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(a) to aoquaint the piano student with at loset = mall art of the traditional "(leee; *rolk") misio of hte own country, and to give thie to him in a form hich can be used at the onmo thm for plano practice to present this music in on idiom ssvoring mich eo possible of the contenporary, preferring 8 barenens rather than e riohnese of style, en eccustoning the student's ear to a freer uae of the firth, fourth, seventh, and second Intorrela 0 abundantly ised {n moat’ contonporary miel es (Curiously enough, there 8 part-elneine widespread throughout the outhesstorn states, ond hn been for the past hundred years, shich revele is thes chemctertetice of "notern® mites) The melodies around which these pioces have boon built aze tradi thonel American melodies. There ara thousende more, Just ae goed and: just an alive, It ie tho belief of this composer that, feet fas tho child becomes acquainted with his ow hone envizonanct before oxperioncing the more varied contacts of school wilt comunity, 26 should the migic, student be given the rich mele! herisge ef bie om country as e basis ujon whic to DuLld hie exjerience of the folk fant art mate.of other countricos Tt ie to be stressed that thevo 1ittie pteces haw been Written ghiefly ae plano plocess The singing of them in, of course, Mehly important; ‘Tf cen bo Left to the instructor, whother each place te learned first as a song. To this andy ae wel? ao to add flavor, 8 fow verses of each song have Denn included, and the pleces ve constructed thet they can be used as acconpanimoate on oecansone But they have been designed to serve sn mwli for plano practices 1938 | Nake la It In writing theee pleas, there were tro objectives (a) te anquaiat the pie stadens with ot Leeat @ melt elo ae tation "Guan oe mate of sand to give tale to EE ia a greene fom plano yracvion to present this mate in on {diem severing se mach an posnible of the contemporary, preferring Darenese rather thane richness ef style, and Scqustoming the stulent's sar to 4 freer use of ‘the FLEUR, fourth, seventh, end sesend intervals (90 ebundantly used in moet contemporary mat. (Ouriously enough, there 10 part-singing widespread Srrougheet the southeastern states, and bee been” for the pest hundred years, which Terela in these shareotertation of “nodern® mate.) Hodis around watch these pisces have been built are tredi- melodies. There are thrusands more, Just an good ive, It is the belief of this composer that, Just, jquainted With his om home snvizomment berere Teried contaste of school and comity, oo be given the rich matcel heritage cf he Which to build is experience of the falk te y The 0 ‘teaal Americ = it Eee es i é { of than is, ef course, Mehly. rater, whether sash pisee 1a ad, an well as 10 add flavor, ‘nals would suggest inoluting only ‘tees oF four of the mny yerEge of each song. ‘There melodies have beon taken from the Following collections (and nothing ‘but the melody hes deen used, the arrange inte being oxtirely ay om) + icon - rooms Ee and Fikougs Santbure, Songbag I believe vory strongly thet, just ae the ohilé decones aqqueint et nith hie on home exrironaent before experiencing the nore viried-atifitasor school cnt community, a0 snould; he become acquainted with the folk austei mato Sf his! om country 40 0 firm bests upon whton © tutld bie expert aee of the folk and sri ute of other countries. There are Shousands of traditions] Asertos melodia, - strong, stipes - a rich mustoal heritage. And T have often resarked how ohiléren who sing Lacadatetoally gr mot af all musio which 48 given them to sing in school roows and which is foreign to thoa, will bocdes lively end enthusiestio participants as soon as the Auerioan folk song, familiar in spirit ond subject, 12 introduced, | ete LittLe Turtle Dove Tho Old Gray Ura The Babesin the Mood Charlie's Sweet Usnay Loves Lora Thomas London's Bridge Gray Goose. Bolg Weovs2, Lunete 4 Sharpe a dy ms Duo enbury Lomax Bandburg Tha Wigner Up the Cle rry Tree https 11 Woat!21 Wo do with the Baby. Sharpe Sundbure Shugpe f w Ir T Ride anO1é Paint Te Taree Ravens Ground lieg. Ramxx Seat Botoay Frog Went a-Courtint einay parby’s Ram Rosary and Thyme Come Ali you Fair and ‘Tender Ladi I Dreamed Last Night Looux Lowex Lupe tore Sharpe Sandburg, 2 os REY 8. BaskFas. 