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S.Arulselvi' and G.Uma2 MXhidambaram'

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg., Depaltment of Chemical Engineering
College of Engineering, Anna University Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Chennai - 600 025, India Chennai - 600 032, India
E-mail :' E-mail: '

AbshneI-This paper gives a new solution for controlling

boost converter that exhibits Inverse Response OR) due to
the presence of Right Hand Side (RHS) Zero. The RHS
Zero q imposes a limit on the attainable closed-loop
bandwidth of the controlled converter thereby reducing
the controller gain K,.In this paper a comparative study is
made by introducing different controller tuning methods
such as Internal Model Control (IMC), Synthesis, Figure 1. Boost converter
Equating Co-efiicient and Zieglcr-Nichol's W-N)
techniques applicable to voltage control of dc-dc boost
converter. The paper also presents closed loop simulation
results of t h e Converter for load regulation and line
fluctuation. The results reveal that, synthesis method gives
superior performance in terms of lowest ISE value.

Keywords - Lambda (A). Right Hand Side (RHV zero 0, ,

Proportional gain K, Integra! rime q, Deri1:atii:e rinie T ~ , 5 .

Tuning Pamameter 9 closed loop initial jump d Integral
Square Error(ISE). .,D

'Oa 005 01 015
..w __
D2 ox

Switched mode Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Figure 2. Open loop response of boost converter
based dc-dc converters play an important role in
communication, automobile, computer and. aerospace 11. CIRCUITDESCRIPTION
applications. The output voltage of dc-dc converters may
The boost converter shown in Fig.1 rated
fluctuate due to supply disturbances and load variations. for 180 watts is operated in continuous tonduction mode
The two general approaches to control output voltage
with 200 kHz switching frequency. The converter
fluctuations are voltage-mode control and current-mode parameters under nominal operating conditions are
control [l]-[2]. The design of control technique becomes tabulated in Table I.
complex when a zero lies on Right-Hand-Side (RHS)of
the complex plane. In the literahire [?]-[SI, it is reported ' Table I. Converter Parameters
that the boost and buck-boost converters have the above
said characteristic. To overcome the above said difficulty
an observer based design of PI controller for
voltage-mode control of converter is repoited [3]. The
design procedure of this method is complex. Simple
methods of designing PID controller have not been
reported to the best of author's knowledge. 15+10% 43.5 22066 1030% 30 0.5 40
In the present work, simple methods are proposed to
design a PID controller under voltage-mode control. The The duty-ratio to output-voltage transfer function G(s)
methods are Intemal Model Control for the boost converter is given in (I). It is equivalent to a
(IMC),Ziegler-Nichol's (Z-N), Equating Co-eficient second-order filter with a high quality factor Q or steady
and Synthesis. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the
state process gain K, and a RHS zero 11 [4]. The open-loop
methods a boost type dc-dc converter shown in Fig.1 is
considered. The open loop inverse response transfer function Gal($ is obtained fiom small signal
linearized model around the nominal operating point.
characteristic curve is also shown in Fig.2.


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- A. Ziegler-Nichols Method
2 - 2 - The PID controllers used in Process Industry are
(s + (I/RC)s + ( ( I D) /LC))
normally hined using 2-N technique [6], [1O]-L12]. This
(1) method does not provide satisfactory performance for a
system with RHS zero. The major problem created by the
This can be fiuther simplifiedto
'1 is the destabilizing effect in the system. The larger the
G,(s)=Vo(s)/d(s)=Kp(l-lls)/[(r,s +1)(T2S+I)] (2) magnitude of q, the larger the initial drop in output
voltage. Fig.2 shows when q is equal to 0.0174,the
response drops to a negative value that is almost 67% of
With the positive zero present in (2), the limiting the fmal positive steady state output valpe, and it takes
value for the phase angle has'been altered to -270" as almost one time constant ( T J to come back to the initial
shown in Fig.3 and as such, there is now a fmite steady-state value of zero. Z-N settings give sluggish
crossover frequency at which 0 is equal to -1SOO.Hence responses for large values of 11 and produces oscillatory
there is a limiting value of controller gain K, above responses for small v a l u e of 11. The value of controller
which the system will be unstable [ 6 ] .Many research parameters are obtained by finding a approximate model,
papers for system with RHS zero in process control the f~t-order-plus-time-delaytransfer hnction given as
applications are reported for the design of PID
controller [7]-[S]. G,l(s) = Kpea / [T s + 11 (4)

In this prresent work, the open loop transfer function

for the converter (2) is approximated as fust order system
preserving the RHS zero 11. This approximationis done by
adding the co-efficient of s terms of the poles [7] as given
in (3)
G,(S)=Kp(l-qS)/(TSfl) (3 1

where T =TI +TC~.

