank financial regulators sent positive estate sector. liminary trials by starting pilot pro- dent of China Real Estate Chamber
working towards introducing REITs of China and the Ministry of Hous- signals on the development of real By selling shares in a trust that grams at local levels, and has of Commerce.
in the future, but related policies ing and Urban-Rural Develop- estate investment trusts in China, as owns a collection of buildings, the launched some quasi REITs that She said the government needs to
might not come out as quick as ment agreed to start by the government hopes to promote investment scheme is able to let could only be held by private equity introduce more policies to encour-
expected, say, in the coming introducing pilot programs while the growth of the rental market as shareholders enjoy the returns from funds. age rentals.

What’s news

ed basis, the final demand index

increased 2.6 percent for the 12
Pricey choice months ended in April. The rise
in final demand prices is attribu-
table to a 0.1-percent advance in
the index for final demand servi-
ces. However, the index for final
GOVT AND POLICIES demand goods remained
Ministry: ‘Houses
are for living in’ Houston home prices
China’s top property market show sharp rebound
watchdog has urged local govern- Single family homes have reached
ments to stick to real estate mar- an average price of $240,000 in
ket management goals and not Houston, the fourth-largest city in
loosen regulatory measures. The the United States, which is a
Ministry of Housing and Urban- record high for the area, the Hous-
Rural Development arranged ton Association of Realtors said in
talks on Wednesday with senior a report. According to the report,
government officials from the cit- home sales in the Houston region
ies of Chengdu and Taiyuan on increased 7 percent in April, a
property market regulation. Offi- rebound after falling in March for
cial data showed that both cities the first time since Hurricane Har-
saw the prices of new and sec- vey hit the region last summer. For
ond-hand houses rise year-on- the third straight month, the best-
year in March. The ministry performing segment of the market
reiterated that “houses are for liv- consisted of homes priced in the
ing in, not for speculation” and $500,000 to $749,999 range. Sales
urged them to take specific meas- in that range soared nearly 30 per-
ures to ensure stable and healthy cent.
development of the local proper-
ty market. Vietnam’s automobile
sales decline by 2%
Shanghai bank sector Vietnam’s total automobile sales
assets see uptick in Q1 in the first four months of this
Total assets in Shanghai’s banking year were 79,115 units, a year-on-
sector saw steady growth in the year decline of 2 percent, the
first quarter of 2018, according to Vietnam Automobile Manufactur-
the local banking regulatory body. Employees display luxurious umbrellas at a shopping mall in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Wednesday. Consumption of high-end umbrellas is expected to ers Association said on Thursday.
By the end of March, assets of see a jump with more summer rains expected in the country. Customers pay around 7,000 yuan ($1,102.47) for a high-end umbrella, with some even using Specifically, sales of passenger
Shanghai’s banking industry them as home-decoration products. MIAO JIAN/ FOR CHINA DAILY cars rose 9 percent to 52,760,
reached 14.8 trillion yuan ($2.32 those of commercial vehicles such
trillion), up 3.8 percent year-on- as trucks and buses, dropped 16
year. The loan balances reached 7 percent to 23,364, and those of
trillion yuan by March, up 11.2 special-purpose vehicles fell 37
percent year-on-year, while the province, the company’s first Northeast China’s Heilongjiang sub-Saharan Africa to recover percent to 2,991. In the January-
balance of deposits grew by 4.3 manufacturing site in western province. CRRC Qiqihar Co was set modestly from 2.8 percent in 2017 April period, Vietnam imported
percent year-on-year to 9.4 tril- China. The new facility will pro- up through a restructuring of a to 3.5 in 2018. In its latest Region- completely-built automobiles and
lion yuan. The nonperforming duce acrylic emulsion and addi- former transportation equipment al Economic Outlook for sub-Sa- components for assembly totaling
loan ratio was 0.53 percent by tives to address the growing needs company of CRRC in Qiqihar as haran Africa, the IMF said several nearly $1.2 billion, down 32.2 per-
March, down 0.03 percentage of the architectural and industrial well as CRRC’s four wholly owned economies such as Cote d’Ivoire, cent year-on-year.
point from the beginning of this coating markets, an attempt to locomotive and wind power bran- Ethiopia, Ghana and Senegal are
year, a record low within four COMPANIES AND MARKETS further explore China’s emerging ches in Liaoning, Hebei and Shand- expected to maintain robust Emirates Airline’s
years. markets in the region. ong provinces and the Inner growth at about 6 percent or fast-
Mongolia autonomous region. The er. “Average growth in the region profit surges 124%
Yuan weakens to 6.3768 restructured CRRC Qiqihar Co has is projected to rise from 2.8 per- Emirates Airline, the national
Hangzhou to host against US dollar BYD signs sponsorship carrier of the United Arab Emir-
registered capital of 6.7 billion yuan cent in 2017 to 3.4 percent in
global tea expo The central parity rate of the renmin- deal with Arsenal ($1.1 billion), employing 20,300 2018, with growth accelerating in ates, said on Wednesday it has
The second International Tea bi, or the yuan, weakened 35 basis English Premier League side Ar- people. Its core business is the pro- about two-thirds of the countries generated a net profit of 2.8 bil-
Expo will be held from May 18 to points to 6.3768 against the US dollar senal and China’s electric carmaker duction of freight trains, with in the region aided by stronger lion dirham ($762 million) in the
22 in Hangzhou, capital of East on Thursday, according to the China BYD have signed a global sponsor- exports to more than 30 countries, global growth, higher commodity 2017-18 fiscal year, representing a
China’s Zhejiang province, the Foreign Exchange Trade System. In ship deal. BYD has become Ar- including Australia, New Zealand, prices, and improved capital mar- year-on-year increase of 124 per-
organizer said. The exhibition China’s spot foreign exchange mar- senal’s second Chinese global part- the United States and Brazil. ket access,” the IMF said in its cent. Emirates has transported a
area will be 70,000 square ket, the yuan is allowed to rise or fall ner following smartphone and tele- report. total of 58.5 million passengers
meters, twice the size of the first by 2 percent from the central parity communications equipment giant from April 1, 2017 to March 31,
expo, and there will be a total of rate each trading day. The central Huawei, whose two-year deal with 2018, up 4 percent year-on-year,
2,654 booths for exhibitors, said parity rate of the yuan against the US Arsenal expired this month. The
US PPI for final demand said the company’s Chairman
Lin Jiandong, director of the pro- dollar is based on a weighted average agreement between Arsenal and rises 0.1% in April Ahmed Bin Saeed Al-Maktoum.
vincial agricultural department. of prices offered by market makers BYD covers hospitality opportuni- The Producer Price Index for final However, the business environ-
The expo will have a 8,300 square before the opening of the interbank ties and branding at the Emirates demand rose just 0.1 percent in ment remains tough because of
meter exhibition hall, a hall for market each business day. Stadium in north London. April, the US Bureau of Labor the ongoing political instability,
Chinese teas, an international tea AROUND THE WORLD Statistics reported. The Producer currency volatility and devalua-
hall and an innovation hall. Vari- Price Index, which measures tion in the region, rising oil pri-
ous teas from Turkey and Sri
Dow Chemical opens CRRC sets up freight costs for goods at the factory ces, and downward pressure on
Lanka will also be showcased at new plant in Sichuan train unit in Qiqihar IMF forecasts growth gate, rose 0.1 percent in April aft- margins from relentless competi-
the event. A cultural exchange Dow Chemical Co has announced Chinese rolling-stock maker CRRC in sub-Saharan Africa er the final demand prices rose tion, he said.
events will be held during the the opening of its coating materi- Corp on Wednesday set up its The International Monetary Fund 0.3 percent in March and 0.2 per-
expo. als plant in Meishan of Sichuan freight train subsidiary in Qiqihar, has forecast economic growth in cent in February. On an unadjust- CHINA DAILY — AGENCIES

Tax reduction campaign brings welcome boost to real economy

KUNMING — Li Yunxia’s compa- According to China’s State Council, tration of Taxation, 11.32 million mented to better the business envi- highest retail prices of gasoline and
ny will save about 6 million yuan
($940,000) in annual operating
costs, thanks to the VAT rates cut
the country will cut VAT rates as part
of a tax reduction package amount-
ing to 400 billion yuan this year.
invoices involving about 146.9 bil-
lion yuan have been issued nation-
wide as of May 2.
10 percent ronment and allow more market
entities to enjoy the bonus from the
reform,” she added.
diesel in China have dropped by 75
yuan and 65 yuan per metric ton
respectively since May 1.
the tax rate for transportation,
rolled out in China in May. On May 1, the tax rate in China “The reform is being pushed for- Besides VAT reduction to pro- Automobile company Jaguar
construction, basic telecommu-
Li is the tax manager of Yunnan was lowered from 17 percent to 16 ward in a stable way,” said Deng mote the real economy, Yunnan also Land Rover has adjusted the selling
nication services and farm
Raycom Technology Industry percent for manufacturing and Yong, an official from SAT. exempted 6 billion yuan of taxes to prices of almost 70 types of cars in
produce in China after the
Investment Co in Yunnan province. some other industries, and from 11 Investment bank China Interna- enterprises through replacing their the Chinese market, with the big-
VAT rates were cut
“The annual sales volume of our percent to 10 percent for transporta- tional Capital Corp estimated that business taxes with VAT in the first gest drop of about 20,000 yuan.
company is about 1 billion yuan. tion, construction, basic telecom- firms in the two tax brackets will see quarter this year, up more than 80 “The government should lead and
According to the new VAT policy, munication services and farm their VAT tax burden decline by 6 percent. encourage enterprises to conduct
the tax rate will be decreased to 10 produce. percent and 9 percent respectively. directive measure in tax reduction, “A series of tax reforms in China investment or expand production to
percent from 11 percent, which There are now more than 10,000 “Thanks to the policy, we can put which plays a significant role in fur- will help to ease the burden on enter- promote their business develop-
could save us about 1 percent of companies issuing 170,000 VAT more money toward talent cultiva- ther boosting the market vitality and prises, increase their circular funds, ment,” Li added.
operating costs,” Li said. invoices using the new rates in Yun- tion and research and development driving industrial development,” said and inject fresh impetus to the coun- China aims to reduce taxes on
Li’s company is among hundreds nan, involving more than 2.54 bil- to provide qualified and professional Mei Shucan, a senior official with the try’s real economy,” said Li Lei, asso- businesses and individuals by more
of thousands of beneficiaries of Chi- lion yuan and with taxes exceeding services to our customers,” Li Yunxia Yunnan Provincial Office, SAT. ciate professor at Yunnan University than 800 billion yuan this year.
na’s tax reduction campaign to 349 million yuan. said. “Preferential policies concerning of Finance and Economics.
boost the real economy. According to the State Adminis- “Lowering the tax rates is the most taxation should be actively imple- Due to the new VAT rates, the XINHUA
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018


