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tdited hy:
lancu 0nA$ill\lu
Homanian Association of llydrogeologists

D[GGA, University of Bucharest

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Cover photo: Corcoaia Gorges, Cerna Valley, photo Andrei Posmoganu

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Descrierea CIF a Bibliotecii Nalionale a RomAniei

Karst hydrogeology of Romania I Iancu Origeanu, Adrian
Iurkiewicz. - Oradea : Belvedere, 2010
rsBN 978-6 06-92444-0-r
-. i ;:",-:u-icz, Adrian
:: _ __:

^ he large palette of forms and aspects character- Some karst areas in Romania got their notorien-
,ing the karst areas is the result of specific geologic from an assiduous research activity going back ro
-rd hydrogeologic complex; it equally integrates 19'h century. Thus, the Austrian geographer A.
,=-tors active nowadays with processes inherited Schmidl has published in Vienna, in 1863, his
:--rm the past. From a site to another the extreme book titled ,,Das Bihar Gebirge and der Grenze
-::erogeneity and complex organization of the von ungar und Siebenburgen" that is the first im-
:JSr environment determine the selection of re- portant study dedicated to karst phenomena in-
=.-rch methods and their complementary utiliza- cluding data concerning fresh, mineral and ther-
- -:r. These methods should normally ensure a mal springs explored in one of the most spectacular
-t'icient knowledge of the internal functionaliry Romanian karst area i.e the Bihor Mountains.
, :he system and its hydrodynamics. On their
In 1901, the Romanian geologist S. Mihufa has
. '.:s. the estimation of some local characteristics
conducted the first tracer test of a subterranean
-: forecasted reaction at system outlet/outlets (underground) stream in Romania. The Tarina
- --d be valuable assets as well.
stream was labelled with charcoal powder that
- , -. drogeology the theories regarding the water demonstrated the hydrological connection be-
i ,'.','lng through permeable horizons constantly tween CAmpeneasca Cave in Vagciu Plateau and
-.": ,-.sed on the host rock and its characteristics on Boiu spring in Vagciu town (S. Mihugia, 1904).
- and the modelling agent which is water on
-:= 'ide
-,:her. The assemblage usually constitutes an
Systematic researches on the hydrology in karst
landforms of Romania were carried out by promi-
- , -ii that develops into extremely particular sys-
nent scientists of the Institute of Speleology "Emil
::-,i in comparison with other type of aquifers,
Racovita" (ISER) and the Institute of Geography.
::i-\'er the host rock is predominantly carbon-
', Identif ing the groundwater flow paths by means
,- righlysoluble;
of tracer tests was an obvious concern that sup-
. - :-rsranding hydrology of karst areas firstly de- ported their working hypothesis regarding the
: : - - j cn the adequate assessment of the geologi- karstification and the karst evolution in relevant
. -,d srructural aspects framing the setting of the areas.
..-: :rrre layers. The next step of the same pre-
* A comprehensive review has been devoted to karst
:,{-phase is evaluating the karstification de-
genesis and karstology in I974 by Marcian Bleahu
. -: : ,:::orJgh the presence or the absence of the
--.:- a well-known geologist and karstologist as well.
" karst phenomena. Exploring caves and
Throughout the coming years its impressive syn-
-- -: is equally a challenging adventure but can thesis dedicated to karst morphology has been
' : , ) r m€ key insights to karstification processes
considered among the most important references
,' : -:-: internal structure of a karst aquifer. Most
in the field of karstology.
, - : ----se leatures can be surveyed and digitized
-:i or local scale, transferred to data bases An important support to the research of karst hy-
: -aie r on being interpreted or statistically drology has been provided by the Department of
::. This is usually the base on which the Tracers of the Institute of Physics and Nuclear
-..i' concerning the aquifer structure and Energy (IFIN) lead by Emilian Gagpar, the author
, ..,:-: are formulated and tested. of the important monographic book "Modern
Trends In Tracer Hydrology" published in 1987 Institute (INMH) that actually enjoyed their par-
in USA. ticipation to this programme. Numerous cam-
paigns of field survey, spring and stream gauging,
\We shall not fail to remember a long list of coi- water sampling or tracef tests were carried out
leagues and professionals, experts or simple but
sometimes even in harsh conditions. The results
enthusiast speleologists which by protession or rvere frequently communicated and published,
following their hobbies spent their energ' rcr rhe most paft in the frame of the proceedings of Theo-
knowledge of karst hydrogeolo$- ir F.omania retical andApplied Kdrstologt symposium that took
marking it with noticeable conrribunons. Tr --::-:n place rvith an annual or biennial frequency.
is dedicated the second chaprer --:fs :'r':k-
The present volume is in fact a follow up of the ef-
A ver.\. aCtir-e 2n,j ..reX1,rlga::iS.,j. :rl---';I11rr-i tri
fbru made beginningwithlgg4 under the umbrella
enthusiasts fu;'. i::g 'p-i-.-';o5:ci hob!:e ' i::ge *"- oi the Ronanian Association of Hydrogeologists
conrribr.lre C ro ca'!-. . i;au-r.,--J-r' er-pior:lg an,l sur.-e;
R{]i . This first attempt aiming at bringing to-
so rhat Romanian car-e inr-enron- reacheci at rhe gerher rie ar aiiable data meet at that time only a
end of eighries '80 some 12000 oicaves' This is ptt i"l agreement of rhe professionals more or less
hos-ever an amazing number of caves u-hen con-
inr olr ed in karst hvdrogeology. Since that moment
sidering the relatively low percentage of carbonate nerv signi,ficant karst regions in Romania were con-
rocks outcropping in Romania.
sistendy sun'eved so that actually most of karst ar-
The milestone discovery of Movile cave and it's eas have a satisfacorv degree of knowledge concern-