The controller parameters for IMC, Equating
io-efficient and synthesis are derived based on first
order transfer fiinction as given in (3). The controller
parameters for Z-N method are~derivedbased on fust
order model obtained tkom process reaction curve. The
design of controller for first order transfer function is
simple and sensitivity of these controller are tested for
load and line variations. Figure 4(a). Step change in duty ratio
Section I11 presents a detailed insight about
derivation of easy to use hining rules based on the
proposed methods. Section IV illustrates the
performance of the controller via simulation work.
Section V presents the conclusion I I


1.*Jre 3. Open loop frequency response for bc t Figure 4(b). Process reaction curve for boost
converter converter


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This approximated model is derived from process
reaction curve as shown in Fig. 4(h). By applying a step where ai= ( T ~- 11); hl = [TI+K&(TI-I~)]/{ILK,} (12)
change in duty ratio (see Fig. 4(a)) to a converter in open
loop. The converter output V. is recorded and plotted as a2 =?]TI; b2=[TI (~-&K,q)l / {ICK,] (13)
process reaction c w e . From Fig. 4(b) the values of steady
state gain Kp, dead time a and time constant T are and a, p &e the ratios of the corresponding Coefficients
calculated as of s and s2 in the numerator with that of the
a = Effective time delay = 0.149 seconds (5)
Steady-state gain The response of the under-damped closed loop
system is given by the following equation .
Kp = V,(OO)/ A (6)
= 30/0.5=60 y(t) = I-(K [cos(qt) + l(x1-s) 1 9 ) sin (qt)l) (14)
where A = Magnitude,of step input (duty ratio) (0.5) where
V,,(m) =Output deviation 6om the
initial starting value
K = 1-b; q=(l-52) '.';XI = p (a - p ) / ( l -p) (15)

Time constant Therefore, the sew0 response of the system is a

function of the ratio of the corresponding coefficients of
T =V,(m)/a (7) s, s2 in the numerator and in the denominator. By
where a is slope of the tangent line drawn at the inflection selecting appropriate values of a and p (and hence the
point (see Fig. 4(h)) and o is calculated as values for the controller parameters), the response can
be shaped.
a = 1000 (voltdseconds)
The time constant T = 30/1000 = 0.03 seconds
y (t) at t= 0 gives the value ofthe inverse jump.,From
the initial value theorem, y (t) at t = 0 can be obtained
The approximate fmt order model is given as fiom (9) replacing y(s) by V&) as
GOl(s) = 60ea.n14A/ 10.03 s + I] (8)
[sVds)l= - [K,K,q / (T - k,k,)l= -$ (16)
The controller parameters for PI controller are
obtained using (8) applying Z-N technique. The
parameters and their values are tabulated in Table III and where $ = -0 is the initial jump of the closed loop
Table 11respectively. system.
The response obtained by Z-N method is shown in Fig. From (1 I), equating s coefficient of numerator and
7 produces more nnmber of oscillations, large YO denominator and from (16) the values of rl and K, are
overshoot and undershoot, Integnl Square Error @SE) obtained and tabulated in Table lII. In this work, open
value is higher compared to other proposed methods. Also
loopjllmp is greater than l(see Fig.2), so $ is selected as
to get better results, two parameters K, and T~ are to he
tnned properly against load and line variations. Therefore, 0.25. Similarly a valne is taken as 0.1, since T / T is
around one. This method is veiy simple compare to Z -
there is a need for an improved tuning proccdure.
N and IMC control. By properly tuning a and 0 best
performance is achieved as seen from Fig. 7.
B. Equating CoeficierirMethod
The drawbacks of Z-N method are well reduced
by designing the PID controller based on Equating C. hitenial Model Control
coefficientmethod. This method for RHS zero systems For a large nnmber of SISO models typically used in
discussed in [7]-[8].The converter transfer function (3) the process industries, the Internal Model Control ( M C )
is considered for this method. The closed loop transfer design procedure is shown to lead to PID controllers,
function relating the output voltage V, to the set point augmented with a fust-order lag. These PID controllers
VOrerimplementingPI controller is given by have as their only hining parameter the closed-loop time
constant or equivalently the closed-loop bandwidth [9].
V o / V d = K c K , ( l - q ~ )(TiS+l)/ On-line adjustments are therefore much simpler than for
[TiS(TS+l)+ K, Kp (1-7s) (Tis+l)l (9) general PID controllers. Tuning rules using IMC control
are derived for boost converter with RHS zero. The
Equation (9) can be written as superiority of these rules in terms of closed-loop
Vo/V,~=(l+als+a2s2)/(l+bls+b2s2) (IO) robustness is demonstrated in this work. The block
diagram for a IMC shuchuc with a process in closed loop
is shown in FigS.
Let a = al/bl and p = a2 / b2 (1 I )


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h> q/2 (26)
In this work h is taken as 0.05, the IMC control
produces robust response against outpnt voltage
fluctuations with acceptable ISE value compare to other
controller methods.

Figure 5. Standard feedback diagram illustrating

the equivalence with Internal Model

The PID controller struchue for IMC is given by

4 ( s ) = 4 s ) [l-i$s)q(s)l (17)
where boost converter transfer function G&) is written as
3s) 1% =
- L005 0, 0,s 02 015 0, 0 1 01 0.5 05

-p(s) = Kp (l-qs)/(?s+l) (18) Figure 6.