Innovation drives new economic growth

Leaders from unicorn firms — Ofo, Royole and Kuaishou — offer their views on how technology is changing businesses and people’s lives
By CHENG YU up’s early development and
and LIU YUKUN may even drag the company
down to collapse.
A booming digital economy This decision was based on
is reshaping China’s economic what we are going to do in the
landscape as a string of uni- future. We need to integrate
corn companies — startups the different resources of
valued at more than $1 billion those three places to facilitate
— gear up to become new our businesses.
growth engines in the country.
These unicorns, covering a How can ordinary people
wide range of high-tech sec- become superstars over-
tors including artificial intelli- night through Kuaishou?
gence, the internet of things Su Hua: Unlike competi-
and intelligent manufactur- tors who have contracts with
ing, have thoroughly changed stars and influencers, Kuais-
how people live, and are invig- hou positions itself as a plat-
orating the country’s innova- form where common people
tion and fostering a new can share their life with oth-
economy. ers from the very beginning.
During the annual sessions Our platform started as a GIF
of the nation’s top legislative tool, but soon switched to a
and advisory bodies in March, short video-sharing commu-
China called for more intensi- nity to meet the appetite of
fied efforts to stimulate inno- the audience.
vation and pledged to do more
to implement the innovation- What is your strategy facing
driven development strategy. the increasingly fierce and
In cooperation with iAsk rapidly changing internet
Media, an omnimedia plat- industry?
form founded by Ai Cheng, a Su Hua: The key is to figure
journalist and businesswom- out what you want and contin-
an, China Daily interviewed ue with it. The industry always
CEOs from three unicorns for changes, but you need to find
their views on opportunities something that you can stick
and challenges brought about with. Once you start, you
by the country’s ongoing ought to think for your users
progress, as well as their inno- and solve their problems.
vative development strategies. It is important to do the
They are Dai Wei from Ofo right thing at the right time,
Inc, one of the country’s main but we don’t follow what oth-
bike-sharing players; Liu ers are pursuing.
Zihong from Royole Corp, an Ai Cheng (center), founder of iAsk Media, and Liu Zihong (right), CEO of Royole Corp, attend the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the United States, in January.
innovator and a manufacturer PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Are you worried that users
of flexible electronics; and Su may harm themselves when
Hua from Kuaishou, a leading making erratic videos for
video-sharing and livestream- more public attention?
ing platform. What’s your take on content
The two sessions this year Su Hua: We have regula-
called for more efforts to tions on our platform, and the
support innovative enter- bottom line is there is nothing
prises, especially with IPOs that is no leeway against the
and financing. How do you law. We will stop some
view this policy and what accounts if they break the bot-
benefits will it bring to your tom line.
company? However, gray areas still
Dai Wei: As a Chinese com- exist. What we are doing is
pany, Ofo hopes to go public in to measure the amount of
China if possible in order to users who send us com-
create more value for the plaints. Once the complaint
domestic capital market. reaches a certain number,
As a young tech startup, Ofo we will intervene in this
has achieved success in the account. We do not inter-
past years thanks to the favor- vene in the content creation
able policies and business process, but we do have reg-
environment. Like most start- ulations to exclude some
ups, Ofo is on its path of rapid improper content.
development and needs to Dai Wei, founder and CEO of Ofo Inc, one of China’s Liu Zihong, chairman and CEO of Royole Corp, an inno- Su Hua, CEO of Kuaishou, a leading video-sharing and
expand financing channels to main bike-sharing players. vator and manufacturer of flexible electronics. livestreaming platform. Why did you refuse coopera-
get more support to bolster tion with studios who want-
our businesses. ed to use talents from your
The two sessions delivered a Dai Wei: It’s more like the that fewer bikes are being opening-up and thus have and each of them will be able Liu Zihong: In fact, if you platform in films and reality
good signal for startups like car-hailing business where damaged as more and more enjoyed benefits brought to become an important plat- and your team really focus shows? It seems a good way
Ofo and revealed that the gov- we offer products for users to bikes are being made availa- about by this policy. form to serve a wide range of on innovation, you just come to make money by nurturing
ernment has attached great rent and users pay by times. ble. When a newcomer enters, These talents are able to industries. up with new ideas continu- talents and drawing in more
importance to technology In fact, even though users it will face various challenges. receive high-quality education Human-computer interac- ously, with patents coming audience.
innovation. These favorable only need to pay 1 yuan (16 US from home and abroad to tion became crucial last year. naturally. Su Hua: Our users are most-
policies will help us to explore cents) per time, the profit rate How big do you think Ofo’s grasp advanced knowledge in It will develop rapidly and In Royole, about 70 percent ly welcome to pursue what
more new advanced technolo- of bicycle-rental is far better market will be? What’s your technologies and form an start to be applied on a large of employees are technical and they want, but we will not get
gies in the future. than cars. plan for the future? innovative mind thanks to scale this year. R&D staff, who come up with involved in their decisions nor
Our main profit comes Dai Wei: Five billion peo- reform and opening-up. In the field of human-com- great ideas every day. Our represent them. We position
What is your take on the role from the rental fees rather ple across the globe will ride In addition, the deepening puter interaction, only limited R&D costs accounted for ourselves as a platform focus-
of China’s internet and tech- than the deposit. The deposit bikes. Even now, more than of reform and opening-up has types of technologies have the roughly 80 percent of the total ing on video sharing between
nology development in its is not a property that users 100 million bikes are sold brought up a group of Chi- potential to become such plat- spending in the first three ordinary people, and that is
economic transition? What can invest in to preserve or every year. You can see peo- nese internet giants and pro- form-like technologies. I think years. why it attracted so many users
are the challenges that we increase the value. It is not at ple riding a bike in nearly vided them with a great that flexible electronics have The past two years wit- at the very beginning.
might encounter? all a product and, from my every corner of the world. In innovative environment, so great potential as they break nessed a decrease of R&D as Making money by nurtur-
Dai Wei: China has perspective, will not exist in the future, we hope that we that they are able to survive the limit of physical space and more of our products have ing talents and drawing in
embraced rapid internet and the long run. We’ve never can serve several million and grow. have wide applications in a entered the market, but still, more audience is a trend that
technology development, diverted the deposit for other people every day and Ofo We notice that some Chi- variety of industries. over half of the total spending many video-sharing platforms
which is significant to our eco- purposes and we are waiting can be found everywhere nese enterprises have already is on R&D. follow right now. Kuaishou,
nomic transition, especially in for government policies on globally. stood at the forefront of fields What are Royole’s core busi- however, has no current plans
improving social efficiency. how to deal with it. The internet of things will including e-commerce and nesses and how are they How large will the flexible to step into the business.
Big data and artificial intelli- For our 3.2 version of Ofo be a certain trend. We are mobile payment, but going developing? electronics market be?
gence were included in the bike, the cost is 400 yuan. As of cooperating with Huawei and forward they will need to Liu Zihong: Our businesses Liu Zihong: Some interna- The government is stepping
Government Work Report, June 2017, an Ofo bike is usually China Telecom in creating the explore “no man’s land”. are underpinned by technolo- tional research institutes up efforts to reduce the tax
indicating their future signifi- used four to five times a day, next generation of IoT prod- It follows that entrepreneurs gies of flexible displays, flexi- predicted that the market burden of business entities.
cance to industrial integra- which generates revenue of uct. It may become one of the need to be more innovative to ble sensors and smart devices, size of flexible electronics is How do you view this?
tion, economic structure and four to five yuan. We can recoup largest applied scenarios for explore some unexplored with all three developing neck expected to exceed $300 bil- Su Hua: The decreasing tax
people’s lifestyles. the cost of one bike within half narrow band IoT. In the fields to catch up with some and neck. lion in the next five to 10 burden can not only enhance
We say Ofo is a great a year. We are profitable in future, bikes will be intercon- precious opportunities. We are also integrating years. It is hard to say how our competitiveness against
attempt to apply internet tech- many cities, with the maximum nected and can help govern- them into one technological accurate this figure is, but I companies in other countries,
nology to people’s lifestyles — profit hitting 40 percent. ments to collect data, What do you think about Chi- platform called Flexible+. It believe that the market will but also allow Chinese enter-
their way of daily commuting. including air quality and traf- nese internet companies’ represents the idea that our be huge as flexible electron- prises to invest more in inno-
In order to enhance its user Shared bikes have caused fic jam information. innovations in recent years? fundamental and innovative ics technologies are univer- vation, which will enable them
experience, Ofo has been facil- many problems. There are Which fields are expected to technologies regarding flexi- sal and can be applied in to better participate in the
itating our tech innovations people who keep the bikes This year marks the 40th become the next frontier of ble electronics will be various industries. fierce global competition.
like the first NFC smart lock for themselves. In extreme anniversary of the nation’s innovation? applied into a wide range of
and big data platform for cases, some groups can reform and opening-up. Liu Zihong: Chinese inter- industries including smart- Royole was established and Contact the writers at chengyu
urban traffic. Going forward, decode the pin of shared What opportunities and net enterprises have grown at phones, tablets, wearable is operating in Silicon Valley,
we will continue to develop bikes. What’s your feeling challenges do you think the an unprecedented speed with devices and smart home, as Hong Kong and Shenzhen
innovative technology and towards this? reform and opening-up have some of them having stood out well as intelligent architec- simultaneously. What was Zhou Lanxu contributed to the
further explore artificial intel- Dai Wei: At first, I felt anx- brought to Chinese tech to lead the world, such as ture and decoration. the reasoning behind this story.
ligence and big data. ious and sad. But now, I think companies? e-commerce and mobile pay- unusual decision?
that what we need to do is to Liu Zihong: A great number ment companies. Royole has accumulated Liu Zihong: It was not an easy
What’s Ofo’s business mod- continue increasing our scale of talents in Chinese tech com- I think that human-comput- more than 1,700 patents, decision. We were very cautious Online
el? How does the company and using our resources to get panies, especially internet er interaction, artificial intelli- which means one patent about it as we were afraid that See more by
gain profits? Do you mainly used to such a concept and companies, were born after gence and IoT are expected to nearly every day. How has such a large-scale operation scanning the
gain from the deposit? then use it. Our statistics show the launch of reform and be trendsetting in the future Royole achieved this? would heavily burden a start- code.
16 BUSINESS Friday, May 11, 2018 CHINA DAILY

Opening-up to drive
need for new talent
in accounting sector
Financial reforms according to Yi.
These efforts will signifi-
will increase cantly increase the integration
of China’s market, according
cross-border flow to Melancon.
Overall, if you Such measures are crucial at
of professionals a time when the world is
look at the developing more rapidly,
which means economies have
By WANG YANFEI efforts of open- to rely more on each other. “China, as an open market,
ing-up, China helps with that whole proc-
China’s efforts to promote ess,” he said.
opening-up are expected to has done a China’s greater involvement An exhibitor calibrates a robot before the opening of the World Robot Conference. WANG ZHUANGFEI / CHINA DAILY
generate more demand for in the global financial markets
accounting professionals as remarkable will generate more demand
such moves will create a cross-
border flow of talent, accord-
ing to the CEO of the
professional organization for
Barry Melancon, president
and CEO of the American
for accounting professionals,
providing more opportunities
for the association to enhance
cooperation with local institu-
Nation gears up for robotics race
certified public accountants in Institute of Certified Public tions and help more talents in
the United States. Accountants the industry to continue their By MA SI is designed to help the coun- the booming industry. Com-
Barry Melancon, president training, according to Melan- try lead the world in the race panies such as ABB Group of
and CEO of the American con. toward a smarter, automated Switzerland and Fanuc from
Institute of Certified Public
Accountants, said the slew of
measures announced by Chi-
400k He cited the example of the
Belt and Road Initiative,
which is going to create more
China will ramp up resour-
ces to build a globally com-
petitive robotics industry by
We have approved
society by accelerating the
development of high-end
industrial and service robots.
Japan will also demonstrate
their latest products.
China has been the world’s
na’s top financial regulators members business, a freer flow of eco- attaching high importance to a plan to build a As robotics becomes largest market for robot
sent positive signals and nomic factors and more tackling core technological increasingly intertwined with applications since 2013, data
injected confidence for mar- of the US professional opportunities for multilateral bottlenecks, an official from
national robotics artificial intelligence, big data from the International Feder-
association of CPAs
ket players.
The US professional asso- worldwide
financial cooperation.
“Every one of those busi-
the country’s top industry
regulator said.
innovation center, and other technologies, the
2018 World Robot Confer-
ation of Robotics show. The
trend has been further fueled
ciation of CPAs has more nesses has to have compe- Luo Junjie, deputy director which will focus ence, which will be held in by a corporate push to
than 400,000 members
“Overall, if you look at the
$8.3b tent accountants to work in
that particular process,” he
of the industrial equipment
department at the Ministry of
Industry and Information
on tackling com-
Beijing from Aug 15 to 19, will
feature a slew of competitions
such as a brain control tech-
upgrade labor-intensive man-
ufacturing plants and comes
amid surging demand from
efforts of opening-up, China the daily Shanghai-Hong Demand also comes from Technology, said more efforts mon bottlenecks nology contest to find promis- the healthcare, education and
has done a remarkable job,” Kong Stock Connect quo- young accounting profession- are needed to cultivate high- ing robotics research and entertainment sectors.
Melancon said. “Recent ta starting from May 1 als who might need to contin- end products after China pro- ...” development teams. In 2016, China unveiled an
efforts will just make that ue with further training and duced over 130,000 industrial Xu Xiaolan, secretary-gen- ambitious plan to triple its
quicker.” education, he added. robots last year, accounting Luo Junjie, an official from the eral of the Chinese Institute of annual production of robots
Earlier in April, Yi Gang, the The association is looking at for one-third of the world’s Ministry of Industry and Infor- Electronics, one of the orga- used in the manufacturing
governor of the People’s Bank awaited Shanghai-London China as a potential exam site. annual production volume. mation Technology nizers of the 2018 World Robot sector to 100,000 in five years.
of China, unveiled fresh Stock Connect is expected to There will be plenty of “We have approved a plan Conference, said more than It also aims to sell more than
details of plans to open up the start this year and the daily changes to achieve localiza- to build a national robotics ogies and compliant control,” 300 industry experts and sen- 30 billion yuan ($4.6 billion)
financial sector, many of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock tion in the future, because it is innovation center, which will Luo said at a news conference ior company executives from worth of service robots by
which went beyond market Connect quota will quadru- important to stay relevant to focus on tackling common for the 2018 World Robot around the world will attend 2020 amid the increasing use
expectations. ple to 52 billion yuan ($8.3 the needs of the profession in bottlenecks such as human- Conference in Beijing. the annual robotics event this of assistant robots in an aging
For instance, the long- billion) starting from May 1, China, he added. machine interaction technol- According to Luo, the plan year to share their views on society.

TAILG confident about

overseas e-bike sales growth
By WANG YING in Shanghai

The anti-dumping investi-

gation launched by the Euro-
pean Union on Chinese
electric bikes will not impact
the global strategy of TAILG
Electric Vehicle Co Ltd, which
is confident of becoming a
leading brand in Europe, its
CEO said during the four-day
28th China International
Bicycle Fair held recently in
“Our globalization won’t be Electric bikes of TAILG Electric Vehicle Co Ltd are displayed at a
suspended because of the new energy expo held in Nanjing, Jiangsu province.
ongoing anti-dumping inves- ZHEN HUAI / FOR CHINA DAILY
tigation launched by the EU.
In fact, as a global company,
we have already established world’s largest producer and
our European headquarters consumer of electric bikes,
in The Netherlands,” said Yao
Li, CEO of Shenzhen-based 250 million according to Ma Zhongchao,
director of the China Electric
electric vehicle company number of electric bikes in Vehicle Association. There
TAILG. operation across the nation are 250 million electric bikes
An investigation into the in operation across the
alleged dumping of Chinese nation at the moment. Mean-
e-bikes has been launched by while, the nation’s more than
the European Commission, Roadmap 2050, and this move 700 manufacturers produce
according to a notice pub- presents Chinese enterprises more than 33 million units
lished in the Official Journal of huge opportunities for pro- per year, worth a total 135 bil-
the European Union in Octo- moting electric bikes and new lion yuan.
ber, 2017. energy transportation in Overseas markets contrib-
According to Yao, TAILG Europe,” Yao said. uted about 12.5 percent to
has started the operation of its In addition, the e-mobility TAILG’s total sales in 2017, and
European company, and once partnership agreement the company is geared up to
the manufacturing site is signed between TAILG and raise the ratio to 20 percent by
picked, production and the UN Environment aimed 2019, Sun Muchu, vice-presi-
assembling will soon follow. at introducing electric vehi- dent of TAILG, told China Dai-
“It will be very difficult for cles in Africa and other are- ly earlier.
Chinese enterprises and Chi- as of the world in March To date, TAILG’s electric
nese brands to ... break into makes the company more bikes and scooters are export-
(the) European market, but we confident in promoting glo- ed and traded in 66 nations
are resolved to become a lead- balization. worldwide, and the company
ing brand there,” he said. The agreement looks to help saw its overseas business dou-
Because Europe is commit- governments in Africa and ble in each of the past two
ted to cutting energy use and other areas of the world start years.
pollution, eco-friendly vehi- phasing out older vehicles, Chinese e-bike producers
cles will have great potential thus curbing air pollution. said that unlike other trade
for growth. In fact, the Euro- Electric bikes “originated in complaints, there is no overca-
pean electric bike market has China, and over the years, the pacity in China’s e-bike indus-
doubled its growth in each of nation has been taking a lead try. Export volumes are
the past several years. in the sector by holding the customized and based on the
“European nations are lion share of the global mar- EU demand, while more than
actively slashing energy con- ket. Nothing could stop us 95 percent of China’s e-bikes
sumption and emissions in going to Europe,” Yao said. are sold to the domestic mar-
accordance with the Paris As of the end of last year, ket, the Xinhua News Agency
agreement and the Energy China had become the reported.
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018 Markets | BUSINESS 17

