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April 7, 2017

To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to write a letter of reference for Justin Bastien. Justin is a SUNY Delhi junior
enrolled in the Hospitality Department bachelor’s program majoring in Culinary Arts. He
currently has a 3.3 grade point average.

I have had the pleasure of teaching Justin in 2 classes. He earned a B in Menu Planning and
Controls (HOSP 130) and a B+ in Food and Beverage Cost Control (REST 190). I enjoyed teaching
Justin in both classes. He is an engaged, hardworking and talented student who improved the
quality of class discussions with his enthusiasm and desire to understand.

Justin graduated in December, 2015 with his associate’s degree in culinary arts. With his degree
he went to work in the industry as a line cook, a swing cook and a junior sous chef. While
working he realized that he wanted to further his education and earn his bachelor’s degree. He
returned in September, 2016 to SUNY Delhi. I was thrilled to see him back on campus because I
know that with his skills and personality Justin will go far in his career and by furthering his
education he will have a better chance of success.

As an instructor I enjoy seeing my students get the most of their experience at college. Justin is
the sort of student that is getting the most of his time at SUNY Dehli. He has served as an
assistant to the Chef Instructors in the MacDonald Hall culinary labs, as well as, a teacher’s
assistant for the culinary restaurant class two times and for the culinary competition class.
Additionally, Justin is a resident’s assistant in O’Connor Hall. He has immersed himself in
multiple aspects of college life and, as a result, he is gaining lots of experience.

I enjoyed having Justin in my classes and hearing of his successes here at SUNY Delhi. It is
without hesitation that I recommend his for the scholarship for which he is applying. If I can be
of further assistance, or if you should require additional supporting information, please feel
free to contact me at 607-746-4051 or via email at


Linda A. Blocker
Linda A. Blocker, CHE
Visiting Instructor
Hospitality Department
SUNY Delhi

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