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Equipment Selection in Surface Mining

Delivered by
Dr. R K Sinha, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad India

1.0 Introduction

One of the principal costs in mine is related to purchase and application of equipment. The real
challenges faced by mine planners is proper fleet selection in such a way that it meets the
production needs of a mine as well as minimizes costs of production. As such the capital and
operational costs could be minimized with the selection of suitable fleet of equipment and their

The production process in a mine is divided into four predominant parts, namely, drilling, blasting,
loading and hauling. The latter two aspects i.e. loading and hauling allocate more than half of the
total mining cost. The cost related to purchasing loading equipment is more than the vehicles
needed for other sections. However, the principal part of the operating costs is related to hauling.
Figure 1 highlights the typical share of each of components in the operation costs. With respect to
these higher costs, selection and application of type, size and number of equipment could
significantly reduce the total production costs. Equipment selection related to each section is
accomplished with respect to existing operational limitation and circumstances as well as
production needs.

Figure 1: Typical cost of unit operations in a surface mine

The equipment selection process can be broadly classified into three phases

i. Type of fleet
ii. Size of equipment and
iii. Calculation of required numbers.

2.0 Selection of Fleet Type

Different fleets can be used for ore handling in a surface mine. Shovel-Dumper/truck and loader-
dumper/truck are mostly utilized fleets, however; depending on some circumstances in a mine,
equipment like dragline; bucket wheel excavator; in-pit crusher; and conveyer too could probably
be used.
In this selection, multiplicity of parameters and alternatives may possibly lead to a number of
complexities hence; selecting accurate equipment needs enough experience as well as taking into
account all parameters in connection with each other. By this reason, at this stage, inclination is
often toward a procedure where decision is being taken relying on experiences of experts. In this
regard, on could point to application of expert system as well as multiple attribute decision making
technique. Figure 2 indicates effective parameters in selection fleet types.

Figure 2: Effective parameters in selection of fleet types

2.1 Expert System

The main reasons cited for using an expert system are the intense need of equipment selection
process, past expertise, experiences and some of the effective parameters being qualitative hence; it
tries to make the whole process of change of human experiences to an understandable language for
computer in the field of mining equipment selection.

Summary of some of the notable expert systems developed are given in Table 1.

Table 1: Notable expert systems for mining equipment selection

Expert system for equipment Features
Bandopadhyay & This system is able to involve the expert knowledge in
Venkatasubramanian (1987) primary and secondary selection of equipment for surface
coal mines
Denby & Schofield (1990) Developed in the open pit coal mine of Britain with the
help of fuzzy logic. This expert system, for primary
extraction method, employed drilling and hauling
equipment and could receive geological information from
Expert system for equipment Features
software like SUPAC and DATAMINE. Data related to
mine equipment is summoned from an external database
Amirkhanian & Baker (1992) This system was developed for equipment needed for a
project with soil conditions that includes 930 rules. This
system was able to select equipment necessary for drilling,
loading, hauling, placing and compacting earth and the
proposed data consisted of bulldozer, scrapper, loader,
trucks and compactors. For each type of equipment
selected, there are unique qualities that must be considered
(such as power, size, application etc.). The developed
expert system can be used for earth-moving projects
ranging in scope from 10,000 to 4,000,000 bank cu yd. per
Ganguli & Bandopadhyay (2002) This had basic differences with previous ones such as its
interference to the uncertainty related to influential factors
in the matter selections. This system was much reflective
and apart from calculating uncertainty ratio, it permitted
user to determine the rate of important elements in
selecting equipment.
Fytas et al. (1988) Scraper selection system
Erdem et al. (1998) Dragline selector
Gupta et al. (2016) Represented the earthmoving operations on a detailed level
and gave a suitable tool for the project managers to
estimate productivity and compare alternative operating
methods on the operational level.

