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The earth is a gigantic heat engine. A records the temperature continuously at

tremendous amount of heat is con- each thermistor location (Fig 2).
stantly transported from its center to The sediment temperatures obtained
the surface by thermal convection and at different sub-bottom depths (Fig. 2)
conduction. define the geothermal gradient. How-
The geothermal heat is ultimately ever, what the instrument measures
the driving force of most large-scale while it is on bottom is not the ‘real’ or
geologic processes that take place on equilibrium temperature of the sedi-
the surface of the earth (e.g., move- ment, because the temperature of the
ment of tectonic plates, volcanic erup- sediment around the probe rises quick-
tions, etc.). A portion of the heat con- ly upon penetration of the probe due
ducted through the earth’s crust is used
to drive the chemical reactions which
transform organic matter contained in
sedimentary rocks into petroleum. Application of marine heat flow data
Without the geothermal heat, there
would be no naturally occurring petro-
leum on this planet. Therefore, measur-
important in oil, gas exploration
ing this heat and understanding its
transport mechanisms through the to frictional heating (Fig. 2).
crustal rocks are essential to the science As the frictional heat starts dissipating Seiichi Nagihara
Texas Tech University
of petroleum exploration. into surrounding sediment, the temper- Lubbock
In this article, we describe how ge- ature measured at each thermistor grad-
othermal heat flow is measured on the ually falls toward its original value. The James M. Brooks
seafloor and how such data are utilized equilibrium temperature can be extrapo- Bernie B. Bernard
in offshore oil and gas exploration, es- lated from this record of temperature Neil Summer
pecially in the Gulf of Mexico. We focus decay.1 In determining the geothermal TDI-Brooks International Inc.
on three types of application: hydrocar- gradient, we use the theoretically extrap- College Station,Tex.
bon maturation analysis, subsalt explo- olated equilibrium temperatures. Gary Cole
ration, and assessing the stability of Five to 10 minutes after the penetra- BHP Billiton Ltd.
marine gas hydrates. tion, the probe applies a calibrated, in- Houston
The data used here are from the heat tense heat pulse to the surrounding
flow programs conducted by TDI- sediment for about 10 sec. The temper- Trevor Lewis
Brooks in the last several years. ature of the probe rises again quickly Sidney Geophysical Consultants Ltd.
but falls after the termination of the Sidney, BC
Measurement techniques heat pulse (Fig. 2). The temperature de-
Geothermal heat flow through the cay is controlled by the thermal con-
seafloor is determined as a product of ductivity of the sediments.
two separate measurements of the ther- The heat dissipates relatively quickly
mal gradient in, and the thermal con- through sediment of high thermal con-
ductivity of, the sediment in a depth ductivity but slowly through low-con-
interval. A single instrument can per- ductivity sediment. Da-
form both measurements. ta from the thermal de-
A typical marine heat flow instru- cay after the heat pulse
ment (Figs. 1 and 2) is equipped with allows the thermal con-
a thin (1-cm diameter) metal tube of ductivity to be calculat-
3- to 7-m length, which contains a ed. The marine heat flow instru-
dozen or so thermistors spaced along A heat flow instru- ment designed and built by Geo-
its length. The temperature data ob- ment such as the one logical Survey of Canada and
tained at individual thermistors are used by TDI-Brooks can operated by TDI-Brooks Inter-
stored in the digital data recorder in a determine the heat national Inc. (Fig. 1).
pressure-proof housing attached at the flow with an accuracy
top of the metal tube. of 1% to 3%.2 3 The res-
The instrument is lowered to the sea olution of the tempera-
bottom by a winch cable from a ship. ture measurement
When the instrument reaches the made by individual
seafloor, the thermal sensor tube pene- thermistors is better
trates vertically into the sediment and than 1/5,000 of 1° C.

