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Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 2012; 17(4): 389–397

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN 1083-7450 print/ISSN 1097-9867 online
DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2010.550623


Quality by design approach in the optimization of the

spray-drying process
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Arnaud Baldinger, Lucas Clerdent, Jukka Rantanen, Mingshi Yang, and Holger Grohganz

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry, University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark

Context/objective: The aim of this study was to illustrate the influence of the processing parameters, inlet temperature,
atomization air flow rate and feed flow rate, on critical quality attributes of spray-dried powders using design of
experiments (DoE).
Methods: Spray-dried powders were characterized by laser diffraction, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and near-
infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Multivariate analysis of two different experimental designs was performed to elucidate
the optimal process conditions.
Results and discussion: XRPD revealed that the spray-dried powders consisted of crystalline β-mannitol and amorphous
trehalose. Non-invasive NIR measurement was successfully used for correlating the critical quality attribute particle
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size with size determined by laser diffraction. The full factorial design proved to be unsuitable due to the non-linear
influence of factors. The composite face-centered design improved the quality of the models and showed both linear
and non-linear influence of the parameters on the outcomes. A model explaining the influence of the factors on all
quality attributes showed similar results as the models optimized for a single response.
Conclusion: This study showed the applicability of DoE for the investigation of spray-dried powders. The knowledge
of the interplay between process parameters and quality attributes will enable rational process design to achieve a
desired outcome.
Keywords:  Design of experiments, quality by design, multivariate analysis, spray-drying, solid state

Introduction be utilized when defining a design space.[2] A compo-

The quality by design (QbD) concept is a major new nent of QbD allows an understanding of factors and
development in pharmaceutical processing and pro- their interaction effects, using a set of experiments
duction. QbD can be expected to have a major impact based on design of experiments (DoE). DoE is used in
on the way pharmaceutical companies will perform several industrial sectors and statistical experimental
in the future. This approach is used in pharmaceuti- designs such as full factorial design and composite face-
cal development to reduce the development costs, but centered design are the core elements of DoE.[3] These
especially to ensure the quality of the product. The designs are employed to determine the relation, which
pharmaceutical QbD consists of choosing and develop- exists between process parameters and the outcome of
ing relevant formulations and production processes to a process. In the current project, DoE was applied to the
ensure a predefined product quality.[1] Process param- production of fine inhalable particles as it is an obvious
eters are identified through a risk assessment, based on process that requires thorough understanding of the
the extent to which their variation can have an impact influence of process parameters on the product attri-
on the quality of the drug product. This assessment can butes. Different techniques are available to produce dry

Address for Correspondence: Holger Grohganz, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry,
University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 2, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel: +45 35 33 64 73. E-mail:
(Received 23 September 2010; revised 10 December 2010; accepted 10 December 2010)

390  A. Baldinger et al.
powder for inhalation, such as jet milling, freeze-drying characterization of the particles with regard to particle
or spray-drying. size, shape, residual moisture content and solid state
Spray-drying is a one-step continuous process with analysis, a full factorial design was performed as a screen-
the possibility of optimizing the physicochemical char- ing to estimate the impact of three process variables (inlet
acteristics of the obtained dry powder for inhalation. temperature, atomization air flow rate and feed flow
Besides producing fine powder for inhalation, spray- rate) on powder characteristics and yield. Subsequently,
drying is one of the most commonly used techniques a composite face-centered design was applied to map
in pharmaceutical industry for the purposes of micro- the optimal process variables for producing spray-dried
encapsulation, drying thermally sensitive materials and powder for inhalation.
improving the flow properties of granules. Pulmonary
drug delivery is one of the most promising alternative
Materials and methods
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routes for the administration of biomacromolecular