2.2 Mathematical Modelling

Çelebi (1998) proposed a mathematical model for selecting equipment and analyzing their costs.
This particular model was developed for fleets that constituted principal equipment as excavators
and dumpers. The proposed system consisted of two optimum models.

i. The first model was to select equipment for fleet with the aim of minimizing costs of
excavating unit.

ii. In the second model, rate of production was optimised considering the given fleet.

Constraints to the proposed model included the rate of annual production, diggability, loader haul
distances (limited to 150m), and number of passes that lead to fill trucks (limited to 3 to 6 bucket).
The use of the models was summarized as follows:

 selection of the optimum equipment fleet for a given stripping job

 determination of the minimum stripping cost

 evaluation of the contractors fleet from the view point of sufficiency, and

 estimation of the cost of performing the stripping with the contractors fleet.
2.3 Genetic Algorithm

The genetic algorithm is a method for solving both constrained and unconstrained optimization
problems that is based on natural selection, the process that drives biological evolution. Steps
followed in this algorithm are given as under.

i. The genetic algorithm repeatedly modifies a population of individual solutions.

ii. At each step, the genetic algorithm selects individuals at random from the current population
to be parents and uses them to produce the children for the next generation.
iii. Over successive generations, the population "evolves" toward an optimal solution.

One can apply the genetic algorithm to solve a variety of optimization problems that are not well
suited for standard optimization algorithms, including problems in which the objective function is
discontinuous, non-differentiable, stochastic, or highly nonlinear. The genetic algorithm can address
problems of mixed integer programming, where some components are restricted to be integer-

The genetic algorithm uses three main types of rules at each step to create the next generation from
the current population:

 Selection rules select the individuals, called parents, that contribute to the population at the
next generation.

 Crossover rules combine two parents to form children for the next generation.

 Mutation rules apply random changes to individual parents to form children.

The genetic algorithm differs from a classical, derivative-based, optimization algorithm in two main
ways, as summarized in the following table.

Classical Algorithm Genetic Algorithm

Generates a single point at each
Generates a population of points at
iteration. The sequence of points
each iteration. The best point in the
approaches an optimal solution.
population approaches an optimal
Selects the next point in the Selects the next population by
sequence by a deterministic computation which uses random
computation. number generators.

In 1999, a system called XSOME was established on the basis of knowledge base and using genetic
algorithm. This system was designed to solve problems related to equipment selection of opencast
mining. In this system, advanced genetic algorithms search techniques to find the input variables
that can achieve the optimal cost, and linear programming was used to develop a compound system
on the basis of knowledge base and genetic algorithm.
2.4 Queuing Theory

Queueing theory deals with one of the most unpleasant experiences of life, waiting. Queueing is
quite common in mining, for example, in surface mining where the excavator waits for dumper to
arrive, or the dumper waits for the excavator to load, the dumper waits at the crusher for being
unloaded. The telephone exchange first because the first problems of queueing theory was raised by
calls and Erlang was the first who treated congestion problems in the beginning of 20th century, see
Erlang. His works inspired engineers, mathematicians to deal with queueing problems using
probabilistic methods. Queueing theory became a field of applied probability and many of its results
have been used in operations research, computer science, telecommunication, traffic engineering,
reliability theory, just to mention some.

Using queuing theory, in 2003, a computerized model FL Selector was designed for mining and
construction operations. This model was able to select the best fleet combination of loaders and
haulers that can complete an earthmoving operation with optimum output (least cost, maximum
production, or minimum project duration). These calculations are made on the basis of possible
fleet. This system was not designed for selecting the type of fleet and information related to project
qualities led it to determine the number of required loaders. In reality, this model was applied for
stages after selecting loaders and determining capacity of its bucket.

2.5 Multiple Criterial/Attribute Decision Making Techniques

Decision makers are often faced with several conflicting alternatives. How do they evaluate trade-
offs when there are more than three criteria? To help people make optimal decisions, scholars in the
discipline of multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) continue to develop new methods for
structuring preferences and determining the correct relative weights for criteria.

Summary of some of the notable expert systems developed are given in Table 1.