Reprinted from the July 8, 2002 edition of OIL & GAS JOURNAL
Copyright 2002 by PennWell Corporation
sea level and provides accommodation
space for sediments to be deposited.
Heat pulse
Once the sedimentation initiates, the
Data logger Tilt mechanical loading of the accumulated
Pressure/ sediments causes more subsidence. The
11 thermistors
accumulated sediments are gradually
in sensor string Penetration Withdrawal heated by geothermal heat released
11 thermistors in
sensor string from the basement. The basement is
initially hot while the crustal extension
Internal is in progress but cools down in time,
generally over 10-20 million years
Water from a rifting or extensional event.
Time ------------------------------------------------------> The heat loss from the basement
10 minutes [------] causes the lithosphere (i.e., the crust
An example of the data obtained during a bottom penetration of the heat
flow probe. Temperature data (solid, black lines) are plotted against time.
and the top portion of the mantle) to
Eleven thermistors were buried in the bottom sediment. One thermistor thermally contract. Thermal contraction
attached at the top of the instrumentation measured the bottom-water
Heat flow probe penetrating temperature. Also shown here are the records of the tilt, the depth of the
of the rock also contributes to the sub-
seafloor sediment probe, and the internal temperature of the instrument. sidence of the basin. The mathematical
models for simulating such processes
were first proposed in the late 1970s
by researchers like McKenzie and
Sclater.4 5 These models and variations
97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88
are still widely used and implemented
30 Heat flow measurement into commercial software packages.
obtained by TDI-Brooks For the purpose of maturation analy-
Location of TDI-Brooks
one-dimensional thermal ses, mathematical basin models are
29 history and maturation analysis mainly concerned with the heat budget
of the sedimentary column over time.
Mississippi Canyon
There is a continuous flow of geother-
28 mal heat upward through the crust,
which varies with time as the litho-
East Breaks Garden Banks Green Canyon Atwater Valley
sphere cools. A portion of the heat is
27 consumed to warm up and thermally
Alaminos Canyon Keathley Canyon Walker Ridge Lund equilibrate new sedimentary particles
that accumulate on the seafloor.
In marine basins along continental
Sigsbee Plain margins such as the Gulf of Mexico, the
speed of sedimentation can be faster
than the speed of the thermal equili-
The instrument also measures the angle pacted over time. This means that the bration. In such a case, the magnitude
of penetration (tilt), the water depth, researcher must have detailed knowl- of the heat flow through the seafloor is
and the temperature of the bottom wa- edge of the sedimentation history, the significantly less than the heat released
ter (Fig. 2). thermal properties of the sediments, from the basement into the bottom of
and the regional geothermal heat flux the sedimentary column. This results in
Thermal history of basins in reconstructing the thermal history of a much lower heat flow regime and
The thermal history of sedimentary the basin of interest. lower sediment temperatures.
basins is of great interest to petroleum Geothermal heat flow through the Sedimentation processes can also
geologists because the hydrocarbon seafloor is one of the few constraints to cause an increase in the sedimentary
maturation process is controlled prima- such models that can be measured di- heat budget. Some sedimentary parti-
rily by the temperature the sedimentary rectly. If the main characteristics of the cles contain elements whose radioactive
source rock has experienced since its model are correct (erosion and fluid decay produces heat. Uranium, thori-
deposition. expulsion), the measured heat flow um, and potassium are such elements.
Researchers constrain the sedimenta- should agree with the model results. Clastic sediments have relatively higher
ry thermal history by building a physi- It is commonly accepted that a sedi- concentration of radiogenic heat
cal model that simulates the processes mentary basin forms when a continen- sources than carbonates.
whereby the sediments become gradu- tal landmass extends in a tensional In the Gulf of Mexico, the mudstone
ally heated by the geothermal heat as stress regime. The stretched and faulted core samples from Sites 90 and 91 of
they are deposited, buried, and com- continental crust subsides below the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) pro-
duced heat at a rate of 1.36 + 0.16
W/m3. Limestone core samples from S EDIMENT BURIAL AND THERMAL HISTORIES Fig. 4