Lipton to sell Guizhou tea globally Chinese interest for

US IPOs still strong
By ZHU WENQIAN in Beijing
and YANG JUN in Guiyang

Lipton plans to sell tea bags

containing black and green
tea produced in Zunyi, Guiz-
hou province, nationwide and
later worldwide, marking the
Trade disputes IPO in Hong Kong last week.
“Everyone is fixated right
first time it has used purely haven’t curbed now on the changes that Hong
Zunyi-produced tea. Kong has made to its listing
Lipton, a tea brand under businesses’ plans We continue to see standards to accommodate
consumer goods giant Unilever dual-class shares so as to be
PLC, launched the new product to list overseas a wide spectrum of able to attract the big China
in Guiyang, capital of the prov- tech unicorns,” Bernstein said.
ince, this week, and the compa- By ZHANG RUINAN the readiness of “While I do think this makes
ny plans to start selling it in July. in New York Hong Kong more viable at the
Guizhou is expected to pro- ruinanzhang@ teams to truly be margin, there are a whole host
vide 50 metric tons of raw tea of factors that go into choosing
annually to Lipton, and the successful as US the best listing venue, and
tea bags will be made in Lip- Chinese companies are dual-class now creates a level
ton’s manufacturing base in Farmers pick tea leaves at a plantation in Zunyi, Guizhou province, on May 6. YANG JUN / CHINA DAILY looking to launch IPOs in the
public companies.” playing field between the US
Huangshan, Anhui province, United States regardless of the and HKEX.”
Drew Bernstein, co-head of the
the company said. ongoing trade tensions Bernstein said that there is
China practice at Marcum Bern-
With its subtropical climate Zunyi, and the company certified by Rainforest Alli- China Youth Development between the two countries. also a lot of discussion about
stein & Pinchuk
and clean air, Guizhou is ideal found that the tea produced ance, a New York-based NGO Foundation for each box of “Despite the heated talk on the potential for China deposi-
for growing high-quality tea. locally was of sufficient quali- that aims to protect biodiver- Zunyi-made tea it sells, and trade, I remain an optimist tary receipts to enable tech
The new product is based on ty to enter higher-end mar- sity and achieve sustainable the funds will be used for local about US-Chinese relations, restrictions in place … And the titans such as Alibaba and
Asian preferences. kets. It then introduced the development by changing charity programs. In addi- economic and otherwise,” said dynamic in China seems to Tencent to tap into Chinese
“Some time is needed to Zunyi-produced tea into its earth utilization models and tion, the company will pro- Drew Bernstein, co-head of favor investors rather than shareholders.
examine the product if it is to global procurement system. consumer behavior. vide free training and the China practice at Marcum issuers.” China’s securities regulator
be sold abroad. But the tea “The project will help to By 2020, the certification of management for some Bernstein & Pinchuk and an However, Kennedy said Chi- published draft rules on the
produced in Guizhou has a raise the quality and reputa- 6,700 hectares of tea planta- impoverished tea farmers auditor of Chinese IPOs in the nese IPOs’ performance so far issuance of CDRs on May 4,
safety guarantee, and it is eas- tion of locally planted tea, tions in Zunyi is expected to and give them work. US. “I can tell you that we are this year has been disappoint- paving the way for the domes-
ier to meet standards,” said upgrade related sectors and be completed. This process getting more inquiries about ing. tic flotation of offshore-listed
Zeng Xiwen, vice-president of fuel the transformation of has helped to lay the founda- Zhao Yandi contributed to US IPOs from China right now “Looking at the eight com- companies and the launch of a
Unilever North Asia. economic benefits to social tion for the internationaliza- this story. than at any time in recent panies that have listed in the cross-border link between the
In 2016, Unilever launched benefits,” Zeng said. tion of Guizhou tea. memory.” US, six of them have had a neg- exchanges in Shanghai and
a sustainable tea planting Last year, 335 hectares of Meanwhile, Unilever will Contact the writers at zhuw- Chinese IPOs in the US ative return. The two positive London.
poverty alleviation project in tea plantations in Zunyi were donate 1 yuan (16 cents) to the accounted for about a fifth of ones (microcaps) have raised The rules on CDRs, modeled
US IPO proceeds in the first less than $15 million. Also, after American depositary
quarter this year, according to investors are not making mon- receipts, came days after the

Tencent signs UK creative partnerships Renaissance Capital, an IPO

research firm based in Con-
ey on Chinese IPOs,” he added.
“We continue to see a wide
spectrum of the readiness of
Hong Kong Stock Exchange
adopted new rules to broaden
its listing regime, intensifying
“There are several factors teams to truly be successful as a battle for listing resources.
By CECILY LIU in London creative industry projects in said the deals will see the com- global digital creative indus- that make a US listing attract- US public companies,” Bern- Both Beijing and Hong Kong
cecily.liu@ China, such as helping the pany using its digital technol- tries, in which the UK is a ive to Chinese companies,” stein said. “That is why when I are targeting the likes of Baidu Beijing-based Palace Museum ogy strength to help scale up world leader”. said Bernstein. “Time to mar- talk to Chinese CEOs, I always Inc, Alibaba Group Holding
to digitalize its information. the impact of the UK’s world- In the film sector, Tencent’s ket can be much faster, given frame this as training for a Ltd and JD by allowing them
Technology giant Tencent The deals announced in leading creative and cultural subsidiary Penguin Pictures that IPOs need to meet disclo- marathon while running a to list at home via secondary
Holdings Ltd has announced London on Wednesday are a industry products. will work with the BBC in a sure requirements but are not sprint. You don’t want to be listings.
several high-profile deals to continuation of this expansion He said they were not being three-year partnership in subject to government that broken IPO that does only The rules “lay the founda-
help British creative industry into the cultural and creative done with short-term profits co-production and content approval and don’t have to one financing, and two years tion for innovative companies
companies and organiza- industries. They also coincide in mind. Rather, the deals fit distribution. The deal comes wait in line. after the opening bell trading to return to the domestic capi-
tions, such as the BBC and with British companies’ grow- in with the company’s vision in the wake of last year’s suc- “The US also has very active, has dried up, analysts have tal markets via the issuance of
British Fashion Council, to ing efforts to develop their to create an open and free cessful co-production of the liquid markets for follow-on dropped you, and institutional CDRs”, the China Securities
reach the Chinese market. businesses further afield, information ecosystem. documentary Blue Planet II, equity and debt offerings. As funds have fled.” Regulatory Commission said
One of China’s top three amid uncertainty over Britain “Openness, partnership which garnered a record- long as a company performs Kennedy said in 2017 and in on its website.
internet companies alongside leaving the European Union. and sharing at a global level breaking 220 million views. financially, they can return for the first quarter of 2018, Chi- “There are a lot of technical
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd The agreements have been have become our common The partnership with the multiple rounds of funding at nese IPOs in the US hit a mul- issues that would need to be
and Baidu Inc, Tencent is a bundled together in an offi- vision for the future of human British Fashion Council a lower cost of capital,” Bern- tiyear high, but changes in ironed out, but I think that giv-
pioneer of the nation’s digital cial partnership signed development in this digital focuses on using Tencent’s stein said. China’s exchanges could affect ing Chinese investors access is
economy growth. between Tencent and the Brit- era,” Lau said. artificial intelligence technol- Matt Kennedy, IPO market that. He said Chinese main- ultimately a positive,” accord-
The company derives most ish government’s Department Liam Fox, the UK’s secre- ogy and big data analysis to strategist at Renaissance Capi- land technology firm Xiaomi ing to Bernstein.
of its revenue from games, but for International Trade. tary of state for international help British fashion compa- tal, said: “There is a backlog of Corp was considering listing
in recent years it has engaged Seng Yee Lau, senior execu- trade, said the deals will nies better target Chinese cus- Chinese IPOs there pending in the US at one point, but sub- Reuters contributed to this sto-
with a number of cultural and tive vice-president of Tencent, “accelerate the growth of the tomers. approval. There are several mitted its application for an ry.

Daily Stock Market Performance Gainers

and and
Losers International Stock Markets
Daily YTD Daily Daily Daily YTD % Chg
Index Close % Chg % Chg GAINERS Close % Chg LOSERS Close % Chg Close % Chg –5% 0% +5%
Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index 3174.41 +0.5 –4.0 Hang Seng Index 30,809.22 0.9
Shanghai Stock Exchange
3600 Hang Seng China Ent Index 12,233.96 0.4
Zhejiang Jiuzhou Pharm 10.63 10.04 Aurora Optoelectronics 10.27 –9.99
3490 Hangzhou Cable Co Ltd 8.00 10.04 Flying Technology Co 16.00 –6.76 TAIEX Taiwan Stock Index 10,760.21 0.5
3380 Qingdao Copton Tech 18.99 10.02 ZhejiangXinan Chem Ind 16.75 –5.95 Nikkei 225 22,497.18 0.4
ShanghaiPutailaNwEnTch 48.02 10.01 Shanghai Baosight Sftw 29.19 –5.29 Sensex 35,333.05 0.0
JiangsFlwrsKngHrtcltre 14.52 10.00 ZhejngWmngEnvrnmntPrtc 25.17 –5.20 KOSPI 2,464.16 0.8
3160 S&P/ASX 200 6,118.75 0.2
ZhejiangJiaEnprtchStck 39.50 10.00 ShanghaiFukngIntrctEnt 5.53 –4.98
3050 Wuhan Thalys Med Tech 27.62 10.00 Langfang Development 8.20 –4.98 New Zealand 50 Gross Index 8,637.72 0.2
Inly Media Co Ltd 14.32 9.98 Dalian Dafu Entrpr 2.12 –4.93 Straits Times Index STI 3,539.80 –0.2
NingboHaitianPrec Mach 12.45 9.98 Shandong Xinchao Enrgy 3.09 –4.92 Bangkok SET Index 1,746.39 –0.6
Hubei Zhenhua Chemical 12.01 9.98 Anhui Sun-Create Elec 56.20 –4.57 Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index 1,846.51 1.0
Shenzhen Stock Exchange Component Index 10,729.77 +0.4 –2.8
VN-Index 1,028.87 –2.7
11,700 Shenzhen Stock Exchange Dow Jones 24,542.54 0.7
11,200 GalaxyBiomedical Invst 6.90 10.05 NAURA Technology Group 49.50 –5.23
HunanChina Sun Ph Mach 8.93 9.98 Taiji Computer Corp 30.27 –5.08
10,700 AnhuiGujing Distillery 77.56 7.66 CEFC Anhui Intl 3.04 –5.00 Commodities
10,200 Holitech Technology Co 10.99 6.91 Northcom Group Co Ltd 25.01 –4.87 Daily YTD % Chg
Walvax Biotechnology 24.78 6.86 Beijing SuperMap Sftw 19.30 –4.46 Close % Chg –30% 0% +30%
9700 Hualan Biological Eng 33.08 6.64 ChangshaJngjMcrlctrncs 52.19 –4.17 Brent Crude Oil (USD/bbl.) 77.70 0.6
Shenzhen Deren Electr 19.75 6.30 Beijing Sinnet Tech 15.66 –3.93 Gold (USD/t oz.) 1313.00 –0.1
Giant Network Group Co 26.99 6.13 Thunder Software Tech 34.58 –3.81 Silver (USD/t oz.) 16.54 0.4
Aier Eye Hospital 47.76 5.87 InspurEl Info Industry 24.19 –3.63 Copper (USD/lb.) 3.06 0.0
Shanghai Shenzhen CSI 300 Index 3893.06 +0.6 –3.4
Jiangxi Zhengbang Tech 4.32 5.62 All Winner Technology 23.73 –3.18 Aluminum (USD/MT) 2377.00 –0.3
4400 Corn (USD/bu.) 4.03 –0.1
Hang Seng Wheat (USD/bu.) 5.11 –0.8
4000 China Shenhua Energy 20.45 3.49 China Resources Land 28.95 –1.53 Soybeans (USD/bu.) 10.16 –0.4
Tencent Holdings Ltd 406.20 2.94 Bank of Communications 6.22 –0.96 Coffee (USD/lb.) 1.19 –0.2
3600 CNOOC Ltd 13.90 2.81 Geely Automobile 22.70 –0.66 Sugar #11 (USD/lb.) 0.11 –0.6
Lenovo Group Ltd 3.79 2.16 Power Assets Holdings 58.85 –0.59 Palm Oil (MYR/MT) 2381.00 –0.1
3200 AIA Group Ltd 71.10 2.01 China Unicom Hong Kong 10.68 –0.56

Cross Currency Rates ETFS

Shanghai B-Share Stock Price Index 322.00 +0.3 –5.8 Daily %
USD 1.187 0.157 0.127 1.357 0.001 0.278 0.016 0.009 0.015 0.782 China 50 510050 2.72 0.44
355 China AMC CSI 300 Index 510330 4.21 0.65
EUR 0.842 0.133 0.107 1.142 0.001 0.235 0.014 0.008 0.013 0.659
345 China CSI 500 510500 6.37 0.41
335 CNY 6.355 7.545 0.810 8.619 0.006 1.768 0.102 0.058 0.094 4.971 China SME 159902 3.54 0.60
HKD 7.850 9.321 1.235 10.648 0.007 2.184 0.126 0.072 0.117 6.140 China Universal CSI Consumer Staples Index 159928 2.32 1.40
GBP 0.737 0.875 0.116 0.094 0.001 0.205 0.012 0.007 0.011 0.577 E Fund ChiNext Price Index 159915 1.76 0.74
315 E Fund CSI 300 510310 1.65 0.49
KRW 1072.950 1271.960 168.693 136.686 1452.080 297.694 17.195 9.763 15.946 837.310
E Fund CSI 300 Financials ex Banks Index 512070 1.88 0.86
BRL 3.593 4.258 0.566 0.458 4.875 0.003 0.058 0.033 0.053 2.811 E Fund Hang Seng China Enterprises Index 510900 1.25 0.64
Shenzhen B-Share Stock Price Index 1101.24 +0.6 –5.3
RUB 62.255 73.911 9.799 7.932 84.445 0.058 17.321 0.567 0.937 48.695 E FUND SZSE100 INDEX FUND 159901 4.79 0.65
1260 Fortune SGAM Xianjin Tianyi Money Market 511990 100.01 0.00
JPY 109.770 130.340 17.275 13.984 148.892 0.103 30.540 1.763 1.631 85.860
Guangfa CSI 500 510510 1.68 0.36
1210 INR 67.286 79.887 10.588 8.572 91.261 0.063 18.720 1.081 0.613 52.628 Guotai Shanghai Stock Exchange 180 Financial Index 510230 6.01 0.40
1160 CAD 1.279 1.518 0.201 0.163 1.734 0.001 0.356 0.021 0.012 0.019 Harvest CSI 300 Index 159919 4.24 0.67
Huatai-Pinebridge CSI 300 510300 3.90 0.67
1110 Shanghai SSE180 510180 3.32 0.61
Data provided by
1060 SSE Pledge Urban Investment Bond 511220 93.80 –0.14
M J J A S O N D J F M A Yinhua Traded Money Market Fund 511880 101.57 0.00

Friday, May 11, 2018



New technologies promise huge scalability for businesses in such industries as marketing,
branding and software design, says economist Jonathan Haskel. Andrew Moody reports.

