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ArkenSoft Sample Paper ( Technical ) -1-

1. The volatile RAM provides for

1. Specific vehicle operating programs

2. The removal of the ROM
3. A memory scratch pad for diagnostic capabilities.
4. All of the above.

2. Which of the following memory is capable of operating at electronic speed?

1. Magnetic disks
2. Semi-conductor memory
3. Magnetic drums
4. Magnetic tapes.

3. Domains are represented by-

1. Rows
2. Columns
3. Tables
4. All of these.

4. Boot strap or vector is called-

1. Grappling Hook program.

2. Main program.
3. Secondary program.
4. Trojan Horse

5. A linker –

1. Is not necessary with various partitions.

2. Must run after the loader
3. Creates a load module
4. Is not needed a good compiler.

6. Single-user operating system is-

3. XP
4. OS/2

7. A field in the Ethernet message packet is –

1. Type
2. Data
3. Address
4. All of the above.
ArkenSoft Sample Paper ( Technical ) -2-
8. The network topology that supports bidirectional links between each possible node is-

1. Ring
2. Star
3. Tree
4. Mesh

9. Which file format would you choose for audio that needs to be played on the Unix platform?

1. MP3
2. AU
3. WAV
4. Rich Music Format

10. Which of the following is de-encapsulation?

1. Stripping the header from a frame

2. Putting a header on a segment
3. Putting a header on a frame
4. Stripping a frame from a link

11. You are creating a serialized JavaBean. Which method should you provide to customize the serialization
behavior for a class?

1. private void readObject (ObjectOutputStream os) throws IOException

2. private void writeObject (ObjectOutputStream os) throws IOException
3. public void readObject (ObjectOutputStream os) throws IOException
4. public void writeObject (ObjectOutputStream os) throws IOException

12. A computer program that infects and places copies of it into other applications and programs is called:

1. Antivirus
2. Virus
3. Scanner
4. Antidotes

13. What will the method in the general class defined as, if that method needs to be implemented by each
subclass according to its own need?

1. Private
2. Virtual
3. Public
4. Protected

14. Memory variables are temporary storage places for pieces of

1. Information
2. Databases
3. RAM
4. None of the above

15. What is the default port number for SMTP configurations?

1. UDP port 42
2. UDP port 161
3. TCP port 25
4. TCP port 110
ArkenSoft Sample Paper ( Technical ) -3-
16. Which of the following style sheets is used to redefine the formatting of HTML tags?

1. Custom CSS Styles

2. CSS Selector Styles
3. HTML Tag Styles
4. Design Time Style Sheet

17. Which statement is true about links in an HTML document?

1. A link in HTML enables you to go only to another section in the same page.
2. A link in HTML enables you to go only to a different page.
3. A link in HTML enables you to go only to the last section in the same page.
4. A link in HTML enables you to go to any specific section in the same or different page.

18. void main ( )

static int x;
while (y<=10)
(y>2) ? y++: x - - ;
printf( “%d” , x);
1. 222367 2. 3267 3. 322667 4. 32767

19. main ( )
int a = 5, b = 6 ;
printf (“%d” , a + + + b);
1. 13 2. 12 3. 11 4. 14

20. main ( )
register a = 5;
char b[ ] = “mnop”;
printf (“%d %s”, m, n);
1. Complier Error 2. 0 mnop 3. 5 mnop 4. Linker Error

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