DSDP Sites 535 and 540 yielded 0.66 + Sample site in northwest Sigsbee plain.
0.45 W/m3.6 Keen and Lewis7 showed L. Pal. Eoc. Olig.
Mio. Pleist.
the difference in model temperatures 0
caused by excluding or including this 200

Temperature, C.
effect for the Scotian shelf where heat

Sub-bottom depth, m
generation in the shales is moderate. 150
The first example of the basin mod-
els presented here has been constructed 6,000 100
for a site in the northwest abyssal plain
of the Gulf of Mexico, off Alaminos 8,000
Canyon (Fig. 3). TDI-Brooks obtained 50
three heat flow measurements in this 10,000
vicinity in 1999. These values are with- 0
in 2% of one another with a mean of 100 80 60 40 20 0
36.9 mW/m2. Age, million years
The model starts the simulation at Source: Solid lines correspond to major sequence boundaries identified by Trudgill et al.10
the time of the initial rifting. Many re-
searchers believe that a seafloor spread-
ing process created the igneous base- mates on the degree of maturation are vary significantly within short distances
ment underlying the gulf abyssal plain obtained in terms of vitrinite re- due to complexity of the downslope sed-
in the late Jurassic period.8 This means flectance (%Ro) or other indicators. iment transport influenced by the move-
that the thermal structure of the gulf Fig. 5 shows the maturity estimation ment of salt structures. Here we show
lithosphere is similar to those of ma- using the so-called “EASY %Ro”12 for another example in which we modeled
rine ocean basins which have been well the same site in the gulf performed heat transport in two dimensions.
investigated.9 with BasinMod 1-D. The definitions of A 2D model (Fig. 6a) for a north-
We have modeled the sediment ac- the maturation windows follow those eastern part of Atwater Valley shows the
cumulation of this area, using previous- of Nelson and others.13 distribution of heat flow through the
ly obtained information from seismic In the above example, we considered sedimentary package. This diagram was
stratigraphic interpretations10 and seis- only the one-dimensional, vertical heat generated with TemisPack. The burial
mic refraction measurements,11 which transfer through the sedimentary col- history in this area consists of low sedi-
give thickness values for the major sed- umn, because in the abyssal plain the mentation rates for the initial packages
imentary sequences. Other information sedimentary strata are nearly horizontal deposited during the Jurassic through
such as physical properties of sedi- with little recent tectonic deformation. early Tertiary.
ments came from a similar study previ- However, in other places such as the Sedimentation rates increased during
ously conducted in another part of the lower continental slope of the northern the Neogene, with some rates exceed-
abyssal plain farther south.6 Gulf of Mexico, sedimentation rate can ing 1,000 m/million years. This depo-
We show a diagram (Fig. 4) of the sition of cool Neogene sediments re-
sedimentary temperature and sulted in the depression of
burial history of the site heat flow values in this area.
shown in Fig. 3. We used Bas- P REDICTIONS OF PRESENT-DAY CONDITIONS Fig. 5
These “cool” and undercom-
inMod 1-D for the model Northwest Sigsbee plain site pacted sediments cause a dis-
Maturity, %Ro
calculations. Basin models al- 0.1 1 10 equilibrium in temperatures
low researchers to calculate 0 and heat flows which impact
the sediment temperature at the maturation of the deeper
any given depth and time 2,000 source rock packages.14 15
over the history of the basin. Fig. 6b shows selected re-
Sub-bottom depth, m