Time responses for set-point tracking of

The converter transfer function is factored as a n IMC controller by increasing the
value of the tuning parameter
c(s) =&(S) FMM(s) (19)
h : .005, .05(optimum value), .5, 5.

= C(1-V) / ( l + l l S ) l * {& (l'Ils)/ (Ts+l))

D. Synthesis Mefhod
IMC controller is This approach specifies the desired closed loop output
behavior in the form of a reference trajectory, by
preserving the positive zero present in the open loop [6].

Desired closed loop trajectory is given by
= (TS 1 C&(I'Ts)l (21)
G,I = ( 1 -qrS)/ (T$+I') (27)
The mbust PID controller is obtained by augmenting the
nominal controller &) by a filter f .
The process model is used directly to. synthesis the
controller G, required to cause the process output to
q(s)=S (s) f (22)
follow reference trajcctoly is exactly given as
For a step input, the filter f is defined as
Go,= IC, (1-11s) / (rs+l) (28)
f = l/(hs+l) (23)
By increasing h, larger robustness is obtained at the
expense of a slower response as shown in Fig.6. The G,(s) From the equations (27) and (28) .the controller G, is
can be deduced as derived in the commercial PID controller form as

A good response for an inverse response system is

The controller parameters are tabulated in Table 111. achieved by choosing parameters as qr=q and T, > T.
From controller parameters in Table 111, h is the only The controller parametas obtained by this method are
tuning parameter optimized by the sensitivity function, tabulated in Table III. It is observed 6om the equations
optimizing Integral Square Eiror (ISE) function and it is (26), the only .tuning parameter is closed loop time
given by constant T? Properly choosing T, (greater than T) by
minimizing ISE value, IR effect is reduced to lesser value.
Also it has the ability to produce the response with zero
offset, quick response and stable response having no
The tuningpmmeter h which minimizes (25). is obtained overshoot compare to oilier controllas as seen 6om Fig.7.
as [9]:


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The simulation of the given boost converter transfer
hnction is carried out implementing the above methods
using Matlab software. The controller parameters are
obtained kom approximated first order model. The initial
output voltage is considered as 27 volts, nominal output
voltage is considered as 30 volts. The converter
parameters listed in Table I. For all the controllers, the
response obtained for voltage regulation kom 2 1 volts to
30 volts is shown in Fig. 7.cThe corresponding change in
controller output for voltage regulation is shown in
Fig. 8. Similarly, the responses obtained for a one
percentage change in load and line variations applied at a
0.45 seconds is also shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10
respectively for all the controllers.
Z-N controller parameter K, and q obtained by
process reaction curve method is considered as fust
guess for simulation. After fine tuning to a acceptable
ISE value, the controller values are tabulated in
Table 11. The result reveals that the Z-N method
produces oscillatory response for a small value of RHS
zero, large value of ISE value, high % over shoot and
under shoot.
The controller parameter Kc and obtained kom
Equating Co-efficient method are tabulated in Table III. It
is conclnded that, compare to Z-N and Synthesis method,
IR effect is reduced much. But this method produces
higher value of ISE compare to Synthesis method.

The result shows that, IMC method produces very less

undershoot due RHS Zero compare to other controllers.It Figure 7. Output voltage regulation for step change
produces high ISE value compare to Synthesisbut almost in reference voltage 27 volts to 30 volts
equal to Equating co-effcient method. with proposed controllers.
Even though synthesis method produces method
produces IR effect slightly high compare to Equating
Co-efficient and IMC method. quick response and very
less value of settling time and ISE values are obtained for

Table 11. Performance Indices for servo response

(Set-Point Tracking)

2-N 15.0 0.45

001 01 015 02 OK
" ' -

Change in controller output for

04 045 0

S ~ N O


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38, , I I , , , , , ,
In this paper easy to use tuning d e s for the proposed
ControIlers are tabulated in Table N0.m. Performance
indices for set point change (servo response) are reported
in Table No.U. It is observed that best controller settings
and reduced % undershoot ,very less ISE value are
obtained for Synthesis controller compare to other


i [l] N. Mohm, T.M. Undeland and W.P.Rabbis, Power

Eldonics: Convnters, Applications and Desi@, New York
Wiley, 1995.
Tmeloesonds) A PI 1.G.Kaswkim, M.F. Schleht md G.C.Ver&eslese, P"ociples
ofPawer Electronics. Readhg, M.A:addisan-Wesley. 1991
Figure 9. Regulatory response of Boost converter 131 Jose Alvsru-Rarninz Ill= Cervantes. " A Stable hsim of
for load change of 1% (10.15i-2) applied
at 0.45 seconds with proposed

_ _ I-N



1 0 ' 01 02, 03
Tame seconds) -
04 05 06 01 08 09 1

Figure 10. Regulatory response of Boost converter

for supply disturbance of 1% (15.15~)
applied at 0.45 seconds with proposed


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