drugs such as therapeutic peptides and proteins. This is Materials
due to the large alveolar epithelial surface area (up to D (−)-mannitol and D (+)-trehalose dihydrate were
100 m2) in combination with an extremely thin (0.1–0.2 purchased from BDH Prolabo (Leuven, Belgium). Spray-
μm) absorptive mucosal membrane and good blood drying was performed using 100 mL of an aqueous
supply in the lung. To promote the systemic absorption, solution containing 10 g of a mixture of mannitol and
a deposition of the drug in the alveolar region of the trehalose in mass ratio 90/10. Products were stored in
lung is necessary. Among the physicochemical param- closed vials under desiccated conditions at 5% relative
eters influencing the lung deposition, aerodynamic humidity at room temperature.
particle size is the most important one. The optimum
aerodynamic particle size distribution for most inha- Methods
lation aerosols has generally been recognized to be in Experimental design
the range of 1–5 µm,[4] which can be achieved by spray- In the first screening step, a two-level full factorial design
drying. with three factors was used to evaluate the effects of dif-
With regard to the spray-drying process, several ferent process parameters on particle size, residual mois-
process parameters are contributing to the outcome ture content, density and yield. The outlet temperature
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of the process such as inlet temperature, air flow rate was not included as process parameter, but its value was
and feed flow rate. In addition, formulation parameters measured and treated as a response. In general, the out-
should be considered in the design of inhalable dry let temperature is strongly dependent on the inlet tem-
powder, which also greatly influences the physical char- perature and is therefore not included in the modeling
acteristics of the dry powder. The interaction between approach. The process parameters investigated were the
the process variables and the formulation parameters inlet temperature (110–220°C), the atomization air flow
is extremely complicated to be interpreted. Hence, rate (7.3–29.1 L/min) of the atomization air and the solu-
it is very challenging to design inhalable dry powder tion feed flow rate (2.5–7.5 mL/min). Between the low
with optimum inhalation efficiency using an empirical and high levels, a center-point was added in triplicate to
approach alone. evaluate the validity of the models, which led to a total
There has been an appeal for a shift from empirical number of 11 experiments.
formulation efforts toward rational design of spray-dried In the second step, the factorial design was upgraded
powder based on a better understanding of the interplays to CCF design in order to optimize the fitting of the data.
between the formulation parameters and the process This design consisted of 17 experiments. In addition to
variables in the spray-drying process.[5] Several studies the 11 points of the full factorial design, 6 star points were
have used the DoE approach to develop the ­spray-drying added. The setup and the evaluation of the DoE were
process of different materials. In the preparation of performed using Modde and Simca-P+ 12.0.1
spray-dried acetaminophen particles, a fractional facto- software (both: Umetrics, Umeå, Sweden).
rial screening design was built and the results showed
that inlet temperature and feed rate of the solution are Spray-drying
important factors influencing powder properties.[6] A Büchi Mini Spray Dryer B-290 (Büchi Labortechnik
Another study used a full factorial design for the optimi- AG, Flawil, Switzerland) with a 0.7-mm two fluid nozzle
zation of spray-dried microparticles, and a considerable was used. The solution was sprayed in a co-current flow
improvement of product yield with minimization of the with air as drying medium. The spray-drying param-
residual moisture content was achieved.[7] Maltesen et al. eters were varied as stated in section “Experimental
reported a central composite face-centered (CCF) design design.” The spray-dried particles were separated from
could be created to investigate characteristics of spray- the drying air by an improved cyclone.[9] The aspirator
dried insulin powder.[8] rates were set at 100% in all experiments, leading to a
The aim of the current study was to apply DoE to the drying air flow of approximately 35 m3/h. Spray-dried
spray-drying process to design inhalable dry powder powders were collected, weighed and stored in capped
with optimum physicochemical properties. Following a glass vials.