4,000 Maturity
The thermal history of any Temperature sults from a 1-D GENEX
particular parcel of sediments Early oil model off structure and in
6,000 0.6 to 0.9 (%Ro)
can be estimated in this man- Peak oil the drainage area for the
ner. 0.9 to 0.95 (%Ro) structures in this area. The
8,000 Late oil
The thermal history infor- 0.95 to 1.2 (%Ro) calculated surface heat flow
mation that describes the hy- Wet gas of 28 mW/m2 agrees with
10,000 1.2 to 2 (%Ro)
drocarbon maturation Dry gas the measured surface from
process is fed into a set of 2 to 2.6 (%Ro) recent TDI-Brooks heat flow
theoretical kinetic models. 0 50 100 150 200 250 programs, though areas with
Then, the theoretical esti- Temperature, C very recent and high sedi-
mentation rates

much as 20-30%
Age: 0 Ma
lower than those 8,000
X: Length in km High sedimentation rates Salt
calculated. Y: Depth in ft 10,000
These areas of
Mean heat flow, mW/m2 12,000
high sedimenta-
tion rates cause a below 20 14,000
disequilibrium in 20-22 16,000
the heat flow 22-24 18,000
regimes and create

Depth, ft
24-26 20,000
a very dynamic 26-28
and transient sys- 22,000
tem as compared 24,000
to other basins in 30-32
the world. For this 32-34
28,000 Salt
area the impact is 34-36
later or more re- 36-38
cent maturation of 38-40 32,000
the source rocks, above 40 34,000
and in this case
the drainage area 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60
expels its hydro- Length, km
carbons during the
though deeper parts of the drainage Heat flow, salt structures four times greater than that of other
basin began expelling in late Miocene A salt diapir causes an anomalous types of sedimentary rocks. The highly
time. geothermal heat flow regime, because conductive salt body funnels geother-
salt’s thermal conductivity is three to mal heat and causes a high temperature

Well state temperature Well state vitrinite reflectance Well name:
0 0
Predicted surface heat Well name: AT425 Area
1 Pilo-Pleist. 1 Pilo-Pleist.
flow of 28 mW/m2 AT425 Area Easy Ro
2 U. Mio. 2 U. Mio. Vitrinite reflectance, %
U. Mio2 3 U. Mio2 Depth, km
3 Temperature, C
M. Mio. M. Mio. Age: 0.00 Ma
Depth, km
Depth, km

4 Depth, km 4
M. Mio2 Age: 0.00 Ma 5 M. Mio2
5 IFP Ro
6 Computing parameters: 6 L. Mio.
Easy Ro
L. Mio.
7 No calibration 7 IFP Ro
Olig. (TK) Olig. (TK) Computing parameters:
8 U. Cret. Variable heat flow 8 U. Cret.
Imposed pressure No calibration
Calculated temperature 9 Calculated %VR profile
9 Open system Variable heat flow
calibrated to nearby wells calibrated to nearby wells
10 10 Imposed pressure
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 Open system
Temperature, C Vitrinite reflectance, %

Sedimentation and subsidence rates Well name: Tithonian source rock expelled hydrocarbons
AT425 Area Well name:
System mJ uJ IC uC P E O M System P AT425 Area
Time, Ma
Expelled hydrocarbons (equiv. bbl/acre-ft)
Sedimentation and subsidence rates, m/Ma

Series J TB B U O L Series M U U P Time, Ma

2,000 Sedimentation and
High sedimentation rates during subsidence rates , m/Ma 240 Expulsion history at this site Source rock Expelled hydrocarbons
1,800 (equiv. bbl/acre-ft)
the Plio-Pleistocene result in (off structure) for the Tithonian Tith-Neoc S
1,600 depressed heat flows Solid sedimentation 200 primary source. Middle cell
1,400 Total sedimentation o.m TYPE II C2
Observed water 160 C2-C5
subsidence Initial T.O.C. C6-C15
1,000 Theoretical water 120 5.0% C15+
800 subsidence
600 Total subsidence 80 Computing parameters:
400 No calibration
Computing parameters: 40 Variable heat flow
200 No calibration Imposed pressure
0 Variable heat flow 0 Open system
200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Imposed pressure 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time, Ma Open system Time, Ma
anomaly within the sedimentary layers
above. Depending on the size, the geo-
lower slopes of major continental mar-
gins.19 For example, in the Gulf of Mex-
metrical shape, and its depth of burial, -0.5
ico, gas hydrates of thermogenic origin
a salt structure can yield a surface heat were recovered on the middle conti-