Table 2: Notable MCDM techniques for mining equipment selection

MCDM techniques for Features
equipment selection
Samanta et al. (2002) Existence of qualitative and quantitative attributes among
each other was the principal reason for utilizing Analytic
Hierarchy Process. The proposed attributes in their work
includes mine parameters, technical and production
features, performance of equipment, financial
consideration, reliability, maintainability, mine life,
operating condition, and safety and environment. The
selection of fleet type has been accomplished from among
five choices.
Bascetin (2003) A modification in the classification of effective parameters
in selecting fleet as proposed by Samanta et al. (2002) was
presented and applied for a coal mine in Turkey.

Effective attributes were studied in two groups of

operational-and-technical parameters and costs, each of
MCDM techniques for Features
equipment selection
which also included a bunch of secondary attributes. This
selection was accomplished from among four systems of
shovel-truck, loader-truck, shovel-truck along with in-pit
crusher and conveyor and, shovel and in-pit and conveyor.
EQS software by Bascetin et al. Developed and applied fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy process
(2006) (AHP) to select equipment. This process, to some extent,
removed problems of uncertainty hence; some of the
required information in this software was determined
through expert systems.
Other Hybrid methods  a new weighting method of decision matrix based on
Hessian matrix Tayeb (2007)
 Combination of AHP and entropy method applied to
calculate global weights of the attributes. The weights
are then passed to the Technique for Order by Similarity
to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method so that the most
efficient mining equipment alternative(s) could be
selected through distance measurement to ensure that
the best alternative has the nearest (distance) to the ideal
solution and is farthest from the negative-ideal solution
in fuzzy environment Bazzaz (2008).
 Mixed Integer and Linear Programming - Baxter et al.
(2010), Raack et al. (2011)

3.0 Selecting Size of Vehicles

After selecting types of equipment for the mine fleet, selection of their size is carried out.

i. As such, first, with respect to hole diameter, loading height are determined and then drill
equipment and loader are determined with due attention to their attributes.
ii. Thereafter, hauling equipment with respect to loader is selected in a way that their height
must be in proportion to each other.
iii. The size of equipment is selected with respect to distinguished parameters of each of the
machines. For example - the principal factor for drilling equipment is borehole diameter and
for hauling and loading machines is their capacity and operation height.

Sensitive parameters that are taken into consideration while selecting size of machines include: costs viii. dilution and selectivity ix. flexibility and versatility
iii.complexity x. possibility of selected extraction
iv. matching factor-system approach of xi. reflectivity and applicability
machines xii. environmental problems and
v. loss of production xiii. milling costs.
vi. maintenance
vii. infrastructure and haul roads
In this phase, the selection possibility is enough due to diversity of existing equipment. One of the
principal policies in selecting size of equipment is consideration of the theory of "Economics of
Scale". According to this theory, the selection of big equipment would minimize unit cost (per ton).
However, this theory to a particular extent continues, which is indicated in Fig.3.

Figure 3: Economics of scale in mining (after Bozorgebrahimi 2003)

As observed in this figure, increase of the size of machines, to the limit of distinguished capacity,
has caused to decrease unit cost. By this reason, one of the important points in selecting size of
equipment is the knowledge of proposed sizes. Apart from taking into account economic of scale
theory, use of optimization tools like mathematical optimization tool, simulation and artificial
intelligence techniques would also be proved suitable in this field.

4.0 Selecting Required Number and Assignment of Equipment

At the final stage, with respect to daily production rate and capacity of each of the equipment, the
required number of each of machines is calculated. Such calculations are based normally on the
demand-capacity relationships.

At the first, considering production rate, number of loader is determined and similarly, hauler
number are determined with respect to the loader, production rate, hauling distance and
transportation condition. Applying queuing theory, assignment and optimization tools, not only
waiting period of machines is minimized rather it could, to a larger extent, reduce transportation

Presenter’s Note: The material provided in this lecture note is borrowed freely from different
sources and it doesn’t qualify for formal publication. It is just for the sake of training purpose.
References & Bibliography

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