At The End of The Village

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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to honorable judges, teachers and friends.

My name is Nur
Alyssa Sofea binti Abdul Mu’iz from S.K. Bandar would like to tell you a story. The title of the story is

At the end of the village, there was an empty can. The can was so proud of itself because it is a one solid
matter and was made by solid and hard materials. One day, it was raining heavily. The empty can was
then filled up its body with rainwater. The can was so vain and angry. It did not like the rainwater
because the rainwater has no fixed shape. He said, “Hey rainwater, you are so soft and weak. You don’t
even have any shape!” The rainwater smiled and answered calmly. “I am now in the liquid form. I only
take the shapes of any container I fill in. I may not have any permanent shape now but once I change
into other form I shall be strong. “the can laughed. “ What nonsense

I’m now in a liquid form. Liquid has no fixed shape and takes the shape of its container. However, I do
have mass and fixed volume like you. I also can change my form to solid. “Said the rainwater. The can
laughed “hahahahaha!!!!liquid become solid? Impossible!”

It’s a winter time. The weather was so cold. The rainwater suddenly changes its form to solid. The
rainwater had become an ice. It become hard.

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