Depth below seafloor, km

flow two to three times greater than nental slope off Texas.20 Also, wide-
that away from the salt. A number of -1.5 spread occurrence of gas hydrates in
previous field investigations observed -2 deep seafloor sediments off the Caroli-
occurrence of such anomalies.16-18 -2.5 nas has been well documented.
This phenomenon is important in -3 ?
In those areas, gas hydrates can be
petroleum exploration and production found within relatively shallow (surface
in two aspects. First, the perturbation to several hundred meters) subbottom
of the geothermal field affects the hy- -4 depths. Because the sedimentary tem-
drocarbon maturation process in the Y-d
ista 25 25
30 perature increases with depth, shallow
nce 20 20 , km
sediments around the salt diapir. Sec- , km
- d is tance sediments are colder than deeper sedi-
ond, the heat flow anomaly associated Three-dimensional perspective view of the salt tongue ments and in a more favorable environ-
with the salt diapir, if characterized in model used in the heat flow simulation shown in Fig. 9. ment for hydrates to be stable. At the
The bottom of the diapiric root is unknown. The dashed
detail, may provide constraints to the line shows the direction of the profile along which the bottom of the hydrate-filled layer, there
geometry of the salt body. heat flow variation has been estimated. is a sharp contrast in sedimentary me-
The second point is pertinent espe- chanical property. The hydrate-filled
cially to the subsalt plays in the Gulf of sediment above is rigid while the deep-
Mexico. Large reservoirs are located be- R ESULT OF THERMAL MODELING* Fig. 8 er sediment below is relatively soft,
neath sheet-like salt features that are 80 The heat flow filled with methane.
buried under relatively thin (100-500 predictions along Gas hydrates have attracted interests
75 5 km the dashed line in
m) sediments. These salt sheets are al- 70 Fig. 7 are shown for of many academic and industrial re-
different depths of the
lochthonous features which have mobi- searchers for different reasons.
Heat flow, mW/m2