fascinating but isolated ecosystem boosted also the ing the characteristics of the aquifer systems and the
hydrogeological researches dedicated to thermo- availabiliry of water resources.
mineral waters in the southern part of Dobrogea Karst areas are among the most vulnerable to pol-
region. lution thus being significantly threatened by the
The socio-economic development and more ac- anthropic impact. Numerous researches in the
tual the climate changes can lead to critical situa- frame of dedicated projects have demonstrated
tions from the water supply point of view impos- that continuous leakage of wastes to the ground
ing a relevant evaluation of the karst aquifers and bellow, no mather if intentionalv or acciden-
potential and the opportunities to make an effi- tally, lead too a progressive pollution of the
cient use of it. groundwater. This gradually become a non return
phenomenon. The number of chemical compo-
This is why improving the knowledge on karst nents and the diversity of the human activities that
aquifer resources, targeting the delineation of their
may modify the physical and the chemical prop-
spatial extension and functioning parameters was
erties of the groundwater increases daily' They
considered a prior task not only for karst scientists
represent a potential danger to karst aquifers and
but also for the technical staff of some relevant particularly to those used for public water supply.
companies dealing with various hydrogeology and
hydrology aspects. The main goal being thus de- One of the main goals of the European Program
fined, a large research programme of ground*-ater COST - Action 65 finalised in 1995, was to de-
in karst systems has been elaborated and graduallr- velop a protection strategy for groundwater from
implemented on a time span of more than 3 j vears karst areas, taking into account the specific vulner-
by few teams of the Hydrogeology Department of abilin- of these zones. Following the directions es-
the Romanian company Prospecgiuni SA in Bu- tablished bv the previous program, the COST -
charest. Acrion 620 has continued the researches by devel-
oping unbiased methodologies based on physical
These researches have followed a routine frame-
principles to evaluate the specific and intrinsic vul-
workwhich was developed and sffengthened dur- nerability to pollution for carbonate/karst aquifers'
ing the years and always took in account the rich
amount of information coming from a large spec- To this extent, our main target was to provide the
trum of professionals and experts mostly from ground on which such researches should develop
ISER, IFIN and Meteorological and Hydrological to preserve in adequate conditions the actual re-