onathan Haskel says Brown was chancellor of the
the rise in property exchequer, and was a member
values in China’s cities of the reporting panel of the
is more down to the Competition Commission,
rise of the intangible economy which looks into competition
than the attraction of tangible issues in the UK, for most of
assets such as apartments and the past decade.
houses. Haskel is a particular critic
The economist says the fac- of the euro, which he believes
tor behind the rise is people is doomed to fail.
moving to the city to work in “It is almost entirely politi-
intangible industries such as cal, it seems to me. The lesson
marketing, branding and soft- from successful currency
ware design. unions, like the US, for exam-
“The types of people who ple, is that you not only need a
benefit from the intangible single monetary authority,
economy are going to move but you also need a single fis-
into the cities. This has the cal authority as well, or some
effect of raising house prices, way of having fiscal transfers,
because property is in short between the parties to the
supply,” he says. union,” he says.
“The other thing it does is “In the US, Connecticut, for
increase the social divide example, has been a net payer
between city and rural dwell- to Louisiana for decades. In
ers, whose properties don’t
tend to rise in value. People
Europe, we have to reach a sit-
uation where the Germans
People know from
there are not doing these inno- also have to be net payers to their everyday
vative new jobs and they get countries which aren’t doing
left behind.” as well. That to me does not experience that
Haskel, 54, who was speak- seem politically feasible. I
ing in the office of the futuris- don’t therefore see any future business is just
tic campus of the Imperial for the euro.”
College Business School in Haskel also believes there getting more and
London, where he is professor are major risks to recovery 10
of economics, is the author years after the global finan- more intangible.”
with Stian Westlake of a new Economics professor Jonathan Haskel says the intangible economy is making society unequal. NICK J.B. MOORE / FOR CHINA DAILY cial crisis.
Jonathan Haskel, economics
book, Capitalism Without “The developing countries
Capital, that has attracted are looking a little better in
significant attention in the ain’s fifth-biggest airline, “The reason why we disa- “The value of the company put everything together. the sense that they keep
West. went bankrupt in October. It gree with Piketty is that he is in its actual recipe, the “When Steve Jobs passed going. The developed coun-
“I think with this book, we was an example of the fact takes a slightly old-fashioned branding, the marketing and away, Apple didn’t appoint tries are clawing their way gies. The idea was that the
are pushing at an open door. that very few airlines own Marxist view that the marquis the advertising, whereas the the best software program- back. It does, however, seem university lecturer could be
People know from their every- anything tangible anymore. or the duke can make a lot of bottling and the delivery are mer or chip engineer to to me that we haven’t got the helped by AI, but it may be the
day experience that business Within 10 days, most of the money by just hording their on the tangible side. Of replace him, but the supply- banking sector sorted out machine will start giving lec-
is just getting more and more fleet had been returned to the assets,” he says. course, the recipe cannot be chain management guy, Tim yet,” he says. tures and indeed writing a
intangible. It is, however, people who were leasing it,” “The problem with this is patented because then every- Cook, who was chief operat- Haskel says one unknown book,” he says.
something that is more or less he says. that not all assets are rising. one would know what the ing officer. People who can factor is the impact that artifi- As for China, he believes
ignored in company accounts “What there was then was House prices may be going up formula was.” bring stuff together and coor- cial intelligence will have on that the rise of the intangible
and also in national (govern- this huge long argument in the cities, where the intan- The economist says new dinate a little bit are the ones jobs. economy could prove to be a
ment) accounts,” he says about the intangible assets of gible workers move to, but if technologies have made it now with the valuable skill “The usual example econo- boon for the world’s second-
“There is just this discon- the business, which in Mon- you, for example, took a place possible for intangible busi- sets,” he says. mists will throw about is largest economy.
nect between the sort of nar- arch’s case were the landing like Gateshead (a northeast- nesses to have huge scalabili- Haskel, who studied eco- automatic teller machines. “China is going from what
rative people talk about in slots at Britain’s congested ern English town), which has ty. nomics both at the University They will say that they creat- was a very capital-driven
terms of a company’s success airports.” been quite run down, they are “If I am Bob’s Taxis and of Bristol and the London ed banking jobs because bank innovation to a more knowl-
and what they read when they The book’s ideas challenge not really rising at all. The want to carry more taxi pas- School of Economics, has staff could now sell you finan- edge-driven innovation, and
get the hard numbers.” those of the French economist same can be said also of sengers, I have to order more spent most of his career in cial advice and that kind of that is another way of saying
He cites as examples a com- Thomas Piketty, who in his Donald Trump’s so-called taxis, whereas if I am Uber or academia. thing,” he says. that intangibles are going to
pany like Microsoft, where it best-selling book Capital in Rust Belt.” Didi, I don’t have to make that He has been at the Imperial “As anybody at MIT and become much more impor-
is almost impossible to meas- the Twenty-First Century Haskel says the intangible kind of investment to scale College Business School since places like that will tell you, tant in driving growth,” he
ure the value of investment in argued that it is those with economy is not new, with up,” he says. 2008, where he is now both the world of artificial intelli- says.
software development unless assets who have been getting most of the assets of compa- Haskel says the real win- professor of economics and gence has changed over the
it has been developed and consistently wealthier over nies like Coca-Cola, which ners in the intangible econo- academic director. past 18 months or so, with Contact the writer at
sold, and also airlines. the past 250 years, compared dates back to the late 19th my are the managers and the He also was an adviser at advances in image recogni- andrewmoody@
“Monarch Airlines, Brit- with those without assets. century, being intangible. organizational people who the Treasury when Gordon tion and all these technolo-

Edgar Snow’s Red Star shines on

moting mass education at the
same time.
Their honest, upright and
down-to-earth behavior was
in stark contrast to the arro-
In 1936, a 31-year-old Amer- inside look at the Chinese Com- ed over time. gance, arbitrariness and cor-
ican writer ventured into a munists. Snow wrote about One of the latest editions ruption displayed by the
“no-go” zone in a remote part Mao, Zhou Enlai and other rev- sold 3 million copies in just Kuomintang, and helped
of Northwest China’s Loess olutionary leaders he spent over a year since its release. them gain mass appeal.
Plateau with many questions No other four months living with in the The Ministry of Education has The Red Army’s growing
in his mind. hillside caves there. also suggested the book be number of new recruits were
Who were the Chinese Com- Westerner had “I remember a chapter in compulsory reading for mid- often described as the “poor
munists? How did “the Reds” which Mao talked about his dle school students. man’s army”.
dress, eat, play, love and work? presented such childhood,” says Men Liangjie, Douban, a popular online At the end of his book,
What were the chances of the a journalism graduate student review site, has about 10 Chi- Snow wrote that the Commu-
Red Army winning at all? insight into at Tsinghua University. “I felt nese editions of Red Star Over nist revolution would “even-
What was their leader Mao like I was also sitting in that China and they all score rat- tually win”.
Zedong like?
Chinese cave with Snow, listening to ings of more than 8 out of 10. Today’s China is a world
Edgar Snow entered, stayed
and re-emerged with little
communism Mao.”
Gordon H. Chang, a profes-
Snow discovered that com-
munism genuinely stirred
apart from Bao’an in the
1930s. Yet the CPC carries on
doubt that the almost-isolat-
ed fighting force led by the
before.” sor of history at Stanford Uni-
versity, says he had an
many young Chinese. Soldiers
of the Red Army were
its traditions.
The Chinese leadership has
Communist Party of China Gordon H. Chang, professor of “electrifying” reading experi- described as “unbeatable”, called on fellow comrades to
would ultimately succeed. history at Stanford University ence with the book. demonstrating “sheer dogged “remain true to our original
He penned the book Red “No other Westerner had endurance” and having “the aspiration”, and to “never for-
Star over China, giving a rare, presented such insight into ability to stand hardship get why you started, and you
detailed and at times brilliant versity professor, at a sympo- Chinese communism before,” without complaint”. The epic can accomplish your mission”.
account of the revolutionary sium last week to mark 80 Chang says. “Edgar Snow was Long March was a perfect Over the past five years,
movement the world knew so years of the book’s Chinese a singular individual who example of this. many wide and far-reaching
little about. edition. came along at the right Snow wrote about how the campaigns to rid the Party of
In 1938, the Chinese ver- Until the book’s publication, moment. He was an excellent Red Army, whose members corruption and undesirable
sion hit the market. Mao and his comrades had writer and a keen observer of were mostly poor peasants, conduct have been launched,
Eighty years later, the book usually been portrayed in the history.” trekked over mountains, leading to broad improve-
is once again being widely West as “Red bandits” fighting He adds: “It was not just crossed rivers, while surviv- ments in the political system.
read as people seek to under- a losing guerrilla war. Reports sympathetic but appeared to ing on little food and dodging Top: Edgar Snow talks to Communist officials in 1936 after ventur- Snow died in Switzerland
stand the CPC. about them often relied on be grounded in real sources their Kuomintang pursuers ing into Bao’an, the makeshift CPC headquarters in a remote part in 1972. Some of his ashes
The political party Snow hearsay or were pure fabrica- and observations. It felt truth- on their journey to reach of northwestern China. Above: Two Chinese editions of Red Star were buried at Peking Univer-
introduced to the world is now tion since the “Red zone” was ful and I think many others Yan’an. over China, published in 1979 and 2016. XINHUA PHOTOS sity.
behind the wheels of the blockaded. who read it, even today, feel “This had a big impact on Inscribed on the tombstone
world’s second-largest econo- But Snow was undeterred. similarly.” Western readers,” says Wu are words in both Chinese and
my as it drives ever closer to His trip to Bao’an, the make- Red Star over China has Shulin, vice-executive direct- them a lot of admiration.” The CPC introduced English that read: “Edgar
the global center stage. shift CPC headquarters near become a must-read for peo- or of the Publishers Associa- And the communists won extremely popular policies in Snow, American friend of the
“The book’s charm is its the present-day city of Yan’an, ple keen to learn about the tion of China. “The Red support from the masses who the Red zone: they eradicated Chinese people.”
true account of reality,” said opened his eyes. He was one of CPC’s revolutionary past. And Army’s resilience and ability suffered during the Kuomint- opium, child slavery and com-
Cao Wenxuan, a Peking Uni- the first outsiders to gain an its Chinese editions proliferat- to overcome hardships won ang regime. pulsory marriage, while pro- XINHUA
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018 Dining | LIFE 19

n chapter 35 of The
Dream of the Red Cham-

ber, when protagonist
Jia Baoyu is asked what
he would like to eat after being Creating a dessert is like
beaten by his father, he asks making an art piece for dessert
for lotus leaf soup. chef Luo Dan.
It’s one of the many dishes PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
described in Cao Xueqin’s epic
novel, but it’s unlikely anyone
has ever tried to re-create these
delicacies from scratch, let alone
reinterpret them.
Not until now, that is. Luo
Dan, a dessert chef from
Chengdu, Sichuan province,
TASTES A girl and a boy (behind her) seal two pots of Anhua dark tea
with mud and a piece of red paper during the recent tea-sealing
has set herself to the task of ceremony in Beijing. JIANG DONG / CHINA DAILY
re-creating 12 dishes from the A chef from Chengdu has turned a
famous novel and turning
dozen dishes from Cao Xueqin’s epic
them into a range of daring
modern desserts through an
online course she developed novel The Dream of the Red Chamber
Tea-sealing tradition
called A Bite of The Dream of
the Red Chamber.
“Each dessert has been
into a selection of daring new desserts. gets a new lease of life
designed according to the nov-
el, and all the recipes will be
Li Yingxue reports. By LI YINGXUE China Garden Tea Cultural
easy for anyone to follow and Festival & Anhua Dark Tea
require no complex skills,” Cultural Week.
says Luo. One legend says that the Zhou says: “Sealing
For Jia’s lotus soup, Luo uses process of sealing tea and let- liquor, food and tea are tra-
honeydew melon, lotus leaf, ting it age began after ditional in China. And the
sago and rice, and employs a Emperor Qianlong (1711-99) tea or liquor then ferment,
simple molecular gastronomy visited Hangzhou in Zheji- leading to the presence of
trick to make it work perfectly. ang province. probiotics that are good for
The rice porridge is cooked But there are those who health.”
with lotus leaves before being via an online food forum, say the tradition is much old- As part of the recent cere-
rolled into balls, laid out on a where we would discuss new er. mony, a boy and a girl sealed
bed of honeydew melon puree, dishes. One homemade cake I Zhou Fan, director of the two pots of Anhua dark tea
and topped with marsh penny- made wowed everyone,” Luo ancient tea institute at the with mud, and a calligrapher
wort — an aquatic herb that says. Chinese Tea Culture wrote on a piece of red paper
resembles tiny lotus leaves. “Now many families have Research Institute, says: that was used as a seal.
The porridge balls explode in their own ovens. They can eas- “The tradition actually has a Zhou says that in the old
the mouth to leave a fresh taste ily make cookies or bread at history of more than 1,000 days the tea would be kept
of summer. home. And it’s easy to find a years, and began in the Tang sealed for about two decades
Luo believes that beautiful dessert shop down the street, Dynasty (618–907). to obtain the desired results,
things have souls. which was rare 10 years ago.” “In the Qing Dynasty but now the same results can
“Good food not only awak- Creating a new dessert is (1644-1911), a ceremony (for be achieved within three to
ens our taste buds, it also like making an art piece for the sealing) would be held five years.
reminds us of fond memories,” Luo. “I enjoy each cooking on an auspicious day.” “Earlier pottery was used
the 36-year-old says. process — from designing the According to Zhou, the to preserve the tea, but then
“People in ancient times dish, to preparing the ingredi- last recorded imperial tea- porcelain became popular,”
regarded food more as an art ents, to making the dessert — sealing ceremony was held says Zhou.
form. So when I designed the even though each step takes a in 1909 at the Temple of “We would like to further
soup dessert, I asked myself long time.” Heaven in Beijing. develop the technique.”
‘How can I be creative and Besides launching her culi- Now, over a century later, Anhua dark tea was used
make this special?’.” nary career, Luo developed an the custom is being revived. as a tribute in the Ming
In chapter 54 of the book, interest in flower arranging, And, on May 3, a special tea- Dynasty (1368-1644).
Jia’s grandmother orders tea culture and designing fur- sealing ceremony for Anhua Xiao Weiqun, vice-presi-
almond tea after a family din- niture. But after the APEC dark tea (produced in dent of the Hunan Tea Indus-
ner. While Chinese desserts summit, she chose to shun the Anhua county of Hunan try Association, hopes that
are usually made out of white limelight and focus her efforts province) was held in sealed Anhua dark tea can
almonds, Luo has created a on making Chinese desserts. Badachu Park, Beijing, as become a sought-after prod-
new version which uses tor- “The ingredients used in part of the 17th Badachu uct in the future.
toise-herb jelly as a base. To making Chinese desserts are
this she adds almond cream healthy, such as grain, fruit
and two spoons of black rice,
before topping it off with
crispy black sesame sugar.
and vegetables, which don’t
add too much burden to your
body. And sweet foods also
Spain uses food to
“All the ingredients are good
for the lungs, which fits with
the character of Chinese-style
Red Chamber may be Luo’s
latest venture, but she is no
very careful,” says Luo.
Luo learned traditional Chi-
make people happy,” says Luo,
explaining why she continues
to run the online course to
boost China links
desserts that are designed not stranger to success, having nese painting when she was a teach dessert making.
only look pretty, but to also fol- already wowed the world with child and kept up the hobby For Luo, creating new West- MADRID — Spanish gas- popularizing Spanish culina-
low the natural rules,” says Luo, her desserts at the 2014 Asia- until college. After studying ern-style desserts is an easier tronomy is vital to help boost ry traditions in the Asian
adding she is determined to Pacific Economic Cooperation graphic design at the Sichuan undertaking because there are Spain’s profile in China, says giant, Espinosa de los Mon-
elevate Chinese desserts into summit in Hangzhou. Fine Arts Institute from 2001 to more reference points availa- Carlos Espinosa de los Mon- teros says.
an item of cultural heritage. Luo was chosen to make Chi- 2005, Luo became a designer. ble, whereas she often has to teros, the high commission- “Every time a prestigious
“Many countries have their nese cookies for all the first Her passion for desserts develop new Chinese desserts er for Marca Espana, a chef goes to China, or begins
signature dessert, such as ladies at an APEC dinner, which started during college, when from scratch. There are no cer- Spanish government institu- to work in China, they are
Japan’s wagashi, Germany’s were later presented as gifts in a she began experimenting with tainties in the process. Some- tion set up to promote very popular; it is food that
black forest cake, and France’s specially made wooden box. baking cakes at home. A year times she worries that her Spain’s image abroad. Chinese people enjoy,” he
macaroon,” says Luo. “But Luo painstakingly decorat- into her design job, she decided creations are too Western, and He says Marca Espana says.
what about China? I hope that ed her handmade cookies with to quit and pursue her dreams. at other times she finds her planned to have a greater He explains that although
one day my desserts will flowers from all four seasons, Luo gave birth to a boy two wondering if the traditional presence in Asia, and espe- Spain has a traditional food
answer that question, and with each one taking her four years after getting married in recipes are actually better. cially in China. “One of the culture, a generation of chefs
show the beauty of desserts to five hours to make. The 2007, and now her life is divid- “Making desserts is like life. tools we have to promote is are also known for their
seen through Chinese eyes.” flowers were very lifelike. ed into two distinct roles — You need to find the beauty, our gastronomy, which innovation.
Luo says Chinese desserts “The petals were made of raising her son and creating and add your own understand- along with fashion and “It is a culture which is
follow the seasons and also icing sugar, which I shaped desserts. ing and inspiration, so the sport, leads the strategy to typified by innovation, talent
change with the times. “There first of all. I then added color Main picture: Luo Dan’s Luo has witnessed how des- beauty will be relevant to you.” enter into important mar- and technology, which has
is more about Chinese des- to them before pasting each re-creation of the almond tea serts have grown in popularity kets such as China.” been incorporated into the
serts to dig up, and I want to one onto the cookies. They mentioned in The Dream of the in China over the past decade. Contact the writer at Although Spanish food is old art of cooking,” he says.
make them more delicate.” were very small and thin and Red Chamber. Above: Luo makes “When we first started in liyingxue@ not well known in China,
A Bite of The Dream of the very fragile, so I needed to be a cookie with painted flowers. 2008, we would communicate progress is being made in XINHUA
20 LIFE | Culture Friday, May 11, 2018 CHINA DAILY