65 2 km diapiric root. The

lized upward and outward from the 60
prediction for the 2-km First, hydrates naturally occurring
root is shown in blue,
original stratigraphic position. 55 the 3-km root is in within marine sediments could cause
A tabular, allochthonous salt feature, green, the 4-km root environmental hazards. If the tempera-
50 Position is in yellow, and the
which retains its diapiric root, is called of the 5-km root is in red. ture of the hydrate-filled sediment is
a ‘salt tongue.’ If a number of salt root raised above the stability limit, a large
tongues in the same vicinity coalesce volume of methane will be suddenly
and form a laterally extensive feature, it 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 released. If this happens during a
is called a ‘salt canopy.’ Distance, km drilling operation, it may result in an
*On salt tongue
Salt canopies and isolated salt explosion or seafloor instability.21
tongues are commonly found on the If the warming takes place slowly in
Texas-Louisiana continental slope. Cur- Our simulation results show that a 1- association with natural climatic
rently 3D seismic techniques are used km difference in the depth of the root changes, the sediment will gradually
extensively in imaging the geometrical causes 3- to 7-mW/m2 difference in lose its rigidity and may collapse, trig-
shape of the salt bodies, but they have heat flow (Fig. 8). That can be easily re- gering a submarine landslide.22 The
some difficulty in constraining deep di- solved by the accuracy of the current melted hydrates will release the
apiric roots under salt tongues and heat flow instrumentation. The peak in methane eventually into the atmosphere
canopies. In such circumstances, heat heat flow is partly due to the fact that and contribute to greenhouse warming.
flow probing may provide additional the sediment cover is thinnest there (i.e., Second, the methane extracted from
information on the salt geometry. shallowest burial depth). But thickness hydrates can be an energy source.
Here we present a result of a series of the salt also influences the magnitude However, it has not been possible to
of simple numerical simulations to of the heat flow anomaly; the thicker the economically produce a large volume
show how sensitive the heat flow salt, the greater the anomaly. of methane solely from hydrate-filled
through the seafloor is to the depth of marine sediments. The petroleum in-
the diapiric root of a salt tongue. Here Heat flow and gas hydrates dustry has rather been concerned with
we have an imaginary salt tongue Gas hydrates are ice-like, crystalline the drilling-related hazards mentioned
buried under 200 to 300 m of sedi- chemical compounds composed mostly above and the gas hydrates that form
mentary cover and it is about 10 km in of methane and water. They can occur inside deepwater gas pipelines.23
diameter (Fig. 7). We assume that its naturally within the pore spaces of ma- Occurrence of gas hydrates in ma-
surface geometry and the thickness of rine sediments, if the gas is highly con- rine sediments is often detected by
the tongue are already constrained by centrated in a low-temperature and seismic reflection surveys. The lower
seismic techniques, but we do not high-pressure environment. limit of the zone of hydrate stability
know how deep is the bottom of the Natural gas hydrates are commonly produces characteristic signals in asso-
diapiric root. found on the seafloor along mid-to- ciation with the abrupt change in elas-
Acquisition of marine heat flow data
is inexpensive compared to seismic and
4 5 6 7 8
other geophysical data acquisition.
1,500 m
Deepwater heat flow measurements are
2,000 m NIGERIA becoming increasingly common in
500 m
2,500 m deep water, frontier exploration areas.
3,000 m 1,000 m
BSRs Funding for this research was ob-
3,500 m
4 tained primarily from TDI-Brooks Inter-
national Inc., a grant from Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board, and
4,000 m Texas Tech University. We thank BHP
3 Billiton for permission to publish the
0 50 Km
analytical work related to Figs. 6a and
0 31 Miles
6b and Alan Yu at BHP Billiton for pro-
Heat flow station
viding the 2D modeling results.
Source: After Brooks et al.27
tic properties of the sediment. analyses of these cores have been pre- 1. Bullard, E.C., “The flow of heat
In seismic profiles, such reflections sented elsewhere.27 Here we focus on through the floor of the Atlantic
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lel the seafloor topography because the two reasons. First, the bottom-water mentation: numerical studies on the ef-
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The continental slope off Nigeria is serve to constrain thermal maturity 7. Keen, C.E., and Lewis, J.T., “Radi-
one of the areas where widespread oc- models. In addition to thermal matura- ogenic heat production in sediments
currence of natural gas hydrates has tion analyses, heat flow data can be ef- from the continental margin of eastern
been detected previously by BSRs in fective in subsalt exploration and in North America: Implications for hydro-
seismic records. TDI-Brooks obtained a predicting potential hazards associated carbon generation,” AAPG Bull., Vol.
number of heat flow data and piston with gas hydrates. There can be other 66, 1982, pp. 1,402-07.
cores in this area during three different uses of heat flow data related to petro- 8. Sawyer, D.S., Buffler, R.T., and Pil-
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the 1990s (Fig. 9). Gas hydrates were fluid flow up faults, although we did of Mexico basin,” in “The Gulf of Mex-
found in 21 cores. Detailed chemical not discuss them in this article. ico basin,” Salvador, A., ed., GSA, Boul-
der, 1991, pp. 53-72.