 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology

QbD in spray-drying  391
Analytical techniques the best fit for one data matrix, but rather calculates a
Particle size measurement by laser diffraction.  The par- good fit, which also yields a high degree of co-variation
ticle size distribution of the dry powders was measured between the two matrixes. PLS was used for connect-
using a laser diffractometer Mastersizer 2000 connected ing the information of the NIR spectra to the particle
with a Scirrocco 2000 powder feeder (both: Malvern size. In both cases, the scores show the clustering of
Instruments, Malvern, UK). For the measurement of the data, whereas the loading (PCA) or weight (PLS)
the particles in air, a dispersion pressure of 1 bar was will give the reason for the clustering by connecting the
used. The particle size distribution is characterized by projected data to the original data. Briefly summarized,
the diameters d(0.1) and d(0.5), as well as by the span. Each PCA shows the relationship among the observations,
sample was measured in triplicate. whereas PLS is used to predict a set of Y-variables based
on a set of X-variables.
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Scanning electron microscopy.  The morphologies of the Before the analysis, different pretreatment can be
spray-dried powders were examined by scanning electron applied. In the evaluation of the NIR spectra, data were
microscopy (SEM) using a JSM-5200 (JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, mean centered in order to improve the interpretability of
Japan). Before the observation, samples were sprinkled the model, whereas no other scaling was applied as all
on aluminum stubs with adhesive carbon tape. The X-variables possessed the same unit. For the evaluation
samples were coated with a thin layer of gold by using a of the process parameters, the variables were centered
gold sputter coater (E5200 Auto Sputter Coater; Bio-Rad, and unit variance scaled due to the large variation in the
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK). numerical values. In the optimization of CCF design–
based models, factors were excluded based on their
Near-infrared spectroscopy analysis.  Each sample was ana- significance in the variable importance plot (VIP), the
lyzed using a Bomem MB Series Fourier-Transform-Near correlation coefficient plot and their influence on the
Infrared Spectrometer MB-160 (ABB Bomem, Quebec, predictability of the model.
Canada) in reflectance mode. Directly after spray-drying,
samples were measured in triplicate through the bottom Thermogravimetric analysis.  The residual moisture
of a glass vial and rotated between the measurements. content of the samples was investigated directly after
Spectra were recorded over the range 4000–8000 cm−1. spray-drying by using a TGA 7 (Perkin Elmer, Norwalk,
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A resolution of 8 cm−1 was used and each spectrum was CT). Powder samples between 3 and 7 mg were loaded
an average of 32 scans. Data acquisition was performed onto a platinum sample pan and heated from 25 to
using GRAMS software (version 7.00/LT; Thermo Fisher 150°C at a rate of 10°C/min.
Scientific, Waltham, MA).
X-ray powder diffraction analysis.  The X-ray powder
Data analysis.  Principle component analysis (PCA) and diffractograms were measured at ambient conditions
partial least square projection to latent structure (PLS) on a PANalytical X’Pert Pro diffractometer equipped
were used in two aspects of the investigation: First, the with a PIXcel detector (PANalytical B.V., Almelo, The
correlation of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) spectra Netherlands). Samples were placed on a zero-background
to the particle size obtained by laser diffraction and sec- silicon holders for the measurements, and a continuous
ond the evaluation of the design space. 2θ scan was performed in a range of 2–40° using a Cu
PCA and PLS are projection methods, which are used Kα radiation (λ = 1.54187 Å). The Kβ radiation was elimi-
to reduce the dimension in a multivariate data set and nated by a nickel filter. The voltage and current applied
detect the influence of variables on the variation within were 45 kV and 40 mA, respectively. Each measurement
a data set. The observations are projected in a multi- was done with a step size of 0.0130°2θ and at a speed
dimensional space and are represented on a lower of 0.0336°/s. Sample spinning was employed during
dimensional space. This is done by finding the direction measurements to avoid preferred orientation effects.
of most variation in a data set which is then defined as Data were collected using X’Pert data collector version
the first principal component (PC). If the first PC does 2.2 and were analyzed with X’Pert Highscore plus ver-
not explain a sufficient amount of variation, a second PC sion 2.2.4 (both from PANalaytical B.V., Almelo, The
can be added, which will be orthogonal to the first PC. Netherlands). In order to identify the solid state, diffrac-
Additional PCs can be added if necessary, however, one tion patterns of samples were compared with literature
has to be careful not to over-fit the data. patterns.[10,11]
In the case of NIR spectroscopy each wavenum-
ber will result in a variable, resulting in several hun-
Results and discussion
dred variables. Due to the connection between the
wavenumbers, this amount of variables can easily be Physical characterization of the obtained particles
reduced to few PCs by the application of PCA. PCA was As the first step in the evaluation of the production pro-
used to gain an overview of the data. PLS is a projec- cess, several critical quality attributes were investigated.
tion method related to PCA, but is using two matrixes. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) was applied to
Contrary to PCA, PLS does therefore not try to obtain investigate the solid state of mannitol and trehalose