Exhibitions showcase
traditional creativity
By WANG KAIHAO um, Ren says: “To revive tra-
wangkaihao@ ditional Chinese culture, we cannot simply copy ancient
art and close our doors to the
In recent years, China has outside. More creative think-
created a large number of ing is needed to promote
products based on its cultur- cross-border communica-
al traditions, ranging from tion.”
souvenirs developed by Then there’s NICE, an
museums to products with institution affiliated to the
modern design. Ministry of Culture and
And now, China Week: Tourism, which deals with
Inherit and Innovate, a set of cultural exchanges, which is
exhibitions that is being showcasing its products
Chinese paper-cutting artist Zhou Shuying, known for her multicolored style, is coloring one of her representative works, Tree of Life. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY staged in about 30 cities which are inspired by the
around the globe, including Shaolin Temple, renowned
Seoul, Brussels and Mexico for its kung fu and the
City, are showcasing these Mogao Caves in Dunhuang,

CUTTING EDGE products to the world.

The exhibitions, which
began on Thursday and run
through June, are organized
by China Cultural Centres —
the country’s institutions for
cultural diplomacy run by
a pivotal post on the ancient
Silk Road.
Separately, the China
National Philatelic Corpora-
tion is displaying its stamps
at the exhibitions.
Speaking about the
Zhou Shuying spent years injecting new life into an age-old folk craft, which saw the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism — in those cities.
stamps, Tang Jing points to a
set featuring Tang Dynasty
her develop new colors, patterns and techniques. Yang Yang reports. According to Zheng Hao,
the deputy director of the
(618-907) poetry which uses
microprinting to depict
ministry’s Bureau for Exter- more than 25,000 characters

hen my That was also why she nal Cultural Relations, lec- on the stamps.
father agreed to work with other five tures and business seminars The activities under the
decided to paper-cutting masters to pub- will also be part of China program will not be restrict-
teach me lish a three-volume book, Week, making it a compre- ed only to the respective Chi-
the art of paper-cutting, he titled World Intangible Cul- hensive cultural event na Cultural Centres.
asked me not to have romantic tural Heritage of Paper-cut- encouraging the cross-bor- For instance, an exhibi-
relationships before I was 40 ting Art Series, which der exchange of expertise. tion at the Museum of the
years old.” combines the most represent- Zheng says 86 activities City of Mexico will use
The comment prompted a ative Chinese poetic works are part of the program, resources from Beijing
general buzz when 54-year- from the Tang, Song and Yuan which covers museums, Design Week to showcase
old Zhou Shuying addressed dynasties with the art of intangible cultural heritage, modern Chinese design.
more than 900 middle school paper-cutting. animation and digital tech- Speaking about the enthu-
students at a recent opening “I know that many publish- nology. siasm the program has gen-
ceremony of an exhibition of ers have invited Ms Zhou to “It (the program) offers a erated, Wang Yudong, who is
intangible cultural heritage at publish her works. When I channel for Chinese prod- in charge of Beijing Design
Beijing No 80 Middle School. visited her in Yuxian county at ucts to go abroad. And, it Week, says: “Even before this
“Thirty-four years ago, peo- the end of 2016, she wore a helps build bridges between exhibition kicked off, the
ple paid little attention to polite smile at the beginning, domestic institutions and Mexican side had contacted
such crafts as paper-cutting, but when I described our their overseas counterparts us, showing interest to
and craftspeople were rela- detailed plan about the book for further cooperation and extend the show.”
tively poor. But there were and our aim to let children allows the rest of the world Separately, the National
people sacrificing a lot to pre- appreciate this beautiful Chi- to see Chinese designs.” Library of Vietnam in Hanoi
serve the arts,” Zhou said. nese art by reading the poems Among the institutions is giving Nanjing, the capital
During the speech, Zhou since it is used as a funeral col- In 1995, Zhou’s paper-cut and verses represented taking part in the program of Jiangsu province, a
did not explain why her father or, so people gradually formed work Peace Dove was chosen through the form of paper- are the Palace Museum in chance to display the city’s
made such a demand, but she the custom of pasting paper- as the emblem for the 4th cutting, her eyes lit up,” the Beijing, which is known for cultural creativity.
later told China Daily: “My cuts using red or other colors United Nations World Confer- editor of the book Yuan Jingya its development of souve- China has set up 35 China
father worried that if I was onto their windows. ence on Women. In 1996, she says. nirs. Cultural Centres around the
married, I wouldn’t have time At the age of three, Zhou graduated from the Central “Although paper-cutting is According to Ren Wan- world since 1988, and Zheng
to work on paper-cutting.” started learning the paper- Academy of Fine Arts in Bei- not so familiar to children ping, the deputy director of says the number will reach
Besides, her three brothers cutting craft using colors. jing with another representa- these days, it will help them the museum, more than 50 by 2020.
needed to make a living from Unlike many other paper-cut- tive work Tree of Life, in which better understand the art 9,000 kinds of products have Speaking about the
it, so if she married into ting schools in China, paper- she adapted more than 50 form and the great poems and been developed by the muse- purpose of the cultural units,
another family living off this cut works from Yuxian county propitious Chinese symbols to verses from Chinese history.” um so far. And some of the Zheng says: “They serve to
craft, she would become a tend to be multicolored rather represent life. The book is divided into products will be promoted in explain the Belt and Road
competitor to them. than in the single colors of “I drew many patterns three volumes, each contain- six countries during China Initiative and improve
Traditionally, at the school red, black, green or blue. After before the final Tree of Life, ing works from the three dif- Week. people-to-people exchanges.
in her hometown in Yu county, drawing and cutting out the which were all disapproved by ferent dynasties: poetry from Speaking about how the They showcase China in
North China’s Hebei province, patterns, craftspeople always Zhou Shuying’s World Intangible my professor Lyu the Tang Dynasty (618-907), program will help the muse- different dimensions.”
paper-cutting could only be added color to them. Cultural Heritage of Paper-cutting Shengzhong. But in the end, poetry from the Song Dynasty
inherited by male family There were traditionally Art Series (above), and patterns he was pleased with Tree of (960-1279) and verses from
members. But Zhou, one of only five colors — pink, green, inside (top), which readers can cut Life,” she says. the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).
the most well-known masters yellow, red, and blue — used in out from the book. In 2006, Chinese paper-cut- Yuan carefully chose 24 arche-
and the representative of the Zhou’s hometown. Flowers ting was included on the list of typal works for each category
multicolored paper-cutting had to be pink or yellow, but the World Intangible Cultural and gave a modern explana-
school, is an exception. little Zhou always wanted to her father closely and imitat- Heritage. As one of its inherit- tion on the right side of each
“It is because my father dis- make them different. ed his skills. She would put the ors, Zhou has become well- work, with paper-cut inter-
covered my talent when I was Once she watched a spider patterns she learned to draw known with many of her pretation of the work in other
little,” she says. accidentally blend two colors on his desk, but he always tore works collected by art galler- pages.
However, it was still not a into a beautiful pinkish pur- them up immediately. ies and museums around the She also puts in an intro-
smooth process. ple while scurrying from one It was not until Zhou turned world. duction about the two mas-
Zhou’s father Zhou Yong- color into another and leaving 20 years old that her father But she always bears the ters in both English and
ming was the only student marks on paper. She then finally agreed to teach her, but last words of her father in Chinese at the end of each vol-
taught in person by Wang managed to replicate the pur- solely on the proviso that she mind: “Keep this art alive and ume, so that “English readers
Laoshang, who founded the ple color and used it on one of did not fall in love before the pass it on to later genera- will also understand the skills
paper-cutting school in Yuxi- the flowers she was assigned age of 40. tions.” of each school and the contri-
an county that originated in to work on. Worrying that her True to her word, Zhou did That was why as a National bution of the masters to the
the Ming Dynasty (1368- father and elder brothers not have a romantic relation- People’s Congress deputy, art,” she says.
1644). would scold her, she hid the ship until in her 40s, by which Zhou proposed at the two ses- At the same time, curious
In northern China, in purple flower under other time she had long been sions meetings in March that readers can create their own
ancient times before glass works, but when it was found, regarded as a laughing stock national intangible cultural paper-cut works using the pat-
became affordable, people she felt relief because they in her village and “a bit crazy”. heritage should be included in terns and red paper offered in
used opaque white paper on thought it beautiful too. But in order to fulfill her elementary school syllabuses the book set.
their windows to keep out the Despite her talent and dili- promise to her father and as well as for higher educa-
wind and cold while letting gence, Zhou’s father firmly realize her dream, she was tion, in order to protect, main- Contact the writer at Some cultural products developed by the Palace Museum in
light in. But stark white was refused to teach her all the determined to overcome tain and develop national art yangyangs@ Beijing will be displayed worldwide for China Week: Inherit and
considered dull and ominous skills. She always observed these difficulties. forms such as paper-cutting. Innovate. PHOTOS BY CHENG HAOLONG / FOR CHINA DAILY

Translation in focus as China moves to share rich culture

By CHINA DAILY between Chinese writers and trators from Italy, Sweden and Italian translator Patrizia cial feature called “must-read Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci
foreign illustrators have in Denmark and led to the publi- Liberati works with Chinese books for Italian students”. Code, says closer collaboration
Translation has always been recent years proved very suc- cation of six picture books in a editors on the Italian version Giving details about the fea- between Chinese and foreign
more about the yearning to cessful in spawning foreign series called Chinese Seeds of China’s longest-running lit- ture, Liberati says: “I’ve always translators is needed when it
connect with the world at large language translations of Chi- Working with for- and Global Blossoms. erature magazine Ren Min wanted to translate Dong Wu comes to translating Chinese
rather than just turning works nese books, according to The books have been pub- Wen Xue (People’s Literature). Xiong Meng ever since I was a works.
from one language into anoth- Zhang Yuntao, the chief editor eign illustrators ... lished in Sweden, Denmark The Italian version of the college student, and at the Hu Zongfeng, a professor of
er. And driven by this shared of children’s book publisher and the United Arab Emirates. magazine titled Caratteri pub- magazine we finally did it.” literature and translation at
desire, many translators, writ- Tian Tian Publishing. allows us to see Then, in February, two of lishes Chinese works that have As for Liberati’s back- Northwest University in
ers and publishers from In 2013, Tian Tian Publish- Cao’s picture books, Bronze not yet been translated into ground, she is the Italian trans- Shaanxi province, has set up a
around the globe are now ing and the People’s Literature how Chinese liter- and Sunflower and Feather Italian. And its four issues pub- lator of Nobel Prize Laureate workshop with Robin Gilbank
working together to share Chi- Publishing House jointly featured on a top US literary lished so far have featured Mo Yan’s work Tan Xiang Xing from the United Kingdom to
nese culture with the rest of launched a project to get for-
ature is received list. Feather is illustrated by espionage novel writer Mai Jia (Sandalwood Death), Wa translate the works of Shaanxi-
the world in innovative ways.
At the 10th China Transla-
eign illustrators to work with
64-year-old Chinese writer Cao
outside China.” 52-year-old Brazilian illustra-
tor Roger Mello, winner of the
and 2016 Hugo Award winner
Hao Jingfang among others.
(Frog) and Sheng Si Pi Lao
(Life and Death Are Wearing
based writers, including Jia
Pingwa and Chen Zhongshi.
tion Profession Forum held at Wenxuan, the winner of the Zhang Yuntao, chief editor, Tian 2014 Hans Christian Anders- Speaking about her work, Me Out). And Liberati, who The workshop’s translation
Peking University in April , the Hans Christian Andersen Tian Publishing en Award. And the book Liberati says: “We want to has been translating Chinese of the best-selling Chinese
discussions focused on how Award in 2016. recounts a feather’s journey to introduce up-and-coming literature since 2002, is now writer Ye Guangqin’s
collaborations between Chi- Speaking about the project, seek its owner. (Chinese) writers to Italian translating Jia Pingwa’s Tian Mountain Stories was
nese and foreign translators, Zhang says: “When we are who are very careful readers of Separately, foreign translat- readers.” Gou (Sky Dog). published last July in the
writers and artists can help translating and publishing our books, allows us to see how ors are also collaborating with In a related development, Zhu Zhenwu, 55, a professor United Kingdom.
readers around the world bet- books, we don’t always know Chinese literature is received Chinese magazine publishers the magazine published Wang of literature and translation at
ter understand China. who the readers are. But work- outside China.” to introduce their products to Shuo’s Dong Wu Xiong Meng Shanghai Normal University Liu Yinglun contributed to
Meanwhile, collaborations ing with foreign illustrators, The project involved illus- global readers. (Ferocious Animals) as a spe- and the Chinese translator of this story.
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018 Fun | LIFE 21
Language tips
Crossword Capricorn (DEC. 22-JAN. 19)
Don’t feel you must do something drastic just because someone
wants you to participate. Walk away from any offer that appears
risky or even the least bit unsavory or unpleasant.
Aquarius (JAN. 20-FEB. 19)