8 t iiith ita d i vinta if Hi dnalinili b fi = gurls re member} SS . prewar 7 | | down for the ? \\texposts axpor Loutcnte bridge is a-burning down, O gizle Tenonbar ne. London's bridge te acburning Gown Yor the prettiest girl I know. noose the one aa we arch around, 0 girls renmaber Bay Onoose the one as Me smrch around, Of the prettiest girl T know, ‘Take her by the Fight hand, O girls resenber meg ‘Take her by the right hand Yor the prettiest giz] I know. And tell hax how you love ber, I gizla reomber ne And tell bar how you love ber, For the prettiest girl T know Hag her neat and kiss her ameot, O gizia reneuber cme Bug her neat end Kies her sweet Tor the prettiest girl T now. nf Chores ogit bod Ohavlies sue ges ie == RMR ng bpd Pritt S Sous 0 PEE SS Li ow Peer aid ces, edu could be : t E : =a oe 7 Tif cif te Geol aH to hs apete pat Dera ew Yor \megt 1 Sait? par dd Row, | Tost as block as | ceap ya be = ly ae Eye = eS They | fred tn the | coukes, Wey | wa ter in Ke| draw, st E SS ~taife are all j round, Witte = lh \) i xx The’ Higher opithe Sherry te, ‘ | ape qraas Wh benny; We, Sear a pony mah a Wall, last Monday neraing, Lad Lad Lewd, Well, last toaday neming, Lawl LertLerd, ey daddy went a-hunting, Lewd Lawl Lewd, dy dadey ext -hunting, Tawi Lewd Landy Hunting for the eray goose, ote And de want te the Dig wood, tee, Jat de took along Mis ula, ot: Jad the hewn dog he wont too, Hie! dog dorian te wining, Along pons « grey coe Wad, wp Me Ade anoulter, snd rom back the hammer sng yon on the trtezer, sng the go want teantee Down ne cone a-felling, a me wis weeks felting, snd ho yt ain on the meee, sid-he tabs him to the white houses _daggees vite eat ay wits Thayth. cine « feather nterings ares i wanes rtopine , ang tee pe nA eceosttngy Be! wan aiz weeks cocking, Aad! tay put bin on the table dad the fork wouldatt stick kim Ay they hrewed him in the boe-pea, And the hogs couldn't eat Aix, Moll, he broke the olf sents saws Se thay Agek bin te the emt, And he broke the santa teeth out, And the last tine I aeed her ‘She wan flying torves the eooen, Had a long strip of gealings And they all went “oak, quent,” Lard Lewd Lam, dat thoy all went "Queak,queak,* Law, Law Lewd: aaah. Fee J went out to ———— >=. bkd Tit sed Aa T went out to Darty M11 ane wummer's ay, I met the Meost ram, alr, that ever fol on bays Tuat ever, fot en bays Onerus dat de rambled dad de rambled aad he rambled, TLL theae vatoners out dim dom. Ho had four foot te walk ox, He bed four feet te stand, dat overy one of Mis four feet, They covered an acre of land, mais ram he had two Kora ain, Tasy reached up to the noon, Avman wont up dn Jantary, ‘dad be didn" come back 4122 June, The wool, that was on his bast, sin, Te'receabd ap to the why The eeglbe built thelr Keats there, Tor Pensa the Little cnse crys es ele “28 2} 1 Sad Nea kis on Sicingy Prefer toad Gy cory, Fon gt t tna cnt se ste? ary toe ot SPM LSA oog ira hers Get along none, Cindy, Cindy, get alone home, Otndy, ciaty, Get along hom, Cindy, cindy, IL] marry yon’ some tiie Twiek Tima an apple , c-henging on a tree, And every tine my Cindy jassed, abeTd tare Ubite of ey I went dena te Ofady's house, aif not ce to stay, But when I saw that pretty Little girl I just eealdn't ce aways Ske took me te. the parler, she cooled me with her fax, told no Ie the prettiest thing in the shape of mortal mea. told me that she loved me, ane onlied me sugar plum, ‘tarewed her arma cronnd me, I thought my tine hed come. kT Mad a needle y as fine as T could som, ‘new the qizle to me coat teil and down the road I'd ge Oiady im the sumer tine, Cindy ta the fal, TE At can't bo Cindy all the tine, it won't be Cindy at alle 1 STREP BETSY FROM PIA, Wo crossed the wide pmintos with hor lover Ee Tien two youo of enttlo and ono spotted hog A tml changed mooctor and an ull yallor log? ‘mo ctianghnt man off and the enttle. ALL Alot: Mio Lact ploco vf bacon thet swmlng ume fried. Poor Isc fot atsocumgd ni Beery yae nnd dnd the doi: Woqaed Me tall and Looked vwnierful ena. ond Icono': :oul chrank frum the doath’ that vnc th "Doar 014 Pic County, ILI yp back to y% Said Botey "You'll Go by yoreeit tf you wn ronehed the desurt wher. Bets dom tm the sand she Lay nolL on Tso 4m Gront terror Lookod on in ourprioe, Saying, "Botey, got wp, you'll (pt cnné 4m your eyes ‘sueot Dotey got up An 9 qrent donl of pain, fs doolnres cho'd Gp bade to Pile Couney Aging Thon Tso henwodn chin and thoy fondly ebrvccd and gic treveld) along with MMe rit sowie! her mice. hoy pure: the whde cd the ta) ponte cholera nnd Rem sore And elaagitor, Oniigoraie epsto of hol nd nigh wmeor, no noming thoy clirbed up a very high AIL, fond Wath vonder Looked daz on od Flac aville Lev chouted mA sata, 20 he enct née yer doim, 0 y darling, solve got to Hongtov ons Te life, Rouge Grou ey 4 iz Mf Shite gor cal yor Beg, |e Ga To tn the Aft 44] one tn The fay. ‘Sheulder up your qua ext call your dex, Shetlder up your gun and call your doe, Amy te the woods to ontoh « cround het, (Grewad eee ‘vo im the alert ant ene in the lee, ‘we in the cleft and one in the legs See" kia nono, theught I knew It mur «hee, ‘Oreund eee Chitéren all areund, they sereamed and oried, Ohiddren all arwund, they soreaned and oried, Thay leve a ground Log stered ant fried ‘Greuad hee Yonder cemea Sally with a sniecer aad « erin, ‘eater conan Selly with nigger and « eriny Greund hog grease all ever her chin, ‘Ground her.

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