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

392  A. Baldinger et al.
in the spray-dried samples and a typical diffractogram water in freeze-dried samples,[12] confirmed the results
is shown in Figure 1. Characteristic reflections for the from the TGA analysis.
major component β-mannitol were observed at 10.5°, The morphology of the particles was investigated
14.6° and 16.8°2θ in the XRPD pattern, whereas no by SEM (Figure 2). SEM pictures showed that spherical
reflections corresponding to trehalose were observed, smooth particles were obtained at low inlet temperature.
demonstrating that spray-drying of mannitol and Due to a faster evaporation rate, increasing the inlet tem-
trehalose resulted in crystalline mannitol and mostly perature led to a more uneven and rough surface and
amorphous trehalose. Similar diffractograms were agglomeration could be observed.
observed for all samples regardless of the process In the following, the applicability of NIR for particle size
parameters. Only in a single experiment, an additional analysis and related density analysis was investigated. It
peak at 13.8° was observed which might be due to is known that the signal obtained via diffuse reflectance
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minor crystallization of trehalose or the formation of NIR spectroscopy contains information of both chemical
α-mannitol. information as well as physical information. The physi-
The characterization of all powders included the cal information obtained is influenced by various factors
analysis of the residual moisture by a thermogravimetric such as the particle size, the density, the refractive index
analysis directly after the spray-drying process. According (influenced by the energy of the light beam) and the
to the TGA data, all samples had a residual moisture energy of the light beam itself. Mathematical pretreat-
content below 0.5%, excluding one sample in which 1% ment such as derivatization or standard normal variate
of moisture was obtained. In addition, the water content transformation is often applied to reduce the physical
of the samples was also investigated by NIR. Applying influence on the spectra.[13,14] As the aim was to investi-
a model using standard normal variate corrected NIR gate the physical influence, it was decided to correlate
spectra, which was developed for the quantification of the untreated data with the particle size. An example of
typical NIR spectra is given in Figure 3A.
First, a PLS model was built on the range 4000–
Trehalose dihydrate 8000 cm−1. The correlation between the observed size
measured by laser diffraction and the prediction based
on the NIR data showed a slope of 1.04 (standard error
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0.04), a y-intercept of 2.3 µm with an R2 value of 0.953.


The root mean square error of estimation (RMSEE) of the

β-Mannitol multivariate analysis was found to be 3.8 µm. The weight
plot showed peaks which are characteristic for chemical
information (data not shown). Due to the high content
Spray-dried sample
of chemical information, an area with apparent stronger
physical information was selected, in order to focus on
the physical effects.
For this purpose, a shorter wavenumber range with
10 15 20 25 30
lower chemical information was investigated. Based on
Position [degree 2θ]
visual inspection of the spectra, the range 5362–5905 cm−1
Figure 1.  XRPD pattern of a typical spray-dried sample in was chosen. The weight plot presented in Figure 3B rep-
comparison with β-mannitol and trehalose dihydrate reference. resents the correlation between the particle size and the

Figure 2.  SEM pictures of spray-dried particles, inlet temperature 110°C (left side) and 220°C (right side).

 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology

QbD in spray-drying  393
spectra, that is to say the differences in the spectra, which present a systematic overview over the relevant factors.
are connected to the particle size. The majority of the These diagrams are usually developed by a group of
variations can be seen to be a baseline offset, with the first experts applying and combining existing knowledge. The
component explaining 98% of the variation of the data. complexity of the diagram will depend on the complex-
The comparison between the particle size that was ity of the process and the desired degree of knowledge.
measured by laser diffraction vs. the particle size pre- The Ishikawa diagram that was the basis for the current
dicted by the NIR spectra is shown in Figure 4. The investigation is given in Figure 5. The parameters which
baseline offset is related to the particle size as linearity in were decided to be investigated, i.e. inlet temperature of
the model can be seen. For the correlation between the the process air, atomization air flow rate of the atomiza-
observed and predicted sizes, a slope of 1.00 (standard tion air and feed flow rate of the solution are marked in
error 0.03) and a y-intercept of 0 µm with an R2 value of bold italic script.
Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Downloaded from by National University of Singapore on 06/22/13