Make a change to the way you look or how you live. The upside
will be a positive personal gain, but the downside will be that
someone disappoints you.
Here we are on the third floor. This is where the teaching
Pisces (FEB. 20-MARCH 20) materials and reference books are.
What you do for others will be tiresome but rewarding. Getting
involved in a demonstration, volunteering for a cause you believe
in or reuniting with old friends is encouraged. 那边是卖艺术类书籍的。
Aries (MARCH 21-APRIL 19)
     !"#$ %

You’ll have trouble containing your emotions. Try not to overreact
before you have a chance to gather the facts. Arguing will be a 
waste of time and will lead to regret.

Taurus (APRIL 20-MAY 20) Over there are the art books. Come on, let’s choose teach-
Don’t trust anyone to do your job for you. You’ll be disappointed
ing materials for your son first.
in someone’s performance or lack of integrity. Surround yourself
with people willing to work as hard as you.
Gemini (MAY 21-JUNE 20)
Don’t trust anyone offering the impossible. Concentrate on hon- &#!' 

ing your skills and gaining experience. Self-deception will end up   )
costing you emotionally. Protect yourself against being taken for
Excuse me, which shelves are the teaching materials and
Cancer (JUNE 21-JULY 22) reference books for elementary school students on?
Find out all you can. Participate in events that offer something
out of the ordinary or that will bring you in contact with people
who have a different perspective. Listen and learn.
Leo (JULY 23-AUG. 22)
Plan a short trip or get together with an older friend or relative &%!*   !  !! 
Across 29 City near Dayton 55 Fleecy boot 22 3.0, e.g.
31 Freeboots brand 24 Umpire’s cry
who can offer suggestions based on his or her experience. A %+!%,    
1 Abbr. before a change will do you good and sharpen your mind and awareness.
date 32 Exam for jrs. 56 Sch. that’s home 26 Went back to
5 Comics figure 34 ___ pop (music to the N.C.A.A.’s where it all Virgo (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)
with extraordi- genre featuring Wahoos began On the first two rows of shelves, those with the red car-
nary powers simple, catchy 57 Very strong 27 Model Your physical and emotional welfare should be monitored. A rela- toon patterns on them.
tionship will lead to disappointment. Keep a level head. If some-
9 Word in the cor- melodies) 60 Deli scoopful 28 50% less? one asks for too much, say no.
ner of some 36 Giants of folk- 63 It’s south of the 30 Inundated
news broad- lore Caspian 31 Olympics 你知道都买哪些教材吗?
Libra (SEPT. 23-OCT. 23)
casts 37 The Hawks, on 64 Alarm clock success
13 Charley horse scoreboards toggle 32 World capital A change at home will create a problem. Don’t let anyone put # -
demands on you. Take care of your responsibilities and make
sensation 38 Playbook sym- 65 Actor whose whose motto is plans with a friend or do something relaxing by yourself.
14 Prefix with vita- bols … or letters four-letter first Fluctuat nec
min treated symboli- name shares mergitur Do you know which text books you need to buy?
cally in this puz- three letters (Latin for “It is Scorpio (OCT. 24-NOV. 22)
15 Edible part of a
lychee zle’s Down with his last tossed but does Taking a short trip to visit a friend or relative or attending a
answers 66 Twinge not sink”) retreat will calm your nerves. Someone you encounter will
16 Quantity of disk intrigue you with an idea or proposition. 我记在这张纸上了,一共是三本,两本教材、一本参
drive capacity 40 Scot’s negative 67 Hurry 33 Vessel opener 考书。
18 Benchwarmers 41 Raises 68 Uncovers dirt, in 35 Suffix with
19 François Hol- 43 Vast amounts a way ethyl Sagittarius (NOV. 23-DEC. 21)
'    ! # ! -!/!" !
lande’s one 44 They may make 38 Certain bicycle You need to adjust your lifestyle. Altering your current setup to
your hair stand 39 Situation in accommodate someone you love to spend time with will lead to "

20 Supermarket Down
on end which, on the a long-term plan.
chain 1 Really enjoy
21 1969 World 45 Thoroughly 2 Last word of whole,
Series hero 47 Like Quentin many an improv nothing can be I wrote them on this piece of paper. There are two
Tommie Tarantino films skit gained or lost Bridge text books and one reference book.
23 Kitchen gizmo 49 Options on a 3 1978 #1 hit for 42 Falling back
25 ___ Boyd, first barbershop wall the Commo- (on) As we all know, defense is
wife of both 50 Blew dores 44 Many an From Shopping Talk, by Sinolingua.
53 Passing com- the hardest part of the game.
George Harrison 4 Government embedded ani- Some players, though, have a
and Eric Clapton ments? org. in Breaking mation
Bad feel for it and find coups
46 LAX patrollers
Yesterday’s solution 5 Sitcom catch- 48 Persians, e.g. most would never consider.
phrase of the 51 Sidestep Sitting East in this deal
’70s and ’80s 52 Pops from the World Youth Junior BETTER ENGLISH
6 Like the 54 Symbol at the Pairs was Sagnik Roy from
Scream films center of a India. Can you see what he
7 ___-appropriate Scrabble board did after his partner, Sayatan
8 Org. that hires 55 Potentially Kushari, led the heart five 基因检测
many engineers insulting against four spades?
9 It results in a 57 One behind a South’s one-club opening Genetic test
runner being velvet rope, was either natural or a bal-
called safe say anced hand with 12-14 or 请看例句:
10 Hot blood 58 Radio host Glass
11 Through 18-19 points. North's one- However, South, after win-
59 Moving According to reports, the US Food and Drug Administra-
12 Word with Dutch heart response showed spa- ning the first trick with his
object? tion is allowing 23andMe, a US company, to sell genetic
or American 61 Thurman of des. heart king, cashed the spade
17 “Très ___!” West led low from his trip- ace, and East dropped the tests to people without doctor’s prescription, indicating
Pulp Fiction the FDA is further easing its regulation of the genetic test
18 Big, tight embra- 62 “That feels leton because he had not queen!
ces supported his partner’s suit. Declarer cashed his club industry in the US.
so-o-o-o good!”
If he had raised hearts, he ace, led a low trump and, aft-
would have led the nine, top er West played low, finessed
of nothing. dummy’s eight. He got a rude 据报道,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)将允许美国
Comics Since declarer had three shock when East produced
服务, 这表明FDA正进一步放宽对基因检测行业的监
DILBERT top losers (one spade, one the 10, cashed the heart ace
heart and one diamond), he and shifted to a club, which
needed to play the club suit West ruffed to defeat the
without loss. The best line contract. 对我国大多数消费者而言, 基因检测(genetic test)
would have been to cash the Yes, perhaps South should 仍然是一个新鲜事物。但前瞻产业研究院预计, 未来
club ace, then, when West have assumed that East 五年我国基因检测市场的复合增长率在35%左右,
dropped an honor, to enter started with Q-J-10 of spades 2020年我国基因检测市场份额(the market share of
the dummy and take a sec- (that being more likely than China’s genetic test industry) 有望突破300亿,更长远
ond-round finesse. As you a singleton queen), but East’s 的潜在市场(long-term potential market) 过千亿。
can see, that would have falsecard deserved its suc-
worked. cess.  
但基因检测服务的市场化(the marketization of genetic
F-MINUS test services) 也带来了隐私泄露的巨大风险(huge risks
Kakuro of privacy leaks) 。

人们向基因检测公司提供唾液样本(saliva sample)
时根本无法得知该基因样本(gene sample) 会被如何
处置或使用, 个人基因信息(individual genetic informa-
tion) ,尤其是致病基因(disease-causing genes) 有泄露
的风险, 而这可能导致歧视或侵权行为的发生。

基因缺陷 genetic defect
基因隐私 genetic privacy
基因编辑 gene editing

基因测序 gene sequencing

To learn more hot words,
please log on to
A Kakuro consists of a playing area Follow us on weibo at
of filled and empty cells similar to a
crossword puzzle. Some black cells
DRABBLE contain a diagonal slash from top
left to bottom right with numbers in
them, called “clues”. A number in
the top right corner relates to an
“across” clue and one in the bottom
left a “down” clue. The object of a
Kakuro is to insert digits from one
to nine into the white cells to total ChinaDaily 中国日报
the clue associated with it. However Yesterday’s solution 手机报免费体验 双语新闻微信
no digit can be duplicated in an entry.
22 SPORTS Friday, May 11, 2018 CHINA DAILY