E.E., Villinger, H., and Nagihara, S., 0

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Water depth, m
10. Trudgill, B.D., et al., “The Perdi- 1,500
do fold belt, northwestern deep Gulf of
Mexico, Part 1: Structural geometry, 2,000
evolution, and regional implications,”
AAPG Bull., Vol. 83, 1999, pp. 88-113. 2,500
11. Nakamura,Y., Sawyer, D.S., BSR Trend
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J., “Deep crustal structure of the north-
western Gulf of Mexico,” GCAGS Trans- 3,500
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
actions, Vol. 38, 1988, pp. 207-215. Predicted stability zone depth below sea floor, m
12. Sweeney, J.J., and Burnham, A.K., Source: After Brooks et al.27
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GCAGS Transactions, Vol. 50, 2000, pp. ard,” OGJ, Dec. 1, 1997, pp. 99-104. sciences at Texas Tech University. He has a PhD in
309-323. 22. Dillon, W.P., et al., “Seafloor col- geological sciences from the University of Texas
and MS and BS from Chiba University in Japan.
14. Cole, G.A., et al., “Constraining lapse and methane venting associated
source and charge risk in deepwater ar- with gas hydrates on the Blake Ridge— James M. Brooks ( is presi-
eas,” World Oil, 2001, pp. 69-77. causes and implications to seafloor sta- dent of TDI-Brooks International Inc. He has held
15. Cole, G.A., et al., “The deepwater bility and methane release,” in “Natural directorships and led research posts at Texas A&M
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sights from piston coring seepage ver- and Detection,” Paull, C.K., and Dillon, ernment agencies and oil companies. He has an
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21st annual GCS-SEPM Research Con- 23. Chin,Y.D., “Maintaining plug-
Bernie B. Bernard ( is
ference, 2001, pp. 315-342. free flow and remediating plugged vice president of TDI-Brooks, where he directs the
16. Lewis, J.F., and Hyndman, R.D., pipelines,” Offshore, Vol. 61, 2001, pp. analytical laboratory. He holds several patents con-
“Oceanic heat flow measurements over 68-70. cerning analytical instrumentation. He holds a
the continental margins of eastern 24. Shipley, T.H., et al., “Seismic evi- PhD in oceanography from Texas A&M University.
Canada,” Can. J. Earth Sci., Vol. 13, dence for wide-spread possible gas hy-
1976, pp. 1,031-38. drate horizon on continental slopes and Neil Summer ( as opera-
17. Nagihara, S., Sclater, J.G., Beckley, rises,” AAPG Bull., Vol. 63, 1979, pp. tions manager is responsible for field acquisition of
L.M., Behrens, E.W., and Lawver, L.A., 2,204-13. heat flow data for TDI-Brooks. He holds a PhD
from Hebrew University, Israel.
“High heat flow anomalies over salt 25. Hyndman, R.D., and Davis, E.E.,
structures on the Texas continental “A mechanism for the formation of Gary Cole ( is prin-
slope, Gulf of Mexico,” Geophys. Res. methane hydrate and seafloor bottom- cipal geochemist for BHP Petroleum in Houston,
Let., Vol. 19, 1992, pp. 1,687-90. simulating reflectors by vertical fluid where he implements geochemical and basin mod-
18. Von Herzen, R.P., Hoskins, H., expulsion,” J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 97, eling studies. He spent 10 years at BP Exploration
and Van Andel, T.H., “Geophysical stud- 1992, pp. 7,025-41. and 3 years at Saudi Aramco. He earned an MS in
ies in the Angola diapir field,” GSA 26.Yamano, M., Uyeda, S., Aoki,Y., geology from Southern Illinois University.
Bull., Vol. 83, 1972, pp. 1,901-10. and Shipley, T.H., “Estimates of heat
Trevor P. Lewis ( is principal of
19. Kvenvolden, K.A., and Lorenson, flow derived from gas hydrates,” Geol- Sidney Geophysical Consultants Ltd. He is an
T.D., “The global occurrence of natural ogy, Vol. 10, 1982, p. 339-343. emeritus researcher with the Geological Survey of
gas hydrates,” in “Natural Gas Hy- 27. Brooks, J.M., Bryant, W.R., Canada, where he applied geothermics to a diverse
drates-Occurrence, Distribution, and Bernard, B.B., and Cameron, N.R., “The range of topics. He has a PhD in geophysics from
Detection,” Paull, C.K., and Dillon, W.P., Nature of Gas Hydrates on the Nigerian the University of Western Ontario.

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