0.975 were achieved. The multivariate analysis reported In order to investigate the influence of the identified
a RMSEE of 1.8 µm, showing the feasibility of NIR spec- process parameters on the quality of the end product,
troscopy in the prediction of the particle size of the spray- DoE was applied. For the first screening step, a full fac-
dried particles. torial design was applied, whereas a CCF design was
applied to a closer investigation. The process parameters
Experimental design are shown in Table 1.
Ishikawa diagram (screening step)
The first step of applying the QbD principle to pharma- Full factorial design
ceutical manufacturing is to identify critical factors which For the initial screening, a full factorial design was applied.
can influence the properties of the product. For this pur- Based on the coefficient plot, the inlet temperature and
pose, Ishikawa diagrams (also called fishbone diagrams) the atomization air flow rate could be identified as the
critical process parameters for the various responses,
A whereas the feed flow rate only showed a marginal, not

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Particle size (laser diffreaction) [µm]




4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Wavenumber [cm−1] 0
0 10 20 30 40
B 0.14 Particle size (NIR) [µm]

0.12 Figure 4.  Comparison between particle size measured by laser

Weight PLS component 1

diffraction and predicted particle size based on NIR.

Process air Analytical Method
Temperature Sample preparation
0.06 Humidity
Drying air flow rate Measurement type
0.04 Atomization air flow rate
Gas composition Spray-dried
0.02 powder
Solvent type properties
0.00 Nozzle type
5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 Solute concentration
Spray-dryer dimensions
Wavenumber [cm−1] Temperature
Feed rate Operator
Figure 3.  (A) NIR spectra of various spray-dried batches. The
gray area marks the wavenumber range 5362–5905 cm−1 which Feed solution Environment
was used for the optimized model for particle size determination.
(B) Weight plot of the first PLS component. Wavenumber range Figure 5.  Ishikawa diagram presenting causes which may affect
5362–5905 cm−1. the quality of the spray-dried powder.

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

394  A. Baldinger et al.
significant influence (data not shown). However, a poor also non-linear influence, as a quadratic polynomial
quantitative connection between the observed and the function permits to estimate curvature. Generally, a bet-
predicted values was obtained for all responses, show- ter correlation was achieved for all factors as shall be
ing the limitations of the factorial design. In all cases, the discussed in detail in the following sections. When cor-
three center points were away from the regression line, relating the process parameters with the responses, two
as can be seen exemplified in Figure 6 which shows the alternatives can be applied. First, a model can be built for
observed vs. predicted values for the particle size. The each variable in order to optimize the parameters for this
observed phenomenon is due to non-linear influence variable (PLS 1) or, second, an overall model can be built
of one or several factors and can not be modeled cor- (PLS 2) to evaluate the whole picture without optimiza-
rectly with a factorial design. It thus became necessary to tion for each single variable.
extend the experimental setup toward a CCF design.
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Particle size.  Laser diffraction was applied to measure

CCF design the particle size which is a major quality attribute of inhal-
In order to cope with the short-comings of the full fac- able formulations. The descriptors in the experimental
torial design and to model non-linear influence, a CCF setup varied between 0.6 and 7.4 µm for the d(0.1), 1.5 and
model was built in a second step. Six additional experi- 35.3 µm for the d(0.5) and 1.19 and 6.97 for the span. In the
ments were added to the previous experiments from the evaluation of the span, one outlier had to be excluded.
full factorial design. The CCF allows modeling linear but The optimization of the models shall be explained
in more detail for the particle size model for d(0.5). All
responses were treated in the same manner. In the opti-
Table 1.  Spray-drying variables.
mization of the model, factors which do not show a sig-
Inlet Solution feed Atomizing air
Experiment temperature flow rate flow rate
nificant influence are removed in order to improve the
number (°C) (mL/min) (L/min) quality of the model. This exclusion is performed based on
1 110 2.5 7.3 the VIP and the coefficient plot (Figure 7A and 7B). It can
2 220 2.5 7.3 be seen that all interactions between the three primary
3 110 7.5 7.3 parameters and the non-linear term for the atomization
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4 220 7.5 7.3

5 110 2.5 29.1 A 2.0
6 220 2.5 29.1
7 110 7.5 29.1 1.5
8 220 7.5 29.1
9 110 5 13.8
10 220 5 13.8 1.0

11 165 2.5 13.8

12 165 7.5 13.8 0.5
13 165 5 7.3
14 165 5 29.1
15-17 165 5 13.8 0.0
Experiment numbers 1–8 and 15–17: full factorial design.
Experiment numbers 1–17: composite face-centered design.
−0.5 Ti FR * FR Ti * Ti AA FR