Tee time for Trevor

Celtics stay Smart

to outlast Sixers
Boston vanquishes Philly to book we did it. This was a process to
get to the conference final, but
Eastern showdown with Cavs we didn’t. Next year, that’s our
In a game that featured 21
BOSTON — With 2.4 sec- lead changes — the most in the
onds left and the Boston Celt- playoffs this year — the Celtics
ics leading by two, Marcus scored eight straight points in
Smart had a chance to clinch the final 1:37, taking the lead
Game 5 of the Eastern Confer- on Tatum’s layup with 23 sec-
ence semifinal and eliminate onds left.
Philadelphia by making a pair Embiid had a chance to tie it
of free throws. but he missed a heavily con-
He missed the first. tested layup, failed to tip it
He could have made things back in and then grabbed that
more difficult for the 76ers by rebound, too. Rozier knocked
missing the second one on the ball out of his hands, off his
purpose and forcing them to leg and out of bounds with
go the length of the court with 10.8 seconds left.
the clock running. “Just a championship play,
He chucked the ball off the that’s all,” said Rozier, who
rim and it dropped in. made a pair of free throws to Trevor Sluman of the United States tees off during Thursday’s opening round of the Haikou Championship, the fourth event of this
That gave the 76ers a chance make it 113-109 for Boston. year’s PGA Tour Series-China, in Haikou, Hainan province. Sluman and compatriot Charlie Saxon shared the early lead at 6-under
to win with a desperation JJ Reddick’s 3-pointer cut before a thunderstorm halted the day’s action. Play was set to resume on Friday morning. The top five on the tour’s order of merit will
3-pointer. The full-court the deficit to one, and then it earn cards for the 2019 Tour, the developmental circuit for the PGA Tour. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
inbounds pass went into the was Smart’s turn. Coming off
left corner, and who was there the bench, he had 14 points, six
to intercept it, heaving it back rebounds, six assists and three
into the air to run out the clock? steals. ATHLETICS
To the surprise of no one in a “He’s made for this,” Stevens
Celtics uniform, it was Smart.
“That’s a Marcus Smart
sequence. That just describes
him so well,” guard Jaylen
Jaylen Brown reacts after scor-
ing to help the Boston Celtics to
said. “He’s made for these
moments. We can go through
the stat line all you want, but
when your season’s on the line
Gatlin out to prove he’s still
the man to beat in Shanghai
Brown said after Boston beat a series-clincing 114-112 victory and you need to do really hard
Philadelphia 114-112 on over the Philadelphia 76ers at things, he can do them.”
Wednesday night to advance to TD Garden in Boston on
the Eastern Conference final Wednesday. USA TODAY SPORTS Together at last
for the second straight year. After striking up a long-dis-
“If it came down to one guy tance friendship with Drew By ALYWIN CHEW London, was scheduled to
coming up with it, everybody’s Boston Celtics,” said Celtics Bledsoe during the first-round in Shanghai compete here but pulled out
got their money on Smart.” coach Brad Stevens. “You real- series against the Milwaukee earlier this week, with his
Jayson Tatum scored 25 ize if you’re going to break Bucks, Rozier finally met the coach saying the move was
points, Brown had 24 and Ter- records here. You’re going to former New England Patriots Justin Gatlin, reigning “precautionary”.
ry Rozier scored 17, sinking a break bad ones, because none quarterback in person. world champion in the 100m Coleman has also had an
pair of free throws to make it a of the good ones are reacha- Rozier first invoked Bled- sprint, intends to pull out all impressive start to the sea-
four-point game with 9.8 sec- ble.” soe’s name during a trash-talk- the stops in Saturday’s race at son, setting a world record at
onds left after forcing Joel Embiid had 27 points and 12 ing back-and-forth with Bucks the 2018 Shanghai Diamond the indoor championships in
Embiid’s turnover. rebounds for the 76ers, Dario guard Eric Bledsoe, pretend- League athletics competition. Birmingham.
Al Horford added 15 points Saric had 27 points and 10 ing to confuse the two. “I want to get a world-lead- When asked if Coleman’s
and eight rebounds for Bos- rebounds, and Ben Simmons Drew Bledsoe joined the fun ing time in Shanghai. I ran at withdrawal was good news
ton. added 18 points, eight by recording a video that was the Grenada Invitational ear- for the rest of the field, Gatlin
The Celtics will play Cleve- rebounds and six assists. played for the sold-out TD lier this year and the track disagreed, instead expressing
land in the Eastern final for The 76ers rode The Process Garden crowd during a break was a little slower, but the concern for his compatriot,
the second straight year. Game back into the playoffs for the in Game 7. track here is a little faster and whom he raced alongside in
1 is Sunday in Boston. It’s the first time since 2012, winning On Wednesday, the football harder, so I want to be able to US sprinter Justin Gatlin interacts with students at Qibao Mid- the 4x100 at the Tennessee
Celtics’ first back-to-back trips 20 out of 21 games before Bos- player met Rozier before the get the job done and put away dle School in Shanghai on Thursday. ALYWIN CHEW/ CHINA DAILY Relays in Knoxville in April.
to the conference final since ton beat them three straight game, which he watched from a strong competition,” the “It’s never good news. He
making it five straight times times to open the series. courtside with Celtics owner 36-year-old said at Thurs- might have injuries and you
from 1984-88. “The Process is never going Wyc Grousbeck. day’s pre-competition media Karlsruhe, Germany, in Feb- modest time of 10.28sec. never want to wish that on
“When you get here, you’re to end,” Embiid said. “This is a event at Qibao Middle School, ruary and setting an Asian Gatlin, who spoiled Usain any athlete because of how
flattered by the thought of the process to get to the playoffs, ASSOCIATED PRESS where he met with student record of 6.47 seconds in the Bolt’s farewell party last year hard we all work,” Gatlin said.
athletes. process. He eclipsed it with a by beating the Jamaican leg- “We’re from the same col-
“There are going to be Chi- time of 6.43 just a few days end for the 100m title at the lege, so I want to see him
nese and Japanese athletes in later at the tour’s next stop in world championships in Lon- come back strong and be
George goes under the knife the race on Saturday and they Dusseldorf. don, said he is well aware of good for the rest of the sea-
are good contenders. I think The 28-year-old also made Su’s exploits. son.”
this is going to be one of the history in March when he “I’m definitely going to Also scheduled to compete
Oklahoma City Thunder for- where he started 79 games and best races of the year so far,” won silver in the same event have to take him seriously. Su in Saturday’s 100m is Cana-
ward Paul George had arthro- averaged 21.9 points, 5.7 he added. at the World Indoor Champi- is a strong athlete who won da’s Andre De Grasse, who
scopic surgery on his left knee rebounds and 3.3 assists. One of the Chinese athletes onships in Birmingham, silver at the indoor champi- won the silver medal in the
on Wednesday, which the NBA A five-time NBA All-Star, the Gatlin will be up against is England, becoming the first onships, so he’s going to be a 200m and bronze in both the
team described as “successful”. Paul George 28-year-old made a career-best local favorite Su Bingtian, Chinese male sprinter to great opponent,” Gatlin said. 100m and 4×100 relay at the
A statement posted on the 244 3-pointers in the regular who won the 100m at last medal in an individual event “I’m going to have to take 2016 Summer Olympics in
Thunder website said that the six to eight weeks before return- season. year’s Diamond League meet at an international competi- him seriously. When the gun Rio de Janeiro.
team, George and his represen- ing to normal offseason activi- He is widely expected to opt in Shanghai. tion. goes off I’m going to be watch- De Grasse made his come-
tation “collectively determined” ties,” the Thunder said. out of the final year of his cur- Su has enjoyed a blistering Earlier this month, Su ing out for him.” back at the Drake Relays at
for the procedure to be per- The team’s statement came rent contract in order to seek a start to the 2018 season, win- cruised to a comfortable vic- Up-and-coming US sprint- the end of April after recover-
formed by Dr Neal Elattrache after George posted a photo of long-term deal — perhaps not ning the 60m final at the tory in the 100m at the Hong er Christian Coleman, who ing from a right hamstring
with Thunder medical personnel himself on Instagram, smiling with OKC. IAAF World Indoor Tour in Kong championships with a finished second to Gatlin in injury.
present at the Kerlan-Jobe from a hospital bed with a cap- The Thunder fell in six games
Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Ange- tion reading: “Good spirits.” to the Utah Jazz in the first
les, California.
“George is expected to miss
George is coming off a superb
first season in Oklahoma City,
round of the playoffs.
By SHI FUTIAN | stars with a chance to showcase their talent.
Their challenge has been eased somewhat by the injury with-
Shore shot From Justin Gatlin to Su Bingtian, Saturday’s Diamond drawals of American sprinter Christian Coleman, Jamaican
League Shanghai meet is a veritable roll call of the world’s and Olympic 100 and 200m champion Elaine Thompson and Chi-
China’s premier track and field stars. However, the annual nese 110m hurdler Xie Wenjun this week. Here, China Daily
extravaganza — the second stop on the IAAF’s prestigious takes a look at the cream of the young Chinese crop hoping to
global one-day circuit — also provides the host’s young rising get the Shanghai Stadium crowd on their feet this weekend.

Guo Zhongze Huang Bokai Shi Yuhao Wu Shuijiao Liu Shiying

The 21-year-old fur- The pole vaulter shot At just 19 years old, The only current Javelin thrower Liu’s
thered his reputation as to prominence by claim- long jumper Shi is one of female Chinese hurdler personal best of 66.47m
one of China’s most ing gold at the 2016 the most exciting talents to break 13 seconds over was set in 2017 as a then-
promising 400m special- Asian Indoor Champion- in Chinese athletics. 100m, Wu clocked a per- Asian record. After bag-
ists by clocking a nation- ships in Doha with an He set an Asian junior sonal-best 12.93 in 2013. ging numerous junior
al-record 45.14 seconds Asian junior record of record of 8.30m in 2016 She’s already racked up titles at the world and
over one lap at last year’s 5.75 meters. He failed to and improved it by a centi- an impressive medal continental levels, Liu
National Games in Tianjin build on that at the Rio meter a year later to gain count, taking golds at the made the grade as a sen-
— a massive progression Olympics later that year, qualification for the 2017 2012 Asian indoors, the ior by winning gold at the
from his disappointing finishing 16th with a worlds in London, where 2013 East Asian Games 2015 Asian champion-
debut at the 2015 world shorter throw. However, he finished a commenda- and the 2013 National ships. An eighth-place fin-
championships in Beijing, after undergoing surgery ble sixth. Shi cemented his Games. She regained the ish at the 2017 worlds in
where he failed to last year, he could well be reputation as one to watch national title last year London bodes well for the
advance from the first primed to challenge for by claiming gold at this and will be looking to future.
round. The Shanghai honors in Shanghai. year’s Asian indoors with a lower her long-standing
Lin Yiqi of Team Fujian dives for the ball during the Pingtan stage of the National Beach Volleyball Tour native will be relishing world-leading jump of PB in Shanghai.
on Thursday in Pingtan, an island city in Fujian province. Fifty-three professional teams are taking part the opportunity to hit the 8.16m.
in the four-day tournament. In a bid to promote the sport, organizers are offering free tickets, cheer- accelerator on his own
leader shows and live TV and online broadcasts. HU MEIDONG / CHINA DAILY doorstep.
CHINA DAILY Friday, May 11, 2018 SPORTS 23


Gardner plants
Yankees in first
Fledgling pro league bullish about chances of gaining mainstream status in North America Brett Gardner hit a go-ahead
two-run triple and Aaron
Judge followed with a mam-
HOUSTON — A rugby revo- moth two-run homer with one
lution is taking place in the out in the bottom of the eighth
United States where it is inning off Craig Kimbrel as the
hoped the launch of a new pro- host New York Yankees pulled
fessional league will unlock out a 9-6 victory over the Bos-
the potential of the game in ton Red Sox to take over first
the world’s biggest sports mar- place in the AL East on
ket, former Ireland interna- Wednesday night.
tional Justin Fitzpatrick said. Gardner began the night
Fitzpatrick is coach of the with a .198 average but capped
Houston SaberCats, one of his first three-hit game of the
seven sides competing in the season by blasting Kimbrel’s
inaugural season of Major 96 mph fastball over center
League Rugby (MLR) that fielder Mookie Betts’ head to
kicked off last month, the lat- give the Yankees a 7-6 lead.
est bid by rugby union to gain After Gardner’s hit scored
traction in North America. Neil Walker and Gleyber Tor-
“The potential in this mar- res, Judge followed with his
ket is huge and rugby has ninth homer of the season — a
been the fastest growing 420-foot shot into the right-
sport in the US in the past five field bleachers.
years,” Fitzpatrick said.
“Major League Rugby is the TENNIS
logical step in unlocking that Serena might not
potential and already we are
seeing a tremendous
be ready for Paris
response to the competition. Former world No 1 Serena
“I firmly believe that in 15 Williams has withdrawn from
or 20 years, Major League next week’s Italian Open, the
Rugby could rival Super Rug- organizers said on Wednesday,
by and the top European lea- casting doubt on her participa-
gues. That is the potential tion in the French Open later
that exists here from both a this month.
playing and commercial A forward rises to collect a lineout throw during a Major League Rugby match between the Houston SaberCats and Austin Elite at Dyer Stadium in Houston, Texas, on The 36-year-old, who has
point of view.” April 28. The new professional circuit has already signed television deals and has high hopes of rapid expansion in the US. REUTERS triumphed in Italy on four pre-
Prior to the start of the sea- vious occasions, returned to
son, MLR signed television action in March after the birth
deals with ESPN and CBS “To have an American com- basketball, only a very small lot of that has happened at “It speaks volumes about of her daughter in September,
Sports Network, which petition that brings that inter- percentage go on to play pro- youth and high-school level. how far the game has grown but is yet to regain full fitness.
ensured that all 31 games will city rivalry and allows rugby fessionally,” said Fitzpatrick. Even 10 years ago, most play- that people, whether it be in The 23-time Grand Slam
be broadcast nationally. to be accessible to more local “But what happens to the ers came into the sport at the the corporate world, govern- champion made her comeback
“We are the first profession- markets is going to really help rest? Most just give up, but we college level,” he said. ment or the local community, at Indian Wells in March and
al sport to have a national grow the game,” Fitzpatrick want to be able to give those “That is starting to change are so excited about rugby. has not played since her open-
broadcasting deal right out of said. tremendous athletes an and in terms of demographic, “I toured here with Ireland ing-round loss to Japan’s Nao-
the gate. That is huge,” Fitz- “In an American sporting opportunity to play a profes- youth and schools rugby is in 2000 and we played in New mi Osaka at the Miami Open.
patrick said.
“When you combine the ele-
context, that’s how it works —
Seattle playing Houston,
“I firmly believe sional sport. We have already
had players cross over with
much bigger than club rugby
in Houston.
Hampshire in front of 2,000
or 3,000 people. Fifteen years GOLF
ments that our game has visu- Chicago playing Atlanta. You that in 15 or some success. “We understand that we later I was sitting in a box at Tiger confirmed
ally — it is a fast-paced and have to have that intercity “Most have never played need to expose kids to rugby Soldier Field in Chicago, one
collision-based sport, but also rivalry. 20 years, Major rugby before, so it is a process at earlier ages and give them of the most iconic venues in
for Carnoustie
has the elements of respect — “If we can get 10 to 12 teams to teach them the sport, but avenues to play and compete. sport, with 65,000 people Three-time British Open
it is an easy sell to America. in the next few years, which is League Rugby they come with such incredi- We have been partnering with there to watch the USA play champion Tiger Woods will
“Once Americans are looking very promising, we ble athletic ability that it is high schools and colleges to New Zealand. make his 20th appearance in
exposed to it, as they have will be in a strong position.” could rival very exciting.” help grow their efforts and “Look on cable TV and see the tournament this year, but
been in growing numbers, With teams restricted to now we can offer them a pro- how accessible rugby is, when first since 2015, tournament
they fall in love with the five foreign imports, MLR is
Super Rugby School spurt fessional team as an outlet.” it wasn’t probably even on at organizers announced on
The league currently has
hoping to draw players pri-
marily from two areas — both
and the Fitzpatrick acknowledges
that for rugby to truly succeed
The SaberCats are also hop-
ing to break ground on their
all 10 years ago.
“Whether it is Super Rugby, The 42-year-old American —
teams from Austin, Houston, largely untapped to this top European in the US, it needs players own stadium in Houston this the (English) Premiership, a 14- time major winner —
returned to competitive golf
Glendale (Colorado), New point. engaged from an early age, month. Championship Rugby or the
Orleans, San Diego, Seattle “How many incredible ath- leagues.” not only to play the game, but “To be building what will be Six Nations, it is there to be this season after missing most
and Salt Lake City, with a New letes fall just short of making also to become supporters of the number one purpose- watched.” of the past two years through
York side to start competing it to the major sports in Amer- Justin Fitzpatrick, former the sport. built rugby stadium in the US injury and finished tied for
next season. ica? Be it American football or Ireland international “Over the last five years a is very exciting,” he said. REUTERS 32nd at last month’s Masters.
“Tiger Woods plans to tee it
up at Carnoustie for the 147th
SOCCER Open after confirming his entry
into golf’s original champion-

