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Biopiles, also known as biocells, bioheaps, biomounds, and compost piles, are used to reduce

concentrations of petroleum constituents in excavated soils through the use of biodegradation.

This technology involves heaping contaminated soils into piles (or “cells”) and stimulating
aerobic microbial activity within the soils through the aeration and/or addition of minerals,
nutrients, and moisture. The enhanced microbial activity results in degradation of adsorbed
petroleum-product constituents through microbial respiration. Biopiles are similar to
landfarms in that they are both above-ground, engineered systems that use oxygen, generally
from air, to stimulate the growth and reproduction of aerobic bacteria which, in turn, degrade
the petroleum constituents adsorbed to soil. While landfarms are aerated by tilling or
plowing, biopiles are aerated most often by forcing air to move by injection or extraction
through slotted or perforated piping placed throughout thepile(Fig. 7-7, 7-8).

7.7. ábra - Fig. 7-7: Biopile system. Source: EPA

7.8. ábra - Fig. 7-8: Cross section of Biopile. Source: EPA

7.9. ábra - Figure. Typical Landfarming Operation. Source: EPA

7.10. ábra - Figure. Cross section of Landfarming Operation. Source: EPA

In-situ groundwater bioremediation is a technology that encourages growth and reproduction
of indigenous microorganisms to enhance biodegradation of organic constituents in the
saturated zone. In-situ groundwater bioremediation can effectively degrade organic
constituents, which are dissolved in groundwater and adsorbed onto the aquifer matrix.
Bioremediation generally requires a mechanism for stimulating and maintaining the activity
of these microorganisms. This mechanism is usually a delivery system for providing one or
more of the following: An electron acceptor (oxygen, nitrate); nutrients (nitrogen,
phosphorus); and an energy source (carbon). The driving force for the biodegradation of
petroleum hydrocarbons is the transfer of electrons from an electron donor (petroleum
hydrocarbon) to an electron acceptor. To derive energy for cell maintenance and production
from petroleum hydrocarbons, the microorganisms must couple electron donor oxidation with
the reduction of an electron acceptor. As each electron acceptor being utilized for
biodegradation becomes depleted, the biodegradation process shifts to utilize the electron
acceptor that provides the next greatest amount of energy. This is why aerobic respiration
occurs first, followed by the characteristic sequence of anaerobic processes: nitrate reduction,
manganese-reduction, iron-reduction, sulfate-reduction, and finally methanogenesis. (Figure)

7.11. ábra - Figure. Aerobic respiration, denitrification, iron and manganese reduction,
and sulfate reduction result in generation of carbon dioxide. Source: EPA
Generally, electron acceptors and nutrients are the two most critical components of any
delivery system. In a typical in-situ bioremediation system, groundwater is extracted using
one or more wells and, if necessary, treated to remove residual dissolved constituents. The
treated groundwater is then mixed with an electron acceptor and nutrients, and other
constituents if required, and re-injected upgradient of or within the contaminant source. This
ideal system would continually recirculate the water until cleanup levels had been achieved.
If your state does not allow re-injection of extracted groundwater, it may be feasible to mix
the electron acceptor and nutrients with fresh water instead. Extracted water that is not re-
injected must be discharged, typically to surface water or to publicly owned treatment works.

In-situ bioremediation can be implemented in a number of treatment modes, including:

Aerobic (oxygen respiration); anoxic (nitrate respiration); anaerobic (non-oxygen
respiration); and co-metabolic. The aerobic mode has been proven most effective in reducing
contaminant levels of aliphatic (e.g., hexane) and aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g.,
benzene, naphthalene) typically present in gasoline and diesel fuel. In the aerobic treatment
mode, groundwater is oxygenated by one of three methods: Direct sparging of air or oxygen
through an injection well; saturation of water with air or oxygen prior to re-injection; or
addition of hydrogen peroxide directly into an injection well or into reinjected water(Figure).

7.12. ábra - Figure. In situ groundwater bioremediation system using infiltration

gallery. Source: EPA
The term “monitored natural attenuation” (MNA) refers to the reliance on natural attenuation
processes (within the context of a carefully controlled and monitored site cleanup approach)
to achieve site-specific remediation objectives within a time frame that is reasonable
compared to that offered by other more active methods. MNA is often dubbed “passive”
remediation because natural attenuation processes occur without human intervention to a
varying degree at all sites. It should be understood, however, that this does not imply that
these processes necessarily will be effective at all sites in meeting remediation objectives
within a reasonable time frame. Natural attenuation processes include a variety of physical,
chemical, and biological processes that, under favorable conditions, reduce the mass,
toxicity,mobility, volume, and/or concentration of contaminants in soil and/orgroundwater.
A. Processes that result only in reducing the concentration of acontaminant are termed
“nondestructive” and include hydrodynamic dispersion,sorption and volatilization. Other
processes, such as biodegradation and abioticdegradation (e.g., hydrolysis), result in an actual
reduction in the mass ofcontaminants and are termed “destructive” (Figure).