B 1.0
Observed particle size [µm]




5 −0.5

0 Ti FR AA Ti * Ti FR * FR
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Predicted particle size [µm] Figure 7.  (A) Variable importance plot (VIP) for the particle size
based on CCF. (B) Coefficient plot for the particle size based on
Figure 6.  Correlation between observed vs. predicted particle size CCF. AA, atomization air flow rate; FR, feed flow rate; Ti, inlet
based on full factorial design. temperature.

 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology

QbD in spray-drying  395
1.0 40

Observed particle size [µm]

Weights PLS component

0.6 30

Ti * Ti 20

FR 10
Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Downloaded from by National University of Singapore on 06/22/13

−0.4 AA
0 10 20 30 40
Figure 8.  Weight plot for the CCF model particle size d(0.5). AA,
atomization air flow rate; FR, feed flow rate; Ti, inlet temperature. Predicted partile size [µm]

Figure 9.  Observed vs. predicted particle size d(0.5) by CCF.

air flow rate were found to be non-significant and have
been removed from the model. The feed flow rate shows a positive influence on the span, whereas the feed flow
no significance in the VIP, however, the quadratic term rate itself showed a non-significant influence just as in
investigating a non-linear influence of the feed rate does. the models above. The quality of the model is described
It is therefore necessary to keep the primary parameter by an R2 of 75.2%, a Q2 of 62.7% and a RMSEE of 1.0.
in the model. The atomization air flow rate does not show All models thus show a Q2 above 50% and a difference
significant influence in the coefficient plot. However, it between R2 and Q2 of less than 20% and are thus judged
does have an influence on the quality of the model, as can to be good models for the description of a preparative
be seen in the VIP, and therefore remained in the model. operation.
Using this setup, the optimal model with an R2 (fit) of
Other critical quality attributes.  Another variable in
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75.6% and a Q2 (predictability) of 61.9% was achieved.

The influence of the single parameters can either be the quality assessment of powders for inhalation is the
seen in the VIP or be taken directly from the weight plot tapped density. The absolute values varied between
achieved by the PLS (Figure 8). In both cases it can be 0.312 and 0.628 g/cm3, however, the majority (13 out
seen that the diameter increases with increased inlet of 17 samples) were found in the range 0.419–0.493 g/
temperature. Furthermore, the inlet temperature shows cm3. This concentration of the samples in middle
a positive non-linear influence, which means that the ranges with only few samples at extreme values can
particle size will not increase in a linear manner but over be assumed to hamper the model. Both atomization
proportional with increasing inlet temperature. The feed air flow rate and feed flow rate were found to have a
flow rate and the atomization air flow rate show small negative effect on the tapped density of the samples,
negative influences, meaning that an increase in either whereas the only positive influence was found in the
of them will lead to a slight reduction in the particle size. inlet temperature. Although this influence was not sig-
Based on the coefficient plot, the feed flow rate shows a nificant according to the VIP and the coefficient plot,
small, negative and non-significant influence, however, a clear decrease in model quality was observed when
the quadratic term shows a positive effect. This means excluding the inlet temperature. Neither interactions
that there is a curvature in the parameter feed flow rate, nor non-linear terms showed any significance. The
which, however, is not affecting the parameter itself model can be described by an R2 of 67.9%, a Q2 of 45.9%
significantly in the area investigated (2.5–7.5 mL/min). and a RMSEE of 0.04 g/cm3, rendering it an acceptable
Considering the nature of curvature, one can, however, model.
expect that the factor feed flow rate in itself will become In the pharmaceutical industry, one factor of extreme
significant at higher values than the one investigated importance is the yield of a process, calculated by the
here. ratio between the obtained powder and the expected
The quality of the model can finally be evaluated by amount of powder. The yield varied between 7.7 and 91%
comparing the predicted and the observed diameter of in this study.
the particles, which is shown in Figure 9. In the current The critical parameters which have a statistically sig-
model, a RMSEE of 5.0 µm was found for d(0.5). nificant influence on the yield are shown in the coeffi-
With regard to d(0.1), the same factors as described cient plot (Figure 10). The model showed an R2 of 75.6%
above for the d(0.5) were found to be significant and show and a Q2 of 66.8% and can thus be judged as good. For
the same type and strength of impact on the model. The the observed vs. prediction, an RMSEE of 16.2% was
model can be described by an R2 of 69.1%, a Q2 of 56.2% found.
and a RMSEE of 1.1 µm. For the span, the inlet tempera- According to the coefficient plot, the inlet temperature
ture and the quadratic term of the feed flow rate showed has a negative influence on the yield and the curvature

