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Variable Rate Test

Dr. Mansoor Zoveidavianpoor

• The drawdown testing and analysis methods require a constant flow
rate; however, it is often impractical or impossible to maintain a
constant rate long enough to complete a drawdown test.
• In such a situation, multiple (variable) rate testing and analysis
techniques are applicable.
• A multiple-rate test may range from;
one with an uncontrolled, variable rate,
one with a series of constant rates,
testing at constant bottom-hole pressure with a continuously
changing flow rate.
• Pressure-buildup testing is a special kind of multiple-rate well test.
• Consider a well with n rate changes
during its production history, as
indicated in the opposite Fig.
• The objective is to determine the
wellbore pressure of a well
producing with this schedule.
• We will use superposition of the
logarithmic approximation to the
Ei-function solution; to simplify the
• The solution will be written as

• For n rates and for t ˃ tn-1, application of superposition leads to:

This can be written more compactly as

In above eq. we define qo=0 and t0=o

For the special case qn=0 (a pressure buildup test)

Solution Outline
• Pressure Drawdown Test
• Pressure Buildup Test Preceded by Constant-Rate Production
• Pressure Buildup Test Preceded by Two Different Flow Rates
• Pressure Buildup Test Preceded by (n-1) Different Flow Rates
• Two-Rate Flow Test
• Example for Two-Rate Flow Test
• n-rate Flow Test
• Example for n-Rate Flow Test

Pressure Drawdown Test


Rate history for single-rate drawdown test

Pressure Buildup Test Preceded by Constant-Rate Production


Rate history for buildup test following single flow rate

Is the basis eq. for

In above eq. If q1=q, t-t1=Δt, and t1=tp
the Horner plot
Pressure Buildup Test Preceded by Two Different Flow Rates

To analyze this plot, we plot

Rate history for buildup test following two different flow rates

Let t-t2=Δt, t1=tp1, t2=tp1+tp1, and t-t1=tp2+Δt

Pressure Buildup Test Preceded by (n-1) Different Flow Rates

The above equation is based on the fundamental assumption ; the reservoir is infinite (t=tp1+ tp2+…+ tpn-1+ Δt)
The above equation is used to model a buildup test with the following procedure

1. Calculate the following plotting function

2. Plot pws vs. X on ordinary graph paper

3. Determine the slope m of the plot and relate to the formation
permeability by the equation
4. Calculate the skin factor s from the equation

5. The4/13/2015
original formation pressure pi is the value of pws on the MTR line extrapolated to X=0
Two-Rate Flow Test

Rate history for two-rate flow test • This type of test can be used when estimates of
permeability, skin factor, or reservoir pressure
are needed but when the well cannot be shut in
because loss of income cannot be tolerated.
• This test shares a fundamental analysis problem
with the conventional drawdown lest.
• The second rare must be kept strictly constant
or the test interpretation may be substantially in
If t1 = tp1 and t- tp1 = Δt' • The solution is correct only when the reservoir
is infinite acting for time (tp1+ Δt‘)
Method of Analysis for Two-Rate Flow Test

1. Plot

2. Determine the slope m from the plot and use it to calculate permeability,
k, from the relationship

3. Calculate the skin factor, s, from the


In the above equation, p1hr is the flowing pressure at Δt‘ = 1 hour on the MTR line and Pwf1 is the flowing
pressure at the lime the rate is changed (Δt‘ = 0).

4. pi (or, more generally, p*) is obtained by solving for pi (p*) from the drawdown equation
written to model conditions at the time of the rate change. (it is implied that s and m are
known at this point.)
Ex. 3.4: Two-Rate Flow Test
A two-rate flow test was run on a well with properties given below. From these
properties and the data in Table 1, determine k, s, and p*

Table 1: Two-Rate Flow Test Data

1. We first tabulate the plotting function (PF), and tabulate pwf vs PF
Δt (hours) pwf (psi) PF 4,000
0 3490
0.105 3543 2.756119
0.151 3564 2.677333
0.217 3592 2.598747 3,900
0.313 3627 2.51943
0.45 3669 2.440917
0.648 3717 2.3622
0.934 3766 2.283484
1.344 3810 2.205416

1.936 3846 2.127543

2.788 3868 2.050327 3,700
4.01 3882 1.974223
5.78 3891 1.898885
8.32 3897 1.825541
12 3903 1.754214
17.3 3908 1.686328
24.9 3912 1.623292
35.8 3915 1.566467 3,500
51.5 3918 1.517376
74.2 3919 1.47793
89.1 3918 1.462495
107 3917 1.450245 3,400
128 3916 1.441523 1.400 1.600 1.800 2.000 2.200 2.400 2.600 2.800 3.000
154 3913 1.436055
3910 1.434263 PF
n-rate Flow Test
An n-rate flow test is modeled by

This equation suggests a plot of

Permeability is related to the slope m' of such a plot

If we let b' be the value of (pi-Pwf)/qn when the

plotting function is zero, then

Ex3.5: MuItiRate Flow Test Analysis
• Odeh and Jones present data from a 3 hour drawdown test on an oil
well; in this test,
• The rate during the first hour averaged 478.5 STB/D; Table 2: Multirate Flow Test Data
• During the second hour, 319 STB/D; and
• During the third hour, 159.5 STB/D.
• Reservoir fluid viscosity is 0.6 cp:
• Initial pressure is 3,000 psia;
• Formation volume factor, B, is considered to be 1.0; and
• The reservoir is assumed to be infinite acting for the entire test
• Assume that well bore storage distortion is minimal at all times during
the test.
• Pressures (Pwf) at various flow times are given in Table 2.
• From these data, determine the permeability/thickness product of the
tested well.

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