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Nama : Cantika Marufa P

Love the Homeland And the Nation Indonesia

Love the motherland is a feeling of love actually contains an element of love and affection for
something. Then, within will grow a will to nurture, preserve and protect it from all threatening dangers.
Love the homeland means willing to sacrifice for the homeland and defend from all kinds of threats and
distractions that come from any nation. The heroes have proved his love for his homeland is the
homeland of Indonesia. They are not willing to be trampled by the invaders. They do not want their
country to be colonized, deprived or blackmailed by the colonizers. They dare to sacrifice their lives for
the sake of defending the homeland of Indonesia.

Love the motherland is a feeling that arises from within the heart of a citizen, to serve, maintain, defend,
protect his homeland from all threats and distractions. Another definition says that the love of the
homeland is a sense of pride, belonging, respect, respect and loyalty owned by every individual in the
country where he lives as reflected in the behavior of defending his homeland, protecting and
protecting his homeland, willing to sacrifice for the sake of interest nation and country, love the customs
or culture that exist in the country by preserving it and preserving nature and environment.

As a good citizen we can still show the love attitude of the homeland, among others;

1. Study hard
2. Maintain environmental sustainability.
3. Choosing at the time of the election or not golput
4. Maintain Indonesian culture

Ways to improve the love of the motherland:

1. Learn the history of the struggle of our independence heroes and respect the heroes of freedom.

2. Respect the flag ceremony as the embodiment of the love of the homeland and the nation of

3. Respect the symbols of the State such as the symbol of the eagle, the red and white flag, the national
anthem of Indonesia, etc.

4. Loving and using domestic products so that local entrepreneurs can advance parallel to foreign
5. To defend and defend the sovereignty of the independence of the nation and the State of Indonesia
with all the blood spilled sincerely and iklhas.

6. Conduct and oversee the course of government and help align the wrong according to the prevailing

7. Assisting the name of the nation and the State of Indonesia to foreign citizens both inside and outside
the country and not to take actions that tarnished the good name of Indonesia.

8. Use good and proper Indonesian language at official domestic events.

9. Worship and pray to God Almighty for the progress of the nation and the State.

10. Helping to realize order and camaraderie both in the environment around us and nationally.

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