Pochettino praises Spurs resolve in ‘38 away games’

ship,” read the statement from
the organizers. “The confirma-
tion of the entry from one of
the greatest golfers ever to
grace the sport will delight fans
LONDON — Tottenham for the first time since the around the world.”
Hotspur’s success in claiming 1994-95 campaign, a statistic stadium and play in the
a top-four Premier League Pochettino was happy to Champions League,” said SOCCER
finish on Wednesday to guar- highlight at the post-match Pochettino, who has yet to Sir Alex out of
antee Champions League soc- media conference. win a trophy in his four years
cer next season is a “massive Critics will argue that win- at Tottenham.
intensive care
achievement”, according to ning silverware is what the “It will be another massive Former Manchester United
manager Mauricio Pochet- game is all about, but Totten- challenge (at the new stadi- manager Alex Ferguson is out
tino. ham is making progress um) — the same as playing at of intensive care after under-
Spurs will have played “38 under Pochettino and finish- Wembley. But this group of going emergency surgery for a
away games” by the end of the ing above Chelsea and Arse- players now have the experi- brain haemorrhage, the Pre-
campaign, the Argentine said nal is no mean feat given ence to make the new stadi- mier League club said on
after a 1-0 win over Newcastle Spurs’ tight salary structure. um feel like home. Wednesday.
United at their temporary Next season Spurs will “Thirty eight games away Ferguson, who retired in
Wembley Stadium home, again cross swords with the for home. Maybe people 2013 as United’s most success-
which has been used while a elite of European soccer, hav- didn’t realize it was so tough ful manager, had surgery last
new White Hart Lane ground ing been unfortunate to exit for the players and for the Saturday.
is built. the Champions League in the staff and for the fans to move “Sir Alex no longer needs
“It was a real quality season last 16 to Juventus following a from White Hart Lane to intensive care and will contin-
for the group to achieve the highly encouraging group Wembley. ue rehabilitation as an in-
top four — a massive achieve- campaign during which they “To achieve the top four in patient,” United said in a state-
ment,” Pochettino said after beat Real Madrid at Wembley that condition, despite many ment on Twitter.
England striker Harry Kane’s and pipped the Spanish giant things that happened during “His family is overwhelmed
second-half goal secured the to top spot. the season ... if you’re not by the level of support and
three points that took Spurs The importance of the strong — mentally and physi- good wishes, but continues to
up to third place, ahead of Champions League and the Tottenham's Harry Kane celebrates scoring the lone goal in Wednesday’s 1-0 victory over Newcas- cally — and you don’t show request privacy as this will be
fourth-place Liverpool and money it brings cannot be tle United at Wembley Stadium in London. ANDREW COULDRIDGE / ACTION IMAGES / REUTERS passion, it’s difficult to vital during this next stage of
fifth-place Chelsea. overstated, given the rising achieve what we have recovery.”
The win also means Totten- cost of their 62,000-seat sta- achieved today.
ham, which has again missed dium which could reported- Financing the stadium and tricky balancing act — Spurs’ has struggled in that regard. “It’s truly remarkable.” City rewrites
out on a trophy, will finish the ly rise to as much as $1.35 developing a team that can north London rival Arsenal is “For the club it’s a massive EPL record book
season as the top London club billion. compete for major honors is a a prime example of a club that thing to move into the new REUTERS
Manchester City smashed
Premier League records for
points earned, goals scored and
Scoreboard number of wins with Wednes-
day’s 3-1 victory at home to
BASEBALL English Premier League Messi 45, Dembele 87, 90+3) Villarreal 1 Levante 9 13 13 34 50 40 (McMillan 65-pen, Wotherspoon 80) Kyle Edmund (GBR) bt Novak Djokovic Brighton & Hove Albion.
Results on Wednesday: (Sansone 54) Deportivo La Partick Thistle 0 Motherwell 1 (Bowman (SRB x10) 6-3, 2-6, 6-3; John Isner (USA
Results of the Major League Baseball Chelsea 1 (Alonso 62) Huddersfield 1 Sevilla 3 (Ben Yedder 26, Layun 45, Coruna 36
6 11 19 35 70 29
60) x7) bt Ryan Harrison (USA) 7-6 (7/1), 7-6 City’s triumph took it to 97
games on Wednesday:
Cleveland 6, Milwaukee 2
(Depoitre 50) Ramos 84-og) Real Madrid 2 (Mayoral Las Palmas 5 7 24 23 71 22 Ross County 0 Dundee 1 (Murray 51) (9/7); Pablo Cuevas (URU) bt Albert points with one game remain-
Leicester 3 (Iheanacho 14, Vardy 76-pen, 87, Ramos 90+5-pen) Malaga 5 5 26 23 56 20 Ramos Vinolas (ESP) 6-1, 6-7 (2/7), 6-2;
Texas 5, Detroit 4, 10 innings
Mahrez 90) Arsenal 1 (Aubameyang 53) Standings: TENNIS Leonardo Mayer (ARG) bt Fernando Ver- ing, at Southampton, eclipsing
-- Top four teams qualify for 2018-19
Pittsburgh 6, Chicago White Sox 5
Manchester City 3 (Danilo 16, B. Silva 34,
W D L Gf Ga Pts
27 9 0 94 24 90 Champions League
dasco (ESP) 6-2, 6-1 Chelsea’s previous mark of 95
L.A. Angels 8, Colorado 0 Madrid Open
Houston 4, Oakland 1
Fernandinho 72) Brighton 1 (Ulloa 20) Atletico Madrid 22 9 5 55 20 75 -- Teams in fifth, sixth and seventh qual- Results on Wednesday (x denotes seed- Women’s 3rd rd points set in 2004-05. City has
Tottenham 1 (Kane 50) Newcastle 0 Real Madrid 21 9 5 84 39 72 ify for 2018-19 Europa League
Baltimore 5, Kansas City 3
Played Tuesday Valencia 20 7 9 62 37 67 -- Bottom three teams relegated to sec-
Men’s 2nd rd
Simona Halep (ROM x1) bt Kristyna Plis- scored 105 goals and won 31
N.Y. Yankees 9, Boston 6 kova (CZE) 6-1, 6-4; Karola Pliskova (CZE
Toronto 5, Seattle 2
Swansea 0 Southampton 1 (Gabbiadini Real Betis 18 5 13 56 56 59 ond-tier Segunda Division Rafael Nadal (ESP x1) bt Gael Monfils x6) bt Sloane Stephens (USA x9) 6-2, 6-3; matches so far.
72) Villarreal 17 6 13 51 46 57
Atlanta 5, Tampa Bay 2
Getafe 14 10 12 41 32 52
(FRA) 6-3, 6-1; Diego Schwartzman (ARG Darya Kasatkina (RUS x14) bt Garbi City’s Danilo and Bernardo
Scottish Premiership x13) bt Feliciano Lopez (ESP) 7-5, 2-6, 6-2; Muguruza (ESP x3) 6-2, 4-6, 6-3; Petra
SOCCER Italian Cup Sevilla 15 6 14 43 54 51
Results on Wednesday: Borna Coric (CRO) bt Jan-Lennard Struff Kvitova (CZE x10) bt Anett Kontaveit
Silva netted either side of a
Girona 13 9 14 48 57 48
Results on Wednesday:
Eibar 13 8 15 41 48 47 Celtic 0 Kilmarnock 0 (GER) 6-0, 6-2; Dominic Thiem (AUT x5) (EST) 6-7 (4/7), 6-3, 6-3; Caroline Garcia Leonardo Ulloa effort for
AFC Champions League Juventus 4 (Benatia 56, 64, Costa 61, bt Federico Del Bonis (ARG) 4-6, 6-3, 7-5;
Last 16 round first leg results on Kalinic 76-og) AC Milan 0
Real Sociedad 13 7 16 63 56 46 Hearts 2 (Lafferty 26, Naismith 57) Hiber-
Philipp Kohlschreiber (GER) bt Roberto
(FRA x7) bt Julia Goerges (GER x11) 6-2, Brighton in the first half and
Celta Vigo 12 10 14 55 52 46 nian 1 (Kamberi 48-pen) 6-4; Carla Suez (ESP) bt Bernarda Pera
Wednesday (home teams first): Alaves 14 2 20 37 48 44 Played Tuesday Bautista Agut (ESP x11) 6-3, 4-6, 7-5; Kev- (USA) 2-6, 6-2, 6-4; Maria Sharapova Fernandinho scored the host’s
Kashima Antlers bt Shanghai SIPG FC 3-1 Spanish La Liga Athletic Bilbao 10 13 13 40 45 43 Aberdeen 1 (McLean 14-pen) Rangers 1 in Anderson (RSA x6) bt Mikhail Kukush- (RUS) bt Kristina Mladenovic (FRA) 6-3, third after the interval.
Ulsan Hyundai bt Suwon Samsung Results on Wednesday: Espanyol 10 13 13 31 41 43 (McCrorie 63) kin (KAZ) 5-7, 7-6 (7/3), 6-2; David Goffin 6-4; Kiki Bertens (NED) bt Caroline Woz-
Bluewings 1-0 Leganes 11 7 17 29 43 40 Hamilton 1 (Imrie 82) St Johnstone 2 (BEL x8) bt Robin Haase (NED) 7-5, 6-3; niacki (DEN x2) 6-2, 6-2 AGENCIES
Barcelona 5 (Coutinho 11, Paulinho 16,
24 Advertorial Friday, May 11, 2018 C HI NA DA I LY

Capital bolsters business-friendly environment

Streamlined processes for registrations,
licenses to improve service efficiency
By HAO NAN The industry and com- merce administration has also
recently adopted an online
Government departments system for business registra-
in Beijing have launched a tion and data sharing.
series of innovative measures To start a new business,
to improve the capital’s busi- applicants can use the new
ness environment. system to submit all applica-
One such way that the city is tion materials for registration
fostering growth is by cutting processes, with the uploaded
red tape in the retail sector. information shared among
Beijing’s industry and com- various departments such as
merce administration, and the tax administration and the
the commission of commerce public security bureau, freeing
have implemented a new busi- the applicants from having to
ness registration policy mak- visit different websites of gov-
ing it easier for operators of ernment agencies.
convenience store to open new Applicants can also apply for
branches. A total of 17 chain official seals and invoices via
store brands, including Hao- the platform at the same time. Clockwise from left: An official at the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce offers consultancy services to a business representative. Staff members at the
linju Supermarket, OurHours, Since the e-platform went Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce 12315 hotline service center deal with consumer complaints and log suspected infringements. As a growing number of
Wumart and 7-Eleven, are cov- online in April, the city has companies use the online administrative service system launched by the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce, the administration’s office buildings are less
ered by the initiative. handled a total of 12,600 busi- crowded than before. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
In a bid to increase efficiency ness registration applications
and reduce costs, the policy with 9,533 of them filed via the applicants are able to receive a tration of our company because
enables the chain store opera- platform, accounting for nearly Efforts increased to crack down on counterfeits business license in just one to we planned to change the regis-
tors to open new branches 80 percent of the total. three working days, down from tration address, but a client was
without having to apply for a Another way in which the the eight working days it took adamant in requesting receipts
new business license each time. industry and commerce admin- As the watchdog of the The officials said they will previously. In total, administra- before we had time to finish
Instead, operators of chain istration has sought to improve local market, the Beijing strike a blow for intellectual tive procedures for starting a registering the new company,”
convenience stores need only efficiency is to open its elec- Administration for Industry property protection and new business have been short- Li said. “If we failed to provide
assign a business license to one tronic database of corporate and Commerce has launched increase cross-regional, multi- ened to five working days from the receipts on time, the bill
of their branches in each dis- names to the public. It allows a series of special operations department cooperation. 24 working days previously. would have turned into a bad
trict, with all other branches companies in the fields of sci- to maintain market order. Well-known trademarks Gao Huijun, a legal repre- debt.”
in the district operating under ence and technology, culture, With the 2018 FIFA World have long been a key group sentative for an eco-technology After being informed of the
that license. business services and sports to Cup Russia approaching, Enforcement officials under supervision on the company in Fengtai district, company’s dilemma, industry
The policy applies to all new more easily choose and register enforcement officials are check a shop in Beijing to agenda of BAIC. Its Xicheng experienced the new service and commerce administrative
stores as long as they have val- corporate names online. paying special attention to make sure no counterfeit district branch has initiated after it was launched to the officials in the Yizhuang devel-
id supporting documents and Beijing has also established sports businesses to prevent goods are on shelves in early four special operations public on March 26, and fin- opment area, where the com-
operate in line with current dedicated business startup and curb infringements. February. targeted at Apple-branded ished all the required adminis- pany is now located, offered to
laws and regulations, accord- service halls in each district to BAIC’s Dongcheng district CHEN XIAOGEN / FOR CHINA DAILY copycats, after receiving trative procedures in three days. help Li file an online registra-
ing to the city government. provide all business registration branch has recently checked information from consumers. “It’s amazing really, I thought tion application. As a result of
On April 16, a new branch services under one roof. All gov- sports businesses across and “Russia 2018” on its The enforcement officials it would take a month to get the the speedy process, Li obtained
of Bianlifeng, a 24-hour chain ernment agencies of industry its jurisdiction, both online websites, which indicate the raided 12 Apple stores across business license, official seals the new business license, offi-
convenience store, in Guangcai and commerce are represented and offline, and enhanced its 2018 FIFA event. the district and seized 156 and invoices,” Gao said. cial seals and invoices four days
Road, Fengtai district became in the halls to process applica- supervision over the use of The expressions may accessories carrying the Li Yin, general manager of later.
the first store to benefit from tions and to offer guidance. logo, trademarks and graphics infringe on trademarks owned Apple logo. The seizure worth China Aviation Emergency Beijing is also currently offer-
the policy. Applicants need only to visit related to the soccer gala. by FIFA, the international more than 200,000 yuan Rescue Alliance Technol- ing official seals for startup
Streamlined business regis- a single service window to sub- During one check, soccer governing body, said ($31,407) included batteries, ogy Co, said the streamlined companies free of charge to
tration is just the tip of the ice- mit all the required documents enforcement officials found an the enforcement officials at smartphone and tablet covers, administration approval proce- further incentivize those wish-
berg in terms of the efforts the for opening a business. The online travel agency offering the Dongcheng branch. The headsets, USB cables and dures have helped his company ing to go into business. In 2017,
city government is making to city now has 122 such service sports tickets highlighting travel agency is now under power adapters. retrieve a potential economic about 194,000 startups were
optimize the business-friendly windows, with more than 200 terms such as “World Cup” investigation. YUAN SHENGGAO loss of hundreds of thousands founded in the city, saving relat-
environment, according to offi- related officials working there. of yuan. ed costs of nearly 60 million
cials. As a result of the new system, “We had canceled the regis- yuan ($9.41 million).

The Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce has reduced the business registration
period to five working days. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY

Beijing market watchdog

rolls out new initiative series
By YUAN SHENGGAO ing shareholders’ electronic
signatures and generating
The Beijing Administration
for Industry and Commerce
80 electronic business licenses.
An applicant only needs half
has launched new initiatives percent a day to secure an electronic
to help create a business- of new businesses in Beijing business license after his or her
friendly environment. opt for online administrative application, Sun added.
The efforts are being rolled services The Daxing branch has
out at an administrative cen- issued nearly 600 electronic
ter that integrates market business licenses in the first
supervision and taxation ser- quarter of this year, doubling
vices. the facility includes a service the number issued last year,
The center was unveiled section tailor-made for new according to Sun.
in Beijing’s Daxing district in businesses, which has reduced At an administrative service
June 2017. Since its inaugu- the approval period of new center of BAIC’s Chaoyang dis-
ration, the center has intro- business registration to five trict branch, a one-stop ser-
duced a series of new policies. working days. vice window designed for new
They include the abil- The streamlined approval business registration, began to
ity to make appointments process has been applied to accept filings in late March.
on WeChat, a social media the entire city. Applicants can file for busi-
platform, delivery of certifi- Sun Jialin, head of the busi- ness registration online, cor-
cates and other documents by ness registration department porate seals funded by the Bei-
mail, and expanded services at BAIC’s Daxing branch, told jing government, and taxation
online. Beijing Morning Post that his invoices.
Also, a staff member of the team has begun to offer online More than 80 percent of
center will be dedicated to services to founders of limited new businesses opt for the
following the entire business companies. online administrative services,
registration process for each Those services include fil- said Deng Huimin, chief of the
applicant. ing applications, submitting business registration depart-
The center’s officials said required documents, confirm- ment at BAIC.

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