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THE MIST (2007)

1.Opening Image (1):

Lady Bird and mom face each other in bed.
2.2. Theme Stated (5):
I wish I could live through something. I wanna go where culture is.
3.Set-up (1-10):
On a college trip, Ladybird says she doesn’t want to go to college in California. She wants to go the
NY. Her mother cant afford it. Ladybird throws herself out the car.
Returning to school a sister tells her to take theatre. Ladybird wants to be strong at math.
Im applying for NY college scholarship.
Her mom drives Sacramento smiling.
4.Catalyst (12):
Ladybird asks her dad to help her with financial aid to get to NY college.

5.Debate (12-25):

6.Break into Two (25)

7.7. B Story (30):

8.Fun and Games aka Trailer moments (30-55):

9.Midpoint (45):
She gets accepted to a shitty local uni.
10.Bad Guys Close In (38-75):
Loses her old friends.
Gets suspended.
Rich friends find out shes poor.
Loses her vbirginity to douche.
Gets on wait list for college. (60)
Nun says good writer.
Ditches rich kids for old friends. (70)
Go to prom have fun.

11.All Is Lost (75):

Mum finds out about wait list.
Stops speaking to her.

12.Dark Night of the Soul (75-78):

Mum silent treatment.
Lady bird turns 18.
Gets into college.

13.Break into Three (78):

Goes to bank.
Goes to airport.

14.Finale (78-88):
Mum wont speak to her. Cries and comes back.
In NY, moves into dorm.
Finds letter from mom.
Gets drunk.
Her name on wrist.
Sees injured kid with mom.
Walks Ny streets. New strange town. Not home.
Goes to church.
Calls home on cell phone. Leaves message.
Did you feel emptional driving in sacramentop first time
Flashback to mom.
15.Final Image:
Lady on phone – I love you. Thank you. Uncertain look around.

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