sources of the Romanian karst aquifers. Neverthe- data oudining the hvdrogeology of some famous
iess this is also a good opportunity ro make more spa and one srill mineral u.ater brand are presented
visible the acquired results in a consistenr frame within dris last panel of papers.
and it is hoped that the new coming professionals
The authors are solelr- responsible for the pre-
rvill find a reliable reference to guide and support
sented data. The inteqpretarion ald all results re-
their researches.
flect their efforts but also their vision to the
The book is structured according to rhe hydro- hydrogeological characterization of rhe relevant
reologic type of karst as identified and described in areas. The editors only recomrnended and insisted
:ts introductive chapter. According to this classifi- for a relatively standardized profile of rhe texrual
:ation the first group is that of or of Carpathian and graphical content.
Crogene harst type (Mountain harst type) including
-ie most spectacular and largest number of karst \7e firstly thank our sponsor, the Romanian Fed-
eration of Speleologt The almost endless patience
=reas. Starting with Eastern Carpathians passing
--:rough the Southern ones and ending with the in waiting us to complere rhe initial version of the
volume as well as their support to surpass the tech-
lo. esternCarpathians the hydrogeologic aspects of
nical difficulties is gratefully acknowledged.
:-levant karst zones included in the Romanian chain
:: mountains are presented. During the years most authors have been encour-
aged by their institutions to publish and confront
.he karst type of the North Dobrogea Orogene (The
the concluded ideas with those of other experts.
::,replene karst 4tpe), with carbonate deposits in-
,rh-ed in complicated geological structures and a Companies, research institutes or governmental
entities as National Agenry for Mineral Resources,
i-:r ropography mirrored in reduced water table
Prospecgiuni Company, ISER" IFiN, INMH In-
-:dient is added as well. stitute of Study and Design for Land Reclamation
j'r. eral specific topics compose the baseline of each and the Romanian chapter of the International
:.::uibution prepared by different authors. Thus, Association of Hydrogeologists QAH) have been al-
u=.rXogy, tectonics and delineation of main karst ways close to karst hydrogeolo gy by organizing
i:', tracer tests, hydrochemistry and water specific scientific errents and backing the associated
: -;Eet can be considered as the skeleton ofeach publishing actiyity. In the name of the authors we
;-:: contribution. warmly shall thank the managerial board of these
institutions for their large support provided dur-
-':.: platforme karst type is represented by the one
ing the implementation of different projects and
; i --le most important aquifer system in Romania
research activities.
ii:i oart of Bulgaria covering the south-eastern
:'i: - of the country in Dobrogea area. Numerous \fle are also in great debt to our colleagues that
.:miches using a large palette of methods from long ago submitted their contributions and per-
r::irgic surveys and geophysics to drilling wells haps lost any hope to see it published. The ulti-
u*'n,r isotop€ tracing were employed for the assess- mate issuance of the volume will likely take them
rr€:r of water resources, water balance, hydrody- by surprise. To them and to all other authors that,
r;--:-i;s and modeling activities. contrituted this volume we shall address orrorp.-
cial thanls.
'i::c or less similar topics were considered also
ryrnr:r presenting the fourth hydrogeologic type of Various motives of higher priority have lengthened
,uL:r" the one develop ed in post-tectonic couers (the some of our colleagues in their effort to meet even
wn;,;,tg karst). A minor number of karst aquifers alargely delayed deadline that eventually has been
,rLLs;-;.,-ing however some potential in terms of imposed. They are however thank for their con-
nru:::irr- and qualiry of water resources has been stant involvement in karst hydrogeology aspects
'x:rEated, the main one being summarized and hoping that a further and more complete edition
:""r.:;ned for the first time hereto. of this book will coyer even those aspects that ac-
cidentally could not be included in this version.
- :';:cular group of aquifers related to carbonate
;r"-r i '.: rhat of thermo-mineral waters. Relevant



CI|APTIR 1 .. . .. .,..... -+,-r^:::-:; ::-:IG 0NiL

..' ...' .. s
lancu 0RA$EANU

........ ... 17

SHORTHISTORY0F--l-',::;::-:: :I-',,:S-350'.S l:-l! KARSTIN ""' 19

lancu 0RA$EANU

cHAnER 3 l|YDB0Et0t0El[AL [Otl0m0ils 0F THt |(AR$ ARTAS ......,........21



Gigi Paul DRAG0MIR

3.3. P0STAVARU MASS1F.................

lancu 0RA$EANU
3.4. BUCEGI MASSIF ........-..... ..

Dan SIAVOACA, Huxandra SIAV0ACA, Alexandru ISTRATE


tancu 0RA$EANU

3.6. PARANG AND CAPATAt\tt vtounrrnlNs ............. """' 6e




loan P0VARA, Gheorghe P0NTA, Alexandru





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