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McDonald 1

Maya McDonald
English 3
20 August, 2017

Healy, Jack. “Neighbors say North Dakota Pipeline Protests Disrupt Lives and Livelihoods.” The

New York Times, 13 Sep. 2016. Accessed. 20 Aug. 2017.

Speaker: Jack Healy, a journalist for the New York Times wrote this article. It is clear that he is
educated of this topic because he provides reliable sources and quotes in his article.

Occasion: This article was written on September 13, 2016. It takes place in Standing Rock,
North Dakota where there are people protesting the placement of a pipeline.

Audience: The audience is for people either interested in the protests at Standing Rock, the
actual protesters at Standing Rock, or people considering protesting at Standing Rock. These
people are probably very vocal about their opinions and are protesters.

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform people about what is happening at Standing
Rock and let them know what the conflict is. It is mostly showing the opinions from people
opposed to Standing Rock protesters.

Subject: The subject of this article is the protesters at Standing Rock. It gives a little background
of what happened and why they are there but then it goes into how they are disturbing the
community and interfering with people’s lives and the placement of the pipeline.

Tone: The article had kind of a critical tone. The author is disapproving of the events taking
place at standing rock.

McDonald 2
Merry, Stephanie. “A New Standing Rock Documentary Shows How Film Can Give a Voice to

Those Who Feel Powerless.” The Washington Post, 13 April 2017. Accessed. 20 Aug.





Speaker: Stephanie Merry is a journalist for The Washington Post. She is writing about a
documentary made by Josh Fox who clearly had education on the topic from making his

Occasion: The article was written on April 13, 2017 however the documentary that was written
about was released at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 22, 2017 (Earth Day). The occasion
was to have it premiere on Earth Day and show this aspect of defending the Earth.

Audience: The audience for this article and documentary is just ordinary people. Many people
don’t know about what is happening at Standing Rock and this opens their eyes to why people
are doing this and encourages them to stand with Standing Rock.

Purpose: The purpose of this is to inform the audience about why people are at STanding Rock
and show them what the Purpose of Standing Rock is. It is encouraging people to have a voice
and stand up for what they believe in just like the people there did.

Subject: The subject of this article is the documentary that Josh Fox made about Standing
Rock. It shows how they are just activist who want a voice.

Tone: The tone of this article is encouraging. It is in no way negative to those protesting, it is in
fact the opposite and supportive of those who protest.

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Than, Ker. “Oldest Burial Yields DNA Evidence of First Americas.” National Geographic, 12 Feb.

2014. Accessed. 20 Aug. 2017.


Speaker: Ker Than is the speaker of this article. He is a journalist for National Geographic and is
a reliable source because he has sources in his article of different professors and scientists who
did their research and he did as well.

Occasion: This article was written on February 12, 2014. The only significance of the time this
was written was that it was written as soon as they made this discovery.

Audience: The audience is anyone who is curious and interested in history. This discovery was
major when trying to trace America back to its roots.

Purpose: The purpose of this article was to inform people about the DNA of Native Americans
that was found. This was a new revelation that they wanted to share with the nation and the

Subject: The subject of this article was that scientists found DNA from a 13,000 year old buried
infant and it confirmed that “the earliest widespread culture in North America was descended
from humans who crossed over to the New World from Asia,” (Than 1). This was a major
breakthrough in tracing back where the DNA of Native Americans originated.

Tone: The tone of this article is very informative. It isn’t full of opinions and fiction, it is strictly the

Skutsch, Carl. “The History of White Supremacy in America.” Rolling Stone, 19 Aug. 2017.

Accessed. 20 Aug. 2017.


Speaker: The speaker of this article is a journalist at The Rolling Stone. He has done research
from almost 100 years ago and clearly knows the facts and details necessary to successfully
write this piece.
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Occasion: This article was written on August 19, 2017 following the marches in Charlottesville,
Virginia. In Charlottesville there has been marches against Trump and white supremacy but also
the opposite. There were people who supported Trump and not only supported white
supremacy, but were supremacists themselves.
Audience: The audience of this article is those who are baffled by the events that took place in
Charlottesville and are eager to learn more. This article explains the historical background of
white supremacy in America even dating back to Civil War.

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform people about how this even began and teach
them about the history of white supremacy. It includes many facts about the KKK and important
people who are affiliated with this topic.

Subject: This article teaches the rich history of America as far as racism goes. It references
events than range from the constitution up until events that took place just last week in
Charlottesville, Virginia.

Tone: The tone of this piece is slightly disapproving. Though all the information is all facts, the
speaker mentions the repetitive gruesome events taken place in America’s history. He is simply
stating the facts however it is challenging to have a positive tone when the topic is about murder
and war and racism.

Nodjimbadem, Katie. “Newly Uncovered Documents Address the Mystery of One Slave’s Life.”

Smithsonian, 18 Aug. 2017. Accessed. 20 Aug. 2017.


Speaker: Katie Nagjimbadem wrote this article for the Smithsonian. There are reliable sources
cited in this article so she is clearly educated on this topic.

Occasion: This was written on August 18, 2017 following the discovery of the documents that
traced this slave’s life. The article mentions things that date back to 1777.

Audience: This article is aimed at just people of today. We don’t know many specific stories of
slavery so it is fascinating to hear what the life was like of a slave in the 1700’s.

Purpose: The author wrote this article to share the touching story of a man who only wanted to
learn of this slave’s life. It is inspiring to hear about what a slave went through in America.
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Subject: This article is about a specific touching story of slavery in America but more about
people today. Christopher Child visited a museum and was intrigued by the mystery of Chance,
a slave who was referenced in an exhibit. This man searched for the story of Chance and found
old documents that taught us of his life.
Tone: The tone of this article is inspiring and hopeful. It isn’t often that we get to learn about
specific people from our past. It gives other people hope and are now inspired to look into
history themselves.

Ingraham, Christopher. “A 5,000 Year Old Stone Carving May be the World’s First Drawing of

an Eclipse.” The Denver Post, 18 Aug. 2017. Accessed. 20 Aug. 2017.


Speaker: The speaker of this article is Christopher Ingraham from the Denver Post. He is well
educated and there is clear research that was done in order for him to write this article.

Occasion: This was written on August 18, 2107. Not only was it that they just recently made this
discovery, but also the solar eclipse is coming up in a couple days which makes this article
more relevant.

Audience: The audience of this article is people who are interested in history, astronomy, or just
people who are excited about the upcoming solar eclipse! The author was directing the article
towards very curious and bright people.

Purpose: The purpose of the article is to inform the audience of the history of eclipses. With the
solar eclipse coming up on August 21, 2017, it would be nice for people to get some
background on the subject.

Subject: In Dublin, Ireland, there was a rock found that had carvings that are thought to be the
first carvings of an eclipse. At first the carvings didn’t look like much until an archaeoastronomer
observed that the stone was found where an eclipse would have been visible.

Tone: The speaker seems to be displaying a very monotone tone. This is just because the
author is just stating facts and there isn’t much excitement or bias, just simply stating the facts.

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