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

396  A. Baldinger et al.
0.5 0.6


Weight PLS component 2

0.2 D0.1


0.0 0.0
FR * FR Span
−0.2 Ti

−0.5 −0.6
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Ti FR AA TI * Ti FR * FR −1.0
−1.0 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 10.  Coefficient plot for the yield based on CCF. AA, weight PLS component 1
atomization air flow rate; FR, feed flow rate; Ti, inlet temperature.
Figure 11.  Weight plot of PLS 2 covering all responses. Closed
squares represent input factors, open circles represent responses.
indicates that this effect is getting overly pronounced
AA, atomization air flow rate; FR, feed flow rate; Ti, inlet
when increasing the temperature. An increase in the temperature.
inlet temperature will decrease the yield, which can be
explained as follows: with the rather low feed flow rate
7.5 30
applied and an aspirator setting kept constant at 100%,
an increase in the inlet temperature will lead to a sub- 7.0
stantial increase in the outlet temperature. Depending 6.5
on the solid state of the materials, the outlet temperature 6.0
will influence the physical properties of the compounds.
Feed rate

As shown in Figure 1, mannitol will remain crystalline

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upon spray-drying and thus show a melting point in the 5.0

range 165–169°C, whereas trehalose will be amorphous. 4.5
The glass transition temperature of trehalose has been 4.0 90
reported to be around 107°C.[15] When the inlet tempera- 80
70 50
ture was set at 110°C, the outlet temperature was found to 40
be maximum 62°C, that is to say under the glass transition
temperature of trehalose. When the inlet temperature 2.5 20
was set at 220°C, the outlet temperature was 117.5°C at its 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220
highest, which is above the glass transition temperature of Inlet temperature
trehalose. Thus, trehalose would be in the rubbery state.
Figure 12.  Contour plot for the prediction of the yield based on
Therefore, agglomeration occurs, which may explain the the inlet temperature and the feed rate calculated by the PLS 2
decrease in yield as some sticky powder agglomerated in model. The values show the predicted yield in %.
the cyclone and did not reach the collection vessel.
of the feed flow rate showed a significant influence. The
Overall model and predictive abilities.  In addition to an obtained RMSEE values for the various responses in the
optimization of the model with regard to the influence overall model were as follows: d(0.1): 1.1 µm; d(0.5): 4.7 µm;
of the factors on single responses, an overall model (also span: 1.2; tapped density: 0.04 and yield: 20.0%. In sum-
called PLS 2), which models all responses, is possible. In mary, by applying a CCF model it was shown that inlet
this case, two PLS components were necessary for the temperature and atomization air flow rate are the most
overall model and an R2 of 69.6% and a Q2 of 46.8% were significant parameters influencing the yield and the par-
found. These values are slightly lower than the corre- ticle size of the spray-dried powder. The particle size was
sponding values found for single-response models, which increased with increasing inlet temperature and by low
can be expected as the factors influence the responses in atomization air flow rate. The yield was negatively influ-
a different manner and are not optimized for a specific enced mainly by the inlet temperature.
response. The advantage of the overall model is its useful- In order to visualize predicted values for unknown
ness in the improvement of several responses at the same conditions, contour plot can be applied. As an example, a
time. A clear overview of the connection between the fac- contour plot is given for the prediction of the yield based
tors and the responses can be seen in the weight plot of on the PLS 2 model (Figure 12). This plot clearly shows
the PLS 2 where both factors and responses are included the influence of the inlet temperature on the yield and
(Figure 11). In the overall model, only the inlet tempera- that of the curvature on the feed flow rate. After the estab-
ture, the atomization air flow rate and the quadratic term lishment of the models, an easy alternative to optimize

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