7.13. ábra - Figure. Conceptualization of Electron Acceptor Zones In the Subsurface.

Source: EPA
The emerging phytoremediation technology is cost-effective plant-based approach to
remediation takes advantage of the remarkable ability of plants to concentrate elements and
compounds from the environment and to metabolize various molecules in their tissues. Toxic
heavy metals and organic pollutants are the major targets for phytoremediation. In recent
years, knowledge of the physiological and molecular mechanisms of phytoremediation began
to emerge together with biological and engineering strategies designed to optimize and
improve phytoremediation. Chelate-assisted phytoextraction has been successfully used to
remove lead from contaminated soils using specially selected varieties of Indian mustard
(Brassica juncea L.). These varieties combine high shoot biomass with the enhanced ability
of roots to adsorb EDTA-chelated lead from soil solution and transport it into the shoots. The
transpiration stream is likely to be the main carrier of soluble chelated metal to the shoots,
where water is transpired while metal accumulates (Vassil, et al. 1998).The
hyperaccumulating plants for example, several Thlaspi species can accumulate Ni and Zn, to
1–5% of its dry biomass. This is an order of magnitude greater than concentrations of these
metals in the nonaccumulating plants growing nearby.Unfortunately, most
hyperaccumulating species are not suitable for phytoextraction for several reasons: (i) metals
that are primarily accumulated (Ni, Zn, and Cu) are not among the most important
environmental pollutants; (ii) most have very low biomass and capricious growth habits
unsuitable for monoculture; and (iii) agronomic practices and crop protection measures for
their cultivation have not been developed. However, many metal-hyperaccumulating species
belong to Brassicaceae (mustard) family, and thus are related to B. juncea, the preferred plant
for phytoextraction of lead. Unfortunately, B. juncea, while exhibiting a high capacity for
metal uptake and translocation, is not very resistant to high levels of lead or other heavy
metals in its foliage. Therefore, chelate-assisted phytoextraction is very toxic to B. juncea,
requiring harvesting several days after chelate application.Phytoextraction exploits the ability
of plant roots to remove unwanted contaminants from their environment.

7.14. ábra - Figure. Phytoremediation of oil field using native poplars and willows
Guadal. Source:Guadalupe restoration project USA
7.15. ábra - Figure. Plants used in phytoremediation. Source Annette et al., 2001.

Phytoextraction (or phytoaccumulation) uses plants or algae to remove contaminants from

soils, sediments or water into harvestable plant biomass (organisms that take larger-than-
normal amounts of contaminants from the soil are called hyperaccumulators).
Phytoextraction has been growing rapidly in popularity worldwide for the last twenty years or
so. In general, this process has been tried more often for extracting heavy metals than for
organics. At the time of disposal, contaminants are typically concentrated in the much smaller
volume of the plant matter than in the initially contaminated soil or sediment. 'Mining with
plants', or phytomining, is also being experimented with.Phytostabilization creates a
vegetative cap for the long-term stabilization and containment of the tailings. The plant
canopy serves to reduce eolian dispersion whereas plant roots prevent water erosion,
immobilize metals by adsorption or accumulation, and provide a rhizosphere wherein metals
precipitate and stabilize. Unlike phytoextraction, or hyperaccumulation of metals into
shoot/root tissues phytostabilization primarily focuses on sequestration of the metals within
the rhizosphere but not in plant tissues.

Phytostabilization focuses on long-term stabilization and containment of the pollutant. For

example, the plant's presence can reduce wind erosion; or the plant's roots can prevent water
erosion, immobilize the pollutants by adsorption or accumulation, and provide a zone around
the roots where the pollutant can precipitate and stabilize. Unlike phytoextraction,
phytostabilization focuses mainly on sequestering pollutants in soil near the roots but not in
plant tissues. Pollutants become less bioavailable, and livestock, wildlife, and human
exposure is reduced. An example application of this sort is using a vegetative cap to stabilize
and contain mine tailings.


Have to calculate nutrition reqirement on TPH polluted site by land farming project:

A conservative approximation of the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus required for

optimum degradation of petroleum products can be calculated by assuming that the total mass
of hydrocarbon in the soil represents the mass of carbon available for biodegradation. This
simplifying assumption is valid because the carbon content of the petroleum hydrocarbons
commonly encountered at UST sites is approximately 90 percent carbon by weight.As an
example, assume that at a LUST site the volume ofcontaminated soil is 10,000 m3, the
average TPH concentration in thecontaminated soil is 1,000 mg/kg, and the soil bulk density
is1.75 g/cm3.

The mass of contaminated soil is equal to the product of volume andbulk density: 1,75x 106 T

The mass of the contaminant (and carbon) is equal to the product of the mass of contaminated
soil and the average TPH concentration in the contaminated soil:

1,75x 106 kg x 1000mg/kg=1,75 x 103 kg

Using the C:N:P ratio of 100:10:1, the required mass of nitrogen would be 1750 kg, and the
required mass of phosphorus would be 175. After converting these masses into concentration

(mg/kg for nitrogen and mg/kg for phosphorus), they can becompared with the results of the
soil analyses to determine if nutrientaddition is necessary. If nitrogen addition is necessary,
slow releasesources should be used. Nitrogen additions can lower soil pH, dependingon the
amount and type of nitrogen added.
Bioremediasi Cemaran Minyak dengan Teknik Biopile
Pengertian Bioremediasi

Remediasi adalah tindakan untuk memulihkan kembali suatu keadaan lingkungan yang telah
tercemar. Bila di dalam remediasi digunakan organisme hidup, maka teknik itu disebut
bioremediasi. Dalam pengertian yang lebih sempit, bioremediasi secara khusus digunakan
bagi teknik yang memanfaatkan mikroba di dalam remediasi. Bila agensia biologi yang
digunakan adalah tumbuhan, maka teknologinya disebut fitoremediasi. Bioremediasi
dianggap sebagai alternatif yang lebih murah. Oleh karena itu bioremediasi, baik secara
sendiri maupun kombinasi dengan metode lain, telah berkembang dan makin banyak
digunakan dalam pemulihan air dan tanah tercemar.

Pengertian Teknik Biopile

Bioremediasi cemaran minyak antara lain dilakukan dengan teknik biopile, landfarming,
composting, dsb. Intinya adalah memanfaatkan mikroba untuk menguraikan bahan-bahan
pencemar, dalam hal ini hidrokarbon minyak, yang terkandung di dalam tanah, lumpur, pasir,
dan sebagainya, menjadi senyawa lain yang lebih sederhana dan tidak berbahaya.

Biopile juga dikenal sebagai biocells, bioheaps, biomounds, dan compost pile. Teknologi ini
dilakukan dengan menumpuk tanah-tanah yang terkontaminasi dan menstimulasi aktivitas
mikroba dengan memperhatikan aerasinya, menambahkan nutrisi-nutrisi, menjaga
kelembaban, dan perlakukan-perlakuan yang lain untuk meningkatkan aktivitas mikroba
dalam mendegradasi senyawa-senyawa pencemar hidrokarbon dari minyak.

Keunggulan Teknik Biopile

Dibanding dengan teknik-teknik bioremediasi yang lain, teknik biopile menawarkan beberapa
keunggulan atau keuntungan, di antaranya:
1. Waktu proses biodegradasi (untuk mencapai target 1% sesuai peraturan yang berlaku)
lebih cepat dibanding beberapa teknik yang lain. Teknik biopile memerlukan waktu sekitar
1,5 – 2 bulan (a.l. tergantung jenis cemaran minyak), lebih cepat dibanding beberapa teknik
yang lain yang rata-rata memerlukan waktu 6 bulan.
2. Lahan yang diperlukan lebih sedikit. Hal ini karena tanah tercemar, setelah dicampur
dengan bahan-bahan lain yang diperlukan, dapat ditumpuk setinggi 1,5-3 meter. Hal ini
dimungkinkan karena dilengkapai sistem aerasi aktif. Sementara, ketinggian maksimal
tumpukan tanah pada teknik yang lain tanpa aerasi aktif hanya 30 cm.
3. Proses bioremediasi dengan teknik biopile dapat lebih terkontrol dibanding beberapa
teknik bioremediasi yang lain.


Riset dan pengembangan teknik biopile terus dilakukan di Lab. Mikrobiologi dan Lab. Proses
dan Bioremediasi, Balai Teknologi Lingkungan. Fokus R&D teknik biopile adalah mencari
dan menguji mikroba unggul pendegradasi cemaran minyak dan optimasi proses.
R&D yang dilakukan antara lain untuk menguji pengaruh dan mencoba penambahan nutrisi,
penambahan surfaktan, penambahan mikroba, dan bulking agent terhadap efisiensi degradasi
cemaran minyak. Uji coba dilakukan untuk mendegradasi berbagai macam cemaran minyak.
R&D ini didukung oleh Lab. Analitik dan Lab. Ekotoksikologi terkait dengan analisa hasil
degradasi dan uji toksikologi hasil pengolahan.

Penerapan Teknik Biopile

Teknik biopile untuk bioremediasi cemaran minyak telah diaplikasikan dengan sukses di
salah satu partner BPPT di Riau, di sebuah CLTS (Centralized Land Treatment Site) yang
merupakan tempat penampungan dan pengolahan tanah atau bahan padat lain yang
terkontaminasi hidrokarbon (minyak). Tanah yang diolah dengan teknik biopile ini adalah
tanah, pasir, atau lumpur yang mengandung minyak yang berasal dari berbagai sumber, a.l.
dari proses pengeboran (drilling mud dan cutting), tumpahan minyak, sludge minyak, dsb.

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